What to Know Inheriting Real Estate (2024)

Was a house just left to you in a will and now you want to know what to do with your inherited real estate? Here’s a complete guide to everything you need to know, consider, and decide when you inherit a home.

What to Know Inheriting Real Estate (1)

Inheriting a house can be a big surprise or shock – during what is probably already an emotional time. Every inheritance situation is different, but this guide will help you make sure you know how inheriting property will affect you.

As top real estate professionals in Virginia Beach, we’ve walked many clients through the process of deciding what to do when they inherit a property. Our Complete Guide to Inherited Real Estate will help you understand what to expect, what to look out for, and ways to make the most of your new asset.

Important reminder: We are not CPAs, estate planners, or lawyers – these are all other important contacts to have if you inherit a house.

Skip to:

  • What's the best thing to do when you inherit a house?

  • What are my options when I inherit a house?

  • What happens when you inherit a house with a mortgage?

  • What happens when you inherit a house with a reverse mortgage?

  • What costs come with inherited real estate?

  • How does inheriting a house affect my taxes?

  • Is selling an inherited property taxable?

  • Can I avoid paying capital gains tax on my inherited real estate?

What’s the best thing to do when you inherit a house?

No two situations in which someone inherits a house are alike, so what ultimately happens to the house may differ from one property to the next. Here are some actions you should certainly take right away, no matter what you plan to do with the property.

  • Call your lawyer or family estate planner. It’s crucial to speak to trusted professionals to get a clear idea of what inheriting the property really means in your case, and to know if the asset will go through probate. Once you have been given clear title to the property, talk with tax professionals and, of course, a trusted real estate agent or Realtor®.

  • Secure the property. Make sure the house is protected, as properties that look vacant can be more at risk for break-ins. Lock up everything, close the windows, and do what you can to make sure no one else has access. Especially if you live far away, make sure the home is thoroughly secured so you don’t return to find damage.

  • Assess the condition of the property. Take a look around and get a general idea of the condition of the house you inherited. You’ll want to know if it’s currently livable, or what kinds of repairs it will need before you live in it, sell it, or rent it.

  • Transfer the utilities.Change all the utilities into your own name as soon as possible to avoid late fees or shut-offs, and determine if there are any you want to cancel for the time being.

  • Pay any past due taxes or utility bills.These bills come with the property, so clear any bills owed as soon as you can to keep the rest of the inheritance process straightforward.

  • Get an appraisal.It’s not likely that inheriting a house will require you to get an appraisal, but it can be a good idea. A home appraisal will prove the value of the property to the IRS at the time you inherited the property and set your stepped-up cost basis. It can also help you know how to best insure the property.

What to Know Inheriting Real Estate (2)
  • Understand the mortgage situation.If there’s a mortgage on the house you inherit, it still needs to be repaid. Talk to the lender about the details of the mortgage so you can make an informed decision about whether to live on the property, hold it, or sell it.

  • Check the home owners insurance policy.The same policy can’t always be kept when the policy holder passes away. It is always best to connect with the current insurer to see what your options are. If the house goes through probate, you may not be able to make changes to the current policy right away, so stay in communication with the insurance company as much as possible.

What are my options when I inherit a house?

Especially if the previous owner’s death was sudden or unexpected, you may find yourself wondering, “What should I do with this house I inherited?” Each situation is different, but inheritors often find themselves doing one of these:

Organize a sibling buyout.

This is when contacting your family estate planner is crucial, as you want to make sure that you are the sole inheritor before making any big decisions. If the house was left to more than one person (usually siblings, but not always), you’ll either have to come to a total agreement about what’s done with the property or arrange a buyout. One of the inheritors can agree to purchase all other portions of ownership from the others, or inheritors that aren’t interested in the property can choose to transfer their piece of the deed without receiving payment.

Hold the property and rent it out

If you don’t want to live in the inherited property, you may choose to rent it out as a source of passive income. This could help you pay off the property’s mortgage or your own. Review local housing laws to make sure this is a reasonable option. If you’re becoming a landlord for the first time, it’s a good idea to seek out some expert landlord coaching to get set up properly.

Turning your inherited house into an investment property? Make sure you’re on our mailing list for tips on how to manage rental homes like a pro.

Live in the house you inherit

The house is yours, so you may choose to live in it. It’s crucial for those interested in occupying an inherited house to fully understand the property’s mortgage status. We’ll dive into inheriting a house with a mortgage or reverse mortgage in the next section.

Sell the house you inherit

There are plenty of reasons you might choose to sell the house you inherit. You may prefer liquid cash as your inheritance, have several inheritors and need an easy way to split it, or the property is too much work to maintain. Your first step will be to get in touch with a top real estate agent or Realtor®. If you decide to sell the house right away or a bit later, make sure to read the sections below on costs related to owning and selling an inherited property.

Psst—Here’s the best way to sell your inherited Virginia Beach or Hampton Roads property quickly

What happens when you inherit a house with a mortgage?

If you inherit a house with the mortgage, you do assume responsibility for the debt on the house, and it still needs to be repaid.

Your first action here should be to contact the lender and make sure payments are up-to-date. If you let them lapse, the loan will incur interest and late fees, or the lender could foreclose on the house. (If you’re not the executor of the estate, you may need the executor’s assistance in dealing with the lender.)

Depending on the lender and type of loan, you’ll have a few options for handling the remainder of the mortgage:

  • Pay off the loan.You can use current cash or assets to pay off the loan in full. If you sell the house or rent it out, those profits can be used toward the mortgage loan. Alternatively, you can refinance to get a new loan in your own name.

  • Assume the loan.If the lender or loan servicer allows, you may be able to assume the loan in your name, keeping the terms and rates the same as they were for the house’s previous owner.

  • Accept a deed in lieu of foreclosure.If you aren’t prepared or interested in taking on the mortgage, this option provides a legal agreement between you and the lender so you can avoid foreclosure costs. You’re transferring ownership of the home to the lender, and they forgive the rest of the mortgage.

Quick tip: Selling your house for cash could be another way to avoid foreclosure and still make a profit on an inherited home.

What happens when you inherit a house with a reverse mortgage?

What to Know Inheriting Real Estate (3)

Learning that you’ve inherited a house with a reverse mortgage can be confusing or alarming. The bank may have sent a formidable notice that the property will be seized unless the mortgage is repaid immediately.

If you inherited a house that has a reverse mortgage, pause and breathe deeply. You have some options.

What is a reverse mortgage?

A reverse mortgage is a type of loan available to homeowners 62 years and older who have equity in their homes. Instead of paying a monthly mortgage rate, the lender‌ pays the borrowers out of their equity. While a useful tool for many seniors, it can leave a tricky situation for those who inherit.

When you inherit a property with a reverse mortgage, you should immediately contact the lender. Reverse mortgages become due once the borrower passes away, leaving the heirs 30 days from receiving the notice from the lender to pay off the balance of the loan.

Can I get an extension on a reverse mortgage I inherited?

Yes, but you need to prove you are working on selling the home you inherited or obtaining new financing to purchase the home back. Typically, extensions on reverse mortgages are granted for six months.

Can I sell a home with a reverse mortgage?

If the balance owed is higher than the value of the home you inherited, you have the option of selling it for no less than 95% of the appraised value of the home. The remaining balance will be covered by the mortgage insurance that the original borrower paid over the life of the loan.

What costs come with inheriting real estate?

Inheriting a house or property might not‌ be a financial benefit to you. Homeownership comes with many costs, so it’s important to be aware of the financial obligations that may come with a property you inherit.

  • ProbateDepending on how the deceased set up their will, their assets may have to go through a process called probate to determine the rightful heirs. A probate tax will apply that varies by state. (In the state of Virginia, for example, the cost of a probate court is $0.10 per $100 in estate asset value. So an estate with a value of $500,000 would be charged $500 in probate taxes.)

  • Removal of possessionsRegarding removing the deceased’s possessions, you have a few options. You could hold an estate sale, which may‌ bring in some additional cash. Charitable donations could also provide you with a tax deduction. Otherwise, you might opt for storing or getting a dumpster for this process, which will come with a cost.

  • RenovationsIf you want to sell or occupy the home, there may be updates and repairs needed to get the property into shape. Often, there are opportunities to sell the house without completing major repairs yourself, but you may lose out on some potential profit.

  • UtilitiesOnce you are considered the owner of the inherited property, there may be utilities to pay. Make sure to collect any previous bills and information if possible so you can cancel any utilities you won’t be using right away.

  • InsuranceIf you are the legal representative of the estate, any insurance payments that have fallen due are now your responsibility. You’ll want to contact the current insurance agent as soon as possible to see if any changes to the policy are required. Don’t leave your new asset uninsured and at risk!

  • MaintenanceAs with any property, there are costs associated with maintaining it. Upkeep, landscaping, and keeping the major systems checked and updated are a few of the major ones.

  • Property TaxesInheriting a house may affect your taxes. And going too long without paying property taxes could leave you at risk of losing the house. We’ll explore property taxes and other taxes in-depth in the next section.

While inheriting a house can be very exciting, it may be that all the costs simply aren’t worth it to you to hold onto the property. Selling your house quickly may be the best option (and we can help!).

How does inheriting a house affect my taxes?

There are a few different ways inheriting a property can affect your taxes, whether you live in it, sell it, or rent it out. Many of these vary by where the property is located and what you decide to do with it.

  • Local property taxBased on the tax-assessed value of the property you inherit, this tax amount is set by the local municipality in which the home is located. Property tax rates vary widely, so it’s an important factor to calculate in when deciding if you’re going to hold the property long-term. If these taxes were included in the deceased’s existing mortgage, they are very likely up-to-date. However, if the home was paid off or you aren’t sure they were included, check with the local tax office to make sure there are no past due taxes on the property. They’ll need to be paid biannually.

  • State inheritance taxSome states – like Virginia – do not charge an estate or inheritance tax. If the deceased lived in a state that does, however, this will be charged at the time of inheritance. This tax is typically based on the value of the entirety of the estate. The states that charge inheritance taxes generally give you at least eight months to file a return.

  • Federal estate taxThe IRS sets a threshold for this tax on estates – if the property you inherit is part of an estate valued above the threshold, you (and the other inheritors) will be subject to the federal estate tax. No matter what your new house is worth, we highly recommend consulting a professional CPA or tax advisor to determine your tax liability. If you owe federal estate taxes, you generally have 9 months from the decedent’s death to file this with the IRS.

  • Capital gains taxThis one is only paid if you sell the property. It’s based on the amount the asset appreciates during the time you hold it. When you inherit the property, the IRS will apply a “step-up in basis,” setting the updated value of the property upon inheritance. If the property's value increases from the stepped-up basis for the home before you sell it, you’ll owe capital gains on that appreciation. (Read more on these below.)

Is selling an inherited property taxable?

Selling any property has its costs, including inspections, necessary repairs, and commissions for a real estate agent or Realtor®. However, there are some additional costs to consider when selling a property you inherited.

  • Long-term capital gains taxWhen and if you sell the home, a gain will be considered the difference between the sales price and the stepped-up cost basis. The current capital gains tax rate will apply to the appreciation value. (Psst – Read on for ways to avoid paying capital gains.)

Long-term capital gains tax rates for 2023 tax year



15% RATE

20% RATE


Up to $44,625

$44,626 – $492,300

Over $492,300

Married filing jointly

Up to $89,250

$89,251 – $553,850

Over $553,850

Married filing separately

Up to $44,625

$44,626 – $276,900

Over $276,900

Head of household

Up to $59,750

$59,751 – $523,050

Over $523,050

  • Short-term capital gains taxBecause inherited real estate is considered to have been “purchased” by the beneficiary, the same day the deceased bought it, it’s unlikely you’ll have to worry about short-term capital gains if you inherit a house. As long as the property has been held by you and/or the person who willed it to you for over a year, your gains are considered long-term.

  • Hazardous Risk PremiumIf you sell your inherited property less than a year after the deceased passed away, you’ll have to pay this additional fee if you want the proceeds right away. You can choose not to pay the fee, but the proceeds from the sale will then be held in escrow for a year. The Hazardous Risk Premium acts as insurance against any unknown debts the deceased may have had that weren’t known at the time of closing. (For a reference, we’ve found that the premium in Virginia is $2.00 per ‌$1,000 of the sales price.)

Can I avoid paying capital gains tax on my inherited real estate?

Most taxes on the sale of an asset are inevitable, but there are a few ways to avoid being charged a capital gains tax on a property that you inherit.

  1. Live in the home first.If the property serves as your primary residence for at least two years before you sell it, you’ll be able to avoid some or all of the capital gains tax on the sale.

  2. Sell your house fast.If the property’s value doesn’t have time to appreciate, you may be able to avoid paying any capital gains tax. If you inherit a $400,000 property and sell it right away for $400,000, there are no capital gains.

  3. Hold onto the property and rent it out. If you’re not going to live in the house, you can consider renting it out. Then, when you sell it, you will have the option of a 1031 exchange to purchase another investment property and thus avoid capital gains on your real estate.

The Bottom Line

Inheriting real estate can be exciting – but it also comes with a lot of questions. We hope this guide helps you understand the difference between inheriting a house that’s paid off vs. inheriting a mortgage, grasp how inheriting property affects your taxes, and decide what you can do with your new asset.

Whether you want to sell your new property fast or talk to a real estate consultant about your specific property inheritance situation, CGP Real Estate is here for you.

What to Know Inheriting Real Estate (2024)


What to Know Inheriting Real Estate? ›

If you inherit a house, changing the deed is one of the first things you'll want to do. It's an important step that ensures your name is on the deed and proves your legal entitlement to the property moving forward. Here's a step by step guide that breaks down this process.

What is the first thing you do when you inherit a house? ›

If you inherit a house, changing the deed is one of the first things you'll want to do. It's an important step that ensures your name is on the deed and proves your legal entitlement to the property moving forward. Here's a step by step guide that breaks down this process.

How to avoid capital gains tax on inherited real estate? ›

How to Avoid Paying Capital Gains Tax on Inheritance
  1. Sell the inherited property quickly. ...
  2. Make the inherited property your primary residence. ...
  3. Rent the inherited property. ...
  4. Disclaim the inherited property. ...
  5. Deduct selling expenses from capital gains.

What are the disadvantages of inheriting a house? ›

Con: Illiquidity limits options and adds risk

This lack of liquidity poses a challenge for heirs, especially if the market experiences a downturn when they plan to sell the home. Unlike stocks or cash, a home isn't easily divisible or sell-able in parts to provide funds as needed—it's an all-or-nothing situation.

What happens when you inherit a house from your parents? ›

In the State of California, you won't owe any inheritance tax on the property, but if you sell the home, you'll likely owe capital gains tax on any value that exceeds what the house was worth at the time of your relative's passing.

What are the tax implications of inheriting a house? ›

You do not automatically pay taxes on any property that you inherit. If you sell, you owe capital gains taxes only on any gains that the asset made since you inherited it. You may want to talk to a professional advisor to make sure you plan your finances out correctly with the capital gains tax in mind.

Do you pay capital gain tax on inherited property? ›

If the property you inherit has appreciated in value since the original owner purchased it, you could be on the hook for capital gains tax should you choose to sell it. That could result in a large tax bill if there's a sizable gap between the original purchase price and the price you're able to sell the property for.

How to avoid taxes when inheriting a house? ›

Can I Avoid Capital Gains Tax on Inherited Property?
  1. How Can I Avoid Capital Gains Tax on Inherited Property?
  2. Make the Inherited Property Your Primary Residence.
  3. Sell the Inherited Property Immediately.
  4. Rent Out the Inherited Property.
  5. Disclaim the Inherited Property.
  6. Deduct Closing Costs from the Capital Gains.

Who pays capital gains on an inherited house? ›

Let's clarify your biggest question first – Does capital gains tax apply to inherited property? The answer is yes, but only if you've made a capital gain from the sale of the home. In other words, the home's sale price was higher than the market value (as assessed on the date you inherited the property).

Do I have to report the sale of an inherited home to the IRS? ›

Report the sale on Schedule D (Form 1040), Capital Gains and Losses and on Form 8949, Sales and Other Dispositions of Capital Assets: If you sell the property for more than your basis, you have a taxable gain.

Does inheriting a house count as income? ›

Inheritances are not considered income for federal tax purposes, whether you inherit cash, investments or property. However, any subsequent earnings on the inherited assets are taxable, unless it comes from a tax-free source.

How should my parents leave me their house? ›

There are several ways to pass on your home to your kids, including selling or gifting it to them while you're alive, bequeathing it when you pass away or signing a “Transfer-on-Death” deed in states where it's available.

Is it better to keep an inherited house or sell it? ›

If there is more than one beneficiary, often it is better to sell and divide the proceeds between beneficiaries to avoid any conflicts. If converting the inherited house into a rental property is not economically beneficial or location is not rent desirable, it is better to sell.

What are the new rules on inheriting your parents' house? ›

19, the parents' tax basis does not pass to the child. However, if the home was the primary residence of the parent before they passed away, and the child makes it their permanent family home within one year after the property transfer, they can apply to have up to $1 million of the value excluded from reassessment.

Is it better to buy my parents' house or inherit it? ›

The better option depends on you and your parents' specific situation, but typically inheriting a house can allow you to avoid most taxes for capital gains. If your parents transfer the house to you while they're still alive, you may be held responsible for paying for any increase in the house's value.

What is the basis step up on inherited property? ›

A step-up in basis resets the cost basis of an appreciated inherited asset for tax purposes. The cost basis for heirs is raised to the asset's market value on the prior owner's date of death, reducing future capital gains taxes.

How is a house split in inheritance? ›

In California, any co-owner of inherited property, including a home, can force its sale by initiating what is known as a partition action. Once the action is approved by the court, a partition referee is tasked with selling the home and splitting the profits.

Is it a good idea to inherit your parents' house? ›

The financial burdens and family conflicts for beneficiaries

If beneficiaries already have their own homes, inheriting an additional property can exacerbate financial burdens and potentially hinder their own financial goals, retirement plans and aspirations.

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