Your World With Neil Cavuto : FOXNEWSW : July 11, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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period by his presidential pick for former president donald trump. the story we'll be live from milwaukee for the national convention. of course starting sunday with a warm-up show 3:00 eastern. many of the shows are going to be live from milwaukee we've got a great set up and will cover this story stem to stern we hope you'll join us from the 14th through to the 18th that is the story today thursday july 11th the story goes on. what the story were in the middle and. we will cover it for you honestly straightforwardly we'll see you back tomorrow at three. you're world starts now. [ ♪♪ ]know.

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most are waiting to see whether he should stay or go. on the senate side, the president's top campaign advisers are trying to make the case he has what it takes to beat donald trump and now the near times is reporting that the campaign is quietly polling how vice-president harris stacks up. should the president have to step down. we are following all of it, got peter at the washington convention centre. we are all of this will take off and this press conference two and a half hours from now. on hill where democrats are holding for the meantime their breath and the california congressman brad churaman is holding out hope this can be resolve. welcoming everybody. i'm neil cavuto on a busy news

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day. peter, what does it looks like there. >> depends on howlett answers questions. how he answers questions. we are two and a half hours away from are the press conference and all day at the working session, president biden has been trying very hard to stay on message. for example, he said, we stands with you ukraine, when somebody asked him frp his decision to stay in the race is final. he has the campaign co-chairs out, trying to dish it back a bit to george clooney. >> i question whether george cleanupny has really spent a lot of time with president biden in person. i'm more of a matt damon guy than george clooney guy. >> president biden's hosting duty of the nato summit come with pomp and circ*mstance but we are hearing world leaders are holding his tongue about his

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acuity until they visit the hill. >> all the nato leaders are here on on the hill. prime ministers, heads of state and are telling us pruftly they are concerned. a weak america is bad for the whole world. >> michigan govenor witmer is behind president biden's candidacy but says maybe its would help to take a cognitive test. >> should he have some people suggested just go ahead and take a cognitive test and demand that donald trump do the same? >> i don't think that would hurt to be honest. at the end of the day. you know- >> you think he should take a cognitive test? >> don't think it would hurt. >> the press conference will start at 6:30, about an hour later than it was originally advertised. all we know in terms of questions is there will be more than four. neil? >> neil: you would hope h.r. than four. we will see what happens. peter thank you very much. i know you will be in the room

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when that guess down. to dchad some democrats are stibbing with the president and others who seem to be sticking it to the president. chad, what is the latest? >> reporter: good afternoon. meeting between the biden team and senate democrats across the street from the capitol today. the meeting wrapped up just about two hours ago and so far, peter well frp is the only senate democrat calling for the president to step down. the biden team did not share polling data in the meeting and it was described as a regular campaign pitch. nothing fancy. >> i still have concerns but more important are joe biden taking the case to the american people and allaying their concern and questions and he has to continue to awe gresively -- aggressively and consistently state his case to the american people. >> reporter: some democrats con to grumble private that they doubt m.biden can win and worry

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about impact down ballot. chris keuns is president biden's biggest cheerleader. he tried to put a positive spin spin on meeting. >> it was constructive. i was grateful that we had that much time to have a good and open and constructive conversation with the core team of the biden/harris reelection campaign. i thought it went well. i'm glad we had the conversation. i'm looking forward to great press conference for the president tonight. >> reporter: the meeting did not comfort those who have concerns. many of them are not talking. and everyone is watching what happens tonight. >> reporter: if president biden fails to deliver tonight, how will democrats move forward? >> that is a speculative question. and as i indicated we have involved in an internal process that we take seriously. and until that process is concluded, i'm not really in a

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po submission to comment on external event. >> reporter: now peter welch said the meeting did not change his point of view and michael bennett of colorado say he still has concerns. kneel? >> neil: do they take about what the definition of doing well for the president is? >> reporter: no. we don't really have that. i asked richard blommenhall is there a yard mark when they have to have a formal decision? the biden team will say he's in but nobody seems to be putting a timetable on it. >> neil: ok, thank you. congressman, thank you. what are you looking for tonight? >> on june 27th we saw sdras trous debate performance by donald trump. this is a man who lied 30 times but what do you expect from a man who says he paid $130,000 to a p*rn star that he didn't have

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sex with? what about at other p*rn stars that drum didn't have sex with? is he willing to give each of them $130,000? we have got to save this country from this project 2025. >> neil: none of that gt a chance to come up because the president performed so poorly. there was an opportunity there and it was lost because the president seemed lost. >> trump lied after the debate. about not having anything to do with project 2025. just as he lied about stormy daniels and says he paid $130,000 to a p*rn star he didn't have sex with. biden did not have a good debate either. but we are going to have a chance to see biden hopefully at his best, at 6:30 tonight. >> neil: a lot of your colleagues are angered by that agree with you on what you are saying, that an opportunity was missed to go over many of the exaggerations and outright lies of donald trump. you are quite right about a good

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many of them. they never had the ton because the president of the united states imploded in that moment and a lot of people think he is prone to that. george clooney and others say they didn't appreciate the magnitude of that. did you? did you see this in your dealings with him over the years? or is this something that is accelerating, maybe we don't appreciate? >> not like i'm at the white house every friday night for shabot dinner. i see what you see. but i think that the president had a bad night on june 27th. but donald trump led a bad life. and i think biden would beat donald trump but we have got to have the best possible opportunity, the highest probably of beating donald trump because he is such an existential threat. >> neil: you have said that many times but they don't know whether joe biden provides that

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best opportunity. that he raised so many doubts in the minds of many americans. that his support is slipping. there are a variety of polling that don't seem to indicate that. in battle states he is losing considerable team. are you worried on what dumb di drsh donald trump your nominee is krit night? are you worried? >> june 27th was a bad night for joe biden. he has got to be able to assure the delegates voting on august 20th that he will win this race cause it is so important. >> neil: are they obligated -- sorry. are they obligated then on the first ballot to vote for him or if they still have their doubts, by that convention, they can just vote for someone else? >> party rules only require delegates to reflect the

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sentiments of those who voted for them. the sentiments of those who voted in to the democratic primary is we really like joe biden that we saw on june 26 and before. nobody thought that joe biden june 27th was a great opportunity to -- >> does its make everything before go away? are a lot of the constituents, maybe in your home state, such that there's got to be swapout here. >> we -- the president has got to show what he can do. he did the stephanopoulos interview, the biggest test will be at 6:30 tonight. we have got to have a candidate who can do well on september 10th, which is the second debate. that debate will be 90 minutes 9:00 p.m. live and the closer the president gets to doing 9. 90 minutes live, the best

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information will be provided to those delegates as to whether he will be effective in the second debate. we need a candidate who will be successful in the second debate. because frankly, the first debate did not help our candidacy. >> neil: let me ask you this, congressman, there are reports, even within the white house, their poll testing, kamala harris, out of california and seeing hugh she does. -- seeing how she does. it is early. there is no firm way to know whether she will do better or worse than joe biden but the fact they are looking at that and the fact that so many of your colleagues are looking to alternatives for joe biden, the battle seem to be convincing him to step down. among many. do you think that if he has a bad presser tonight, he stumbles on some words or phrases or anything of the things that sometimes happen to all presidents will get extra scrutiny this evening, that that effort is going to accelerate?

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>> looking i will stumble a couple of times in the interview. as we all do. i'm just under a lot less scrutiny. i don't think that one mispronounced word or one waiting for a second to phrased the answer, is disqualifying by my means but i would like to see a good performance and see a couple of other good performances by president biden between now and august 20th so we can be confident he is a candidate that can win in november. the fact he is willing to do this is good. the closer his tests are, to what he will face on september 10th, are the more confident the delegates will be on august 20th when they cast their vote by state. >> neil: we are learning that george clooney had given barack obama a heads up on the column he wrote, advocating that the president should cease run for the nomination. i don't know then if barrack

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obama relayed that to joe biden and joe biden if given a heads up this column i was going to be coming up. the behind the scenes role here that barack obama apparently played, fully aware this colin was coming we don't know much more than that. but what do you make of that. >> i think that it's a good idea to give a lot of people a heads-up to get information from all of them. i can't imagine the white house didn't have an heads up on the op-ed. clooney lives in my district. we all admire his acting and appreciate his generosity of the democratic party but he was just one of the people at the fund-raiser and everyone who was there has an equally valued opinion as to how well joe biden performs. >> if barack obama didn't tell george clooney, we really shouldn't do this, george, would

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that -- >> i have no idea what barack -- wlar i think we -- what i think we all want to see is a good performance by joe biden tonight and perhaps some other occasions, perhaps leading to a 90 min live interview at 9:00 p.m., preparing him for the september 10th debate. i have no idea what barack obama said to george clooney. neither one of them consulted me about it. >> neil: all right. real quickly then on that debate you referred to, that is slated in september, do you think that is still going to happen? even if joe biden survives this? that that debate will still happen? >> there will be pressure to have the debate on both candidates. they have not agreed on format. i don't think they agreed on location and so but if it is

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thought that biden is not negotiating in good faith on those issues and is trying to back out, they will be bad for his candidacy. >> neil: all right. brad sherman, thank you very much. democratic california congressmen on what issed at stake. all was so damaging just stepping back, the fact of matter is there a poll out just today, this is post this debate, two weeks ago, just out. they are tied. so if it is so horrendous for joe biden, and such a great opportunity for donald trump, why are they tied? hi, i'm greg. i live in bloomington, illinois. i'm not an actor. i'm just a regular person. some people say, "why should i take prevagen?

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>> neil: the scene at washington convention centre is where the nato summit has been going on and essentially wrapping up and of course the president of united states made this the night he will have this press conference. you heard talk about big boy press conference because he will take a lot of analysts solo and take a lot of questions. i don't know how many. but it is going to be more than the usual two or three or four. and not chaired with anyone else for time being. that is getting a lot of scrutiny but the back drp of this is obviously what happened two weeks ago at the big debate. and how his fortunes seem to

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have fail him and now if you look at this latest o' poll number, the fact of the matter is, in this, a.b.c. news ipsos read of things two candidates are dead even. there are other polls that show other results, some showing it still a tight race. others showing battleground states, donald trump is apparently run away with it. in the lead in six out of seven of the state. essentially tied in another. but it is a significant development here. maybe democrats are fretting too much and republicans are salivating too much. we go to lee carter, carly cooperman pollster. leo, you have been polling polls of all sortses on your own and elsewhere for many years. and the fact of the matter is with all of this drama put it all aside, it is a tie ball game. is it really a tie ball game? >> it seemses to be. and most polling suggested that. we saw the poll that came out from bloomberg, saw that trump on average is doing a little bit better but still within the

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margin of error. it is think important to remember, number one, these are nationwide polls. what will matter is the state by state polls swing state poll, donald trump is still ahead. other thing that is really important to remember, is that just because joe biden performed so poorly, concerns and his mental fitness does not mean they will change their minds and vote for donald trump. the night of the debate we held a focus group in fox studios and had a democratic voter that said, this is really awful, so my choices are what he defined satanic sociopath and referring to donald trump, verses a senile man who doesn't seem to know where le. that is not a choice i can make but just because joe biden seems so bah bad does not mean i will vote for donald trump now. that is what you are facing. you have got the democrats who are really feel like what are they supposed to do? they don't have a place to go. they are not necessarily going vote for donald trump. trump will have to make the

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case to make them come over. but they are not society excited about vote -- they are not excited about voting for joe biden. it will come out whether he is able to sper wades. the polling is suggesting democratses are feeling worse about joe biden than a week ago. >> neil: you start going through them. it is interesting. when asked the question, should the president step aside? of all of those, polled, 67% said yeah. 62% of democrats and democrat leading independents, and even among biden supporter more than half of them, does just that aspect worry you? >> yeah. looking overall, this poll is more positive than at lot of the recent polls that came out after the debate which average had trump in a 3-point lead and what this speaks to is the fact there's a large swath of electorate, 40% that will vote against donald trump no matter what. however to your point, there is

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a majority of democrats who are saying that joe biden should step aside and yet, 92% of democrats in the poll said they were going to vote for him and what we are looking at is an everybody outside of the demacratic base. who we also see in the polling are increasingly concerned about joe biden's ability to serve and even if they are not going to necessarily swing over to support donald trump, the question is do the voters stay home? how do we get turnout to show up and in an increasing among democrats when they are concerned about jobe. >> neil: lee, when you look at it, i am reminded whatever we see in a present environment and usually apply to the market, whatever everyone is is saying. everything is like a snapshot i am reminded of that because at key junctures, around this time, maybe a little later, we had very different poll readings of how certain race were going.

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back in august 1960, richard nixon was leading john f. kennedy by six points. we know what happened. there would be the debate and things would change but the more dramatic example of a big reversal was back in july 1988, when michael dukah kiss has a 17 point leader of george walker bush and we know what happened. there are reasons for that and separate event. i get that. but it -- i think it should be a reminder to democrats who were -- you don't count your proverbial election chickens before they are hatchs. we are long way. good four months from anything hatching. >> that is right. so much can change. those are some great examples but also remember in 2016, hillary clinton was ahead in a landslide. and she didn't win in 2016. so anything and everything can happen. this is a really fluid

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situation. when you look at the polling and the number of people and democrats who are calling for joe biden to withdrawal you see a 15% increase in polls from just ten days ago. this is day by day. people will be watching closely this they will watch the conference tonight. watching interviews next week. i mean watching to see what happens. the convention next week that donald trump is going to be making an announcement about his v.p. and more broadly rolling out the platform. there is so much for us to hear, so much for us to learn. things definitely could change. but what i don't see happening is joe biden getting a lot better. that is the issue i don't see changing. so i mean they will have to make a run that is going to be more about platform than it is about person. and i think in many cases that is the issue that we are up against. 70% of americans don't want either one and will make decisions base on issues that mat matter most to them more than

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the candidate. >> carly for ar lot of democrats that are in a rush to replace joe -- joe biden, harriss is the easiest swap, will get all the money to the biden campaign directly and very different. but maybe rushing too much. her poll numbers and i know the white house is doing some intern -- internal polling on this or reportedly, she might fair no better. the environment for her might not be any better. so should democrats be here ri of dumping joe biden thinking they will do better with someone else? or has that train left the sfapg the fears and anxieties are such they wants to switch. >> i think that's absolutely part of the calculation in terms of the internal conversations that is happening among democrats right now. both in the house, both in the senate, and as well. they are aware that kamila

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harris is polling in better than joe biden. the "washinton post" poll came out had kamila up two points against trump. he has been consistently unpopular in the polls and that is what part of democrats are trying to talk through in weighing the options in terms of you can stick with joe biden. we know what this is but is this something that can be overcome verses how does it work with kamila at the top of the ticket on how can it work having other party leader not at the national profile yet fake over? and so -- take over. so everything that is getting considered as we are seeing the debates go on and everything is going to be watched so closely in how biden. s over the next few days. we will see things play out. >> neil: lady, thank you. if i can weigh in, business comparison i think worth noting i remember covering the 1987 stock market crash and famous business magazine cover that said we will go into a mimentty

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multi-year recession function. it last about four months. the view was we were going to slides into a depression and markets would take years to recover. it didn't happen quite that way and the markets not only recovered but rebounded strongly as did the economy. were they rough period? bad bad? yes. did they last as long? no. and most famously of all, when abraham lincoln was running in 1860, he was an after thought. someone who would not have a chance. he was seen and reached out to -- as an alternative candidate in a race where no one thought he had a chance at all of getting the rub nomination. let republican nomination. still very early. put in perspective. one snapshot applied to markets

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consensus of almost anything. challenge it. wonder about it. so for republicans enjoy numbers that look goods for you. not an across the board but don't take them for granted and democratses, don't slash your wrist just yet. perspective, it does come in handy. in the meantime that doesn't mean that chuck schumer is not open to looking for alternatives. in fact, he is apparently very open to looking at someone else. we will explore that after this. i always wanted to know why i am the way i am. my curiosity led me to ancestry. it was amazing to see all the traits that i've gotten from my mother in my dna. it's a family thing. it's a family thing. [floor creaks] (♪) (♪) (♪) relax, you booked a vrbo. hi! need new glasses?

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>> neil: now there are 14. number of democrats including 13 represents say joe should go. arizona greg stanton the latest to say he should have no choice. so you can get back to your monster to-do list. -really? -get a quote at

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>> neil: the leadership of democrats and we aught to let the process work itself out. then there's the chuck schumer,

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who might have made news, hinting he is open to someone else other than joe biden as the democratic nominee. wasn't that quite black and white. the guy who helped break the story joins us now, steven. very good to have you. exactly what is chuck schumer's position on this. >> publically, shuck costumer is behienldz the president. the go to line has been that he's with joe. but behind closed doors specially in conversations with donor he signal shed open to dumping bide frn the top of the tick. look i think it's sort of clear that the pressure that is building from the bottom of the democratic caucus we see i think the 14th house democrat now saying they think biden should step aside. that pressure builds upwards. building on leadser to make a decision and listen to folks who are in charge of and in their caucus. >> neil: it is 13 house

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democrats, one u.s. senator, pete welch but that list grows every day. we are told it is much larger than that when you hear the number of representative and senators who are kind of hedging their bets but leaning that way. what will decide all of this? we talk about this press conference tonight. but there is a lot more to consider. right? when we look at kamala harris. when she a backup. how do you see it up folding? >> not sure how it will unfold. i think the question that democratic leaders need to ask themselves and this is the question that donors and leaders are asking, is there a viable path forward for the president? we have seen reports come out that the money is drying up. . that some of the money we break last week that some of the money is shifting down ballot to senate races aen house races. what people like nancy pelosi

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and dhuk schumer have to say is hugely important. i think where the top leader come down we will get a better idea over the next week or two, after their conversations with their caucuses. what they say is going to be hugely impactful and what they tell the president about their next steps, is going to bin dreads bli important. >> neil: i wonder stefan what you make of this. it is a dead even race. not all polls reflect that. there are others that are probably for more influential in battlegrounds states that has joe biden in a heap of trouble, tied in the state of wisconsin, losing six of the other 7 battlegrounds state. having said that, does that potentially -- that tied popular vote poll give the movement pause or still on. >> no. things are not getting better on capitol hill for jobe. the senior joe biden campaign huddled with senate democrats

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today and told that the biden campaign tried to give senators a look forwards to what their ap path is, that path is essentially through michigan, pennsylvania and wisconsin. but the democrats and democrats who are spectacle remain spectacle. there was a lot of pushback from senators to the president's campaign team. so the pitch that the biden camp is giving on capitol hill is not moving democrats right now. in >> neil:ed the biden camp looks to improving economic trends. improving inflation today. it didn't necessarily assure and americans are not sure buying it. that conundrum remain for the white house, done it? >> it does remain. we have the nato conference. you guys will be covering it and democrats tell us they will

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be watching it. i'm not sure on either side that the president can say or do that is going to move folks right now. i think the most important thing right now is the polling. democrats are not certain he can win. they are worried about the down ballot effects and money drying up. if the presidential campaign can't compete financishly, that puts them at a huge disvan advantage. folks we talk to wants to get it figured out quickly. there is just over 100 days until the election. >> neil: great talking to you. following all of that. stephan was mentioning the money. that could dry up if the big hollywood crowd have frozen northbound place and said no we are looking for an alternative but that hollywood bailing is happening at a much more rapid pace than we have been seeing on the democratic politician side. why is that?

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>> neil: the hollywood crowd has left the building or good ch chunk of the building. i love joe biden but we need a new nominee and indications he ran that by or get a heads up to joe bidens at the white house and to barack obama. i don't know necessarily get their ok but certainly to give them a heads-up. we know that the white house was trying to urge him not to do so but follows what has been a conga line since, actually before when you includes rob reiner and michael douglas and others who are saying it is time to go. what to make of this and trends that is picking up steam, we are in los angeles. william? >> some people invest in stock. others invest in candidate and george clooney just helped raise $30 million for joe

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biden. three weeks later he tells the people who gave that money, maybe i made a mistake. so there to be bad blood there because george clooney didn't just step away. he kneecaped joe biden and i'm quoting here. it is devastating he said. but joe biden, that was with three weeks ago at the fund-raiser is not the joe of 2010, not 2020. he was the same man we all witnessed at the debate. adding we won't win in november with this president. today, governor newson of california who attended the fund-raiser agreed that biden seemed flat, but did not say he should back out. >> i think the first comments,s i had to the president were who did your schedule? i can't -- couldn't handle three hour and red eye. let alone coming from overseas so to me those are two different things. the person that showed is up at the fund-raiser was a human being like any of us exhausted.

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>> clooney op-ed sparked a battle with jeffrey keser, telling clooney did publish the op-ed. actor michael douglas said he had a point but the lady on the view said he is a coward for not saying it to biden's face. last night, steven cober mocked biden by channelling dr. seuss. >> is he mentally fit? can we serve a full-time with a brain full of worm? the man loves to talk as long as you ask him before 8:00. [cheering] [applause] >> biden supporters would prefer just to sparkle over the cracks in the dam and hope there are no nor leaks. neil? >> neil: thought you were go doing rhyme something there.

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at 3% year-over-year. so it is come down a little bit here. but is it enough to make americans feel better about the whole thing? and that has been an open question. even as we have seen improving numbers and in other words the rate of increase is slowing but the fact of matter inflation is higher thanes to was. let's get the read on how this is sorting out with bob, path trading co-founder. bob most americans when polled on this subject say i don't feel it, don't see it, don't believe it. that is the conundrum for the president, isn't it? >> it is because the cumulative inflation is still in place. if you go back to let's just start after the pandemic. start 2021, let's in the relate it to -- not relate to presidency. you have seen certain category, food; auto sales up in the range of 21, 22%. so you need to see a few negatives in a row in order to get a bit of that back. and this is the first negative print on a month over months

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basis. last month came in negative but revised to unchanged. c.p.i. is an index. consumer price index. that index has been going straight up. it flattened out and that is what we are intn seeing is an inflation rate that has been rising slower but not turning negative until now. >> neil: know what is interesting, oftentimes people look and say numbers slowing down and number of corporate earnings out today are airlines and even some big restaurant canadians and the like, that are saying people are not buying as much. this is obviously pinching their bottom line. so when the federal reserve does cut, many people say, it will be a sell off event for the markets because it signals a slowdown and maybe a serious one. where are you on there? >> rate careful are be careful what you wish for situation if you get one rate cut, that

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is fine. as of this morning with the pricing in six rate cuts, by july of 2025 and that is why the s&p and nasdaq sold off the way they did today because implies trouble. doesn't imply just trying to help the consumer out. it implies trouble in the overall economy. >> neil: got it my friends. i wish we had more time but i did talk to you on fox business. so they got a double dose of you. bob, very good seeing you again, my friend. we talked a bit about the backdrop of the president with his improving economic number that he might want to bring up in the press conference today. but the fact of the matter is, the little stuff folks will be looking at. what do we mean by the little stuff in expert on this stuff, after this. u love because of a? get back to better breathing with fasenra, an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems

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kia movement that inspires. ♪ ♪ >> neil: all right car we told you it is up to 14 democrats, when u.s. senator, 13 house democrats are saying it is time for joe biden to withdraw from the presidential race. so a lot is at stake for the president when he addresses the american people through a press conference slated for about an hour and a half from now in washington, d.c. "wall street journal" editorial board member is with us right now. for the subject, former bush 43 speechwriter. he knows how to put words together brilliantly. bush 43 delivered them brilliantly. it doesn't always work out that

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way, bill, so i was taking a view in this context. this is a press conference, someone who has prewritten a speech for the president, but the same, you've got to deliver the goods. what do you look for? >> as a speechwriter, we didn't really write any speeches for the press conference. once in a while, we wrote one page introduction and so forth. but the reason everyone is looking at this press conference is it is not in control by the biden white house. he has to answer extemporaneously, and it is something he hasn't done well, hasn't performed well when he is on his own without notecards, without some, you know, prearranged situation, so everyone is watching to see if he mangles it. i mean, it's very possible he just muddle through. he delivered a speech to nato last night that was reasonably okay, he looked fine, but i

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don't think it will make any suspicions go away because it's too short. he has to really do this several times to proved people he's up for it, not just an isolated occasion. >> neil: if the trust income too, bill, a difference between a press conference and a speech but sometimes less is more, that doesn't mean take fewer questions but keep your answers tight and to the point. john f. kennedy was very good at that, ronald reagan was good at that, bill clinton was very smooth at that, your old boss was good at that because it is a different dynamic and the risk with joe biden fairly or not and the reason why he is getting -- the longer he talks, the more problems he runs into, so les might be more. what do you think? >> exactly. i think that applies to many things. as a speechwriter, i point out that the gettysburg address was 272 words, ten commandments fit

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onto tablets. you know, you can't really top that with length. for joe biden, he gets in trouble, like most people, when he goes on too long and he starts to drift, wander, forget the end of his sentence, so i think less is more. he has to look also -- part of what got him in trouble, he didn't look in command of himself in that debate, so he looked lost and bewildered. >> neil: and you can't dillydally, no matter who you are. you can't be looking, i'm going to go to blah, blah, blah, you just go to anyone. that's a risk, but just try to keep it moving. now he is not known for that, but the pressure is going to be on him to show more of that, isn't it? >> yeah, it is. look, the fundamental question is whether biden has a serious problem, and he's degenerating, or whether, as the white house is still spinning, he just had a

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bad night. i don't think anyone believes he just had a bad night, even the people telling us that, and people are going to look for clues, and he has so few public unscripted appearances are looking for clues, and again, their problem is they can't leave americans to unsee what they have already seen. >> neil: got it. >> harold: anyone, thank you very much. you can't rely on the prompter. just a reminder, we are going to be right here covering on this fine network come again at 6:30, joe biden's crucial news conference. they say it is a big boy news conference, i don't know if it came up with that, but the pressure is on he delivers the goods. we will see if he can. in the meantime, "the five" is now. ♪ ♪ >> dana: hello, everyone be a

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