[EVENT ORP] Night at the Museum [Update Page 22] | Page 15 | Events | Guild Forums (2024)

[EVENT ORP] Night at the Museum [Update Page 22] | Page 15 | Events | Guild Forums (1)

Whimsical Blue rolled 1 4-sided dice:3Total: 3 (1-4)

[EVENT ORP] Night at the Museum [Update Page 22] | Page 15 | Events | Guild Forums (2)

Whimsical Blue


Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2024 9:21 am

[EVENT ORP] Night at the Museum [Update Page 22] | Page 15 | Events | Guild Forums (6)[EVENT ORP] Night at the Museum [Update Page 22] | Page 15 | Events | Guild Forums (7)[EVENT ORP] Night at the Museum [Update Page 22] | Page 15 | Events | Guild Forums (8)
[EVENT ORP] Night at the Museum [Update Page 22] | Page 15 | Events | Guild Forums (9)

Corrupt Eternal Fafnir
Roll: 3 - 1 = 2 (75% success)
Action: Pairing up with Helio and attacking the Kosopods. Getting smacked around by the Queen and some angry kosopods

With orders given and most starting to pair up, Fafnir set himself beside his brother and had a moment of feeling half glad that Albite had decided to inflict himself on the newest members, rather than Fafnir himself. That left him to focus on the bugs they were searching for and his brother, two things he felt more than capable of taking care of without that distraction.

Of course nothing could ever be that simple though. The lights flickered low and then suddenly the bugs were everywhere. It was like they melted out of the shadows themselves and rushed him, aggressive and spitting acid that burned the hems of his robe and the tips of his long hair. Something huge was thrashing about across the room and he had time to hear General King Jet calling out orders from their communicators before whatever it was came charging through their space. It had so many legs... they slammed down into the floor and the displays as what was apparently the Queen rushed over them, sweeping Fafnir off his feet and throwing him backwards to land with a hard thump amid a tangle of stuff he couldn't identify. Pain lanced up his arm as he rolled away from more legs that were coming down all around him, threatening to spear him through if he wasn't careful. <********... b***h..." He ground between clenched teeth, anger simmering beneath his skin with a flush of heat.

"Dragon's Doom."

Smoke boiled from the space Fafnir occupied, rolling outwards in a sickly purple cloud. It enveloped him and a good number of the angry Kosopods that had rushed him once he'd hit the ground. Some of the smaller ones shrieked as they died, but many of the larger were correspondingly smarter and skittered away, taking little more damage than some discoloration and corrosion on their outer shells. Fafnir pushed himself to his feet, smoke still dripping from his snarl, and cast about for Heliodor, hoping his brother had avoided the Queen's rush. Hestia and Borax looked fine, though the former was covered in bug gore, and Albite had one of his partners wrapped in his tattoos while one of the cats had found a particularly shiny bug to play with.

So far so good, then.

Eternal Sailor Attack: Dragon's Doom

An AoE attack, Fafnir blows out a cloud of sickly purple smoke that surrounds him up to ten feet in all directions. Those who enter or are within the cloud will see disease spread across exposed skin and feel their health and energy withering. The effect grows stronger the closer you are to Fafnir, so brushing the edge of the cloud may be uncomfortable, but being right beside him is almost intolerable. The cloud smells and tastes terrible, but while unpleasant, doesn't actually add to the effect any way but psychologically. The effect lasts as long as you are within the cloud, but fades with in half a minute of leaving it. The cloud itself lasts about 30 seconds before fading, and breathing does not affect the magic. He can use it twice per battle.








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[EVENT ORP] Night at the Museum [Update Page 22] | Page 15 | Events | Guild Forums (19)

Meighei rolled 1 4-sided dice:2Total: 2 (1-4)

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2024 10:00 am

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[EVENT ORP] Night at the Museum [Update Page 22] | Page 15 | Events | Guild Forums (24)

Urania, Eternal Senshi of Astronomy
Action: Urania is ‘ooh’ing and ‘aah’ing over how cute the Kosopods are for being bugs, but then she finds herself surrounded. She attempts to capture a Kosopod and wonders if she could take it back to her world.

The Kosopods were not as threatening as she thought they would be…

… if you could ignored the acid, anyway.

They surrendered her, but didn’t attack other than making her shoes sticky and her stockings a bit torn. (Or was it more accurate to say they were disintegrating?)

“Well, aren’t you all quite cute… for bugs, anyway.”

Urania grabbed an empty box and set it on the ground to see if one of the creatures would crawl into it so she could inspect it closer.

The senshi would love to take one to her homeworld.

The Space Cauldron

Urania is trying to catch a Kosopod.

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Bishoujo-senshi Mahou-shoujo


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Meighei rolled 1 4-sided dice:4Total: 4 (1-4)

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Bishoujo-senshi Mahou-shoujo


Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2024 10:01 am

[EVENT ORP] Night at the Museum [Update Page 22] | Page 15 | Events | Guild Forums (44)[EVENT ORP] Night at the Museum [Update Page 22] | Page 15 | Events | Guild Forums (45)[EVENT ORP] Night at the Museum [Update Page 22] | Page 15 | Events | Guild Forums (46)
[EVENT ORP] Night at the Museum [Update Page 22] | Page 15 | Events | Guild Forums (47)

Erytheia, Knight of Cosmos
Action: Erytheia is activating his aspect of Cosmos and burning all the Kosopods that are angrily attacking him. Yet he wonders if the Kosopods have anything to do with the vision he saw on his wonder.

Erytheia would have preferred to ponder on what Almadel had said and if it had anything to do with his vision.

But the Kosopods seemed to have other plans!

Swarms were upon him before he could say so much as another word.


But the man was gone.

The knight’s skin suddenly erupted into star fire as he activated his aspect.

Space Cauldron

Erytheia is calling for Almadel. (I am not expecting a response, but thought I would mention it.)

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Meighei rolled 1 4-sided dice:2Total: 2 (1-4)

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2024 10:02 am

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Tama, Guardian Cat
Action: Tama pockets the crystal star realizing this is not the time to be reminiscing… it’s time to embrace his inner hunter’s instinct!

“Now let's go help the s**t outta Almadel!”

It was nothing like Albite’s all too loud voice to get Tama out of his own head and back in the game.

He pocked the star crystal for now into subspace hoping either Almadel didn’t notice or he would be willing to explain where he got it later.

The cat nodded to Magnus.

“I nearly got stepped on myself. Humans are so careless. But I have a fix for that.”

The cat tapped his collar. It had taken him almost a year to get it right, but now he could activate it at will with no youma side effects…

… and Tama grew over three time his size twice over!

But the other Mauvian had the right idea.

The older cat released that Magnus was capable — no more than capable — on his own. It stung a little to see that Magnus did not need him. He had taken pride in corrupting him, then he had felt shame at the same act and now…

Well, now Magnus would follow his own path, just as he had before him.

But would their paths continue to converge or would they branch again?

”Staying together in groups is likely the best.”

So wise for a cat that a mere year ago had been caught alone.

“Very well.”

Then came a message on his tablet pen:

All agents, this is General King Jet. As previously instructed by Her Majesty, focus your efforts on destroying the Kosopods. Try to preserve the museum artifacts for our host. Generals and Eternals -- keep an eye on any agents of lower ranks around you, as well as any Vanguard and Dark Mirror Senshi in need of assistance. I have faith in all of us to succeed, even with the hindrance of enemies around us. Let’s finish this mission and get home with zero casualties.

Why was someone always giving orders? Tama sighed. The Negaverse never gave its agents enough credit. That was the problem. It was always ‘Her Majesty’ this or ‘Our Queen’ that.

Tama didn’t need to be told what to do — with not so much as a whiff of difficulty, the cat picked up a Kosopod in his mouth.

And a sickening ‘crunch’ could be heard from its carapace.

Tama was now right next to Fafnir and Heliodor now. Both seemed ready for a fight with their spells. But the Mauvian had more than one ace up his sleeves, too.

“You ready for this, boys?”





The Space Cauldron

Tama is pocketing the star crystal.

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Bishoujo-senshi Mahou-shoujo


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Sunshine Alouette rolled 1 4-sided dice:1Total: 1 (1-4)

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Sunshine Alouette

Eternal Senshi


Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2024 11:28 am

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General Aquamarine
Action: Getting whisked to temporary safety by Jet, then quickly rejoining the efforts to deal with the kosopods, but not before admiring Jet to only a quarter of the extent he thinks Jet deserves (they are a bit busy, after all).

Naturally, the ******** came upon them quickly. Aquamarine knew to expect this; it was what tended to happen. Even if the Negaverse trained for situations like this (or should), the White Moon did not. Somehow the White Moon’s lack of organization had a habit of rubbing off on everyone around them.

Aquamarine was still caught unawares, nearly knocked to the side by the scrambling queen kosopod, his admiration (and confusion) for the space art drawn to a very sudden halt. Fortunately Jet acted quickly and teleported them both to safety (good; they could do that here). Aquamarine spared a brief moment to appreciate the dashing escape (and the arm around him, stronger now than it had been when they were young, when Jet was still a forlorn runt in borrowed clothes), but he righted himself quickly and unsheathed his rapier at the same time Jet’s power erupted.

It could be overwhelming even now — the scope of it. It radiated from him and seemed to pulse through the air around them. Aquamarine, long used to his own power, felt almost insignificant next to him. He had been there to watch the Queen bestow this honor onto Jet, and yet he still found it difficult to fathom that Jet’s power could feel like this.

Aquamarine’s grip tightened around the hilt of his rapier. He followed after Jet without question, stabbing at various kosopods as they went.

Through the matching earrings frequently hidden by curls of hair, Aquamarine sent a single thought: You’re so ******** hot like this.



Sorry if I've missed anyone or anything. I'm trying my best to keep up but always feel like I'm failing miserably. sweatdrop

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Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2024 11:41 am

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Super Sailor Perdita
Action: Considering how she might want to deal with the kosopods.

Perdita was startled by the sudden burst of movement, even though she knew she shouldn’t be. At least she didn’t react much except to give a little jolt and a single step closer to Oberon. She fell into something of a defensive position, wielding her large flashlight to give herself and Oberon and those around them a better view of what they were facing. For now, the kosopods swarming them seemed more curious than outright aggressive.

Perdita immediately felt bad for them.

Others were already fighting. Maybe that made the most sense, but it couldn’t be the only answer. Perdita wasn’t sure what the best course of action was. She understood the need to be rid of them, but she understood Oberon’s hesitance, too.

One of them seemed particularly interested in Perdita’s shoes. She let it have a little taste, though she couldn’t imagine glitter being particularly delectable, until it tried to take a bite out of her ankle, at which point she gently nudged it away.

“I don’t think we can put living creatures in subspace,” she told Oberon. “Not that I’ve ever tried. I might have room for one of the smaller ones.”



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Sunshine Alouette

Eternal Senshi


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Sunshine Alouette rolled 1 4-sided dice:3Total: 3 (1-4)

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Sunshine Alouette

Eternal Senshi


Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2024 11:42 am

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woops forgot perdita's roll. sorry. i'm that sort of tired where you feel sick crying

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eldritch stardust rolled 1 4-sided dice:1Total: 1 (1-4)

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2024 12:28 pm

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Eternal Bestla
Roll: 1 (50% Success)
Action: Currently being tossed by an angry Queen Kosopod

This was not how this mission was supposed to go, Bestla thought as she found herself in the path of a very large, very angry, shrieking kosopod. As the queen (something that big had to be a queen, right?) headed for the wall behind the tall senshi, she found that the room seemed to explode with smaller, equally angry bugs. Before she could pick a direction to throw herself in, she found herself being trampled by the queen and kicked off to the side.

Hissing in pain, she forced herself up into a crouch and realized that she was surrounded by things that belonged in bad monster movies. She was no judge of kosopod psychology, but she thought these seemed pretty menacing and angry. And there were so many...

Right, she thought, testing her arms and legs. Nothing broken but skin, some bruising and burns. I can still fight.

Before she could get to her feet, the group of kosopods surged forward, spitting and biting at her. Flailing under the wriggling weight, Bestla managed to throw a few. She couldn't do much if she was stuck on the floor. Fighting to her feet, she seized one bug try to bite her leg and tore it away, roaring out in fury. She couldn't do this alone and for some reason, the things had decided she was a Danger.

She managed lucky hits here and here, her fists quickly becoming coated in slimy who knew what as her punches hit the tender undersides, but it wasn't enough. If they all turned into bug food, she was going to make certain that she haunted Almadel. Only a few dozen to worry about her a**!

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eldritch stardust

Kawaii Prophet


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stari_maga rolled 1 4-sided dice:4Total: 4 (1-4)

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Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2024 2:01 pm

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Princess Cybele
Roll: 4
Action: Power up to Princess so she's not one-upped by Jet, and attacking as many kosopods as she can.

Siegfried was a much needed calming presence at her side. She reached out to give his hand a squeeze, and smiled at the mention of coffee. "I'd love the coffee after," she told him. "For now?"

The kosopods were beginning to come closer. Cybele raised an eyebrow as the queen dropped down from the ceiling, thrashing and slashing. Almadel hadn't mentioned anything about that, but that was fine. Cybele was always ready for a challenge. Behind her, Hierapolis and Steins were already making quick work of some of the smaller kosopods, tossing and smashing multiple of the smaller ones as if they were nothing.

With still half an eye on Jet, of course she noticed as he shifted and the dark aura washed across the room, and she even made out some of the orders coming through communicators. Not much, but enough that combined with context clues, she was able to tell that they were going for the bugs.

"If we can't face them head on, we can at least make sure that we're the ones who take out the most of these parasites," she said.

She hadn't been planning to power up to Princess, but she wasn't about to be outdone by Jet, so as she stepped forwards towards the cluster closest to her, her dress lengthened and her wings unfurled.

With that, she was able to easily pry a lose board off of a nearby box. The kodopods seemed to cower away, wiggling towards the walls, but she wasn't going to let that stop her.

She brought the board down, hard, on the carapace of each and every bug that she could reach, leaving a bit of a trail of squishy kosopod innards behind her.




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Fiction1119 rolled 1 4-sided dice:2Total: 2 (1-4)

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2024 2:23 pm

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Botein, Super Senshi of Amulets
Current Dice Roll: 2 +1 = 3 (100% success)
Action: ???
((WC 535))

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Original Lunatic


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stari_maga rolled 1 4-sided dice:3Total: 3 (1-4)

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Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2024 3:40 pm

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Corporal Naeria
Roll: 3-1=2
Action: Trying to load kosopods into a box.

Some of the others were heading off into a different room, but they seemed to have plenty of people with them. Naeria didn't think that she could save all of the kosopods in the main room by herself, but she was going to try to do her best to do what she could, even if it made her heart hurt to see how easily those around her were just-


Later, she'd think about humans and how awful they could be. If she thought now, she'd freeze up, the way that she always did at the worst possible times.If she froze, then she wouldn't be able to help anything.

The kosopods that she found were hissing and spitting. A streak of acid hit her face and rolled down to her shoulder, burning as it went. She winced, but kept walking forwards anyway, holding out her source stone.

There were boxes here. If she could subdue some of the kosopods, she thought she could get them to safety. She picked up tree of them, pressing their source stone to their carapaces.

Two seemed to calm, but the third kept spitting and thrashing. Eventually it slipped out of her hands.

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amorremanet rolled 1 4-sided dice:1Total: 1 (1-4)

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2024 4:00 pm

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Lt. Cryptomelane
Dice Roll: 1 - 1 [rolled a 28 last round], RIP Cryptobro.
Action: Snark with his frenemy gets interrupted by aggro bugs. Cryptobro tries to fight them and is doing a pretty bad job. (50% success.)

Although Cryptomelane noticed Sonora startling over his appearance beside her, he chose not to mention it. Put it out of mind and pretend that he’d seen nothing, heard none of the squeaking out of her, and didn’t know what anyone would have been talking about, if they’d thought to accuse her of showing any weakness. This whole situation was already stressful enough, and Cryptomelane felt tightly wound himself, so it wasn’t as though he had any high-ground from which to judge her.

Besides, Sonora was an enemy who deserved some semblance of respect. Despite knowing better, Cryptomelane liked her about as much as he could like anybody among the White Moon’s ranks, and he didn’t want to humiliate her. Certainly not around other people who might unfairly think less of her capabilities just because she’d been caught off guard for a single moment.

That desire to save face for Sonora would not, however, stop Cryptomelane from arching a quizzical eyebrow at……whatever she thought she was doing with the very bad haughty attitude (or who even knew what it was supposed to be……the way that Sonora acted about it felt like she wanted it to seem haughty and disapproving. Still, more than anything else, she seemed, to Cryptomelane, like she was quite unsettled and trying not to show it).

“Trying to shame me would work better if I felt ashamed of what I do for the Negaverse,” he pointed out, frowning as he continued feeling around the cocoon, searching for any openings, or any bugs that might have been outside it, or crawling out of it, or……anything, really. “Despite what you may think, my work often isn’t as homicidal as our first encounter might have led you to believe. Even if it were, Queen Laurelite’s orders tonight were quite clear: any officers who answered this call are to avoid attacking anyone, much less using lethal force, unless our lives are directly threatened. We are here to help the strange dragon man with his pest control problem and nothing more. Anyone who can’t help but cause problems was told to stay behind.”

Well, they were supposed to be gathering intel, but admitting that to Sonora would have been foolish.

He paused, briefly, considering whether or not to add something extra. As much as he often disliked talking too much, Cryptomelane did decide to tack on, “Not that I imagine it helps, but if I did want to murder anybody here, I wouldn’t want to murder you. The Queen’s orders render it a moot point, but nevertheless, it remains true.”

Never mind how Cryptomelane didn’t have any extra room to do so. First, Sonora took issue with him rapping on the chrysalis they were examining. Then—unrelated to Sonora aside from happening somewhat contemporaneously—Cryptomelane felt the “pen” that transformed into his tablet vibrate in the way that said he had text communiqués from someone that desired his attention. For a moment, he hesitated, pondering whether or not to open it up and check them before the tablet did a follow-up buzz in a few minutes. Apparently, that brief hesitation was all that the kosopods needed.

From within the tear in the cocoon, there came a distinctly unpleasant little shriek. Not exactly intimidating, per se, but the high-pitched tone made Cryptomelane flinch, teeth gritting against his will. Then, a trio of kosopods rushed out of the cocoon. One of them bit down hard on the hand that Cryptomelane still had on the wall-bound chrysalis; it was only thanks to his years with Brother Horace that Cryptomelane could purse his lips and choke down any gasps or groans of pain. Scowling, he whacked at that one with his pumpkin bucket, hitting it right in the eye, but that accomplished nothing. The creature seemed entirely unfazed.

The second one skittered out of the cocoon and up Cryptomelane’s arm. Watching him in a way that felt inherently malicious, it chomped at the fabric of his sleeve as it got higher up his arm. Once it had gotten through enough of the fabric, the kosopod spit acid—which hurt, even worse than the biting, frankly, but Cryptomelane choked down any vocal reaction. He wouldn’t give these filthy things the satisfaction of knowing how much they’d hurt him. Keeping the pain down was even harder when the third one jumped onto his chest. It didn’t manage to bite through his jacket’s fabric, but the shock of it hitting him almost made him react.

Finally, a fourth kosopod flew into the back of his head. How Cryptomelane didn’t shriek about that, he didn’t know. But as he whipped his head around, trying to notice who’d thrown it at him or kicked it at him or whatever, the kosopod wriggled around, biting at his neck as it tried to skitter away.

“Hey! Excuse you,” Cryptomelane barked into the terribly lit room, unable to identify which of the idiots around here had kicked the kosopod at him, much less where they stood. “Fight your own monsters, why don’t you! Instead of punting them at others like a useless coward!”

Not that impugning the honor, integrity, and courage of whoever had weaponized the kosopod helped him any. The bite wounds from all the insects stung something awful. The acid that one had spit onto Cryptomelane’s arm felt even worse. And trying to bat the stupid things off of him didn’t manage to actually knock them anywhere. Ugh.

Noir Songbird


Cryptomelane isn't happy about your kickball kosopods, Hierapolis ):<

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Kolina rolled 1 4-sided dice:1Total: 1 (1-4)

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Inquisitive Agent


Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2024 4:31 pm

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Heliodor, Corrupt Super Senshi of Ryutou
ACTION: Responding to team mates and fighting Kosopods, getting acid spit on his legs and feet.

Albite's own look was returned with a withering one from Helio. Go figure. Albite's self assurance was bother frustrating and admirable and Helio just couldn't bother to berate him anymore knowing he'd only get the same response.

The silver and pink haired senshi (Ildari) that Heliodor was not familiar with certainly was observant. Helio turned to look at her. "No. Risk level is fairly low with that one. Just making note of my own observations to relay back." He wondered if there were many who knew about Muri's now open alliance change? He'd have to do his own digging at some point. Now was not it.

Fafnir bounced off of the suggestion of staying together to group up. People quickly separated up and it seemed Fafnir had the intention of pairing himself with Helio. Albite had chosen the less experienced of their group. That was fine and likely for the best. Albite's magic was incredibly useful for keeping control of a situation, person or creature.

Then s**t hit the fan and chaos just exploded around them. Kosopods came from everywhere it seemed. Jet's voice came over their communicators. Helio heard it and noted the command which was similar to what the team had ended up doing.

Even in the ruckus Helio definitely didn't miss the look Hestia had thrown at him and he gave her a withering look in response.He did not at lal like she was right. And it wasn't because she was right but more because he just really hadn't wanted to deal with a larger, more deadly bug alien. And that larger bug alien plowed a line through the hoards of people in the room.

Helio was thankfully just far enough away from her, but Fafnir was not. Helio watched as his brother was trampled by the Queen while Helio himself was surrounded by Kosopods that needle and poked at him. "Fafnir!" He hollered just as he heard his brother's voice and the smoke billow up from where he'd watch the corrupt go down.

Oh...Yep. Fafnir was pissed.

A large white form made himself present. Tama was there, big and ready to rumble it appeared. The white Mau was facing down Kosopods like a right brawler. The creatures didn't stand much of a chance when up against such large claws and teeth. "I hope you aren't actually eating those." He commented as the feline crunched down on one.

With a hiss, Helio kicked at one of the isopods that decided to nibble at his exposed toes, drawing his attention away from the blue and purple draped Eternal. Well that hadn't been the smartest choice apparently. The kosopods that had been curiously exploring him turned vicious. Acid spit was shot at him. Some he dodged, some landed on his pants, legs and feet. "s**t." He cursed as the liquid quickly began to work on his clothing. His feet he tried to rub onto his legs to get rid of the acid, but the kosopods weren't making it easy. Soon enough the burning began and Helio had to give up on rubbing the disgusting fluid off him to defend himself.


Thankfully the little buggers were so plentiful they were practically crawling over each other. Which meant his attack could envelope more than just one as he shot it into the cluster.


Sailor Scout Attack: Cascade
Visual: An opaque wall of hot water shoots up around the target before cascading inward and slamming down on the target.
Duration: Immediate effect lasts 25 secs
Effects: The pressure of water is great enough to make it difficult to move away and could knock the target off their feet. It can cause the sensation of bruising, first-degree burns, or drowning with lasting damage at players' discretion.
Area of Effect/Range: Anywhere from Heliodor to up to 8 feet away from him. Can be used 3x per battle.
Preparation/Incantation: Snapping his fingers, a ring of small golden spheres appear around the feet of the target just before the wall of water shoots upwards.


whimsical blue






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Kaori_luv rolled 1 4-sided dice:3Total: 3 (1-4)

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2024 6:50 pm

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Super Sailor Rhea of Laughter
Action: Bolting out the room, queen freaked her out a bit

She hadnt been expecting for bug the bus to go on a rampage. She was far enough that she wasnt effected, but even in the dimmed room she could see other dodging or just simply getting thrown out of the way. She backed away quickly tripping over something in her haste and falling flat on her a**. She groan looking to see what it was only to find a few bugs looking her dead in her face.

The bugs didn't seem like they were too sure out her, like they were trying to decide, but she had no intention of giving them the choice. She called out her attack, "Little giggles", and threw her magic at them before she hopped up and ran.


Sailor Scout Attack: Little Giggles

She moves her arms in an arc outward from her center and causes a gust a of wind that rushes at the target blowing over them and causes the person to burst to giggles whenever they move for 30 seconds. It can only be used on one person at a time, but can be used 2 times per battle.

*The attack has a four foot radius in front of Rhea and can be easily dodged by simply jumping two feet to either side of her. The closer Rhea is to the target the harder it is to avoid.

She needed to find something suitable to fight with because her magic might stall but it wouldn't be useful beyond that.

She didn't know where she was going, but grabbed a random door handle and ducked into the room slamming the door behind her.


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tefla rolled 1 4-sided dice:2Total: 2 (1-4)

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Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2024 7:37 pm

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Meissa, Super Corrupt of Bobcats
Action: Kicking a few kosopods away before realizing they are kinda cute.
Roll: 2 + 1 = 3

The idea of recording things down on her tablet would have been easier said then done if the floor of this building suddenly hadn't been overrun by particularly ugly bugs. The first few that believed they had to investigate her shoes met a very quick, and perhaps deadly, flight as the corrupt moved her feet back just far enough to dig underneath the kosopods before launching them to be sent airborne and made to be someone else's problem. She didn't care where they landed, just that they weren't anywhere near her or Beatrix. Chrysocolla had been forgotten in the melee. Her tablet didn't last long on the box she had set it down on and she wasn't risking her flesh to retrieve it from the floor where it had fallen either.

Kicking out at yet another inquisitive critter Meissa paused her actions to actually observe the ones that had surrounded her. They weren't all that vicious and the way they kept flinching as if they were expecting to be the next to be sent flying made her feel a little guilty. Pulling out what seemed to be a packaged cheese strings snack Meissa began to drop little snippets of cheese onto the floor in order to watch the creatures swarm over the offering, making it disappear. "Hey, these guys are like mini hoovers without the electricity. Ooh, ouch."

While she'd paused in her observations one lone kosopod had sprayed its acid towards the hand holding the cheese and she dropped it on reflex "I stand corrected. They're worse then hoovers."

Sara Draconia


[[ If anyone wanted to be struck by Meissa's punted kosopods .. feel free ]]

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[EVENT ORP] Night at the Museum [Update Page 22] | Page 15 | Events | Guild Forums (2024)
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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

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Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.