[RWBY] RWBY Snippets and Plot Bunnies (2024)



I wrote something.

It kinda dragged on the last thousand words, but that almost makes it a real fanfiction, now don't it? Also written almost entirely on my cellphone at work, today, during my down time. Probably better putting this in a more general RWBY thread, but I think I'll get better response from this one.


The World of Remnant spun gently in the void of space around its sun. A world seeded by the Brothers of Light and Darkness (and other less important gods), it was a world that was going through a continuous blood revolution. Almost as if a curse of hatred permeated the very ground of the world itself. But the moon of Remnant, the silent shattered edifice of the world's only satellite, was home to something that no one on the surface of the world had ever seen. It had been resting there for over ten millennia. Placed there by the machinations of the greatest of heroes in a time lost to history.

It was a canister. Five feet tall, two feet in diameter, half buried in the dust of the moon. Lazily resting, undisturbed… until today. A micrometeorite, infinitesimally small compared to the world and its moon… slammed into the canister, causing its lid to slip off. The blackest smoke escaped from the mouth of the canister, a cackle filling the silent void. For the canister was the prison of one of the greatest villains that Remnant had dealt with in the past.

Bandora the Witch.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Finally… after ten thousand years I'm FREE!" The witch exclaimed as she pulled herself from her former prison. She couldn't believe it… she thought she would be lost for all eternity in this dumpster that the wizard and the princess put her in, if only they weren't being assisted by that deranged do gooder that lent them the power to finally seal her in this torture chamber. Of course, she had the last laugh when she dealt a blow to that deplorable Zordon that no mortal could survive!

She was soon followed by her loyal minions. Goldar the Terrible, fearsome warrior renowned through the cosmos and completely loyal to her cause. The sinister Scorpina, the greatest assassin in this corner of the galaxy. Finster, the genius sculptor of monsters! Baboo, Bandora's chief alchemist and academician. And finally, Squatt, her loyal lieutenant and mighty warrior in his own right. Yes, as long as her palace was still intact ten thousand years hence, then she could have her revenge.

And oh how lucky she was, her Palace was intact and she was able to take her throne room once more. She let out another cackle. This is exactly how winning felt like, as she consulted her crystal ball.

"No! This is impossible!" The Crystal Ball she used could not, would not lie. It was telling her that Zordon's essence was… lingering on the planet below the moon. The most it could pin point, as the old techno-sorcerer hid his lair, was near the city of Vale. "Damnation! Finster! How has your Monster-Matic fared these last ten thousand years?"

"Very poorly Mistress Bandora. Many things in the Palace had not survived unscathed by the passage of the eons. It currently can only produce Putty Patrolers, and even then I have to remix my clay supplies." The old man told her. "I should be able to produce putties by next Remnantrise, and monsters by the end of the week."

Well… that wasn't too bad. Unfortunately, Goldar and Scorpina's arsenal needed repair, Baboo's alchemy supplies had expired, and Squatt's soldiery was not but dust. Her once mighty army was reduced to her subordinates sealed with her and Finster's mindless putties. "No matter. Zordon was incapable of defeating me on his own and the Ball detected neither the Wizard nor the Princess!" She let out another cackle. Victory was all but assured!

Elsewhere, on the outskirts of the City of Vale, just passed it's walls, in the thickly forested rocky land was a single structure hidden from those that would seek it. It was, eons passed, the Command Center in the war against Bandora the Witch and her nearly inexhaustible army of monsters. It had seen better days. Especially on the inside, with ten thousand years of gathered dust lying around the command consoles and view finders. In a single alcove stood a red, blue, and gold android. With a start, Alpha 5 woke.

"Ai yi yi… what happened to the Command Center?" It asked to itself, busily moving around. There was dust and cobwebs. Nothing was on, either! Just a red glow of the light from his visor! It only wanted to recharge for a few days, but it looked like Alpha 5 had missed years! As it shuffled around, trying to figure out what to do, the Emergency Lights sprung to life and so did the Containment Vessel!

Appearing right before Alpha 5 was their creator and master of the Command Center: The Techno-sorcerer Zordon! "Alpha 5, I bear grave news: Bandora has escaped her prison!" That was grave news indeed.

"Ai yi yi! We have to contact Salem and Ozma, then!" Alpha 5 exclaimed, moving over to a communication console. Zordon halted him.

"That would not be possible, Alpha 5. For ten thousand years has passed." It had been a long time, then. The whole of Remnant must have changed!

"But….but… we barely managed to defeat Bandora with the help from the Wizard and the Princess. How are we going to stop her without their help?" Alpha 5 was worried, and rightly so. It was Oa the Wizard that created the Vessel they used to imprison Bandora and her lackeys, and it was the Princess who gathered the free people of Remnant to fight Bandora's army of monsters.

"Fear not, my old friend. For there is another way." And Alpha 5 new just what Zordon was talking about, as there viser drifted to a pedestal. The original plan to defeat Bandora, before they met the Wizard and the Princess.

The Power Coins of the Ancient Guardian Beasts, a connection to the mythical and mystical Morphing Grid! But, that only meant one thing. "That would me recruiting children to fight for us! Worse, teenagers!"

"Would there be any other way, Alpha 5. I would not ask of them were I able to face Bandora's evil myself." Alpha 5 knew that of course, as there shoulders slumped.

"I'll get on too it, right away, Zordon!" With the state of disrepair that the Command Center was in, it would take a week at best to find five youths that fit their exacting needs. Also they were going to have guests, very very soon.

One week later, students at Beacon Academy we're still getting settled, despite the several days spent in classes and training. Classes for the day were over, but there was plenty of time before dinner!

But things weren't as it seemed for five of the students. Jaune Arc heading to go practice in secret given the lie of his training and forged transcripts disappears in a column of yellow light. Blake Belladonna, ex-terrorist, hiding in the library reading her favorite book, vanishes into black light Nora Valkyrie, heading back to the JNPR dorm room as it was pancake night is surrounded in a pink aura and is gone. Cardin Winchester and Sky Lark were headed to meet up with the rest of Team CRDL when they were pulled out by beams of red and blue respectfully.

They all coalesced in the Command Center, Alpha 5 there to greet the confused teens when Zordon intervened. "My apologies if you are startled. I wish we could meet under better circ*mstances and more, that I could greeted you before summoning you. I am Zordon, and I have summoned you here to save your world."

"What do you mean save the world?" Jaune was the first to speak up.

"Yeah, Arc's right. What the hell is going on here?" Cardin wasn't happy either, but an explanation was given to the five by both the good sorcerer and his android companion. They were chosen by the super computer that ran the Command Center as meeting the standards required to face Zordon's nemesis. They were pure hearted and were selfless in their desire to protect the world.

"Hold up!" Blake said, making a X with her arms. "Cardin and Sky? Those two are a pair of bigoted bullies. How can they be pure of heart and selfless?" It really was a good question, and the two young men found themselves judged by the ancient being.

"Even if that's true, Miss Blake…" Alpha 5 said. "There is no man or woman without flaws, and with children and teenagers that's doubly so! Moreover, they would not be able to fool the Command Center. The capacity to do good lies in their heart."

"Alpha 5 is correct. Cardin and Sky may not be the perfect choice, but they were chosen for a reason. And that reason could just be that becoming members of the band of young heroes is enough to change there prejudices, much like it could be for you, Blake." She felt like she was being admonished by her grandfather, and she didn't like the way it made her feel.

The android passed around what looked.to be the clunkiest looking belt buckle that any of the five youths had laid eyes on. "These are your Power Morphers. Through usage of the Power Coins you will be connected to the Morphing Grid." The android also gave them communicator wristbands, as well.

"Power Coins? Power Morphers? Morphing Grid? Could you start making sense?" Sky had no idea what was going on and finally voiced what everyone was thinking! "I mean, obviously you want us to save the world and you're giving us some kind of powerful items to do it, but what?"

"That is… a fair question, Sky. Ten thousand years ago, Remnant was under siege by the witch, Bandora, and her army of monsters. With the help of a princess and a wizard, we managed to defeat Bandora and seal her and her greatest minions in a vessel placed upon the moon. Seven days ago, the vessel was breached and Bandora has returned." Zordon explained. The android wasn't enjoying the story either.

"And since we don't have Ozma or Salem to help us, we'll have to go with our first idea on how we were to stop the witch! The Power Coins, in conjunction with the Power Morphers will allow you to morph into a more powerful you, empowered by the Ancient Guardian Beasts. While it's true, here in Modern Remnant, you have Hunters and Huntresses and Aura and Dust… Bandora's monsters are far more powerful than anything anyone has ever faced on Remnant." The android explained to the gathered youths.

"Alpha 5 is correct. It will take Power beyond what you have now. The power of the Ancient Guardian Beasts will allow you to fight these monsters on an even ground. You will have access to armor and weapons that will protect you against Bandora's greatest spells and defeat her most powerful monsters." Zordon explained to them, as they each picked up their Power Morpher.

"Soo when are we going to get these powerful weapons and armor?" Cardin asked, looking over the Morpher and Power Coin resting on it. The android nervously fidgeted.

"About that… the armor you'll receive when you activate the Power Morpher and Morph into your more powerful form… as for the weapons…" It sighed. "Look, it's been ten thousand years and I've only had a week to look through the Command Center. I can find them… eventually."

"You want us to fight monsters with just fists and feet?" Jaune asked, as he fiddled with the Power Morpher himself. It was… a daunting experience for Beacon's greatest fraud. The android was about to answer when they heard something click open. Nora Valkyrie had activated her Power Morpher.

"HEEEEENSHIN!" The Old Mistrali word for Change… and in an instant… Nora Valkyrie was dressed in a pink outfit including a helmet that covered her face. "Oh, this is so cool! Look at this! Don't I look phenomenal?"

"Is that how it works, you just shout something and you transform?" Blake asked.

"You don't need to do any kind of shout. It's all in your head and your heart." Alpha 5 explained. With that, the viewfinder picked up something happening Downtown Vale. It was… strange looking… people? No. They were monsters. "Ai yi yi! Bandora has already sent a patrol of her putties to cause mischief in the city! You have to go fight them! You're the only people on Remnant that can even face such a minor minion of Bandora!" The android begged the teenagers, knowing that any Huntsmen or Huntresses that tried their luck could be… well, Alpha 5 didn't want to think about it!

"Alright, alright. We get it!" Cardin turned to the other three. "Okay, so… we don't like each other and I get that, but… me and Sky want to be Huntsmen not just to fight Grimm, but we do actually want to help people." Cardin told Black and Jaune, the two of them looking at him like he had horns growing out of his neck.

"That sounds like the kinda claptrap that a bully would say, Cardin!" Blake said to him. She wasn't buying that he wasn't anything but a violent bigoted bully. Him, Sky, and the rest of his bastard team.

"Does it really matter his reasons for going to Beacon? You think the giant head in the tube would make a mistake? Or the robot? Blake, Cardin… we can talk until we're blue in the face about why we do anything, but right now, there are people that need us to help." Jaune was trying to keep the peace and… surprisingly, he did! Both Blake and Cardin agreed that their argument wasn't as important as stopping the monsters

One quick call out later… the other four were just as transformed as Nora! The… uniform was snug against their bodies and the helmet had all kinds of features. But…

"Why does Nora get a skirt and I don't?" Blake asked, noting that the black uniform she was in did not in fact have a skirt. She looked to the android who shrugged in return.

"I'm… not entirely sure. But! Before you go!" He passed out what looked like daggers to each of them. "I was able to dig out these Blade Blasters. Some enemies might be too powerful for you to face with just your fists and newly uploaded fighting skills. These daggers can transform into powerful laser pistols! So be very very very careful!"

"Wait… uploaded skills?" Jaune asked, before Alpha 5 saluted them and they were sent flying out of the Command Center much like how they were teleported in!

In Downtown Vale, the Putty Patrolers weren't just causing mischief, they were actually attacking people and things. Beating up civilians and leaving them black and blue… and when the professional hunters showed up… they're soft putty like bodies were able to shrug off blows that most Grimm would have issue in dealing with, which lead to some huntsman getting ganged up and beaten bloody by the monsters.

"Are you getting this?" Lisa Lavender was in Downtown Vale for some puff piece, but once the monsters showed up, she knew what she had to do, as her cameraman recorded the monsters running around.

"I don't know what it is… but I'm getting it!" The cameraman was scrolling the fight and then… they teleported in. They were wearing brightly colored costumes and when they showed up in a pillar of light, they struck a choreographed pose before they attacked the monsters! Lisa had to get on her scroll to contact the studio. She had to go live! This was too good! Once she got the go ahead… she took a deep breath and got on the air.

"Lisa Lavender, live on the scene of what is happening in Downtown Vale. As you can see, whatever these creatures are… they have been capable of dealing with police and professional huntsman teams, but these brightly clad newcomers seem to be making short work of them!" She gestured to the fight happening, managing to duck just in time as one of the monsters was hip tossed towards her direction.

Whereas the Police and Professionals were unable to deal with these monsters with their guns and other weapons, these newcomers were making short work of them and soon enough, just as quickly as they came, they were gone. Lisa got back onto the camera. "I don't know who they were, or where they came from… but thank the Brothers that they did!"

Back at Beacon… the five managed to teleport, unmorphed and unsee. Their communicators chirped and Zordon greeted them from the other side. "Rangers! Congratulations on your first outing against Bandora's minions, but now she'll know that you oppose her."

"Rangers?" Cardin asked. They didn't say anything about Rangers.

"Of course… with the Power Morphers and the Power Coins, you are now Power Rangers, heroic defenders of the Morphing Grid and now your world." Well, that explains that.

"So is this witch going to keep sending more and more powerful monsters at us?" Blake asked. She wasn't sure if they could train to fight the Grimm and whatever this war is as well.

"Do not worry, Alpha 5 is busy locating the arsenal you'll need to fight the stronger monsters that Bandora will send down. I am certain that you'll be able to handle whatever the witch sends after you. I'm very proud of all of you, yes, even you, Cardin and Sky. I think that time will show that we made the correct choice." With that, their… what? Mentor? Commander? Closed communications.

"You know, Cardin… I think he's right. Zordon, I mean, I just feel… different." Sky explained to Cardin, who nodded along.

"Yeah, I feel it too. Alpha 5 said we'd be transformed into better versions of ourselves, and I think that might be personality as well…" Cardin didn't know what to say, other than the obvious. "... there's something I need to do. C'mon, Sky. You too." With that, they headed off, but the other three were too curious and followed them only to see Cardin and Sky both apologize to Velvet for what they did earlier that week.

"I don't believe it. I can't believe it! They're apologizing!" Blake was completely gobsmacked. Maybe Zordon was right… and at their core, Team CRDL were actually good at heart. She shook her head as she went to join her team. On the other hand, when Nora went to congratulate Cardin and Sky for doing the right thing… she didn't notice Ren watching her, frowning.

Meanwhile, on the Moon!

"Damnation! I should have figured that Zordon would have some trick up his sleeve!" Bandora was not happy, not happy at all.

"It's just a small setback, my lady." Goldar said to her. "There was always a chance that your enemies would have something to face you in this era. Once Finster's Monster-Matic can do more then Putties, you'll put those brats in their place!"

That's right. Once she had real monsters, she'll be able to destroy their precious city and move onto conquering the rest of Remnant. She let out a cackle, only interrupted by Squatt.

"Your evilness! We found something in the palace while searching for anything of use!" He held up a case that the witch opened and could only grin at seeing. A Power Coin… a Power Morpher… and the Green Power Dagger

"Oh, yes… this is what we need. The Dragon Power Coin… if Zordon has his Rangers… then I shall have mine!" Bandora knew swiping that Power Coin was for the best. The Corrupted Ancient Guardian Beast would empower her champion!

"We'll just have to find someone appropriate to give it too, then?" Goldar asked. Bandora smiled at her chief minions, before looking through the telescope on her palatial veranda, focusing on one Lie Ren, staring hatefully at Cardin and Sky as Nora Valkyrie cheered them on to being better people.

"Oh, don't you worry. I think we've already found the perfect candidate. He just needs to cook until he's truly… green with evil!" She let out a cackle once more, her subordinates joining in this time.

[RWBY] RWBY Snippets and Plot Bunnies (2024)
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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Author information

Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.