Torn Asunder - EthosoftheLionhearted - 幽☆遊☆白書 (2024)

Chapter 1: Rainy Days and Cafés


The day was dreary and the future looked bleak. Shuichi Minamino decides to play a rare game of hooky to meet with a mysterious man at the bus for a bit of heady conversation and some late coffee. There was never a better day for it.

(Rated Explicit)


Wasn't meant to turn out sexually explicit, but it did. Slow start and then heats up pretty fast. Fair warning!

Edit: Just realized I posted the rough draft instead of the completed copy. Correct version posted now. Sorry!

Chapter Text

A soul: a non-physical entity, some would say a definition of character, an ethereal thing that cannot be so easily broken at will. What made up one’s soul? Was it karma? Was it intent? Was it something already predetermined by some unknown, omniscient higher-power?

There was no answer. There's nothing written in the scrolls of old and ancient to define it. But it is, and was, the single most important thing in existence. Without it, life couldn't exist. Nothing could be created, and nothing could be destroyed and reborn.

Long, crimson hair waved around him as he sat patiently inside a damp bus stop while his thoughts wondered in philosophical musings. His green eyes were affixed to the transparent, rain-streaked walls of the shelter while a book laid forgotten in his hands. It wasn't like him to let his mind wander, especially in public where he felt like he should be most vigilant of his surroundings, but this type of weather seemed to calm his mind enough to let it relax for the time being.

He gently fingered the edge of the page he was on, slightly bending the otherwise pristine, white sheet while he lost himself in his thoughts. It was a manual of some kind. It was included in with a copy of his lesson plans for the week that he had copied from the textbook at some point. He abandoned it for the time being so he could decompress his tired mind for just a bit while he waited for the public transportation take him to his next destination.

It had been a few years now. His life had fell into a mundane thrum for a normal young, human adult. He didn't mind it at all. In fact, he was quite content. He had his whole life ahead of him… But he’d be lying if he didn't admit that he did miss his old life, if just a little. He missed his friends, the spontaneity, the sense of adventure. The thrill of power and concessions.

But this was better.

More practical.


That's what he was told.

It had been a few years since the split. Kurama—now Shuichi, just Shuichi—had undergone a drastic transformation. It shouldn't have been possible. They were merged, not one possessed or merely two beings intermingled in one body, but merged. A separation shouldn't have been possible.

Yet it was and it did happen, no matter how much anyone wished to change it. And all because… well, it didn't matter why now.

It happened and now they had to live in the aftermath.

The redhead tensed as he started to replay the dreadful memories in his mind while the wind picked up and a gust blew through the station, fluttering crimson strands across his pensive face. He remembered the intense physical, mental, emotional, and even spiritual pain of their souls splitting. The utter despair that was reflected in their faces when emerald eyes met gold ones for the first time. The agony of the emptiness that is one’s soul being torn asunder.

Over time, the pain lessened with each day becoming a milestone towards a new normal. However, that didn't make them accustomed to it. There was still a sense of just… fragmentation.

Shuichi—once Kurama—was now his own individual. With his own thoughts and will and ambitions.

While Youko…

Well, he had become his immemorial self again. Somehow regaining his old physical body.

That was what he had wished, hadn't he? To be revived and eventually regain his powers. At least, at one point. There was a lingering sense of repentance when it came to the legendary thief bandit, though, and nearly everyone who came in contact with him now could tell…

The redhead felt a sudden ‘swish’ against his left cheek as something flew past his face. His back straightened as he became suddenly aware of how much he had lost his sense of surrounding. Had he missed the bus? He tsked at himself for being so careless. It seems he was becoming more and more human by the day.

He raised his wrist to check his watch for the time when he noticed a small pebble lying near where his foot rested on the wet cement. Realizing that this must have been what he felt nearly grazing his face, he turned to look behind him for the source.

The streets were still bustling with people considering the terrible weather outside. Behind the glass enclosure was a sizable plaza with a fountain in the middle. His green eyes scanned the crowd of pedestrians. Each one passing by with purpose; with everyone going this way or that. Eventually, a tall figure stood out. A dark-clothed man towering over the rest of the crowd standing facing towards him with what seemed like expectation. Shuichi focused in on the figure and froze.

He immediately stood up from where he was seated to get a better look. Bodies progressed over the concrete platform as the figure came into a better view, standing out like a looming beacon. The man raised one gloved hand and beckoned the redheaded male to him. Shuichi took a step back, considering his options.

Suddenly, he heard the rumbling of the bus pulling up behind him as its tires splashed the puddles that were quickly forming along the curb. He heard the whistling release of its suspension as it lowered to let out its other riders onto the city street. He regarded it for a moment, his brow furrowed.

He turned around to gather his belongings into his bag and wrapped his jacket more securely around him. He hung the strap of the satchel around his shoulder as he opened his umbrella to walk out onto the sidewalk, leaving the station behind.

He hurriedly walked through the crowd towards the man waiting for him. Nearly colliding with a few rushing bodies in his path.

As he neared, he could see the tall male smirk a little as he shook his head in bemusem*nt. He held back the want to frown in return. He took the opportunity to, instead, tap his finger against his wrist to indicate the time.

The tall figure seemed to ignore the gesture stating, “You should really be aware of your surroundings, Shuichi. You know it's not safe in congested, open spaces like this.”

“You’re late,” the redheaded male pointed out, weaving through the rest of the crowd to stand next to his awaiting companion, “I was supposed to be on that bus to catch my next class.”

“In my defense, dear,” the redhead grimaced a bit at the term of affection, “I was here five minutes ago. Waiting for you to come back to reality with the rest of the living.”

The tall man smirked as he motioned for the younger of the two to stand next to him under the awning of a nearby tree. It helped to cover him from the steady sprinkle of rain.

Shuichi sighed in exasperation and took the spot to his left, noting the man's lack of an umbrella. He passed over the handle of the parasol over to the taller male so as to help cover them both. The tree didn't completely shield them, as a few steady droplets coming off the wet branches audibly fell onto its fabric crest.

“I see you've disguised yourself well,” Shuichi said as he observed the man's long, black hair and decidedly unassuming dark-grey peacoat. However, his eyes were covered with a set of black sunglasses which might have seemed odd to a general passer-by given the current weather.

The dark-haired man agreed, “Yes, well… it's best not to stand out. Unfortunately, I can't hide all features.”

Shuichi nodded in understanding looking out into the crowds. No, someone like him would definitely draw in unneeded attention. He couldn’t help but imagine how things might be a little contrasting, though, if they were in a much different setting.

“Besides, I wouldn't want to take away from you,” the man continued, daring to even smile slightly in his direction as he said it, “I'm very much content standing with you in whatever fashion for as however long you'll have me.”

Shuichi sighed again, this time in confusion as he made to shake his head.

“Don't—,” the man interjected as the younger began to open his mouth to refuse, “You don't have to tell me no. I didn't come here expecting anything extravagant of you. All I ask is for your time… Just for a little while.”

“Youko…” Shuichi said vexingly, regarding the taller man standing next to him amongst a bustling city in the middle of a cold autumn drizzle.

The taller male inclined his head in his direction, waiting.

“It’s not that, it's just…,” he paused for a moment, “This… it's dangerous. Who knows who may have followed you here? Or worse, who might already be waiting here for you to show up? It's not safe for you in this world.”

The human-passing fox demon shook his head in disagreement. He took the liberty of attempting to soothe the human’s mind, “I've hidden my physical appearance as well as my spiritual energy. It's why you couldn't register my presence when I arrived. No one will be able to tell that it's me this time.”

Shuichi made a gesture to shush him, but the youko gently touched his hand to stop the command, “No, no one is listening. It's safe, I promise.”

The redhead shook his head, but gave up on trying to reason with the kitsune. He, more than anyone, knew how magnificently stubborn the fox could be, and even he wasn't going to change his mind. He let his weight rest on one foot as he settled into the spot next to him. Both he and his companion gazed out into the scenery, allowing for a few short moments of silence to pass by.

As it were, these visits were very few and far between now. He wanted to enjoy them while he could. Neither he nor Youko could count on when this would happen again. It was the calmest he's experienced in a while. Being together felt…

“Shuichi…” the fox called to him.


The youkai seemed to stir a bit, adjusting the umbrella above them, “As much as I enjoy the time I have to stare at you, might I suggest we move somewhere a bit more dry? You don't seem to be terribly comfortable in this weather.”

The young male startled for a moment; his mind was wandering again. He looked towards the taller figure smirking at him realizing he had, indeed, been staring at him for what was probably a few minutes before rousing him from his thoughts.

The redhead looked towards the bus stop again, “I really should get to class. I'm meant to give a presentation today.”

He looked at his watch to check the time. He rarely missed his lectures. With each year of school becoming more demanding than the last, he couldn't afford to.

“Shuichi,” Youko said gently, placing the smaller male’s hand into his, “please. There is a small café up the street. Come with me. It'll be much quieter there, and I won't ask for too much of your time.”

The human glanced to the side in contemplation. He noticed as the people passed by that they were all trying to get out of the rain. He recalled his own want to escape the cold, wet weather just a few moments ago. He scanned his surroundings carefully, making sure that there wasn't anything out of the normal.

Or anyone.

He looked back towards the fox demon who was still waiting patiently for his response.

“You know I'm not one to beg, don't you?” he teased, a playful smirk adorning his face once again.

“Okay,” the human finally conceded, “Okay… But we need to be careful.”

The fox looked at him as if to say ‘of course’ and placed the umbrella back in his hand. If Youko wasn’t so proud, a trait that he still seemed to have held on to even after the merger and the resulting split, he may have very well expressed his elation.

But he was, and he didn't.

He instead opted to give Shuichi a genuine show of appreciative tenderness as he squeezed his hand and led him through the crowds, down the busy street. The human couldn't do much but follow as he had no idea where they were going. He’s been to this part of the city more times than he can count and had never remembered seeing a coffee house here. He partially wondered in amusem*nt if the demon was going to lead him into one of the dark alleys with a portal that would take them back into the demon world. But he knew that was very much not likely.

They traveled together in silence as there wasn't much room for conversation with the pace at which they were walking at and the orchestra of the bustling city around them. Youko seemed to be at ease (again likely not as the fox was always on high alert, especially so when they were together) while Shuichi continued to scan the people around them. They've had one too many run-ins with the wrong sorts, and he'd been conditioned to not trust a stranger.

But much like Youko had promised, they're didn't seem to be any eminent danger. No one appeared to be acting out of the ordinary or really paying much attention to them at all. It put his mind at ease just a little. He couldn't afford to be too relaxed, though; learning from experience.

Eventually, Youko seemed to slow his pace a bit. They had walked about two or three blocks down from the plaza onto a much quieter street that Shuichi couldn't seem to recall being on despite regularly taking this route. The taller male stopped in front of a small, quiet shop nestled in between a large bookshop and a row of apartments.

It was a bit charming actually, with a few tables in front for outdoor seating when the weather was no doubt more complaisant than it was now. The café itself was unassuming and would be easy to miss if you weren't looking for it. He noticed some patrons sitting near the front at the windows lined with small, blooming flowers. He could see why this particular spot may have attracted the fox.

The youkai motioned for the two of them to enter. Once they opened the door, a small bell jingled and a pleasant aroma of ground coffee greeted them. The inside was dimly lit with faint music playing in the background. It was actually quite busy inside, but still comfortably tranquil. You could hear the low roar of the patrons talking lowly amongst themselves. There was a small stand in the front, but there was no one attending it. Shuichi guessed that meant they were supposed to seat themselves.

“So?” Youko asked, looking back towards his human counterpart for approval.

“It’s quaint. I suppose a booth near the side there towards the back would be best,” he replied nodding his head towards the corner of the store.

The youkai nodded as well and they made their way to sit down. They stepped deftly passed a few seated customers before reaching their table. No one noticed as they walked behind them with each group fully absorbed in their own conversations. There were a few lone customers scattered about, but each one seemed to be typing away furiously on a laptop or quietly engrossed in a book.

Once they made it to their table, Shuichi all but collapsed into the velvet, cushioned seats. It was refreshing to finally be out of the dreary climate and into the heated, cozy interior of the shop. He set down his heavy satchel and started to shrug off his jacket when he noticed Youko unfastening the buttons on his coat.

Shuichi gaped for a moment, widening his eyes in horror as he saw the fitted material rolling off the fox’s expansive shoulders.

“Wait!” he hurriedly whispered, nearly jumping out of the booth.

Youko raised an eyebrow at his outburst, putting a hand on his shoulder to contain him from leaving his seat and causing a scene. He shook his head, “Don't worry, it's not there.”

Shuichi looked at him, puzzled. The worry was still there in his eyes as he watched the demon take off the garment sleeve by sleeve. The thick coat fell heavily against the fox’s forearm after completely removing it from his person.

The human couldn't help but stare at his backside… and its obvious lack of a tail.

“How--?” he muttered until Youko interjected him.

“It's only temporary,” he stated, “An effect of a plant that I had to borrow.”

Shuichi nodded, relieved. He immediately relaxed back into the cushions and continued to completely remove his own damp trench coat, laying it over his bag.

For the first time since meeting near the fountain, he took the time to really look at his other half. He noticed, much to his surprise, that the demon had chosen to wear a very modest ensemble in order to blend in with the other humans. You could easily mistake him as someone just heading in for a day at the office. From his light-blue cotton button up to his tailored black trousers and his onyx leather Oxford shoes. A slim black waistcoat fit snugly around his abdomen and complimented the outfit well. His long black hair was loose and cascaded around his fitted clothing. A black brimmed hat seemed to effortlessly lay atop his head. He looked… remarkable.

The human also wondered how the striking male hadn't been able to draw in any attention.

“I'm most flattered that you're enjoying the view,” Youko joked.

Shuichi looked at him indignantly, “I'm just rather surprised that you chose to look distinctly human today.”

Youko gruffly chuckled as he settled in across the table from Shuichi. He removed his hat with one hand and set it atop his coat in the booth next to him. He then slid his sunglasses down the bridge of his nose and laid them gently on the table. His golden eyes calmly met his companion's emerald ones from across the table… and just like that he made the redhead feel at home again.

“I’m… happy to see you,” he admitted, “After the last time, I thought they had caught you for sure.”

The youkai shook his head and reproved him, “No one can out run a fox, my dear.”

“Except for Hiei,” Shuichi mused, a gentle smile gracing his soft features for the first time.

The taller male reciprocated the expression fondly, “Yes, except for Hiei.”

Shuichi's soft smile fell and a strange sort of sad and sentimental expression appeared on his face. Bringing up the old Reikai team always seemed to strike a painful chord in him. He could barely remember the last time they had all been together. He considered them to be his only true friends and life almost seemed isolating without their periodic gatherings.

The fox carefully reached across the table to grasp Shuichi’s hand into his. He gave a gentle press of his fingers against his palm as a way of comforting the younger male. The fox would always be able to interpret him like well-read book.

“I've really missed you,” Youko emphasized his words with a warm stroke of his thumb over the human’s pale knuckle.

To the outside world, the prideful fox spirit was a cool and calculating thief. Infamous for his cold demeanor and lack of regard for the sanctity of life. But here, with this brilliant and youthful being whom he considered to be his true soulmate, he was warm and benevolent.

The two of them had been through so much, too much.

He knew that (at many times) the human could go to no one else. Could trust no one else. Youko earnestly longed to be there for him consistently.

He wanted to be his place of refuge.

Only heaven knew how much he needed to give that to him.

There were no barriers that existed with Shuichi. Not spiritually, cerebrally, or emotionally. Their skin was the only thing keeping them apart now. Skin that made them feel so far away even when they were just merely sitting a foot or so across from each other.

Shuichi smiled at him warmly from across the table with a small upward tip of his mouth. He squeezed his strong grip in return to show appreciation. The warm, calloused palm felt comforting against his skin.

The small show of affection and the way the human looked at him—with his figure illuminated under the warm light in the café against the dim backdrop of the damp city street, his long lashes casting shadows across his alabaster cheeks, crimson bangs framing his delicate face—made the fox want to reach across the table to gather him into his lap and show him all the ways he could comfort him. All for the chance of just one more alluring look from his too long absconded lover. What would the human do, he wondered, if he were to just reach over the wooden table and brush their lips ever so lightly together here in this packed room. He wanted so desperately to know…

Just then, a petite barista walked up to the table, pleasantly greeting them to the shop, “Welcome! Thanks for your patience! We're a little busy today as I'm sure you can tell. Would you like a menu?”

The two of them immediately became aware of their surroundings and let go of each other's hands.

Shuichi, with an abashed release of his breath, replied first, “Oh, yes please. That would be great. Thank you.”

“Of course!” she replied, setting down a laminated piece of paper for both of them, “Have you been here before?”

The redhead dipped his head in thanks and took the menu, “No, actually. This is our first time.”

The woman smiled and nodded, “Gotcha, well thanks for stopping in! You'll see right here is our seasonal menu and we do have weekday specials listed on the back. Not to brag or anything, but we're best known for our Chai teas and freshly-brewed lattes. Everything is made from 100 percent locally-sourced ingredients. They're phenomenal!”

Shuichi politely grinned at her enthusiasm and scanned the items with a thumb stroking his chin as the barista pointed to different places on the menu with the tip of her pen. Youko sat back and watched as the two of them went back and forth for a moment discussing the different options available. He listened to the way the human spoke: so well-mannered and refined yet forward and precise. His words left little room for ambiguity. Even just discussing coffee, the redhead was so enthralling and personable to speak with.

Shiori raised a fine son, he mused.

“I think I'll get that one then,” the redhead finished with a gentle tap of his fingernail on the board.

“Perfect,” the barista scrawled his order onto her notepad and then turned towards the other male, “And what can I get for you? Would you like any recommendations?”

“Hm?” Youko said as he faintly sort of coughed into the back of his closed fist, being brought back to the current moment. He looked to Shuichi who discreetly pointed down to the menu with a grin as the barista waited with a patient smile.

“Mm. No, thank you,” he answered as he decorously smiled in return and handed back the menu, “I'll have an espresso, please.”

“Sure thing! Your orders should be out soon enough. Thanks again!”

With that, the barista walked back towards the counter to enter their items into the system and left them to return to their previous priorities. Shuichi glanced back over at the raven-haired man sitting across from him. He almost looked amused, but hid it well behind his subdued features.

“Well, I guess I'm not the only one whose lost a sense of their surroundings today,” he satirized.

“I'm not afraid for them to see,” the youkai replied with a careless waive of his hand at the other people in the room. He grabbed a piece of cloth from one of his pockets and began to wipe off his sunglasses, “Let them. They’re none the wiser. Who could they possibly tell?”

“Still, it's not the random patrons that I'm worried about,” Shuichi replied, “I know I'm not the only one who’s nervous, Youko. How many charms do you have on us right now?”

The fox smirked in amusem*nt, “None, actually. The plant I ate doesn't just mask my demon features, you know.”

The redhead knitted his auburn brows together in puzzlement that seemed to ask what he meant. The fox kept faithfully wiping the dark lenses of his spectacles until they were completely dried of any residual water, then fogging the lenses with his breath only so he could wipe them again to get rid of any faint streaks.

When the youkai didn't continue, the human prodded for him to elaborate, “I'm sorry?”

Youko looked up and noticed the way the young male looked at him with an expectant expression, eyes half lidded with tempered annoyance. With a facetiously aggrieved sigh, he set down his sunglasses on the wooden table again to give Shuichi his undivided attention.

He kept his tone low as he explained, “The plant is, how to say, an anecdote. It doesn't hide the fact that I'm a demon. It completely negates it. As in, it doesn't make me seem human. I am human.”

The redhead nearly choked on his own spit as he spluttered out, gripping the edge of the table as he leaned forward, “Wh—what?!”

Youko looked at him purposefully, giving him no further explanation in order to allow the human time to process what he said.

But Shuichi couldn't, because admittedly the very idea seemed absurd.

“Excuse me?” he nearly exclaimed when the fox didn't answer again, his tone incredulous.

“My dear, I'm human,” Youko said so matter-of-factly, “As I am, right before you now… The reason you can't read my demon ki is because I have none. It's been completely reformed. I'm no more demon than you are at this very moment.”

The redhead let out a deep breath that he didn't know he was holding in. He slowly pushed himself back into his seat as he looked towards the dark piths in the wooden table for answers to a question he had never thought he'd ask. The noises of the surrounding customers were muted by the sudden rush of blood in his ears.

This… changed so much. Shuichi couldn't describe how he felt in that moment. Apart from the complete shock, there was also a bit of a heaviness in his chest as well as… relief?

“But… why?” He asked bluntly, green eyes searching the (still) golden ones for insight.

“Again,” the fox emphasized before the human was able to think too deeply into the matter, “It’s only temporary. Unfortunately, it can't change everything, but it does work well enough. The duration of its effectiveness is completely dependent on how much I take.”

Shuichi looked away for a moment as he studied the fox’s hand laying relaxed on the table. He noticed how the fingers were missing their defining claws and instead were tipped with the neat, manicured cuticles. The physical features that made up Youko's defining appearance were missing and were instead replaced with decidedly mortal qualities. Raven-colored hair now framed his masculine face instead of the silvery locks that he was used to. The length still reached around his waist but didn't reflect off the light around him with an almost celestial like quality how like it had before. Making him seem less transcendental and more… corporeal.

His physique was still muscular and still alluded to the impressive underlying strength that laid beneath it. His ears were no longer perked upright atop the crown of his head with fine points but were instead laid flatly against the side of it. He could see a few black strands of hair tucked behind a flesh-colored earlobe. His face also still looked timeless though, that left an impression of ambiguity to his age.

This was still the same fox demon that he knew most intimately for all these years, he surmised. He was still the same half of his soul that he had missed most desperately on all those sleepless nights. Tossing and turning in his bed, legs tangled up in the constricting sheets… yearning.

How would his new human flesh feel against his? With a beating heart thrumming inside his chest and the heated blood running currents under his skin. Would he still taste the same? Could this body still fill the aching emptiness in his heart? Inside his own body? Could it still mold into his as they laid along each other's bare contours in an almost perfect symbol of balance as they once had been when they were one? Did the legendary bandit still complete him in this way? The younger male swallowed the lump forming in his throat as he considered this.

Youko gently snaked his fingers around the redhead's fine wrist as he brought him back to the current moment and spared him from his own thoughts. He noticed that the press of his skin no longer held the same undercurrent of power as it once had. He remembered a time he could feel that impressive strength secured him against the cold surface of a linoleum floor when their two separate bodies had first come to know each other most intimately, pinning the same wrist he was holding now…

“Here we go!” the perky barista piped up as she carefully sat down her platter on the table.

The sudden ‘clink' of the tray forcefully shook him from his depressive inattention and he mustered up a word of gratitude towards the server, “Ah, great! Thank you.”

The brunette woman smiled warmly as she laid down a piping mug in front of him, “Of course! Careful, it's hot!”

She handed off another smaller, white cup to the tall man sitting at the otherside of the booth. Youko nodded to her in thanks as he took it from her with a few careful fingers on the underside of the porcelain dish.

“There ya go,” she said as she handed it off carefully, “Great! Anything else I can get you two for right now?”

Shuichi shook his head lightly, reflecting a polite half-smile on his face, while he looked at Youko. The woman turned to him and the fox shook his head as he was handed the napkin he took from her.

“No, thank you. This’ll be great.”

The barista bowed and smiled at her two customers again as she tucked the tray under her arm.

“Okay! Well, if you need anything, feel free to let me know. Thanks again!” she said as she left a few more napkins and a couple packets of sugar with wooden stirrers on the table. With that, she politely took her leave and walked towards another table needing attending to.

The fox lifted his eyes towards Shuichi as he grinned playfully around his cup while taking sip, “The service here is a certainly nothing to complain about.”

Shuichi agreed, gingerly lifting the hot beverage to his lips with his fingertips, “She's nice.”

“Nice?” the youkai repeated inquisitively, “Yeah… I suppose you could say she's nice.”

The redhead averted his gaze, instead opting to put his attention towards the cup in his hands as he carefully took a sip. He could feel the latte’s steam rolled along his cheeks as the smell of blended cream and sugar wafted to his nose. The foam was shaped in a poised leaf and sloshed a little as he let the piping liquid flow through his lips and into his mouth. The beverage was pleasantly warm and frothy as it slid down his throat. He decided not to acknowledge the youko's golden eyes as they studied him closely.

After neither one of them had spoken for a bit, the younger of the two broke the silence in a casual tone, “So…”

“So?” The fox replied in return with his attention never having left his companion as he continued to take careful mental notes on his behavior.

Shuichi cleared his throat as he set down his coffee and continued, “So, how did you come about to be in possession of this… anecdote?”

The youkai looked thoughtful for a moment, sucking the lower inside of his bottom lip in between his teeth as he tapped his middle finger on the table a couple of times.

“Let's just say that I may have received some divine intervention from a higher power,” he nonchalantly stated in his low baritone voice.

“…. Koenma,” The redhead supplied, not really posing it as a statement or a question.

“Yes… and no,” Youko smirked wittingly as he raised his drink to take another sip, “That depends on whose asking.”

“But why would he interfere?” Shuichi asked. The demigod never expressly stated either his approval or denial of their having contact with each other, but his father had specifically forbidden it and he wasn't one to go against daddy-dearest. At least, he'd never stopped the Reikai teams who were sent to intercept Youko from escaping to the human world to see him. Using whatever ‘force’ they deemed ‘necessary’, “I never thought he’d be willing to help us.”

The fox merely shrugged his shoulders, a very uncharacteristic thing for him to do.

He swallowed his espresso as he said, “Who knows? I suppose he had a change of heart.”

The human looked at him, not believing that the ever-inquisitive fox demon wouldn't ask such pertinent questions. He wasn't one to act and not think. However, noticing the way he skirted around the subject, he supposed such things may not be best discussed right now.

“Well,” Shuichi continued slowly, putting his attention back on his own drink as he aimed to change the subject, “I suppose there are worse things that could happen. If it means not constantly running from the ‘spirit police', it's certainly a start.”

The youkai regarded him with a fixed and discerning expression as he watched the human gently lay down his mug again and settle his chin into the cup of his hand as he stared out the window. He observed the condensation streaking down the slick glass as its transparent surface was slightly fogged over by the chilled air outside encountering the warmed atmosphere from inside. He observed the way each tiny droplet from the drizzling climate raced along the panes as it was slowly pulled by gravity to accumulate in a small pool on the sill, each one leaving its own streak.

The redhead didn't avert his attention as he noted quietly, “I would certainly look forward to seeing you more.”

There was a brief silence as some talking patrons walked past table as they were leaving the store. He barely noticed them.

“Shuichi,” Youko started, discarding his drink to the side as he sat forward, placing his forearms against the edge and folding his hands over the table, “What if… this was more than temporary?”

“Hm?” The human faintly replied, casually looking at the youkai for further clarification.

“What if,” he started to explain but then paused briefly, blinking a few times as he looked down at the table to carefully think of what to say next. He brought his eyes back to his companion's, keeping their gaze steady, as he continued, “What if, I was to stay this way… permanently. If that were possible, what would you say then?”

“Permanently?” Shuichi repeated, lifting his head slightly as his eyes never left the other's. The fox seemed to be full of surprises today, “I… wouldn't really know what to say… I admittedly have never seen that as an option.”

The youko almost looked annoyed as he probed him further, searching for a more definitive answer, “Yes, but what if it was? The plant I took, it might be more… withstanding… if I were to take it on a regular basis. The effects would last. That means I could come here and blend in more easily. With Koenma monitoring the spirit world, we'd never have to worry about the fallout.”

The redhead remained silent, processing this new information. He looked away from Youko who was now nearly clasping his hand; having unwittingly inched his way closer to him as he was giving his fervid explication.

Youko… a human?

What would that mean for them?

For him?

Youko passionately expounded, facial features almost distressed as he received no further indication from his other half, “We'd never have to run, Shuichi. No more hiding or deceiving. I could stay here in the human world as we continue our lives together normally. No longer will we be forced apart from each other. I could stay here… with you.”

The last sentence came out so ardently Shuichi was surprised it had come from the Thief King, himself. It sounded almost like the spirit fox was pleading with him; voice usually so calm and detached, heightened just an octave and raspy as if what he was trying to convey was so desperately important to him.

Was he?

The fox had seized ahold of the human’s hands with both of his own as he spoke and was now firmly grasping them as if to emphasize the sincerity in his words. He intently focused on him, waiting for an answer. Waiting for any response really, but the human was still quiet while he ran through the million conflicting thoughts in his head.

The youko pressed his thumbs into the back of his as he tilted his head ever so slightly towards him to garner his attention, eyes showing an immeasurable amount of concern for the silent human.

“But,” Shuichi answered tentatively, gazing off towards the left of the youko's arm, “Enma… He would surely eventually notice that you're gone. What then? He’ll imprison you if he gets the chance. Or worse…”

“Enma wants to keep me in the demon world because he believes humans and demons shouldn’t coexist,” the fox explained, voice cool as he never let his gaze falter on him, “If he allows us, this, to go on, he believes that will give other demons the idea that, as long as they bond with a human, they can get a free pass to intermingle with them in this world. But if I turn myself human permanently, this is where I would belong by right. I would no longer be a threat to his ideals. No other demon that could pose any real danger is going to give up their powers to exist here in the Ningenkai.”

Shuichi looked at him skeptically, “But, he also thinks that you committed the ultimate sin. You corrupted an innocent soul. He's not going to let that go. He's already expressed that he thinks you should be punished.”

The youko grimaced, but continued without hesitation, “Then let me deal with that once I pass. He can judge my soul however he sees fit then. There’s already nothing I can do about that. This isn’t going to change that fact.”

Shuichi shook his head defensively, pulling his hands away as he withdrew back into his seat. An odd expression took over his face as the corners of his mouth turned down slightly in a frown as he said, indignantly, “This…”

His eyes turned cold as he glared at the fox, “…what the hell was all this for then???

Youko sat back a bit in surprise at Shuichi’s response. He hadn't expected this reaction.

The redhead continued, hotly, without waiting for a response from the stunned demon, “The point of you coming here, to this realm, was to regain your powers after the physical death of your previous body. After this body died, or as it turns out … separated, you would once again assume your previous position and continue with your own ambitions in the demon world... But, turning human? That would completely negate everything we worked so hard for. Everything we went through. Why? Why would you completely abandon your goals to eventually come here and live out the remainder of your existence with no chance for the future you envisioned? Why would you give up? What would that mean for everything that I had to endure in order to get you here? To this point?”

The redhead was now visibly shaking in anger as he fought off the betrayal of incensed tears prickling his green eyes. He hadn't meant to allow himself to get so obviously upset, but he never fathomed that he would feel so suddenly demoralized by the literal other half of his soul. Everything the human had gone through up until this point now felt like a waste. An utter failure.

Youko softened his eyes as he carefully reached back over the table to grab his hands again. The human pushed him away furiously, hiding his pained face behind an open palm as he turned away from him, other arm crossed over his chest in self-preservation. He saw the way the smaller male’s shoulders shook as he tried so desperately to gain control of his wayward emotions again. The fox’s heart tore at the seams and body tensed in despair as he finally realized why the human male was so upset. He reached over again, this time not allowing himself to be rejected, as he pulled the other’s hand away from his crying face and coaxed the other one away from its protective position as he brought their clasped fists back over the table.

Without saying anything else, he gently started to massage the human’s hands in comfort. He tenderly glided his fingers soothingly along each digit, pressed against each palm, ran his fingertips lightly against his wrists and up his forearms, all the while tracing small circles with his thumbs against the smooth skin. He allowed the younger man to regain his composure for a few moments before speaking. He wanted so urgently to gather the redheaded male into the safety of his arms and wash away all the distress reflected in his face, but this bustling coffee house in the middle of a rain storm was not the place for that. The usually confident spirit fox cursed at himself for making the miscalculation to bring him here.

“I know your upset,” he carefully stated, but the human still pointedly glared at him when he said it, “Please listen, Shuichi. I've lived my life. My time had come, and I was too stubborn to admit defeat. That cost me so much more than I can ever hope to repay. I… don't care about the politics in the demon, spirit, or hell even the human world. Honestly. I can't continue to live my life while I know that you're still here alone. Knowing that continuing to follow my ambitions would mean I've left you behind. Nothing will feel complete without you by my side. I could only ever hope to show you the same mercy and intent to live as you have shown me. If I stay here, it would be to help further you and your own growth. You are what matters to me now. I have no significant ties to the demon world anymore. Nothing to look forward to that is more important than you. You are what bounds me to this Earth. You are my priorities, my reason to live. I will give the rest of my entire life to ensure your happiness.”

Shuichi once again found himself unable to keep the tears from pricking his eyes as he tried to manage his staggered breathing. He felt a sense of sorrow for the things that were a part of his life as he once knew them before the split. This situation, this conversation, was never meant to happen.

How did they end up here? Why was this happening? He just wanted things to be the way they were before. He just wanted to be Kurama. Not Shuichi and Youko. Just Kurama. This existence didn't make any sense. He didn't make any sense without the legendary youko bandit. His existence was like a marionette to its puppeteer. Only as valuable for as long as the exploiter’s intentions for him were beneficial and then easily discarded once the strings have frayed and the worn wooden feet have whittled down to a tendril.

He was given no mercy. Never told where to go once they were ripped apart. He was ‘saved’ and then discarded in the pile of ashes that was the aftermath of their unified life set ablaze. Their once harmonized existence going up in flames and billowing smoke like a born-again Christian who was sent through the purifying fires of retribution.

His body was cleansed, but his soul was not salvaged. His existence was fractured.

Youko held Shuichi’s hand up to his lips as he kissed him compassionately on the back of it. The taller male clenched his eyes closed as he held the redhead's hands in between his own, pressing them against his forehead as the youko bent his head down to try and gather his bearings, almost like a prayer. He grasped onto Shuichi tightly as he brought his face back up to let his heavy golden eyes look upon his lover's desolate green ones.

He planted soft pecks along the smooth, exposed skin. With each touch, it was like the demon was asking him for forgiveness. He laid the back of Shuichi’s hand against his face as he reached over to gently glide his thumb along his cheek to wipe away a tear.

He kept that position as he spoke, voice nearly wavering, “I want nothing but the best for you. I truly do. I can never, ever repay you for the damage that I've caused. But please, please believe me Shuichi when I say that I can't live like this without you. You've given me so much more than I've ever could've dreamed of. My life, my very existence, is indebted to you. Let me stay here with you. Let me be with you. We can live side-by-side in a world carved out by our very own definition. Let me be your comfort and your rock. I'll do anything I must to convince you. Just don't leave me behind…”

The youko’s golden eyes looked intently into his as he pleaded with him. The human couldn't do much more than lose himself into that gaze as the fox spoke. Each word being said with so much conviction that it made the human’s body tremble. When he finished, the kitsune let his face lean heavily against his arm, eyes flitted shut as he tried to keep from breaking his resolve. He let Youko find comfort in his touch as he gave himself time to digest everything that just transpired.

Shuichi eventually closed his eyes, untangling himself from the other, as he sat back to compose himself. He let out a shuddering breathe as he raked his hands along his tear-streaked, reddened face. Exhaling heavily again, he picked up his forgotten beverage and sipped it as he stared out the window at the quiet street for a moment in contemplation.

“If you were to stay here, we'd need to eventually move into our own apartment. Shiori—Mother, hasn’t officially met you yet. I couldn't give her a viable explanation as to why you'd be living with us,” Shuichi surmised quietly, finding the passing cars particularly fascinating as he tried to avoid losing his sense of calmness again.

“I could stay with Yusuke or Kuwabara for the time being. They'll be more than happy to accommodate, I'm sure,” the fox said, still focusing on the redhead but no longer in a state of desperation as he seemed to be emotionally spent, “Plus, I’ll need some time to make sure I ingest enough of the anecdote into my system to make the proper change. We haven't found the perfect dosage yet.”

“How long?” Shuichi asked, sipping from the mug noticing the drink had cooled considerably, “How long does Koenma think it will take before you've permanently turned… human?”

Youko shrugged again, “He doesn’t know. I'll have to take it daily for a while, probably a few months or so. It could be a few years before the effects stick. He’ll have Genkai monitor the progress once we've started the process.”

“And he's okay with you staying in the human world until then?” Shuichi questioned, taking the chance to look at the youkai again.

Youko nodded his head, “Under the condition that I have no communication with the demon world… Aside from the normal group, of course.”

“And what does Yomi think of that?” the redhead implored raising a quizzical eyebrow.

The youko laughed, “Does it matter? I'm sure you can expect his answer.”

Shuichi grinned, knowingly. No, he didn't suppose that the demon lord would be very fond of the idea at all. But it wasn't really his choice to make.

The redhead finished the last of his drink and set the mug on the table. He put his hand over his coat as he said, “Well, would it be okay to leave here? I suppose we'll need some time to figure out the small details. Besides, I have another class to go to.”

Youko smiled at him fondly and inclined his head in agreement, “Sure… Let's go ring up the tab.”

The two men gathered their belongings and made to make their leave from the restaurant. Youko assisted Shuichi with a hand to help him out of the booth. They both hung their coats around their shoulders as they made their way to the cash register. Shuichi stood closely behind Youko as they walked behind the other tables, keeping his eyes focused elsewhere so as to not bring attention to his glossy face.

“Good evening! Hope everything went well?” a young, blonde male greeted from behind the cash register.

Shuichi made to get out his wallet, but was stopped when he noticed Youko handing the gentleman a card already.

The youkai nodded, “Yes, everything was terrific, thank you.”

The young man smiled and swiped the card before giving it back to him. The receipt started to sputter from the printer while Youko put the card back in his wallet which then went directly into his pocket. Shuichi wasn’t sure where he had acquired human currency from, but filed that away with the rest of the very many questions he had for him later. Youko took the receipt from the cashier and dropped some paper money into the tip jar.

“Make sure she gets that, will you?” the youko asked, pointing to their barista.

The blonde male nodded and smiled again, “Of course! Thank you! You two have a wonderful rest of your day now!”

The pair slightly tilted their head in polite departure as the fox turned back towards Shuichi.

“Ready?” he asked, fixing the strap along his shoulder.

“Mhm,” the human said, as he turned towards the door.

The taller male placed a hand on his upper back as he led him towards the exit. Once outside, he grabbed Shuichi by the hand and quickly led him to a secluded alley behind an apartment building. His red hair flew around them as the wind picked up the loose strands and fluttered them about. They stopped once they were safely away from any street.

Surprised, Shuichi turned to Youko and began to inquire why they'd come here before the older male’s hand was placed behind his head and his other arm pushed him flushed against the youko’s body. Youko’s lips crashed into his as he kissed him deeply, his mouth set upon his in a heated exchange. The human let out a small rush of breath as the fox continued to assault his mouth. Pressing their lips together, tongue gliding along the part, sucking his bottom lip between his teeth as he growled low in his throat.

The rain drizzled down on them as he lost himself in the youko's heated touch. His hands held the human against him as he pushed him up against a nearby wall. He traveled them along the length of his body before he grabbed the redhead by the thighs and wrapped his legs around his waist so he could pin him better against the rough bricks, giving him complete control. The fox began to trail light kisses down his face, cheek, and chin until he finally reached his neck. He began to lightly nip at the exposed skin.

Shuichi tried to catch his breath as he felt the rain drops glide along his skin and dampen his hair. He could see his breath coming out in short little pants as vapor into the cold autumn air while Youko kissed along the sensitive nape of his neck. He was completely complacent in his hands as he found it undeniably pleasurable for the taller male to take control of him.

The youko caressed his face for a moment to hotly whisper in his ear, “I’ve been yearning to touch you since the moment we met up at the bus. God, do you know what you do to me, Shuichi? You can't look this good all the time. It's torturous. You were so beautiful there in the café.”

Shuichi breathed in deeply as one of the fox’s hands traveled up his thighs to grope his backside while the other buried itself in his crimson hair. His body supported his weight up against the wall as lifted him up higher, clothed back scraping along the rough concrete.

He couldn't muster the energy to say anything in response. He, instead, allowed his hands to grip the fox's shoulders as he felt they're stiffness press against each other. Youko continued to attack his exposed neck and shoulder with a skillful mouth, trying to kiss every inch of skin that he could reach before bringing his mouth back to Shuichi’s. This time they let their tongues glide together as Youko slid against him, bringing their wanton members into a grinding friction with one another.

For the brief moment that Youko let the human up for air, he breathed out, “I've missed this so much. I just want you so badly right now.”

The fox thrusted his hips against him as he said in a gravelly voice, “Where?”

“I…” he faltered as his neck was assailed again, “I think I might know a place not too far from here… Ngh... there should be no one there.”

“Take me there,” the fox commanded; he grabbed the human’s waist as he bit lightly on his ear.

Shuichi moaned expressing his want, but was eventually allowed to stand by the fox even though a strong arm still remained around his waist as an anchor. The redhead took a moment to catch his breath before taking the fox by the hand and leading him out of the alley. They walked for a few blocks, attempting to seem normal. Shuichi tried his best to ignore the golden eyes staring intently along his body. If he stopped to acknowledge it, he may not be strong enough to hold his resolve.

Eventually, they reached a small building with the logo of his attending university. It was an off-campus library that was used for other extracurricular activities. Shuichi tried not to deliberate too much about what the word ‘extracurricular’ was supposed to mean and the very obvious intentions they had for it.

Youko followed him into the building mutely as he scanned in his ID badge with the guard and led him down a quiet corridor. Towards the end, there was a locked door of a room with darkened windows. Shuichi took out his badge again and scanned it against the electronic lock on the wall. He quietly opened the door as he looked up and down the hallway to ensure no one saw them go in. He then quickly looked around the room as the overhead lights fluttered on to confirm that no one was already using it. Satisfied that they were alone, Shuichi led Youko by the arm into the quiet study then deftly shut and locked the door behind them. He turned the lights off to make it seem like no one was in the room. There was enough light from the afternoon daylight outside that they could see each other clearly.

The room was a bit small, with book cases along the side and a round table in the middle. Youko noticed a couch off to the right next to a counter with a water faucet as well as chairs stacked in the back of the room.

“This is where we sometimes come to meet for school projects. No one uses it during normal business hours. We should have some privacy here,” Shuichi explained as he set down his bag and other belongings on top of the table.

Youko smirked at his human counterpart as he shrugged off his jacket and hung it casually on a nearby chair. It was amusing to think about how the human was still ever so sneaky. A trait he had definitely inherited from the fox demon, himself.

The redhead had turned to check his phone when he was abruptly grabbed from behind and bent over the table. His belongings were carelessly pushed to the side as he landed with his hands laid atop of the piece of furniture, supporting his upper torso, and his legs were spread apart over the side. The taller male took this opportunity to lay his larger, more muscular frame over the curvier, slimmer, and athletic one. He took the human by the hips as he rubbed his still very prominent erection into the younger male's pert backside. Shuichi groaned in carnal gratification as those firm hands started to massage his ass again.

He placed his lips lightly against Shuichi’s ear as he whispered heatedly into it, “Try not to make too much noise, love. We don't want to rouse any suspicion, do we?”

The redhead shook his head fervently and tried to stifle the wanton sounds emitting from his throat as he pushed back against the fox. The youkai went to work on the buttons of the smaller male’s shirt and then started to slide the garment off, exposing his shoulders. He suckled the boy’s neck before grazing his teeth along the sensitive skin where the base of the neck connected to the shoulder blade. Shuichi bucked and it took all the strength he could manage to not moan loudly into the empty room.

He grounded his hips against the demon’s as he skillfully started to message the hardened length between the crease of his buttocks until he was fully erect. He could feel the fox’s member twitch underneath the fabric of his human clothes. Youko let out a low growl as he pressed himself heavily into the young man.

Shuichi resisted the urge to whine out loud when he lost contact with the fox as he stepped away from him. Before he could complain, though, Youko turned him around and pushed him back by the shoulder so he was now laying on his back sprawled on top of the table. The piece of furniture creaked under his weight, and Shuichi was slightly concerned that it may just collapse underneath them. Youko came back down to lay claim to the redhead's lips as he skillfully worked through the rest of the buttons on his shirt. He glided both of his hands up and down the human’s chest, twirling a nipple between his thumb and forefinger. The redhead moaned into him, but it was swallowed hungrily down his throat as he took this opportunity to thrust his tongue into the boy’s mouth, knowingly taking over his ability to breath.

The youko lowered his hands again along the indent of the human’s waist and then stroked the dip of his hips. He lightly touched the redhead's member through his clothes before unfastening the button and zipper on his trousers. With mouths still attached, he lifted the boy’s hips with one hand while the other slid the pants down to his ankles. The youko broke the contact to start trailing kisses along Shuichi’s naked body.

When he got to the chest, he sucked a perky nipple into his mouth to drag it in-between his teeth. He then began to palm the human’s erection through his underwear and delighted as the semi-hard co*ck responded almost immediately.

The human nearly lifted himself entirely off the table in response, biting down on his thumb to keep quiet. Eventually, Youko released the now red and swollen bud to trail his tongue down the rest of his abdomen. He stopped briefly to flick his tongue in and out of the boy’s bellybutton. As he got to the lower stomach, he also took off the human’s briefs allowing for his modest erection to bounce proudly in the air. Without hesitation, the fox swallowed it whole, enveloping the co*ck in the sweet warmth of his talented mouth.

A cry ripped from Shuichi as Youko began to suck him in long, slow strokes. The fox quieted him by reaching for a cloth in his pocket to stick in his mouth, but not even leaving his current ministrations to do so. The leather fabric was pushed through his teeth by thick fingers and his mouth was clenched shut by a forceful hand.

With the boy sufficiently muted, he went to work on swallowing the redhead's member repeatedly, over and over again. He didn't let up as Shuichi gripped his hair, nor did he stop as the boy started to make choking/crying sounds as his hips thrashed up and down trying to keep up with the pace. Soon, the fox could feel the humans body begin to stiffen as his member started to quickly pulse in his mouth. He swallowed the length whole and in only a few seconds the young male’s cum erupted from him. The human made a choked cry again as he spent himself onto the youko’s awaiting tongue in an impressive org*sm.

Youko released the boy as he allowed him to gather himself for a moment. He reveled in the way the redhead's chest heaved up and down as he tried to catch his breathe. The demon licked his lips to remove any excess sem*n before lying over the boy to remove the cloth in his mouth and kiss him on the mouth tenderly. Shuichi responded lazily, suckling the demon’s button lip—feeling satisfied but numb. Youko gently ran his fingertips along the boy’s sides as he watched him come down.

“We’re not finished just yet, my love,” he said in a low, heady voice as he wiped rogue stands of hair away from his glistening face, “I've yet to lay my claim on you again. I want you to feel me release my cum inside you as I take what's rightfully mine.”

Shuichi involuntarily shivered at the heated promise. Youko lifted the human off the table with one hand on his back and the other under one of his thighs. Instinctually, Shuichi wrapped his legs around the youko’s waist and his arms around his shoulders as he was carried over to the counter, his brilliant red hair cascading over both of their bodies as they moved across the floor. Youko laid the human’s bare ass on the edge as he removed the rest of his clothing.

The fox admired him, raking his eyes along the length of the young man’s body noticing how his skin was flushed and gleamed with a thin layer of sweat. He took the human’s face in his hands as he kissed him again. This time slow and deliberately, taking the time to savor the taste of his saliva running along his sweet tongue. Shuichi tugged on the collar of his shirt, and the fox stepped back for a moment to remove his own clothes.

He first removed his waistcoat by undoing the one button that held it together and then started on the buttons of his shirt exposing his expansive, muscular chest as he went. He must've not been moving fast enough, though, as Shuichi began to unfasten the clasp of his trousers hurriedly, pushing them down over his strong hips along with his boxers. Youko shrugged off his shirt and then discarded the rest of his clothes off to the side somewhere. Shuichi wrapped his legs back around his waist to pull him back closer.

Amazingly, the fox hadn't lost his erection. His member was still standing stiff in the air as his naked body collided with Shuichi’s. He rubbed their hips together, coaxing the human’s co*ck erect again. Their mouths met in a fervor as lips and teeth crashed together in unbridled lust. Shuichi buried his hands in the youko's black hair as he grasped the back of his neck to steady the kiss. Youko splayed his fingers along Shuichi’s thighs as he pressed the digits into the supple skin marking out indentations in the epidermis. He sighed into the redhead's mouth when the human started to suck on his tongue.

The fox couldn't think of a better existence than right now in this very room, in this very moment. His heart thrumming in content, his (admittedly very mortal) body alight with passion, and this beautiful, magnificent human being within his grasp after longing for so many days and nights to just be able to see him.

How could Shuichi think he ever wanted anything more when the little mewls and tender groans emitting from his immaculate mouth and echoing off the walls were like a heavenly choir to his ears? He tore his mouth away to drag his swollen lips along the human’s jawline, his nose pressing into his soft cheek as he inhaled the sweet scent of his lover in deep, shuttering breathes as if it were his very life support. The fox blessed the gods in that very moment for bringing this sweet creature into his life. How could such a soul so blackened and hideously corrupt in contempt, be given the opportunity to seek refuge in the presence of this saint? Youko was prepared to give his very life in order to remain with this human for the rest of his days. He was willing to be condemned to Hell if it meant being able to experience his own slice of personal heaven for a short lifetime.

Shuichi gripped onto him tighter as he spoke into his ear, responding in earnest to the fox’s physical touches, “Youko, please… I need to feel you inside of me. I've waited so long… Please take me.

Youko groaned into the human’s neck, pressing his erection into the redhead's thigh in a heated response to his immodest pleading. He shuddered in excitement at the thought of being buried within that heated body of his, burrowing his essence deep within that luscious cavern. He dragged his teeth along the human’s shoulder in anticipation as he reached into his hair to pull out a small seed.

The human stopped his ardent activities to look at him quizzically as he realized what he was doing, “How are you going to use that?”

“I can still use my energy,” he grinned as if that was an obvious answer, “It may not be as strong in this form, but it'll get the most basic jobs done. I won't be summoning any flesh-eating plants, but I haven't completely lost my powers… yet.”

“In fact,” he continued, presenting the seed to him on his palm, “Do you want to give it a try?”

Shuichi hesitated; he hadn't used his spirit energy to summon a plant in quite some time. After the split, he had to take great care to recover his strength, and now that he was unable to channel Kurama’s demon energy, he was never able to obtain the level of mastery he once possessed.

It made him feel weak.

Youko rubbed his thumb against the human’s leg, “Just try. I don't think it'll be as difficult as you think.”

The redhead was skeptical but resolved to give it an attempt for the fox’s sake. He laid his hand over the youko's as he focused his energy into the tiny seed. He focused for a few seconds and when nothing happened, frowned slightly.

“Don't give up,” the youko urged, “You don't practice every day like we used to. It'll take a bit more energy to get it right. Try again.”

Shuichi huffed in exasperation, like a child not being able to tie his shoes the fox amusedly noted, but once again laid his hand atop of Youko's channeling his energy in the seed once more. He focused on the intent of his actions as he visualized the seed growing in his mind. After a moment, he felt the seed extend a tiny sprout against his palm. He was so taken aback by the outcome that he withdrew his hand in shock.

The fox chuckled as he placed the human's hand back over the seedling, “See? You're more capable than you think. Here…”

He coaxed the human to focus again as he also channeled his own energy into the plant. Soon with their combined energies, the sprout budded and grew into a thick, green succulent, not unlike that of an aloe vera. The youko grinned proudly and broke off one of the spiny leaves. He laid the plant on the countertop next to them. He kissed the human tenderly on the lips as he started to slowly pump the younger man's member back to hardness. A strong sense of affection shimmering in his chest as he rewarded him for his accomplishment by once again suckling on the nape of his neck. The human moaned, lolling his head to the side as his hips rolled up into the pleasing hand. Youko's own co*ck was now erect once more as he listened to his partner. His need was now aching painfully as he longed to be buried in the young man.

Youko stepped away for a moment so he could squeeze the plants sticky lubricant onto his fingers. He thickly coated them with the substance before discarding the leaf and bringing the digits to the smaller male’s entrance. He teasingly ran a wet fingertip around the puckered skin and nearly gleamed as it quivered in anticipation. Shuichi was panting ever so slightly as Youko spit onto his co*ck while he pumped, and at the same time, he felt those deft fingers against his sensitive hole. He nearly came again right then and there.

Youko then kissed the human’s chest as he pushed the tip of the first finger through the tight ring of muscle. Shuichi groaned in discomfort, but the fox continued to stroke his member as he slowly inserted the finger deeper into his passage. Once the digit was fully incased, he gently started to pump it in and out, salivating at the way the hole both grasped onto the appendage but also gave way under its pressure allowing it to move smoothly thanks to the lubricant. He soon added another digit, Shuichi’s mewl of pain nearly being deafened by the blood rushing in his ears. He then added a third and started to pump them at a faster pace.

“W-wait…” the human pleaded as he was being fingered by the taller man, “It... still hurts! Uh... AH… Ahhh…...! Oh, it still hurts. Youko! Please, wait!”

The youko didn't stop, but instead buried four fingers as deep as he could as he elicited another cry of pain from the young man. He continued to pump the boy’s member as he started to move the digits in a circle inside him, searching.

He eventually found what he was looking for as a cry of pleasure erupted from the human’s mouth as he stroked his prostate. The fox quickly muffled the cry with his mouth and started his ferocious assailant on the poor human as he vigorously finger-f*cked him into submission, slamming his hand in and out of his ass as he made sure to dig directly into that tender spot. The redhead was arching his back painfully now, hands gripping the edge of the counter for dear life, not sure if he wanted to get away from the assailant or bring him closer.

A deep groan emitted from the fox as he watched the human writhe in a combination of both pain and pleasure.

“Come for me,” he demanded, golden eyes hooded with lust as he looked down upon his squirming lover.

The human shook his head vigorously, crimson locks plastered to his face.

“No... not yet...!” he managed to reply between gasps as the fox's strong digits drove inside of him.

The fox growled again as he nipped the boy's chest in a warning.

Now, Shuichi.”

The human closed his eyes and bit back a cry as he stubbornly shook his head. He didn't want to be spent too soon, but he couldn't catch his breath to explain that to the youkai.

The youko let go of the human’s member to grab a fistful of crimson hair and pulled his head back to force Shuichi’s attention onto him. The younger male's scalp prickled in pain as his hair was yanked roughly and his neck was bent backwards awkwardly. His gasps were now coming out in forced grunts as the position made it hard for him to breathe but his body was being rocked by the rough intercourse. His deep golden eyes stared down into hazy emerald ones as he began to message his prostate and continued his insistent attack on the boy’s entryway.

His voice was deathly low as he gave him one final warning, “Don't make me say it again. I said now.

Shuichi hesitated and the fox yanked back his head even further so his head hit the wall painfully as he wrapped his mouth around a large portion of skin on his neck and bit down… hard.

“YOUKO!” he cried as the fingers were now pounding him mercilessly, lifting his entire body of the counter with each thrust of his hand.

The fox responded by sinking his teeth into the delicate flesh, drawing blood.

The boy emitted a choked sob of both torment and pleasure as his body was wracked with the most brutal org*sm he'd ever experienced. Pearly white liquid erupted from his co*ck and it splattered all over the both of their sweaty stomachs and chests. The human started almost hyperventilating as his body spasmed out of control as it rode out the waves of his forced org*sm. He continued to sob out of sheer shock as the youkai removed his fingers and tenderly hugged him against his chest.

“Shhh,” he soothed, bringing their bodies flush together, Shuichi’s cum slick and warm between them. The redhead involuntarily wailed into the fox’s broad shoulder as his body still convulsed. The fox didn't want to admit it, but the redhead’s desperate cries caused a deep burning pleasure in the pit of his stomach and his member was throbbing with excitement. His co*ck was hot, thick, and hard twitching against Shuichi’s abdomen in want as the smaller male cried against him.

He planted light kisses on the crown of Shuichi’s head as he stroked his back in comfort. Slowly, the human regained control of his breathing as he held on tightly to the older male’s muscular body as a sort of anchor while his body calmed down. Once the shock of the most recent events dissipated, the human growled low in his throat and hit the demon square against the face with a resounding slap.

Youko slightly reeled back in shock.


“Why didn't you stop?!” Shuichi said hostilely, “I told you to stop! That I didn't want to keep going! It hurt!”

The fiery redhead glared at him with all his might, and the Youko felt bad for stifling a laugh, not at all phased by the sudden show of aggression. He didn't find the human’s anger or pain funny, but he was pretty sure just moments ago that the human was overcome by immeasurable pleasure, not pain.

“I'm sorry,” the demon said sincerely, “I got a bit carried away. I thought you wanted me to…”

“No!” Shuichi snapped back, “You forced me to. You made me bleed. No matter what I said, you would've done what you wanted anyway!”

The demon’s co*ck twitched in pleasure, at both the statement and the high-pitched break in Shuichi’s normally calm voice. Youko cursed his body for betraying him as the human looked at him incredulously.


Youko quickly tried to do damage control as the human tried to escape his grasp, “No! Shuichi, please…. I'm sorry. I should have asked if you were okay. I thought you would have told me if you weren't, and I put you in a terrible position. I'm so sorry.”

He held the younger male tightly to him as he apologized profusely. Eventually, Shuichi stopped struggling as he calmed himself, his mind finally coming down from a state of anger and fear. The youko stroked his bare back as he felt the human’s muscles untense and his breathing return to normal.

“It’s not that I didn't,” he conceded, “I just wasn’t prepared. You know that there's rules for that sort of thing in the human world. Safe words.”

The youko nodded apologetically as he cupped his cheek, “I let my desire overshadow my thoughts. That won't happen again, I promise. Next time, if you want me to stop, truly want me to stop, call me Kurama and I'll know. Okay?”

The redhead nodded. Youko gently kissed his forehead in apology. The redhead gingerly moved his hand over the others in provisory acceptance.

He lightly grabbed the man's member as he playfully smiled and said, “All this time, and you still haven't come once? That doesn’t seem fair.”

Youko chuckled and planted a kiss on Shuichi’s lips.

“There’s still time for that, love.”

Shuichi wanted to remind him that technically there really wasn't, just like he really hadn’t had the time for coffee, but as he thought about it, he came to revelation that it was okay to sometimes take a day off to enjoy these precious moments. As they were, they already seemed so fleeting. Each one so few and far between. He recalled their conversation earlier at the café, and he thought:

‘Maybe they didn't have to be.’

And for the first time in years, his heart felt at peace.

Youko grabbed another leaf from the plant still sitting on the counter. Shuichi stopped him before he could extract the sap by placing a hand on his arm. He held the demon’s hand containing the lubricant and he brought it to his lips; sweetly kissing the rough knuckle.

“Allow me,” Shuichi said as he removed the plant from his fingers.

The fox allowed him to take over, watching as his beautiful companion slipped off the counter and slowly sank down to his knees in front of him while he planted wet kisses along the youkai’s well- built body. When he reached his pelvic, the redhead's bright emerald eyes looked up towards him through thick eyelashes on bended knees. Youko’s beating heart skipped and he exhaled deeply through his nose.

God, he was beautiful.

He reached down and ran his fingers through the shimmering crimson strands of hair then gently caressed the side of his milky white cheek with the back of his hand. Shuichi smiled up at him and kissed the inside of his thigh. He squeezed the succulent leaf’s liquid into his hand. He set his free hand on his partner’s leg while he kissed the tip of the youko's impossibly thick and throbbing member with slick lips. The taller man purred as he felt the flick of a soft tongue against the slit. The redhead sucked the head into his mouth, using his free hand to steady the base. He slowly took more of the co*ck into his mouth, inch by inch, slightly grazing the skin with his teeth as his mouth was already expanded as much as it could go and was unable to avoid it. He swiped his tongue along the underside of the girthy co*ck, massaging the thick vein that quickly pulsed with pleasure. He was able to get down to about an inch away from where his hand was holding the base when the head hit the back of his throat. He then started to bob his head up and down as he sucked on the length, loose red strands swaying in time.

Youko placed his head back and closed his eyes, groaning in pleasure. His hand that found its way into Shuichi’s hair, held his head in place to help set the pace by guiding him with push on the back of his skull as he thrusted in and out of his mouth. Shuichi let himself be guided as he closed his eyes to focus on avoiding involuntarily gagging. With each thrust the fox pushed a little further into his mouth and sped the pace up just a bit. He sucked, licked, and worshipped whatever he could reach. Soon he needed to take a moment to breathe so he removed the erection from his mouth to lick down the shaft and towards the balls. He smelled the sweet, musky scent of his lover as he gently suckled one sack into his mouth and then the other. He heard the youko moan above him, tightening the grip in his hair. He brought the girth back into his mouth as he continued sucking as much of the length as he could.

The fox started to thrust again, setting a faster pace than before. The redhead tried to keep up, but was finding it hard to. The youko noticed and slowed down a bit, but while also pushing his co*ck down the back of his throat. Shuichi put his free hand on the demon's wrist as he felt himself starting to instantly choke. Youko stopped while his co*ck was nearly fully enveloped in the human’s mouth with the tip as far as it could go before the throat closed, not allowing for it to go any further. Shuichi breathed carefully through his nose as he felt precum trickling down his esophagus. He hoped that Youko wouldn't try to push any further.

“Relax your throat,” the demon said as he tried to press his head down.

Well, that’s where hoping gets him.

Shuichi swallowed and then the throat relaxed enough to allow the member to slide down a little farther. He focused on breathing through his nose while loosening the muscles in his neck and shoulders. He felt the thick co*ck sliding past his gag reflex and deeper still until it felt like he was actually swallowing the appendage. The youko continued to push until Shuichi could feel his lips meet with the skin and pubic hair at the pelvis. Youko kept him there as Shuichi adjusted to the odd feeling and was able to successfully catch his breath without heaving. He hummed to let the demon know that he was alright, but the noise caused vibrations to travel through his erection which resulted in the youkai moaning and instinctually pushing his head down even further still until his nose was buried into the thick pubic hair and pushed against his pelvic bone at the base of his co*ck. He started to roll his hips as he pulled in and out with Shuichi trying to adjust to the change of pace. He kept his muscles relaxed as he felt the co*ck slide in and out of his throat. Soon, the youko picked up the pace as he started to vigorously f*ck his face. The redhead steadied himself against the flexing thighs with one hand as he let his mouth be used by the demon, feeling his own member starting to somehow still be able to rise to the occasion once again.

The fox had to stop before he ended up coming into the human’s willing mouth. He begrudgingly withdrew himself in the absolute test of self-control, watching as the boy let strings of saliva hang from his tongue onto his co*ck while some of it also dribbled down his chin and trailed down onto his neck. The human looked so gorgeous from that angle and it caused his own breath to hitch.

Shuichi quickly slathered the forgotten lubricant onto Youko’s impossibly erect member. He rolled his wrist and twisted his hand as he started at the base and then applied increasing pressure upon the rest of his length squeezing the head as he got to the top. Youko nearly came right then and there as his knees almost buckled. He had to stop the skillful redhead from going any further with a steadied hand to his wrist. He slathered the rest of the liquid on himself as he helped the human to his feet.

He guided Shuichi back onto the counter, positioning him so his legs were spread wide with his feet resting on the edge. He wasted no time in assuming his place, positioning his slick co*ck at the entrance of Shuichi’s body. The youko moaned again as he pressed the tip against the tight ring, feeling as it gave way to him.

“Ngh…” Shuichi groaned as he felt the impossible width of his mate enter him.

The youko rubbed his thumb in circles on the human’s knee while making soothing ‘shushing' noises. He pushed further in, feeling the walls of muscle spasm around him. He didn't stop until his co*ck was fully sheathed inside his trembling lover. He stayed in that position while Shuichi adjusted to him. He bent over to plant kisses along his sweaty face. He used one of his hands to knead a buttock in his palm.

He looked his human in the eyes under heavy lids as he spoke, “Mmm, Shuichi… are you feeling alright?”

The redhead nodded, breathless. He focused on relaxing his body so as to allow the pain to dissipate.

“Ah… good,” Youko groaned, “Because you feel amazing from this end.”

The human let out a breathy laugh underlined with a twinge of pain. Youko fought back the urge to thrust, instead focusing on the facial expressions of his lover noticing how he began to ease up as his body adjusted to him, “Just tell me when.”

Shuichi sensed his insides being stretched around the fox demon. He felt so full yet so starved for this. His body was complete with the youkai buried deep in him. The pain being numbed by the exhilaration of pure adrenaline scorching through his body. He felt satiated and reposeful… The youkai surrounded him: his muscular arms cemented about his body; his hot breath ghosting across his lips; the smell of rain and roses that always adorned his thick, silk-like hair that was tickling his sensitive, flushed skin; his body was pulsating, alive, inside him… Shuichi was in a state of ecstasy. For the first time in so, so long… he was complete.

The redhead raised his soft lips to the youko's human ear and whispered heavily, “I love you.”

Youko jolted in excitement, instinctually tightening his grip on his elegant lover as he buried his face in the crook of the redhead's neck. Shuichi’s legs entwined around him, signaling him to move. He began to gently rock back and forth. Their slick bodies were moving and melding together, causing the counter to shake. He held his companion to him tightly as he let out a shuddering breath as the boy’s tight body swallowed him greedily. It took everything in him to not claim his gorgeous inamorato right then and there. He wanted to sink his teeth into the human’s pliant skin. He yearned to mar the beautiful shoulder blade with his fangs; drawing out small trickles of ruby blood, hear the boy let out an urgent cry of mixed pain and pleasure as his mark was left on him. The youko wished he was in his spirit form so he could possess this boy’s very being. He’d never felt so intoxicated by another living thing before.

Shuichi's thighs quivered against his hips as he stroked inside him slowly. The human’s deep breaths underlined with little moans were reverberating in his ears. He slid his hands down to grope each of his cheeks bringing him closer as he went in deeper. Shuichi whined, being fully impaled over and over, as he rested the back of his head against the wall while his body rocked complacently with each thrust.

By now, late afternoon was settling in on the city and darkness was creeping into the room. Orange rays of sun were beaming in on them, illuminating their moving bodies in a dim glow like dying embers. Their panting was heavy in the air, the sweat on their skin were glistening little droplets, and the smell of their sex entrenched the empty space. Knowing the time, any minute now someone could walk in on them. Any moment, a teacher or another student could discover their valedictorian laid up bare and vulnerable and wanton on the counter underneath this tall, enigmatic stranger… and Shuichi couldn't bring himself to care.

In that moment, he didn't care about being discovered here in this abandoned room. He didn't care about missing his afternoon classes. He didn't care about what Koenma or his bastard father would have to say. He didn't care about whether or not their relationship was morally right or wrong. He didn't care about the greater meaning of their existence or what kind of existential calamity might be caused by them being together. He didn't care about anything or anyone else.

He cared about Youko and the sweet fulfillment they both received just being in each other's company. He cared about the insurmountable toil and suffering they've experienced since they were forced apart. These brief meetings were the only thing keeping them moving forward. Koenma was suffering from insanity if he thought he could keep the two of them from each other. The world would burn before their union could be destroyed and the heavens would fall from its glory on high before they would be departed, even in death.

Like moths to a flame, they were attracted to one another. Smoldering in want and engrossed in each other's light once they were in the same room. Feeling the kitsune move within him, he cursed the pedestals they felt like they stood on. Who did they think they were, deeming their devotion to be condemnable? Love, unity… that wasn't wrong. Their being together wasn’t wrong. Their biases were.

“My love,” the fox's deep brassy voice softly beckoned into his ear, “I can't help but feel that your body is responding to me when your mind is not.”

Shuichi looked up at the youko. He buried his hand in the fox's hair as he looked into his soulmate's deep, warm honey eyes. The demon planted a kiss on his temple as he let his co*ck lay seated inside him while he made sure his lover was alright. Shuichi pressed his forehead against the other’s as they maintained eye contact, caressing his cheek with his other hand.

“I'm in bliss,” he said breathily, smiling at him, “I've never felt better.”

Youko beamed at him, fondly gazing into his green irises as he caressed his thumb against his cheek. He cradled the side of his head and brought their lips together in a slow, deep kiss. All of their thoughts, anything that they might have said, was poured into their entangled mouths and gliding tongues; exchanging the very air they breathed. Shuichi rolled his hips and the fox growled deep in his throat.

“I’m so enamored by you,” Youko confessed, breathing heavily as he thrust up into him, “God, Shuichi, I'm so entrapped in your ambience. How did you get me this way?”

The younger’s breath hitched at both the fox's words and his fingers digging into his skin as he burrowed his member deep into him, hitting his prostate. Youko was looking at him intently as he did it again, the human’s inviting lips parting in a silent moan. He kept their eyes locked as he started to move again, making sure to hit the right angle every single time. Soon the smaller male’s body was pressing up against his in pleasure as the taller male made love to him. Each thrust elicited a groan of gratification from them both, Shuichi's eyes watered under the intense gaze of his mate as it seemed he was trying to delve into his very soul. The younger male had to break the exchange as the pace increased. He leaned his head against a strong bicep as he tried to bare the long, fast strokes of his partner delving into him.

The counter and wall were starting to shake violently now. He begged for the youkai to slow down before they drew in any attention, but the demon was too enthralled.

“W—wait… Hah! Youko! Someone might hear!”

Youko didn't respond verbally, but instead grabbed Shuichi by the thighs again. He dragged him off the countertop, still embedded in him, and moved them both towards the couch. Shuichi could feel Youko's co*ck throbbing inside of him as he was carried. He grasped the back of his head to steady himself as he kissed him fervently. Youko tried to keep up with the lustful human’s demands on his mouth, the thin fingers entwined in and pulling on the dark strands of his hair as he delved into his mouth. He moved the both of them carefully across the floor and somehow managed to get them to their destination without injury despite being largely preoccupied and mostly in the dark.

Youko placed one knee on the couch as he moved them onto the cushioned seat sideways. Shuichi let out a sigh of objection as their mouths parted. He allowed himself to be laid on his back, woven material cool on his heated skin. The couch was big enough for them both to settle in comfortably. Youko settled in between his thighs and looked down at his loved one in heavy adoration; chest heaving and red hair fanned across the cushions.

He leaned down to kiss him again, a quick peck, before lifting his thin legs over his shoulders.

“I want you to know,” the fox grinned devilishly, “I'll spare no mercy in this position.”

Shuichi began to counter, but all that came out of his mouth was a choked cry as the larger male rammed into him. The youko wasted no time in setting the pace that they had previously had, but this time the angle allowed him to go in deeper still. His co*ck seemed not to forget where his prostate was as each thrust sent electrical shocks up his spine. He tried to catch his breath as the fox set an impossible pace, gripping his legs tightly so he couldn't escape the onslaught of the youkai unto and in his body. The human gripped the edges of the cushion as the fox rammed into him.

“Oh! Oh! Ah! Oh my—Youko, please!” Shuichi pleaded, being f*cked aggressively, “I—I can't! I can't take it!”

Youko continued to pound him mercilessly, groaning as the boy’s passage tightened as his body tensed. Shuichi leaned up on his elbow to put a hand on his chest to stop him. The youkai only growled and swatted his hand a way, thrusting harder to make a point. The redhead fell back helplessly, eyes screwed shut and mouth hung open, as his body rocked back and forth in an impossible rhythm with skin scratching along the rough material of the couch.

“First lesson, beautiful,” Youko stated as he kissed the boy’s calf, “You’re at my mercy. I'll pound that precious soul out of your irresistible body if I have to in order to lay my seed in you.”

Shuichi shuddered at the youko's words. He clutched the arm of the couch behind his head as he tried to handle both the pain and pleasure coursing through his limber frame. He cursed the fox under his breath, thinking the demon couldn’t hear.

Youko quirked an eyebrow wanting to snigg*r at the boy’s blatant disrespect, even in his precarious position, but in order to keep the mood he bit the boy’s leg in a warning instead.

“What was that?” the fox said, shoving against him.

The redhead yelped in pain and glared up at him, “I should've picked a gentler lover.”

The youko growled deeply, and Shuichi nearly swallowed his words in fear. The youko bent over his body, his thighs pressed flush against his chest, as he grabbed the back of human’s head. He put enough pressure to force him to look at him, but not enough to actually hurt him. Shuichi gasped in surprise and his hand flew up to grip the fox's wrist on the hand that held his head in place.

“Pay attention to me carefully, Shuichi,” he barked in a warning, “Second lesson… You’re mine. You’re mine and mine alone. Do you understand?”

Shuichi feigned ignorance, smirking at the seemingly pissed off fox despite his current situation, “I'm sorry, I thought I was a free agent now.”

Youko flashed his teeth in a sneer as he gripped the back of his skull tightly. He moved to latch onto the young man's neck before Shuichi stopped him with a hand over his mouth. The fox glared at him, but Shuichi only shook his head.

“Now none of that, Kurama,” the redhead said assertively, “Play nice.”

The youkai pulled back, but still maintained his hold as he looked into the redhead's eyes with a deathly grievous stare.

“I will only say this once more,” Youko said, annunciating each and every syllable with a hiss, “You are mine to claim. You are mine to have. You are mine to possess. I will mark you, take you, seed you. I will make it so you will never even consider another. The next person to lay their defiled hands on you will be the last time they’ll have hands to claim. I will share you with no one. Do I make myself clear?

The human male and reborn fox stared at each other in an impasse. Both showing a stand in resiliency. Green eyes shown in subversion while golden eyes glittered with fixed resolution. Neither one conceded.

Shuichi spoke, soft yet firm, “You are mine, and I am yours, always. But I am my own person. I will make my own decisions.”

The fox bit back an angry snarl as he fought off the sense of dread that leaden in his chest. His demon instincts beckoned him to take and control this obstinate little human, but his heart could not hurt him. If he could not have this mortal, his mortal, he did not know what he existed for.

Shuichi's eyes softened as he saw the hurt reflected in his lover’s expression. He reached a hand to his face, caringly stroking, as he said, “I am not yours to claim, but to hold, Youko. I will stay with you for as long as you treat me as I am truly. Your soulmate, not your possession.”

The fox bent over him again, this time his lips merely inches away from his own as he whispered sedulously against his cheek. His eyes were a deep amber as he looked at him in desolation, “Shuichi… I can’t. I cannot live with you thinking that you might think of another. My heart…it can't take it. If that is what you want… freedom, from me, then I am happy to give it. I want to see you happy, but I cannot stay and witness you in someone else's arms. It will kill me, Shuichi. I cannot breathe knowing you've found life in someone else. You're all I have.”

The youko shook as he spoke with such immense emotion as if he were crying but no tears fell. He gripped the human so tightly that Shuichi feared he might break him, but he found himself more worried about the absolute despair that the youkai seemed to show on his face as he enwrapped him in his arms. The younger male brushed the black strands from the youko's human face as he searched his eyes.

“Youko…” he murmured, “Do you think I want someone else?”

The demon looked at him, waiting for an answer but did not respond himself. The redhead grabbed his face in earnest as he planted a heavy kiss on his lips. He felt the demon's chest heaving and heart thrumming in trepidation. He also perceived the lump in the strong man's throat as he grazed it with his thumb.

“No,” Shuichi shook his head, tears of strong compassion forming in his eyes, “No, my love. I could never love another as I have loved you. I could never know someone else as you and I have known each other. You’re the only one for me. I only ask that you regard me as your equal.”

Shuichi, again, tangled him into another kiss. This time, the youko responded in kind. His breathing relaxed as the human’s lips melded against his in a defined testament of devotion. They stayed like that for a moment: lips locked, bodies merged together with Shuichi’s legs bent over his shoulders, his hands clinging to the young man while he laid solid inside him. The stabbing pain in his heart lessened and he stroked the human’s thigh as he separated their mouths.

He spoke against tender, bruised lips, “I'm sorry for that, but Shuichi… I will do everything I can to keep you. You need only ask. I'm enslaved to your every want and desire. How can I not? For the human that gifted me life and love again when all I had left was despair and ruin.”

He rocked against the redhead as he wiped the tears from his face, landing featherlike kisses along his jaw and neck. The human cried as Youko started to thrust into him again. He felt the demon's love through his touches and his need as he moved against him. His nerves jolted in elation.

“Tell me,” Youko begged into his ear, thrusting harder, “Tell me you’re mine.”

Shuichi choked back a sob as immeasurable pleasure built up inside him with each dedicated thrust of the youko’s hips.

“Oh god, Youko,” he moaned desperately against his neck, arms locked around his shoulders and body pinned underneath his taller half, “I'm yours. I'm all yours…”

The fox pushed into him harder as he heard these words. His co*ck was swollen and heavy as it jolted inside him.

Shuichi dug his nails into the demon's back as he said it again, heated, “I'm yours.”

Youko growled as he latched onto the other one's bare skin. The redhead moaned loudly as he repeated the mantra of appealing expressions as teeth sunk into his flesh, “I'm yours! All yours. Take me. Claim me. Yes! Take over me. I'm all yours…”

Their pace was inhuman now; hard, quick, and erratic as the youko tried to literally bury himself inside his lover’s body underneath him. Shuichi’s gasps came in short pants as he could no longer breath let alone speak. The demon's hips were beating against his legs leaving bruises while his body was pounded into the couch. Rugged fabric marking up his back with raw and angry burns as he was dragged back and forth against it. Shuichi could barely register the pain, though. He was engrossed in his own rapture.

The youko looked at the face of his soulmate, his human, as he made love to him. The stunning body he inhabited not long ago was alight with passion. The boy's wearied face and aching body were drenched in sweat and tears of pleasure as cries of ecstasy were ripped from his delicate throat with every thrust and were tossed about the room, begging the ancient demon to possess him once more. His mussed crimson hair was plastered to his flushed, sheen white skin. His green eyes were wet and clouded with lust as his dick throbbed against the stronger male's taught stomach.

Beautiful, he thought, absolutely divine this empyreal specimen of mine. Inari, what have I done to deserve such an angelic gift?

The fox thrust into him deeply as he held his thick co*ck against the younger man's swollen prostate. Shuichi’s eyes rolled into the back of his head as it lulled back heavily against the demon's hand. His mouth was open in a silent scream.

“I love you, Shuichi,” Youko whispered fiercely into his ear, “I love you. I do. I love you….”

The demon continued to say these endearments to his human half as he f*cked him sporadically yet purposefully. He could feel the youko's hot words physically snaking into in his ear canal as he verbally worshipped him. His whole body began to shake violently as his head thrashed back and his hips bucked up.

He cried the demon's name loudly, begging for mercy as he came. His nerve endings burned white hot while his vision was blinded with blazing stars.

His body was wracked with another unimaginably violent and explosive org*sm; throwing him into another dimension all together as his tired muscles worked hard to try and eject more cum from his worn co*ck but finding none as he had already been completely spent.

The human desperately writhed in the demon's arms as Youko continued to thrust into him. The relentless friction was too much for the poor boy to bare, but he was too weakened and helpless to stop it.

“Youko, please,” he sobbed as the demon made love to him, rigid member moving in and out of his shaking body as he claimed him with every bruising rock of his hips, “I—I… I can't take it! Oh god, it’s too much… Please!"

Youko felt Shuichi’s insides spasm all around his thick and fevered co*ck, tightening impossibly so, and he bit into the human’s shoulder as he felt the familiar constriction of his ab muscles. Shuichi let out a guttural cry of pain as his teeth sank into his already overly-sensitized skin. The redhead’s vision went black as his body couldn't take anymore ardent stimulation, his mind completely shutting off as he continued to be assailed by excruciating gratification. He raked at the demon's chest with his nails, leaving trails of bleeding scratches behind which only caused the fox to shiver in insurmountable pleasure. He thrust deeply into him one final time as his sem*n erupted from his co*ck and splattered all along the comatose male's anal canal, coating his inner walls in the sticky substance. The kitsune moaned loudly as he rode out his org*sm, imbedding his essence into his lover. He, himself, also found the edges of his vision fading, but he fought to keep conscious as Shuichi was still working through his convulsions. He laid heavily on top of him as he held onto the male tightly.

Eventually, the human quieted as his nervous system settled. Youko moved to lay down next to him, heavy with exhaustion. He settled the redhead along the right side of his body. By now, the room had completely darkened except for the streaks of light coming through the blinds from the iridescent street lamps outside. There in the dark they lay, totally spent and in a state of euphoria. His limbs tingled and his eyes were lidded heavy. Their chests heaved up and down in unison as they caught their breathe. The youko could feel himself nodding off, and nearly welcomed blissful sleep with his lover’s heated body next to him.

Shuichi eyes fluttered opened as he came to. He found himself laying on top of the kitsune, sweaty limbs entangled. He adjusted his drowsy eyes to the dark. His body felt weighted down by fatigue as he lifted his face up towards the fox.

“Youko?” he said tiredly.

Youko opened one golden eye lazily, nearly already drifting off to slumber.


The redhead licked his chapped, dehydrated lips as he spoke, “Wh… what time is it? How long was I asleep for?”

The kitsune chuckled, the deep sound reverberating in his chest, as he answered, “It's only been a few minutes, love. You had quite an episode.”

Shuichi had to agree, his entire body was tensed and aching. Little tremors were scattered throughout his nervous system as his muscles trembled. His insides felt completely bruised and there was a stabbing pain in his abdomen.

Yet, despite his body's obvious complaint to his fox's rough love making, he somehow managed to remain feeling light, satisfied, and contented. He laid his head on the youko's chest. The endorphins running through their veins like an IV given to the critically ill and cemented them in their weary embrace. They remained in bliss like that for some time. Nearly dozing off as their fingers ran lightly along each other’s heated, drenched skin. Nothing could be heard beside for their soft breathing and the rain outside pelting at the windows. They stayed in their own little piece of paradise for a while. A heaven they created in this darkened, empty classroom.

Youko was the first to rouse as he heard his human’s cell phone go off. Shuichi seemed not to notice, or rather he didn't care. Youko wanted to laugh at his aloofness, but was too tired still to even do that. He gently ran his fingertips along the curve of his hip to the top of his ribcage. He felt the redhead shudder underneath him.

When the young human didn't answer, he shook his shoulder softly, “Shuichi.”

The phone continued to jingle in the background as the redhead waived his hand callously and mumbled into his stomach.


“It’s just my calendar,” the human huffed, unmoving, “I set a reminder for my 5 o'clock assignment.”

“Ah,” said the youkai, raising an eyebrow at the top of his lover's head, “And this isn't important?”

Shuichi lifted his head to look at him pointedly, “Not any more important than any of the other class assignments I've had today.”

Youko chuckled and wrapped his warm arm around him, “Hm, fair enough.”

He reached down to place a chaste kiss on his forehead. The younger male crawled up the fox's body to kiss him on the lips. He hummed into the young man's mouth as they deepened it, lazily circling their tongues around one another’s. Shuichi draped his leg across Youko's hips, laying his hand on the side of the kitsune’s ribcage feeling the muscles ripple beneath his skin. Youko moaned into the kiss as the boy’s hand accidently grazed his perk nipple and his flaccid penis pressed against his thigh. His own member twitched in excitement.

The smaller male reeled back in shock.

“Still?” he said incredulously.

Youko merely shrugged his shoulders, “Foxes are known to be insatiable, I'm sure you know that.”

Shuichi sat back against the couch shaking his head, “Please, no more. I don't think this body is equipped to handle that sort of performance.”

Youko grinned slyly, “Not yet.”

He gave his member a playful tug, but the human stopped his hand by the wrist and tsked at him. They both grinned at each other, mouths twitched upwards, and laughed.

Youko listened as he heard some movement in another part of the building. He remembered that they were still in a public space currently occupied by other people and inwardly groaned at the thought of having to leave this sanctuary. He lamented at the heaviness in his chest.

“I think,” he spoke quietly, “that it may be best to leave here before we're caught unknowingly by one of your innocent classmates.”

Shuichi frowned, but nodded, probably also feeling the same sense of sorrow at this meeting having to end. He got up and walked, naked, towards his coat. He checked his phone then his wristwatch. Youko watched him in bittersweet fondness, already missing the touch of the boy's body against his.

He sighed. These wondrous moments never did last long, but he was hoping desperately to change all of that. Soon.

“Hm,” the redhead hummed, “It’s already 5:05. Mother will begin to call me if I don't head home soon.”

A twinge of pain passed through the youkai's heart as he said that, but buried it to be dealt with later. He stood up and sauntered over to his beautiful half, wrapping his arms around him from behind and laying his chin on the top of his crown. The human turned his head and kissed his bare chest.

“Agreed,” the youko said, gently swaying their bodies, “You should get home. Shiori is particular about what time to make dinner.”

Shuichi nodded, but hesitated. Talk of home reminded him that all this was going to all be over very soon, and he could feel the sting of solitude creeping back as his heart constricted. He turned around and buried his head in his towering lover's chest. Youko embraced him tenderly, comforting arms pressed up against his back. He was still a whole head and shoulders taller than him despite being in a human form himself. Shuichi found solace in that.

“I know,” he said soothingly into ruffled red hair, “I know, Shuichi, but we have to. It's only for a little bit longer, I promise.”

Youko swallowed the insistent lump in his throat to remain resolved for his human counterpart. He felt the redhead shake in his arms, but didn't feel any wetness on his chest to indicate he was actually crying. He held the man tighter to him still as he kissed the side of his cheek in reassurance and thumbed the sides of his arms in comfort.

Shuichi pulled away reluctantly as they heard voices in the distance. He smiled up at him, but the gesture didn't reach his eyes. He moved to gather his clothes.

“You’re right,” Shuichi said, as he picked up an undergarment off the floor, “We should probably leave here before someone finds us like this.”

Youko nodded solemnly and followed suit. He began to look for his things when he realized they were still in the dark. He went to the side of the room with the door, careful that there wasn't someone in the other side of the window, and ran his hands along the wall looking for the light switch. When he found it, he flicked it on and the room was immediately filled with bright white light.

“Thanks,” Shuichi said, wincing.

They worked wordlessly to gather up their clothes and clean up the room. Once he was dressed, Youko took the plant they had used earlier and put it in Shuichi’s satchel as a memento. The human took out a container of disinfectant wipes from a cupboard and wiped down the surfaces they had been on in the room. Once the human was satisfied, he threw the sheets away and put on his coat. Youko was waiting patiently next to him, holding up his bag and umbrella.

The human thanked him and took his items from the youkai.

Settling the strap of his bag on his shoulder, he looked over to his partner, “Ready?”

“Hm,” Youko responded in his deep voice, tying his coat, “Would you like me to walk you to the station?”

Shuichi nodded and warmly smiled, “Yes, I would like that very much.”

Youko smiled back and grabbed the human’s outstretched hand. They kissed briefly on the lips before heading out of the room. Shuichi did one last sweep of the room with his eyes before opening the door. Youko motioned for the human to go first and flicked the light switch as they left. They both took one last look into the room before turning towards each other as the door clicked closed. Shuichi smiled sadly and Youko kissed his head. They squeezed each other's hand as they headed down the corridor.

They walked quietly. Youko looked straight ahead while Shuichi’s gaze was on the floor, thinking. Youko's coated arm was keeping him steady as he walked, wooly fabric scratching against his face. When he looked up briefly, he noticed a girl he went to class with in the mornings walking down the opposite side of the hall.

He inwardly cursed as she saw him.

She smiled at him and waved, “Hey, Shuichi! Heading home?”

Youko slowed down next to him as he waived back.

“Yeah,” he said casually, “Just finished up a project and now I'm beat.”

The three stopped in the middle of the hallway for a moment. Shuichi hoped she didn't question him about his aloof and much more matured-looking companion.

“Oh! Me too!” she said, “I can't wait to get out of here. The professors are killing us this time of year with all these assignments.”

Shuichi nodded and laughed softly, “Yeah, it's crazy.”

His classmate nodded in agreement, looking him over oddly and then looked over to the man at his right. The taller male seemed to only smile at her politely and nod in her direction. Shuichi couldn't tell if she noticed their clasped hands or not. Maybe she could tell he looked a bit disheveled. Maybe it was the way they stood too close together.

He just prayed that she wouldn't start to inquire.

She only nodded back to Youko and smiled, turning back towards the redhead.

“Well, hey,” she said as she moved towards the direction she was previously headed towards, “I have to go grab something from the study, but be safe getting home! It's terrible out there!”

Shuichi released a breath he didn't realize he was holding and waived to her, “Okay, you too! See you tomorrow!”

She waived back walking away, “Thanks! Bye, Shuichi!”


His classmate turned back around as she walked off. It didn't take them long to notice that she was walking back towards the same classroom they had just come from. The fox and the redhead looked at each other in concern and then amusem*nt, holding back from laughing at their shared diablerie glances as they turned back around.

They quickly made their exit before anyone noticed anything was off.

The guard waived them off as they left through the door and into the damp, autumn night. They stood under the entrance of the building while Shuichi opened the umbrella. The fox took it from him as he settled it over their weary bodies as they walked down the damp street. The two counterparts talked offhandedly about small, insignificant things while they walked. Shuichi pointed out a good bagel shop while Youko asked about Shiori's redecorating of the house.

Soon they came up to the enclosure of the bus stop. They were the only ones there so they huddled closely together under the shelter while they waited.

Shuichi looked up at Youko as he spoke, “So… Will we be seeing each other again soon?”

Youko nodded, “Hopefully soon. Once we have a better understanding of how the anecdote works. I have a strong feeling that it may work quicker than expected.”

Shuichi sighed in relief. Knowing now that they would be able to visit each other without consequence, he felt more anxious than ever before about seeing him again. Before, it was always ‘if’ they saw each other again, now it would only be a matter of when. It sparked a sense of hope in him that he even dared to consider.

“Do you think the others will be happy?” the redhead asked.

The fox looked thoughtful for a moment as he watched the rain dripping down over the clear roof of the station.

“I’m sure,” Youko said carefully, “that some of them may be happier than others, but for a large part, yes.”

Shuichi contentedly agreed. Their clasped hands squeezed.

The human closed his coat more tightly around him as a chilled breeze blew by. Youko noticed the young man shivering and took the invitation to wrap him up in his arms again one final time. He knew that, even though the future looked promising, they never truly knew when they would be reunited and wanted to milk these occasions for all they were worth. He brought Shuichi close to him as he nudged their noses together and laid his mouth over the other’s.

The redhead gently reciprocated, placing his hands inside the youko's warm jacket and on his now clothed chest. The kissed deepened as Youko placed a hand behind his head to draw him nearer. His body ached to touch his loved one in intimacy again, but he could only settle for this instead. Some passersby walked past looking briefly in their direction, but the two only had eyes for each other. Youko pressed their foreheads together as they rocked back and forth slightly, embraced.

“I love you,” he said, caressing the redhead's face with one hand, tracing his cheekbone with his thumb, “I truly do.”

The smaller male smiled, “I love you too.”

They stayed like that until they could hear the bus rumbling up the street towards the stop. They hugged each other one last time with arms encircled tightly around their coated bodies. Shuichi held back tears while Youko caressed his back.

“Soon,” Youko promised into his neck, “We’ll see each other very soon. This I promise you. Don't give up on us, Shuichi.”

The redhead nodded, taking the youko for one last final kiss, desperate and yet so final. They heard the doors of the bus open and the bus driver politely clear his throat.


Shuichi and Youko chuckled between them and gave one last final peck in departure. Youko reluctantly released the human, hand still holding onto the other’s as he walked backwards towards the carriage until it broke contact when the human walked out from the under the shelter.

“Bye for now,” Shuichi said as he smiled, eyes glimmering.

Youko slowly nodded goodbye, a bittersweet look on his face, “Bye for now, love.”

Shuichi turned around and boarded the bus. He exchanged quick pleasantries with the driver as he scanned his pay card in the machine. The fox watched as he quickly moved to sit at an empty seat near the back of the bus, his red hair glowing under the interior lights of the carriage, frame passing from window to window holding his bag on his shoulder. The driver closed the doors with an airy ‘swish' as he put the bus into gear.

Shuichi sat down in solitude and then looked out the window at him. They simultaneously raised their hands to waive one final goodbye as the bus began to drive away. Youko put two gloved fingers to his lips and raised them up in the air. The redhead reciprocated by pressing his fingers against the cold, foggy, rain-streaked glass. They watched each other until the bus went too far down the street for them to keep eye contact.

Shuichi laid his head heavily against the cold glass while his chilled hands fumbled with the buckles of the satchel on his lap. His eyes closed as his tired, aching back settled into the seat. Every part of his body was sore and he felt thoroughly filthy, but his soul felt at peace. He allowed his mind to drift off as the low reverberation of the bus carried them on.

Youko watched helplessly as the retreating vessel took the one thing he cherished most away from him. Something in the back of his mind told him that this would be the last time. That all the pain they've experienced wasn’t for naught, and they'd be brought back together again permanently. All it took was a little bit of patience.


Yes, Youko had all the patience in the world if it meant being with Shuichi again. He waited hundreds of years for a soulmate he never knew he needed. He could wait a few more if he had to.

He turned around and walked down the street, caressing a strand of Shuichi's hair between his fingers. He whistled a slow, sweetly wistful tune as his form faded into the night. The bus stop lay quiet and empty in the dark, damp streets of the city. Un-telling of the cherished events that took place that day. All that remained was the hushed sound of the cityscape and the thumping rain as life moved onwards.

Forever persistent.

Chapter 2: Yuletides


Shuichi is invited to celebrate the holidays with the Reikai Tentai and Company for the first time, a few years after the split has already taken place. He finds comfort among his friends, but finds it hard to enjoy the night when there's something glaringly missing.

He just wanted one thing for Christmas, and that was the one person he was being denied.

(Rated T)


A Christmas fic admittedly a little late. Hope it's not too late for you to enjoy it all the same, though. Happy New Year!

Chapter Text

The snow fell deftly in the night on the ground of a quiet, residential street. A cold gust of wind blew through the silent avenue, tussling long crimson strands of hair and enveloping his bundled form in its icy embrace. The cold nipped at his bare skin, making his emerald eyes water and tinted his alabaster cheeks and nose red.

Adjusting the package in under his arm and the tote in his gloved hand, he walked steadily on. He ignored the frigid winter weather and instead focused absent-mindedly on the bare sidewalk in front of him. The ground sparkled against the dull lights, crisp and white, undisturbed and pristine. His ears focused on the sound of his boots quietly crunching the freshly fallen snow against the paved sidewalk. Every few minutes the warm glow of headlights illuminated the street as a car drove past, but the road was mostly quiet with not a soul to be accounted for and most houses dimly lit. His movements were trance like, automatically moving one foot in front of the other. Everything was so hushed that not even the wildlife rustled in the branches of trees or bushes. He slowed his pace as he came up to an illuminated house and carefully walked up its icy steps. He looked up as a door opened and a warm light flooded the snow covered porch.

“Happy Holidays!!!”

A blue-haired woman swung opened the door with a welcoming smile on her lips that could brighten an entire room. She quickly came out onto the porch and wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug.

“You guys! Shuichi’s here!” a tall brunette behind the door exclaimed into a bustling house. There were sounds of laughter and loud chattering coming from inside.

The blue-haired woman quickly ushered him inside as the brunette smiled at him and stepped aside, “Come! Come! You must be freezing!”

Shuichi entered into the threshold of the brightly lit entryway shaking the soft snowflakes from his slightly damp red hair.

“Botan, Shizuru. It's so good to see you,” he greeted as he smiled graciously.

The older woman took her turn to give him a welcoming hug as the bubbly grim reaper tsked at him, wagging her finger playfully.

“Now Shuichi, where is your hat? This weather is awful! You could catch a cold like that!” she chided.

The redhead gave a soft laugh, “I suppose you're right. I wasn’t aware that it would get so dreary out.”

The reaper fussed over him as he set down his belongings and shrugged off his thick coat. A few droplets of water falling off of it and onto the wooden floor as Botan hung it on a hook. The heated interior was a welcoming change to the frigid cold outside. He barely managed to remove his scarf when a woman with short, chestnut colored hair came running around one of the corners.

“Shuichi!” she exclaimed, “You came!”

She, too, flung her arms around his shoulders, his body hunching over as he had to bend down to reciprocate.

“I'm so glad to see you could make it!” she said happily.

“Jeez, would ya let the guy breathe? He just got here and y'all have already gotten your paws all over him!”

The shorter girl glared at the man coming into the room behind her.

“Really, Yusuke? It's been nearly two years since we've seen him,” she said flatly.

“Yeah,” Botan chimed in, “We’re allowed to be excited!”

The ebony haired man scowled at the shorter brunette as he stuffed his hands in his pockets, “I don't remember you guys being that excited to see me.”

“Oh hush, Yusuke,” Keiko scolded, “It’s not like you've been away that long.”

Shuichi broke the tension with a slight waive of his hand and a shake of his head, “It’s okay, really. I'm happy to see all of you.”

Yusuke broke away from glaring at Keiko to grin at him. He walked over and hooked an arm over his neck

“Well, since you say so…” he laughed.

A tall man with bright orange hair fumbled around the corner next, eyes wide and a pocky stick hanging loosely from his mouth, “Hey, what's all the commotion about?”

“Wow, you sure are slow, aren't you?” Shizuru sighed, “I said Shuichi was here like 5 minutes ago.”

“Yeah, Kuwabara. Are you deaf or just dumb?” Yusuke added with a pointed glare.

The orange top gawked as he raised his fist in response, “Hey! There was a lot of people talking, okay?! I didn't hear you! No need to be rude!”

The redhead laughed as he greeted the tall human, “It's nice to see you too, Kuwabara-kun.”

The tall man dropped his defensive stance as he grinned widely at him, “Thanks, Shuichi! At least someone appreciates me.”

“Yeah, don't get used to it. He’s just being nice,” Yusuke deadpanned.

Kuwabara glared at the spirit detective, looking like he was about ready to pick a fight, as Botan waived her hands in front of them to bring the attention back to herself.

Children! Can we please move this little get together somewhere else before anybody starts knocking the house down? This hallway is starting to get a little cramped.”

Both the carrot top and the shorter spirit detective frowned at her as they let up on each other. The taller male skulked back into the other room, mumbling to himself in aggravation. Keiko turned to smile towards Shuichi again as she started to walk out of the hallway.

“C’mon, Shuichi. Let's go to the other room so you can come say hi to everybody,” she said, slipping around the corner.

Yusuke, with his arm still around his neck, grinned again and started to lead him to the other room, “Yeah, come watch Kuwabara get his butt kicked in Jenga!”

“I heard that!” the taller male cried from the other room.

The other two women followed behind as they walked down the hall and into a large, open foyer in the front part of the house. The room was lavishly decorated with lights and a tall illuminated tree in the corner. A fireplace was burning nicely by the side, with soft carols playing in the background. The room smelled pleasantly of burnt wood, evergreens, and cinnamon. There was a couch and a few seats scattered around a coffee table. As he entered, he noticed a few of the other occupants. Yukina sat looking focused as she threaded kernels of popcorn on a string. Genkai was stood towards the left with Koenma, talking. Hiei sat on a window sill in the back seemingly watching the snow falling outside in solitude. Everyone but Hiei turned in their direction as they entered.

“Shuichi!” Yukina cried, sprinting up as the threads of popcorn fell from her lap onto the chair.

She ran up to him to embrace her arms around the redhead’s waist into a tight hug as she said, tears nearly spilling from her eyes, “It's been so long!

Shuichi smiled warmly down at the small ice demon as he reciprocated the affection.

“Yes, everyone seems to like to remind me of that,” he teased, chuckling at the young maiden’s enthusiasm.

Yukina composed herself as she withdrew from him, still smiling. The redhead turned to Koenma and Genkai as he spoke, “It's nice to see you as well.”

They both responded in kind, Koenma also shaking the young man's hand as he did so. Hiei languidly turned around to look at the new attendee. The human and the fire demon acknowledged each other with a small nod of their heads. It was sufficient enough greeting for them. The human still knew that the fire demon was not social. Yet, he was still happy enough to see him, and he knew that Hiei knew that without having to say it out loud.

Keiko turned his attention towards the table full of snacks up against the wall, “Eat, Shuichi! You must be famished! The weather is so brutal out there!”

The redhead waved his hand as he declined, “Oh no, I'm fine for now. I'm just warming up. Thank you, though.”

“But you look nearly half starved! You're so skinny now,” Botan fretted as she picked at his loose fitting sweater.

“Really, Botan,” Shuichi insisted, “I'm fine, I'm just gonna warm up by the fire for now.”

The blue-haired woman looked ready to argue before Yusuke cut in.

“Look, I'm sure the man's capable of handling himself. Let's give him a break, will ya? He didn't come all this way to be nagged to death,” he stated, his attempt of shooing off the fretting women.

Botan scowled as she huffed, arms crossed, “Well, excuse me for worrying!”

The human sighed as he unraveled himself from Yusuke. He was used to this, their constant concern for his well-being. The insistent questions whenever they saw him. Was he eating? Was he sleeping? Staying healthy? Did he give himself time to rest? Has he been taking care of himself? Even he caught the young spirit detective eyeing him over when he first entered the house. He put their frets to rest as he grabbed a handful of nuts from a bowl.

“Fine, fine,” he conceded, “See? I'm more than happy to indulge. There’s no need to worry.”

Botan seemed satisfied as Yusuke rolled his eyes at her. He forgoed continuing their bickering by sitting across from Kuwabara at the table where a tower of wooden blocks stood. The orange haired man nearly hitting him as he sat down heavily, nearly knocking down the tower and ruining the entire game.

Shuichi chuckled as he watched them, pouring some of the snack in his mouth. He felt content to be back. Things felt… normal. Almost.

Everyone seemed to go back about their business as things settled down. Both Keiko and Shizuru left to the kitchen to finish cooking the food. Botan settled next to Yusuke and Kuwabara as she watched them play, adding in a comment here or there that caused one of them to snark at either her or each other.

Yukina called to him to sit next to her so as to help her finish the edible garland. She looked elated as he situated himself down at the chair beside her, taking a half-finished garland from her hand. He paid special attention to her instructions as she showed him how to carefully hang the kernels on the string. She excitedly congratulated him as he seemed to quickly catch on. They sat like that for a while, both of them talking intermittently about one thing or another casually, bonding. He saw Hiei studying them from the corner of his eye. He knew better than to acknowledge it, lest he wanted to risk a snarky denial from the spikey haired demon in agitation. He noticed that the demon grunted as their eyes met and turned his attention back out the window. It was as if the fire youkai wanted to ask him something, but thought better of it.

Soon, Genkai came to sit down next to them as Koenma wandered off to the kitchen towards the smell of food. The older woman sat down, clearing her throat.

“So, Shuichi,” she started casually, “I take it you’re getting on well?”

Shuichi nodded and smiled at her cordially as he continued his task, “I would say so. It's been quite an uneventful year as I'm sure you can imagine.”

Genkai nodded understandingly, “Your body and ki have been healing fine?”

The redhead winced at the painful memory, but nodded nonetheless, “Yes, it's been a relatively smooth process. No short in thanks to you, I’m sure.”

The old woman shook her head, crossing her arms over her chest, “Not me. You have a strong will to live, Minamino. You're smooth healing process is a direct result of you and your abilities. Not mine. Even in your basic human form you possess incredible strength. I only gave you the tools you needed to succeed. You carried all the brunt work, I'm afraid.”

The redhead looked thoughtful for a moment, eyes downcast and fingers nimbly working the kernels on the string. There was a long stretch of silence for a moment as no one spoke. Yukina looked worried and ready to interject but hesitated.

“Hm, I suppose you're right,” he continued, never removing his attention from his task, “It was a most egregious process, wasn't it? But even still, you did what you must and it helped tremendously. You have all of my gratitude.”

He smiled warmly at the older woman as he placed another kernel on the garland. Genkai only nodded her head at him, not saying anything more. He felt a twinge of pain surfacing in his chest, but his face and composure didn't let on. Things remained quiet as the trio sat there. Yukina mindlessly cording the popcorn as Shuichi helped her. Genkai never let her gaze falter on him, studying. The human noticed that Yukina was having trouble with a particularly stubborn kernel and lent a hand by softly taking the string and working the object through patiently. Yukina beamed at him.

“Ah! Shuichi-kun,” she said warmly, “You’re always so helpful. Thank you!”

The ice maiden took the garland back smiling as the redhead handed it back to her. He reciprocated her facial expression, feeling a sense of warm fondness for the young blue- haired woman next to him.

Once his eyes lifted to hers, she continued, “You should come with us, you know. You're quite strong, even in this state I could train you just like I did Urameshi and Kazuma. It'll be much easier for you at the temple. Less quiet. Yukina and I can keep you much better company than books and lifeless professors.”

Shuichi knew what she actually meant, ‘Lonely. Things would be less lonely.’ The temple master continuously expressed how much the human soul of Kurama must feel isolated among the normal residents of the Ningenkai. She would continuously check in on the red haired human and extend the offer every few months. Shuichi always declined, preferring to finish his studies in order to keep things as normal for him as possible and to also not peak the suspicions of his family, but every time the offer became more and more tempting. Today was no different, however.

“I really do appreciate the offer,” he stated politely, “But I do really wish to finish school, if only for my mother's sake. She's been so excited to see me graduate undergrad next year, that she's already planned the reception. I owe it to her to finish. She's put in so much time and effort to help me.”

Genkai hummed deep in her throat, but didn't press any further, “I understand.”

Yukina looked down sadly, dejected.

“But,” Shuichi continued, “After all is said and done, I may take you up on your offer. I could use the training, and a break for a year or two from my mortal responsibilities may not be the worst idea.”

Yukina smiled joyfully at him, “That would be great, Shuichi-kun! We could set you up a nice room near the garden! It would be so wonderful to have you with us!”

Shuichi graced her with a broad smile, chuckling as the ice maiden clasped his hand in barely contained excitement. By now, Yukina's giddiness had perked the interest of a certain carrot top nearby. Kuwabara, Yusuke, and Botan had stopped paying attention to their current game to look in their direction. Kuwabara grinned in response to Yukina's elated expression.

“Jeez, Shuichi. What’d you say to get her so happy?” Kuwabara said with a laugh.

Yukina, still smiling, said, “Shuichi-kun is going to come stay with us!”

“Tentatively,” the redhead added quickly, “After seeing how things are going once my education is finished.”

Hiei turned his attention from the ongoing blizzard towards where they were sitting, questioning. His and Shuichi's eyes met for a brief moment, a hundred unsaid words being shared between them. He saw a shimmer of emotion pass through his face before it left as quickly as it appeared. Shuichi didn't need to expend the mental energy to decipher it, he knew before letting his eyes leave the demon sitting on the windowsill. He turned his attention, instead, to a squealing Botan.

“Really?! How exciting! That's great news!” she exclaimed happily, “That would be so good for you!”

“For all of us,” Yukina added, squeezing his hand and giving him a reassuring smile.

The redhead gave a breathy laugh as he tried to settle the excited atmosphere. Hiei grunted before turning back around, not saying a word. Botan scowled in his direction.

“Don't be so dismissive, Mr. Grumpy Pants,” she scolded, “You know you'll be just as excited as the rest of us to have him around again.”

The fire demon rolled his eyes, but didn't say anything. Shuichi smiled at the back of his head, taking his silence as an agreement. He didn't need a verbal response to know. The lack of a snide comment was enough. Truth be told, he missed the fiery demon too, but they need not express it now.

Yusuke snigg*red as he commented, “Heh, so you’re deciding to stay with the old broad, huh? You better watch it; she may be a Grandma but she's got a wicked masoch*stic streak. I'm still sore from our last tryst.”

Genkai glared threateningly at the offending man, “You wouldn't be so sore if you're skull wasn’t so thick.”

“Aye, you fought dirty and you know it, ya old hag!” Yusuke yelled angrily as he stood up, raising a fist, “Hey Shuichi, never mind this! Come train with me, and I'll make sure you're strong enough in no time!”

“He’s fighting with brains, not pure uninhibited bronze, you half-wit. You're useless when it comes to tactical fighting,” the older woman bit back snidely, turning away from the offended spirit detective.

Shuichi watched helplessly as the two of them bickered back and forth, a sweat drop forming in the back of his head. He sought to dismiss the tension when Kuwabara spoke up.

“How come Youko doesn’t train him?”

The air in the room bristled like an electric shock as everyone, besides for the redhead, turned to scowl at the orange haired man sitting unwittingly on the floor. Shuichi smiled but stared blankly at the wall as he thought of the fox demon. Kuwabara reeled back in pain as Yusuke decidedly hit him on top of the head, hard.

“Ow!” he cried, “What was the for?!”

“You idiot,” Genkai remarked as Yukina looked on worryingly for both Shuichi and Kuwabara.

Botan nearly hit him again, yelling, as Hiei stared daggers at the half-wit, “We do NOT say the ‘Y' word, Kuwabara!”

The tall man gawked, cradling his throbbing head, “What? How was I supposed to know?!”

“Earth to bird brain!” Yusuke insulted, aggravated, “Have you not been around for the past few years? Or did your head just go missing off of your dumb looking shoulders?”

The ebony haired man looked at Shuichi worryingly as if to attempt at comforting him when Koenma walked in, interrupting.

“It’s because Youko Kurama is barred from the human world. From seeing him,” the demigod supplied coolly, carrying a tray full of food.

Shuichi released Yukina's hand as he turned away, face blank as he struggled to contain strong emotions from running through his veins. Hiei could apparently see through the cracks as he telepathically spoke with the human, ‘Never mind the useless oaf. He doesn’t think before fumbling to talk.’

Shuichi nodded silently, digging his fingernail into the palm of his hand to keep his emotions in check.

Kuwabara looked incredulous, “Yeah, but… I thought…”

“You thought wrong,” Koenma said, “Lest you forget that Youko is a wanted fugitive. He cheated death and stole the life of an innocent among countless other atrocities. The leaders of the Spirit World want his head on a stick… or at the very least, his soul condemned as it should’ve been. He’s lucky to be walking free right now.”

A thick, swollen silence enveloped the room again as the demigod’s words settled uncomfortably in the air. No one wanted to break the silence, but everyone (save for Hiei and Koenma) stole worrying glances at the young redhead sitting on the futon. Tears threatened to well in his green eyes as an uncomfortable lump formed in his throat. He wouldn't break, he thought stubbornly. Not here, not now. It was definitely not the setting for such a display. He had a quiet room at home for that.

Plus, Shuichi didn't want to give him the satisfaction.

Keiko cheerily walked into the room with another tray, Shizuru in tow, “Come now! It's not the time for that! It's Christmas you guys!”

Slowly, everyone began to relax as the strong aroma of cooked food stole their attentions. Shuichi was grateful for the distraction as it allowed for all of the focus to be brought off of him and he could release a silent, shuddering breathe. His hands almost quivering under the painful, crescent indentation of his thumbnail biting into the skin. Yukina patted his shoulder as she got up to help Keiko and Shizuru. Kuwabara looked like he wanted to apologize before Yusuke and Botan dragged him towards the generous display of dishes, making it so he couldn't say anything else to further upset the human. Genkai silently got up, leaving Shuichi to compose himself.

Koenma was the only one to linger nearby, stepping closer. Shuichi paid him no attention as he worked to get his breathing under control.

“I'm sorry, Shuichi, truly. I know what you must think…” he spoke softly, carefully, “But I honestly would do anything to help if I could. I'm no match against King Enma. My father, he's… He has the final say. I'm powerless against him.”

Shuichi’s silence spoke volumes as he refused to look at the tall, brunette man next to him. The demigod placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, noticing as it tensed under his touch. He sighed, partly knowing that his words were the cause of the human’s despair. He wanted to make things right, but he also knew that the human half of Kurama would think whatever he wanted despite his half attempts at an apology.

“For what it's worth,” Koenma started, slightly putting pressure on his shoulder to get his attention, “I'm working on it.”

Shuichi raised his wet, emerald eyes quizzically towards the man standing beside him. The demigod removed his hand from his shoulder to use his pointer finger to wipe a rogue tear falling down his light skin, softly stroking his cheek in the process. The comforting touch felt foreign to the human coming from him. He didn't say anything as he looked to the demigod for an explanation.

Koenma obliged, “There might be something I can do to… ease up the restrictions a bit. You'll have to trust me. I don't want this anymore than you do, but we have to play our cards carefully. I see you’re hurting, Shuichi. Let me help.”

Shuichi didn't know how to respond so instead nodded, wearily. Koenma grasped his chin between his thumb and his forefinger to raise the redhead's face towards his. He leaned down to plant a gentle kiss on his forehead. The redhead's eyes closed instinctually as he inhaled sharply. He could smell the prince of the Spirit World as they held this position for a moment, the scent of fresh linen and some sort of familiar spice wafting through his nose. As Koenma pulled away Shuichi's eyes darted to the only other person he knew was paying attention. Hiei looked just as surprised as he was, eyes wide and mouth hanging open slightly. It was the most emotion he showed all evening.

Koenma smirked knowingly at their exchange. He spoke in a hushed whisper so as to not grab anyone's attention, “It’s a calming spell. It should help ease the nerves some.”

He released the redhead's chin and winked playfully as he walked away. Shuichi could only stare at him in disbelief as he watched demigod walk towards the rest of the group. He could feel a slight numbing feeling in his body as a calming sensation washed over him. A slow burn of contentedness started to slowly replace the ache in his chest, a kind of clarity came to his senses clearing his mind of turmoil, and a warm buzzing sensation traveled through his appendages all the way to his fingertips. His breathing began to calm as his muscles relaxed. He felt completely at ease and back in control within minutes. He heard Hiei clear his throat, looking at him expectantly, and Shuichi could only shrug his shoulders in response. Some things were just better left alone.

He lifted himself off the futon to head towards the table of food when the doorbell rang. Botan popped her head up in attention above the crowd of people filling their plates. The doorbell rang again.

“Now who could that be?” Botan huffed, “I thought everyone was here already.”

Keiko and Shizuru only shrugged their shoulders. Yusuke grinned as he stuffed his mouth with a stick of meat.

“Eh, I may have invited some old friends,” he said coyly.

Keiko crossed her arms and rolled her eyes, “Really, Yusuke. Don't talk with your mouth full.”

Botan glared at the spirit detective as she headed towards the door, “Friends? Why didn't you tell me you invited anyone else?”

Shuichi thought it best to follow her, doorbell now ringing incessantly. The blue haired grim reaper huffed again as she flung open the door. Six men stood on the other side, bundled up in winter coats and holding brightly colored packages: Chu, Jin, Toya, Rinku, Shishiwakamaru, and Suzuki in that order. A good portion of the group was smiling with a couple looking perturbed at being left to hang out in the cold.

“My goodness, this human world weather is no joke, ain't it?” Jin said in his thick accent, shivering.

Botan face palmed as she saw the six demons standing on the other side, “Oh no, not you guys.”

Shishi looked affronted, “Well you're certainly nothing to look at either.”

Botan growled as she restrained from hitting the unannounced guest, instead calling for the spirit detective, “Yusuke!! Come get your so called ‘friends'!”

Rinku pushed to the front, emerging between the taller men's legs, “Aw, Botan. Let us in! You know how Shishi is. He didn't mean anything by it! It's cold out here!”

“Yes I did,” the long blue haired demon retorted. The other members of the newly arrived group yelled for him to shut up.

Shuichi put a hand over his mouth, stifling a laugh, while Botan gritted her teeth.

“Yusuke!” she yelled to no avail.

“I think,” Shuichi cut in, putting a hand on her shoulder, “he might be a bit preoccupied at the moment. It might be best to let them show themselves inside while we go get him.”

The group outside nodded enthusiastically, looking hopeful. Botan only scowled at them, unmoving.

“C’mon, Sheila. Have a bit of a forgiving heart, will ya? ‘s Christmas after all!” Chu said, leaning over the other members of the group to drunkenly beam down at her.

Botan sighed in defeat and begrudgingly waived her hand to motion them inside. As the party filed in, she stomped off to the other part of the house to yell at the spirit detective some more.

“Yusuke, stop stuffing your face and come greet your guests!” she exclaimed, “Next time you invite people over, you should be answering the door!”

Shuichi let out a laugh this time as he heard them began to bicker in the background. Just like old times.

He moved to help the new attendees take off their coats by grabbing the packages out of their hands. Rinku turned to the redhead, noticing him for the first time.

“Kurama! It's been so long since we've seen you!” he smiled playfully.

The human cleared his throat, “Shuichi. It's Shuichi now.”

The childlike demon looked confused for a moment, “Huh?”

Toya lightly bonked him on the head, “Shuichi and Youko Kurama split. This is the human side of Kurama now.”

Rinku cradled his head, still not fully grasping the concept, “What? I thought there was only one Kurama in a human body? What happened to him? This isn't Kurama anymore?”

Toya looked ready to smack him again before Shuichi interjected.

He chuckled, Koenma’s spell helping to keep him at ease, “I am still him… but not. It's a very long story, and if there’s ever enough time, I'll explain it to you. For now, I'm still the Kurama you know, but my name is Shuichi now. Just Shuichi.”

Rinku nodded, liking the simple explanation better. Suzuki called the little demon to come with him into the other room before he said anything else stupid.

He smiled up at Shuichi again as he took his gift back from him, “Well Shuichi, I should go put this under the tree! I'll see you in there!”

And with that, he ran off. He felt a strong hand clap his back and nearly topple him over. Chu greeted him warmly, a faint smell of liquor rolling off his breath, “’Ey there, Shuichi, mate. Good to see yer hangin’ in there!”

The redhead coughed a little from the blow, not as strong as he once was, but tried to give Chu a polite smile nonetheless.

“Thanks, I suppose. There’s not much more I really can do.”

Chu laughed heartily and nearly gave him another crack to the back before Shuichi swiftly moved to the side, “That's the spirit!”

“How have you been healing?” Toya asked, settling next to his side, “I heard the process was quite painful for you both.”

The human nodded, solemnly, “It was. We're both thankful to have made it out alive, but the aftermath took us years to recover from. I'm not nearly as competitive as my old self, but I've managed to heal just fine.”

Toya nodded his head in understanding. He moved out of the way as the other members of the group started to file into the foyer. Chu moved from next to him to shuffle in line, and Toya tilted his head to signal that they should follow. Shuichi obliged, thankful to change the subject of focus.

He trailed behind the group, taking his time to allow everyone to say their hellos. There was a big roar as they entered into the room. Yusuke and Kuwabara cheered as Chu and Jin ran over to them, hooking their arms around each other in greeting. Toya and Shishi stayed behind, calmly greeting the other occupants. Suzuki and Rinku were already digging themselves into the buffet.

Shuichi decided to wait for things to calm a bit before grabbing any food, settling up against a wall towards the side of all the commotion. He was content with just observing the party for now. He wanted to avoid having to talk about himself, or another particular party, for as long as possible while he gathered his bearings. He caught himself listening for the door, hoping; losing himself in his thoughts.

Shizuru eventually walked up beside him. She handed him a plastic cup full of what he could only assume to be punch. She leaned her back up against the wall, deciding to observe the party with him to keep him company. He offhandedly looked towards the entrance of the room.

“He’s not coming, you know,” Shizuru said casually, taking a sip of her drink.

Shuichi quickly averted his gaze, staring blankly into his cup. He would normally feel a wrenching feeling in his gut, but now he only felt…numb. He did feel foolish, though, for hoping.

The redhead sighed, “I know. I didn't really expect him to. That would be a fool’s mission to come here tonight.”

He glanced at Koenma and Shizuru hummed in agreement, following his gaze.

“Yeah,” she said indifferently, “Would be, wouldn't it? Still, I can even admit it would've been nice. It has been—”

“—so long,” the redhead interrupted flatly, “I know.”

The taller brunette smirked and chuckled slightly into her glass taking another sip, “I forgot who I'm talking to. Smart ass.”

Shuichi looked at her apologetically. He didn't mean to take anything out on her, but he was tiring quickly of the trope. Shizuru waived her hand to dismiss it, “Don't worry, I get it. It's fair. I'm sure being here is hard enough on you tonight without everyone reminding you of it every five minutes.”

Shuichi silently agreed, sniffing his drink absent-mindedly. He made a face as a harsh smell was intermingled with the sweet one.

He lifted his glass towards her without taking a sip, “Is this…?”

“Yup!” she grinned, holding up her own, “Warms the soul!”

The redhead nearly handed it back to her before she pushed it away, “Drink. Even you could use one tonight.”

“I don't drink,” he retorted, trying to push it back.

“You are tonight,” she said, pushing it away again with one hand.

The redhead sighed, giving up. It was a test of stubbornness between them, and Shuichi didn't have the energy or want to argue. He lifted the cup tentatively to his lips, allowing for the spiked liquid to flow onto his tongue. He tasted the bitter liquor followed shortly after by a sickeningly sweet taste that stuck to his mouth. He made a face again as he swallowed.

Shizuru laughed out loud, her own drink nearly spilling in her hand, “You sure are mulish, you know that?”

Shuichi looked at her pointedly which made her laugh again, “Yeah, I suppose you do, huh?”

The redhead decided to take another sip of his drink instead of giving a sarcastic remark. He was going to regret this in the morning. He looked back out towards the room again, changing the subject.

“Do you suppose they’ll remember tonight?” he asked, nodding towards the other occupants.

“Hm?” Shizuru answered, sipping out of her own cup again, “Oh, I'm sure they will. Most of them can hold their liquor.”

He noticed that almost everyone had a drink in their hand. Even Yukina, whose face was tinged pink along with Botan and Keiko who laughed merrily amongst themselves. He saw Chu and Suzuki along with Yusuke trying to force a drink into Hiei's hand, the aforementioned fire demon looking utterly annoyed. Even Rinku looked a little more giddy than a child should be, even a demon one.

He supposed it wouldn't be too bad to lose a little inhibition tonight. He needed something to stave off the loneliness from coming back. He took a large swig of his own drink, gulping down the mixed punch without really tasting it. Shizuru smiled and ‘clinked' her cup against his.

“Cheers!” she said optimistically, “Happy yuletide and all that.”

Shuichi smiled this time as the liquor started to settle in his bloodstream. Shizuru flicked her hair back as she rested against the wall with her left shoulder, facing towards him.

“Y'know, we are really happy to see you. I know this,” she said, waiving her hand haphazardly around for emphasis, “is probably a painful reminder for you, but we still consider you one of us. One of the gang. Botan and Keiko have been worried sick.”

“I know,” he admitted, almost looking ashamed, “I've been so focused in my studies, so focused on forgetting, that I've forgotten to keep in touch with some of the people who care most.”

He looked at the long haired brunette for emphases, “I'm sorry, really.”

Shizuru nudged him on the arm with her free hand, “Don't worry about it. Nobody takes it personally. We all get it. I think we all wished a little bit that things were back to normal, too.”

Shuichi snorted, eyes downcast, fingers nimbly moving along the side of his cup.

“Normal,” he repeated, “This is my normal now. Has been for some time. Even back then, I could never really settle into a state of ‘normal’. Things were always on edge. Always running, chasing, or avoiding something. Now that I have no reason to hide anything… things almost seem boring, pointless. I have no clear direction now.”

Shizuru looked at him closely, listening. She took a large swig of her drink before responding, “Yeah, I can see what you mean, but it's not pointless, you know? You have your whole life ahead of you and with so much going for it. The entire world is at your doorstep!”

Shuichi frowned, “No, not the entire world.”

Shizuru sobered quickly, realizing her friend needed her, “You’re right, but you know what I think?”

“What?” Shuichi asked, taking another large gulp.

“I think,” she stated carefully, “that he wouldn't want to see you moping around here feeling sorry for yourself. That he would actually want you to go on and find your own ambitions and fulfill your own life. That's what I think.”

The redhead raised an eyebrow playfully, “Do you really think I, Shuichi Minamino, child prodigy, am capable of moping and feeling sorry for myself?”

The brunette ‘thonked' her head sarcastically, spilling a bit of its contents, as she animatedly rolled her eyes, “Oh right, of course! Silly me, look who I'm talking to? How could I even think such a thing! Please forgive me, your graciousness!”

Shuichi tried to keep a straight face as he half-attempted to glare at her, but the look of friendly subversion in her eyes quickly broke down his attempt. He felt the corner of his mouth twitch upward and a chuckle escape his throat eventually breaking his resolve. Shizuru smiled triumphantly and started to join in.

They both had a good laugh, Shuichi holding his side as Shizuru worked to keep herself (and her drink) upright. They laughed for a good long while. The human felt a sense of happiness finally coming to him. He figured he liked that feeling, being here with Shizuru and the rest of his closest friends. It felt like where he belonged still. Where people knew him, not just superficially but truly. Where people cared about him so deeply, that they threw a party just to have an excuse to see their redheaded, now very human friend. In that moment, he was truly thankful for good companionship.

As the laughter subsided, they both straightened themselves, sobering up as much as they could (given the circ*mstances). Shizuru noticed Botan looking on at them, happily. She gave her a thumbs up and the grim reaper gave her one in return. Shuichi noticed, but cared not what it meant and said nothing.

Shuichi swirled the cup in his hand thoughtfully, bright red liquid sloshed up against the sides, “I was serious, though. I spent all my life thinking about what I wanted for myself as Kurama. Now that all of that seems null and void, I’m completely at a loss of what to do with myself most of the time. I'm still not very sure as to where to go from here.”

“Well, what did Shuichi want?” Shizuru asked.

“Hm? Me?” the redhead responded.

“Yeah,” the brunette replied, “Where does Shuichi want to go from here? Once you figure that out, pursue it and the rest will follow. You have the ability to make up your own future, follow your own rules, carve your own path! You’re no longer defined by someone else's shadow. Seems pretty sweet to me, having a new chance at life.”

The redheaded male looked thoughtful for a moment, “I suppose you're right. I should really focus on living as Shuichi Minamino rather than as human Kurama, huh?”

The brunette beamed at him, “Exactly!”

They both smiled at each other as they let the epiphany sink in. Shuichi affectionately nudged the woman's shoulder in gratitude.

“Thanks,” he said, “You're a good friend.”

“I know,” Shizuru sniffed.

At that moment, Keiko stood on top of a chair to tower above everyone else. She clapped her hands to get everyone’s attention.

“Alright guys!” she shouted with a large, booming voice that seemed to be too big coming from her little body, “Listen up! It's karaoke time! Everyone grab a partner and head towards the back of the room to pick a song!”

Shizuru gulped the rest of her drink down her throat and placed an unlit cigarette in her mouth.

“And with that,” she stated, setting her cup down in a flourish, “I'm out! If anyone needs me, I'll be outside enjoying my smoke peacefully in the bitter cold.”

Shuichi laughed and nodded, waving at her as she passed him to exit the room. Before she left, she gave a friendly pat on his shoulder and said “good luck". The redhead quietly snorted to himself as he watched her silently make her escape. He turned back around raising the cup to his lips again. The occupants of the room began to couple up, some willingly… some not. The redhead regarded his own drink for a moment and mulled something over in his head. He looked at its mostly empty contents, feeling a slight fuzzy warmth in his body. He listened as Yusuke and Keiko argued about who got to sing which song, and Genkai moaned practically in agony as she was paired with Kuwabara. Botan was scanning her eyes along the wall he was leaning on, searching for someone.

The human decided in that moment.

“Nope,” he quietly muttered to himself, “I'm not nearly drunk enough for this yet.”

He moved away from the spot he had been occupying before the grim reaper caught sight of him standing alone. He made himself seem busy by fussing with the ornaments on the tree for a while until he could see that she gave up with a shake of her head. He lightly chuckled to himself as he grabbed a sugar cookie off of the coffee table and plunked down on to the couch. He rested his head against the cushioned seat, closing his eyes. He enjoyed the few brief moments of silence before he felt the slightest whoosh of air ruffling his bangs.

He cracked one green eye slightly open, knowing who it was before even looking.

“Well,” he sighed, “I can see I'm quite popular today.”

Hiei frowned from atop his perch next to him on the armrest of the couch. He looked more perturbed than usual.

“Don't worry, we don't have to talk,” he said flatly, “I just don't want the stupid spirit detective and his blabbering girlfriend trying to rope me into another one of their obnoxious ningen traditions.”

The redhead closed his eyes again, knowing he was with the one person who wouldn't mind the quietude. He felt the warming sensation of booze running through his system, feeling comfortably tipsy.

“They tried to recruit you, I see,” he amusingly replied.

The demon scoffed, looking affronted, “If they think I'm going to sing one of those ridiculous songs, they’re sorely mistaken. I only came over here to let them think that I was already preoccupied so they'd leave me the hell alone.”

Shuichi smiled up at the disgruntled fire demon, “Well, thank you.”

Hiei raised an eyebrow at him.

“For coming to keep me company,” the redhead continued, “Ploy or not, I'm happy to have you with me.”

The fire demon only snorted in response as he turned away. Shuichi was still satisfied with that. He closed his eyes, letting his head rest heavily against the back of the couch. He felt the tingling sensation of his slight inebriation run through his body. He hadn't necessarily completely lied to Shizuru: he didn't actually drink. At least, not much. The human preferred to stay sober and alert, his mind still accustomed to having to always been in a constant state of awareness, but he couldn't deny that maybe he sometimes (once in a great, great while) enjoyed a glass of wine when a day of studies had been particularly brutal. It helped release the tension in his muscles.

He could feel Hiei's presence next to him, even though the demon was more than happy to indulge in his need for some quiet introspective. It reminded him of the old days when they would hang back from the rest of the group, having their own silent conversations. Shuichi always wondered if he missed those days. He probably did. The fire demon had a lot more in common with Kurama the mortal spirit fox than he does with Shuichi the college attending human. Normal, plain human. He sometimes wondered why he didn't chase after Youko when they split. Hiei had preferred to remain in his company, when given the chance. Maybe it was that this image was more familiar to him. But truth be told, Shuichi actually didn't really know. He could only really be thankful. Thankful that the fire demon didn't split from him the moment he turned fully mortal. Thankful that Hiei still cherished their… friendship?

The redhead looked up at the shorter male again who was merely watching the proceedings with passive eyes. Content with letting him breath and have peace in his own little bubble.

Friendship, Shuichi decided, closing his eyes. A dear one at that.

“You know…” the human said lazily and stretching his arms cat-like in the air, “I was quite perplexed to realize you'd come to the party without me. I thought we were supposed to arrive together?”

Hiei glanced at him with ruby orbs from the corner of his eye, “Hn.”

Shuichi raised a delicate red eyebrow at him, “I thought you had decided not to come when I hadn't heard from you.”

“You seemed to make it here just fine on your own,” Hiei deadpanned, “I'm not your keeper, human.”

The redhead smiled, prodding, “No, you certainly are not. But...”

He trailed off, thumping his index finger against his chin in thought.

“… could it be that you were avoiding me?” the redhead added, pointedly looking at his companion.

Hiei turned away, scowl on his lips, “I don't avoid people. I was just... busy.”

“Busy,” Shuichi said, unconvinced.

“I certainly don't have to explain myself to you, human fox,” he spat, agitated.

Shuichi's eyes softened, voice becoming lower to calm his friend, “No, of course not, but I was worried. It's not like you to not meet up when you say you will.”

Hiei’s scowl eventually disappeared. He sat settled into the back of the couch as he averted his eyes, “There was something that came up… unexpectedly. I came to your house, but you were already gone. I figured you had just left without me.”

Shuichi could tell the fire demon was keeping something from him, but pressing the issue would only result in him becoming more obstinate. He let the matter settle as he drank from his cup.

“That's alright,” he said, “I just wanted to be sure you were okay. You can always come to me if you need anything. You don't always have to handle everything by yourself.”

Hiei grunted, giving a half smirk, “I could say the same for you.”

Shuichi raised an eyebrow at him again. He was about to ask what he meant when a disgruntled, blue-haired reaper stomped up to where they sat.

“Have you seen Shizuru?” she said, sounding exasperated.

She looked at Shuichi who only shrugged his shoulders and then Hiei who pointedly stared at her.

She ‘humph’-ed and crossed her arms against her chest, tapping her foot, “Someone has to know where she is. She was just here, for Enma's sake!”

“Why don't you check the bathroom? Isn't that where most human women go whenever they disappear?” Hiei retorted back.

Shuichi’s mouth twitched upward, but he tried to hold it back as he saw the glower that Botan shot at the sarcastic demon.

“There are so many things wrong with that statement,” she said, “But I'm going to ignore it, because it's Christmas… and I actually didn't check there.”

Hiei made a face that said “go figure" and rolled his eyes. Botan looked at the redhead who only shook his head in commiseration and gestured vaguely towards his companion, giving her a weak attempt at a sincere smile. She flew her hands up in exasperation and gave the pair one final, suspicious stare before heading off towards another part of the house.

“Shuichi, keep an eye on Hiei,” she said as she walked away, “He's been particularly moody today.”

The redhead and the fire demon exchanged glances as she walked off. Shuichi couldn't contain his laughter anymore as the demon rolled his eyes behind her back. He glared at him sideways, scowling.

“What's so funny?”

The redhead wiped a tear from his eye as he continued to chuckle, “Nothing…”

Hiei narrowed his eyes at him, not reflecting any humor in his voice, “Then stop laughing at me, fox.”

Shuichi straightened as he tried to sober up, “I'm sorry, really… It's just... Despite all that's happened, it's nice to come back and everyone is the same. You know?”

Hiei looked him up and down, “Yeah?”

“Yeah,” Shuichi nodded, smiling, “It’s comforting.”

The fire demon gave a half snort and looked away, “You should come around more often then. I'm sure you'll get sick of it soon enough.”

The redhead considered this, allowing his gaze to drift off towards the fire. He watched the wood crackle and the tiny embers fly about the bright orange flames. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt at his friend’s statement.

“I know,” he admitted softly. The fire demon looked at him again as he spoke, “I'm sorry I haven't been. It’s just been so hard, you know? Being back here with everyone. It's like nothing has changed.”

Hiei didn't speak as he watched the human’s face contort in confusion. Shuichi would've normally felt a heavy sadness in his reminiscing, but now he didn't feel anything. There wasn't happiness or despair or anger… Just nothing. It was too unnatural.

“But it's not the same,” he continued, trying to talk through his thoughts, “It’s completely different, but everyone tries to act like it's not. Being back here… it's a glaring reminder of what's been missing. It reminds me of the one thing I'm trying to forget.”

He wasn't really sure if Hiei was listening or not, but it felt good to get it out there. He was trying to play everything cool, but he wasn't a very good liar anymore. Or maybe he’d just been lacking the energy to pretend. In any case, it was becoming abundantly clear that everyone knew he was not alright, and if there was one thing he still maintained, it was his little bit of self-respect. He felt like everyone perceived him to be small and helpless now. Fragile. Like he was only a delicate piece of what he once was.

And if Shuichi was feeling apt to be honest with himself, he was. But that didn't make him less of a whole person. He was still able to feel a full array of emotions, not just depression, and have his own strengths. He was able to be handled like a real adult. Not a porcelain doll who would easily break under the slightest pressure.

He was only half of Kurama, but he was all of Shuichi.

He was not broken.

But he was hurting, and he just wanted solace.

He just wanted to talk… and for someone to listen without cowering away the first time they said his name. As if the very mention of him was scalding.

Like he was somehow wrong.

“It's better not to forget,” Hiei said unpretentiously, no hint of sarcasm or condescending judgement, “If you forget the past, you forget who you are and what you’re fighting for. You lose yourself.”

“I want to,” Shuichi said flatly, face somber.

Hiei studied the human then. Red hair and green irises alit by the fire as he stared off into nothing. His face held no evidence of his joyful disposition just moments ago. His small mouth angled downwards and his eyes reflecting deep-seated unhappiness, breaking the light like dull emeralds, while his hands held his cup limply… lost in his own thoughts. The face looked wrong on him; the demon admitted. He normally had little patience for self-deprecating behavior, but this…

He knew better.

He knew why the human felt that way.

He was there. He witnessed the atrocities descended on him, and not even of his own doings or violations.

He saw what they did to him, and he couldn't do anything to stop it though he wished he had.

The fire demon knew there was no fighting back against the hands of time.

He wanted to alight the Spirit World himself, but Shuichi begged him not to. Said he just wanted to go back home to his family and forget…

It was a miracle he even came here tonight.

“There’s… nothing I can do, but give you my word, Shuichi,” Hiei said, looking off to the side, contemplating.

The redhead looked at him, expression dull and without expectations.

“I promise,” he continued, “that one day they will pay. They'll pay for what they did to you and Kurama. I put my very life on it.”

Shuichi smiled, but the expression didn't reach his eyes. In a very rare circ*mstance, he put a hand on the demon's indented knee, light but firm. Hiei looked at him, but didn't move.

He shook his head as he maintained eye contact as he mouthed, “No.”

Hiei’s eyes narrowed and muscles tensed as he looked ready to argue until his very last breath, but Shuichi only tightened his grip to quiet him.

“No… they won't, Hiei,” the redhead voiced, softly monotone, “But that's okay…”

“It's not,” he said, heated.

“It is,” Shuichi persisted, “Even if you burn them, even if you manage to kill them, Hiei… it won’t undo what's been done. You'll only land yourself in damnation.”

Hiei wanted to say it didn't matter, because they'd hurt him. They hurt one of his own, and he couldn't let that happen unpunished…

But Shuichi turned away to take out something from his pocket. He turned back around and asked for his hand with an open palm. The fire demon obliged, reluctantly. Shuichi grabbed his fingers with a tender hand as he brought it closer to him. He faced it palm up, placing his other hand over his. A cold, metallic object was placed against his skin. It was featherweight and delicate. Shuichi removed the hand that covered his as Hiei looked from him down to his open hand.

It was a necklace. A fine, bronzed chain attached to a sparkling arctic blue gemstone. It was his necklace.

“Remember?” Shuichi whispered as they both looked at the object, Hiei in awe and Shuichi in reverence, “Remember what you promised me when you gave me this? I want you to keep your promise, Hiei. I want you to see it through.”

Hiei's red orbs looked up to the human, their bodies alighted by the soft glow of the fire, the atmosphere around their own little corner of the room hushed as the others sounded muffled in the background. Shuichi smiled gently down at it and then at him.

He held the demon's hand in his as he continued, “You can't do that if you're behind bars. I need you here. I need you here with me…to help me. Okay?”

Shuichi looked at him expectantly, waiting. He continued to grasp his hand firmly until he answered him. Hiei warred with himself as he looked down at the necklace. His mind pulling him one way then the other.

He exhaled sharply as he turned the humans hand up and placed the object back in his palm. He closed the limber fingers over it as he pushed it back towards him carefully. He knew it was safe with him.

He looked at the human fox as he spoke, expression displeased but eyes intent, “Fine.”

Shuichi's smile widened as he placed the object back in his pocket. He knew better than to press his luck by thanking his friend, even though he wanted to… greatly. He did, however, cast all previous doubts away as to whether or not the korime valued their friendship.

Of course, he did.

They assumed their earlier relaxed positions; Hiei with his arms crossed, lounging along the armrest while Shuichi rested his back against the cushioned seat, sipping from his cup. He wondered vaguely if he should really get more liquor into his system.

He heard a loud roar from the other side of the room that broke the walls of their hushed little bubble. Hiei’s eyebrow quirked in aggravation as the thunderous voices carried over the enclosed space. Shuichi looked over at the other occupants, mildly amused.

“Aye, Yusuke you ever humiliated yourself singin’ like that?” Jin yelled, grinning impishly.

Yusuke gritted his teeth as he tried to keep himself from seemingly blowing his top.

Chu held a hand over his gut as he toppled over in howling laughter, “My God, that sounded like a dying cat!”

“Shut up!!!”

Yusuke hooked a flexed arm around the heckling giant as the rest of the demon group mocked his voice in amusem*nt. It only made the drunken idiot laugh harder as he toppled to the floor.

Keiko came up behind the pissed off spirit detective as he seethed, kicking the demon on the floor for good measure. She grinned wildly as she pinched his cheeks, “Aw, c’mon! Don't listen to them. It was cute!”

“I am not cute!” he cried, as the rest of the group whooped in another fit of laughter.

Shuichi couldn't help but smirk as he watched the spirit detective try to fight every single person laughing at his expense. His eyes fell to the right side of the room as he scanned the other occupants. His gaze met that of Koenma’s as he noticed that the prince had been staring at him. He realized in that moment that the spirit world god had already been staring at them for quite some time. He wondered how much he had seen… or heard.

They maintained eye contact for a moment as Shuichi sipped his drink. Koenma’s honey eyes were foretelling but also elusive. He looked Shuichi up and down as the redhead lounged on the couch. His face was expressionless as he looked at the human expectantly. When Shuichi didn't physically respond, the deity slowly tapped his finger against his temple.

Shuichi felt a warm spark ignite in his abdomen and travel all the way up his spine. He gasped quietly as he nearly choked on his drink, free hand gripping the edge of the couch. He watched in confusion as Koenma tapped his temple again. He resisted the urge to bolt forward as another spark ran up his body. His cup shook in his trembling fingers. He wanted to curse at the demigod, but soon the tingling sparks subsided and a warm sensation flooded his body. He immediately felt calmed and his body relaxed on its own accord. He recognized it was the same spell he had cast on him earlier.

He looked at the demigod who only smirked at the redhead's bewildered expression and then mouthed, “You’re welcome.”

Shuichi brought the (now somehow refilled) cup to his lips again as he took another sip and averted his gaze. Hiei, noticing something was off, stared at the deity. Koenma only nodded his head to him, still grinning, and turned away.

“What the hell was that?” Hiei said looking back at the human.

“He was… helping,” Shuichi mumbled, into his cup, “I think…”

Hiei scoffed, “By mind f*cking you?”

The young male spluttered into his drink.


“What did he do, Shuichi?” Hiei pressed firmly, sitting up straight now.

Shuichi motioned him back down before he caused an unwanted scene. He didn't want to think about the last five minutes longer than he had to.

“It was a calming spell. He did it earlier. That's what that whole,” he pointed vaguely to his forehead, “was about.”

Hiei narrowed his eyes, “And he had to practically put you into an org*sm to do it?”

“Hiei, please!” Shuichi pleaded, face turning as bright as his hair.

“Did he?”


“Why is he helping you?”

“I don't know!”

Shuichi sat back and took a breather as he realized he was becoming defensive over something he hadn't even had any control over. He understood why the demon was concerned, but he literally had done nothing to invite the deity’s actions. Hiei stared at him expectantly, waiting for some kind of answer. Shuichi had none.

“I literally haven't seen him since… then,” Shuichi supplied, “I have no idea why he's doing this.”

Hiei scowled as he looked back at the prince.

“I don't trust this,” he growled, fists clenched, “Don't get near him, Shuichi. There has to be a reason why he's being so bold.”

Shuichi nodded, rubbing his temple. He had to agree. Koenma’s actions had been quite suspicious, and he didn't understand why he had piqued the demigod’s interest all of a sudden. Truth be told, he didn't want to be left alone in a room with him. He was proving to be severally lacking in personal boundaries.

“Agreed,” he said, “But it makes no sense to act on it now. Not with everyone else here.”

Hiei grunted and sat back with a thud. Complacent… for now.

Shuichi sighed in relief as he tried to take his mind off of it by grabbing a cookie from a tray and snacking on it. Odd or not, he felt a pleasant warmth in him intermingling with a strong buzz from the booze, and he didn't want it to go to waste. He gnawed at the edges absent-mindedly while he thought.

“Hey, Kuwabara-kun! Isn't it your turn?” Yukina asked as she flipped through a large binder.

Kuwabara perked up as he noticed the title of the song that flashed on the large LCD screen at the far end of the room where everyone congregated. Shuichi just now realized that they had made a makeshift stage with window curtains and pallet boxes. The backdrop was the snowy weather outside while the curtains were adorned with multi-colored Christmas lights and shimmering holiday cutouts. It was even complete with two microphones. Shuichi had to commend them for their ingenuity.

Genkai groaned as she was beckoned to the stage by the exhilarated carrot top. He reached for her arm to drag her on stage when she quickly swatted his hand away.

“Don't touch me, you big oaf,” she snapped, “Or else I'll break all of your meaty little fingers.”

The threat didn't deter Kuwabara from grinning ear-to-ear as the smaller woman climbed the stage.

“Yeah, yeah, Grandma. Whatever you say,” he jeered, “I still get to be the lead, though.”

“I don't care,” she said flatly, “Just get this over with.”

Keiko sat towards the side with an open laptop on her thighs tethered to a set of speakers. She gave a thumbs up as she clicked on the mousepad. A five second countdown started on the screen.

“Okay, guys!” she beamed, “Here we go!”

The countdown went to zero as a small jingling sound could be heard on the speakers.

“WAIT!!!” Kuwabara cried, flailing his arms to queue the music.

Everyone groaned as the music stopped abruptly.

“What is it, Kuwabara?” Yusuke whined, “It's too late to get cold feet now. You've already lugged yourself up there!”

“Be quiet, Urameshi! I forgot something!”

There was a clamoring of sighs and groans as Suzuki booed in the background.

“Boo!” he cried, “Get off the stage! You make a terrible showman!”

Kuwabara looked indignant as he glared at the blonde demon, “Just hold on a second!”

Someone threw a half-finished sandwich at him and he narrowly missed it by jumping to the side.

“What is it, you big baboon?” Genkai growled, patience wearing thin.

“JUST…!” Kuwabara choked as he wrenched on the curtains, “…WAIT ONE MINUTE! WE’LL BE RIGHT BACK!”

He closed the curtains around them eliciting another round of groans from the audience. For a few seconds you could hear things banging and knocking on the other side. Everyone quieted down as they began to look confused and then concerned as a particularly loud clatter was followed by a loud yelp of pain emitted from Kuwabara.

“What is this idiot doing?” Hiei sighed in exasperation.

Shuichi only shrugged his shoulders as he continued to watch the quickly failing show.

“Will you hurry up!” Genkai snapped on the other side.

“Just… gotta get this out…!” Kuwabara said in exertion.

“Wha--" Genkai choked in what sounded like mortification, “What are you doing, Kuwabara?!”

“Just take this!” Kuwabara said.

“I'm not wearing that!”

“C’mon! A bet is a bet!”

“I didn't agree to this!”

There was a sound of struggle and a howl of pain, once again, from Kuwabara.

“There!” he said triumphantly, “Now just...”

More clattering.

“This is ghastly!”

More banging.

“Oh hush! Get into the spirit, ya old hag.”

A loud ‘POP' could be heard.


“Will you shut up?! I'm trying to concentrate!”


A very distinct unzipping emitted from the other side followed by a loud clatter of a belt hitting the floor of the stage as the rest of the room had now gone deathly quiet.

“MY EYES!!” Genkai cried in pain.

Everyone now looked on at the shaking curtains with a sickened stare, afraid of what was going to come out of the other side.

One final ‘ZIIIIIIIIP!’ was heard as Genkai sighed in agony.

“You look ridiculous,” she added, sounding defeated.

This didn’t dampen the spirits of the psychic as he could be heard practically giggling on the other side. Shuichi, in that moment, did not envy the old woman in the slightest.

“ALL RIGHT!” Kuwabara cried in an announcer-like voice, “The moment you've all been waiting for…!”

“No, we haven't!” Rinku yelled.

“Shut up, pipsqueak!” the large man snapped, “As I said… the moment you've all been waiting for! The ONE…! The ONLY…!”

Curtains flew out in a flourish accompanied by loud gasps from the crowd. There, on the other side, was Kuwabara in a bright red Santa suit: hat, white beard, and all…


… and Genkai, adorned with brown doe ears and a comically blinking red nose.

Kuwabara pumped his fist triumphantly while Genkai stood there resolute… they both waited.


An uncomfortable cough…

And then…


Yusuke doubled over with laughter practically crying buckets of tears as he pointed to the pair on the stage.

“You two look like idiots!” he wheezed.

Soon, there was a whole chorus of laughter and jibes as the image settled in. Yukina and Botan squeaked in excitement. Genkai growled as the mockery continued, but Kuwabara just brushed it off handing her a microphone.

He told her through a sh*t-eating grin, “Just smile and bear it, granny! This'll all be over soon!”

“I hate you,” she snarled, yanking the microphone from his hand.

Kuwabara turned to the chestnut-haired woman, “Hey Keiko, you think we can get some music?”

“Oh, right!” she blinked, pressing on her mousepad, “Here it goes!”

Once again, there was a five second countdown and then the audience quieted (some forcefully) as a soft jingle of snow bells rang through the speakers. Kuwabara shuffled delightfully from one foot to the next as the intensity of jingles heightened and an overture of drums and soft acoustics started to thrum. Shuichi and Hiei shared a glance, both incredibly put-off by the psychic’s gleeful expression.

Soon the soft croon of brass joined in the melody as the instruments started to crescendo and pick-up rhythm turning the soft jingle into an upbeat tempo. The tune carried like this for a moment until the brass hushed in a deep descend into another soft instrumental with twinkling piano keys as words appeared on the screen.

Kuwabara took a big breath in as a deep croon bellowed out his chest…

“You better watch out!

You better not cry!

You better not pout; I'm tell you why…”

He pointed to Genkai who just sighed and sang, flat:

“Santa Claus is coming to town.”

There were snickers in the audience that were immediately deafened by a hard slap as the loud brass picked up the tempo again.

Kuwabara didn't care as he continued to sing in a deep jazzy baritone, snapping his fingers to the beat and tapping his black-booted foot:

“He’s making a list!

He's checking it twice!”

Anther point to Genkai and a roll of her eyes:

“He’s gonna find out whose naughty or nice…”

Santa Claus is comin'… to town!”

There were a number of people (including both Shuichi and Hiei) who blankly stared in awe as Kuwabara smoothly belted out the lyrics. The redhead didn't know he was that good of a singer…

“He sees you when you’re sleeping.”

“He knows when you're awake!”

“He knows when you've been bad or good…”

“So be good for goodness sake!”

Kuwabara started to sway his hips, getting into the upbeat tune, as he gave Genkai a wide grin and an enthusiastic thumbs up. The older woman seemed to be holding back an amused smirk.

By now, a few people were even clapping along to the jazzy ensemble, singing along…

“You better watch out!”

“You better not cry!”

“You better not pout I'm telling you why!”

They sang in unison, with Kuwabara’s arm hooked around the short woman’s shoulders:

“’Cause Santa Claus is coming to town!”

There was a loud crescendo as the trumpets blew and the drums banged, feeding into the tall male's contagious charisma.

“Oh! Sing along everybody!” he cried, pointing to the now upbeat crowd.

“He sees you when you’re sleeping!” Shizuru sang with him in the back of the room, smiling.

“He knows when you're awake!” Chu added, tone deaf.

“He knows when you've been bad or good!” Keiko continued in her high falsetto.

“So be good for goodness sake!” they all sang together, laughing.

Kuwabara, invigorated by the enthusiastic audience, continued proudly:


You better watch out;

you better not cry!

You better not pout!

I'm telling you why…!”

Everyone in the front chorused together:


The song leader twirled as the instruments thrived. Genkai just continued to smirk in the background, even letting her face show a slight bit of fondness for the usually fumbling dolt.

He winked to a certain blue-haired ice maiden who blushed. Hiei seethed.

“Gather ‘round!”

He continued solo:

“I said, Santa Claus is comin’… to town!

Santa Claus is comin to town!

Oh yeah, yeah!

Santa Claus is comin!”

Another culmination of instruments and he clenched his fist—squeezed his eyes shut as he belted, voice wavering in perfect harmony to the music:

“Oooh! Santa Claus is comin' toOoOo…. TOOOOOWN!”

The big band clambered to a final, thundering kick-up as Kuwabara bent down on one knee, belted a final note into the microphone, and pumped his fist in the air in time with the finale of bangs from the percussions.

A final shuddering of a trumpet as the melody faded back to sleigh bells, a soft piano, and then slowly quieted to silence. Everyone raised up to whoop and cheer in delight. Kuwabara grabbed Genkai's hand, without protest, as they both took a bow.

Shuichi rose up to clap with everyone else and yelled from the back, “Way to go, Kuwabara!”

Jin gave out a loud whistle as Suzuki hollered, “Yeah! That's what I’m talkin’ about!”

Genkai walked off the stage, taking off the ears and stupid blinking nose, as Kuwabara took one final bow. Yusuke hopped up on stage and wrangled the red clad giant into a celebratory headlock.

“Who knew you could sing like that, Kazuma?!” he said, grinning.

They both laughed while Keiko walked up to the older woman to take the microphone back.

She smiled as she said, “Thanks for playing along, Genkai. Kuwabara really thinks he's hot stuff, huh?”

Genkai just crossed her arms and slightly snorted as she replied, “Eh, it could've been worse.”

She whipped the costume back towards the Kuwabara as she added, “But I'm never wearing that again! Got it?!”

Kazuma just grinned widely under Yusuke’s arm, “Yeah, sure. Got it! Until next time…”

Genkai was going to retort when Shizuru and Yukina walked up to the stage.

“Ah! Kazuma-kun!” Yukina cheered, “That was amazing!”

The carrot top quickly flipped Yusuke off of him (said spirit detective landing painfully on the floor with a thud) as he clambered up to the front of the makeshift stage to hold the ice maiden’s hand.

“Really?!” he cried, “How about you sing the next one with me?! Hehehe!”

Shuichi could feel Hiei tense up as he looked ready to get in between them before the redhead quieted him with a sudden, nervous waive of his hand.

“Hiei, it's fine!” the redhead said hurriedly, “It's fine! He's just being nice!”

Yukina blushed as she smiled at Kazuma.

“Oh! Uh… sure!”

Kuwabara whooped in excitement as Hiei looked ready to spit him over an open fire.

Nice?” he mocked through gritted teeth, “I'll show him nice. Passable singer or not, he's not allowed to lay a finger on her!”

Shuichi nervously laughed, knowing there was nothing he could do to get in between Hiei and the object of his scorn if it came down to it. He tried to distract him by pointing out that Yukina didn't understand Kuwabara’s advances and it was innocent, but that only seemed to anger him more as literal steam started to roll off him.

“Hiei!” Botan snapped from the front, “Would you cut it out?! You're going to burn the couch!”

Suddenly, the scrawny spirit detective sprang from the floor and tackled the much larger male on the stage, effectively ending the brief contact. As Yusuke and Kuwabara scuffled, Hiei noticeably relaxed and therefore both Botan and Shuichi did as well. Yukina seemed to want to help the crazy orange haired human, but Shizuru held her back, laughing. The rest of the demons in the group cheered on the two brawlers as bones noticeably cracked. Shuichi could only muse how this may have been the most violent Christmas gathering he's ever had the chance to attend.

As Hiei seemed to calm down, he sat back into the cushioned seats with a heavy sigh.

“I'm very glad that is over,” he confessed, massaging his temple.


He took another large swig of his drink as he tried to dissociate with the noise around him.

“I wish Youko was here,” he said absent-mindedly.

Hiei seemed to stiffen slightly, but gave no other indication that he’d actually heard him. Shuichi continued to muse allowed anyway.

“It doesn’t feel right without him. I can't take you on my own,” he half-joked, sounding more amused than anything.

Hiei scoffed, pointing his nose away in indignation, “Yeah, right… Like that ridiculous fox could take me in the state he’s in.”

Shuichi perked up at that, and the fire demon had somehow realized he'd made an egregious mistake…

“You've seen him?” The redhead asked, interest piqued.

Hiei took a moment to respond, planning his answer very carefully.

“It's hard not to,” he stated, “It's not like we're exactly living on different planets. We both still reside in the Demon World and he's not infamous for no reason.”

“Hiei,” Shuichi asserted, eyes narrowing.

The demon immediately kicked himself in the ass for saying too much. For saying anything at all, really.

“I've… spoken with him,” he admitted, nonchalant.

The human instantaneously sat forward as he spoke lowly, “What? And you didn't tell me?”

“It’s not like I can go around freely talking about Youko Kurama around here, Shuichi,” he pointed out, slightly annoyed.

The redhead sat back a bit, raising his hands, “Okay, okay, I understand… but what did he say?”

Hiei quirked an eyebrow, smirking, “And what makes you think it had anything to do with you, human fox?”

The redhead only stared at him, unamused. Hiei partially wanted to laugh at his expense. The normally cool human side was now acting like a petulant child waiting for a gift.

The demon sighed and turned his head away, but maintained a low tone, “Fine. He just told me to tell you ‘Merry Christmas’ and that he'd be seeing you soon.”

“That's it?” Shuichi asked, his expression deflated slightly.

“Yes,” the fire demon held back an eye roll.

Shuichi tried not to seem upset, but also couldn't seem to let the subject go either, “But, he didn't say when?”

“Ask him yourself,” Hiei flatly responded.

“Well, I can't exactly do that now can I, Hiei?” The redhead retorted in exasperation.

“Well, I'm neither of your damn messenger! I'm not about to go run back to the Demon World to ask him,” he bit back, sounding thoroughly annoyed.

Shuichi continued to press back, knowing he was pushing a line with the testy demon, but also feeling rather put-out by his lack of regard, “It's not like I can, and no one else around here will tell me anything. Probably because they don't know anything. So, I apologize if you feel I'm expecting too much of you, but you seem to be my only source of information right now. Or, if you'd prefer, I can go ask Koenma over there.”

Hiei scoffed at him, and retorted angrily, “You don't need to ask that useless toddler for sh*t. It's not like he can keep track of him in the Demon World anyway. And don't forget, Shuichi, that you’re not supposed to even have any contact with him. I'm sure His Majesty would love to hear why you're asking.”

Shuichi sat back angrily, turning away from him.

Hiei continued hotly, knowing the redhead was still listening, “I'm risking my neck for you two, and that's something I never do. Not even for Mukuro. So, you both can go to hell if you think I'm going to transcribe an entire f*cking love letter for you just so you can bleed your pathetic little hearts out for one another. I'm not a f*cking postman, and I sure as hell can find a much better use of my time, human. If you want to screw him so bad, go find him yourself.”

f*ck you, Hiei,” the redhead seethed, cup in his hand trembling slightly.

“No thanks. I’d prefer not to have a bloodthirsty thief at my throat. No matter what condition he’s in,” Hiei smirked, humoring himself.

Green eyes glared at him, but he only maintained his sardonic and amused expression, feeling satisfied that he was able to get under the human’s thick skin.

Served him right for acting like an unappreciative little brat. He didn't find it fulfilling for him to play into their masoch*stic ‘forbidden affair' fantasies. Youko was better off minding his own damn business in the Demon World, where he belonged, and all three of them knew it. He was risking his (newly acquired) life by traveling to this realm without the proper channels, but he was so damn persistent on seeing Shuichi and keeping him safe. No matter how many times Hiei had promised him he'd never let anything happen to the young human. He felt slighted that either the fox didn't trust him or actually believed he couldn't. Shuichi was one of the only beings in the entirety of the three realms that he actually cared for. He wouldn't let any harm come on him now that he was defenseless and easily targetable. But he was ready to knock some sense into his pretty little, thick skull.

“You shouldn't pout, Minamino-san. It's rather unbecoming of you,” he said, making fun of the dejected human.

Green eyes rolled all the way to the back of his head as he crossed his arms and sat back into the couch. He wasn't about to dignify that with response. He didn't feel particularly thrilled at giving the demon another reason to laugh at his expense. He let the sounds of the surrounding party hang over them as they sat in tense silence. Shuichi wanted to scream, but instead opted to sit in simmering anger. At himself for becoming so obviously upset, at Hiei for his indifference to the situation, at the Spirit Prince for his self-righteous judgements, at everyone else for their inaction, and at Youko for leaving him here alone to deal with everyone by himself. Even though he knew the latter wasn't necessarily at fault.

He watched the heavy snow falling outside. Even if he wanted to leave, quietly slip out the door while no one noticed or else he'd have them convince him to stay, he couldn't. The snow was too thick; he wouldn't be able to make it back to the train on foot. The weather was too un-relinquishing on the quiet city outside, blanketing the earth so heavily that no one could dare to travel in the inclement storm.

He listened to the sounds of happy chatter and lackadaisical laughter that seemed to isolate him in the corner. He didn't believe in wishes, but he only wished for one thing this coming up year… and that happened to be the one thing he couldn't attain.

“It’s not like we're just separated, you know,” he whispered, gazing off into the merry room, “We were one person, one body, one soul. I'd never known life without him… And then he was ripped from me, literally. We were tossed to the side and told to figure it out without so much as a sympathetic eye. Missing him means missing an entire part of my life… myself. I feel utterly incomplete without him.”

Hiei regarded him with a slight tilt of his head. He stayed silent for a moment while he thought about what Shuichi said. He’d heard Youko say something to the same affect some time ago.

He abandoned his earlier resolve to get back at the human for his childish behavior and decided to let him grieve in peace, “I understand.”

The redhead narrowed his eyes, looking at nothing in particular, and spoke firmly, “It's hard… not knowing where he is or how he’s doing. The link between us is fading more everyday, and I never know if he's still alive from one day to the next. Everyone acts like I'm supposed to move on with my life… because now our souls are separated and I'm free… Tch, what a thought.”

Hiei stared at him with his red eyes, deciphering…

“You’re not free?”

“Yes,” he replied, “but no. I don't want to be.”

Hiei snorted, but this time not at his human counterpart. Just at the sheer irony of it all. A willing prisoner. A remorseful jailer. And he couldn't tell who played which roll. How completely and humorously poetic.

“He does miss you, Shuichi,” the demon said, “I should know. The stupid fox won't shut up about you for any minute he’s breathing in my presence.”

Shuichi only faintly smirked, finally looking back at his friend with a sly expression, “I know.”

Yes, he was sure Hiei heard much more than he wanted to. Youko was particularly chatty with the fire demon, much to his displeasure. He could only imagine what the devious fox had told him, finding amusem*nt in the way he could make the short demon squirm with all sorts of sordid details.

“What else did he tell you?”

“Too damn much,” he scoffed.

“Hm, I'm sure. I hope he didn't tell you about how we almost gave that poor waitress a fright…”


Shuichi laughed, seeing a faint blush creep up onto his friend’s cheeks. He couldn't tell if it was from anger or second-hand embarrassment.

“I'm not ashamed. It's a natural part of life,” the redhead confessed, sitting back with arms crossed over his chest. He continued to smirk in Hiei’s direction.

“Shuichi,” he sighed, “You two couldn't be natural if you tried.”

This awarded him another round of laughter from the human as he shook his head in amusem*nt.

“Yeah,” Shuichi conceded, “I suppose you're right.”

They both relaxed some now that the tension from the previous discussion had been released. It was very rare for them to ever get into a spat, especially now, but things had been tense since Shuichi had walked through the door… and it needed to somehow be released. Hiei’s blunt honesty (in contrast with every one else's tiptoes around the subject) had drawn out his lingering resentment in all of its ugly obscurity. He now felt so much lighter and freer than he had when he arrived. Koenma’s godly powers held no weight next to the fire demon's prickly, yet unwavering, companionship. Shuichi was thankful for him, for being his rock in these times of confusion when he felt he had no one else to turn to for the truth.

“You said he was in bad shape,” Shuichi continued, “How bad?”

“Hn,” Hiei grunted, “Pretty bad. For him.”

Shuichi looked at him concerned, “Are they after him? I thought he was safe in the Demon World?”

The demon shook his head, expression turning slightly confused, “No. He's… training… for something.”


“Trust me, he won't divulge any further information,” he quickly continued, seeing the equally confused expression on Shuichi’s face, “I've tried. I know he's been ditching Yomi's place for some forest near the old stadiums. He was recovering in a cave when I saw him last, and he had a good many gashes on him. He must be training with someone, but he never mentioned that he was in the company of someone else.”

Shuichi furrowed his brow in concern, “That's not like him… He's been avoiding other demons due to his already weakened condition. He wouldn't train with anyone else besides for you and Yomi.”

“He's doing something, and it's taking a lot of energy. He had a wall of protection plants around him,” Hiei said as he looked at Shuichi to shed some light on the fox's odd behavior.

The taller male could only shake his head, lost, “I can't think of any reason why he’d feel the need to do so. I haven't heard from him in some time, and the last time I did see him, he didn't mention anything. In fact, Yomi was attempting to keep him in the castle, away from the cavalry.”

The two sat in puzzlement with the redhead wishing now more than ever that he could see the fox demon in the flesh in order to ensure that he was alright. Hiei felt his concern, but couldn't find the words to calm his worries.

“I will say,” the demon said, smirking, “He was in quite the mood to share the details of your last encounter. All of the details.”

Shuichi couldn’t help but laugh again, hiding it behind his raised cup. Despite saying he wasn't ashamed, his cheeks tinted with pink.

“Well, that certainly must have been a lot of information to process,” he said between chuckles.

“Yes, next time you see him, please tell him to spare me,” he deadpanned.

The human smiled fondly, “I doubt he’ll listen, but I most certainly will.”

Shuichi leisurely sipped from his drink while Hiei stared into the log fire. He heard someone singing the sweet tune of ‘Silver Bells' in the background. They were content to sit in silence for awhile until a perky brunette bounced up to them.

“Hey!” Keiko greeted with a handful of red and white candy, “You two have been awfully quiet back here! Why don't you come join in the festivities?”

Shizuru came up behind her with a plate of food, extending it to them, “Yeah, just because you're the literal Grinch of Christmas, Hiei, doesn’t mean Shuichi has to join you over here in your little corner of self-isolation.”

Hiei ‘tch-ed' and glared at the two women, “I'm nobody's captor. I’m not forcing him to stay over here, and you all can keep your merry little traditions to yourself. I'm only here out of obligation.”

“Aw, don't be that way, Hiei,” Keiko smiled at the demon, handing him a candy cane, “You know you’re just as happy to be here as anyone else.”

The demon swatted the candy cane away, but the persistent woman stuffed the straight end of the confection into his mouth with a loud cry of anger from the unwilling party. Hiei spit the cane back out as if it burnt his tongue and started to cough as he accidently choked on a piece that had broken off and lodged temporarily in his throat. Keiko and Shizuru laughed at his overreaction as Shuichi tried to cover a chuckle once he realized the demon was okay.

Keiko held a hand over her mouth, winking and whispering into his ear, “Plus, we know you only came for the benefit of a certain redhead sitting over there. Why don't you give him a break and let him come hang out with us, too… Eh?”

“Wha—" he spluttered, “Now listen here, wench—”

“Hiei!” Shuichi admonished, lip still twitching into a grin.

“Now Hiei, that's no way to talk to a lady,” Shizuru scolded, snickering.

Hiei growled deep in his throat, standing up and moving away from the group to protect himself from the sudden intrusion of privacy and personal space, “Listen, if the human fox wants to partake in your ridiculous merry-making, he's more than welcome to, but I am not going to oblige myself to your asinine activities!”

Keiko blinked as the fire demon stuck a rigid finger in her face, pointing, “And you! Next time you decide to shove a damn stick in my mouth you better also decide if you like that damn hand still attached to your arm!”

“Jeez, calm your little head, short stuff. We were only worried about Shuichi,” Shizuru retorted, “He hasn’t had a single thing to eat besides for the spiked punch and that can't possibly be good to drink on an empty stomach. He’s practically wasting away over here!”

“I'm not, really," Shuichi flatly retorted, but Shizuru only grinned and winked at him.

“Of course you are!” she said, picking at the sagging sleeve of his sweater, “Look at this! We need to get you sustenance fast, or I’m afraid that my dear little Shuichi is going to fade away right before our eyes!”

He looked at her, humorlessly, as he straightened the fabric. He was about to retort again when Hiei cut him off.

“You’re talking about a grown man. I'm sure he's more than capable of deciding when he needs to eat. Now leave us the hell alone!”

Keiko grabbed a stick of meat from the tray as she held it in front of the human’s face, “Hmm, let's test that idea.”

The redhead wanted to protest, but the fragrant aroma of cooked meat wafted into his nose as she wagged the stick back and forth. It smelled delicious, and his stomach loudly growled in hunger.

Shizuru grinned at the fire demon, “Ya sure about that?”

Hiei loured at him as Shuichi laughed, embarrassed, “Really?”

“I'm sorry,” he apologized, rubbing his disquieted stomach, “I guess there was just so much else going on I forgot I was hungry…”

“That's settled,” Keiko stood back, satisfied, “You guys are gonna join the rest of us now. Come grab a plate, Shuichi. There's plenty.”

The two women convinced them to join the rest of the awaiting group. Shuichi graciously took the appetizer from the short-haired brunette as she handed it to him. Hiei reluctantly stepped away from the wall as Shizuru beckoned him to follow, knowing that fighting it would only cause more of a headache for him than just listening.

He continued to express his dour expression to the human as they were ushered to the other side of the room, “Thanks a lot.”

As they walked up, he saw Botan making him a plate. They were greeted by an enthusiastic cheer from the crowd.

“Hey! ‘Bout time you joined the party!” Yusuke jeered.

Botan handed Shuichi his plate, piled high with all sorts of different delectable looking dishes. He wanted to point out that there was no way he could eat all of that in one sitting, but one look from the elated reaper made him decide to let it go and thanked her instead. Chu decided to throw an arm around the fire demon's shoulders as his drink sloshed in its cup. The demon looked ready to protest before his other side was flanked by Jin. Between them, they started to cart the short demon away in obvious distress as they sang a drunken Christmas carol.

Shuichi came to the determination he could no longer protect him from the inevitable and made it his business to, instead, fill his empty stomach as he turned to talk with the chatty group. The night continued on with the jubilation as he ate and conversed with everyone. For awhile they lost themselves in celebration together.

They ate, drank some, and talked happily amongst each other; making up for lost time. Some people hung the popcorn garland around the tree as others exchanged gifts. Some even continued to karaoke while others toasted marshmallows by the fire.

The heaviness that he had been feeling when he'd first arrived had been lifted quite some time ago, and he was fully enjoying himself as he seemed to slip into a familiar rhythm of belonging. An exuberance settled in his heart, feeling the warmth of home overtake the atmosphere. He missed this, and he was happy to be with his dearest companions.

The cold wind and blowing snow howled around him as he made his way up the slippery steps of the front porch. He saw the flickering hues of colors through the windows as Christmas lights twinkled against the soft snow. A loud chorus of laughter could be heard inside the house amongst the hum of music and other conversations going on. He could see the shadows of people passing by the window as they gathered in one particular room.

The tall male took it upon himself to correct the plastic snowman tilting to one side at the entrance. He set it straight as he took a candy cane from the dish sitting outside the front door and stuck it in one his of pockets. He caught himself dawdling. He took a breath as he faced the door. He had half a mind to either knock on the large wooden frame or ring the doorbell, but he knew that no one would hear it. He placed a hand over the nob and hesitated for a moment. He quietly pushed open the door, and the volume of chatter increased.

He looked around, but no one was in the hallway. They all seemed to be collected in the next room over. He gently set down his umbrella next to a bag and parcel sitting by the entrance. He shook off his coat as he hung it from the coat rack, shaking his long hair as flakes of snow fell off it and onto the floor.


No answer.

He shrugged his shoulders as he unwrapped his scarf and took off his gloves. He placed these items into the pocket of his coat. He carried a wrapped gift in his hand as he made his way towards the sound of other people.

Walking carefully, as if someone was going to jump out and spook him at any moment, he came up to the entrance of a foyer. Looking around the corner he saw a room full of happy people, cheerfully chatting and enjoying in their festive activities in small, scattered groups. He started to walk in when he looked to the side and saw a blue-haired woman staring at him…

He warmly smiled at her, but Botan looked to be stock still. Not even able to muster a syllable. He looked away as he searched for the other occupants. A large drunken male and his shorter fuzzy red haired friend immediately stopped their jovial conversation to look in his direction, shocked. He only gave a slight waive of his hand, but continued to search for one person…

Soon he saw him, standing directly across the room with a long-haired brunette, a shorter male leaning against a wall, and a laughing black-haired man dressed in an ugly holiday sweater.

That person stood underneath the light of a Christmas tree as a strand of his crimson hair was tossed carelessly over his delicate shoulder by his hand. He was dressed in a loose-fitting sweater that hung slightly off of one shoulder, exposing the skin. He held a plastic cup in his hand as he chatted and his mouth adorned a graceful smile. His arm was wrapped effortlessly around his waist as the other one was raised to lift the cup to drink, sleeve partially fallen down exposing a pale forearm and an elegant wrist. Green eyes twinkled in merriment as he was lost in conversation.

The tall male slowly made his way towards this person, as if in a trance. Soon, the roar of conversations began to die down one by one as the other occupants noticed the newcomer. He couldn't be bothered as he was focused on one thing. One person.

Eventually, there was only one group left conversing and that was the one where the object of his intense focus stood. The ebony-haired male of the group laughed at something that was said, but began to look around the room as he noticed everyone else was silent. He slowly lifted his brown eyes to him, and they met gazes for a moment. Yusuke stood rigid to the spot as recognition took over his face. The taller male looked away.

The brunette that the redhead was talking with smiled and said something sardonically as the conversation continued with just the two of them. But eventually even she looked up as he approached. Her words were stuttered to a stop mid-sentence. Her eyes went wide as her mouth hung open. She held a cup in her hand too, but she pointed one finger at him as she tried to find the words lost in her throat. The redhead was still talking as she pointed behind him, trying to get his attention. He looked back towards the redheaded male.


“Shuichi…” Shizuru whispered to him, stopping their conversation mid-sentence.

He followed the length of her arm as he turned his head to look where she was pointing. He looked confused as he noticed everyone else had gone deathly quiet. He continued to search for the source of everyone’s fixation until he found him…

A soft croon of music played in the background:

“I’ll be home for Christmas…”

He looked at the tall figure walking into the room: long silver hair, golden eyes, clothed in a white sweater, and a dainty gift in his hand.

“You can plan on me…”

He nearly dropped the cup he was holding as he turned around to fully look at the specter. The words were lost in his throat as he tried to rationalize what he was seeing.

“Please have snow and mistletoe…”

Shuichi and Youko locked eyes on each other, and everyone else could only look on hopelessly as the connection was instantaneous. The redhead slowly made his way towards the approaching male, cautiously setting down his cup. They couldn't look anywhere else as they were drawn to each other. Time itself seemed to stop as the atmosphere blinked and shuddered around them.

“And presents by the tree…”

Youko's expression was gentle as the human looked at him in disbelief…

“Christmas Eve will find me…”

“This…” Shuichi muttered breathlessly, green eyes searching the room for proof that he wasn’t what he seemed, “I…”

“Where the love light gleams…”

He looked into the eyes of the fox as he found his voice.

“I'll be home for Christmas…”

“Is... is this real? Am I dreaming? Are you a ghost or are my eyes deceiving me?”

If only in my dreams…”

The taller male shook his head as he smiled, still moving towards him. His deep, raspy voice finally making its debut.

“No, neither.”

The redhead's face contorted in pain as he regarded him.

“Then someone is playing a cruel joke on me?”

The silver-haired fox shook his head again as he quieted the upset human with a raise of his hand. The redhead mimicked his gesture as he looked at him, eyes flickered with hope but his face still showed disbelief and confusion.

“Then you stand here for certain… brought yourself to me in the flesh?”

He nodded. They finally met in the middle of the room and stood a mere foot apart but both still hesitated… Youko offered the gift to him.

“I bring you a token of my apology. I could only hope you forgive me for how long I've been away.”

Shuichi looked down at the parcel being presented between them. It laid in his hand; an elongated box wrapped in shimmering red paper and neatly tied with a golden ribbon. It looked beautiful, and what laid within it was no doubt extortionate.

He regarded it with a hovering hand, but pushed it to the side as he flung his arms around the demon's neck. He embraced him tightly, feet lifting off the floor. Youko forgot to respond for a moment, surprised by the sudden show of affection, but he felt the familiar heat of the lithe body against his and all of his previous tension melted away. He snaked his free arm around the human’s waist as he brought him closer, burying his face in his crimson hair. He breathed in deeply as the soft smell of roses invaded his senses. He kissed the side of his head, talking into his ear…


The human loosened his grip on the demon to pull back and look at him again. Tears were swelling in his eyes, causing his green irises to mirror the rippling tides of a sea. Youko sat the present on the nearest surface and held a hand to his face, stroking his cheek. He lost himself in the beautiful sight as he looked at him for the first time in many, many months.

The wind howled outside rattling the windows and breaking the silence of the room, but no one dared to move.

Shuichi scanned his eyes over the taller male's face, partially still unbelieving that what he was seeing was real. He reached a ginger finger to swipe a silver hair away from him face. As he felt the silky strand glide against his skin, it sunk in that what he was seeing was not merely a mirage.

The human barely spoke above a whisper as he grasped onto the Youko's sweater to keep him from disappearing again, “You were gone away for so long.”

“I know,” the fox confessed, the wavering in his voice reflecting the guilt he felt, “I know, and I’m so sorry… I never wanted for you to feel so abandoned.”

“Why?” Shuichi asked, a rogue tear sliding down his face, “Did I anger you?”

“No,” the demon shook his head fervently, maintaining eye contact.

“Was there someone else that called you away? Something more pressing that beckoned you?”

“No, Shuichi, I promise,” he pleaded, “I couldn't. You know why I couldn't.”

The tear settled in the corner of the human’s mouth when Youko titled his head ever so slightly to look him in the eye. The fox wiped the tear away with his thumb, the padding of his finger gliding over the petal-like lip and ran along his unmarred skin. His hot breath cascaded over the human’s face.

“I love you,” Youko whispered as he looked upon the doleful face of his soulmate, “and there is no Heaven or Earth that could keep us apart.”

He brought the redhead's lips crashing against his own as he kissed him deeply. Shuichi grasped the back of his head as he steadied himself and let their lips entwine. Every ounce of their emotions being poured into the impassioned exchange.

All of the other occupants in the room still stood in fascination at the tender events unfolding, such unusually and highly intimate emotions laid bare for all to see. Keiko's eyes were filled with tears as she held onto Yusuke’s arm. The young spirit detective placed a reassuring hand over hers quietly as he looked upon the pair with a considerate countenance. No one wanted to interrupt the moment. No one wanted be the one to deny them their time for reuniting.

Eventually, Youko broke the kiss to hold the smaller man against him. Shuichi’s face pressed against his chest as he wrapped his arms around him again. He laid a cheek atop his head, breathing deeply. He held him that way while he looked about the room. Everyone still seemed shell-shocked that the demon thief had shown up in the flesh. Everyone besides for a tall, short-haired brunette standing off towards the side of the room.

Koenma and Youko looked at each other, and they both held the tense stare for a time. Neither one backing down from the other. There was a few onlookers who held their breathes as they observed how they scrutinized each other, but Youko kept Shuichi’s head held to his chest to keep him from noticing.

The two seemed to have a grim, silent conversation.

After some time, the prince nodded to the youkai, breaking the tense contact and taking a step towards the door.

“Koenma…” Botan said quietly so no one else could hear, she looked at him perplexed.

“Leave them,” the deity spoke, “I was never here.”

With that, the prince walked out of the room and vanished behind a wall. Botan, seeming somehow both relieved and nervous, followed suit. Youko watched them leave still keeping his companion’s attention preoccupied. Soon, others began to break their stupors to file out of the room quietly, giving the two some privacy. Kuwabara led a saddened Yukina out by the hand as he tried to console her in order to keep the ice maiden from becoming tearful. Her empathetic nature causing her to feel the full weight of the heady reunion. Shizuru followed after them, keeping a weary eye on the demon.

Yusuke and Keiko were the second from last to leave. As Yusuke passed the two, he put a hand on the demon's arm.

“It’s nice to have ya back, bud,” he said, giving a swift smile and a pat to his upper arm.

Youko inclined his head towards him, but said nothing. The exchange had garnered the attention of his human counterpart, but the couple had already left the room when he looked up.

The last to leave was Hiei. He stayed leaned up against the wall for a few seconds before walking up to the pair, expression blank. Shuichi stepped away from the fox demon as he approached. The smaller demon stopped in front of them, but only seemed to smirk in the thief’s direction.

“Hn,” he snorted, “’Bout time you showed up.”

The fire demon said nothing else even though the redheaded human shot him a bewildered look. Youko only smirked back, and the demon grinned again and left the room.

Shuichi looked to Youko and then back to where Hiei had vanished into another part of the house.

“He knew?” he said agitatedly, “He knew and he didn't say anything?!”

The fox chuckled as he wrapped an arm around the human’s shoulders and kissed the top of his head.

“You’re anger is misplaced, love,” he lightly reminded him.

The gentle contact seemed to placate him, somewhat, and he opted to instead place his focus on the demon next to him. He observed the way he was dressed in a rather human ensemble with a thick woven sweater, black pants, and boots. He couldn't see any of the aforementioned gashes on his body, and wondered if he had actually healed fully or was just masterfully hiding them beneath the modest clothing. He felt a weight lift off his shoulders; the anxiety of the spirit fox's wellbeing had been weighing heavily on his mind, and he felt a sense of relief with the demon standing in front if him in one piece.

Youko could see the way Shuichi observed him. He reassured him with a comforting smile and a squeeze of his shoulders, “I see Hiei has divulged too much information.”

The redhead raised a scolding eyebrow at him, “He told me just the right amount of information, thank you.”

The fox thief thought it best not to tell him how much he particularly looked like Shiori in that moment.

Instead, he rubbed the back of his head in a way that seemed completely out of character for him as he laughed nervously, “Okay, fair enough! I just didn't want to worry you.”

“So?” the redhead pressed, “What happened? He said you looked pretty worse for wear.”

The youko's eyes averted to another part of the room, thinking, “Nothing that we have to worry about now. It's over with.”

Shuichi turned towards him fully, expression stern, “Yes, we do. I haven't seen you for months, and the next thing I hear about you… the only information I have of you since I've seen you last… is that you’re hiding away in a cave in some god-forsaken forest beat to hell.”

Youko raised a hand to calm him, but Shuichi pushed it away, voice rising along with his concern, “I had no idea that anything was even wrong. I knew we couldn't see each other without risking being caught, but all that time I didn't know if you were dead or alive or captured… I didn't know anything, and I couldn’t tell anyone. Do you know how awful that is? I was terrified. I was terrified that I would wake up one day and find out that I would never get to see you again. I prayed, Youko. I prayed to whatever deity that would listen that you were okay… that you were alive.

By now the human was shaking, tears falling freely from his eyes, and clutching his chest. His face was so pained that his cheeks flushed and brows furrowed together.

Youko's eyes softened as he watched his loved one quake with bottled-up trepidation. He could feel the literal aching of his soul as the fox could only discern that he was thinking of all sorts of painful ways he could've died. He grabbed the human by the forearm and pulled him into his arms. He held him tightly against his chest as he cried.

“I'm so sorry, Shuichi,” he deeply expressed, stroking his hair, “I don't mean to disregard your worries, and I never wanted to cause you any pain. I only wanted to keep you safe, I swear. I thought something terrible might happen if I tried to reach out to you. It killed me everyday I was gone.”

Shuichi wrapped his arms around the demon's waist as he couldn't seem to stop the overflow of emotions that he had been burying for such a long time, “You don't understand… You don't have to worry about me. You know where I am, where I'll always be, away from danger. You know I'll be okay. But I never know. I was so scared… I've never felt such fear and helplessness, and every day of silence it only worsened.”

The human shook and the fox could only hold him. Truth be told, he did have to worry, but he knew this wasn't a time to argue. He stroked the shorter one’s back. Oh, what a sight they must've made. A once feared and ruthless bandit, in the arms of a sobbing mortal boy. He didn't care… He was past the point of keeping up appearances. He didn't keep his life for appearances. Whoever they were that felt they needed to adhere to their ridiculous expectations could go straight to hell. He knew he was the talk of the entire Demon Realm.

Youko Kurama, the legendary spirit fox, feared and respected—reduced to nothing but a lovesick imbecile ready to throw his life away for a mere, pretty little human vessel. Yes, he knew what they said…

And they were fools.

He almost felt sorry for them. They felt that such strong emotions made you weak. He couldn't blame them; he’d thought the same at some point not long ago. He’d been challenged one too many times by a heckling rogue who’d lost their life thinking that such feelings had made him weak and powerless. They would never know love… never know the power of living for something greater than oneself. He’d seen the empty and desolate road his life was heading down before he was given the chance of resurrection, and all because of him…

He felt the shuddering of his human's chest as he cried silently. He put his hand under the younger male's sweater, feeling the warm skin. He raised his other hand to cup the human’s chin. He lifted the wet lips to his own as he kissed him again. The human tensed, but soon relaxed as he felt a soft tongue glide against his bottom lip. He opened his mouth, and Youko slowly entered with his tongue moving along the other’s. Their mouths melded together as Shuichi steadied himself with an arm against his shoulder and a hand buried in his sweater. The fox delved his tongue deeper as he used both hands to grab at the human’s backside and lift the smaller male up.

Shuichi found it hard to breathe as his mouth was covered by the other’s and his was nose congested from crying. He lost his balance when Youko lifted him to the tip of his toes, and his body was being supported up only by the demon's arms. This was the perfect opportunity for him to lead the smaller male up onto a table. The fox broke the kiss as he held his chin again, guided his face to the side as he licked a tear from his cheek, tasting the salty liquid.

The human was a sight to behold: lips swollen, face wet, reddened cheeks, red bangs hanging in his face, and dark, long eyelashes fluttered as deep green eyes were downcast. He pressed a thumb against his lower lip as he guided it inside the younger’s mouth, grazing past pearly white teeth, and held it against a pink tongue. The human looked up at him with those doleful, large emerald irises, and the fox’s breath shortened. Still holding him this way, the youko licked along his upper lip and pecked the tip of his rosy nose. He moved his face to the side again as he whispered heavily in his ear.

“Until the ends of the earth, I will follow you,” he confessed, “I'm so in love with you, my dear, that I've fought my hardest to be here tonight. Please don't cry for me. I’ll do anything to make you happy.”

Shuichi made a noise, but the sound was muffled by the digit in his mouth. Youko swiped the thumb along his lip, across his cheek, and down his chin as he brought the boy closer. The fox lowered his head down to the human’s neck. He kept Shuichi's head to the side as he latched onto the soft skin with his teeth. He ever so slightly punctured the skin with his fangs as he sucked on it.

Youko,” the redhead gasped, as he squirmed beneath him.

He continued to suckle, the puncture wounds slightly stinging while the soft tug of his skin caused tiny trembles of pleasure up the human’s spine. He felt his lover relax as the intoxication of his actions took over him. His head hung to one side as he let the demon lay his mark.

Eventually, the redhead pushed against the taller man's shoulder, and he reluctantly released the skin to look at him. Pulling back slowly, he could see the purplish bruise on the otherwise flawless neck, and he felt pleased.

“Teenagers leave hickies, Youko,” the redhead softly reprimanded with an amused smirk, “Plus, this is neither the time nor the place.”

“On the contrary,” he purred, scooting the human closer and spreading his legs wider, “this is absolutely prefect. We're alone, the ambience is right, and you look absolutely delectable…”

Shuichi pushed against his chest as he was pulled forward, “No, I believe we might have an audience.”

The human pointed to the window discreetly, and Youko followed the direction of his finger. He looked over to the side of the room that was encased with large bay windows. He saw the flurry of snow falling against the backdrop of a darkened street. Looking closer, he also saw the tops of three heads with eyes peering over the bottom of a snowy windowsill and into the room. The three onlookers eyes went wide as they noticed the demon thief noticing them.

Youko scowled in their direction, and the three peeping-toms gasped in surprise. Suzuki, Rin, and Shishiwakamaru scrambled as they all fell over one another trying to get away from the window.

“Ow!” Rin cried as Suzuki stepped on his foot.

The said blonde demon fell over Shishi as he tried to get up, and they both landed painfully in the snow. Youko continued to glare at them as they fumbled over each other. Shuichi’s shoulders shook as he tried to hide a laugh behind his hand, head turned away.

“Get off me you idiot!” Shishi cried under the weight of the other demon, face pressed painfully against the cold ground.

Rin pulled Suzuki up, and Shishi immediately stood clutching his head painfully. The three still stood by the window, dusting themselves off. When they didn't leave, Youko looked at them with half-concealed disdain. The fox bandit cleared his throat loud enough for them to hear, and they stopped their fussing to blink in his direction.

“Get out of here!” he barked.

The three scrambled again and took off somewhere towards around the back of the house. Shuichi, still trying to hold back his laughter, shook his head while the fox tsked in annoyance. The human scooted back on the high end table as the intimate moment had been effectively broken. He fingered the ribbon of his gift that laid to the left of his hand absent-mindedly as he watched the fox straighten himself up with a sigh. Youko noticed the package that had been left forgotten in favor of other, more emotionally-driven, matters.

He picked up the wrapped box and glided the silky ribbon through his fingers. Shuichi looked at it, just remembering it had been there. Youko gestured the glittering gift to him, and they looked at each other under the light of the dying fire.

“Merry Christmas,” he said, voice faint and raspy.

With one hand leaning on the table, Shuichi took the gift with his other. He admired the way it sparkled in the dim light. He slowly lifted his other hand to pull on the golden ribbon, the elegant bow giving way easily under the slightest bit of effort. The shiny strip of fabric fell along the slippery paper as it was untied and landed delicately into his lap. He ran his fingers along the rectangular box and found a corner where the wrappings had been folded. He tore at it with a gentle fingernail, material ripping along the tape.

Youko smirked at the way the human slowly opened the package, always meticulous. Soon, the wrapping paper fell away and exposed a long black box. With one hand on the bottom and the other on top, Shuichi jimmied it open. Amongst a bed of red velvet cloth lied a long metallic band.

“It’s a watch,” he stated, looking over the shining golden links and azure timetable.

Youko chuckled deep in his throat, “Underwhelming?”

“Wha—No!” Shuichi backtracked, “No, no, no! It's not! It's beautiful, really! It's just… there's something about it that seems… off.”

The blue face of the clock glowed faintly and swirled like a miniature galaxy. There was almost an ethereal-like quality to it.

The spirit fox hummed in understanding. He didn't say anything as he lifted the trinket out of its package and turned it over so the underside of the clock faced upwards in his palm. He placed the smooth padding of his thumb in his mouth and bit down, drawing blood. Shuichi watched in morbid fascination as the demon squeezed a sizable amount of the dark red liquid onto his finger tip. Carefully, he brought the bleeding digit to the clock and poured the blood into a small opening on the back.

The fine jewelry started to glow immensely as it absorbed his life essence.

He sucked the rest of his blood off his thumb and wiped the metal surface clean with the cloth. He took the box from his hand and put it on the table. With a gentle grip, he grabbed Shuichi's forearm so he could face the pale inside of his wrist upwards. He wrapped the golden band around it, locking it into place with a clasp.

The fox turned his arm back around, his calloused fingers holding his hand up so he could look at the new adornment. Shuichi looked at it, too; noticing a slight sting as something pricked him. He only jumped slightly, not in pain but surprise, but that was enough for the fox to notice.

“Just a moment,” he said to Shuichi.

The redhead looked confused, but the glowing clock started to vibrate both visually and physically.

Youko rubbed his knuckle with his thumb as he observed the change, “It’s a nifty little thing. You said you were worried when we hadn't spoke in so long. Well, I was too.”

Shuichi watched the glittering face of the clock as it glowed consistently, light swirling around the cloudy gem. He felt the cool metal vibrating gently against his wrist.

“I know you think it's easier for me,” Youko continued, “but it's not. I had no way of knowing you were okay. I'd sent Hiei to check on you, but… he can only do so much. There are people who know me, and they know who you are to me. They… don't want us together, and they'll do everything in their power to make sure that we’re kept apart.”

He looked at Shuichi with distressed eyes, gripping his hand, “They'll do anything… including taking you out of the picture if they have to. I'm not going to let that happen.”

The human let those words settle on his mind.

They sat heavily.

He knew who the demon meant, but he didn't know why. He didn't say anything for awhile, looking off into nothing, lost in thought.

Youko continued despite the lack of response. He pulled out a long silver chain with the same azure blue stone encased in a pendant. This one glowed as well, but was much dimmer than his. The fox asked for his hand again with an open palm.

Tentatively, Shuichi obliged… partially knowing what was to come next. The fox guided the hand to his lips, kissing the palm affectionately, and then slid his slim ring finger into his mouth. Golden eyes looked at him under snow-white lashes as he sucked along the length down to his second knuckle. He felt the other’s tongue glide along the digit as his teeth grazed against his skin and then slowly licked back up. The human inhaled as he felt the fox's sharp fang pierce his fingertip.

Youko squeezed the tip of his finger until there was a sizable drop off blood. With his teeth, he popped open the bottom of the pendant and ran his finger along the cold metal as he placed the liquid into a small hole. Instantaneously, the gem radiated light, but this time the light pulsed, brightening and then dimming in time with his heartbeat.

He placed the pendant around his neck, pressing the silver encased gem close to his chest as he felt the other’s heartbeat thumping inside it.

He spoke again softly as he gave Shuichi the velvet cloth to wrap around his finger, “As long as these stones remain glowing, we’ll know that the other is alright. Neither you nor I will have to lose sleep anymore. We'll always be with each other in a way.”

Shuichi reached out a tender hand to touch the piece of jewelry hanging from his neck. He could feel it pulse against his fingertips. He looked up as he met eyes with the fox.

Youko stared at him, pleading silently. For what, he couldn't decipher, but he looked at him like he was the single most important thing in existence and the human male couldn't help but to nod. Agreeing to whatever the fox was urgently begging of him.

“Thank you,” he managed to say, rubbing the other male's arm in an attempt at comforting whatever ache was causing his mind pain.

Youko grasped the hand stroking him, he couldn't look away as he began to think of all the terrible things he'd heard from the ones who had promised to lay harm on the young man. His mind was riddled with devastating scenarios as he briefly thought about the moment he'd have to bare life without him. He wondered if the pain he'd experience would be the karma that would be bestowed upon him for all of his transgressions.

And he begged for the gods to show him mercy in that moment. To show Shuichi mercy.

Please, he prayed, please he doesn't know… My God, he's innocent. Please, Inari.

Youko felt the unfamiliar sting of tears as he continued in his horrific train of thought. He squeezed the human’s hand tightly, “Shuichi, I beg of you. Please, tell me you'll be careful? I can't imagine it... Don't let me bury you.”

The redhead's face twisted in pained confusion as he watched a tormented expression evolve on the demon's face. He’d never seen such raw emotion in the usually coolly aloof exterior, and it shocked him to his core. It was slightly terrifying, actually. His hand ached, but he quickly grabbed the fox's other hand as he tried to bring him out of whatever dark thoughts he was lost in.

“No, Youko,” he assured fervently, “Listen to me, that's not going to happen. I promise. They can't hurt me.”

The fox's face looked agonized as he couldn't stop, “They can, and they will. Shuichi, please. I heard in great detail what they could do to you. I couldn't bare it. I'm terrified of leaving you alone, but I don't have a choice. I need you to be vigilant for me.”

The redhead placed a gentle hand on his cheek as he tried stroke his fears away with an open palm, bringing his face close to the fox’s as he talked in a hushed tone reassuringly, “Shh, no. No, that won't happen. No one will hurt me. You can trust me to be safe. Shh, it's okay… just trust me.”

He brought the taller male into a hug as he tried to comfort him. He let him lay his head heavily on his shoulder as his long arms wrapped around him in a vice-like grip. Feeling the redhead's breathing must have calmed him somewhat as he relaxed when he could feel the human’s chest rising and falling against his. He allowed himself to be held as he let the fox calm down.

“Well, this is touching,” a gravelly voice said behind them.

They both looked towards the door as they were snapped out of their sentimental moment.

Hiei stood, arms crossed, leaning against the door frame. He casually spun a key in his hand as he watched them, smirking.

“Are you two done yet? I thought 30 minutes would have been more than enough time to let you snog it out,” he remarked, coolly regarding their embrace with red eyes, “Looks like you haven't even started yet. Pity. Kurama was always known to be fast.”

Hiei,” Youko warned in a low voice, looking at him over a slim shoulder with half-lidded eyes.

Shuichi couldn't help but let his mouth twitch upwards in amusem*nt. He purposely looked at the fire demon as he calmly responded to the snide comment, “You’re one to talk about being fast.”

Hiei’s smirk vanished at the thinly veiled insult and now directed a glare at the redhead. He made a sound of annoyance at the two canoodling on top of a table behind the couch as he stood away from the wall.

“Listen: fast, slow, do it or don't. I don't care, but for the love of all that is unholy don't let someone just walk in on you. My eyes have been miraculously spared this time,” the small male sneered.

Shuichi wickedly smirked at him as he pulled on the Thief King's trousers just a little, eyes hooded with a lecherousness, “I could change that if you'd like. What was it that you said earlier? If I wanted to screw him so bad to go find him? Well, here he is…”

Hiei balked at the redheaded human's brazen show of indecent behavior, said human now licking along the underside of the youko's chin as he stared at him. The fox, unamused at their little banter, couldn't help himself as he shuddered and groaned deep in his throat at his lover's mischievous attentions, closing his eyes as the hand around the boy’s thigh tightened.

“Don't,” he warned, teeth gritting.

The fire demon quickly dispelled the human’s mockery, mouth in a frown, “Hey, do that on your own time. I'm not here to look at your little peep show.”

“Oh,” Shuichi responded, voice pitched up just an octave. He let the top of his hand slide under the band of the taller male’s pants, just a bit, as he ghosted his hot breath along the bare skin of his neck, “You'd like to join? Well, you should’ve said so…”

“What?! No!” the fire demon spit out in indignation, eyes wide in horrific captivation as he watched the young human fondle the ancient thief. The redhead's green eyes twinkled at him mirthfully.

Admittedly taking it a bit too far, he lightly grazed the top of Youko's pelvis with his fingernail through cotton fabric as he planted an open-mouthed kiss on his exposed collarbone. Said demon growled as he shoved the smaller male along the back of the couch, wrists pinned above his head while the tall demon's body hovered over his own.

The silver-haired thief narrowed his golden eyes at the young man underneath him, hissing, “Don't press me, I'll f*ck you right here no matter who’s watching. Behave.

An indecent side of Shuichi wanted to test that theory as he resisted the urge to thrust his hips up against the powerful male's prominent semi-hard bulge, a slight moan escaping his throat. The decent side, the one that felt at least a little guilty at teasing the poor fire demon, relented as he looked at the fox with apologetic eyes. Youko's scowl softened as he loosened his hold on the boy to allow him up.

But not before leaning down to whisper a heated warning in his ear, quiet for only the two of them to hear, “You'll have to be punished for that one.”

Shuichi’s spine trembled at that, and he discreetly looked at the fox demon wantonly as he pulled away. Youko only smirked at him as he reached out a hand to help him up. Red hair cascaded behind his body as it was lifted upright by the demon's strong grip.

He pulled the human up against his chest as he laid a chaste kiss on his mouth.

“If you two are quite finished, I’d like to remind you… I’m still here,” Hiei said, clearing his throat in annoyance with arms agitatedly crossed again.

Shuichi stifled a laugh as he looked at the other demon remorsefully, “I'm sorry, Hiei. I got a bit carried away.”

The demon only snorted in response, looking away.

Youko rolled his eyes, “My friend, as much as I'm happy to be in your company again, why are you here?”

The spikey-haired male shot the kitsune a look, daring the fox to give him grief for the little show that just transpired. He was met with a pointed stare.

“I was sent to collect you,” he finally stated, “Who knows why. Probably for this exact reason.”

Youko raised an amused eyebrow at him, getting ready to retort with an open mouth, “Well, if you hadn't—"

Shuichi quickly clasped a hand over it before the stubborn thief started an unneeded argument. With a muffled protest from the fox, he quickly replied, “Botan, I'm sure. We’ll be there in just a minute.”

The redhead yelped in pain as the fox nipped at his palm, glowering.

“Hn,” Hiei grunted, satisfied smirk on his face, Do whatever you want, I've done my job.”

The short male tossed the key he was holding towards Youko who deftly caught it in his left hand.

“Koenma told me to give that to you,” he stated, this time in a much calmer tone, “He said you'd know what to do with it.”

The youko opened his palm to look at the small piece of metal. Him and Hiei exchanged glances, but said nothing as he placed the key in his pocket. Shuichi looked at them both, confused. Youko smoothly changed the topic as he nudged the human’s knee.

“Come,” he softly commanded, “I’d prefer to not entertain anyone else tonight.”

Shuichi, wanting to implore about the key, decided to instead leave well enough alone and obliged with the fox's request. Laying a hand against the broad chest, he scooted off the table. Youko wrapped an arm around his waist as he stood up. They followed the demon out of the room and down the hallway to the back door of the house. Hiei opened it and a cold gust of wind blew in.

Shuichi, realizing they didn't have their coats, wrapped his arms around himself and turned away towards the front of the house again.

“Go on,” he said, gesturing them forward, knowing the demons weren’t nearly as effected by the cold as his mortal body was, “I'll be out in just a moment. Let me just go get my jacket.”

They both nodded and Shuichi walked off. The two demons braced themselves against the chilly air as they stepped outside. They were immediately greeted by Jin, who pelted a handful of snow right at Hiei’s face.

Kuwabara, off to the right with Yukina, laughed as the icy substance ran down the short demon's front. Said demon frozen in sudden (but very temporary) shock. Jin only smiled playfully as he bent over with his hands on his hips.

“Well, ‘bout time you showed back up,” he said to the smaller male, “I had to get ya back for that last round.”

Hiei, wiping the melting snow off of his now very much pissed off face, growled as he summoned a ball of black flame in his hand. He crouched low to the ground as he braced himself on one knee.

“Oh!” Jin yelped in surprise as he noticed the demon getting ready to charge in his direction.

Grin now having completely vanished, he quickly turned around and started to lift his knees as the fire demon kicked off the patio. He rocketed up into the air just in time to miss the scorching ball of flame that was thrown at him. It landed explosively in a snow bank leaving only charred, dead land behind. This didn't deter Hiei as he summoned another one and chased after the wind spirit as he flew up into the night sky. Jin looked down and, with a blanched face, realized the angry Jaganshi was heading right in his direction.

“Hiei!” he cried, narrowly missing another attack, “It was a joke! Just a joke! It's a game!!! Hiei, stop!”

The two vanished off into the distance as Jin tried to escape the homicidal male pursuing him. Youko tried to hold back from laughing at his friend’s expense, and instead took the liberty of closing the door that was left precariously open. He watched as he saw the others were indeed building up forts and frozen balls out of packed snow.

Yusuke, noticing the fox demon standing on the porch, grinned in his direction and waived over to him, “Hey, Youko! You joining or what?”

The amused kitsune waived back with a raise of his hand, but shook his head as he declined, “Hmm, no thanks. I'm not well enough equipped for this type of weather.”

This didn't dampen the young man's spirits as he just shrugged his shoulders and went back to packing in tight snowballs, throwing one at the large carrot top goofily flirting with the ice maiden. He laughed out loud as it hit him directly on the back of the head in a painful ‘thunk'. The poor psychic cradled the forming lump on his cranium as he bent over in pain.

“Hey!” he yelled, glaring around for the perpetrator, “Who threw that?!”

Yusuke snigg*red as he started to pack another one, “Jeez, I don't know Kuwabara. Why don't you ask the wind?”

“Urameshi!” he cried, dipping down to gather a pile of the frozen substance in his hand, “Oh, that's it! You’re gonna get it, punk!”

Youko shook his head, thankful to not have any part of this as the two brawny human males started to go at it with each other for what he was sure was the umpteenth time tonight. He leaned his back against the wall as he watched them sort it out with balls of heavy ice to the face. He was content to just quietly mind his own business when he noticed someone else coming up towards his left.

The person stood against the wall with him as they discreetly stroke up a conversation.

“I'm assuming you got my present?” Koenma asked, unconcerned about the violently proceeding snow fight in the distance as he examined his neatly manicured nails.

The fox demon stepped away from him a bit as he looked to the other side, expression nonplussed, “I’d say so.”

The spirit prince didn't take offense to the distancing as he polished his nails against his shirt, “Remember you’re promise, Youko. I’d hate to take it away from you.”

The kitsune snarled in his direction as he gnashed his teeth together in a sneer at the bold threat.

“Don't worry,” he bit back, voice still calm but just barely, “I can't forget.”

“Good,” Koenma said, not at all feeling threatened, “That's best for everyone. Especially Shuichi.”

Youko's piercing gaze was directed at the cool deity, silently daring him to say another word about the green-eyed human.

“You owe it to him,” the prince stated, meeting his eyes as he turned towards him casually, “You have until midnight and not a minute more. I don't think I need to tell you the repercussions of not following these simple directions.”

He checked the watch on his pristine wrist, purely just for show, “That should give you more than enough time. Enjoy it.”

The Thief King stared at him coldly in response with obvious contempt. Not exactly thrilled with being given orders like a lowly miscreant. He said nothing, but also didn't indicate that he wouldn't comply.

That was good enough for Koenma as he smiled at him with one corner of his lip quirked up and leisurely turned around, walking back into the house. He abandoned the spirit fox behind in the silent cold. Youko bit the inside of his lip in concealed anger, but downcast his eyes towards the snow-covered patio in despondent thought as he mulled over something in his head. He relaxed slightly now that the demigod had left him alone, resting the back of his head against the cold exterior of the house as he crossed his arms over his chest. If anyone had been paying attention, they'd notice his eyes were tinged with a slight bit of weariness as they looked off, half-opened, into the distance. They would've seen his shoulders sag slightly as the condensation of his breath came out in a slow, shuddering sigh, like the weight of a thousand tons was trying to drag him down into the freezing, barren earth.

But no one worried for him.

He didn't want them to.

Shuichi and Botan came out of the house with piping cups of liquid in their hands, talking happily amongst themselves as Shizuru and Keiko followed closely behind. The redhead noticed the kitsune standing quietly off to the side. He had a smile on his face and a thick, wooly shrug around his shoulders as he walked up to him. As he approached, he saw the look on his lover's face and his smile slowly faded, replaced with a subdued look of concern. Youko, in an unusual state of unwariness, didn't immediately register his presence. The bubbly reaper came up behind him, but immediately stopped proceeding any further when she saw Shuichi hesitate.

The redhead softly snuck a few fingers against the youko's hand as he drew it down slowly from his chest, not wanting to startle him. The demon stirred slightly as his golden eyes slid down towards him. He looked upon the human as he gently roused him back from his reclusive state by placing a warm cup in his hand. He secured the offering in his grasp by wrapping the fox's fingers around the mug with both of his hands. Youko's eyes considerably softened, feeling a warmth in his cold chest at the human’s show of care. He let Shuichi place a kiss on his slightly parted lips as he pushed the cup towards him.

Indulging him, he sipped the sweet liquid noting the taste of rich chocolate and frothy cream. He brought his lover back to him again by placing a hand behind his head so he could taste the beverage on his mouth. A show of appreciation.

He heard Keiko make a noise of adoration as Shuichi pulled away. She looked at them fondly while he pulled the young man against his side with one arm.

“Aw! How sweet!” she gushed, smiling at them, “Is it good, Youko? I made it from scratch!”

The fox kindly regarded the short-haired brunette as he replied, “Phenomenal. It's been a long time since I've been able to partake in such a refreshment. Thank you.”

The young woman seemed pleased with that answer as she made her way to walk down the steps, holding a second drink that no doubt was for Yusuke. Shizuru handed Shuichi another cup. The redhead took it graciously while he tried to keep his arms under the warm blanket as much as possible. He took a sip out of it and hummed in gratification.

The tall woman grinned at him before turning to the demon, “Hey, glad you could make it. Hopefully travels weren't too brutal for you.”

The tall brunette took a drink from her own mug as she noticed the youko's hand lazily laying along the shorter male’s hip. She looked at Shuichi who’s focus seemed to be somewhere else, expression impressively blank.

“I've already been to hell and back one too many times. This,” the youko gestured to the snowy night with one simple nod of his head, “is no task. It's the leaving part that is admittedly hard.”

She looked at him over the edge of her mug as she took another sip, craftily searching his face for something. The fox demon had forgotten how clever she was and made a mental note of this lest forgetting might be unfavorable for him one day.

She smacked her lips as she responded casually, “Hmm, yes I can understand why. Well, you're here now so let's make the most of it, yeah? Perhaps you can get this one to actually eat something?”

She motioned to the human under his arm who shot the brunette an exasperated look in return. Youko only lightly smirked and gave a tip of his head to the side as he looked at the other male. It must've looked reproving because the redhead responded by frowning at him. He nodded towards the brunette who was slyly smirking at his other half.

“Good, he might actually listen to you without complaining,” Shizuru said, giving him a thumbs up.

She beckoned Botan, who had been unusually quiet this whole time, to follow her as she made her way down the curved steps.

“Oh, and Youko,” she called to him, turning her head just over her shoulder with her hand in her pocket. He regarded her as she spoke, “Let's not wait so long next time, ‘kay?”

She smiled in his direction with friendly fondness and his facial expression eased up as he nodded at her. She turned back around and made her way down, heading towards her brother who was being badly pelted with snowballs by a group of high-spirited comrades.

The only one who was left behind was Botan, with the grim reaper looking down at demon's feet while worrying the side of her lip. Shuichi gently cleared his throat when she hadn't acknowledged them. She startled a bit and looked up. Her amethyst eyes met with Youko's as they exchanged careful glances. Her eyes seemed feeble as she opened her mouth to say something, but then seemed to decide better of it and snapped it shut.

Shuichi looked concerned as he made to say something but was stopped by a sudden squeeze to his hip. The fox demon looked down at the blue-haired woman, not saying a word as she rubbed the smooth side of her mug with her thumb, contemplating. She glanced at him and then towards the door where she knew a certain person had just entered through. She took a deep breath as she tried to relax her shoulders.

She carefully placed a hand on the demon's forearm, fearful that he might not react well to the contact. He stiffened slightly, eyes never having left her, but didn't pull away. This seemed to give her some confidence as she met eyes with him again.

“It’s good to see you,” she breathed, expression almost remorseful but felt lightened by the ability to express her true feelings. She sadly smiled at him as she whispered, squeezing his arm, “Please, be careful.”

Youko didn't respond, but finally turned his eyes, letting the reaper pull away. She gave a discreet waive to Shuichi before walking away as she was called again by Shizuru to the backyard. Youko watched her walk off, silent.

“They're happy to have you back,” Shuichi noted, taking a sip from his mug, “Not the outcome you were expecting, was it?”

Youko slightly shook his head as they observed the gathering on the ground. There was a roar of conversation as Toya and Yukina were forming glittering snowballs for everyone, the globes suspended in mid-air. Every once in a while, someone would grab one from the growing pile and pelt it at someone else making a few people laugh. Each person was glowing with happiness as the gentle snow fell around them, atmosphere thick with elated comradery.

Youko and Shuichi were content now that they were in each other's presence, surrounded by the people closest to them. The only ones who truly knew the tortuous circ*mstances they've been through. They were, in a sense, one mind during that time. Melding against the other’s body as they stood in pleasant solitude as if they were still one person, one soul. This holy night blessed them with that comfort.

Later, when the party had eventually moved back inside and things had quieted down considerably, everyone sat around the foyer in tired and settled assemblage. Some stroked their tired, heavy eyes as they yawned still trying to hold on to their dying conversations while they sprawled across a chair or a couch. Some were already fast asleep while others were almost meeting with slumber under the twilight of the darkened room and moonlit windows. The atmosphere was cozy and hushed as the dead of night settled in.

Shuichi and Youko sat on the ground in front of the fireplace. Backs against the couch and swaddled in blankets as the younger laid against the other while Youko stroked his hair. Their gaze was weighted by exhaustion as they looked on at the flames, breathing steady. Shuichi felt the gentle rise and fall of the fox's solid chest as it slowly tried to pull him to sleep. He fought it off as he tried to stay in fox's presence for as long as possible.

“Shuichi,” Youko called to him, chiding him almost like a child, “Go to sleep, love. You're tired.”

The human shook his head as he lifted up slightly to look at him, “No. Not when I know that when I awake, you’ll no longer be here.”

The fox stroked his finger along the boy's cheek as he grinned at his venial obstinacy. He lifted his chin to leave a sweet peck on his mouth, “This is hardly the last time and you know that. There's no sense in torturing yourself.”

Shuichi looked at him sullenly as he stroked his chest, “Tomorrow is never promised, and I've waited too long.”

Youko had no response to that. He studied the boy's face closely as he tried to drink in the sight of him. He brushed a rogue hair away from his temple as he looked into his alluring green eyes. He felt his chest ache, and he tried to dispel it by bringing him into a deep, languid kiss. He reveled in the way the younger’s soft lips felt gliding under his own and the way their breathes intermingled as he opened his delicate mouth slightly to sneak a pink tongue out, licking along his sharp tooth. Youko breathed heavily as he clasped the side of Shuichi’s head with his large hand, ruffling his red hair as he found his way into the human’s mouth. He let his lover's intoxicating scent lull him into a state of impassioned security as his eyes fluttered close, white lashes stroking his cheeks.

Someone on the couch above them stirred as Shuichi let out a small noise of pleasure at the fox nipping his lower lip. Youko reluctantly pulled away before they got too carried away. The redhead made a noise of protest, but the fox quieted him with a press of his thumb against his mouth while making a silent shush. He nodded his head up to the person next to them, and brought the human's head to his chest again. He kept him there as he laid his chin on his crown while held him, petting his face.

He didn't let him up as he hummed him to sleep, the sound reverberating against his sternum and into the boy’s ear. Shuichi put up a good fight, keeping himself awake by playing with line of hair along the demon's abdomen. He tried not to let the gentle touches distract him from his pursuit as he continued his soft lullaby.

Soon the wooden clock on the wall struck the hour with a cold ring that echoed through the silent room.

He looked up at it, as if the inanimate object deeply betrayed him, while he rubbed the human’s back with an open palm.

“Shuichi?” he called softly.

No answer.

He looked down. The boy's face was serene as thick lashes cradled his cheek; his eyes were peacefully closed. Red hair was fanned over his sleeping face as it rested on his stomach. His lower belly was bare as the sweater had ridden up his body. His gentle breathing steady as his shoulders rose with each intake. The spirit fox looked ardently down at him as he enjoyed his company for the last time tonight.

The clock struck again in a warning.

He ignored it as he bent down, laying a soft kiss on his cheek as he caressed the warm skin along his exposed stomach.

“I love you,” he confessed to the sleeping body as his form started to fade away. He beheld his soulmate one last time, face at peace.

The clock rung a third time, and he was gone.

Shuichi laid alone amongst a pile of blankets, head resting against the ground.

No one saw him leave, never having the chance to say goodbye. The snow eventually stopped as the clouds cleared and the moon made its appearance. Shining down its faint light on the white, serene landscape while all of its occupants slept.

On Shuichi’s wrist, the azure timetable glowed faintly as Christmas came to an end. It thrummed softly.

Chapter 3: A Bloodied Admonition


It was a fine night for a stroll with clear skies and the tranquil nature of the forest. It was a better night to not have a gaping hole in his gut...

On an unsuspecting evening, Shuichi is apprehended by an unknown beast who looks to capture the human as a bounty. Knowing his importance to the infamous Thief King, he is brutally assaulted. With fatal wounds, his life is hanging on by a thread and yet he still looks to the phantom youko for aide.

The event has multiple people questioning the merit of the relationship between the red-haired mortal and his demonic counterpart. What is the worth of their love, if the cost is the possible theft of the human's life?


Rated explicit for blood, gore, noncon, death, sexual content, foul language, and some precarious positions with vines.

Oh, those vines...

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Hiei ran across the dense underbrush of a dark and expansive forest as the bright moon shown overhead, katana wielded at his side. A blood-curdling scream ripped through the night and reverberated in his mind. He cursed to himself as he tried to keep the image of a bleeding body in his Jagan Eye.

Despite his renowned impressive speed, his legs couldn't seem to carry him fast enough as he rushed across the landscape, desperately trying to reach his intended destination before it was too late. The thick foliage didn't make his attempts any easier as it wound and twisted across the ground, biting at his ankles as he tried to pass through. The image was flickering in and out due to this slight lapse of concentration.

Another guttural cry pierced through the cool, dead air.

He screamed out in frustration as he kicked himself off the ground and onto a nearby branch of a tree. He was having trouble keeping his focus. He didn't have the time to stop, but he also would never find what he was looking for if he didn't take a moment to recall the image back into his mind. He ripped off his white bandana in aggravation as his third eye opened.

He closed his two eyes as he searched around the forest again, looking for the source of the agonized screams. The image flickered in his mind as it came to. He found what he was looking for quite a way off in the middle of a clearing.

Bright red hair and a hunched over body.

He saw the perpetrator standing a few feet away from it as he raised an axe in its direction. The red-haired human’s green eyes were wincing in pain as his mouth was formed in a snarl at his attacker. His hand laid over his abdomen as blood trickled from a wound, through his fingers, and landed in little droplets on the ground. There was a half-formed sword in his other hand, crafted out of a green leaf.

He was crouched down against a tree, having just been struck. Panting through the pain.

“Come now, boy,” the attacker said, raising the point of his axe in the human's direction, “Come with me quietly, and I won't have to kill you. Kurama would pay a good chunk of change for your pretty little head. I'm sure he’d prefer you much more alive than dead.”

The human scoffed as he lifted his weapon in front of him, “If you were smart, you'd leave here before your own life has ended.”

The demon's eyes widened slightly and then shut as he barked with laughter, “And what at are you going to do, runt? You can't even summon a proper sword!”

He motioned to the green blade that was wrapped around the human's hand, roots anchored to his fine wrist. The weapon itself was dull and already showing signs of extreme wear as places of the blade were torn and frayed. That didn't stop the human, however, from angling it towards the other body with clear resolution.

His green eyes narrowed dangerously as he spoke, “You’re a fool if you think I don't have other ways of protecting myself. I'll give you one last chance. Leave.

The demon, who was now cornering him, bellowed with condescending laughter again. He swung his massive weapon to the side, smirking at the wounded young man.

“Now don't try to play me,” he mocked, “I already know you’re powerless. You’re no more of a threat than a tiny wee squab, kit, and you’ve lost all of your abilities when that damn bandit broke away from you. So be a good boy, and I won't have to slice that nice-looking face of yours from your frail little shoulders. Kurama can f*ck a corpse for all I care.”

The human snarled as the demon swung his sword back around to strike him again.

“sh*t!” Hiei swore to himself, jumping from the tree and onto the ground again as he sprinted off.

Shuichi, don’t do anything stupid.’

He kept the interaction in his mind’s eye as he raced off towards the clearing, bristles and thorns tearing at his pants.

The demon swung his axe down and it hit the ground with a thunderous smack with the earth splitting open underneath it. A wave of energy burst outwards and along the crack in the ground that traveled quickly all the way to the tree that the boy stood up against. The human swiftly dove to the side to avoid the blast, but ended up tearing the hole in his stomach even more as he did so. He crumpled to the forest floor as he cried out in agony.

The demon wickedly smirked as he took a step towards him, weapon raised.

“You’ll only hurt yourself more doing that,” he chided, “Your body is weak, tiny human… and so easily breakable.”

Shuichi, with trembling hands and knees, lifted himself off the ground as his hair fell around his face. With his waning spirit energy, he summoned the roots of the nearby trees to wrap around the assailant’s feet. It stopped him for a moment; only a moment though, as he looked at the roots with disgust and kicked them off with little effort. Shuichi pounded the earth with his fist, cursing at himself for his weakened state.

The demon stopped next to him, licking his lips. He let the point of his weapon graze along the human's side, lines ripping clothes but not skin.

“I told you to behave,” he sneered at the hunched over body, “But maybe that’s why Kurama likes you. You’re probably a good lay when you've got the proper energy to fight back. I wonder…”

He kicked the boy back down with a giant boot to his side and an audible crack could be heard. Shuichi bit back another scream as he landed painfully on his back. His teeth and eyes clenched shut as he arched; feeling the searing ache in his stomach and piercing blade running along his thigh.

Hiei’s form was barely even a blur as he rushed towards the ensuing fight. Moving mechanically as he tried to get there the quickest way that he could. He was still a few miles from them, and he knew that was more than enough time for the human to die.

“Do you think that fox of yours would mind if I had a taste of some of his bounty?” the foul demon breathed as he looked over him with half-lidded eyes, ripping up the other pant leg, “Youko was never very good at sharing, was he? Heh, I think it would absolutely drive him mad knowing that a lowly C-Class defiled you here on the forest floor like a little tramp in heat.”

As the demon parted his knees with the blunt part of the axe, Shuichi realized he was trying to undress him. He growled as he placed his foot on the wooden handle and kicked it away forcefully.

“Don't touch me!” he seethed.

He didn't care that he could feel the blood pouring from his open wound as he shot up, so quick the demon didn't even register it at first, and shot a wave of spirit energy right into his chest. His hair flew behind him as the sheer force of his attack lit up the surrounding forest in a bright blue glow. His assailant stumbled backwards in both pain and shock, only catching his balance when his back fell against a nearby tree.

The demon's chest was singed and bloody, but he was hardly down for the count and the human knew that. His eyes narrowed at the adolescent as he roared in anger.

“You little bitch, that hurt!” he barked.

He swung his sword back around as he shot another wave of pure force at the redhead. The young human narrowly missed it from hitting him dead on, but the tail end of the blow grazed his arm and he could feel a tendon tear.

More blood splattered on the ground. Crying out again, he clutched his arm as he sank to the floor on one knee, body quickly failing him.

Hiei could still see the events transpiring, but was unable to reach the human telepathically. His mind must have been shutting down along with his energy. He started to jump from branch to branch as the expansive forest floor was becoming too thick with shrubs to run efficiently, slowing him down.

A few more minutes, he thought, just stave him off for a few more minutes, Shuichi. I'm almost there.

The demon now sauntered up to the kneeling man, feeling his ki disappearing.

“I don't care if Kurama would pay more for you alive,” he sneered, grabbing him by the hair and yanking him up, “In fact, I don't really care if he pays me at all. The thief bastard can keep his gold. I'll get pleasure just from killing you, and then f*cking that obstinate spirit from your lifeless body. The fox can have you back once I've filled you up with my spunk. Everyone will know who took his precious little human from him then.”

The human winced at the way his badly beaten body was stretched out as it was wrenched up, toes dangling just above the ground. He could feel strands of hair being torn from his scalp by the unrelenting grip. His eyes, though pained, still fiercely glared at the monster before him. Spitting blood in the demon's face as he leered at him with another obscene lick of his lips.

“Then you'll be sentencing yourself to death,” he wheezed, barely able to breathe through the ache in his side.

The demon snarled as he wiped away the blood-tinged spit off his face. He shook the human with the fist wrapped in his hair as he hissed, “You think you're real cute, doncha? Thinkin’ that bandit is even half the beast he once was. Nah, kit. You made him soft. He couldn't spear the head off a bawking chicken, let alone take on a worthy opponent such as myself.”

When his head finally stopped spinning from being roughly shaken, the human noticed a hushed movement in the shrubbery.

Shuichi smirked as he purposefully looked over the demon's shoulder, “Would you like to test that theory?”

There was a rustling in a bush behind them. The demon gawked, looking tentatively towards the noise. The boy could feel the tremble in his fingers as the rustling intensified. He nearly let go of the human as he took a step back, ready to flee at a moment’s notice.

Leaves burst from the branches as a doe leaped from the thick brush and hurriedly flitted off to the side. The demon sneered as he turned back towards the human who managed to jerkily laugh at him.

“I thought so,” the redhead stated, taking advantage of his attacker’s distracted state to push off him with a heavy foot to his gut, escaping his grasp.

The demon wheezed as he doubled over. Shuichi took the opportunity to drag his leaden body off the ground and run towards the edge of the clearing. He heard the demon take a step towards him and used the last of his spirit energy to rip a few blades of grass from the ground and turn them into tiny, rugged daggers. He turned around momentarily, blowing the transformed weapons from his palm towards the advancing assailant. The demon cried out as the small spears pierced his body, some even embedding in his face. Shuichi knew that the attack wouldn't kill him, but it allowed him enough time to get a decent head start on his escape. He kicked back around as he raced off towards the edge of the clearing to hide himself in the woods. There, the plants should still be able to recognize his energy and help protect him from the attacker. Or at the very least, slow him down long enough that he could evade him until he made it to safety.

His body ached in protest as he pushed it to its limits, but the adrenaline of survival kept him moving forward. Heavy feet carrying his tired muscles, stamping along the ground as there was no point in being quiet until he was able to weave behind the trees. He was only a few feet away when he heard the demon grunt as he barreled another attack towards him.

Quickly glancing back was his downfall when he realized the attack wasn't directed at him, but the trees lining the clearing.

The wave of energy sliced them at their roots as the trunks fell atop one another, creating a barricade. He cried out as his momentum caused his body to collide with the rough bark. Collapsing against them as he was without enough energy to get through.

He struck his hand against the wood in anger, depressive scream ripping from his throat, as he heard the demon walk up behind him.

He had nowhere else to run.

Sinking to the ground, he wailed as he reached out the last of his psychic energy as a warning call, hoping the youko could hear him. The demon's heavy footsteps stopped directly behind him. His cold, muscular hand grabbed him around the throat and heaved him up again. The gripping fear of losing his life made the human gasp for air and claw at the demon's paw in a weak attempt to get him to release his grasp.

The attacker, simultaneously looking both pissed off at the attack and also humored by the way the boy struggled, tightened his fingers around his neck as he regarded him, “What now, kit? You've gone through all your little tricks, and now you're too weak to even stand. That was a damn cheat what you pulled... You couldn't attack me head on so you had to get me behind my back. Only cowards do that, you little wretch.”

The human gasped and gargled as he fought to breathe. His lips starting to turn blue with the pressure against his windpipe. The demon looked smug now that he had the stunning consort of the Thief King at his mercy. He recalled the way the libelers of the Demon World spoke of him: a young, duplicitous mortal. A succubus encased in a rosy exterior, with fiery hair and eyes of emerald stones that could bring one of the most barbarously iron-hearted down to his knees in besottedness. Yes, he was sure the boy didn't know it, but he was quite infamous alongside his resurrected beau.

But here, he didn't look like he much lived up to his reputation. He looked weak and corporeal in his grasp. Lithe body beaten, bloody, and bruised as it struggled to live. Reality was often disappointing.

He looked at the way his precious mouth gaped in strangulation as the muscles in his hips and thighs contracted as he tried to find his footing. Still, he supposed there was something to be gained from all this effort.

The human was beginning to lose consciousness, and the callous demon wasn't about to have that. He struck the boy hard across the face to wake him up, lip splitting and cheekbone fracturing. When his eyes snapped open, he drove his fist into his gut. The beast could feel the gash in the boy’s stomach tear even further as a few ribs cracked. He let the young man crumple to the floor as he towered over him.

“Whatcha do to him, kid? Is that sweet ass made of gold or somethin’? You whipped him real good, y'know. Got the whole Makai talkin’ bout it. He spared a life the other day,” he said disdainfully, lip curled in contempt as he looked down on the boy, “That just ain't like him.”

He watched in satisfaction as the human’s smaller form shook against the ground, coughing up blood.

“It's too bad,” he said, jeering, “‘Cuz I'm not about to spare yours.”

The human let out a desperate sound, almost like a sob, and the sound caused the demon's groin to jump. He watched the way the boy’s delicate fingers scraped across the ground, dirt embedding under his manicured fingernails. He licked his lips again.

“Maybe I can get a taste of you before I let you meet your maker.”

He dropped to his knees as he pulled the redhead to him by the hips.

“No!” Shuichi cried; voice hoarse as he clawed at the earth. Tears were rolling down his face as he felt the larger male press up against him. He prayed for Youko to come before his body was taken by the brutish monster, dead or alive.

The demon ran a hand up his clothed spine as he grabbed him by the hair again, jerking his head backwards. He could feel the other hand settle around the side of his waist as he thrusted broad hips into his. The human cried out as his maltreated body shook with the impact, causing the demon to ground his pelvis into his back in excitement. A brutish hand looked to find its way into his bloodied pants, but he squirmed up so only filthy fingertips grazed his hip. This obviously annoyed his would-be rapist who yanked at his locks and kneed him in the groin. He doubled over, losing his breath, as his body wracked with even more pain. The demon forced him on his knees again and started to grind his foul erection against the crease in his pants. Shuichi gagged, red bile dribbling from his teeth, while he called the beast all the of foul things he could recall in his memory. He must've found this amusing, because he smacked his backside appreciatively; earning another expletive from the wounded man.

When he felt the humps become frantic against his body, he knew it was only time before the demon would try to take it further. He could already hear him panting nearly incoherent mumbles about what he planned to do to with him once his clothes were off. He growled—his pride not allowing for his final moments to be him becoming this disgraceful beast’s bitch— while the repugnant mammoth yanked him back farther until his vile breath huffed against his ear, lapping at the blood trickling from his canal. The monstrosity called to him with a sickeningly sweet tone as he moaned with pleasure, and in that moment the boy saw red.

In a final show of subversion, the human grabbed a fistful of dirt and threw it in the demon's face. When the crude monster cried out, the substance stinging his eyes, he let go of his hold on him. Shuichi tried to get up, but he no longer possessed the strength to stand. He ended up trying fruitlessly to crawl along the ground. His face contorted in agony as he used his forearms and leaden legs to push him, only traveling inch by inch. It wasn't a surprise when his attacker caught up to him, heavy boot kicking him across the ground into a nearby tree. His spine cracked with the impact. The world nearly went black as his skull banged alarmingly on a rock. Head pulsing, his vision started to fade as he saw the demon approach him again.

“f*ck that,” he growled, grabbing his axe from where it was imbedded into the ground, “That's more trouble than it's worth. I’ll just kill you now.”

Shuichi’s emerald eyes started to close before he could barely register what the demon was doing. His labored breathing came in short pants through his open mouth as his chest heaved with strain. He was laying painfully on a broken shoulder that cracked with every slight movement. The last thing he saw before his vision vanished was his dirty hand, palm up, laying in front of his face on a ground drenched in his own blood. For a deliriously split second, he thought he saw a faint, white form glowing in the shadows of the trees. He called to it for assistance…

The demon raised his axe above his head as he built up the energy to strike the boy with one final blow, “So long, lover boy.”

As he made to bring down his weapon, a loud rustle in the trees stole his attention. The demon almost ignored it before he realized the noise was far too big to be a bird.

Just then, a black mass came jumping out of the forest. The dark figure coming down from a treetop and landing noiselessly on the ground.

Hiei arose from his crouched position. Face looking markedly pissed off as he stood between Shuichi and his attacker. The Jaganshi's hand was on his katana as he stepped towards him. The other demon sneered at the short male who had just suddenly arrived out of nowhere.

“You've made a grave mistake,” the fire demon stated, voice deathly even as he regarded him through cold, narrowed eyes.

The assailant laughed as he flexed his arms to bring down his axe again. Before he could, the short demon brushed passed him, fast as lightening. The heavy weapon fell from his slacked hands and his face balked in shock. Hiei’s katana dripped with blood as the other demon's large figure separated in two at the waist.

The sliced body fell lifelessly to the ground.

Hiei looked over his shoulder at the dead beast in disgust. He didn't spare it another glance as he rushed over to his companion. Kneeling down next to him, he surveyed the damage.

“Shuichi,” he called to the human, but that gained no response.

Shuichi's form was grotesquely torn and discolored all over. Blood leaked from all angles and his clothes were ripped into rags, barely still hanging onto his battered body. Hiei gingerly noted how his soft face was so swollen his eyes were shut.

“I'm here,” he murmured with a hand on his shoulder.

Hiei could tell his former partner was unconscious, but he was still breathing.

Just barely.

The fire demon cursed at himself for not getting there sooner. His body shook with ire as he looked at the fatal damages the lowly demon had caused. He carefully raised the top half of the human’s body up off the ground. Nudging his shoulder again, he sought for a response.

“Shuichi,” he called a second time in a low, calm voice. When he didn't stir, he started to gently shake his face with a hand wrapped around his chin, calling to him louder this time, “Kuso… Shuichi! Wake up. He’s gone. I'm here now… Look, I came for you.”

The boy was nothing but still and pale.

Hiei felt the panic that started to flutter in his chest. He looked around, not knowing what to do. He couldn't fix mortal wounds, and the nearest ningen hospital wasn't for miles from here. Where was he supposed to go?

A glinting object around the human's wrist caught his attention. It was a watch.


Why wasn't Youko here? Why was he left alone in this forest without his assistance? He was supposed to be protecting him!

The fire demon seethed as he realized the only reason he was in this situation was because the fox had left him alone, defenseless. He berated the kitsune a thousand times over in his head as he looked at the human's blood streaked all over the ground.

‘Damn that fox!’

“Shuichi… Shuichi!” his voice escalated as he noticed the human's ki starting to fade, “Get up! I need you to wake up until I can get you help… Don't fall asleep!”

A faint glow off to their left garnered the demon's attention. The glow turned into a sheer mist until finally forming into an ethereal body. Hiei glared at the figure that appeared.

“You!” he bellowed, “This is your fault! You were supposed to be watching him!”

He bared his teeth as the vision of Youko materialized. His figure stood just beyond the clearing under the trees. He looked on at the two lying on the ground.

“Look what they did to him!” The fire demon said desperately, clutching the bleeding body to his chest, “He was alone, Kurama! I couldn't get here fast enough, and they nearly killed him! Why weren't you here?!”

The spirit fox’s eyes looked down at the broken figure of his lover in the Jaganshi’s arms. He said nothing as his face remained passive.

This invoked a growl from the fire demon as he glared hatefully at the silent onlooker.

“Help him, Youko! His soul is weak, and I can't keep him alive! He's going to die!” Hiei’s voice cracked as he practically begged the other demon to take action.

Youko only looked back up at him, saying nothing. His form flitted in and out of the trees as if he were fading.

“Why aren't you helping him?!” The fire demon accused, face agonized as he felt the human's life slipping from his body, “He’s dying, Kurama!”

The form of the kitsune closed his eyes and shook his head reverently. He looked back at him with a helpless gaze as his mystical form started to dissolve back into the shadows. Hiei felt his heart leap into his throat as he noticed the spirit fox was vanishing.

Youko!” he cried after him, “Youko, what do I do?! Youko!”

His eyes widened in horrific disbelief as the fox dissipated. They were alone again, and Shuichi was on the very brink of death.

He brought his attention back to the boy in his hands, face so pale he already looked like a corpse. He bent down and released an anguished cry into his chest. He used all the might in him to hold back the prickles he would not dare call tears as he realized that the human was going to lose his life here... In this cold and desolate landscape never knowing that someone had come for him.

He couldn't bear to let himself think that the human's last memory was that he died alone…


“Shuichi!” he screamed desperately, “Shuichi, wake up! I'm here! Come back to me! Wake up, dammit!”

The redhead’s sunken face didn't move, and the demon saw his chest stilling as his breathes became shallow. His pulse was almost nonexistent under his skin.

“NO!” he shouted, trying to give him his own life energy, “We’re not doing this, stupid fox! Don't die on me!”

He wasn't going to let him go like this. He deserved better than to lose his life at the hands of that inferior creature now lying as a pile of guts on the ground. Hiei wasn't about to relinquish him to the Spirit World knowing he still had so much more left to live for.

A gust of wind blew through the clearing, and Hiei looked up with infuriated eyes. His fist hit the ground with a resounding boom as the ground underneath the impact broke apart. A whirlwind of dark energy burst up into the dead air, stretching out into a funnel of black matter. The night sky was lit up by the fiery violet glow that surrounded it. The matter started to take a shape as the fire demon released his massive energy into its density, screaming in fury.

It twisted and spiraled into a dark, serpentine form.

A dragon.

Black as night and majestically fearsome as its massive wings flapped, causing the trees to shake. It flew around the sky a few times before landing next to its master on the ground. It peered towards him with an eyeless face as it waited.

With stubborn resolution, the fire demon hooked one arm under Shuichi’s knees and the other held his bleeding head carefully to his heaving chest. He slowly lifted them both off the blood covered ground, carefully making sure to not further his wounds.

Shuichi hung limply in his arms as he regarded his creation.

“Take us to Genkai’s,” he commanded, “Now.”

The shadow beast roared and the sound reverberated the entire clearing. Birds flitted out of the trees. It spread a broad wing towards the ground to let the demon board its back. As quickly as he could move without hurting the boy in his arms, he climbed up the beast and settled the redhead across his lap. Once the demon’s grip was firm, the dragon flapped its wings and lifted back up into the air. The dirt beneath it swirled around them as it arose.

The moment they were above the thick treetops and he could see the moon clearly shining bright in the sky, Hiei bent slightly forward over the bleeding body.

He urged the beast on, “Go.”

With a deafening roar, it slightly teetered as it propelled itself forward with giant wings beating against the wind current. It gained momentum with every flap as its gargantuan paws kicked at the air. Hiei held both him and the other body steady as he looked ahead with determination. He clutched onto Shuichi’s form with one hand as he tried to channel his own energy into the man. His blood was dripping down his arm and seeping into his clothes. It even ran down the dragon’s back, and the demon watched as a drop fell off of it and down into the darkened landscape below. He urged the dragon to go faster, knowing that each second they languished was a sacrifice to the human's life.

Soon, the landscape below started to change. The trees began to gently slope up, and the forest became subtler. He could see a temple on a hillside up ahead. A few windows were illuminated and there was a small movement inside. Hiei didn't slow down as they neared. He kept the beast barreling forward through the night air, feeling Shuichi’s respiration stop.

Genkai had been quietly sipping her tea in the study when a thunderous bang hit the side of her house. It shuddered its entire frame. She could hear Yukina's blood-curdling scream when bricks audibly collapsed in the den. Cursing to herself, she quickly jolted up and bolted towards the room. She summoned a spirit ball of energy in her hand as she slid across the floorboards and reeled around the corner.

Entering, she saw a gigantic black beast writhing along the ground. It was in obvious pain from the impact, but she was more concerned about the form moving under its expansive wing. She was getting ready to attack when the giant beast lifted its appendage.

“Hiei!” Yukina cried out in obvious distress as she noticed the fire demon emerge, covered in rubble and blood.

The old temple master quickly realized this was not his own blood he was soaked in as she looked upon the bundled form in his arms.

“Shuichi…” he managed to gasp out, chest heaving erratically. Whether it was from distress or exertion, she couldn't tell, “He needs help.”

He displayed the gashed and bruised frame of the crimson-haired human that she had once called Kurama. Genkai couldn't make out a pulse under his skin, but his spirit was still barely hanging on. Yukina cried out again as she saw the bloodied and battered state the young man was in. She picked up her kimono with one hand as she immediately ran to his side, looking over the body.

Dissipating the ball of energy at her side, Genkai briskly walked over to the two males. The blue-haired woman looked up at her as she hovered her hands over the mangled figure.

“Genkai!” she exclaimed, face desperate, “He’s barely alive! We need to get to treating him now! He doesn’t have long!”

The old woman grimly hummed as she went to grab the human from the demon's arms. Hiei snarled at her, tightening his grip in a show that he was not about to let him go. He motioned to Shuichi’s abdomen, showing how his hand was covering a gaping hole in his stomach. The woman's sharp eyes met with his as she merely nodded.

“Stay here with Yukina while I get some supplies,” she said, “She needs to start healing that wound immediately.”

The fire demon only grunted, but the ice maiden bobbed her head in understanding. Genkai whisked off into another part of the temple, face grave as she silently left them behind to tend to the wounded male on their own for a short while.

Hiei slowly sank down to his knees as Yukina began to hover her glowing hands over the massive wound. He held the redhead against his lap so he could let the koorime work. Catching his breath while he looked over the still face.

It reminded him so much of whenever Kurama had been badly beaten in battle…

His strong frame was always bloodied and torn up, never missing the opportunity to overwhelmingly out-maneuver is opponent in a stunning show. His quick mind always in the works. It never bothered him much before as he always managed to heal just fine. Cuts and blemishes gone within hours usually, sometimes a day or two at the worst.

But now, this body was feeble.

Susceptible to the mere common cold let alone a malicious attack.

Hiei has fought Shuichi in battle before. The fox and him were training his new energy. Whenever the fire demon had him backed into a corner, the redhead’s eyes were always glinting with mischievous thought as a small uptick of his lip regarded his friendly adversary. He recognized those eyes. They were Kurama's eyes.

The Jaganshi knew, right then and there, that his companion had never left them.

After the split, he had questioned. Even mourned the loss of his friend to himself at one point. He'd kept the human at a distance, not really sure who the shell of his once most trusted ally was anymore. But now he knew he was merely only in one body. Brilliant mind retained without the ability to channel his energy.

And the fire demon knew this upset him greatly.

He remembered ambushing him up against a stall in a changing room one early morning after they'd already begun their training session for that particular day. He'd called to the human by the only thing he knew him as…

‘That's not my name,’ he had said, eyes lowered as he bent over his knee and tied his shoes.

The demon had scoffed, disgusted by the way the human seemed so flippant about it, ‘Of course it is. I seen the way you fought out there. No mere human can do that. You are Kurama.’

The demon's vexed response didn't seem to bother him any, as he just merely stood. Expression calm as his attention was elsewhere.

‘That's not who I am anymore,’ he had simply insisted. His vibrant red locks shaking as he put them up in a high ponytail.

The demon had watched him then. Face blank as a black hairband hung from his mouth. He moved the way his friend had moved. He talked the way his friend had talked. He smiled at him knowingly, gaze silently perceptive from the corner of his eye, the way his friend had done so countless times before. Hiei had scowled in his direction.

‘I see no difference,’ he’d stated.

‘Exactly,’ he’d countered.

The shorter of the two had whipped a random dagger at the other. It had ripped through his clothes before he deftly caught it from piercing his skin with the blade in between his two elegantly long fingers. The redhead had blinked only once before smiling back up at the Jaganshi.

‘Now Hiei,’ he had said amusingly, ‘That’s not how we treat our friends.’

The demon had angled his body away as he stared at the other from the side, ‘You’re no mere human, Kurama. You’re still the same as what you were before. You might be in two separate bodies now, but that doesn’t change who you are. You can't fool me.’

The human fox had only flung the dagger on a nearby counter as he went back to fixing his hair, smoothing out the strands in the back with a flat palm.

‘That was quite a gamble, Hiei,’ he’d lightly admonished, ‘This body is much weaker. That could've seriously hurt me.’

‘But it didn't.’

The redhead had sighed then as he finally put his arms down to his sides. His expression was only mildly perplexed as he turned towards him. He remembered seeing the quickest flash of tired despair when he shifted, one knee bent while the other rested his weight on the other foot.

He looked on at him, quietly speaking, ‘Hiei… I know what it may seem. But those days are gone. I'm never going to reclaim the power I once had. I'm not who you're searching for.’

The fire demon had tsked at him, rolls reversed as he was now the one scolding, ‘It’s not your power that I'm interested in. And I'm not searching for anything. You think just because your perceived as weaker that makes you any less of a fighter? Any less deadly? I want you to reevaluate yourself, Kurama.’

‘Shuichi,’ he’d interjected, seemingly missing his entire point, ‘Just Shuichi, Hiei. I'm no longer living by another identity. This…’

He had gestured down to his slim frame, less defined as he had lost some of his muscular physique.

‘This,’ he'd continued, ‘is definitive. I cannot be anyone else but who you see before you.’

The demon had looked him over once before bringing his eyes back up, quirking an eyebrow at him, ‘So?’

‘So, I ask of you…’ he’d said, gaze leaded, ‘Don't call me by another name. A name that called to someone else before I ever existed. Acknowledge me for who I am.’

The fire demon's shoulders had slacked a bit, taking in those words. He turned his face a bit towards the side as he merely hummed, contemplating.

‘I know that's not exactly what you'd hoped to hear, but,’ the human had said, tone subdued while he looked down towards the demon's feet. He’d vaguely shrugged one shoulder, ‘I’m still the same person you've always known. Changing my name doesn’t change that fact. I hope you come to find me all the same. My door is always open to you.’

Hiei’s red eyes had been affixed as he watched the way the human brought his green eyes up to look at him. Face turned away slightly as his eyes peered from underneath dark lashes; expression guarded.

He’d regarded the demon as he had regarded him. Both looking over the other. The human's gaze had been receptive while his had been purely discerning. He’d said nothing as he was studied.

‘Hn. You still have my shirt anyway. I want that back,’ he'd said, arms crossed as he looked away.

The smile that bloomed on the human's face couldn't be described. All teeth and high cheekbones. He’d looked at Hiei with such fondness that he had to look elsewhere, lest the reddening on his skin became contagious.

‘That makes me very happy, Hiei,’ he’d admitted, a shaky laugh, ‘I’d miss you very much otherwise.’

Admittedly, the demon wanted to turn up his nose to hide his embarrassment, but he only responded back snidely, ‘You can't possibly be so daft as to think I’d do anything else. Like you haven't risked your life for me countless of times, stupid fox.’

The redhead only continued to smile, though now much more somber, as his eyes shown with causal regard. Before the demon knew what was happening, he playfully ‘booped' him on the nose with a faint tap of his slender finger. It caused the demon's eyes to cross as he wriggled it frivolously, barking out something in annoyance.

‘Well, it's certainly a start. We’ll work on it from here,’ he'd stated, ignoring the glare he'd shot at him.

By that point, Youko had found them in the changing room. Hiei remembered him saying something ironic, but what he remembered more was the way he’d looked at them. Quickly glancing at the fire demon with a smirk before his eyes slowly fell back on his host. Looking him up and down as he no doubt regarded the way his body was drenched in sweat; the boy’s athletic shorts riding up his flexing thighs. The youko was always looking at him. He barely noticed anything else when he was in the same vicinity. Hiei, himself, had to remind him of this one too many times. It’d become tiresome. But there was nothing masking the plain passion in his golden eyes, breath hitched just a bit, and it made the fire demon want to bluntly remind him again. Still, he decided to let it go. No harm in it since they were alone.

But he knew… that one day, such inconspicuous devotion from the powerful demon could only cause his clamorous downfall…

And he’d drag the human down with him.

He had turned away when the fox snuck his arms around the human's waist from behind, pressing his face to the crook of his neck. Shuichi’s audible sigh was enough of an indication to leave them alone for a few minutes.

Later on that day, they had continued to train. Hiei had now pressed on the human harder than he'd ever had before. It had the young male gasping and slouched over a bit from exhaustion as he took his opposing stance time and time again. At one point, he had him cornered up on a branch, back up against a tree trunk, and katana wielded towards the boy while he slowly encroached on bent knees.

He remembered how overtired he had seemed with his legs shaking and face slightly pained while he watched the fire demon edging towards him. His comrade looked so tired from the countless of times he'd already had him positioned this way. He'd smirked at him as the redhead’s brows furrowed back in annoyance.

Having taken a moment to let the boy catch his breath, suddenly he felt no firm footing below him. His eyes slightly widened in panic as he realized that the branch underneath his feet was gone. He’d tried to kick at thin air to keep himself up, but another branch came down and landed painfully on his shoulder.

He could see Shuichi smirk at him as he fell.

When he had landed into a heap of leaves and twigs on the ground, he remembered hearing the kitsune snickering. Standing tall on his own branch just a few feet from them. He’d looked down at him, gold eyes amused, when he had tsked at Hiei to remind him to never underestimate his opponent.

‘He knows how to play his cards,’ he had said coolly, arms crossed, ‘Don't take him lightly.’

The fallen youkai had looked up at the kitsune with complete and unabashed annoyance on his face. The fox had only raised his hand as a show of peace, face angled away while his shoulders shook with another short laugh, as the fire demon snarled at him. He’d moved his cool eyes back to his host as he watched him with appreciation.

It was Shuichi who had jumped down from the branch he was perched on. And it was Shuichi who had raised a hand toward him to help him up. He’d snuffed the helping gesture out of pride. Choosing to, instead, wrestle his way out of the pile of broken branches. But, he did grasp the young male’s hand when he finally got up.

‘Good work…Shuichi.’

The taller male had looked surprised for a moment, at both the use of his human name and the sudden physical gesture of affable sportsmanship. However, he soon beamed down at the Jaganshi as he shook his hand in return.

‘Thank you, Hiei.’

He'd never managed to undermine him that way again. He was a quick learner, as it was, and he definitely managed to hold his own in whatever fashion they had sparred. Always looking back at the two demons whenever he managed a rather stunning show of power. He and the kitsune had always encouraged him to hone it. Knowing that one day there would come a time when he would have to. If he continued to court the legendary thief bandit in return, they knew that eventually he’d be forced into a matter of life and death as he was the powerful fox's only form of weakness. Youko knew this. Shuichi did too. Hiei had tried to make them both see reason, but when their eyes settled in on each other there was no amount of coaxing them to leave the other behind.

They were a team, they had said, and they'd get through this together. They'd always had.

That's when the kitsune had promised his fidelity to the young man. To keep him safe. That he'd always be there if he called. He'd said it as if it were a given, and the human had promised in return to call them if trouble arose. To no longer try and fight his own battles, but to reach out for assistance when needed.

He’d promised him.



That bastard, he mentally seethed.

Every atom in his being began to shake violently as he mentally cursed the fox a million different ways. How could he be so callous? Especially towards the only reason he was even living? Did he not see the state his host was in? Had he not cared? His actions didn't make sense… Hadn't he promised the human his loyalty? Wasn't the fox about his honor? He was when he was still human. He’ll be sure to find the answers once he was certain that Shuichi was no longer in danger of dying and would make this out alive. No thanks to him.

“Hiei…” Yukina lightly called, hands still hovering over the (now smaller) stomach wound, “I'm sorry, but I need you to hold still so I can concentrate…”

The fire demon made a shocked face, lifting up his shaking hand just realizing his entire frame was trembling with anger. He clenched the hand into a fist and put it down on the ground next to his side as he tried to calm his nerves. He looked over at the ice maiden in a muted apology, his expression almost ashamed. Almost. She only smiled wearily at him, eyes warm with empathy, as she looked back at the bruised face of the human in his arms. He followed her line of sight while he mentally noted, again, all of the tears and bruises along his skin. Tallying each and everyone against the extensive list of how he'd make the responsible party pay. They both looked on at him as they counted the seconds between each ragged breath. In a sparse state of tenderness, Hiei slowly lifted his hand to finger away a strand of hair against the cut on the human's cheek. He looked so peaceful. No pain or confusion. Just blissfully unaware of the downright panicked state he had them in right now. He couldn't help the feeling of guilt churning in his gut.

“Hiei…” Yukina called again, her voice a mere tinkling whisper, “He'll be okay… He has to. This can't be the way his life is meant to end. He was far too kind, and he gave so much for us… That doesn't seem fair.”

She continued to focus; healing his wound as a small object hit the ground, rolling along the wooden panels. Hiei could only look on helplessly as he observed her distressed state; not knowing what words he could possibly say to help her cope. He looked away from her to settle his eyes back on the redhead, noticing a slight uptick in his heartbeat. He rested a hand next to his arm while he spoke.

“Of course he will,” he finally said, voice carrying over the human's body to her, “He's stronger than you might think. I've pierced my entire sword through his stomach. If he can make it out of that alive, he can get through this. He's been through worse.”

He looked at her with a small grin on his face. Reassuring her that they wouldn't leave this room until he made sure he would hear it, good and well, from the fire demon himself all the ways in which he was a stupid, mindless, and (most of all) lucky idiot. That small joke made her laugh. A sweet smile blossoming on her features, and his cold, grieving heart melted some.

Genkai had made it back into the room at that moment, observing the way the two smaller youkai were connecting with each other. She said nothing as she put the supplies down and looked over the young male. Her face grimaced at the sheer amount of contusions scattered around his body, gingerly noting how each gash was already starting to green and fester with all the dirt and grime that was caked on him. If they could manage to do this, to keep him alive, it will take him weeks to recover at her temple.


The old woman tsked to herself, admonishing the human purely out of spite. For putting her in a position of caretaker while she’d have to think of some way to explain this to his human mother for him while she watched over his healing. Why was she always opening her door for this type of riffraff?

“Here,” she said flatly, handing the male youkai a damp rag while she bent over the body, “If you’re going to insist on being right here, you might as well make yourself useful.”

The fire demon scowled at her, but she just waived her hand at him dismissively. Yukina secretly smiled at him. A small upwards tip of the corners of her mouth while her eyes held a humored content, and he decided to let it go. Genkai went to work on hovering her healing spiritual energy over an enclave in the human's chest that she could only assume were a clutter of broken ribs. Hiei could practically hear the bones cracking back into place, and for once the red-haired human actually let out a breathy, painful moan.

It was faint, but it was there.

All three of them looked up at each other, and one could feel the tension ease up just a bit. The fire demon went to work on cleaning off the young man’s body, muttering under his breath about how the human had reduced him to a lowly domestic servant for the sake of his reckless wellbeing. As he glided the wet rag along his skin, he could see the dirt and blood come off of him in a sickening reddish brown mixture as it leaked onto the floor. He decided then to hold his scorn for the right person while he assured that the human was out of death’s grip. They all worked together silently while the battered form of Shuichi lay below them.

Eventually, when they had ensured that the audacious human side of Kurama would live to see another day, and when Genkai deemed it was safe for them to do so—they moved him into a smaller spare room where he could lay comfortably on a futon while they continued to work. He still needed a lot of attention, but by that time it had already been well over an hour and Yukina could feel her youki waning. The temple master had released her to attend to other matters while she continued to focus on the boy herself. Hiei was reluctant to leave his side, but she had insisted he find something else to do as she claimed he was smothering her under his constant, beady-eyed stare. He, of course, took that with the utmost offense and contemplated the idea of engulfing her in his ball of black flame (and telling her as much) before deciding better of it and flitting off into another part of the house to no doubt sulk it out for awhile.

Someone had called them, he didn't know who, and now he was sitting in the den with Yusuke and Kuwabara. Both of whom were only starting to test his already thinning patience with their incessant badgering of questions.

What happened? How'd he get there? Why was he there? Why was he alone? Who was this demon? Why was he there? What did he want? Was Hiei sure he was dead? Was he really sure? Really? Why had he gotten there so late? And most importantly…

Where the hell was Youko?

The fire demon not-so-politely reminded them both that he was not a f*cking psychic, and even though he could see what had transpired in his Jagan Eye, he was not a god damn mind reader either and couldn't answer all of their aggravatingly annoying interrogations. Especially, the last one in which he divulged he was just as mystified.

After the fourth time of ensuring the two former spirit detectives that— Yes, he was as sure that the assailant was dead as much as he was sure that he saw his pile of putrid guts laying all over the ground—was when Shizuru (the oaf's blubbering sister who, for some god forsaken reason, decided she needed to tag along with her brother like they were a god damn happy little band of marionettes) intervened to help move the conversation elsewhere.

After awhile, when they were still waiting for any news that Shuichi’s condition had gotten any better, the somber conversation had died down and only rigid silence was left.

It was then that a certain fox decided to make his debut.

He’d come in through the door, gliding along the floor like he owned the damn place. Not saying a word to anyone as he made a straight line for the back rooms.

You,” a scathing voice remarked, “What are you doing here?”

Hiei's ruby eyes glared at the demon that had just emerged like he was the lowest form of filth. Youko only raised an aristocratic eyebrow in his direction. He still didn't verbally respond, but only stared back at the smaller youkai as if to ask him to elaborate.

This only caused the Jaganshi to growl in his direction, “How nice of you to join us, Youko. Were you planning on coming before all the brunt work was finished for you? Or after?”

The sudden heated exchange garnered the interest of Yusuke who had been sitting against the wall with his head in his knees. Feeling the surmounting tension in air, he looked on at the two demon’s with a weary eye.

“What?” Youko finally asked, eyes narrowed but more out of confusion than anger, “Why wouldn't I come?”

“Hn,” the fire demon grunted, lip up in a sneer, “After your little show earlier, nothing would surprise me about you anymore.”

The slight seemed to move right over the youko’s head as he made to move towards the back of the temple. But, the fire demon stood right in his way; staring the fox down. He didn't budge from his position between the door and the other youkai, even when Youko's piercing gold eyes honed in on him.

“Hiei,” he said dangerously, warningly even, as his voice became piqued, “Move.”

The shorter demon did nothing of the sort as he kept his feet planted firmly on the floor. Not at all fazed by the way the fox glowered in his direction.

“Like hell I will,” he scoffed, “I'm not letting you get anywhere near him. Go back to whatever dark whole you crawled from, fox.

This caused the kitsune's energy to spike dangerously–now losing his patience with the Jaganshi. Yusuke quickly got up so as to step in-between them. This only seemed to further confuse the fox as he thought the young Reikai Tentai member was challenging him. His ears narrowed back, but Yusuke quickly put up his hands to show his intermediary intentions as he spoke.

“Listen, you guys. Whatever the hell is going on, it can wait until after—”

“f*ck off, detective!” Hiei spat, now full-on accosting the kitsune, “He thinks he can just abandon Shuichi out there alone, and come prancing back along whenever he feels like it?! He doesn’t give a sh*t! I don't trust him to be within a hundred feet of here! Leave!”

Youko’s face was now more perplexed than ever, and his eyes looked on at the smaller youkai with the slightest hint of betrayal. His voice was calm when he spoke, “I don't know what—”

“You left him there to die!” the Jaganshi bellowed, accusation echoing off the walls.

His body was now encased in his entire dark energy as his eyes focused menacingly on the youko. He took an offensive stance. That finally caught Youko's attention as his brows knitted together as if he’d just been slapped. He started to shake his head, putting up his hand to try and deny whatever he was being accused of, but the fire demon knew exactly what he was doing and stopped him before he could get a word in edgewise.

“You’re scum! The only reason he’s alive right now is because I was close enough to hear him scream! What the hell do you have to say for yourself?!”

“I don't understand what is happening,” the silver fox said in exasperation, eyes defensive as even Yusuke looked in his direction, “I came as soon as I realized what happened. Now can I—”

“Liar!” Hiei roared, billows of dark flame licking up towards the ceiling. He was dangerously close to stampeding on the other demon, but Yusuke kept him from going any further.

“I saw you!” he continued, “I saw you there after he had been attacked! You just stood there refusing to help! You were content to just let him lie there and bleed out!”

“No,” the fox quickly interjected, voice now deathly low as he looked thoroughly offended by these claims, “I wouldn't do anything like that. Listen, Hiei, I don't know what you think you saw, but—”

“Spare your breath, fox,” Hiei seethed, hand hovering over his katana, “Save it for someone who'd actually believe your crap. Take another step and I'll slice your f*cking feet off.”

“Hiei!” both Yusuke and Youko yelled in unison. The former in shock and the latter in threatening apprise.

“I’ll tell you one more time, both of you, move,” the fox’s deep voice rumbled, “I need to see him, and I'm quickly tiring of this game.”

“Hey, listen here Fox Boy,” Yusuke retorted, “I'm just as confused as you are, and we’re all concerned for Shuichi’s safety right now, but that didn't give you permission to come in here barking orders at everybody. Now, we can do this the easy way, and you can tell me what the hell Three Eyes over here is talking about… Or we can make this very difficult for you, and turn this room into a damn battleground. I’d prefer the former, but it's your choice.”

Hiei glared at the ebony haired male in mild irritation at the obvious jab, but looked back at the other youkai for his response. The Thief King did nothing at first but stare on at the obstinate spirit detective who stood in his way, but with a short breath he eventually conceded.

“I truly have no idea what he is talking about,” he supplied, voice calm, “I haven't been anywhere near here for months. I would also like answers…”

His gold irises peered at Hiei from the corner of his eyes as they shifted up and down the demon's form in a precise manner. Making a point to him.

“…but right now I believe there's some more pressing matters to attend to,” the youko continued as he brought his eyes back up to the spirit detective, entreating, “Now can I please just see Shuichi? I need to make sure he’s alright.”

Yusuke looked on at Youko, his gaze questioning the fox's sincerity and he had to admit… it did sting a little. But he was more put off by the absolute hatred that shown in the small youkai's eyes. He wanted answers. He needed answers, as Hiei had never looked at him that way before, but he needed more to know that Shuichi was still alive. The fox could feel the human’s own heartbeat thrumming inside his chest, and it fluttered so faintly, like a silk scarf flitting in the wind, that at times he couldn’t even tell if it was there anymore.

He didn't want to have to fight the people he called friends, but he would if that was the only way to get to the human's side.

“Please,” he implored, voice tinted with restrained grief, “I just need to see him. I promise we will get to the bottom of this later.”

Hiei took another step towards him to push him back, but the former spirit detective only motioned his arm in front of him to keep him contained.

“Hiei,” he called, “I know what you think you saw, but that's not a face of a backstabbing lover. Let him go.”

The fire demon spit on the ground and levied a glare at the man at his side, “Hell no. It’s not like I was seeing a mirage, detective! After I sliced the beast in half, he was there plain as day in the trees—”

“A mirage?” The youko interjected.

The two other men looked on at his pensive face as he searched his gaze along the floorboards, thinking. Suddenly his eyes snapped up as there was a quietest exhale of breath. His expression was cold now, even subtly enraged, as he moved to walk past the two standing in his way. No matter what the fire demon might do.

“Hiei,” he said coldly as the shorter male stepped in his path yet again, “For the last time, move.”

When the fire demon didn't concede, the fox only briskly walked past him through the doorway. Using a well aimed pulse of his ki through a tensed hand to forcefully push him against the nearest wall. The two men left behind cried out angrily after him at the sudden show of aggression, but he paid them no heed as he made his way to the back room where he could hear his other half barely breathing. They made to go after him, but Genkai stepped into the room then.

“Leave it,” she said curtly, “Shuichi needs him.”

Detective and fire demon begrudgingly stilled as they stopped their pursuit while they watched the kitsune fade into the shadows of the interior hall. Never even turning back to regard them again.

His focus was tunnel vision: legs moving mechanically as he felt his partner’s faint spirit energy grow nearer, his faltered breathing echoing in his ears, the feel of his dim pulse pumping against his own skin. If the youko had come just a minute too late, it may have just stopped.

He approached the only sliver of light that was in the hallway. It led to a door that was cracked open just a bit. He could smell the human's blood in the air, and it made every single nerve ending prickle. He could barely contain his strength as he pressed the door open, slamming it harder than he'd meant to.

He saw him there. Human body, usually so poised and refined, now looking battered and torn as it laid lifelessly on the ground.

And in that instance he waged war.

He’d f*cking kill all the bastards responsible for this.

Yukina sat by his side, unalarmed by the fox's sudden entrance. She only continued to stare on at the broken frame of the redhead as she hovered her healing hands over his chest, still trying to mend all of the broken ribs. The fox knelt behind her, face carefully passive as he looked at all the white bandages covering the human's body. They barely hid the deep gauges and green bruises that were scattered all along his sickly pale skin. He could tell he was naked. There was only a thin white sheet covering him from the waist down. He looked like he should be laying on top of an autopsy table in a morgue.

Youko was sure the ice maiden could feel the undercurrent of his barely contained wroth energy, but her face held no concerns. They sat in the quiet for a few minutes to allow the fox time to process what was happening.

“He was doing better at first,” she spoke up quietly. Her tone was dampened with grief as she continued, “But then he took a sudden turn. We've been trying to keep his pulse going, but he's lost so much blood. He's barely been breathing...”

His soul was leaving... Just seconds away from death.

There was a beat while this unsaid truth settled in the air. The floor underneath the youko vibrated.

“May I see him?” he asked stiffly.

The small youkai’s gaze met his then. Her red eyes were heavy as she looked over the youko's tensed frame in a knowing understanding. She nodded once and soundlessly moved to the side so he could scoot closer. Hesitant, as if he could stop time from ticking on to the next minute by slowing his own movements—he crawled over on hands and knees, floorboards creaking under his weight, until his face hovered over the other’s. For some foolish reason, he waited just an instance; expecting Shuichi’s face to soften and lighten up like it did so many countless times before for him. But it was still… and cold. Nothing like the warmth he loved him for.

And in that moment the fox felt alone… More isolated than he'd ever had the misfortune of knowing when he'd roamed aimlessly across barren wastelands for centuries of his ancient existence.

Yukina looked on at them, enigmatic fox breathing over the beautiful human's still body. She watched as he scrutinized everything. Eyes remorsefully scanning over every single inch of his form in rapid movement; stubborn disbelief at his lover's current state having him transfixed but yet not wanting to have to see it. The boy's right cheek was swollen and garishly purple. His supple lips were barely parted as they expelled what little, precious breath he had left. The youko lifted tender fingers to lightly drag along the human's jaw, fractured and bent in an odd manner. He noted how pale lids were closed and sunken with his dark lashes brushing against colorless, alabaster skin. Every fiber in his being yearned to see the green eyes that laid beneath them, alit with bright life again. The same life that gave him his only reason to live after his rebirth. He grasped the human's frozen hand, bringing it up so soft fingers ran across his hallowed cheek as it had always done when giving him comfort. Gentle caresses always convincing him that everything would be fine… That they would be okay as long as they were together… He'd found solace in him one too many times more than what the human should’ve allowed, but he was always so content to oblige him. He was the living embodiment of mercy… his salvation. The youko's silver hair fell over the boy’s body as he came closer, covering him in its silken blanket. His eyes clenched shut as his forehead pressed against the other’s. Mouth open in a silent scream as his chest constricted.

The room began to quake as a splintered cry was ripped from his throat. Fervid and desperate. Yukina looked around nervously as the walls shuddered under an unknown power; prickling of static energy was heavy in the atmosphere. She recoiled back in fear.


“My love,” Youko said harshly, mouth hovering over the others as he spoke against ghostly white lips, “Hear me… This is not how we end.”

With that, he laid a kiss over the human's open mouth. The gentle touch was like igniting a match as a glowing aura started to envelope the young man’s body, growing brighter with every second that passed. It eventually swelled to a blinding light as the energy around them fluttered their long strands of hair about their hovering frames. He removed his lips as his gold eyes opened; gazing compassionately over the human's face again.

“Shuichi,” the fox called again, gently this time, “Come back to me, love. I am where you belong.”

All of a sudden, Yukina cried out as the mounting pressure in the air exploded and shattered the windows. She closed her eyes and covered her ears as there was a sudden rush of energy that passed over her and expanded out into the rest of room. It was as cool as an Arctic wave and as fierce as a gust whipping through the cliffsides. It was gone as quickly as it came. Dissipating in a grand sparkle of lights. She looked up, confused, as she slowly brought her hands down to her sides. Her gaze settled back on the two other occupants, body stiff with tentativeness. The fox was now sitting back on his heels as a hand lingered over the boy's cheek, stroking him tenderly.

She opened her mouth to question the kitsune when she was abruptly stopped. A strange gurgling sound burbled through the air.

Suddenly, Shuichi’s chest heaved up as he took a long, drawn in breath. His body almost instantaneously florid. The koorime could feel the boy’s energy starting to flutter up as his face flushed with new life. She cried out in elation as she crawled over to him.

“Genkai!” she called out hurriedly, “Genkai! Come look! Quickly!”

She grasped onto the boy’s wrist and she could feel the steady thrum of a strong pulse against his skin. Her hands flew up to her mouth as tears of joy sprung to her eyes. She couldn't help the gems that fell to the floor in a clamber as she let out a shaky breath of relief at the way the boy’s breathing normalized.

“Genkai!” she called again, voice wavering under the weight of her happiness as she grasped onto the human's hand.

Yukina turned to look up at Youko whose back was still turned to her as he held the side of the boy’s face in his hand. She could see his side-profile as he looked down on him, face calm and resolved. She reached forward to place a gentle hand on his broad back.

“How…?” she started, but was interrupted by the sudden thundering of feet coming into the room.

Hiei was the first to enter, given he was the fastest out of all of them. He skidded to a stop as he looked at the pure exuberance shining on the koorime’s face. He then looked over to the fox, who was holding the face of a very flushed, very alive redheaded human.

All of the rest of them fell into the room in heap as they all tripped over each other in their haste. Expect for Genkai, who just deftly stepped over the pile of entangled limbs on the floor to make her way to them. She regarded the human's form under a silent, thoughtful stare.

Yusuke sat up with an aggravated growl with Kuwabara behind him clutching his head in pain. Shizuru was next to rise off the floor as she cursed at the two dufuses for making her fall. They all suddenly quieted as they followed the temple master’s attention. They stared over at Shuichi in shock.

“Youko…” Yukina said breathlessly, looking up at the quiet old woman, “It was Youko. He did it.”

She looked over to the fox in awe, “That was… amazing! I can't believe it! Youko, look what you've done! He's alive!”

The kitsune looked over his shoulder at her, but said nothing as he merely nodded his head once and settled his gaze back on his lover's face. Hiei’s expression was slightly incredulous as he saw the marks on the human's body slowly disappearing into newly healed skin while the other three were just downright frozen in speechlessness. Staring at them with wide eyes and open mouths.

“Hmm,” Genkai hummed as she looked at the youko in deep contemplation. He raised his gold eyes to look at her, and her grimace slightly softened. Something silent passed between them before she nodded in his direction, “Good work.”

Youko looked away then, silver hair falling over his shoulder as he leaned his head towards the side while he checked over the human's wounds. He said nothing to the other occupants in the room. Yukina began to help him, removing the bandages one by one as she noticed each gash, tear, and bruise disappearing right before her eyes. She couldn’t stop her fingers from trembling.

“How’s his breathing?” Genkai inquired as she stood over them.

“It’s regulating,” Yukina said as she began to check over his vitals, “He seems to be breathing much easier now.”

“And his heart rate?” she added, eyes peering at the back of Youko's head.

“It’s steady,” the koorime supplied, knowing the older woman wasn't asking her but also somehow understanding that the fox wouldn't answer her either, “His pulse is becoming stronger by the minute.”

“Mmm,” she grumbled as the kitsune continued to seemingly ignore her. She let it go as she let her eyes settle back along Shuichi's form, “If it's working as quickly as I believe it is, it'll still be some time before he wakes up. There are still quite a lot of internal damages that have to heal.”

Yukina nodded along with the others as they processed this good turnaround of information. The atmosphere was thick with consolation. The old woman swiveled on her heels as she spun around to walk out of the room, hands clasped behind her back and eyes closed in composure.

“However,” she added behind her, “he should fully recover by morning. Make sure he's comfortable while he rests. We'll check his vitals again in a few hours.”

With that, she walked out through the door and back towards her study where she could wind down in peace. Nobody said anything as she left, instead bringing their attentions back to the human and his silent partner. Especially Hiei, who bore his stare into the thief's back. He knew Youko could feel the eyes on him, and he knew the fox was refusing to acknowledge them. Pretending to be engrossed in his current task of looking over the human's wounds. His eyes narrowed.

“Youko,” he said flatly. And when the other demon didn't answer, he called again, “Look at me, fox.”

The silver kitsune’s chest heaved in a silent sigh as he brought his head around to settle his gold eyes on the short youkai. They were leaded with thinly veiled contempt that the short youkai did not miss.

“What did you do?” he continued.

Youko knew there were multiple underhanded meanings for that question, but answered the most obvious one, “I gave him some of my energy. No need to thank me.”

He added that last statement snidely, pointedly looking at the fire demon as he said it.

“I'm not giving my commendation to you,” Hiei countered, voice growling, “It’s your fault he was in this position in the first place. It's only right you fix it.”

Yusuke began to get in the middle again, already feeling the tension mounting in the air from before. The fox snapped his head away as he continued to remove the bandages from the human's arm, refusing to acknowledge the Jaganshi’s claim. This caused the fire demon to bite back at him in annoyance.

“He’s too trustful of you and you know it!” he bitterly accused, “He puts his blind faith in you, fox… when he really shouldn't. Look what that nearly cost him!”

“Hiei!” Shizuru accosted the abrasive demon before Yusuke could, “Look, he's already done enough. He's obviously distraught over this too. Give the guy a break!”

“And you do nothing but let him down time and time again,” the Jaganshi continued hotly, ignoring the woman's words, “Is this how you want him to live?! Constantly chasing after a dream you’ve sewn into his head that you know damn well is never going to happen! Why are you so careless with his life?!”

He spat these words at the kitsune who did nothing in return but level his golden eyes on the human's face as he was berated. His face was heavy as the weight of these words settled on him. Kuwabara got up then to stand in front of the shorter male so as to distract him.

“Hey shorty, listen!” he exclaimed, “We were all worried, okay?! But right now is not the time to be picking fights. Can't we all just be happy that Shuichi’s alive?!”

“Hn!” Hiei snorted disdainfully, glaring at the orange top, “Easy for you to say, we all know that brain of yours can only handle so much information at a time; but for the rest of us, we can actually think critically of a situation. Sit down and don't hurt yourself.”

The tall psychic balked and began to roll up his sleeve as he advanced on the small demon, but was stopped by a hand on his shoulder.

Yusuke sternly looking at the Jaganshi as he spoke, “Hiei, enough. We all need some time to wind down. We can talk about this lat—”

“No!” he quickly interjected before the subject could change, “We need to talk about this now.

He swiftly vanished past the two detectives who had gradually stepped between him and the object of his derision; ignoring their attempts to try and dissuade him. He got a mere foot away from the fox, whom was still looking away from his direction, before halting and hanging above him with hostility.

“Answer me, Youko!” the fire demon commanded, “Are you the one who sent that demon?!”

This heady allegation caused the occupants in the room to erupt in a worried uproar. That is, everyone but the youko. But it did garner his attention as his cool eyes finally slid over to the male standing over him.

His eyes were narrowed and voice as brisk as ice when he finally answered the youkai, “How could you say such a thing? Why would I do that?”

Did you?!”

A demonic growl ripped from the kitsune's throat as he answered, “No!”

“Then why was he there, Kurama?!” Hiei bellowed back, mouth in a snarl, “Why was he alone?!”

“I don't know!” Youko angrily supplied, aggressively holding their eye contact, “I didn't send for him.”

The fire demon made a face that plainly showed he didn't buy the youko's story, and it only caused the fox to become antagonistic.

“I didn't! What is it, exactly, that you think I was trying to do, Hiei?”

“How convenient it would be for you,” Hiei seethed, “if he was no longer a burden? How quickly could you go back to the life you had before, if you had nothing to chain you down in commitment?”

“How dare you!”

Those words rocketed off the walls as the demon who said them stood up so quickly he was barely a white form of light. Youko snarled at the man below him as he towered over, teeth bared. Yusuke and Kuwabara quickly wedged between them again as Yusuke held his much smaller frame against Youko's herculean build to keep him back while Kuwabara stood in front of Hiei as a defense. This caused the energy in the room to spark dramatically as the mounting tension came to a head.

“God damn it, Hiei!” Yusuke growled, “Just leave it alone!”

“Tell them, fox!” Hiei screamed around the two men who were trying their damndest to stop the ensuing fight, “Tell us again all about your miraculous reform! A beast, known for his unparalleled narcissism and ruthless brutality, is supposedly transformed with just a little bit of mere human compassion?! Where was your compassion when you asked him to never leave you, no matter what that might cost him?! Where was your compassion when you left him for dead, bleeding out in my arms?! Where was your compassion when you used his body for your own gain?!”

The youko's eyes were now blazingly white as blind rage fueled the youki swirling around his body with Yusuke still trying to keep him back. He called to the fox to try and bring him back down, but it was too late. He was already incensed as he snarled at the shorter youkai, surging his energy in an intimidating display.

“How dare you stand before me…questioning whether or not my love for him is valid?! After you've seen everything we've gone through!”

“You’re selfish!” The fire demon spit out, raising his youki in return, “You don't give a damn about what could happen to him! You're heartless!

“I've given everything for him!”

“All you've given him is a bloodied body and broken promises! Letting him spend his entire life in vain waiting for you!”

“Stop, please!” Yukina begged as their two energies warred in the small room, causing things to be scattered around haphazardly.

Shizuru stumbled over the debris to cover Shuichi's body from being hit by a wayward object. She cursed at the two enraged demons for being so ridiculously negligent, but the imprecations was lost on them as they squared up to each other; the two other former Reikai Tentai team members stuck in between them. The kitsune growled again, the thundering vibration pounding against Yusuke's ear as his head was pressed against his chest keeping him from charging the other while he continued to talk the legendary thief down.

“Kurama, listen to me! He doesn’t know what he's saying!” he yelled, “He's upset! We all are! We almost lost our friend today! Just give him break! He needs some time to cool down!”

“SHUT UP, DETECTIVE!” Hiei bellowed over the high static in the air, “I know what I'm talking about! And he does too!!! Why else would he be so damn defensive?! Did you do it, Youko?! Did you send that beast to kill him?! Or did you really forsake the only reason your still breathing that ragged breath of yours to waste away in that blood covered dirt?! You ungrateful bastard!”

The youko's breathing spiked as a lash of energy whipped at the fire demon in a warning. It caused the room around them to quake as dust fell from the ceiling.

“You’re delusional,” the fox sneered, “and not to mention ungrateful. If that damn eye of yours was good for anything, it should be able to tell who you’re real friends are. I stood by you, Jaganshi, through hell or high water. And this is how you repay me? The deed for which you accuse me of is beneath even the person of who I used to be. I wasn’t there with you in that clearing. And I've learned better than to have someone else handle my dirty work. When have I ever made my devotion a question? I would never hurt Shuichi in that way.”

Hiei snarled again as another lash was whipped past his head, and his black flames started to ignite under his feet. By now the two humans between them started to sweat profusely; being caught in the crossfire. They were far past the point of trying to calm them down, and were now trying to stop them from starting an all out brawl with one too many potential casualties in the room.

“Hn. My eyes see just fine, fox, and I start to question you when you started to put your own priorities over what's clearly better for the person you claim to love,” the shorter demon supplied, red eyes glowering and unfazed by the magnitude of pure, unadulterated power.

“Shuichi is capable of making his own decisions! You are not his mother!” the kitsune snapped.

“And you know what's best for him!” he snapped back, “You, of all people, should be able to think logically of this situation! Look what happened today, Youko! You can't possibly expect him to make that decision on his own! You're all he’s ever known!”

“I am not the one to tell him to stay or go!”

“And look how beneficial that is for you!”

“That's not the point!”


The fire demon said that last sentence with much more exasperation than anger even though his voice escalated considerably.

“That’s—The—ENTIRE—f*cking—Point,” he accentuated, keeping the fox's eye contact leveled on him as he spoke it, “Don't be such a god damn fool! You're letting your heart cloud your judgment. He is going to die one day if he continues to stay with you! There’ll be a time when we won't be close enough to go to his rescue, and what then?! Someone else will come for him. They always do!”

There was a frigid pause while the fire demon made sure the youko was listening to him. He looked him in the eyes, gaze deathly serious as he said, “You’re past transgressions will kill him, Kurama… And you'll have no one but yourself to blame!”

“No! I’m not going to allow that to happen!”

“Then leave! You know the right thing to do! Youko, if you care for him— you will let him go!”

“Absolutely not!”

“Stupid, petty f*cking fox! How f*cking selfish can you be?!”


This lone, desperately cried word caused the entire tension in the air to suddenly die as the four men’s attention snapped to the body on the ground. Shizuru was practically shaking as her blood covered hand was held over the human's chest.

A ragged shard of glass was imbedded through it, stopping the object from piercing through his heart. Yukina was completely distraught as she scrambled to get to the human's side, clearing off the wayward debris that covered his body as countless gems fell from her eyes and onto the white sheet that now barely covered him. She sobbed as she picked off splinters of wood from his stomach.

“Enough!” Genkai barked as she paced back into the room. She spared no time in getting on the floor and helping the koorime clear off the human's body. She looked over to Shizuru who was now clutching her injured hand to her chest as she tried to control her breathing, biting her lip through the pain.

“You mindless idiots…! Look what you've done!” she berated as she held up the brunette’s hand, “Get the hell out of here, now! Before you really do kill someone!”

Three of the four men who were standing had a freshly slapped looks on their faces. All for the exception of Youko, who was now bitterly aggrieved as he looked at his host's dust covered form. He landed heavily on his knees as he ran his long hands along the human's body, desperately trying to clean it off.

“Are you deaf, fox?” The old woman upbraided in annoyance, “I said leave! If you can't handle your temper, then you need not be here right now!”


He didn't look at her as he said this, but obstinately continued to wipe the human’s body off. His silver hair falling over his frame as he slid his hands along the boy's face, claw scratching along his lip causing the human's breathing to shudder. The woman was about to absolutely demolish this ridiculous demon with a plethora of unkind words until someone else spoke up.

“Youko,” Yusuke called, “Leave it, man, and let them take if from here. You need to take a minute… Come with me and let's get some ai—”

“Just go!”

The fox barked and, with a flourish of his hand, forced the three other unsuspecting men out the door with a flurry of energy before anyone could say anything else. Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Hiei crashed against the opposite wall as the door slammed shut after them; being forced closed with a thick covering of twisted end entangled vines. There was an angry cry from all three of them as they cursed at him from the other side. Kuwabara began to bang on the door, screaming at the youko to open up, but the vines only twisted tighter at the violently attempted intrusion.

“Leave it, Kuwabara!” Yusuke snapped, “He's obviously not going to let us in!”

“My sister’s in there!” the taller male screamed back at him in aggravation, “She's hurt! I need to go help her!”

He continued to bang against the door, but this only earned him a lash across the wrist from an aggravated vine. He screamed out a string of expletives as he furiously rubbed the fresh welt. The young detective growled in annoyance at his friend's insistence. The psychic kicked at the door with a final pissed off scream, cursing at the kitsune.

“Idiot, he's not paying attention to you. He blocked the door for a reason,” Hiei snidely remarked.

“And why is that, Hiei?!” the orange-haired man exclaimed as he turned back around to glare hatefully at the short youkai, “We told you to leave it alone! Why'd you have to provoke him like that?! What the hell is wrong with you?!”

Yusuke turned to look at him as well, also wanting an answer to this justified question, but the fire demon only gritted his teeth in annoyance and turned away. He said nothing as he flitted off into another part of the temple, leaving them behind as well as the aftermath of his heady argument with the fox. The two men shared an exasperated glance with one another as they left the scene with an aggravated sigh; given no other option.

On the other side, Genkai stared at the fox with a half-tempered glare as he continued to clear off the debris from his human-half's still form without saying anything to them. She knew he was ignoring her—and she wanted to snap at him to not dare disrespect her in her own home—but noticing the way his eyes were heavy with barely contained guilt as he looked on at the human's body covered in a disgusting, grey matter, she decided to let it go. For now.

She turned to the taller brunette so she could look over her damaged hand, the appendage shaking in her grasp. She clicked her tongue as she observed the way the shard had pierced straight through. Thankfully it had missed any vital tendons, but it was still bleeding a good amount. She pressed tender fingers against it to test its immobility and it caused a sharp, aggressive intake of breath from the other woman.

This caught the fox's attention as he looked over his hunched shoulder at her. With a swivel of his feet, he turned around to face them. Shizuru looked over his sharp face through pained eyes as he studied her hand, carefully replacing Genkai’s grip with his own. He pressed gentle fingers around where it was imbedded in her palm. She bit back a cry of pain as the slight prodding caused a lightning of pain to shoot up her arm, the sound coming out scraggly and broken in her throat. He lifted his eyes to hers and they locked for a moment. They weren't as fierce as she remembered them being.

“This is going to hurt,” he said, tone even yet considerate, “but try not to move.”

She barely had time to register what he said before he grabbed her by the wrist with a vice-like grip and yanked the shard from her hand. There was no pause between the glass being forced out of her body and the piercing cry that left her mouth, echoing throughout the room. She bent over in agony as her arm was wracked with a thousand stabbing needles. Her head landed against a strong forearm and her long, brown hair hung over her pinched face, but the youko held onto her wrist to both help steady her and to make sure she didn't further injure herself.

Yukina looked on at her worryingly as she called out, “Shizuru! Are you okay?!”

Her arm shook as waves of pain shot through her, causing jagged and heavy sighs to be expelled from her chest. After a few minutes, she tried to steady her breathing while attempting to sit back up. Slowly, the brunt pain dissipated and was now numbing to a duller, but still pulsing, ache. Once she was upright again, the demon finally let go of her arm as he turned around. She held the wounded hand to her chest, body still trembling. Her wrist was now also aching from where he had held onto her so tightly. The fox tore a piece off of the back of his white yukata, and turned back around to grab her arm again. Reluctant because the memory of the blunt force that laid behind that grip was still fresh in her mind, but also complacent because she knew the worst was most likely over—she let him pull it away so he could wrap the makeshift bandage around it. She sharply exhaled once or twice as the jerking motions caused a jolt of stabbing pain, but staid quiet the best she could while he made a tourniquet around the gaping wound. Once finished, he pulled himself away.

The brunette brought back her injured appendage again and ran a finger along the neat and precise bandage. There was no ragged edges or loose strands, it looked as good as a professional one. She slowly lifted her gaze up to meet with the demon's. His gold eyes were weighted as they looked off towards her left.

“Thank you,” he said sincerely, “I'm deeply sorry for putting you through that.”

She looked over his face then, deep brown eyes gliding along the fox's distinct features that were now somehow a little softer with despair. She placed her unwounded hand on his shoulder to bring his attention back to her.

She nodded, giving the fox her acceptance, “It’s okay, I’m just glad that it wasn't Shuichi.”

The youth's expression didn't change, but he nodded once, looking back at the human behind him. Shizuru looked over to Genkai who had been strangely silent through the whole process. The old woman's stare had never left the fox, studying him in a precisely discerning matter. Her eyes narrowed a bit as the demon leaned over the body to remove locks of disheveled hair from the human's face.

She had questions.

She had many, many questions as no one really understood what had exactly transpired that night or why, and the former thief seemed to be the only one with clarifying answers. But, she was not so tactless as Hiei. Despite what the fire demon was accusing him of, the fox seemed to be quite genuinely distressed over his soulmate's state, and she knew better than to press the patience of an upset youkai. It would have to wait, but definitely before the fox decided to disappear again.

Shizuru had made her way over to Yukina so as to calm her down, ensuring her that both her and Shuichi would be alright. Now that the terse moment had settled, Genkai could see the extensive damage that was done to her property. Such catastrophic casualty for one mere human man. She turned her gaze to look at the redhead still resting peacefully on the dirty futon, unaware of the uproar he was causing.

She sighed as she pressed her hand against one knee and lifted herself off the ground. Dusting off her pants, she spoke to no one in particular, “We need to move him. This place is an absolute mess, and I don't want to impede his recovery. Let's bring him to the back foyer.”

The two women sitting on the ground nodded and looked over to the youko who was still cleaning off the human's body, now removing pieces of rubble from his long hair silently. He said nothing, but nodded and began to hook his hands under the human's knees and shoulders to lift him up into his arms. He walked with the three women out of the room, carefully stepping around the mess while monitoring the boy's breathing as he slept. He released the vines on the door with a soft indication of his ki, allowing them to crawl back into the floorboards. Shizuru held the door open for him, running a hand along the human's arm as he passed. He followed them down the long corridor as he held the human to him.

Hiei glared at nothing in particular as he sat on top of the roof, looking out into the dark landscape. The night sky was annoyingly bright, illuminating his lone form in its dim glow as he settled in contemptible silence. He paid no attention to the random gust of wind that tousled his hair slightly while he leaned his arm back along the shingles, resting the other one along his knee.

He knew what he saw.

And he was pissed off that everyone seemed to ignore the blatant truth just because the youko looked like he ‘felt bad’.

This was not the time to be playing into appearances. If tonight proved anything, it's that Shuichi’s life was on the line. Why could no one else see that? Not that he cared about keeping face, but how could he possibly be in the wrong in this situation?

He wasn't.

He could hear shuffling in the room underneath him, but didn't pay it any mind. He was too involved in his irritated introspection. When a window slid open and someone began to crawl up on the roof with him, he didn't look in their direction. Deciding to, instead, stare straight ahead as if the evergreen trees off into the distance were a treachery.

“Hey,” a soft voice called.

The person beckoned to him with a half wave of their hand, but he gave them no attention or acknowledgement. This didn't deter them as they scrambled up the slanted roof with some exaggerated panting to make a point. When they made it up to where he sat, they turned around to sit heavily on their bottom with a thud and a hefty sigh.

“Jesus, how did you get up here?” they grunted, heavily out of breathe.

He said nothing in return; continuing to look off into the distance. They sat in silence for awhile while the other person let the pain in their lungs subside. He spared a glance in their direction.

“It’s been quite a day, huh?” they said, eyes on the black horizon.

“Hn,” the fire demon scoffed as he looked away again. He didn't respond any further.

The other person leaned on their arms as they laid back, settling into their position. Making a point that they were not about to go anywhere. Also knowing that, if the demon really wanted to, he could just as easily flit off somewhere else with little effort. As it was, he just continued to lay on top off the roof; tolerating their presence.

“Y'know, this is not terribly comfortable,” they said, adjusting their position so a shingle was no longer biting into their back.

“Hn,” he responded again, turning his head slightly in their direction, “How’s the hand?”

Shizuru smirked as she lifted up the appendage with a white cloth wrapped neatly around it, “Hm, a little better now that's its not got anything sticking out of it. Youko stitched it up pretty well.”

Hiei snorted in aggravation as he looked over the woman's injury, remarking snidely, “Yet again, having to fix another one of his own mistakes.”

“Yeah, well,” the brunette said, shuffling a hand in her back pocket to take out a small box, “That wasn't completely his fault, now was it?”

The short demon sat up, aggravated, as he snapped his eyes away in annoyance.

“If you came up here to lash at me too, you can just f*ck right off. I'm not going to sit here and listen to this,” he bit back, moving to get up and escape to another part of the house.

Shizuru just waived her hand dismissively, motioning both for him to sit back down and that she was not actually there to scold him anymore. She took a cigarette out of her pack quietly and brought it to her lips. She padded her jeans for some type of ignition. The youkai settled back down as he realized that she didn't seemed to be too concerned with him at the moment.

“Nah,” she said, the sound being muffled with the stick in her mouth and the exertion of wriggling her fingers in her tight pockets, “I'm sure you’ve heard it enough from my brother. The dolt can be quite annoying when he's upset with someone. He won’t shut up until you just have to give up and walk away.”

She cursed as she turned her pockets inside out, “f*ck, I forgot my lighter. Uh, can you…?”

She made a motion with her fingers to imitate lighting a match. The demon’s red eyes stared at her with plain irritation, sitting on his heels as he watched her make the foolish gesture.

“I'm not a damn match stick!” he growled.

The woman wasn't phased as she smiled up at him around the cigarette on her lips, “Pretty please?”

She batted her lashes at him in a sympathetic gesture.

He rolled his eyes as he snapped his fingers, igniting a small flame on his fingertip. He made a noise of exasperation as he held it up for her. The brunette grinned wildly as she bent forward.

“At the risk of sounding like I actually give a damn,” he stated while she lit her cigarette, “This is probably the reason why you can't breathe.”

She shrugged her shoulders as she leaned back again, taking a long drag. She expelled the smoke into the air as she replied, “Eh, you’re probably right. But you don't, so we don't have to talk about it.”

She grinned up at him slyly while she rested her head back in the crook of her elbow as she smoked. The demon didn't respond any further as he turned back around. There was a long stretch of silence again while they sat together, looking out into the night. Shizuru gazed at the stars, noticing how each one twinkled brightly while Hiei merely regarded the tree-line.

After awhile, she spoke up again, “You’re right, you know.”

He inclined his head a bit towards her, but didn't fully look back in her direction.

“About Youko,” she expounded, exhaling a puff of smoke again, “I fully agree with you. His actions are inconsiderate of what's actually best for Shuichi.”

He made a facial expression as if to say ‘of course I am' but didn't verbally respond; situating back on his rear. Shizuru looked up at the night sky while she mused something in her head, wiggling the cigarette between her fingers while nibbling her lower lip.

“I used to tell Shuichi that he was crazy,” she said offhandedly, “Why would you want to be with someone who did that to you, y’know? He took everything from him… His childhood, his freewill, his very own sense of identity… His entire life, practically. If I was him, I'd be on a war path. How utterly cruel to take away someone's agency like that with such little consideration. He doesn't even have his own memories…”

Her brows knitted as an odd expression twisted on her face. The moonlight accentuated the glint of anger in her sharp brown eyes.

“I wouldn't stop until he was dead,” she said, “Taking back the life that was stolen from me…”

Hiei said nothing as she said this. The sharpness in her voice was harsh with underlying resentment. She was upset on Shuichi's behalf, he realized. Feeling the anger that the human was apparently lacking.

“That is the luxury of having your own soul,” he said blandly, not quite moved by her little speech, “You get to know what it’s like to have your own autonomy without an outside influence corrupting your conscious. He never got the chance to fully develop without Youko's persistence. He was an extension of him.”

“Yeah, but he's not anymore,” she contended, flicking her cigarette, “Or… maybe he never was.”

The fire demon turned to her then, raising an eyebrow quizzically for an elaboration.

“Isn't it odd? Shuichi was never upset with him. Never vengeful or spiteful. If you were in his shoes, wouldn’t you be?” she inquired, looking in his direction.

He carefully nodded his head once. He thought the same at one point. He'd be furious. He’d be out for blood, surely.

“You know what he told me?” she said, raising the cigarette to wet lips again as she took a drag, “He told me, ‘Shizuru, he needs me. If I'm not there, he loses sense of direction.’ As if the fox didn't know his own purpose anymore. Imagine that, Youko needed him. Not the other way around.”

“I'm quite certain it goes both ways,” he reasoned.

“Yeah, but,” she responded, quickly exhaling, “Don't you think if Youko could, he would just disappear? I mean, I know he has attachments and everything now, but he had thousands of years of his own life to get back to. Why did he just suddenly abandon everything? I mean, sure he may have changed, but didn't he have prior priorities? Surely, staying close to the Human World doesn’t benefit him. Even if it was just to be near to Shuichi whenever he called. But then that begs the question… Why?”

She took another drag as she continued, “What if… what if Youko was the shell and Shuichi was the brains? That person in there… that human that's laying all bruised up on the futon downstairs, that's Kurama. That's the person we've known all these years. And Youko is sort of like a ghost… a physical echo of what he once was. Like a fracture.”

The demon snorted as he turned his face back towards the horizon, “Poetic.”

“No, seriously,” she quipped, playfully glaring in his direction at the underhanded slight, “That would make a helluva lot of sense. That's why Shuichi feels like he's partially responsible for Youko's wellbeing. He was a part of his subconscious, yeah?”

“Not quite,” he responded frankly, “But that must've taken you awhile.”

The brunette flicked ashes in his direction in retaliation to the insult, but the demon merely brushed them off, smirking.

She crossed her arms as she responded, “Well, Mr. Know-it-all, if you know everything; why don't you share your insight?”

The demon sighed heavily at this.

“I’m under no obligation to have to explain it to you,” he remarked, not exactly biting but not exactly pleasant either; however, when the brunette leveled her stare as if to say she would continue to bug him until he did, he conceded, “Fine, but only because I don’t feel like hearing you otherwise… Shuichi wasn't lying when he said that Youko and him were one in the same person. Two sides of the same coin. Until they were separated, they shared all of the same thoughts and experiences. Making each and every decision that was made a joint endeavor. They were of the same mind… living through the jarring reality of experiencing things for the first time while still retaining the memory of having experienced them before. That person you saw that killed and fought all those demons in the arena… That was Shuichi just as much as it was Youko. Just as ruthless and calculating as the other. Youko brought the wisdom and power, but Shuichi brought mercy and empathy. Not much has changed in that regard…”

Hiei looked off into the distance as he delivered his explanation. His mind started to wander as the images of the redhead throughout the time they’ve known each other started to flash through his mind until it went all the way back to the beginning… It was Youko who had showcased his strength and resiliency that day, but it was Shuichi who had brought him home… patching up this uncouth, miscreant of a demon in his own bed. A strange sort of pang hit his chest at that memory.

“Which makes it even more imperative that Youko backs off,” he continued, voice clipped, “Shuichi feels just as responsible for this outcome as he does. He’s preparing himself to fight to be by his side, even if that costs him his life. And it will, if neither one is careful. Youko is the more practical of the two, not to mention more powerful. He can hold himself in a fight. Shuichi cannot, no matter how much he tries. The fox needs to decide which one he wants more: to be with Shuichi or to keep him alive.

“Mmm,” Shizuru responded thoughtfully, biting her lower lip again as she processed this.

She sighed heavily, shaking her head slightly as she thought of the bullheaded man lying on the futon downstairs. She wondered how many times he's already heard this same spiel from the youkai sitting next to her. She reckoned at least a hundred, being conservative.

“I don't think you give Shuichi enough credit,” she surmised, sitting up so her arms hung over her knees as she flicked her cigarette over the side of the roof, “I think he would know the repercussions just as much as Youko does… Youko is not the only one responsible for his life.”

Hiei turned to her again, looking ready to argue before the brunette cut him off.

“Listen, I hear you. I really do,” she leveled with a slight raise of her good hand as she nodded her head in his direction, “God only knows how much I wish he would listen to some type of reason; whether that be from me, you… or hell anyone. But, if they really are of the same mind like you say… then wouldn't it be reasonable to believe that he would already know how much he nor Youko want that outcome? I don't see Kura—Shuichi as the type of person to turn his back on someone whose stuck by his side through so much… So that rule would especially apply to Youko. The one person who completely accepts him no matter what choices he's made. If he knew that Youko was keeping away only because his hand was being forced, and not of his own volition, I’d imagine he'd go through many, many lengths to find the fox just to make a point. He's a stubborn one, that guy. He’d make sure Youko knew just exactly how much he is willing to go through to not let them win.”

“He’s a warrior,” she finished, eyes subtly wet as she gazed off into the trees, “He always has been. He'll fight to the death if he feels like he has to. No matter what anyone tells him.”

She looked back at the youkai who was staring out at the scenery with a seriously aggrieved expression, lowering her head and peering at him through layered bangs for emphasis as she added, “Including Youko.”

This ended her disquisition, leaning back on her forearms as she continued to look at the smaller demon with purpose. He continued to remain silent as he kept his focus elsewhere, digesting what she said. He hated—absolutely loathed—to admit that she was right. He knew that the human would go to impossible lengths to prove that he was not going to simply lie down and accept whatever fate was bestowed upon him. If he was still anything, besides for conspicuously stubborn, he was prideful. Much more so, than even himself at times, if he felt that someone was impeding on his own good will.

And he would not, under any circ*mstances, would not let sleeping dogs lie. Especially if that dog was biting with derision of fate.

Hiei heavily exhaled as he came to terms with the truth that he's been willfully ignoring: That the redhead was willing to die for this cause. Just throw his entire life away just to make a point.

Because he knew that being with Youko wasn't just about a love or existence torn apart.

It meant showing that they didn't have the right to play with the lives of the deemed lessor.

They didn't have the right to play both judge and jury.

He would die, kill, and bleed for that cause. And he would make himself the martyr of he had to.

The fire demon spit in aggravation as he snapped his head to the side. He was so damn tired of imagining one of his dearest friends dead. It was exacerbating his already weighted conscious.

Shizuru watched on helplessly as she observed the demon's usually carefully crafted expression morph: from indignation, to anger, to pain, and then to tired exasperation. She wanted to reach out and hug him, an idea that was admittedly foreign to her as the demon always seemed to be so prickly and out of reach, but settled to just continue to give him some space to allow him time to come back to his senses.

It didn't take long, as the youkai straightened back up and blanked his expression as if nothing had ever transpired.

With a rancorous sigh he turned towards her again, but his voice was much calmer as he spoke, “Well, I guess we'll just have to back him up however we can.”

The brunette smiled wide as the demon smirked in her direction.

“That's right,” she said, “Come hell or high waters.”

The cool air from the outside blew in from the shoji screen doors throughout the open foyer. Youko’s nimble fingers played mindlessly with the human's red hair as his head laid atop his thigh. The fox's back was resting against the wall as he sat on top of the futon where they had resituated the human while the other room was being repaired. His other leg was up, bent at the knee, with his other arm laying limply against it. The chirping of a nearby cricket was particularly aggravating him.

He tried to ignore it as he looked down at Shuichi’s face. The garish bruise was slowly disappearing as his body continued to heal. He was still waiting for him to wake up, his body keeping him in a restful state while it continued to mend his internal wounds. For the ever-patient kitsune it felt like it'd already been days, but in all reality was probably only a few hours. He hadn’t heard from anyone since the heated argument that had transpired. Especially the fiery youkai, whose energy he could still register lingering near by.

As he looked over the human's soft features, he reflected on what the aforementioned demon had said. He let the side of his finger caress the human's mending jaw and watched the way his chest still struggled a bit to breath properly. He could hear the harsh words echoing in his mind. This was his fault…

This was his fault.

This was his fault.

He was to blame for all of this.

Shuichi wouldn't have been put in this position if he hadn’t been trying to find him. Why was he trying to find him?

He needed an answer to this question but the only one who could give that was currently asleep in his lap. He growled in aggravation as that infuriating cricket continued to yap its f*cking mouth outside.

Despite what he thought, the fire demon was right. He was selfish. He couldn't let go. He wouldn't lose the only thing that was keeping him shackled to his humanity. Whenever he moved back into the Makai, he could feel his sense of civility slipping. But, one look at the redhead currently in his grasp grounded him again. Bringing him back to a sensible reality.

He was selfish.

Was the only reason he loved him because of what he gave him? Or what he represented to him?

This entire situation was causing the fox to even question himself. The weight settling on his shoulders as he realized, for the umpteenth time that night, that he'd almost lost him without being given the opportunity to say so much as a goodbye. Had he been just a second too late…

How had he seen so much death before, most by his own hand, but a near-death is what rocked him to his core the most? Thinking of the harsh sting in his chest, he'd prefer that his own life had ended instead.

And he decided in the instance that… No, he did not love the human for reasons of selfish means. Even though, they were a cause to allow his love for him to run just that little bit deeper. He ran the padding of his thumb along the human's lip as he thought of all the ways in which he clarified him. Every kiss, every look, every call of his name brought him back to his senses when his demonic mind wanted to spiral him down into a hellish pit of disparity. As his silver bangs brushed against his cheek, his jaw muscle flexed while he clenched his teeth and swallowed thickly. Fighting back the need to express his urgency to his sleeping partner. It was imperative, now more than ever, that he see his consciousness reflected in his green eyes so as to bring him back down from his pessimistic musings.

That god damn cricket was getting on his very last nerve.

He was about to flick his wrist to command the plants outside to silence the blasted thing before the door to the corridor opened. He watched as an ebony head poked through, looking around the corner at him.

“Hey,” it said.

“Hey,” was his simple reply, voice rough from not speaking for a few hours.

Yusuke stepped into the room, looking on at the (now clothed) form of Shuichi at his side. He stuffed his hands into his pants pockets as he shuffled along the floor.

“Genkai sent me to check on you guys,” he supplied even though the youko seemed like he wasn't exactly expecting him to. He nodded his head down to Shuichi, “How’s he doing?”

Youko made a lazy gesture of his hands as he motioned his eyes towards the still sleeping form, shaking his head and raising his shoulders a bit as a simple answer. The former spirit detective only nodded his head in understanding.

“Yeah, I thought so,” he replied.

He let his eyes wander away as he looked about the room in contemplation. Most likely in what he was going to say next. The fox spirit only looked on at him as he fumbled about. Not saying anything as his fingers absent-mindedly stroked along the human's throat, feeling the blessed pulse underneath. The ebony haired male let out a heavy sigh as he looked at the youko's heavy expression.

“Listen,” he said as he raked his hand through his hair, shaking his head, “No one blames you for this. Don't beat yourself up. I know what Hiei said, but there has to be a better explanation about what he saw. That couldn't have been you at the clearing.”

There was a pause before the demon answered him, angling his face down to the human as he looked over his peaceful face.

“It was,” was his short reply, gold eyes snapping up to look at the adjacent wall.

The spirit detective looked thoroughly shocked as he regarded him.

“What…?” he queried, voice a whisper as he looked at the fox in morbid confusion.

Before Youko could expound, there was a parade of stomping coming down the hall towards them. They could hear a gravelly voice calling after someone as they moved swiftly along. It wasn't long before Botan barged into the room, Kuwabara following close behind with an outstretched hand to stop her. He nearly fell as she suddenly stopped upon entering, staring at Shuichi’s still body on the floor.

“Oh dear…” she said as she walked in, “It's worse than I thought it had been!”

Yusuke glared at the two who clambered loudly into the room, making a hushing noise for them to quiet down, while Youko looked on at the grim reaper wearily. Botan immediately made a surprised ‘ope!’ as she covered her mouth with her hands. Kuwabara was doubled over on slightly bent knees as he tried to catch his breath.

“What the hell is going on here?” Yusuke remarked in annoyance, “What is this? The welcoming committee? Quiet down! He’s sleeping!”

“I… tried to… stop her,” Kuwabara panted, chest heaving as he motioned up to the blue-haired woman, “She's… just too fast. She said… she's here for Shuichi!”

Yusuke immediately stepped in between Botan and the red-haired human without a second thought so she couldn't get any closer. Youko wrapped a protective arm around the boy as he narrowed his eyes.

“Hey, listen to me,” Yusuke said dangerously, “It's not his time yet. We made sure of that. If the Spirit World wants him then they're gonna have to get through all of us first!”

The grim reaper huffed as she crossed her arms over her chest, tsking at the black haired man in front of her.

“No, silly! I'm not here for that Kurama!” she chided as if it was obvious, “Though I am very relieved to hear that as I wasn’t so certain in the beginning of the night!”

Everyone who was actually awake blinked at her in confusion.

“What do you mean ‘that Kurama’?” Yusuke asked, voice tight with annoyance.

Youko narrowed his eyes even further as she pointed at him.

It caused her to gulp nervously as she explained, “Eh… I was sent to collect Youko…?”

“Youko?!” the two men shouted as they turned around to look at the fox.

“What the hell does the Spirit World want with him?” Yusuke barked as he looked back at Botan.

She began to sweat as multiple angry eyes were on her now. She waived her hands as she continued to try and explain herself, “Not like that! I was sent to bring him back to the Makai!”

She straightened out as she placed her hands on her hips, regarding the kitsune with an attempt at a serious stare, “You’re not supposed to be here, mister! You need to come with me this instant!”

She immediately jumped back as there was a clamor of aggrieved cries from the two men in front of her. She tried to hush them—reminding them that Shuichi was still (in fact) sleeping, and they should be mindful. She attempted to beckon the youkai to come with her again.

Youko merely shook his head from side to side, “No.”

She began to angrily retort before the other two started in on her again.

“Hey!” Kuwabara cried, “Leave him alone! Without him, Shuichi wouldn't even be alive right now!”

“Yeah!” Yusuke chimed in, “He has just as much of a right to be here as anyone else!”

The grim reaper began to huff again as she stomped her foot in irritation, “Don't take it out on me! These orders come directly from Koenma, himself! He's breaching his contract by being here in the Human World!”

That only caused another flurry of furious shouts as the two human’s berated the woman on the fox's behalf.

“He’s not going anywhere,” Yusuke stated, putting his foot down, “Besides, he's got some explaining to do. Tell the toddler to get his ass over here if he wants him!”

The grim reaper started to prickle up now that she felt like she was being personally reproved. She pulled out a golden compact from her pocket, and raised it up.

“Here,” she said in exasperation, “If you won't take it from me, then you can hear it from him. Youko, Koenma wants to talk to you.”

The two men reluctantly stepped to the side as she made her way to the sitting demon with the compact now open. The fox merely looked her up and down lazily as she moved closer, seemingly unconcerned. The compact's mirror turned out to be a screen as it flickered on with a blue light. It was static-y for a moment while it established a solid connection. Eventually, it sharpened up and there was a very small, very irked child on the other end. Youko looked on with very little enthusiasm as Koenma appeared on the screen.

“Youko!” he squeaked in his high, childish voice, “You need to get back to the Demon World now!! How many times do we have to go through this?!”

The toddler on the other end of the communication was obviously at his wits end, but the youko couldn't seem more unbothered.

“No,” he said again, voice not even raised a little.

“Grr! NOW, YOUKO KURAMA!!!” he screamed out, audibly banging his desk in vexation, “You know what could happen to you if you don't follow these commands, don't you?!”

The fox quirked his eyebrow at the threat, face still relatively passive.

“And are you coming to get me then?” he countered coolly.

The child deity grumbled as his face twitched, responding, “Obviously not! But that doesn’t mean you can just come and go as you please! There are rules that have to be followed!”

Youko looked down at the human under his arm, lids closed and face relatively peaceful as he slept. He fingered away a stray strand of hair from his face as he watched his breath leave his parted lips.

He looked back up at the screen with barely hidden disdain as he spoke, “I’m not leaving here until he awakes. Do with that what you wish.”

His words were final as he motioned his head away, showing he was no longer interested in talking. This sent the toddler over the edge as he began to scream through the two-way communication at him.

“Argh! I'm not going to put up with this! Who are you to question my authority, Youko?! Listen to me when I'm talking to you!”

Yusuke, having about enough with this entire ordeal, butted in then. His face overtook the screen as he yelled back at the Spirit Prince.

“Hey! Listen hear, pacifier breath!” he snapped, “He'll go when he's good and ready! You owe him that much for just saving this kid's life! Don't you have some paperwork to be doing?! At least something more important than keeping this guy on a tight leash!”

Koenma banged his tiny fists on the desk again as he regarded his former detective, “Yusuke, stay out of this! He knows he shouldn't be there right now! Youko, I know you can hear me! Get back to the Makai, now!”

The Mazuko was about to retort with a flourish of profanities before Genkai walked in, having heard the commotion from halfway across the expansive building. She snatched the compact from Botan's hand, said woman becoming vocally upset at the sudden rough contact, and peered into the screen.

“He’s not going anywhere,” she said in finality, “Lest you forget our agreement that this land is meant to be a neutral ground between the two worlds. He's not breaking any codes by being here.”

Koenma looked slightly abashed then as he twiddled his fingers together, mumbling, “Well, no… I haven't forgotten… But…!”

“Good! Then there's nothing left to this discussion! Goodbye!”

With that, she clicked the compact closed and placed it back into Botan's awaiting hand. She turned to the three loudest occupants in the room, back facing Youko and Shuichi.

“Now will you three shut the hell up?!” she barked, waiving a pointed finger at them, “He needs his rest and no one can sleep around here with your loud mouths yapping all over the place!”

The three sitting on the ground dumbly nodded their heads once after being verbally berated by the old woman. Satisfied, Genkai left just as quickly as she came; grumbling in annoyance about how she just wanted to drink some damn tea in peace. Everyone stared at her nervously as she left, waiting until she was gone to let out a unified sigh of relief.

Botan turned back around as she regarded Youko again, this time with an apologetic tone to her voice, “I'm sorry, Youko. I didn't mean to come at you that way… It's just that when we were monitoring Shuichi’s status from the Spirit World, someone caught wind that you were here too…and it sent Koenma into quite a tizzy. He was just concerned, is all.”

The fox demon only raised his hand in silent understanding as he continued to look away, fixing the collar on Shuichi’s robe as it had been moved slightly. Taking his silence as an acceptance of her apology, she released another sigh of relief as she looked over at the two other men now sitting in front of her.

“Phew! Well I'm very glad that is settled,” she remarked, “At least Koenma will have something to tell his father if he questions him.”

“Jeez, y'think the guy would have something else better to do than to worry about one, lone demon running around the Human World!” Yusuke scoffed, itching his ear with the tip of his finger.

Botan grimaced, but nodded once in commiseration, “Yes, well… Best not to talk about such things right now, I think.”

They all turned back to the sleeping form of Shuichi who was now looking much better than in hours previous. Youko remained silent as he continued to monitor the human's condition. He didn't acknowledge their stares as they looked on at him with just as much concern. He situated the boy’s head more comfortably on his lap as he leaned back again, closing his eyes in reverence.

Yusuke and Kuwabara shared knowing glances as they both took a mental note of the fox's behavior. They faced back towards Botan as she opened her mouth to say something.

“I'm very relieved,” she mentioned, sticking the compact back in her pocket, “We truly thought he wouldn't make it through the night. George was already getting his file together. I wasn’t looking forward to having to come back to the Ningenkai tonight…”

“Yeah, tell me about it,” Kuwabara spoke up, “Probably one of the few times I wasn’t exactly happy to see you. Thankfully it wasn't for that reason.”

“Well, not to try and drive this point home too much, but it is at least half in thanks to Kurama over there. If he hadn't come when he had, this might be a very different meeting right now,” Yusuke noted.

There was a bit of silence while this truth settled in.

“Yes, it was very fortunate,” Botan admitted, “but it did cost Youko a great deal…”

The two men sitting at her side looked up as she said that, eyes wide with unsaid questions. She expounded without them having to ask, knowing she would have to. She could feel Youko's eyes back on her again as she began to talk…

“You see, in order to keep Shuichi alive, he had to relinquish some of his own life energy,” she revealed.

The two men looked at her as if they didn't quite comprehend what she was getting at. She suppressed the want to roll her eyes as she continued.

“When that happens, you're literally shaving off years from your own time clock. He didn't just sacrifice his own energy, he sacrificed years of his own life,” she said, looking at the fox for emphasis, “And it cost him a good amount, too. That was very selfless, Youko…”

She looked on at the kitsune with affinity, expressing her gratitude through the small smile on her face. The other two men turned to look at him then, eyes wide with astonishment. Youko only nodded his head once as if what she was saying was just merely inconsequential to him, and glided his gold eyes along the wall again as he looked away. He said nothing as he slid a strand of the human's hair along his fingers.

“Wait…” Yusuke interjected, brows wrinkled as he rested his hands on his crossed legs, “I thought you said there was no fixed time to a person's life. That everything was left up to chance. How does that work then?”

Botan settled back down a bit to explain.

“Well, it’s not exactly fixed, per se,” she said, “But nobody can live forever. Everyone has an internal clock for how long they could possibly live, given that no... erm… ‘accidents’ happen first. For demons, this clock is especially important as the stronger you are, the more impervious you become to such things like illness and fatal wounds. Mortality is much more fluid for them. That's why it's so important for them to know and understand this clock so they can plan their life accordingly. Even though, many will still never have the chance to meet the end of their own.”

“Wait,” Kuwabara questioned, scratching his chin, “You mean Youko knowingly shortened his own life in order to save Shuichi’s?”

The grim reaper nodded solemnly.

“Wow…” The orange top said, staring at the fox, “That's quite a commitment.”

There was dead silence in the air as the three sitting on the floor looked on at the kitsune lounging on the futon holding the redhead in his lap. He knew that they were waiting for him to say something, but what was there to say? What was nearly a third of his life to a being that could literally live millennias? He even vaguely wondered if he'd live past Shuichi’s own lifespan…

He didn't really care to, actually.

Besides, he couldn't fathom leaving his side for very long. Today had proven that.

“They’ll be nothing left of me once Shuichi passes,” he said as if this was a causal conversation, “My decision was a simple one.”

That heady confession caused the three other occupants of the room to look on at him worryingly. He was sure the simple wave of his hand did nothing to expel those worries, but he did it anyway. Distracting himself with counting the seconds between each of the human's breathes. Nothing was said for a long while as an attempt to let the conversation die as it was very obvious that the youko didn't wish to talk about it any further. They tried to busy themselves with watching the scenery outside, but the ebony haired man continued to steal glances back in his direction.

He leaned himself back on his hands as he regarded the fox again, “Youko, before you denied that you were with Hiei in the clearing, and then you said you were… Which is it?”

This piqued the interest of Kuwabara who looked between Yusuke and Youko as he was also waiting for an answer. The fox let out a sigh as he moved himself out from under the human. He settled himself next to the boy’s side before answering; knowing that the explanation would be a long one.

He fixed the human's hair as he spoke, “I was, but not physically… What Hiei saw was only an image of me. When the events took place, I was sleeping in a cave near the capital. I was recovering from recent training. Shuichi must have sent out a warning signal for me, and my subconscious must have picked up on it while I slept. I thought I was dreaming…”

His eyes narrowed as they looked upon Shuichi’s face, remembering his vision. He had seen him there… blood pouring from his head as his tired eyes slowly closed shut while he lost consciousness. He could've sworn the man had looked in his direction before completely going still. The three gazed at him intently as he continued.

“I must have astral projected but not realized it immediately. When I awoke, our connection alerted me that something was seriously wrong. I was able to locate him here, but the time it took me to get past the wards that block me from entering the Human World was far too long. I thought he would be dead by the time I arrived… I didn't put two and two together until I realized that Hiei had said he'd only ever saw me there, not actually spoken with me. I’d realized then that he was telling the truth, but didn't have the time to explain myself.”

This clarification seemed to ease up the tension exponentially as the two human males and the grim reaper relaxed their shoulders. Comforted by the knowledge that Hiei hadn't in fact been wrong, but neither had the fox abandoned him intentionally. This brought back a sense of understanding of the two youkais as their violent encounter had upset the balance of the team’s relationship.

However, there was still one question that lingered in the Mazuko's mind as he thought about what the fox had shared.

“Youko,” Yusuke said again, motioning his head in the demon's direction, “Why were you training at the capital?”

There was a few seconds that lapsed between the inquiry and the answer while black eyes met his gold ones.

“I was called there,” Youko supplied evenly.

His voice, now a bit lower than before as it was underlined with a deeper emotion, let that fact settle into the detective’s mind. Yusuke’s nose started to twitch as a sort of outrage overtook his face: an unspoken truth being realized. The youko’s gaze was stern as some sort of affirmation was shared between them. It wasn't acknowledged out loud as the spirit detective turned his eyes away to look purposefully out into the night.

Botan looked to be oblivious, but Kuwabara seemed to realize the exchange that took place even though the reason why must have slipped past him. He opened his mouth to question it, but the other man quickly interrupted him.

“Nevermind,” Yusuke said, tone tense, “We’ll discuss it later.”

The psychic looked a bit dejected by the clipped reply, but didn't push any further. He turned to Youko as he raked his hand through his orange hair.

“Well someone should think to tell Hiei,” he said, motioning up to the roof, “In case he's still out for blood. You know he’s not the type to let these things go. This explanation might help to ease his nerves some.”

“I will in due time,” Youko responded, turning back towards Shuichi, “Let him come find me on his own. It'll be easier to calm him down when there’s not an audience.”

Kuwabara shook his head in exasperation at the absent youkai, but said nothing else in case the fire demon might actually be listening in on their conversation. They settled back into a comfortable silence as the cricket chirped outside, now a bit farther away. Yusuke sat looking out into the darkened lawn with a face that still showed his subtle anger. Youko let his hand rest on Shuichi’s side as he watched his face carefully for any sign of alertness. Kuwabara sat slouched over with his elbows on his knees as he counted the panels on the floor. Botan absent-mindedly played with her thumbs as she stared blankly off into the distance. They were all waiting. Waiting for the redhead who had been, and continued to be, the intense point of focus for the whole night.

After some time, when Kuwabara’s rear began to ache and Yusuke’s face settled back into a bored type of expression, there was a sudden movement from the youko. They all turned back to look at him. He was now on his knees bending over the human's form, hands on either side of his body as his face hovered just above the other’s. He was staring intently at him. Breathing heavily above him as his gold eyes quickly scanned each part of the redhead's facial muscles. One of them was about to question the fox as nothing else happened for a few moments until a sort of sharp exhale left through his nose. The human's face began to twitch. Mouth quivering as a finger bent up slightly. Everyone held their breath all of a sudden, watching intently.

A few seconds later and a faint groan could be heard coming from deep in his chest. Youko placed a hand on the side of his head, coaxing the human to come back to consciousness. The expectation was unbearable as it had them at attention, now kneeling forward. When there was no further movement, Youko whispered something softly as he stroked the human's ear with his thumb. Another minute and his nose wrinkled. The fox called to him again…

Pale eyelids fluttered as they opened slightly to reveal hazy green eyes. Eyes he'd been yearning desperately for all night. Shuichi winced as the bright light hit his vision; taking in a sharp breath as he began to awaken. Everyone held onto their excitement for just a little bit longer so as to not jar him fully awake too soon.

Adjusting to the illumination of the room, his eyes opened a little more. His brows knitted in confusion as his gaze began to register the face of the person above him. Green eyes searched along golden ones for a moment, quickly moving from side to side. The fox kept his gaze steady as a long breath ghosted along the human's chapped lips. His blood pounding in his ears as he saw the slight twitch of recognition in his expression; waiting.

The human swallowed thickly as he finally spoke, voice so hoarse it almost sounded like a soft exhale, “Y-ouko?”

The demon nodded, stroking the human's temple, “Yes.”

Shuichi began to look up and down the fox's face.

“Youko?” he said again, voice a little louder.

The fox nodded a bit more, keeping his tone calm and quiet, “Yes, Shuichi. I'm here. I'm right here…”

Shuichi breathed in deeply as he moved his eyes from the demon to look about the room, a bit disoriented. He reached out an unsteady hand to touch the fox's face. He slid his fingertips along his cheekbone and over his mouth, letting them settle over his lips.

“I…” he began to say, but his dry throat caused his voice to crackle. He swallowed again before he continued, “I'm… alive?”

This caused a unified cry of relief about the room as everyone finally released the breathes they've been holding in. The sudden outburst caused the redhead to jolt slightly, still unaware that there was other people in the room. Youko held him steady and glared at them for a second, silently telling them to quiet down so as not to spook him. He brought his eyes back down, softened now as they looked into his. With each second they became clearer as the human came back to reality. He brushed away the bangs from his glistening skin as he hummed quietly.

He worked to keep his voice even as he responded, “Yes… yes, my dear. You're alive. You're alive and I'm here with you.”

Shuichi’s expression partially tightened as he saw the underlying torment in his lover's gaze, golden irises glossy and unrefined. He could feel the youko's chest shake against his as his senses came back to him. He looked at him as if to query about his wellbeing, but didn't verbalize it.

Suddenly, a creak of a floorboard caused the human to jolt again. He looked around wildly as his muscles tensed.

“Where…?” he began to say, voice still quiet but on high alert.

The fox held on to him, keeping him still as he tried to calm him with steady hushing sounds, “Shhh. He's gone, love… it's okay. Shh, it's alright now. You're safe.”

“Youko!” he said desperately as he tried to get out from underneath him, remembering what nearly happened to him the last time he was pinned under a demon. His legs kicked and struggled along the futon as the fox held him steady by the arms. He tried to call to the human again to calm him down, tone tight with vexation that his lover was even afraid of his touch but also gentle with silent understanding.

“No, Shuichi,” he said calmly, “I'm not here to hurt you. No one here will hurt you. I promise. Come down, my love.”

The excited atmosphere was now gone with everyone becoming increasingly concerned again by how the human's sudden fight or flight instincts immediately kicked in upon awakening. He begged for the demon to release him, cheeks flushed with gripping fear. Taking a chance, Youko bent down; trapping the younger underneath his broad chest as he held the human's head with both of his hands. He thrashed his head from side to side trying release his grip while whining out for help, but Youko merely moved his lips next to his ear as he whispered to him. It took a few moment’s of the fox's persistence. The low thrum of his voice could be heard as he murmured to him but words were indistinguishable. Whatever he has said, it seemed to work as the redhead began to settle. The human still gripped onto his hands tightly, but his body relaxed while he caught his breathe. Youko raised back up, stroking Shuichi’s cheek as he looked into eyes that were staring back at him with evolving clarity. The young male ran his thumb along the youko's wrist to show he was of sound mind again while his mouth hung slightly open with little pants escaping. The fox could hear the human's heartbeat return to normal.

He bent over to lay a kiss along his host's lips, their flesh barely touching. To everyone else, the gesture may have seemed sweet and chaste. But to Shuichi, thoughts now coming back to logicality, it was potent and fraught with the fox's breathe shuddering into his mouth. He aimed to dispel his older lover’s worry with a simple caress against the side of his neck. He withdrew slightly, nudging his nose against the other’s as he called his name again in a rasping whisper; bringing the youkai back to reality.

“I'm okay,” the redhead said softly, looking into gold eyes that questioned him. He repeated himself, attempting to rise from the floor, “I'm okay. I just needed a moment of clarity.”

Youko inclined his head and moved back. He helped the human sit up with a firm hand behind his back, red hair cascading from his shoulders as he was lifted. Shuichi bent over, one knee up as he held his pulsing head in his palm, feeling a sudden rush of dizziness come over him. The kitsune staid by his side until it lessened, moving away only when it was obvious the boy could remain upright. Shuichi looked up then, eyes adjusted to the light enough that he could look around without wincing. He finally noticed Kuwabara, Yusuke, and Botan sitting off to the side with gazes riddled with stress and yet intermingled with alleviation. He looked around a bit at the room.

“Genkai’s?” he questioned, and when someone nodded he inquired again, “But how in the world did I get here?”

“Hiei,” Yusuke supplied, voice thick with relief, “He brought you here.”

Shuichi nodded, letting out a breathe as his expression softened. He faintly remembered the fire demon's voice beckoning to him after he’d gone unconscious. He hadn't had the coherency at the time to understand that he was actually there with him. The next few minutes went on like this, with the redhead asking raspy questions as he caught his breath and everyone else offering explanations to the best of their ability. When it came time to expound on how he was actually still alive, three of the four went quiet as they looked to Youko. This caused the human to become concerned, staring at the fox with an expression pinched with confusion.

After the demon didn't immediately answer, Shuichi took the liberty of prodding him.

“Youko… What did you do?” he asked, voice guarded as he was sure he wasn't going to like what the fox was about to say next…

“I gave you my own life,” the kitsune stated plainly despite the instant look of trepidation on the human's face, “My energy is what kept you here.”

“Youko!” he cried out in alarm, “How could you do that?!”

“I had no choice! You were dying, Shuichi!” the fox retorted, thick brows lined with agitation, “What was I supposed to do? I couldn't let you go… Your breathe was stilling by the time I was even able to set my eyes on you! The luxury of time for other decisions was not on my side!”

The human shook his head, eyes wide with worry as he continued to scold his other half, “You could've died yourself! Do you know what that means for you—”

“I know what it means,” he quickly interjected, putting his hand over the human's, “And it’s a sacrifice I was willing to make. Please don't ask me to spare my own life if that means you losing yours… That answer will always be no.”

Kuwabara looked on at them perplexed. He spoke up as Shuichi seemed to look away from the fox with anger, “Not to butt in, but you know most people would be happy that someone went through the trouble of keeping them alive. Not telling you what to do or anything Shuichi, but I think Youko could use some slack. It's hard to watch a loved one die, demon or not.”

“Yes, most people,” the kitsune remarked flatly, “I have the good fortune of sharing a soul with someone who is not ‘most people’.”

That caused a roll of his eyes from the human as he settled his glare on the fox with an exasperated sigh. The youkai only smirked a little as he reached up a tender hand to caress the other male's chin, gliding his finger along the underneath. He looked at his lover as he silently implored with him not to be upset. This prompted the human to relax his prickly façade, shoulders slouching a bit as his tired green eyes abated.

“I am not ungrateful,” he confessed, letting his head rest against the other’s palm as he held his hand, “I thank you for giving me what you have. I am glad this is a reunion and not a funeral.”

The fox only nodded, accepting his partner’s gratitude graciously indicating that what he’d done was without question. Shuichi moved his head to the side to lay a kiss on his palm, the youkai’s thumb swiping along the bridge of his nose as he did so.

“See? All better,” Botan said in relief, “We're just happy you're alive.”

Shuichi bowed his head in apology, “I'm sorry for making you all worry. It was not my intention.”

“I don't think anyone intends to be almost murdered in cold blood,” Yusuke cracked wisely, crossing his arms over his chest, “Which begs the question we've been waiting for all damn night: Why the hell were you there anyway?”

Shuichi grimaced a bit as everyone looked in his direction. He put Youko’s hand down as he sat up, folding his legs underneath him. He noticed how the fox stared at him with the most intent, letting his hand settle on his lover's knee as he waited for an answer.

“I… was called there,” he said, eyes averted to the floor, “By who I thought was Youko… but it obviously wasn't. When I arrived, he was missing and that demon was in his place. Before I realized what was happening, he struck me with a blow before even coming out of the bushes. The demon was somehow able to mask his energy so I couldn’t even register he was there. He’d managed to incapacitate me so I was unable to properly fight back.”

“He’d already known what to do,” Yusuke supplied in a clipped tone. His eyes narrowed, “He knew you could be a threat if given the chance to build up a defensive strategy. He knew that the only way to get to you was to catch you off-guard.”

The redhead nodded. Yusuke and Youko shared a look, eyes intent. They looked away as he spoke again.

His small mouth was in a sneer as he glared at the floor, “I was being foolish. It was our usual meeting spot, so I didn't even think to give it a second thought. I thought no one outside our circle knew of it. It didn't even raise my alarm when I noticed that Youko's signature was missing. How utterly careless of me…”

“It’s not your fault, Shuichi,” Botan said softly, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder, “You couldn't have known that someone else was there… They were meaning to deceive you.”

The young man shook his head as his body trembled with self-loathing anger, “This is different. I know better than to take things at face value. I just hadn't heard from Youko in weeks… I was eager to see him. I let my eagerness take over my ability to think rationally, and I allowed myself to become a sitting duck!”

The fox squeezed his knee to comfort him, silently telling him that a small lapse in judgement did not invalidate him. They'd have to find other means to see each other.

“I'm more concerned about how that monster knew where to find you,” Kuwabara spoke up, “I’m wondering which of us is an undercover informant.”

There was a sudden uptick of worried glances. Youko quickly interjected before fingers could start to be pointed. Not wanting another argument to break out like the one he'd previously had with Hiei.

“It’s not outside the realm of possibility,” he started with a raised hand, calling everyone's attention, “that someone may have been sent to spy on us. Observing our normal patterns of behavior so they knew how to lure him out.”

This seemed to dispel the tension in the air. Panic giving way to logic. Everyone settled back down as they sat around in silence. Shuichi let his head rest against Youko’s shoulder as the exhaustion crept back into his body. His body must’ve still been working to heal itself as he felt a dull ache in his abdomen. Even though he'd only just awaken, he knew he'd still need to rest some more in order to fully recover.

“Where’s Hiei?” he asked tiredly, “I need to thank him. He’s the primary reason why I'm still alive right now.”

There was another exchange of glances until everyone settled their eyes back on Youko. The human was beginning to grow weary of this game…

When the fox didn't rise to the occasion to answer, deciding to instead close his eyes and sigh in what he could only assume was some type of irritation, he asked again.

“Can someone please just tell me where he is and not make me have to guess?” he growled in vexation.

“Erm…” Kuwabara spoke up, scratching the back of his head, “Last time I checked, he was looking after my sister up on the roof… he's, uh, not in the best of moods right now.”

“Shizuru's here?” he questioned. When the psychic nodded, he inquired further, “Why does she need looking after and why would Hiei—of all people—be looking after her?”

“She, uh, hurt her hand pretty bad…” Kuwabara said, looking away to glare up at the wall as a weak attempt to hide his obvious anger.

“How…?” Shuichi started.

Yusuke replied quickly, tired of beating around the bush, “Let’s just say, she also saved you today… From a large piece of glass finding a new home in your chest.”

“How did that happen?” The redhead asked, rightly concerned.

“The same reason why Hiei is pissed off right now,” Yusuke stated. He nodded to Youko silently.

Shuichi again looked at his other half for answers that he only received a pointed stare for in return. He growled in his direction.

“I'm finding it rather tiresome of how many people my life is becoming indebted to today,” he bit out, looking at the fox to make a point, “Tell me what happened… now.

Youko looked away and Shuichi was about to lash out at him, but Yusuke butted in instead.

“Hiei and him got into a… well, an argument,” he said, and noticing the way the redhead looked at him, he'd wished he'd hadn't. He continued despite his better judgement, “An almost all out brawl, actually. It got pretty heated in here. He’d managed to get Youko worked up to he point where his energy caused a mini tornado in the room we were in. Kinda awesome, really…”

Yusuke grinned, rubbing the back of his head as he reminisced about the way the youko's pure demon energy seemed to completely magnetized the atmosphere. He wanted to experience that kind of power for himself in battle. He was already thinking about the ways he could get the fox form to spar with him when Botan knocked him on the back of his head. He cradled his noggin and was getting ready to scream angrily at the reaper until he noticed the cold glare from the redhead.

“Why?” he simply said, voice brisk.

“Well, I mean, it was powerful. Like, seriously… it was all blue and static and just like unbelievably amaz—”

“Why were they fighting, Yusuke?” Shuichi clipped, unamused.

The former detective jumped a little as the redhead's icy words cut through his thoughts. He sweated a bit before answering, “Well… Hiei thought that Youko had something to do with it… this. He thought that Youko had set it up.”

Green eyes narrowed in confusion, “Why would he think that?”

Youko answered before Yusuke could, sparing him from his lover's wrath, “Because he saw me there— With you at the clearing... Or at least, what he thought was me. I was asleep when the attack happened. When you called to me, my consciousness responded to you when my body could not. He saw my projection.”

“And you didn't think to clear up his misunderstanding?” Shuichi quipped.

“I wasn’t given the chance to,” Youko rebutted, “He was upset. You know how he is when he's provoked. He jumps to conclusions and there is no talking him down.”

Shuichi snapped his head away. He placed a hand on Youko's shoulder as he attempted to stand. He fell back to the ground as his leaden legs gave out on him. Youko caught him, holding him to his chest before he could hit the cold floor.

Shuichi tried to push off, “I need to go see him. He's more than likely distraught over this, and I need to find him before he burns down an entire village.”

“Shuichi, sit down. He's fine,” Yusuke stated, placing a hand on his shoulder to keep him from getting up again, “He just needed a bit to chill out, that's all. Shizuru already said he was in a better mood.”

“Does she know Hiei?” Kuwabara snorted, “There's no such thing as a ‘better mood’ with him.”

Yusuke, Botan, and Youko shot a glare at the oblivious psychic. Shuichi was now struggling against the fox's grasp as he mumbled something of agreement to Kuwabara’s statement while pushing his hands against the youko's arms.

“Not helping,” Botan stated.

When Shuichi turned around to demand that youkai let him leave, Youko lowered his head to nuzzle his ear. This brief contact seemed to dispel the human's sudden struggle as he suddenly relaxed in the youko's hold.

It was almost hypnotic, the way his deep baritone voice spoke into his ear, urging him to qualm his worries, “Let him come down on his own, love. You need to rest.”

Green eyes settled on him, stating in their own quiet subversion that he felt guilty and responsible for the fire demon's distressed mental state. But the kitsune only reassured him with glide of his palm along his bare thigh, reminding him that he was not in a state to be going out and chasing down anyone. This silent conversation didn't pass by unnoticed with the other occupants. Their eyes now averting as they realized that the redhead was still in a certain state of undress with only a thin, long robe clinging over his frame. The sudden struggle of his limber body against the fox's larger one must of excited something in him, because he could feel the youkai's partially erect member pressing against the underside of his leg. He realized then, with his mate’s current state and the way everyone else seemed to be a bit embarrassed by his possible exposure, that it may be best to allow the exhilarated atmosphere to calm some before attempting to apprehend anyone else.

He adjusted some in the demon's lap, the sudden movement causing a small groan to escape the larger male’s throat that only Shuichi could hear, while he regarded everyone else.

“I will find him,” he stated, looking at the youko most of all when he said this, “if not for anything else, but to give him my gratitude and an explanation of what happened. He may be short with me, but he's owed that much. But it can wait… for the time being.”

He looked down at his exposed chest, “At least until I'm in a more conservative state.”

There was an exaggerated nod from the three others on the floor as they continued to avert their gazes.

“Yeah, so…” Yusuke started as he scratched the back of his head, “We should, uh, probably let you get to it then. I think I have some spare clothes around here somewhere… I'll let Youko come grab them for you.”

Even though the former detective didn't see it, the youkai nodded at him. Everyone quickly got up from the floor to leave out of the room, expressing their good wishes to the human male. They filed out one by one, leaving the two to themselves. Shuichi turned to his other half then, giving him a meaningful stare.

“You didn't think to give me pants?” he said with a half smirk.

Youko only shrugged his shoulders a bit, “It’s what I was given. I wasn’t about to snoop through Genkai’s belongings for some proper clothes.”

“Hmm, well that's beneficial for you, isn't it?” The human said jokingly.

Even though it was said in a lighthearted manner, the familiar phrase caused the fox's face to grimace. He looked away from his lover down to the floor as he pondered something. Not understanding his other half’s sudden change of mood, Shuichi pressed a comforting hand on his shoulder. Youko grabbed it, kissing his finger softly.

“Shuichi, you know I love you?” he asked quietly.

This caused the red haired human to quirk an eyebrow in his direction.

“Of course…” he answered carefully.

He waited for the youkai to expound on his question, but the taller male only sighed and closed his eyes. He wrapped his arms around the smaller male in his lap, hooking one arm under his knees and the other around his back, so as to pick him up. There was only a small sound of protest from the other as the fox began to lift them both up off the floor. Shuichi’s head rested against Youko's chest as he allowed himself to be carried bridal-style outside the shoji doors and into the crisp night. Youko was silent as he walked down the wooden steps, not explaining to his partner where they were going. He could feel the human’s breath ghost across the exposed skin through his yukata, and his long silver hair waived about as a gust of wind blew through the trees, kicking up a strand of hair and tickling the underside of the human's foot. Despite the human's attempts to hold it back, a small laugh trickled out his throat and it caused the fox to look down on him, smiling warmly. He bent down to lightly nudge their noses together, causing the human to laugh again unwittingly as he brought up the back of his hands to cover his reddened face.

The youko found a flat spot on the expansive lawn where the grass was particularly thick. He settled them both down on to it, allowing for the human to slip from his grasp and onto the ground. He didn't let him go very far as he gently nudged him back to his side with a careful arm around his waist. The human let out a huff, but still let the youko wrangle him into another embrace.

“You would think having two separate bodies means that I would be granted some space once in awhile,” he joked.

The fox’s face was still leaden with heaviness as he smiled down at his former self, “I’m happy to let you go free, if you'd like.”

Shuichi made a face as if he'd just been insulted and shook his head while turning his face away. The fox laughed then, the deep sound reverberating through his chest as he cupped the boy's cheek and brought it towards him to kiss the other. His heavy expression lightened just a little.

He ran his nose along the boy's temple as he said, “I will always care for you, darling. Even if you decide you want better than this.”

Shuichi looked at him again, face concerned as he responded, “Youko, what on earth are you talking about?”

The youko looked away again, even though the human tried to bring back his attention with a hand on the underside of his chin. He released his hold around his partner's waist to slip behind him. He motioned for the younger to face forward as he began to run his long fingers through his hair, combing through all of the tangles. Reluctantly, the redhead turned back around, waiting for the fox to speak.

After awhile of them listening to the trees rustle, he eventually did, “I would never want to do anything to impede on your wellbeing. I meant what I said… Shuichi, if you want to go free, I would understand. I won't stop you.”

The smaller male resisted the urge to turn around and scold the youko again for thinking such a thing, but he knew there must be a reason. He kept his eyes on the forest in front of him as he repelled his worries, “I would never want that. You know this… I'm with you through this for the long haul.”

The fingers in his hair stiffened. Youko's voice was strained as he spoke next, “Never?”

“Never,” he confirmed.

After awhile with no further response from the demon, Shuichi prodded a bit more, “What, exactly, did you and Hiei argue about?”

Even though he couldn't see Youko shake his head, he could feel it, and he once again suppressed his exasperation in favor of allowing the onerous weight from the former events to dissipate before starting another dispute. He could feel the youko's hands untangle from his hair as his forehead rested heavily against his back. He turned around a bit to look at him over his shoulder, neck straining as it was bent in an odd manner. He could see the top of the fox's silver head but not his face. The fox's muscular arms snaked around his waist again.

His voice was fully despaired, allowing himself to become completely transparent with the young man in his grasp, as he spoke up again…

“I promised I would be there to protect you… I promised that I wouldn't let anything happen to you. You nearly lost your life today…”

Shuichi sharply inhaled as he the fox's hold tightened around him, muscular arms squeezing against his mending ribs and sharp claws biting into the fabric of the robe that covered his sides. He didn't seem to be perturbed, though, as he let his hand settle over the other’s. Slender, nimble fingers stroking over his wrist.

“I broke a promise today, too…” he admitted softly, eyes downcast, “I promised I'd keep myself safe so you wouldn't have to worry… Huh. I guess I didn't do a very good job of that, did I?”

There was a sudden rise of the wind and it caused the tree branches to rustle again as he let this truth settle over them. Youko's arms flexed a bit as he pressed his face more firmly against the younger. Shuichi only let out a slight wheeze, but otherwise seemed unaffected. Youko lifted his head up as he buried it into the crook of the human's shoulder.

Shuichi’s legs quivered when Youko slipped his thighs underneath him, hiking him up his lap. He lifted his robe up as he ran his palm along his abdomen. The human could feel the youko adjusting himself underneath. His breath hitched as the fox nibbled along the side of his bare neck.

Suddenly, Shuichi could feel something pressing against him. He nearly screamed out into the open air as the youko slipped into his body, thick and solid. He hiked him up with a hand under each knee, legs bent up to his chest and spread apart, giving him full control. The redhead let out a shuttered cry as the demon pushed up to sheath himself inside his canal. Youko could feel the human’s walls spasm around him as he was so suddenly stretched around his girth, forcing his length to slide along the human's passage. Each exhale was being forced from him as the fox thrusted in and out without another moment’s notice. He grunted as Shuichi writhed in his arms, taking the fox into him without any say.

“Youko,” he whined, breathless, “That hurts…!”

He was thrusted into again, and the human all but sobbed as he let his head fall back heavily against the fox's shoulder. He could feel the fox practically in his stomach as his thickness stretched his insides impossibly so… His healing body being bent to the will of the desperation that propelled his lover to f*ck him without any regard. He shuddered as the taller rocked into him again, gripping the youko's wrists for dear life.

“Youko,” he tried to call to him, attempting to bring the demon back down to sensibility, “Youko, my love… it hurts. Please!”

Youko released his legs, but kept them connected even though the human begged him to be released.

His fox lover did nothing but bend him over onto the lawn with a hand on his back and a grip around his hip, burying himself fully into his consort. Shuichi could feel his co*ck pulsing against his prostate, and a blade of grass wrapped around his wrist to anchor him to the spot. A small flower bloomed on his finger. His robe began to loosen and he could feel a another blade of grass run along the underside of his semi-erection, smearing precum against its green membrane. The fox grasped the back of his bare thighs and coaxed them apart to allow it better access. He let his throbbing member lay inside the other to allow his host time to adjust. Whatever lubricant the youko had used to coat his co*ck with without him knowing had allowed him to slip inside him easily and it was tingling his inner walls with its warming effect. Shuichi sharply moaned out loud as a sudden spasm inside his body caused the fox's member to jump in excitement and press against his prostate again.

Youko leaned over his lover, broad chest and taught abdomen laying over his covered back, to whisper in a blushing ear, “I can't express to you how much this moment means to me… How grateful I am to experience your body thriving, alive, underneath. I can feel your pulse in every part of my being and it's so intoxicating… There was a moment when I thought I'd never feel it again.”

Shuichi groaned in response as the fox began to thrust again. Another blade of grass wrapped around his other wrist to hold him down while his lover moved in and out of him, and the human could do nothing but shake with excitement. He loved this, being trapped under the youkai and at his mercy. No matter if his chest wheezed in protest. He could feel every ounce of the youko's love being poured into every single touch, every single move, every single shaky breath against and into his ear. He moved his head to the side to place an open mouth kiss along the fox's jaw, teeth grazing lightly along his skin as each thrust slightly propelled him forward and then back again. He could taste Youko’s salty sweat against his tongue and it was thoroughly exhilarating.

“Take me,” he said heatedly, plump lips ghosting across his pointed chin, “Take me, Youko. I'm yours. Show me how much you love me.”

This caused the fox spirit to exhale sharply as he plunged forward, bruising grip on each of the human's biceps and strong thighs squeezing on either side of the human's legs as he burrowed himself as deep as he could into the trembling frame below him. Triggering the human's back to arch deeply as he was bent under the fox's pressure. He screamed out again as he could feel the head of the fox's co*ck reaching into places it had never reached before. He beseeched for the fox to take him harder even though his abdomen shot with trembles of pain from his still healing wound.

Hiei watched the spectacle from his perch atop a branch on the tree that was directly in front of them. He was hidden from their view, but he could clearly see them. If either one had been paying attention, they might have been able to register his presence so close by. But as it was, they were completely enraptured in each other. As they always were.

Youko had been smart, putting up a barrier around them when they had left the house so no one could hear the human's wanton moaning. But he could.

And no matter how much he tried, he couldn't tear his eyes away.

Youko was thrusting again, causing the human's hair to fall over his shoulder and stick to the sweat drenched skin on his neck in rivets while the rest laid as a crimson pool on the ground. Reminding him of how the human had been bleeding from his head when he’d found him. That sparked a fire in his gut. It only grew as each breath from the young man seemed to shudder with underlying pain as the fox made love to him.

Shuichi could feel the blade of grass that was lying along the underside of his co*ck close its sticky leaf around his flesh, stroking him as his body moved with each rock of the youko's hips. His robe had now fully opened, exposing the front of his body to the chilly night air and to the lawn underneath. The white fabric shook and billowed with each movement, sliding along his slick form. He rested his forehead on the dirt below him, fingers grasping at the earth for dear life as his breathing became labored. When he felt the fox slow, concerned for his well-being, he urged the youkai on; thrusting his hips back to keep the pace. All of a sudden, he could feel something tickling along his hand. He looked over and numerous tiny, red buds began to blossom along his arm. With each pant of his breath, they opened. Blooming into beautiful, maroon gardenias. He could feel the fox's enlivened youki traveling into the earth below them, he realized; causing the ground to twist and slither with interconnecting vines. Small stems began to titillate along his body, each one sprouting numerous buds that eventually grew into expansive flowers.

The petals kissed along his exposed skin as Youko continued to drill into him from behind. He could feel the erratic way in which he moved, signaling to the human that he was nearing his climax. He could feel his own coming on while the plant that pulled at him caused his member to twitch. Youko fingered the robe down a little further, exposing his bare shoulders. They glinted in the moonlight, soft skin glistening with each goosebump on his skin being accentuated. It was mesmerizing. Youko laid hot kisses along the human's sweaty face, grasping his chin in his hand which caused his mouth to open slightly under his grip. Allowing the moans he had been holding back to release into the night, echoing off the trees. Messy red hair covered his skin, but that didn't stop the fox from continuing to kiss along his jaw, over to his ear, and then down his neck until he reached a shaking shoulder blade. Keeping his forceful grip on his bicep to keep him in place, the fox hesitated for a moment… mouth poised open just above the smooth skin.

That was until he heard the bestial moan from his partner, voice raspy and guttural calling to him.

“Claim me,” he commanded, tone deep with uncontained lust.

A surge of the demon's youki was an indicator that he had heard him. This energy even traveled through him like an electrical shock, and he cried out as the fox's name as his sharp teeth pierced his skin. He groaned into the trembling shoulder as he felt his lover quake underneath his virile frame at the way his enormous power claimed control over him. The human was hypnotized now, all inhibitions gone as he allowed his lover to take his body in whatever way he saw fit. The demon could sense that this had sent his companion over the edge with the way his body shook as it released his cum into the awaiting plant. The spirts collected into a makeshift cup from the plant’s green tissue. It drank the boy's fluids, as the fox had commanded it to, causing the flowers underneath them to bloom in rapid succession. Completely encasing the redhead in their soft, aromatic embrace. The leaves and stems twisted around the human's body; gardenias blossoming along his stomach, chest, legs, and neck. Framing his face in red petals. So much so, that he had to hold his head back against the fox's shoulder to keep from suffocating.

How utterly f*cking beautiful he was, the fox thought, being smothered by his own want for him.

It was gorgeously sad*stic, but the boy loved it. Telling the fox in all the ways in which he loved him, and it caused the demon to growl at him in pleasure. Lifting him up out of the flower bed with a firm hand on his chest and his teeth still latched into his shoulder, he brought his lover to sit on his lap as he thrusted into him deeper still. He kept his hand anchored to the bony bulge of his hip to keep him down as he drove into him while his other arm kept him up with a solid hand around his throat. He continued to feed his ki into the boy’s body, noticing the way his green eyes glazed over as if they were mesmerized. He suckled up the red liquid that poured from the puncture wounds, drinking up his paramour’s sweet nectar.

Shuichi kept his eyes on the moon as it shown down on them in all of its breathtaking glory, allowing his soulmate to feed into him. He could feel the spirit thief’s essence overtake his very being, souls reaching out to one another in rekindling ache. There was nothing so evermore complete than this. He was Youko's, and Youko was his. The moment the legendary bandit had entered into his body, there was nothing that could be done about it. That was that.

He could feel the breathe being pushed up and out of his throat with each brutal thrust of his lover’s co*ck into his body, and he never felt more cared for. The way his loved one's hands and body trembled for him was the sweetest testament of his devotion. He’d never come so undone before. He turned his head and lazily smiled over the youko who f*cked him with complete abandon.

“Do you care for me?” he sweetly crooned into a pointed ear. Lovingly stroking the hand that clenched around his throat.

The fox growled as he constricted his grip around his already bruised body.

“Yes,” he ground out through gritted teeth as he released his bite to press his forehead against the redhead's back. This caused his gaze to soften even more in adoration.

“Are you devoted to me?” he quarried again, calming his love with soothing touches along his flexed arms.

“Yes,” he bit out, voice cracking under the pressure of his heightened emotions. Even though the human knew this was causing him a great deal of emotional stress, he continued anyway; loving the way the fox's stony exterior splintered under the weight of his passion for him.

He whispered, ever so softly, into his ear, “Do you love me, Youko?”

“Yes,” was his anguished reply, grip so strong the human could feel his bones bending.

His breath was heated as it snaked into his ear, ensuring he could hear nothing else but him. He pressed himself down until his tailbone could be felt pushing into the youko's pelvis, letting his heavy co*ck sit in him while it pulsed sporadically.

“Then never f*cking leave me,” the human hissed, voice commanding, “Do you understand?”

This command caused him to thrust up in a vicious manner, ripping a scream from the human's chest as he could feel his inside almost tear. In a flash, the human was hiked off of his member and thrown onto his back among the flowerbed. There was naught but two seconds from when the human’s body hit the ground and when the youkai landed heavily over him, youki spiked as his hands landed with a resounding ‘boom’ on either side of his head. He waisted no time in hiking the boy's legs over his strong forearms and causing him to cry out as he was impaled again. He moved into him savagely, blinded by the pure need to expel his seed into this being he most cherished.

Shuichi could do nothing but laugh through the pain as he was pounded into the earth, a completely humored grin along his lips as the demon's youki continued to surge through him. He smiled up at the demon who was now nothing but a desperate, growling mess who f*cked him so sporadically his thrusts had no real aim as he sought for respite in the human's fragile anatomy. He hooked an arm around his neck to bring him down and petted his face lovingly.

“You are absolutely precious,” the human said, gazing at the youko fondly, “Look how beautifully you’ve come undone for me.”

This caused a strangled moan to escape the youko's parted lips as his hips twitched erratically. Shuichi nuzzled the side of his neck as he let the fox chase his need.

“Tell me you love me,” he said hotly, tongue running along the thick vein in his throat, “It's okay, sweetheart. Lay it on me. Let me take it for you. I am your refuge.”

These words of affirmation from his other half induced the fox's entire frame to shiver. He dragged his heavy arms along the flowers and leaves, causing them to scatter about, as he embraced him. Burying his hands into the human's crimson locks as he grasped the crown of his head, letting his wet lips glide along his fleshy cheek.

“So f*cking beautiful, you are,” Youko whispered thickly through heavy pants, “I love you more than the Sun and the Moon.”

“Tell me again,” Shuichi instructed, hearing the restraint in the fox's voice.

“I love you,” the fox said, “More than the air I breathe, more than the life you gave me.”

“Again,” he said, pulling at silver locks.

“I love you,” was the unsteady reply, “More than I've ever loved anything. I need you, Shuichi. Please… f*ck, I need you like this with me forever.”

He could feel his lover's hips slowing as he was overcome with sudden emotion. Shuichi gripped the fox's chin then, angling his face so his gold eyes looked into his. Not allowing him any freedom to give attention to anything else but him.

“I know,” he said softly, running a blunt nail along the youko's cheek, “I love you too… And never dare question it again.”

He laid claim to the kitsune's lip in a savage kiss, teeth and tongues all intermingled. Shuichi could feel the fox's sharp fang pierce the sensitive skin around his cupids bow, and he didn't care in the least. Choosing to, instead, lick the little bit of blood that fell and pushed it into the demon's mouth. It caused him to moan, the sound vibrating through Shuichi’s own throat as if he was the one who had expelled it, as his hips spurred back into action. His thrusts gained so much momentum that it caused the human’s body to jerk in protest with each bang of his pelvis against his perineum. His voice let out a pained mewl, but the grip in the kitsune's hair warned him to not even dare think about stopping.

He felt the fox's hand wrap around his already erect member, pumping him in fast, needy thrusts. He released their kiss to throw his head back, mouth opened in a silent groan. The swarming vines snaked their way through his hair and across his throat, keeping his head fixed to the ground.

He called to his lover again, “Tell me, Youko.”

The fox, eyes hooded with lust and breath labored with adoration, bent his head down so his mouth laid next to the human's ear as he f*cked him mercilessly.

“I love you,” he whispered.

“Again,” Shuichi commanded, scratching his nails along the youko's scalp.

A firm thrust.

“I love you.”

A hand yanking at his yukata.

“Yes, again,” he moaned, back arching.

The demon's chest shook as he barraged him with all the words of affirmation he could find in his lungs, body laying heavily over the other’s as their anatomies moved and melded together. Shuichi wrapped his legs around the fox's back to allow him in deeper.

“I love you,” he chanted, voice just a string of heavy pants, “I love you. I love you. I love you…”

Shuichi keened in approval as his athletic thighs squeezed along the youko's sides, foot massaging the base of his spine and hips lifting up in time to meet the fox's thrusts. He persuaded him on with a mouthful of expletives of how good he felt. He tore at the thin, white cotton that covered at the youkai's chest. His own robe was caught along the hundreds of writhing vines below them, restricting him even further as they pulled at the fabric to caress along their conjoined bodies. The sweet little plants sang to them. Their melody being fueled by the motherly moon and the rich supplement they received from the heavenly aura their combined energies caused. They moved along with them in their loving union, urging them on towards completion.

Youko lifted his face up to hover his mouth over Shuichi’s, stroking the bangs away from his face while whispering, “My darling, beautiful human being. Listen to how they sing for you, my angel. How utterly perfect you were designed for me.”

Shuichi’s eyes fluttered closed as he moaned into the youko's mouth when he kissed him. Youko bent his head down again, and the vines cleared from around a stretch of the human's skin for him. They even pulled his head to the side so his throat was exposed. Wasting no time, he latched on. Biting through as he surged his signature into the boy, branding him again.

A dedicated thrust of his hips had the human spilling over. co*ck twitching wildly as he ejacul*ted all over the fox's awaiting palm and onto his own stomach. He screamed out the demon's name, expelling his sacrilegious love for him as an echo into the night. He hoped the gods heard it. He hoped that Enma was absolutely retching in disgust as he watched the way he defiled him. Claiming his body. Claiming his soul. Taking what was rightfully his. Taking what the human so ardently gave to him to keep him on this earth with him.

f*ck you, Koenma, he mentally cursed as he ripped another scream from his lover with a second surge of his youki and a well aimed thrust, Tell your father to go to hell.

He released the boy's co*ck to smear his cum all along the animated lawn at their side. The foliage drank it up fervently, sprouting new blossoms that were so lush and illuminated with bright new life. The life that their love gave to them. His soul was contented as he grinned along the boy's neck, drinking in his essence.

Shuichi, body still spasming, clung to his lover for dear life as his arms wrapped around his shoulders as the torturous stimulation never stopped. Imploring for his release into him. He lifted up again to speak against lips that begged him so nicely, thumbs caressing along his temples.

“Yes, baby,” he moaned, muscles in his stomach knotting, “Tell me what you want. I want to give it to you.”

“Come for me,” Shuichi begged, tongue quivering in his mouth as he tried to catch his breath, “Come in me. Give me your love, darling. Let me feel it.”


“Yes! Yes. Come on, darling. Give me what you owe me. Release.

That last word was said with so much conviction that it left as an almost demonic snarl from the human's mouth. This plummeted him into the abyss as his face clenched and the tight coil in his abdomen was unbinded. With his forehead pressing against his lover's and his mouth opened as he screamed out the human's name, he came into Shuichi. His thick seed filling the human's canal.

His dick pulsed wildly as the redhead softly spoke against his quivering face while it ejacul*ted inside of him. Telling the fox how wonderful he was and praising him for the love that they had made. His eyes were clenched shut as his ragged breaths came out in grunts while he felt his balls constricting with each spirt. He continued like this for a few minutes as it felt like the human's body was completely draining him of any fluids.

Shuichi soaked it up willingly, cradling the fox's head in his hands. After the final twitch of his co*ck, he exhaled heavily; releasing all the tension in his muscles to lay heavily on top of him. Shuichi did nothing but let his head lay at his side while he laid chaste kisses along his sweaty face, petting his hair. When his flaccid member slipped from the human's passage, the vines that were surrounding it immediately dove in to drink up his cum. The human's head fell back as his muscles tensed, crying out with the spindly stems burrowing into his body. They reached all the way up, tickling leaves licking along his walls to soak up the kitsune's brood greedily as they started to message his prostate again.

“Youko!” he gasped, “Help!”

The fox’s bleary eyes blinked open and he gave a throaty laugh. Hiking himself up on his elbows, he looked down at the flushed and perturbed face of his human counterpart. He panted as the plants delved into him, claiming his body as they started to move in and out. He did nothing as he watched this for a few moments, letting the shrubs have their way with his tired and already used partner.

f*ck, Youko!”

“Let them have it,” he said soothingly, “It'll be over soon enough.”

The vines continued to move inside him as another leaf wrapped around his already spent co*ck. He held him steady to give the plants better access. He could see green eyes beginning to well with tears but he only kissed them away as the vines burrowed in deeper, reaching into the depths of his canal. He begged for the plant’s mercy but they were ruthless; f*cking him in long, slow strokes as the leaf around his co*ck pulled him back to hardness. The human could feel a tiny vine snake from that leaf and burrow like a catheter into his urethra. He screamed out in infuriation as he felt it tunnel within him, sucking at his insides and stimulating him in a place he'd never been stimulated before that had the lower half of his body shaking uncontrollably while it relinquished to the foliage’s demands on him. The vines continued to stroke his prostate until he came one, final time. They coaxed every last drop as they grasped around his sack, pressing up against his perineum, and strangled the base of his member as it pulsed, continuing to thrust. The vines soaking up whatever little cum was left like a straw through his erection as they drank from him.

He coughed as he begged, arms and legs writhing against the plants that constricted him so he couldn't escape as they took in his sweet, liquid essence.

He cursed out but the youko merely grinned down at his lover.

“You’re so good,” he soothed, “Look how happy you make them… let them have it, beautiful. Stay still now, they're almost done.”

His co*ck twitched as the vine inside it dug a little deeper, chasing after his remaining seed. Shuichi could feel it tickling inside, trying to clench his muscles tighter to force the rest of his ejacul*tion up from the depths of his body so it could finish. When it dug into a part of him that stabbed him with sudden pain as it suckled at his inner reproductive tract, a piercing cry was wrenched from his throat. He thrashed around as it continued, stem yanking at his dick to coax it further into him. It burrowed in deeper, whipping around inside his member wildly as it dug in so deep he could feel it titillating against his bladder. The top half of his body shot up off the ground, but he was forced back down by the vines around his shoulders as they continued thrusting into his ass in deep strokes. His neck arched as eyes squeezed shut while his body convulsed from the incessant harassment.

“Oh god, Youko! Youko, please! Take it out!” he sobbed.

Youko kissed him on the lips to quiet him. He ran a hand along the vines that burrowed into the boy’s body.

“Alright now, you've had your fun. Relinquish him,” he commanded.

The vines gave one final thrust into the human's canal and the vine inside his co*ck gave a long slurp as his shaft shook. Eventually, they withdrew. The vines inside his passage leaving his hole gaping and the one inside his co*ck slinking out, wet and dripping with his leftover sem*n as it worshipped the flushed head off his co*ck lovingly. The youko's own member twitched at the sight, ready to bury itself into the human's abused body again, but he had to keep a tight grip around his self-control in order to not injure the boy any further. Shuichi trembled like a leaf along the ground, completely and unabashedly spent. Each tickle of a petal or a leaf across his overly-sensitized skin caused him to twitch, groaning out through short pants while his chest quivered.

He looked breathtaking with his delicate hand ghosting across his crying face.

Youko bent down to suck along the purplish bruise on his neck, channeling a slight bit of his energy into his body. He reveled in the way he jolted against his own solid frame, bringing up his hands to press against his stomach.

“Youko,” he wheezed, voice hoarse from screaming for him, “Youko, let me rest. Please.”

The fox drew back up, saying nothing as he lightly pushed their mouths together to hush him again. He dispelled his worries with light touches along his sides. Signaling he was not going to put him through anymore. The human gave a blessed sigh of relief as he let his aching body relax into the fresh earth below him. The kitsune gave him a slow, languid kiss as they rested in the afterglow. Breathing out a soft, throaty chuckle when the redhead nibbled at his lower lip.

“You ask for my mercy but then do everything you can to make me want to take you again,” he mused, nipping the point of the human's nose, “Which is it? I'll gladly give you more, but I'm afraid your body cannot withstand it in its current state.”

“A moment,” he breathed out, still gasping for air, “Allow me a moment. We have all night.”

Youko barked with laughter as he petted his young mate’s scarlet face.

“Oh, my love,” he crooned adoringly, “You are insatiable, aren't you?”

The redhead gave him a tired smile, and it spurred the fox kiss him again. Wrapping his firm arms around his lover's shaking frame, he brought him up with him as he sat back on his heels. He put his semi-hard co*ck back into his pants as he situated himself on the ground. Bringing the redhead down onto his lap so he could sit with him with their bodies pressed together. He didn't bother with tying his lover's robe back up, enjoying the way it fell off of him languidly as his delicate form glowed in the moonlight. Looking thoroughly f*cked and vulnerable. He ran a hand along the human's underside as he observed him.

“Hmm,” he hummed, “I think you might need a bit longer than that. Allow yourself time to mend, love.”

Shuichi lightly snorted as he settled himself comfortably in the opening of the fox's crossed legs. He wrapped his thin thighs around the youkai's hips, pressing the palm of his feet into the cool, slick garden that blossomed around them. Tiny little tendrils wrapped around his toes, caressing his ankles with silk petals. He settled one hand along the fox's jutting collarbone and reached down tenderly to stroke at a silver flower that reached up towards him. He let it kneed against his palm as he fed it some of his still rekindling energy. It swayed happily.

Smiling softly he turned back around to the youko. His gold eyes were on him, in a state of amber as they looked at him with complete veneration. Drinking in the sight of his frail frame, flushed and exotic as it moved with such fluidity that it was as of he was heaven born sent to incarnate in the flesh. His smile turned feline as he looked upon him.

“Keep looking at me like that, and my head is sure to fill with hot air,” Shuichi jested.

Youko smiled, stroking the dips above his buttocks. “It should. You are absolutely divine. I'm merely only giving you due credit.”

Shuichi blinked as he released a small breath in amusem*nt and his smile widened. He brought his other hand to grip the back of his lover's neck as he brought their lips together. The kiss was chaste, but was abundantly sweet as it expressed a million thanks. Youko used the hands on his back to scoot him closer, chests pressing together. He ran his broad hands all along his bare form underneath the robe. Shuichi could feel the chilly air hitting his bottom as it was hiked up, leaving him exposed from the waist down. He pressed closer to the fox for warmth. The fox's calloused fingers traced the indentations of his bones, feeling up the vertebrae of his spine and along his thin ribs. He let his cheek settle on the side of his head as the soft touches soothed him. Allowing the fox to latch onto his neck again, eyes fluttering closed as he began to suckle the already tender area. This time when he funneled his energy into his body, it was comforting; lulling him into a sense of security as its magnetizing power relaxed his tired muscles and reached down into his very core. He became limp in the fox's grasp as he felt it take over him and coax him to sleep. He was nearly off to slumber when he felt the fox pull away.

He made a noise of protest but was hushed by the fox’s tongue delving into his mouth. It was gentle and slow, savoring him. Youko brought his head down onto his shoulder with a press of his palm against the back of his neck as he hugged him.

“You’re tired,” he noted, “And rightly so. Come with me to bed, love. It's time to rest.”

The redhead brought his arms up to lazily wrap around his shoulders as he felt himself being hiked up off the ground. His body laid heavily against the youko's. His legs were wrapped around his waist and his head continued to lay on his shoulder. The fox kept him up with two firm hands on the underside of rear, keeping him wrapped around himself like an ape carrying its young. He transported him back into the foyer, laying him over the futon.

The human grabbed onto the tie of his yukata when he tried to pull away. The fox chuckled, apparently having no say in the matter. He settled down next to him. Laying along the side of his body, he brought the human's head to his chest. He could feel his heartbeat thrumming happily and a sense of calm serenity in his aura. It made him relieved, knowing that his host found peace and safety in his presence. It reassured him that he was not the monster he used to be. So callous and cold. He’d found humanity in his life when they were one, and he’d hold on to it for the rest of his days. Never forgetting the man that'd humbled him.

He laid soft pecks over the human's face until he fell asleep. He staid awake for far too long just staring at him, drinking in the sight of his peaceful expression. It had been quite some time since they were able to spend a night together, and he wanted to take full advantage of it even though the circ*mstances in which the opportunity came about were not in the least ideal. He let his fingers toy with the loose strands of his hair that splayed across the white sheets. Every once in awhile leaning over to lay a kiss along his still lips so he could taste the air that was expelled from his lungs, ensuring him that he was indeed still alive. Eventually, the human's soft snoring had lulled him to slumber. Wrapping him up in his arms and letting his bare legs nestle in between his while he drifted off.

In the morning, when the human had accidentally pressed his round contour into him, they'd made love again. Shuichi had just barely blinked awake when he took him from behind. This time it was slow and sensual. Nothing like the animalistic and desperate sex they'd had the night before out of pure adrenaline. With the fox looming over him as the redhead laid on his side, leg bent up as he penetrated him with long, slow strokes. He'd kissed him over his shoulder, lazily swirling their tongues about. It didn't take him long to cum when the human began to chant his name. The syllables faint and melodic as they left the younger one’s mouth. He'd wrapped an arm around his thin waist, arching him backwards as he breathlessly groaned into the red mane that covered his neck. The human had kissed him so tenderly when he’d felt his sem*n enter his body, expressing his love for him in shuddering gasps that took his own breath away.

Yusuke had come looking for them, tentatively poking his head through the doorway to make sure they were decent. By that time, they'd already been sitting and talking for some time. When Yusuke had mentioned that he'd reached out to his mother to let her know he'd stayed with him for the night, it spurred the redhead into action. Realizing he hadn't been home since the previous morning.

“What did you tell her?” he queried worriedly.

“I just told her that we had went out to eat and you got food sickness or something. I’m keeping you at my place until you felt well enough to go home,” the other man supplied with a careless waive of his hand.

Shuichi relaxed some. The excuse was not exactly one he'd preferred, knowing that it would have the older woman harrying over him when he went back, but it was much better then telling her the truth. He expressed his deepest gratitude to the other male and hurriedly got up to take a shower. Youko began to follow, a quick and slyly salacious look flashed across his face aimed at the young redhead about all he ways he could help him ‘clean', but staid behind when Yusuke had mentioned they needed his help in repairing the damages to the building. Out of a sense of obligation, he followed the young detective out into the main hall; leaving his host for the time being.

He was padding his way across the wooden floor of the corridor when Hiei had cornered him. Appearing as a black mass in his peripheral vision until his form materialized directly in front of him. It had caught him off guard for a moment, frozen to the spot until he was able to comprehend what was happening. Hiei was looking him over, an odd expression on his face as his eyes peered at the large bruise on his neck. Once he’d realized who it was, Shuichi smiled down at the other man. Unable to hide his appreciation for the demon. He had expected him to say something sardonic, telling him how lucky or foolish he was, but they just stood in silence for a moment. After saying nothing for a few, the fire demon stepped up to him. His robe was partially open, exposing his front body in a ‘v' down until it had reached the indent of his stomach. Hiei lifted up his hand, hesitated for a moment as if the redhead might possibly bite him, and then placed his flat palm against his abdomen where a large hole had been not even a half a day ago. He felt the newly healed muscles flex under his grasp when Shuichi slightly gasped in surprise. He looked up at him then, red eyes serious as they regarded him through black bangs.

Never put me through that again,” he warned, deep voice grave.

Shuichi blinked for a moment, but quickly regained his composure when he felt the smaller youkai's fingertips lightly push into his skin. He bent down. Taking the chance to wrap his arms around the fire demon. His chin rested on his shoulder while he spoke to him, breath ghosting across his neck.

“Thank you, Hiei,” he said genuinely, soft tenor voice barely above a whisper, “I owe you my life. Words cannot express how grateful I am for you. Thank you… for always being there for me.”

The demon stiffened. He neither rejected or reciprocated the small show of affection. His eyes were widened as they stared directly in front of him. His arm flexed and the human thought he was going to push him away for a moment before he merely closed the robe around his bare chest. He peered down at him through the corner of his eye, face blank while he nodded once, but green eyes looked up at him warmly when the human slightly pulled away. In another moment, he was gone. He disappeared from the human's grasp before anything else could be said.

Shuichi stayed kneeled on the floor for a moment; face angled down as he shook his head, chuckling to himself.

“Just because you ran off, doesn’t mean it wasn't said!” he yelled at nothing.

The words echoed off the rails and only silence responded to him. He shrugged his shoulders as he lifted himself off the floor. His body ached where the fox had penetrated him, and he could feel his sticky fluids clinging to his body. Though the act in and of itself had been gratifying, he made his way briskly to the shower so he could wash off the resulting grime on his body. He’d stepped into the cold stone stall, turning on the tap and letting the cool water rain down on him. Washing away all the blood, dirt, and other oddities that flowed off his body as a stream down into the drain. The door opened a moment later, and he could see a blurred form on the other side of the plastic curtain. He called to it, poking his head around.

“Hey, Youko told to me bring you this,” Shizuru said; holding up a towel, some clothes, and toiletries.

She sat the objects down on a nearby stool. He thanked her as he turned back around to finish rinsing off his body. When he didn't hear her leave, he looked over to her again, clearing his throat. The brunette peered at him at first, eyebrow raised in a questioning manner while she grinned. He reminded her that he wasn't exactly decent, and she responded with a waive of her hand, walking towards the door. Mentioning something along the lines of having already seen it all before when she had saved him from a shard going through his heart. He felt a pang of guilt at that, but she merely winked at him as she left. Standing back under the heavy flow of water, he placed a hand over his heart; pondering how just hours ago his life had almost been eradicated. Flashes of the memories ran through his mind: the beast, the pain, the way he’d been sure when he closed his eyes it was for the last time. It brought him a sense of fear, reminding him of his mortality. He pressed his head up against the rocky wall, sinking down to the floor as a sob ripped from his throat. Letting the fear and agony he’d been harboring to release. It took him over for a moment, gasping for air as he cried on the stone floor. It was just another reminder of how utterly weak he had become.

What a joke.

After awhile of just shivering on the freezing ground, he lifted back up. His hand dripped on the floor as he reached for something to wash himself with. Using the bar of soap he'd been given, he ran the slippery bar along his skin. Letting the cool droplets of water splash his face and fall into his open mouth. His tongue reached out, allowing the natural spring water to run down his parched throat. He wrapped his arms around himself to wash his back, damp bangs falling into his eyes. Unintentionally, he’d imagined the youko pinning him against the stall. His strong grasp holding him from behind as his tongue ran down his spine. He shivered, thinking of the same tongue that could speak both the most loving words he'd ever heard and the cruelest remarks that had cut down hoards. He amused himself… He really was insatiable.

He reached out a call to the youkai, flashing out pictures of himself bare in the shower, but was met with an abrupt mental block. He couldn't help but laugh out loud. Thinking of the fox's immediate, exasperated expression as he was bombarded with the sudden mental images of him while in the middle of a conversation with, say, Yusuke… or even worse, Genkai or Hiei. He ran the soap along his neck as he distracted himself with these lighthearted thoughts.

It wasn't long until he finished, leaving the shower and running the towel along his damp skin. He readied himself and made his way out to the main entrance where he heard people gathering. Upon entering, he noted Youko's irritated side-eye at him as he walked up. He only grinned sheepishly, imploring for him to find the humor in his little show. The demon looked away, bringing his attention to the other occupants. They were all cleaning up as Genkai gave out orders. He made to help, but the old woman reminded him that he had a worried mother to go back home to and that he still needed more time to recover before putting himself through any laborious tasks. She motioned him off, telling him to come back at a later time to help repaint the walls and to work on his training. She didn't allow him to leave, though, before telling him (in her own subtle way) that she was glad he'd made it out alive and reprimanded him to be more careful the next time.

Knowing there would be, in fact, a next time.

This truth wasn't without conscious thought. The human understood that he'd need to gather his strength and promised the temple master he'd return to work with her. He took his leave after saying hurried, melancholic goodbyes to everyone. Youko followed him, reaching the edge of the forest before stopping. Knowing if he took another step further, he'd have the Spirit World hunting him down until he was forced back into the Makai.

He turned Shuichi around, holding him to his chest one final time before letting him go. He pulled back a bit to speak to him.

“Wait for my message,” he instructed, “It may be some time, but I need to handle some business before I can attempt to come back. Don't forget about me.”

The redhead nodded, but looked up at the youko with guarded eyes.

“Don't do anything rash, Youko,” he warned, a subtle worried intention to his tone.

The fox shook his head and grabbed his chin to kiss him on his forehead.

“No, love. I'll be conscious,” he promised.

Before his host could say anything else, he planted a kiss on his lips. He held him for a few minutes, savoring his presence as he breathed in his scent. He gently stroked the mark on his neck as he swiped his tongue inside the human's mouth. Shuichi made a noise of appreciation and stroked the youkai's jawline. He pulled away, nuzzling his nose along the human's cheek as he said his farewell. He instructed the redhead to stay along path and sent him on his way. He watched over his lover as he left, form fading behind the trees and even still until his signature was far enough away that it was just a dull sensation in his subconscious.

He made his way back to the temple, knowing it'd be weeks—possibly even a month or two— until they'd see each other again. His mind was resolute, though, as he looked along the gaping hole in the side of Genkai’s establishment. He was made up.

The noise in the mess hall of the castle was astounding. The gathering of demons there were numerous. They all shouted and taunted one another as they sat around in groups, dining in their makeshift meals. The atmosphere was oblivious, if not disorienting.

It made the sudden stillness even more alarming as they all turned to watch the demon who strolled through the towering open doors with weary caution.

“Well, well, well! If it isn't one of my finest! Welcome! Sit down for a meal, won't you?” a booming, but friendly, voice had called across the dining area.

The demon that had just entered looked anything but welcoming, though, as he glared across the expansive room at the tall figure who sat at the end.

He held the decapitated head of a dead beast in his hand. Holding it up by the hair as he presented it to the other groups of monsters that sat in the hall.

“Thanks, but I think my appetite is a bit for naught,” his raspy voice bit out sarcastically. He threw the severed skull across the room, and it landed with a thud as it skidded across grime covered floor with a sickly squelch. Gold eyes were severe as they regarded the person from across the room, “I believe this is yours.”

The other demons around the hall gawked as they looked on at their fellow soldier’s petrified face lying on the ground. His eyes were rolled to the back of his head, covered in a white film, as his green tongue fell out of his slackened mouth. His flesh was already starting to rot with decay, indicating he'd been expired for days. The stench that rolled off of it didn't seem to bother the youko who stood in a rigid fashion, face angled down in a scowl.

The tall demon that regarded him wasn’t at all unsettled by the fox's appearance or by the decapitated soldier that laid at his feet. He only looked up at the youko with a amiable smile on his face as he waived his hand callously.

“Come now, Youko. This is merely inconsequential. Nothing to get upset over. He was a minor subordinate, that's all,” the other male had said.

“He nearly killed him!” the fox demon countered, eyes narrowing dangerously as his mouth was contorted in a snarl.

The two guards that flanked the tall demon on either side moved forward as they felt the kitsune’s energy spike. The man in the middle simply waived his hand to motion them off as he regarded the upset youkai again.

“That was unintentional, I assure you. He was only meant to go and obtain him for me,” he said.

Youko tilted his chin down as he spoke through gritted teeth.

“This is the kind of thing I expected from Yomi, not from you.”

When his energy spiked up again, this finally garnered the attention of Enki. His tall form tensed a bit, just a bit, as he observed the way the youko looked on at him threateningly. He attempted to calm the demon down before he made a show of himself.

“Youko, I had no hand in the near death of your familiar. His orders were to apprehend him, that's all—”

“You knew what this beast was capable of. You knew that he wasn’t nearly bright enough to follow such simple directions. I should have your head for this,” the fox hissed.

This caused a sudden uproar in the room as the other demons that were gathered around screamed at the youko who’d just threatened their master. Enki attempted to quiet them down, not wanting to give the fox any more ammunition to cause an uprising. Once the excited atmosphere settled, he slumped back down in his chair, glaring at the youko in vexation.

“You have no reason to be this upset. Remember all the innocents you've murdered, Youko, and humble yourself. Your fortunate enough to be here right now. I've given you safe haven in my castle, be thankful,” the red male remarked, finger tapping on the arm of his throne.

Whatever the ruler had meant to invoke in the kitsune, it did the exact opposite. He was now snarling. Figure glowing in a blue light as he was provoked.

“You bastard,” he seethed, voice a demonic growl, “You sound just like him!”

That last syllable was a catalyst to his power. It surged up towards the ceiling, cracking the cement under its pressure. It caused the foundation to rumble as dust and debris fell from above. The hoards of monsters hanging around the hall were now beyond settling, shooting up as they began to descent on the lone figure in the middle of the room. They came at him, claws and weapons raised as they made to attack him.

He surged his power again and the floors broke apart as gigantic and monstrous vines busted up from the ground, slithering and hissing about the room. Before a single man accosted him, the vines attacked. Like a hail of fire and brimstones from the heavens, they rained down on the masses. Piercing, tearing, filching, and murdering everything that came in their path. In the tornadic chaos that was the blood curdling screams of the agonized, Youko's piercing cry of pure hatred was the eye. Letting the woes of the dead fly around him in a hellish symphony.

The masses of soldiers were the convicted…

And he was their executioner.

His face was nothing but a distorted vision of infernal enmity as his voice bellowed with a rancorous roar out into the room. He scoffed at the weakened voices that pleaded for his mercy as they were being impaled.

“You,” he spit out at the frozen demon lord in the forefront of the pandemonium, “have sentenced all of your most faithful subjects to their guillotine.”

His vibrating aura moved with him as he descended upon the struck demon. The horned male's face was twitching with disbelief as he watched an expansive roomful of squadrons were completely slaughtered right before his eyes. The little army that was left gathered in front of him. Creating a wall of bodyguards as the youko approached.

“Now, give me one good reason,” Youko continued, unfazed by the small militia, “why I shouldn't slice you where you stand.”

“YOUKO!” Enki hollered, “Stop this now! This is madness!”

“Your clock is ticking, master,” the fox sneered, motioning the gigantic plants in his direction.

“You would spiral the entire Demon World into anarchy! Is that what you want?!” the red demon entreated, voice betraying his distress.

“Wrong answer,” was Youko’s rebuttal, vines hissing to make a point, “I care not for the realm that forsake me. Try again.”

Enki swallowed thickly, watching helplessly while the fox encroached. Knowing their would be nothing that could stop him from assassinating his remaining men if he wanted to. Still, he was hesitant to take him head on. He wanted to spare the possible spur of a revolt. Understanding that a sudden upheaval of power would undermine all of the hardwork he'd put in to making the Makai a habitable place again. He growled a bit in agitation as he responded to the bloodthirsty demon.

“These orders came from above me,” he confessed calmly, posture now resolute, “I was not the one who put a hit out on the young boy. I was only the administrator. It was sent as a message, Youko. A warning to stay within your limits. It is not a message to be ignored.”

The fox's mouth was in a deep scowl again. He snarled at the lord spitefully, “Wrong again. Your first mistake was to listen to him. He cares not for your kind. He willfully sent you to your demise.”

“Youko, stop!” Enki shouted as the fox poised his malefic vines above his men, “They are not the object of your scorn! He'd promised us to ease up on the restrictions of the two worlds if I complied. I was only trying to do what was best for the kingdom. It's me that deserves your abhor! Not them!”

Youko's outstretched hand twitched, eyes aglow. Gold iris peering right into the demon lord's gaze that beseeched him.

“Kill them all.”

“NO!” Enki cried out.

In a sudden flash, the line of men were ripped apart. It was like a demoniacal countdown as, one by one, they were picked off and their bodies imploded with a vine that split them at their cores. Scattering flesh and guts all across the grounds.

“Don't stop. Kill every single last one.

The demons screamed as they tried to run away from the murderous plants. Eventually, they were caught, being whipped across the hall into the solid walls. Their bodies exploded on impact. The last one that was left fell at the youko's feet, crying out as a vine grabbed at his leg.

“Please!” he begged, eyes wet with fearful tears, “Please spare me! I have someone who needs me! I'll do anything you ask! You’re my master now!”

“Traitor!” one of the soldiers who were on either side of Enki cried out.

They made to point their weapons at the demon lying along the ground and the beast cowered into a ball, grasping at the fox's ankles. He continued to beg, imploring the youkai to find his mercy.

Youko raised an eyebrow, kicking at the demon lightly with a nudge of his foot. When the beast continued grab at his leg, he bent down. The demon made the mistake of thinking this was a forgiving gesture, thanking him in hundreds of words for his generosity. The wicked smirk that adorned the kitsune’s face was not one of clemency, though, as he grasped his brutish fingers around the beast's feeble neck and hoisted him up; letting him gasp and gargle for breath. He made dry choking sounds with his eyes bulging out of their sockets as the fox crushed down on his windpipe.

“An example,” the youko stated, smile on his face wrathful and sad*stic, “For all of you who question my potency.”

His hand flexed and the next moment the demon's head popped like a balloon, bursting his brains every which way.

Enki could do nothing but sit in incredulous astonishment. Youko, ruthlessly humored grin now completely gone, looked on at the red demon as gray matter dripped from his long silver hair. The beast's purple blood streamed down his clenched fist. He let the body hit the ground with a disgusting smack, carelessly stepping on it as he continued to make his way to the lord. The bones cracked and a splurge of innards popped from the opening in the demon's neck.

He stopped two feet away from the taller demon’s throne, white yukata smeared with the blood of the rowdy masses that once adjoined in this hall. Enki glared at him, face twitching with barely contained rage. The two flunkies that encircled him were foolish. Attempting to get between him and the legendary bandit, even still. Knowing better, he waived them back to his side as he regarded the kitsune.

“Killing me won't stop anything. You knew what you were getting into by chasing after that human. Your commitment to him will only continue to feed your lust for blood,” Enki reasoned, “If the orders don't come today, they will come again tomorrow. They'll keep coming no matter who takes this throne. I ask of you, Youko, to think about where your loyalties lie. To the boy that will eventually make you meet your end or to the one person who can put you into a position of power? You had ambitions before inhabiting that boy's body… We can help those dreams be realized. You need only give up these fatuous notions of fidelity to the young man. He will not rest until your dead and your soul condemned to eternal Hell. You are safe here… You’re delusional if you give up your chance of freedom.”

Youko said nothing for awhile as the two appraised one another. His chest heaved with the barely contained wrath that surged underneath his skin. Enki knew… He knew that this demon had the capability of taking the throne for himself, but yet he did not. It made him question his motives, coming here to the capital under the pretense that he'd be ‘training' in order to join his ranks. He’d let the demon lord think that he had accepted his invitation in good graces. Letting him think he had control over him and the situation.

But the only person who had control over the youko was himself.

And the boy in which he massacred for.

This room was now bloodied and in a state of macabre for his love.

Enki narrowed is eyes. That kind of love was dangerous.

“Leave him, Youko,” Enki urged again. He looked at him with genuine concern now, “He will be the death of you.”

The fox’s frame was still as he seemed to be unmoved by this show of magnanimity. He brought his head up, looking at the demon lord through half-lidded eyes, peering through snow-tipped lashes.

His angelic shell was a lie. A noxious beast covered in a pure white blanket.

Knowing that the fox was about to refuse him, Enki made to urge him again. But before he could, there was a sudden change about the atmosphere in the room. Two figures jumped from the beams in the ceiling. Landing wordlessly next to the youko. The fire demon known in the land as Hiei the Cursed Child and his once most trusted ally’s ancestral son, Yusuke. Enki watched as they stood up, both loured dangerously at him. He looked at the ebony haired man in particular, expression as if he'd just betrayed him.

“Hear me now,” Youko purred, arm outstretched as his long fingers splayed out. Controlling the vines that poised for their unhinged master, “If you ever touch him again, I will not stop into every single one of these strongholds fall. You were a coward not to come face me yourself. I will steal from you all of the things you hold precious to you if even a strand of hair on his head is defiled by one of your filthy mercenaries. I will tear the flesh from their bones and eat the innocence of their young and grow my seeds from their blood.”

He kept their eyes together as he titled his head slightly to the side. Fangs visible through the small uptick of the crazed smirk on his face.

“I will kill everyone,” he said softly, tongue flicking against porcelain fangs, almost sweetly if not for the absolute insanity in his gaze, “to keep him safe. Try me if your so bold… But this is your death wish.”

“We don't take too kindly to someone coming after one of our own,” Yusuke butted in, brown eyes steely as he spoke to the demon lord, “You didn't have to come for him. He was innocent.”

“Next time you decide to make a point,” Hiei spoke up, face angled away in disgust as he held a hand over his katana, “Leave him out of it. We’ll slice through every last one of your armies if you don't take the hint.”

Enki choked, speechless as three of the strongest he’s ever seen threatened an upheaval of an entire world. All over a boy. A mere human boy.

“This…” he stuttered, “This is absolute insanity… You'd destroy an entire nation over something so trivial!”

He is not trivial,” Yusuke barked back, “He was our comrade! He's our friend! He's saved this world more times than your simple brain can count, and he's already been through enough without your cronies coming to f*ck up his life!”

“He's one human!” Enki cried back.

“He’s our human,” Hiei countered, “And we’ll go through incredible lengths to keep him from harm. Don't test us.”

The three potential usurpers stood before him, unmoving. His fists now clenched around the armrests of his chair with his own youki surging in a hellish red. Looking like the literal Devil of biblical depictions. His anger was directed at the infamous, resurrected thief who brought this misery to his doorstep. He stepped up to him, the two now face to face even though he towered over him by a good foot or two. No matter that this would have been enough to intimidate most, Youko's expression was all smirks. Eyes leering with a co*ckiness that only the truly powerful possessed. And in that moment, this look did exactly what is was intended to do… It had Enki questioning whether or not he really did want to challenge him. Not out of fear, but of just pure rationality.

Because he knew that the youko was without it.

This small hesitation was enough for the fox demon. He crossed an arm over his chest as a nail scratched the underside of his chin.

“This is your final warning, my lord…”

A thick, malformed vine hugged the side of his thigh while another sleeked over his broad shoulder. Hissing at him through dagger-like teeth.

“… Shuichi is none of your concern. You will never send your men after him again. Is that clear?”

Enki's face twitched in a sneer, but nodded his head once in acceptance. The two soldiers at his side peered at him with underhanded, disgusted incredulousness. Not able to accept that their master bowed so easily under such a bold threat from a possible tyrant.

Youko chuckled at the way his eyes glinted with furious hatred for him. Reaching up a clawed finger to graze along his thin, white tank.

“Good, or next time I won't be so clean.”

Yusuke and Hiei at his side let their eyes settle on the two guards that were beginning to encroach again. They positioned themselves in an offensive stance.

“Oh, and next time he says he would like to have a word with me—” Youko continued, ripping a piece of the cloth away. He brought his eyes back up to the demon lord, fangs glinting in the light as he growled.

The tension in the air suddenly shattered as the two guards moved to attack the fox, but were immediately cut down by the former spirit detective and Jaganshi. His vines zeroed in on the corpses, ripping at them as they began to audibly crunch down on bones and flesh. The soldiers let out the last of their breaths in shattered screams.

“—You bring Enma to me.”


As much as I love writing emotionally vulnerable Youko: I love -- LOVE writing homicidally vindictive Youko. His characterization makes it just so damn satisfying, and I have an affinity for the macabre. I'll have to write more of it in the future.

This installation has made me question some things... Like, can Hiei actually create a dragon and ride it like this is Never Ending Story up in this b****? No idea, but it was fun to write. Does Genkai have the ability to read minds as she's seemingly able to barge into the room at the most opportune times? Also no idea, but hey... probably not. Could Hiei and Shizuru ever actually be friends? Hell yeah, in my headcannon at least. They're like the prefect pair to sarcastically bicker back and forth with the best timed, underhanded quips.

Also, does this pairing give me the prefect opportunity to imagine all the kinky ways in which Youko could use plants? Also yes, and I'm thoroughly satisfied.

Anyway, I have three other installations I'm writing right now and as well as a possible story arc, also Youko/Shuichi centric. With that being said, at some point I would like to revise the first two chapters at some point. I had posted them in a hurry and it's obvious I didn't really take the time to proofread them well. Which leads me to my next point: If anyone is interested in being a beta let me know! I'd love to have one.

You guys, this pairing needs some love! The content is sparse, and what is available tends to leave much to be desired. Nevertheless, I'm happy to see any additions whenever I can. So spead the word! I'd love to see more from you guys who also share an interest in them. Until then, please feel free to leave your feedback!

Chapter 4: The Chaos of Au Revoir: Part 1


There's a certain sense of melancholy that comes with long goodbyes. In Shuichi’s case—it might just be nihilistic fury.

Youko should've known better.

(Part 1 of 3)


Please read the content warnings for this chapter! This is not a sweet and clement fic and will deal with highly sensitive issues.

CW's: Graphic domestic violence, non-consensual sex, non-consensual voyeurism, anal tearing, graphic vomiting, mentions of suicide, mentions of main character death, highly angst-ridden and without the comfort. Characters are slightly OOC due to the highly emotional nature of the chapter. Read at your own risk.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The sound of glass shattering pierced through an expansive room.

“That's not true!”

A clenched fist laid on top of a beige cloth cover as its owner said these words with conviction. His emerald eyes glittered with anger.

“It is.”

The other man sitting across the table coolly rebutted. His face didn't seem bothered by the outburst. In fact, he looked rather sullen…

…and this seemed to only infuriate the other person more.

“Stop it! Stop patronizing me!”

A placid, tenor voice rose with each syllable as it spoke its vexation. Red hair whipped over a slim shoulder as he snapped his head away in denial. Strands of which stuck to a dampened cheek.

“That's not my intention.”

A hand reached over the table to console the enraged male, but it was audibly smacked away as it touched him.

By now, people were staring. Eyes wide with intrigue at the ensuing spectacle. There were a few hushed whispers as the male with crimson-colored hair audibly sobbed.


His lithe body trembled as he banged the table again, utensils clattering against a pristine white plate. The wine in their glasses rippled at the impact. He swatted away another attempt at comfort and loudly pushed his chair back so the other man couldn't try to touch him again.

The legs screeched against the wooden floor, leaving visible scratches.

“Shuichi… please.”

The calmer of the two quietly implored for their upset partner to remember their surroundings, but the pleading eyes were lost on him. He brought his hands up to curl around his face as he tried to hide his visual grief. It was too late, though; as others had already began to steal worrying glances at him. Looking back at the other man with slight disgust.

The steady hum of the restaurant had hushed at the sudden outburst. Patrons putting down their knives and forks, slowly chewing their food as they leered at them. It made the sobbing even more unbearable to listen to. Such raw emotion laid bare for all to see and judge.

Amber eyes could only look on hopelessly as the human's frailer body doubled over in distraught.

“You’re cruel,” he said coldly into his hands, “You're a damn bastard! How could you tell me such a thing?!”

The redhead's words were biting as they carried across the open dining room. The other male said nothing as he was berated. This proved to further antagonize the young man, slapping his open palm against the table at the other's silence as the wood creaked in protest.

“Answer me, Youko!”

The disguised demon only continued to look at him forlornly, head shaking slowly as his shoulders slightly raised in a weary shrug. He couldn't find the words to explain himself to his crying partner. Nothing would sound right anyway.

This wasn’t the response the redhead was looking for, and he made that known through the obvious glare he levied on him; candlelight casting shadows on his raw face as it accentuated his sheer anger even more. The kitsune momentarily lowered his eyes as he rested his arm against the table, mindlessly playing with a toothpick. When he brought them back up, the human was furiously wiping the tears away from his face with a cloth napkin.

He must've noticed the scene he was causing, because he cleared his throat and straightened himself up in his seat. He pushed his chair back in as he laid the napkin back across his lap as if nothing had transpired. This was enough for most of the spectators to turn back around and mind their own business, but there was still a few whose attention nosily lingered on them. Mainly the waitstaff, who were looking on at them as they whispered to a man in a black suit near the front entrance. Youko sucked on his inner lip as he stared at them, implicitly daring them to say anything.

The rattling of a bottle brought his attention back to his companion. The human was generously helping himself to another glass of wine. He filled his cup two-thirds of the way up before he stopped—much more than what was socially deemed acceptable, but he didn't seem to care. He avoided the pointed stare from his demon counterpart as he took a heavy sip of the dark liquid before placing it back down. He continued to make himself seem busy by settling his forearms on the table to look over their forgotten meal. He picked his own silverware back up, hovering it over his food, before hesitating. He then placed them back down as he sat back in his chair, contemplating.

He would continue this routine a few more times as he seemed to be at a rare loss of what to do with himself. Taking a sip from his drink, picking at his food, and then sitting back just to lean back forward again with a sigh as he started this process all over. The fox could only watch on at him silently as he did this, knowing that speaking to him would only cause another outburst. After the third repetition, he finally settled on declining to finish his meal as he pushed the dish away. Instead, he steadily met Youko's gaze as he grabbed his glass gracefully by the stem and brought it up to his lips.

This time, he didn't stop with one sip.

This time, he tilted his head back as he downed the entire glass in long, deep gulps; not even stopping for air as he did so.

He clunked the glass back down noisily once he finished and met Youko’s eyes again. Neither said anything as the redhead held the steely contact for a time. When nothing else was done, he poured another serving, emptying the entire contents of the bottle. He practically threw the bottle back into the ice bucket before lifting the glass back up and taking long, drawn-out sips. The deep red liquor quivered up against the domed sides as it steadily disappeared; the human's Adam’s apple bobbing with each heavy swallow as his green eyes peered over the sides at him.

Once he finished, he clinked the glass back on the table and just waited. A few seconds went by, and there was still no response from the youkai, physical or vocal. The redhead only snorted disdainfully and motioned his hand up in the air.

“Waiter!” he called.

A man nearby anxiously glanced in their direction as he realized the young patron was talking to him. He seemed hesitant to step over in their direction.

“Yes, sir?” the youthful steward answered nervously as he approached the table, “How can I help you?”

“I would like another glass, please,” Shuichi said, eyes never leaving Youko's.

“Oh—well, um,” the waiter stammered as the man in the front looked at them, “I—I'm not sure if…”

“Please,” the human persisted, holding up his cup.

The waiter gulped and looked towards the front of the restaurant again.

Youko let his ankle settle on his knee as he sat back in his chair. He put the toothpick between his teeth and folded his hands in his lap as he affixed his eyes on the human; his foot shaking lightly while they held a silent standoff.

“Oh, um,” the waiter gulped as the other waitstaff just shrugged their shoulders at him. He nervously continued, “I—I don't think I…”

He looked to Youko for some assistance as he rung a towel in his hand, “Sir, would you mind—?”

“No,” Youko interrupted, “get him what he wants.”

The waiter blanched as he heard this, but quickly regained his professional composure as he motioned for the wine cart. Shuichi’s green eyes glimmered with perversity as it pulled up. A stout older man with a white towel over his arm made a show of uncorking the bottle as he glanced sideways at the tall, silent don. The redhead kept his glass held aptly in the air as another serving was poured for him, this time with much more moderation.

The wine-steward peered at the younger male as he downed his drink with two gulps. He raised his glass again, cheeks compressed in mid-swallow—still maintaining eye contact with his consort across the table from him; the one who was staring back at him with a cool censure to his tone.

The steward looked at Youko then, and when he didn't respond or raise his eyes to regard him, he poured another serving with a quiet sigh. The human repeated the scene: having his drink poured, gulping it back, and then raising his hand for more. Each time the old steward would look at Youko, and each time the taller male didn't avert his eyes from his host to rebuke his behavior.

A smirk formed on the redhead's lips as his fifth serving was poured, his gaze starting to become clouded. After that, the older gentleman theatrically tipped the wine bottle upside down to show that there was nothing left. The poised patron still didn't utter a word as he kept his unwavering gaze leveled on the younger one in front of him, twirling the toothpick in between his teeth with his fingers as his other hand laid across his knee. His golden eyes were dampened with grief as he watched his companion drown himself in another glass.

Shuichi sat down the crystal base clumsily on the table; his smirk widening into a humorous grin as he saw the stoic fox's slight frown. Insobriety caused a breathy laugh to bubble up in his throat. When the waiter looked at him, he couldn't help but break his eye contact with the incognito youko as his attention turned focus. He brought a hand up to his mouth as he started to giggle; head tilted downwards while his shoulders shook. His red hair hung in his face as he tried to contain himself from snickering out loud. When he couldn't, he brought another hand up carelessly as he bent forward on the table, stifling his laughter like a silly child.

For just a moment, forgetting where he was and why he was piss drunk in the first place, he looked up at his spiritual double with mirthful eyes. The former fox bandit did not return his humor. He continued to stare at the human with unwavering despondency as he watched the redhead clumsily lose his inhibition. Noticing the somberness in the atmosphere, he quickly sobered up; shoulders shaking one last time as he struggled against the drunken giddiness.

After a moment, he laid his forehead against his clasped hands as he held back a sob.

Shuichi took in a deep breath to help control his emotions as he slowly lifted back up, eyes affixed on the kitsune. He languidly sat back in his chair; long legs crossed and arms resting halfway off the armrests. Taunting him.

The demon motioned his eyes toward the empty glass. He raised his eyebrows as his hands slightly lifted up towards the table.

“Finished?” he said satirically.

Shuichi wasn’t fazed, smiling again as his shoulders shook with blunt laughter. A pink tongue licked along his pearly teeth as he regarded him humorously.

“Anything you want,” he mocked.

Youko’s serious face didn't waiver; so, the redhead took the liberty of leaning on his arms over the tableside again, back arched slightly, while his thick hair hung seductively over his face.

He practically whispered hotly over the table, wet lips accentuating every word, “Whatever the ‘great’ Youko Kurama asks of me. I'm your petit amant, remember?”

Youko's middle finger ran over his mouth as he sighed deeply, eyes closing in fatigue.

“I meant what I said,” he said lowly, rubbing his head with one hand as if he had a migraine; voice tired, “I’m in—”

“Don't say that!” Shuichi screamed, banging the table with both of his hands now. The two stewards jumped back as tableware clattered to the floor.

Shuichi’s face contorted in anger as his raw voice seethed at the youkai, “You don't have the right to do that to me.”

The demon thief was unruffled by the second outburst. His eyes were still steadily trained on his host as the human stood up and leaned over the table. He didn't give the time of day to the waitstaff that scurried away as he watched his companion put his anger on display for another time.

“You think you can come here and mock me that way?! I don't give a f*ck who everyone thinks you are! I know you. And I've already given too much of myself for you!” Shuichi continued harshly, voice bellowing through the now silent hall, “Don't ever cross me like that again!”

Youko sat up now, voice firm while he regarded the young male, “I'm not mocking you.”

“You mock my misery!” Shuichi cried out with his cheeks now reddened and tear-streaked.

“I’m not taking it back,” the fox retorted evenly, “I lo—”

“Stop lying!” Shuichi screamed, throwing himself into the chair hunched over as he covered his ears with his hands so he couldn't hear anything else the youko said.

The man in the dark suit came bounding up to the table then, face red as sin, as he started to reproach its two occupants in obvious irritation.

“Enough!” he screamed in his thick accent, waving his hands about frivolously, “You two have made too much of a mess! You need to leave!”

The suited man kicked at the broken plate on the floor as he screamed at one of his staff to get a mop.

The fox surrendered his hands up in the air as the two guards stepped towards him. He was not the least bit threatened, and he made this known as he placed his hands in his pant pockets and maintained eye contact with them while he got up from his chair. The two men nearly cowered away as the taller male loomed over them when he stood. He gestured to his clearly sobbing partner, and they nervously nodded while the other man (obviously their manager) growled in anger. Youko made a silent gesture for patience in plain annoyance as he stepped over to the other side of the table. He placed a gentle hand on a shaking shoulder.

“Get off me!” Shuichi bit back as he shot off his seat and violently pushed the entire arm away from him.

This didn't deter Youko as he firmly grasped onto both of the restless male's upper arms and made light hushing noises to calm him down. Shuichi fought back violently, twisting away and lifting his elbows up to knock off his hands. The fox was much stronger though, and he held onto him securely, feet dragging across the floor as he brought the struggling male to his broader body. He wrapped his arms around the much smaller frame which caused the redhead to pound at his chest with his fist; his punches making audible impacts that thumped through the hall. He didn't flinch nor shout in anger at the assault, but merely hugged the younger male tightly to him as he brought his head to rest on his breast. Shuichi released a strangled cry into his partner's bicep as he was trapped in the fox's embrace.

Youko just petted his hair as he quietly spoke into his ear, “Hush… We need to leave. Quiet, love.”

He rocked their bodies as the human wailed into the smooth material of his shirt, still trying to push away from him. He was vainly demanding for the fox to let him go, shaking voice a quiet moan, but Youko only held onto him tighter; soothingly whispering against ruffled tresses.

As the human finally started to settle, the fox tried to coax him towards the door. He could already see the short man blabbering towards his staff to call the cops in order to remove them from the property, and they really didn't need that type of attention. He gave a warning glance to the two security guards as they stepped in their direction again.

“Shhh,” he whispered, “Shuichi we need to go. Now. They're kicking us out. Go grab your coat, and don't let them take your ID.”

Shuichi quieted to the point where he was able to comprehend what the fox was telling him. Youko took advantage of the short moment of sobriety to quickly make their leave before any authorities showed up. He grabbed their coats from the stewards, and put Shuichi’s around his shoulders. He grabbed his wallet and motioned a credit card towards the manager.

“I don't want your money!” he haughtily scoffed, swiping it away, “Just get the hell out of here! You’re never allowed back at this establishment again! Ever!

Youko sneered at the stout male who only recoiled slightly, “Don't worry, your food is subpar. Next time, make sure the steak isn't still mooing on the plate when you serve it, enculé.”

He threw a few large bills at the staff as he bowed his head, “For your troubles.”

The manager jeered at him as he passed, “I'm not the one to call an enculé, Monsieur.”

Youko shot a chilling glance over his shoulder with teeth slightly bared… And in that instant, he saw the fear of death in the man's eyes.

He smirked, quite satisfied, and turned back around to quietly make their leave. Shuichi was fumbling through his phone with the other hand limply keeping his coat on his shoulders. He put a hand on his upper back and guided him, very swiftly, to the door. The redhead, once he realized the object of his abhor was touching him again, shoved his hand off but nearly lost his balance as he did so. Youko growled in exasperation, quickly losing his patience with the drunken male, and grabbed him sternly by the arm as he practically dragged him to the exit. Shuichi stubbornly bit back a cry of pain as the strong grip was no doubt leaving bruising welts on his skin. He let the youkai walk him through the swinging, glass entrance before yanking his arm back, claws slightly tearing at his sheer clothing.

The fox didn't argue with him as he motioned for the valet. A man in a white button-up and a black waistcoat walked up to them, and Youko threw him a tag.

“Get us a chauffeur,” he said as he took something from his breast pocket.

The other man quickly nodded and headed off towards another part of the building, leaving them alone. They stood there in silence, simmering in the freezing cold, while they waited.

Youko didn't spare a glance at his human counterpart as he took a cigarette from the box he'd grabbed and put it to his lips. He raised up a steel lighter and placed the other hand over the open flame. Tilting his head slightly to the side, silver hair cascading over his broad shoulder, he puffed a few times as he lit the open end of it. Once the crackle of burning tobacco met his ears and a bright red burn alit his face—he straightened his head back up, stuffed the lighter back in his pants, and held the cigarette between his fingers as his cheeks hollowed out; taking a long, drawn-out drag. He deeply inhaled then held it for a moment, nicotine quickly relaxing his nerves, before slowly exhaling it back out. A long, white funnel of smoke snaked from his partly open mouth and out into the cold winter night.

He took another drag as Shuichi wrinkled his nose at him.

“That stinks,” he snapped as he glared at the offending stick of tobacco.

“Then move,” Youko said flatly, releasing another puff of smoke into the air.

The redhead exaggeratedly rolled his eyes as he briskly walked off towards their left. The fox didn't let him out of his sight as he watched the human sit down heavily on a bench. His green eyes glared off into the distance, pointedly ignoring the tall male, as he wrapped his coat tightly around himself. The aggravation from his little performance inside made the demon not want to admit that his lips looked rather satisfying in a pout like that…

In fact, if anyone would have told the legendary fox bandit a little over two decades ago that he would be standing here in this frigid, foreign Ningenkai city— babysitting a young, drunken human boy who had just very loudly (and very unabashedly) humiliated and berated him in front of an entire pompous crowd, while still somehow making it to where he wanted to kiss the living daylights out of his pertinacious little mouth—

…he would've torn out their damn voice box.

Color him f*cking surprised. Fate had a twisted way of playing the joke back on him, the f*cking bastard.

He turned away towards the street so he could cool his head for the moment. He flicked his cigarette as he watched the passing of headlights, pondering how he'd gotten himself to this point. He stole a glance back at his host as he heard a very faint, but very distinct, sniffle. Shuichi was hunched over, face buried in his hands, as he silently cried. As Youko took another deep drag, he could hear the absolute despair in the way his quiet sobs pulled the air from his chest. His focus turned away to give the boy some peace.

He hadn't wanted the night to end up like this. The human hated him, and he hated himself more for it. He should've just shut the hell up. Why didn’t he? That wasn't his plan— to tell him what he had. And he didn't understand how he allowed the human to unravel him so much that he lost all sense of tact.

But for once in his long, long lifespan, he just couldn't keep ahold of his rigid self-control…

There… under the dim light, red hair framing his intricate face, his chin in the palm of his hand, and a playful smile on his pursed lips while his clever eyes looked at him through dusky lashes with such a charming fondness for him…

He'd found the guilt in him slip him up.

He deserved to know. No matter how much the human loathed him for it or how much it made the fox sick to his stomach. He owed him that much.

As he took another drag from his cigarette, he heard the distinguished sound of a whistle off to his right. He noticed a woman standing beneath the awning of a doorway, looking rather lasciviously at him. Her eyes were lustful as she licked along her plump lips, teasing down the already deep plunge of her shirt with her long nails as she discreetly exposed more of her breasts. Her back slightly arched off the wall as she raked her eyes along his tall, muscular frame nicely clad in a dark, fitted suit while he languidly stood wrapping his thin lips around his vice. If this was another time, and he was still another person, he would've taken her up on her offer. Showing her the exact reason why you don't hook up with random and strange men on the dark nights of a city street.

But he wasn't, so he just coolly looked away as he settled his attention back on Shuichi.

He noticed the redhead was no longer alone. A tiny, older woman was now at his side on the bench with a tissue in her hand.

“Are you alright dear?” she said in her kindly, frail voice.

She held a hand on his shoulder as she comforted him. He gratefully took the tissue as he tried to not let his voice waver, “Yes, thank you… It's much appreciated.”

She smiled warmly as she patted his back, “There, there. It's quite alright. Everyone needs a little kindness sometimes.”

Shuichi quietly rubbed the tears away from his face as he tried to regain his composure for the second time that night. Youko noticed a black car pulling up the street and flicked his cigarette at the curb while he walked over to collect him. The kindly woman smiled at him as he approached.

“Well now, this must be the reason for all these tears,” she said, “I can see why. He is devilishly handsome, isn't he?”

Shuichi snorted as he wiped the corner of his eye with the tissue, “Well, he is certainly a devil.”

Youko frowned at the clever slight, but said nothing as he offered the human his hand to aid him up. The redhead glanced at it for just a moment, and then promptly turned his nose away to make a point of ignoring the helping gesture. He crossed his arms as he sat back with a huff.

“Shuichi,” he said in a warning, “We don't have time for this. Don't make me have to carry you.”

That garnered a glower from the young man as he bit back, “I'm not going anywhere with you.”

“What?” the taller male queried, voice tight as his eyes narrowed with plain vexation.

“Go by yourself. There’s no way I'm going to share a car with you. I'll make it back somehow,” the redhead retorted, taking out his phone to make a point.

“That's ridiculous,” the fox replied, “You don't know anyone in this city, and you have no idea where you are or how to get around. You have no cash on hand. Not to mention, you’re completely hammered and upset. You’re vulnerable, Shuichi. There's not a chance in Hell that I'm leaving you out here alone.”

Shuichi continued to look at his phone as he rebuffed his attempts at reason, “You of all people know that I'm not vulnerable. And besides…”

He turned his attention back to the woman on his right, taking her hand into his and then hooking it around his arm. He patted it as he handsomely smiled at her, “I'm not alone; I'm in good company!”

The older madam softly chuckled at his cheeky behavior.

Youko wanted to remind him that they didn't know this woman, and just because he was more than capable of holding his own when sober, didn't mean he was impervious while drunk. It turned out he didn't have to, though, as the woman squeezed his hand and urged him on.

“You should really go with him, hun,” she said, smiling at him, “These parts are quite dangerous by yourself at night, and I'm afraid this old spinster won't be of much help against a band of crooks. I'll be catching my own ride home soon.”

Shuichi’s playfulness died down, but that didn’t stop him from still amiably smiling at her, “Thank you, but I’d still prefer not to go with him. I guess I'll just have to find another way.”

Youko let out an aggrieved sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose. He could hear the car pulling up to the curb, and he knew it wouldn't be much longer before someone called the authorities on them if they were still standing out in front of this place. If they were caught, there would be a grievous penalty. Shuichi might be able to walk away with a slap on the wrist, but they wouldn't be so lenient with Youko. The nobility of the Reikai had been itching to lock him up for centuries, and this (though however insignificant) would give them enough reason.

“Oh, dear…” the woman softly chided at the young man as she continued to stroke his hand, “Don't be that way. I know you don't know me very well, but I can tell a man in love when I see one. He's only concerned for your safety.”

Shuichi stiffened when he heard that, face thoroughly shocked. Youko’s gold eyes settled over to the woman, remaining silent.

“…Sorry?” Shuichi asked.

She didn't seem to notice their reaction as her smile widened, looking up at the tall man standing in front of her. The youkai could see the age in her face as she regarded him with warm consideration.

“Love,” she repeated, nodding her head one time in affirmation, “Yes, these old eyes might be tired and weak, but even they can see it. It's the way he looks at you, dear. They warm up like sweet honey, soft and fluid. One only looks that way when they're seeing something they truly adore. I bet you're all he sees when you're in a crowded room, hm? Hopelessly smitten, why isn't that cute?”

She said the last sentence faintly and as if she was tickled by the thought. Youko wanted to recoil back as if he’d just been struck with such harmless words. His fist clenched in his pocket, but his face wasn't angered…

He was dismayed. Masterfully hiding the stabbing pain in his chest behind a calm façade.

Shuichi pulled away from the older woman as he stared down at the ground, avoiding having to look at both the kitsune and the way she urged his own consideration towards him. Youko could hear the sound of faint sirens in the background, but didn't bother to lift his head to check.

The valet called from behind them, “Sir? Your ride is here.”

The fox didn't regard him as he held up a plastic, matte black card in front of his companion. Shuichi looked on at it, confused.

“Here,” he said, body slightly shifted away, “Take this and go back to the hotel. Take the car. I'll figure it out from here.”

There was a thick silence as the redhead just stared at the key and then looked over at the vehicle with a door held open— waiting for them to enter. He seemed to be considering his options. Weighing something that sat heavily on his mind…

“I'm sure whatever he did is worth your scorn,” the kindly woman spoke up again, nodding towards Youko, “But please be lenient, dear. We tend to do awfully mindless things when we're overcome with such intense emotions. Makes our heads go all fuzzy. He cares for you deeply, hun. Anyone just passing by can tell... I could.”

“And besides,” she continued, looking up at the tall, stoic figure again, winking mischievously, “he’s got a good soul. I can see it in his eyes.”

The elderly woman gazed up at him with a motherly expression. He gauged her carefully, a bit amused by her deduction, but said nothing to retort. He looked back over at his partner who was staring at him with stony emerald eyes, wet from unshed and furious tears. Youko continued to hold the room key in front of him, offering him an escape. His expression was both passive and yet minutely resolute as he held their eye contact.

After a few beats, Shuichi stood up (surprisingly well for his state) and pushed the room key away as he brushed past him. Youko was getting ready to call after him again in utter exasperation until he realized he was heading towards the cab. The redhead slipped into the vehicle; allowing for the door to remain open. A compromise.

The ancient fox turned around as he gave a rare, genuine smile to the old woman. He slightly bowed as he thanked her, “Merci beaucoup.”

“Don't mention it,” she said graciously, “Please be mindful with him, dear. He's hurting.”

The demon nodded when he stepped away. As he approached the car, he could hear the sirens becoming louder now as they were just emerging from around the corner. He handed a bill to the valet who held the door open for him while he got in. The man thanked him and shut the door as he settled into his seat. He gave the driver directions and pressed the need to leave quickly. Red, white, and blue lights started to pull up behind them on the street as they left, but they were safely hidden behind darkened windows; driving off down the lamp-lit avenue.

Youko pulled another toothpick from his pocket as he let himself relax into the leather upholstery; noticing that Shuichi had scooted all the way to the other side of the seat and had his head turned away as he looked out the window. He sighed, knowing that getting the human to leave with him was only winning the battle… not the war, and mentally prepared himself for the eye of the storm that was no doubt peaking just over the horizon. He didn't concern himself with it at this very moment; crossing his knees and laying his head back into the headrest. A small weight lifting from his shoulders now that his drunken plus-one was safe and sound with him in the car and not roaming about vulnerably on darkened, urban streets.

They sat in heavy silence—but Shuichi kept his focus out the window. He started to feel nauseated by the passing scenery so he laid his forehead against the cold glass as he closed his eyes, trying to stop the world from spinning. The copious amounts of alcohol that ran through his system made each and every limb feel both weighted and yet curiously floppy. He could sense the fox's attention on him as he slowly lifted his leaden fingers up to his face and rubbed them together. They obviously touched each other, but the sensation was numbed by the alcohol. He’d never thought he'd let himself get this wasted. He was barely above the legal drinking age in his own country, as it was.

Youko let out a slight snort next to him, and he lifted his heavy hand to flip him off. He didn't need to look at him to know that was enough to shut him up. He let his hand fall carelessly back into his lap and continued to ignore him.

He watched the passing illumination of the streetlights as they rolled along in strips on the black seat in front of him. He didn't know why Youko thought this was a good idea—coming here tonight. There were so many other things they could've done that would have created a less hostile situation. He tried to wrap his brain around the youkai’s possible train of thought, but couldn't figure out how this benefited either of them. If he wanted to see the younger half of himself suffer—there were much better, much quieter, places to do so. He could’ve at least given him that much decency, he bitterly thought.

Shuichi meditated on the night proceeding and what the old woman had said to them. He wanted to forget it. He closed his eyes to try, but it wouldn't leave his mind. Lingering and suffering in his conscious.

He looked out at the passing traffic as he softly spoke to the quiet male next to him.

“Tell me you didn't mean it.”

They sat far apart, each one looking away from each other and out their own window. Youko was chewing the toothpick between his teeth as he flicked his lighter on and off. His shirt had been unbuttoned a bit, exposing the top of his chest, and was a bit ruffled by the relaxed position. When the redhead spoke to him, he stopped flicking and started to hit the flat side of the ignition against his palm in introspection.

He tilted his head to the side towards the direction in which his partner sat, but did not raise his eyes to meet him as he spoke up faintly, “I'm not going to do that.”

Why?” Shuichi bit out, snapping his head over to furiously glare at him.

“Because it's not true,” he confessed, voice barely above a whisper, “and that would also mean shielding you from the truth. I've never done that, and it won't help you make this any easier. I'm not going to hide anything from you.”

Youko looked up to him then, face somber, “I never could.”

Shuichi recoiled slightly, taken aback by his candor. He shook his head, disappointed.

“You’re a master of concealment,” he said snidely, “and you couldn't offer me this one mercy?”

“It’s because I'm merciful towards you that I told you,” the fox retorted, voice calm. His gold irises looked like amber under the weight of his words.

Shuichi scoffed, turning his eyes away.

Youko only continued to observe him. The human's lean form casted in the faint glow of the passing city. Red and white orbs of light scattered along the backdrop as other cars and people passed by. He looked so young… Too young for the amount of heaviness that showed on his face. The type of heaviness that only comes with years upon years of tumultuous experiences.

His heaviness.

The fox didn't even want to begin to comprehend what that might’ve meant.

He reached a comforting hand over to place on his knee, but really… he should've known better. As soon as a fingertip grazed over the fabric on his leg, he struck at it. The younger male brought his knees together and angled them away as he pushed himself even further against the door, trying to get as much space in between them as possible. Youko looked towards his own window, exhaling slowly, as he brought it back. He didn't make another attempt. He just let the rejected hand lay on his thigh while the other twiddled the toothpick between his fingers, expression weighted.

Shuichi looked up out the window again, his dense bangs slightly skewing his vision as they hung over his eyes. He regarded the place where Youko decided to make his admission.


Of all places it had to be Paris. He gazed on at the elegant buildings and cozy side streets as the Eiffel Tower lingered on in the background, twinkling against the night sky. He looked at the landscape as if it had betrayed him. Stealing his resolve to remain ireful.

“Take it back,” he pressed.


Youko didn't even turn to him this time as he spoke. He only continued to fiddle with metal igniter in his palm as he looked out on the city.

“Just tell me you were lying,” he reasoned, “and we can both try to walk away from this unscathed.”

Youko’s voice started to become tight again as he answered him, “Even if I told you that—we'd both know that, that in and of itself is a lie.”

“Then just admit it was an awful joke.”


“Then clearly you must hate me.”


“Don't you?”


“That's not fair!” he yelled, punching the seat. Their voices had piqued the interest of the driver as he now looked through the rear-view mirror at them.

“Life is never fair,” Youko scolded, now louring at him, “We don't get to pick and choose which truths we ascribe to. They are what they simply are. Whether you believe them or not, does not change that fact.”

Shuichi sat back again, staring furiously at nothing while it passed. When he realized that this would still (in fact) make him nauseated, he opened the window to allow the cool air to hit against his face. Giving up, he assumed his earlier position and simply closed his eyes as he leaned against the metal frame; letting the cold silence settle between them again as Youko's words sat heavily over their heads. He rested his head in the crook of his elbow as his arm laid along the windowsill. His brows knitted together as his chest heaved under the stress of his emotions.

“I wish I'd never known you,” he mumbled into his arm, “I just wish this—us—was never even allowed to have ever even existed.”

Something stung in the old fox's cold, dead heart.

This time, Youko didn't avert his attention from him. Instead, he looked upon him as he thought of all the things he could say to convince the young human of his sincerity. Words that wouldn't matter as they would most likely send him into another fit of rage. He weighed his options then as he took their surroundings into consideration.

He looked over to the driver. The man's eyes were trained on the road ahead of them as he continued to transport them to their next destination. He slowly reached forward to the switch panel, long arm stretched out across the backseat as his tall body folded over, to bring up the black privacy screen. Shuichi seemed not to notice what he was doing as he continued to keep himself from throwing up with eyes closed. Eventually the divider completely shut, and Youko switched off the microphone to the backseat.

He looked over to the redhead again, a hand digging into his blazer as he put the lighter back into his breast pocket. A large hand slid across the seat and stroked the side of young man’s leg with a slightly raised thumb. When the boy didn't immediately respond, the fox slid his hand up and along his thigh, pulling it towards him.

Shuichi’s eyes snapped open and he immediately tried to push the invading hand away, but the fox wouldn't let him. Instead, he held onto the redhead with a death-like grip; pinning his leg to the seat as he scooted closer to him.

“So,” he said, voice thick with unbridled anger as his gold eyes fixed upon the human, “In lieu of accepting the truth, you want me to hate you? Is that it? Throw away everything we've been through together as if it didn't matter? Do you know what I do to people I hate?”

He could hear the human's heartbeat increase as he got closer, frightened realization blooming on his beautiful features. The demon eventually crossed enough space to bring his other hand up to grasp around the human's jaw as he assertively angled his face towards him with a secured pinch of his chin. Shuichi effectively avoided his eyes as he tried to get the demon to release him, blunt fingernails clawing at his bruising hand, but he was unable to escape from his iron grasp.

“No,” he pleaded with a thick voice that was shivering in trepidation, “Youko, please don't…”

He hushed the boy's beseeching words with a thumb to his lower lip. The claws on his leg pierced through his pant's fabric as they slightly scratched against the skin. He could hear the human's terrified hiccup in his ears, bringing his face closer as he ghosted a hot, aggravated sigh across his face.

His mouth was contorted in a sneer as he spoke, “Don't beg, Shuichi. I offered you my favor, and you struck it away with such little consideration. The time for mercy is gone. I don't show mercy to the one’s I hate. Isn't that what you asked of me, amour?”

He muffled a cry of protest from the young male as he crashed their lips together in a painful kiss. Their teeth scraping together as the fox forced his bruising mouth against the other’s. Shuichi sought to break free as he brought his arm up against his chest and tried to wrench his face away, but he was unable to loosen the fox's hold. When that didn't work, he squirmed his body to the side trying to scoot off the seat, but that only made it easier for the demon to corner him up against the side of the car. He was no match for the youko's strength, and the demon took advantage of this by pressing him up against the door so he would have no where else to escape to. His larger body loomed over the other’s as he forced his mouth open by pressing his chin down and snaking a tongue inside; gliding their mouths together.

Shuichi released a heart-wrenching sob as Youko forced himself on him.

A motorcycle pulled up next to the open window. When its driver heard Shuichi's distress, he looked over to their car. He saw silvery silken hair descending over disheveled crimson locks as the two forms struggled with each other against the seat. A large male coerced his fellow, more petite, passenger to partake in the heated kiss by wrapping a flexing hand around his throat; constricting it as he snarled a deep, ragged breath into a sobbing mouth. He could see the sharp teeth that tore at and reddened a plump, shivering lip; obscenely licking along a shaking tongue. The bypasser could only look on helplessly as they were stuck in the rush-hour traffic.

Shuichi felt the fox’s hand squeeze as a warning on his neck, and his body involuntarily quivered with panic. He could feel the thick fingers pressing against his windpipe, but they stopped just before they actually withheld any breath from him.

But by God, he knew they so easily could…

He felt the other hand travel up and under his shirt as a dagger-like claw scraped along the sensitive skin of his areola. He screamed into the fox's mouth, but the demon wouldn't hear it; forcing his own rumbling moan down into the human's chest as he oscillated his companion’s whole body with a fierce rock of his hips. The redhead's own lungs expanded with the demon's heated breathes. He choked on the sensation, svelte hips shying away from the fox's intrusive stiffness that pressed against the inner joint of his thigh.

Youko released the kiss to run his tongue along Shuichi's tearful cheek as he continued to assault the redhead's body with his free hand. He let his hot breath pant against his tensed jaw as he tore at, pinched, and scraped along the supple skin that crimsoned under his fierce touch. The human tried to dissuade him again, both of his hands around the grip of the wrist that held his throat against the hard seat.

“Youko, don't do this,” he begged, voice desperate as his body instinctually bowed away from the rough, impassioned advances. He could feel the fox's hand begin to unbutton his pants, “Don't, please! Youko, think, I beg of you! This isn't you!”

The kitsune demonically growled at him then; the sound satanic and sharp as his feral golden eyes pinned him underneath his pointed glare. Shuichi’s head rattled a bit as it was forcefully pushed against the headrest; his graceful neck bending under the force. He let out a choked sound as the fox tightened his grip until his adamsappel pushed against the back of his throat. Whispering hotly in his ear as he pressed his head against the other’s, melding their struggling bodies together.

“This is me, dear,” he said, snaking his tongue into the ear canal that had the human whining underneath him, “You know it is, and your body always shivers at the way I can inflict my painful want for it with the rough pleasure that has you writhing against me whenever I take you… Responding to my abuse with need. Giving your marred self unto me so willingly. Yet, your mind is in a state of turmoil… Don't you want this? You asked me for it, little dove.”

The redhead carefully shook his head as he tried to stop the youko from going any further down his pants with his nimble fingers attempting to wedge into his grip.

“No,” he choked out, “This isn't the man I know. I've spent too many years conjoined with you in this body to be so easily deceived. You’re angry and hurt at my words: I understand. But, don't pretend that this gives you any type of relief. ”

The fox growled again, lip curled in disgusted contempt, and dipped his head down to the boy's neck. He heard his consort cry out in protest, but that didn't stop him from grazing his fangs over the papery skin. He could feel the young man's quickened pulse flutter underneath his lips; the taste of his fear overtaking his senses. His whole body stiffened when he felt the kitsune secure his teeth around the right carotid artery, dipping his hand below the redhead's waistband. He ran his fingers along the human's flaccid co*ck and tightened the securing bite into his throat.

No!” he cried out.

He kept his head frozen to the side, face pinched and chest heaving, but continued in vain to try and push the demon away from him with his hands. The youko could feel delicate fingers press against his firm body, and it only caused him to shudder and thrust against him another time. He stroked at the younger’s member, coaxing him to respond to his forced gratification. Shuichi vehemently protested, scathing words being fueled by every pant of the fox's breath against his skin, but his body responded in earnest to his touches with his co*ck hardening more with every stroke. He sucked on the boy’s neck while he brought him nearer to full staff.

The man on the bike was now morbidly fascinated by the two men in the car. He felt a pang of guilt as he saw the red-haired male cry out for help, but somehow he knew if he intervened this would only cost him his life. Petty fear kept him from coming to the young man's aid, and morbid curiosity caused him to watch his assault. The male was surprisingly pretty, and his features were soft like a woman's. Making it easy for him to take a liking to his unusual beauty. He felt his own length let him down as it hardened against his seat while the boy groaned in unwanted pleasure.

Shuichi breathes were coming out in short, diminutive gasps as his nails dug into the fabric of the fox's onyx button-down; ripping the fabric. He could feel his peak coming soon, and it only propelled him further into despair at the thought of the own twin of his soul doing this to him. Before he could cum though, the fox withdrew both of his hands from his body. He released his grip on the young one’s jugular and pulled away slightly. Shuichi exhaled, letting his body relax somewhat, but he stayed in the position he was in for fear of retaliation from the fox. When the demon hadn’t come back within a few seconds, he risked the chance of moving out from under him. Yet, this seemed to be exactly the wrong thing to do, because the fox shoved him back roughly; ramming the heel of his strong hand against his chest. Shuichi released a cry of surprise as his back bounced off the seat. Soon, the fox's mouth was over his again as he tried to take down his pants. Shuichi attempted to fight against him by snapping his teeth shut.

“Open your mouth,” he commanded as forceful hands wrenched up his shirt.

Shuichi shook his head in refusal, squirming away from the rough advances. Youko used this as leverage to remove his slacks. He hooked deft fingers around his underwear and used the boy’s own movements to jimmy them off. He brought both the briefs and pants down to his ankles so the human was bare from the waist down. Shuichi cursed as he realized what was being done and suddenly tried to beat his fists against the fox's stony shoulders. Youko only moved his upper body over his host’s so it forced him up against the seat again. He placed his mouth back over the other’s, but the human viciously bit down on his lip, drawing blood.

The fox let out an aggravated sigh and shoved the human to lean over on his side while he lifted a thin leg. Reeling back with an open palm, he struck the redhead hard across his bare cheek. Shuichi yelped in pain as he jolted forward, face pressed against the leather upholstery as his body shook, and instinctually held a hand against the quickly welting area.

Youko wrenched him back up with a hand around his jaw, teeth clattering at the rough contact, and ordered him again, “Open your f*cking mouth.

The human let out a sob as he tentatively parted his lips. The youkai wasted no time in diving his tongue in; their enamels painfully clinking together as he passionately kissed him. Delving into his orifice, he took over his ability to breathe when he completely covered his mouth with his own; not allowing for any new oxygen to seep through as he puffed his own exhales into the boy. When Shuichi wasn’t responding, either by refusal or sheer disorientation, a guttural snarl trickled up his throat.

“Kiss me back,” he ordered, but the younger declined again, and he strong-armed the human back down onto the seat with a near bone-breaking force against his shoulder blade; feeling the boy's body crack underneath the pressure. He held him there with claws biting into his skin. Reeling back his hand another time—and with very quick succession—he smacked his ass anew, over and over, until he had his young host squirming along the black chair, red hair falling over his face and into his open mouth, as he hoarsely screamed out for the youko to end his assault. The bones in Shuichi’s shoulder were painfully grinding together by the force of his frame jolting with every strike. He could do nothing but lay there with his hands pressed against the backseat on either side of his body while his demon counterpart punished him. Giving the youkai exactly what he wanted when he begged for his mercy and started to apologize profusely; splintering cries being muffled by the leather cushions.

What?” The demon clipped, using a spark of his ki as a switch; lashing it against the back of the human's thighs. The pliable meat rippled at the impact.

“I'm sorry!” he quickly sobbed out; voice breaking into harsh and ragged little trills.

“You’re sorry?” the fox barked, switching him again when the young man fervently nodded his head. There was an audible crack and the human screeched into the cushions, “Sorry for what? For withholding your affections from me? For expressing your vitriol for me in front of anyone who's willing to listen? For wishing we were dead?

He started to roll his erection into he human's stomach moving to unbutton his own pants, “You’re not sorry. I know you're clever little mind better than that, gorgeous. You wanted me to hate you, yes? You want my disdain, but I cannot help the way my body responds to you… So my scorn will just have to fuel the touches that are propelled by the need I have to lay my affections on you. I will f*ck you for the simple sake of f*cking just like I have done to countless others. Because you want to mean nothing to me. Remember?

He clenched his fingers around the younger’s round, supple cheek; pulling it apart from the other. But before he could unbuckle himself, the human cried out again—the sound unnaturally pleading even to the fox's own ears. His nose twitched up as it wrinkled in a contempt that he loathed to admit was pointed inwards at himself as heard his other’s strangled breaths.

“No, Youko,” Shuichi wept, “I don't want any of that. But, I don't want this either. I don't mean to hurt you. Please…please, I beg you to find your reason before we enter into a space of mind we can never come back from. This will break us.”

His hands stilled at that, noting the way the boy’s body trembled under his touch where it never had before.

Youko, leaning down to lay a feigned tender kiss on the redhead's quivering hip, stopped his pursuit. However, within the next instance, he then rayuked his claws along the reddened skin; leaving bleeding scratches in their wake as he bit down painfully into the jutting bone. This only caused the other to sob out uncontrollably. Using the human's own long hair with an entangled fist, he dragged him back up into a sitting position; using his other hand to push against the base of his spine as he scooted the boy's bottom all the way to the edge of the seat, giving him optimal access.

“No! NO!” he wailed, “Oh my god, stop!”

The fox ignored him as he grabbed both of his thighs and spread them apart. He kissed along the redhead's chin as he brought a hand down along the boy's crease. Shuichi could feel a finger, somehow slick with lubricant, press against his entrance. Fear gripping his chest, he tried one final time to talk some sense into the incensed youkai.

“No! Don't, Youko! Please!” he begged, hands pushing down against the broad shoulders as he tried to pull his body up towards the ceiling, feet kicking against the carpet and rigid back hiking up the seat, “This won't change anything! Please, stop! I don't want to do this… You're going to hurt me! Don't take me this way, please…”

Youko forced his body back down with a bruising grip around his hip. He covered his lover's desperate petition again with a weighted lock of their lips as he pushed the finger inside. Shuichi's body jolted at the intrusion, and it made the demon growl at him approvingly. He immediately started to pump the digit in and out as his younger half cried into his mouth. He added another finger and pressed inside his canal until he found the boy’s prostate. Shuichi heavily swallowed a groan of pleasure as his body tensed against the prodding fingers; his hands bawling up into fists against the seat at his sides. The fox started to finger him then; his ministrations working to force unwanted moans from his mouth.

The traffic was moving at such a crawling speed that during this whole process, they’d only moved down a block or so. The man on the bike noticed that there was a barricade up ahead redirecting traffic, but they were still another few yards up. He knew that the right thing to do would be to grab the attention of one of the police officers, and direct them towards the car where the young man was being forced against his will. However, a dark and disturbing side of him kept his good conscience at bay so as not to ruin the display. He looked around and noticed that no one else was paying attention to them. The other drivers were either blocked from seeing them by the tinted windows or were simply too frustrated by the slow moving traffic to notice. He discreetly started to palm his erection as he watched the redhead's body rock against the seat. His trench coat hiding his lewd actions.

With each vicious thrust of his fingers, the redhead's form was forced up. He moaned as the demon began to pant into his mouth. The lubricant the fox used caused his anal cavity to heat up and tingle with each plunge, responding to the demon with earnest. Shuichi loathed himself for liking this, but he loathed the fox more for making him. The older man pressed his erection against his thigh, and he thought about how easy it was for him to degrade him in this way.

In a surprise turnaround, he seized the demon by a fist in his long hair and returned the kiss in a brutal fashion, licking the blood off his lip. He raked his nails down the demon's face as he spit into his mouth, a glob of both blood and saliva landing on his vulpine tongue.

“You're a f*cking bastard,” he seethed, befuddled mind overcome with an intense sense of fury, “If you can do this to me, then you have no morals. You’re a damn beast.”

Youko snapped his head back in shock, sharp gold eyes wide with incredulous disbelief, but he quickly regained his composure as he hissed into the human's face. His powerful arm flexed as he wound back and violently backhanded him hard across the cheek with his free hand. Shuichi gasped in ragged pain when his head was suddenly snapped to the side by the force of his blow, side of his skull ricocheting off the solid headrest. When he turned around to whip curses at his abuser, he was struck again; Youko's nail scratching a jagged line under his chin. He fell against the back of the seat another time, the ringing in his left ear causing an intense sense of dysphoria. He was held there by a bruising hand on the base of his skull; suffocating him while the demon slammed his fingers into the younger one’s body, digging them as deep as they'd go. His chest started to convulse when he tried to gasp for breath with every brutal thrust, and it caused the human to cough and choke in a sickeningly desperate manner. The youkai soon yanked him back up by the hair and bit down on the boy’s shoulder in a raw rage, drawing blood. He let out a bestial grunt as he fed into him, delicate veins collapsing under his fangs. The human's red tresses were nothing but a mess of thick waves that stuck to his sweat drenched skin while they hung over his heavy-lidded eyes and gaping mouth like a tattered blanket. Wrapping his hand around the human's throat, he quickened his movements to a vicious pace so each thrust in would cause him both pleasure as he hit against his sensitive glands and pain as his fingers were forced all the way in, sharp knuckles roughly digging into his body. Shuichi whimpered with every impale, throwing his head back as he was brutalized while his hands gripped at the fox's shoulders in distress.

“Youko!” he begged, voice desperate and breaking at the last high-pitched syllable; legs quaking against the youkai's thighs.

“That's what I thought,” Youko seethed into his ear, “You love the way I f*ck you, even if it causes you intense agony when your body breaks for me. You'll bend to my will, like you always have… Saying my name like I f*cking own you. You’re such a masoch*stic slu*t, but you're mine. And every waking moment should be spent remembering that.”

Shuichi tried to muster up a scathing retort, but couldn't as his breath was being taken away with each barbaric drive of thick fingers. Instead, he opted to land his knee into the other’s ribcage in retaliating anger, feeling the larger male’s bone crack under the impact. The demon didn't even wince in pain as he forced the offending leg down with fine fingertips bruising his skin and a heavy knee seated on his foot. He screamed out in terror as the claws inside him started to scrape down his walls, feeling the warm trickle of blood that dribbled out. The look the youko shot him, a look that promised him a sinister outcome if he attacked him again, caused him to open his mouth to scream for aid.

“HE—!” he managed to cry out before a hand was clamped over his mouth.

“Shut the f*ck up,” Youko vehemently whispered, “Just take what's coming to you.”

The demon kept his hand there as he bent down towards the redhead's waist. His body writhed to try to get away, renewed vigor that was in direct result of his fear of knowing what the youkai wanted to do to him, but Youko only bit down on his exposed abdomen to keep him from escaping. The muscles flexed under his tongue as Shuichi pushed up against the mouth that latched onto his stomach. He sucked up the dribbles of blood his lacerations caused. Shuichi released a scream into his palm as the demon left yet another bruise on his body. Each one claiming the young male as his.

The demon lowered his head further until his mouth was aligned with the human's swollen co*ck. The way he tensed and cried out again, made a notion that he didn't want for the youko to go through with it, but the fox ignored his silent pleas and pulled him into his mouth. As he sucked along his length, Shuichi thrashed his head from side to side; trying to deny the feeling of gratification his body was feeling at his other half’s domineering actions. The clamped hand never released its grip and the fingers never stopped pummeling him as the youko swallowed his whole length until the boy could feel the head of his co*ck on the back of the youkai's throat.

Shuichi could sense his insides tensing into a tight coil as his body willingly complied to the demon’s wishes. In a brief moment of clarity, he tried to use his hands to reach for his phone that was in his coat pocket, but the demon released the grip on his mouth to wrench it from his hand and fling the device across the backseat. It smashed against the other door, a few shards of the glass screen splintering off to scatter along the leather upholstery, and skidded across the carpet going underneath the front passenger seat. When Shuichi went to reach for it, the demon pinned him with a forearm across his chest; pressing his back into the chair while he continuously f*cked his lower body with both his mouth and his hand. The human sighed out in despair as he was stuck by the force of an overwhelming might again. A fine, trembling hand reached up to grasp the hook above the door as his other one buried into Youko's silver hair; bracing himself against the seat for the continuation of the onslaught of the demon onto his body. He finally gave up, easing his tense muscles while letting his member twitch wantonly along a skillful tongue, and allowed the youkai to take what he wanted from him…

Slender legs widened, conceding to his powerful movements to give the other better access while he lifted his hips to meet his thrusts. The youkai growled with encouragement, vibrations sending trembles of pleasure up his spine that caused him to buck.

“f*ck you,” Shuichi sobbed, voice underlined with self-loathing satisfaction as he moaned aloud, “You are such a f*cking asshole…”

The man on the motorcycle had now taken the risk of pulling out his sobbing co*ck as he masturbat*d to the rape that was unfolding in the backseat. The redhead leaned his face to the side towards his direction as he let himself be overcome by a carnal gratification. The man could clearly see all his features now, and holy hell, he was absolutely breathtaking.

It shouldn’t have been possible that a man could look like that: smooth, refined cheeks damp with tears and flushed with sexual satisfaction, while his pouty lips were separated in a lustful moan. It was the face of perfect submission. For a split second, the man wanted it for his own..

The redhead opened his eyes and wet green irises looked at him so sweetly. The man was too far gone to stop as the realization hit him that the boy noticed what he was doing looking at him the way he was. Instead, he proudly displayed his co*ck as he stroked it to the young man's breathy groans, gliding his fingers along his weeping member in time with the rock of his slim body.

“C’mon baby,” he mouthed, “Give in to it. God, you’re such a pretty thing.”

Shuichi froze as he realized the onlooker was jacking off to him; eyes wide with horror as the man licked his lips to him discreetly, urging him to cum. He squirmed at the way the man's member was proudly out for display despite being on a busy road. The stranger motioned for him to stay quiet so as not to ruin his exhibition while he continued to pump himself at the redhead’s vision.

He was taking pleasure in the way his face contorted in immense and complete mortification at being discovered in this precarious position… His weakness fully exposed for him to see.

A moan ripped from his throat as the fox deep throated him, eyes squeezing shut while his hand clenched around the youko's scalp. He wanted to bring the man to Youko's attention, but the fox wasn't paying him any heed when he gently called his name. He only massaged his prostate in response, eliciting another hum of pleasure from him as his body quaked around his large frame. Shuichi gingerly opened his eyes again to look back up at the other man outside so as to make sure he didn't try anything bold.

The man stroked faster now that the young man's eyes were on him for a second time. He quietly spoke to him as he was coming close to his climax, “Yeah, that's it. That's right… Take it. You like it. Let me see you cum, pretty baby.”

He licked his teeth at the boy, calling him an obscene name as he wantonly succumbed to his abuser, and shivered at the way the redhead's mouth opened in silent shock. He thought about what it would feel like to be inside the writhing body, possibly even taking him against his will against a wall or a back alley while his willowy figure struggled against him while being f*cked by his pulsing co*ck… and he suddenly came. His seed soiling his seat and spilling over on the ground. Shuichi looked on, completely shamefaced and repulsed, as the man lewdly moaned at him. Calling to him with a gruff, foreign voice as he busted all over his bike. He couldn't stop the prickle of tears along the lining if his lower eyelids; face scrunched up in pain as the stranger called him all sorts of disgusting and vulgar things while ejacul*ting to his exploited vulnerability. Making him feel thoroughly filthy and frail. His next mewl of pleasure was entangled with the agonized hiccup that left his throat as his chest constricted while he cried. He had a hard time believing that Youko was completely oblivious to what was going on. Either mistaking the groans as regular noises from the populace outside… or willfully ignoring it. Letting him be mentally abused by a commoner.

The biker, panicking as he realized they were getting dangerously close to the barricade, revved up his engine as he put himself away. Giving a quick and humorously mocking wink to the object of his impromptu gratification, he started to take off. But not before stealthily riding past the open window and, so quick that the redhead barely noticed when something brushed along his face, swiped his cum soaked fingers all along the boy's open lips… leaving a swab of his white sem*n on his exposed tongue.

Shuichi watched the man speed off as he tasted the bitter substance in his mouth. Mortified, he immediately began to gag, but his dismissive partner took this as a sign of escape and pressed him solidly back against the seat with the forearm across his chest so he couldn't spit the vile matter out the window. With his shoulders pressed into the upholstery and his legs trapped under the heaviness of his other half, he was forced to let that strange man’s sperm run down his throat. He could feel the trickle of the sticky substance coat his esophagus and settle down into the pits of his stomach—the DNA of the only witness to his brutal violation now being dissolved into his own body.

“I hate you,” Shuichi seethed, gasping in angry breaths as he pulled at the youko's hair with sharp yanks as he continued to suck him in torturously pleasant strokes, “I hate your vile guts so much. How could you even do this to me?”

Youko didn't respond to the scathing remarks as he massaged the human's perineum to render another depressing moan from his enraged younger half. He felt the human's body tense while his testicl*s shivered, and he finger-f*cked him with so much vigor that every single breath that he exhaled came out in luscious, wanton groans while his body twitched every which way. They both heard the sounds of sirens, and they could both hear that a police officer was walking up to the car to talk with the driver. Youko's shoulders tensed, but did not stop what he was doing with his fingers still moving in him in an uninhibited manner. When the human tried to get up again, trying to cover himself from another possible exposure, he growled and let his weight rest on his hips as he released his blushing co*ck for a moment.

“Don’t you dare f*cking move,” Youko warned him, looking at him sharply through thick bangs as he twisted his fingers so they pressed into his sensitive walls while they rotated; causing the redhead to bring his hands up to cup over his mouth so as to muffle his moans, “Just sit your pretty little ass in that chair while I finish with you. Don't even think about making a sound for help, or I'll f*cking murder them. Do you understand me, Shuichi?”

Shuichi cursed at him under his breathe, realizing the fox would let the officer catch him held up against the seat like this while he was being sucked on by his brawny mouth. The human actually started to consider calling out to the police officer for assistance, but thought better of it when the fox's heated tongue began to lap at his member once more, sucking him in between his teeth.

He merely rolled up the window and locked the door as the officer stepped towards the car. Using both hands to push the fox down farther and lifting up his legs so the youko could f*ck him faster with his fingers.

“Just get to it then, you prick,” was his scathing retort, squeezing the demon's head between his thighs while he rocked his hips up to choke him.

The fox happily obliged as they heard the two other men have a short conversation. Shuichi tried to stifle his moans, but the fox was doing everything in his power to make him cry out in pleasure. He sucked his member with deep, sloppy suctions as he moved his fingers like a piston in and out of his entrance; vibrating his entire body with the impacts. They heard the officer give the driver directions, and a clever finger rubbed the human's prostate at just the perfect time when his co*ck was fully enveloped in the youkai’s mouth, causing him to moan out loudly. The conversation stopped for a moment, and Shuichi was terrified that they had actually heard him. His heart thumped against his chest when someone coughed.

But the officer merely told the driver goodbye, and sent them on their way; giving no indication that either one of them were actually even aware or concerned about what was happening in the backseat of their vehicle.

Shuichi mentally breathed a sigh of relief as he felt the vehicle turn down a side street. The fox, now gnarling deep in his throat as he brought the human back to his attention with dedicated lick of his slit, began to add a third finger as he felt his co*ck spasm. Shuichi gasped in pleasure as he felt his muscles begin to contract, bucking up his hips to get more of the other man's deft tongue on his member. Feeling his fragile partner on the very brink of his undoing, Youko took the opportunity to turn his motives to sad*stic satisfaction and started f*ck him brutally. With his claws scratching at his passage as he messaged the tender bundle of nerves in his cavity so forcefully that the sensation teetered between painful and gratifying. The redhead screamed out in agony as his back arched against the seat, feeling the tearing of his insides.

“No!” he begged, clenched hands ripping at the demon's hair, “Ah! No! Don't, please! I don't… I can't… It hurts…Aah! AH!”

The fox then added a fourth finger and drove into him with a stiff hand until he could see the blood trickle onto his palm. Bouncing his body with every punch of his knuckles against the soft padding of his ass as it rippled and rolled with the smacks, sucking at the co*ck that was now going flaccid. His strong arm flexed with every movement, taking pleasure in every pained scream he could rip from him.

“Stop!” Shuichi howled, now trying to hike his back up the seat again as he fought to get away from the abuse. When he wasn't able to successfully escape, he resorted back to begging between ragged, sobbing breathes as he was pummeled, “Stop! Stop! Stop! Youko, please! Please! You're hurting me! Please, Youko! No more! It hurts! Oh God, it hurts so much… You’re going to break me…! I beg you to please stop!”

The demon halted for a moment, just a moment, to lift up his head until he was leaning his heavy chest into his host so he could look into the deep green pools that cried for him. Pinching his cheeks between a brutish grip with his free hand, pale lips in a twisted smirk, he ever so lightly pursed a kiss against the other’s mouth; their skin barely touching. Shuichi’s face was contorted with horrid despair as he looked at his demon counterpart, breathing heavily through his nose through the pain.

“Tell me,” Youko purred, nuzzling their noses together tenderly, “Whose bitch are you?”

The human grimaced, glaring hatefully at him through the water in his eyes. This only caused the fox to chuckle.

“Who do you belong to, lovely?” he asked again, rubbing their cheeks together as if this was a loving embrace, “Who brings your body to trembles with the touch that keeps you awake at night? Who does the will bend to when they've broken your resolve? Who do you allow to lay you claimed? Breathing the air into your lungs every day just for him?”

Shuichi’s nose wrinkled up as tears began to roll down his cheeks silently. Breach of trust laying clear on his face as he regarded the youko who ran a thumb over his bruised lip.

“You,” he said faintly, tone carefully even so as to not give the youkai any further ammunition, “You are the one, Youko. I have given everything for you…”

“Yes,” he hissed, jerking his face up and slapping it lightly with an open palm, “You are mine. And you always will be, no matter what passes tonight… Remember that, dove. My essence surges through your veins and declares you with every pump of your heart. Your body is my very soul. You will always be in my attachment, my love. You and I will think of each other when those desolate, lonely nights have overcast our barren and frigid beds; finding our only respite from our frigidness in only our memories of each other.”

There was the barest hint of despair in his words and that caused the human to completely break apart—sobbing inconsolably as the fox bent back down to bring him into his mouth again. His movements were with purpose, sucking him back to hardness as the hand in his entrance worked to titillate him from the inside as the human cried over him; tears soaking into his silver hair. He had the redhead gasping and writhing in no time at all as he worked his body to his desires, pressing into every button that he knew would have the human undone with just a little too much force that made his ministrations teetering at the very brink of painful. Shuichi moaned out in a broken cry as he felt his muscles tighten again, arms grasping onto the fox for dear life. He was twitching and stiff, co*ck pulsing in the fox's mouth. The youkai coaxed him into an org*sm by pressing his fingers in deep until he was in up to his palm and massaging his thumb up against the perineum.

As the car sped down the street, Shuichi climaxed explosively onto the youko's awaiting tongue. Screaming out his name as the demon held onto both of his thighs while his body jerked against him, making sure to take in every single last drop of his beautiful consort’s seed and grazing his fangs over the overly-sensitized flesh. Shuichi cried as he came, feeling imperiously defiled and cheated of his own free will.

Despite his protests—When the youko lifted up again, he brought the redhead to his chest; holding him while he shook with his despondency and petting his hair.

The fox, in a contrasting show of care, let him calm himself as he came down. When the human was effectively quiet, he placed a kiss on his lips and motioned for the human to open up to him. Shuichi refused, but he was pried open with strong fingers against the joints of his jaw. The fox spit his own cum into his mouth and clasped a hand over it so he couldn't spit it back out. The redhead screamed as his eyes filled with fury, but the demon only looked down at him smugly.

“Swallow,” he commanded.

When the human shook his head violently, he coaxed the sem*n down with a thumb that swiped along his neck. After every drop was gone, forcing his mouth open again so he could check his quivering pink tongue to see, the demon finally let him go with a rough shove of his head backwards into the seat.

“Now sit back and shut the f*ck up until we get there. We'll talk about this later,” he instructed as he pulled away and settled back into his side of the seat, “I've had it up to here with your bitchy little attitude tonight, and I'm not in the mood for your pathetic and childish outbursts—So, don't utter a f*cking word to me if you don't want to be corrected again.”

Shuichi, letting the realization settle in that he was just brutally beaten and assaulted by his own literal soulmate, curled up into a ball on the other side of the seat. He couldn't keep the sudden scream of anguish from escaping his lips as the terror and pain caught up with him. Youko couldn't look any less bothered as he merely wiped away the mess on his fingers with a handkerchief and fixed his shirt. He threw the piece of cloth at the shivering human, and the soft fabric landed against the boy's bare leg with a muted smack. Shuichi didn't even flinch as it hit him, too engrossed in the sudden rush of emotions he was experiencing.

Youko scoffed at the weak display and responded with an annoyed tone to his voice, “Stop sniveling and clean yourself up if you don't want anyone to see you like that. Unless, of course, you want me to offer up your body as a gracious tip to our driver?”

f*ck you!!!” the human screamed as he whipped the rag back at him. The fox deftly caught it in his hand, but didn't react any further as he reached for a cigarette.

As the bandit lit it, Shuichi looked away in a rage—not wanting to look at his offender any more than he had to—and started to gather himself up. He could feel warm liquid pooling on his skin and realized he was bleeding from multiple places. He tried to clean up the blood the best he could with a napkin he had in his pocket, but it still left smears of red across his skin. His chest heaved in another sob and his face wrinkled up to cry, but he held it back as he took in a long, shaky breath to calm himself.

Youko didn't look at the way the human's body was damaged. His eyes were focused out at the street as he took a puff from his lit tab; flicking the ash out the open window while he ran his thumb along his chin as his mind slowly started to come down from his sudden angered state. His breathing evened as he exhaled the smoke out into the cold, night air. It was then that he looked over to his companion, whom was now gingerly pulling up his pants as he winced in pain. The fox turned his eyes down and noticed the drops of blood on the chair.

As his head began to clear, the sudden comprehension of the weight of what he'd just done started to flood his senses. The redhead's muted sniffles were a crash landing reminder that he had just abused him most mercilessly, and his chest began to constrict as he grasped the severity of his brutality on the young man.

“Shuichi,” he called, but the redhead didn't respond...

He mentally berated himself for his loss of control. Letting his demoniacal anger take over his impulses when he had entered into a state of respite at the younger’s hurtful words. He noticed the way the human had trouble lifting himself up to raise his pants to his waist. The blemish of a bruise was forming along his shuddering stomach. His face became utterly pained as he looked on at his other half. The usually graceful male was having difficulty buttoning his pants with trembling fingers, and the fox started to lift his hand for assistance… But the younger's weakened and beaten body inched away from him in weary self-preservation.

He withdrew, but with a voice that was much less cold than just a few short minutes ago, he called to him again, “Shuichi… Please. I can't—Just tell me you’re okay.”

The young man snorted with coarse amusem*nt, a light rush of air leaving his lungs that tousled the strands of red hair in his face, but made no attempt to respond in any other fashion. He gained the ability to finally fasten his pants and reached for his coat that had been laying on the seat next to them. He hesitated at first, afraid that a motion towards the demon might provoke another attack; but when Youko didn't move, he quickly pulled it towards him. The fox watched the careful ways in which his partner reacted to him, as if something as insignificant as putting on his coat might invoke his wrath, and he knew…

He knew right then and there that he was never going to get this human back.

And something broke.

He could feel it snap deep, deep inside his subconscious, and it had been barely hanging onto his cool demeanor by a fraying thread. He let out a slow, agonized breath. Turning his face towards the floor as he felt his chest constrict, his mind halted to a screeching stop. The world froze around him, realizing this was most likely the last time they'd ever be within a few feet of each other, and he just may never see him again…

What had he done?

Shuichi looked up as the white, lutetian limestone entrance of the hotel came into view; brightly illuminated with small white chandeliers. He braced himself against the door, ready to run at a moment’s notice. He gazed over to the floor where his phone laid, right by Youko’s foot, and wondered if it was worth the risk of grabbing for it again. He decided against it, knowing that would give the fox an opening.


He froze, hand against the handle as they’d just pulled up to the entryway, when the fox called to him yet again. He didn't look at him directly. He kept his face forward, but let his eyes stray to the side where he sat at: staring at the long, clawed fingers resting against the black leather of the seat. The same shapes as the marks on his skin. He didn't respond, but he knew he didn't have to.

“Don't,” the fox said quietly, brokenly. His voice was just so tired as he laid his head against his two fingers and thumb with eyes closed.

Shuichi was brazened then, just out of pure spite. He snatched the room key from the demon's pocket which had Youko snapping to attention by the rough contact, but noticed that the car was parking in front of a large crowd of people and hesitated to make another scene. The human took advantage of this by pausing for just a moment, giving him one final statement before departing. His green eyes looked in his direction for a final time—gaze held with the rigidity of crystals.

“We’re through here,” he bit out, “Don't follow me.”

With that, the redhead opened his car door and exited before the driver could even open it for him. He briskly brushed past the chauffeur, and hurriedly walked through the gathering of pedestrians on the sidewalk; avoiding their curious stares. He didn't look back as he ran up the stone steps, long hair swishing in his wake. He didn't meet the doorman's eyes or return his simple smile as he mutely walked right past him.

Pushing through the revolving door, he immediately stopped when the intricate design of the marble floor in the lobby caused him to lose his balance; becoming suddenly dizzy.

He swayed for a second, bracing a hand against the nearest solid surface. He could feel the liquor and adrenaline coursing through his system, and he immediately felt the need to hurl. Quickly trying to keep it under control, he leaned heavily against a table and brought up his other hand to cover his mouth. The bile rushed up his throat, but he pushed it back with some careful swallows and deep breaths that heaved in his chest.

The doorman's hand was hovering over his shoulder as he checked on him, “Tu sens tu bien? Are you alright?”

Shuichi shook his head, voice thick with spit as he responded, “Yes… Oui, très bien, merci de votre sollicitude.

The man looked over him wearily, but stepped away when the redhead straightened himself up. He took in another deep breath as he got his equilibrium under control. He placed a flat palm against his stomach, bitterly noting how his pelvis was stabbing with pain, and exhaled a shudder while his shaking legs gained their strength.

He looked over towards the concierge desk and noticed a woman in a pencil skirt looking on at him with a worried expression. She leaned over to the man that stood to her right, whispering as she nodded towards him discreetly. The gentleman looked up at him too, specifically looking over his discolored throat and softly mussed hair.

He didn't wait for them to come towards his direction (and he didn't see the secret gesture they made to the doorman behind him) while he quickly walked off. The doorman made a motion to check on him again, but he simply acted as if he hadn't noticed. Taking special care to not look at the ground as he walked; keeping his head up and his eyes forward… lest the patterns on the floor succumbed his weakened body to gravity. With a careful look over his shoulder, he made certain he wasn't being followed as he made his way towards the elevators.

He eventually entered a carpeted room that was far enough from the front desk that he could slow pace a bit. He turned towards the golden sliding doors, heavily supporting his weight on the shoulder that leaned into a dark wall, and pressed the ‘up’ button; laying his forehead against the cool, metal surface. To his immense displeasure, he could hear someone shuffling into the room behind him. He pinched his eyes closed in agitated desperation, auburn brows scrunched as he barely held back a pained expression, beginning to press the button incessantly. The poor switch clicked in a hurried sequence with every zealous push of his finely pointed finger; gently reminding him that his insistence could not hasten the call.

“Please,” he begged quietly, soft wisp of his breath flowing off the metal and back into his face. Looking up at the glowing numbers above that were slowly counting down to the first floor.

Please, please, please, he mentally pleaded to the heaviness just over his back, just let me go.

A man coughed behind him, and he creased his small nose in agitation. He slowly stood away from the door, feet dragging along the carpet, as he looked over his shoulder. Afraid to see a tall figure with silver hair, but it was just another guest patiently waiting his turn for the elevator. The redhead slightly tilted back his head and closed his eyes, breathing a heavy sigh of relief. Noticing the way he was sweating, he slipped off his thick jacket; folding it over his arm and holding it against his chest. He stared at the door blankly while attempting make himself seem calm, running his thumb along the inside of his wrist in concentration.

He could hear the man's whistling as he quietly tapped his foot on the floor while they waited. Soon, the bell dinged notifying them that the door was about to open. Shuichi took a step back to allow the other guests to walk out, not realizing the other man was already standing behind him queueing to get on. His back bumped into the man's chest, and Shuichi jumped up a little, startled.

He tilted his head up to apologize, “I'm so sorry!”

The man put a hand on his shoulder to steady him as he smiled down, unbothered.

“It's quite alright,” he said in a thick American accent.

Shuichi could smell the heavy, woody scent of the man's cologne as they entered. The redhead quickly pressed his floor and stood towards the back leaned up against the hand rail, intending to make himself seem uninteresting. For the few seconds it took him to settle in his stance, he regarded himself in the mirrors; clothes disheveled, thick and loose hair a bit askew as it hung over his shoulder carelessly, a pallid face downtrodden with a slight tip of his lips down in a frown.

The ragged red line down his neck glared at him… He looked away back towards the floor as he felt the elevator jolt, starting their ascend.

The other man stood towards the front corner of the small space by the buttons. He was a bit older and still nearly as tall as the youko, with dark hair and a defined mustache, but his lumbering figure held a sense of softness to it; expression peacefully patient. When he noticed Shuichi looking at him, he turned around and smiled kindly.

“Rough night?” The man asked gently.

The redhead only nodded a bit with a small, polite smile on his face; his response a simple, civil gesture as he didn't look to continue the conversation any further.

The man nodded in understanding and turned back around. They both looked up at the digital screen above the door as they watched the elevator slowly lift from floor to floor. The man lowered his gaze and looked over Shuichi’s form in the reflections. His deep brown eyes traveling up the length of his crossed ankles to his bent knee towards his co*cked hips and up further still until they fell on his androgynously defined face that held a sort of poise as it was casted in the shadows of his thick bangs. He turned back around to talk with him.

“You look great tonight,” he said softly as he smiled at him again, bowing his head slightly in respect.

He noticed the sheer, grey material of the young man’s long-sleeved shirt that hung off an elegantly sloped shoulder. It plunged in the back; showcasing smooth, soft skin that looked warm in the iridescent lighting with his prominent shoulder blades. One could follow the subtle line of the redhead's spine down to the small dimple in the middle of his back. Black, fitted pants clung to the subtle curves of his hips and full thighs.

He looked elegantly refined, but he seemed rather reclusive.

Shuichi smiled cordially again and only replied with a curt, “Thank you.”

He turned his green eyes up towards the ceiling, trying to feign a look of naïveté. He shifted his weight onto one foot as he ignored the pain in his back.

The man shifted in return, and responded casually as he slipped a mint into his mouth while facing towards him, “I don't know who could let someone like you come back to a hotel all alone… but if you'd like, I have a full bottle of wine in my room and some great records. Care to join?”

The redhead was about to decline, even opened his mouth to do so, until the look of the older man's humble expression had him thinking about the most recent events and how’d he really would rather not like to go back to a shared room with an upset youkai. Despite his attempts to dispel all thoughts of the demon, he could already feel the rakes of phantom claws down his back if he allowed himself to be caught in their suite alone. The man noticed his hesitation and stepped towards him. He offered the open box of mints in his palm as he stood in front of the young patron. Shuichi took one, and inclined his head in thanks; keeping his eyes focused on the vinyl tiles of the floor as he considered the invitation. The other man smiled kindly and snapped it close.

“You don't have to feel pressured,” he stated softly, “I hope I'm not being too forward… But I only noticed that you looked awfully upset, and I'm willing to be an open ear. I understand how horrible it can feel to be all by yourself in a state like that.”

The redhead sucked on mint as he continued to look towards the floor, evaluating his options. The confection in his mouth was helping to ease the nauseated feeling in his stomach some, and the gentle warmth of the man's solid body standing next to his was almost calming with his relaxed aura. Nothing like the rigid, formidable energy of his dual soul. The truly naïve part of his id, the one that seemed to retain the genuineness of his true age and remained unaffected by the youko’s venerable consciousness, yearned to be comforted. It wanted to experience the soothing of a soft touch and be validated by reassuring words. It was juvenile fodder, he knew, but he couldn't stop the will from wanting it.

The stranger moved to aid him in his decision then and placed a hand over the redhead’s hip as he stepped in front of him.

“May I?” he asked as he bent his head down.

Shuichi didn't know why he agreed. Maybe it was the liquor. Maybe it was the stress from what had just happened with Youko in the car. Or maybe there was a morbid, vindictive part of him that wanted to see the hurt across the fox's features as he realized he'd went to bed that night with another. But, he allowed the man to place tender lips on top of his as he kissed him. He grasped onto the other male's hips as he brushed their mouths together. Shuichi could feel the man's mustache tickle the sensitive skin under his nose as his tender thumbs stroked along his sides. He opened his mouth slowly to let the man's tongue in. His saliva tasted of mint as he swiped it along his mouth. Shuichi kissed him back softly and slowly, letting the man's legs rest against his own. He sucked on the tongue that explored him and that made the man quietly moan; a gentle and subtle sound, with his hands starting to roam the contours of his body.

When a hand brushed up against his tender stomach, he immediately snapped back to reality. This was a random stranger, and he was undeniably, unequivocally sloshed. He gently pushed against the man's chest as he pulled his lips away.

“I'm sorry,” he said in a firm whisper, “I should really get back to my room.”

The man reluctantly pulled away, but didn't let that stop him from smiling down at the young man courteously. He stepped to the side to give him some space. Shuichi's front immediately felt exposed without the man's presence.

“It’s okay,” he said, “I understand. I at least got the pleasure of experiencing your lips for one time. If you change your mind, please call me.”

He handed Shuichi a white index card with his name and phone number printed on it. The young man smiled and thanked him again when the elevator opened to let him off. The man motioned an arm to allow him through, and they said their goodbyes as the younger exited the small compartment. He didn't spare a glance back at the man, even though the other did look on at his own retreating form as the doors closed behind him.

He walked down the hushed and romantically decorated hallway; passing by the numerous doors, each one was far apart from one another as they led into expansive suites. He could hear his own quiet breathing as he mentally counted the room numbers in his head; trying to keep his mind focused and away from straying into dark thoughts so he didn't lose his sense of surroundings.

He quickly neared the middle of the hall and took out the key with unsteady fingers. He could feel the exhaustion in his body as he leaned heavily against the wooden frame. Unlocking the door, he turned the handle to let himself in and walked through it— tiredly putting down his coat on a nearby chair and letting the things in his hands fall carelessly on an entry table as his shoulders sunk. Toeing off his shoes, he exhaled wearily.

When the door finally closed, the exhausted human let himself sink down. Knees hitting the ground as his eyes’ focus traveled about the room. He couldn’t help the loud sob that escaped his throat as he gazed upon their things strewn around the suite with such little care; as if their combined disorder belonged together and was not actually such a rare occurrence. He looked over to the bed that they'd shared just the previous night, sheets still a mess. He noticed Youko’s robe hung over a chair where Shuichi had left it when he leisurely slid it off him to plant slow, heated kisses down his damp body after a shower. He could still hear the echo of the youkai's shivered response as he’d entangled his long fingers into his hair. A blanket was still strewn across the couch where they'd nestled in a lazy embrace, holding each other because it reminded them of being in one body.

It reminded him of their gullibility. As if these tender moments didn't come with a price. As if they were even allowed a sliver of their own happiness. As if the harmless content that they found in one another wasn't barbed with a crude reality that laid outside of themselves…

His despair was ripped from his chest as he realized that all these things, all of these harmless memories, would be tainted. Never to be seen or experienced again.

The gravity of this traumatic epiphany sunk the top half of his body down to the floor as he cried. He cried so unabashedly and unrelentingly, that each agonizing sob shook his entire frame. Gripping at the place just over his heart as just overwhelming despair came over him and clawed him down into the grave of their union. Each intake of breath was caught in his swollen throat and caused him to gasp for air before exhaling in an anguished sigh. His other hand slid along the wooden floor with his blunt nails scratching the veneer as he doubled-over. He screamed out into the room with his forehead pressed into the ground as tears dripped from his face and onto the panels. His tortured state causing a crack up from his pained chest and out his sore, stinging throat.

The sudden and intense emotion from his outburst caused his uneasy stomach to churn again. It suddenly lurched and had the redhead gagging over the floorboards; thick spit dribbling from his lower lip. He quickly stumbled to his feet and raced towards the bathroom, nearly slipping on the wet floor as he went. Hurriedly banging open the bathroom door, he crashed down next to the toilet before opening up the lid and retching inside the bowl, just in time. The echoes of the door’s impact reverberated through his swollen head; causing his nausea to worsen. He sat there, shaking hands grasping onto any solid surface available to steady himself as he threw up all the contents of his stomach in violent lurches; ailing body shuddering and weakened legs writhing along the tiled floor as he was being choked by the drive of his own vomit.


Meanwhile, down by the entrance, the black cab still waited parked in front. Inside, Youko was looking down at the tan sidewalks as he puffed on his third cigarette. His claws were absent-mindedly tearing at the pieces of a ragged dinner reservation that laid in his hands. He just couldn't seem to bring himself to throw it away…

The chauffeur looked back at him through the review mirror as he waited for a sign of what to do next. The tall gentleman had sat in silence since the younger one had left the car and had asked for him to pull up a bit so they could sit for a while. He had a feeling that the male didn't know what to do with himself.

And it was true. Torn between wanting to give the young human his well-deserved space that he’d asked for, the one that he felt he had a moral imperative to give him, but also wanting to follow behind his phantom line up to the room so his crafty cunning could somehow manage to salvage this evening; Youko didn't know where to go next. If he left, he’d go back to the Makai and never see Shuichi again. If he stayed, he risked the chance of hearing more of those scalding remarks coming from the human's treasured mouth that he just really didn't know if he could even bare… Didn't even know if he could live with the memory of their last moments together being defined by Shuichi’s cutting words that pierced through his conscious with a burning, serrated edge; scarring him from the inside out. At least he would still have him for a few more hours, no matter the circ*mstance. The fox blew out a puff of smoke in a rare state of frustrated confusion.

Either way he went, the result was the same.

The driver gently cleared his throat to call the lone passenger's attention. Youko looked up at him with plainly annoyed eyes without saying a word.

“I'm sorry, sir. I don't mean to impede, but I can't help but notice you seem a little indecisive,” the chauffeur said, ignoring the glare that was sent his way. He continued without waiting for a response, “I think, in complete sincerity, that it might be best to go after the young man. He may need your assistance as he didn't look all that steady when he left, but also… He might actually want you there with him. They do say to never keep your goodbyes short.”

Youko paused his fidgeting as he listened to the man's words. His expression suddenly easing as he realized this stranger, who didn't know them nor was even witting of the events that’d just transpired in his back seat, was actually making a bit of sense. In fact, it seemed like nearly every oblivious human they'd come in contact with tonight had a better sense of judgement than either of them had possessed during this entire fiasco of an engagement. Flicking his butt out the window, he nodded to the chauffeur and handed him two large bills for the fare.

“Thank you,” he said as he opened his door, “Please keep the change.”

The driver thanked him heavily, realizing the amount of cash the other male had handed him was much more than the original ticket. He beamed up through the mirror, voice expressing his utmost gratitude, but the tall gentleman was already exiting the car.

He’d already leaned out a long leg from the vehicle when Youko stopped suddenly, noticing the glint of an object on the floor. He recognized Shuichi’s phone peaking from just under the seat. Picking it up and surveying it in his hand, he noticed how there was a piece of its frame broken off from when he'd hurled it into the door earlier. The ragged cracks in the screen resembling the reddened scores he’d seen on the human's body—the ones that he'd placed there—and he frowned. He placed it in his coat pocket while lifting himself out of the car.

Weaving behind some passing pedestrians, he crossed the sidewalk and went up the steps. The doorman welcomed him and waived him in as he opened the door. Youko decorously nodded back once as he pulled out his wallet and entered the building. He played with the toothpick in his mouth as he walked up to the concierge desk, but stopped just a few paces away when he noticed the stewardess was on the phone. He waited in the open area in front until she was done, hands resting casually in his coat pockets.

A burly man, surprisingly almost his height, with brown hair and a bushy mustache came up to wait next to him. He looked pleasant as he stood there with a contented smile on his face, tapping his wrist in patient biding. Youko noticed his scent, a heavy cologne and cashmere, but there was also a twinge of something familiar that he couldn't quite place. He surveyed the man deliberately through the corner of his eye as they stood just far enough apart that the demon was unable to recall what it was.

The stewardess put down her phone with a loud clunk, and smiled up at the awaiting guest just in front of her, “Good evening. How can I help you today, sir?”

Youko coolly looked away from him and stepped toward the desk. He pulled out a fake passport and laid it on the counter.

“I need another key for Room 805,” he said.

The other man cleared his throat, calling to the stewardess, “I'm sorry, ma’am. I don't mean to interrupt, but I’d just like to give this back, if that's alright?”

His arm slightly grazed Youko's shoulder as he reached over him to hand something to the young hostess. She took it from him and nodded with a genial waive.

“Ah, yes! Thank you! Have a nice night,” she said as she put whatever had been handed to her in a drawer.

As the man pulled away, Youko immediately recalled the familiar scent that adorned his clothes, but quickly dispelled the idea as if there was certainly no possibility. The humble gentleman smiled at him graciously as he walked off, lifting his large hand in an apology. Youko only nodded once, looking the man up and down while he grazed the piece of wood in-between his teeth.

“I'm sorry about that, sir,” the stewardess said, stepping away from her station, “Give me just a moment while I grab you another room key.”

Youko turned back around and nodded at her as well. She vanished behind a white-tinted door while the fox listened passively to the sounds of the hotel around him, reflecting. She came back quickly and slid another black card across the counter. He picked it up and passively thanked her; leaving the expanse of the open lobby towards the elevators. When he entered, a spot along the back caught his attention. Pressing their floor, he stared at it for a moment… contemplating.

When he was let off onto their level, he stepped out; looking out over the darkened corridor as he placed his hands in his pockets again. His long, silver hair flowed around his dark coat and suit as he walked, towering frame swaying across the cast of the dimly lit hall. When he made it to their door, he paused for a moment to tune in on what was happening inside. There was an annoying whirring from the heated air being moved inside the walls that nearly overrode anything else he might’ve heard. But his ears were sharp and so was his resolve, so he stepped up to the door until he was just merely an inch away… and listened.

At first, there was silence. He thought he could make out the air of a faint sniffle, but ultimately couldn't decipher it; so, he listened closer… Pointed ear twitching as he brushed up against the painted wood. He could hear the very distinct sound of a dry heave and then a choked cough as the young man cried. He unlocked the entry and let himself in without alerting the human, making sure to close it quietly behind him. The echoing of the boy's ragged breathing reverberated off the tiled walls of the bathroom and into the rest of the suite.

Shrugging off his coat, he looked over to the items that were left on the table next to the door. He placed the room key beside the one Shuichi had taken earlier and inquisitively picked up a small, white card. Notes of wood and mint came off of it. Turning the card over, a name and phone number were scrawled in broad handwriting on the back. Youko’s breathe hitched a bit in his throat as he looked up, eyes affixing on Shuichi’s coat.

A rather violent heave caused the fox to look in the direction of the noise. He flicked the card back onto the table carelessly as he stepped soundlessly towards the bathroom. The emphasis of a certain person becoming sick over the toilet became louder as he walked closer. Eventually, he could see the younger’s frame wrapped around the porcelain bowl as he emerged around the corner. The human jolted when his stomach lurched again. Youko leaned his shoulder up against the door and put his hands in his pant’s pockets while he watched him; long tail swishing behind his legs.

“I thought I told you to let me be,” Shuichi’s raspy tenor said into the toilet. It trembled a bit as his breath shuddered from distress. He could see the bottom of Youko's black pants when he'd walked up.

“Yes, well, you don't exactly seem to be in a state where you can be left alone,” he said plainly as he stepped into the bathroom.

Shuichi wanted to be rather childish and insist that he was fine so he could demand that the demon leave, but he knew very well that he looked as sick as a dog curled up on the floor like he was. He didn't have the strength in him to protest as he felt the tall male enter.

Youko bent down behind him and lightly brushed the human's crimson hair off his bare back as he gathered it up in his hands. Gentle, long fingers coaxed the strands away from his face with rough fingertips softly brushing against the skin of his cheek and neck while he collected them up with the rest. He held the bouquet of thick tresses up with one hand so as to keep them from falling into the bowl. He used his other to smoothly stroke his back as the human continued to heave. The youko noticed how pale and sweaty his skin looked, tightening over his already taut frame as he became sick.

“Do you have a hairband?” Youko quietly asked as he tucked a stray hair behind the human's ear.

Shuichi could only manage to shake his head as he threw up more bile. He lightly clicked his tongue and rose up on his knees a bit to look on the sink counter. He found a black band sitting near the edge and swiped it. Wrapping it around his wrist, he intimately raked his fingers through the human's fine strands as he pulled them up into a ponytail, careful not to snag on a rogue tangle. Shuichi could feel the familiar comfort of Youko’s nails scraping along his scalp as his head was tugged back a bit by the youkai, lulling his heavy green eyes closed. He wasn't going to admit, whether out loud or to himself, that it did make him feel actually marginally better. When he finished, his broad hands softly squeezed the human's shoulders and rubbed his thumbs along his spine; easing his stomach some from the tender ministrations.

The fox got up for a moment. Shuichi immediately shivered when his damp back was hit with cool air as his partner’s comforting body moved away. Youko stepped over to the sink while he grabbed a hand towel from the adjacent shelf. He turned on the faucet and wetted it a bit. Shuichi’s stomach churned again now that the other male’s calming touches were gone. He heaved into the bowl as more bile came up his throat, clenching his grip against the slick porcelain to counter the pain in his stomach.

There was a gentle press of a damp cloth at the base of his neck. Youko glided the cool rag across his skin as he delicately washed off the sweat sticking to his body; small, lukewarm droplets of water running down his bare spine. He could feel the fox’s broad frame lean over his own as he reached around and wiped the cloth under his chin and across his cheek while his flexed arm rubbed against his side. The human unknowingly let out a relaxed breath as he loosened under his touch; his body becoming complacent. Youko gently pushed his head up and his bangs back with one hand so he could wipe along his forehead, letting his nose nuzzle against his temple with a tired affection.

Shuichi looked up at him then, giving the youkai a questioning glance. As he did this, their lips lightly brushed together; softly pursing instinctually. They staid like that for a moment, gold eyes gazing into green ones, as they breathed into each other's face with reserved considerations. Youko respired as he lightly brushed their cheeks together, mouth poised over the other’s as he felt the affinity swell between them. Hovering in an almost kiss, he could smell the thick scent of alcohol and bile on the human's tongue… and strangely a bit of mint.

Something in the youko's gaze caused his eyes to look heavy then. Shuichi took in a breath to question him, but he quickly moved away without a word. His stare followed him as he stepped towards the sink again. The demon laid the used cloth on its marbled side and opened the cabinet to rummage through it silently. Grabbing a paper cup, he filled it with cold water. He motioned it towards the human on the floor.

“Drink,” he said.

Shuichi grabbed the cup with trembling fingers and brought it to his lips. He took small, slow sips; its cold temperature helped to ease the soreness in his throat some. He could hear the fox rifling in the cabinet again and then clicked it shut as he brought out a small container of mouthwash, toothpaste, and a disposable toothbrush. Once the water in the cup was finished, he aided the human to his feet with a firm hand.

He tried to make sure the boy was steady on his own before pulling away, but Shuichi leaned up heavily against the sink with two hands gripping the sides as he felt the vertigo suddenly coming back. Youko put a securing palm on his back then while he handed him a small capful of mouthwash. The human took it and threw his head back to gargle it in his mouth; slim, defined throat contracting as he did so. He left one heavy hand on the sink's edge as he turned on the tap with the other.

Once he was sure the younger male wasn’t going to fall over unwittingly, Youko stepped back to sit heavily along the edge of the tub. He laid his head back against the wall as he looked along the intricate design of the wallpaper.

“Whose Ben?” he asked quietly.

The redhead spit the mouthwash into the sink and turned his head back towards him, genuine confusion on his face.

“What?” he said, voice clipped.

Youko turned his chin down a bit but didn't turn his eyes to him directly.

“Ben,” he reiterated, “His name was on the contact card on the front table.”

“No one,” Shuichi said shortly, turning off the tap and grabbing the toothbrush next to him, “A man I met in the elevator. He wanted me to come back to his room with him, but I declined.”

Youko knew he was stepping into hot water with what he said next, “If you declined, why did he give you his card?”

Shuichi angrily turned on the tap again as he placed the toothbrush underneath it, “Why do you care?”

“It was merely a question…” The fox appeased.

“It’s not,” the human said as he turned the tap off and squeezed some toothpaste onto the brush, “But to indulge your nosy curiosity, he merely gave it to me in case I changed my mind. That's all.”

Youko looked at him then, sliding his eyes over his willowy frame as it bent over the sink while he brushed his teeth. He studied his face in the mirror, head slightly bent back as he opened his mouth to move the brush along his white teeth. His lids were half closed over his eyes while he watched himself, a pink tongue moving in his mouth. The green in his irises was accentuated by the shadows of his dark lashes. Fine complexion stretched over his high cheekbones and opened jaw like smooth plaster. The youko couldn't explain the sudden jump in his groin as he studied the young male, imagining him in a much more dubious position under his clenched fist.

What the hell was wrong with him?

The sound of the human vigorously running the bristles along his enamel filled the room. Youko decided that now was the best time to talk while the human's mouth was otherwise preoccupied.

“There will come a time when you will choose another,” he said, not a question but a statement.

Shuichi paused momentarily, looking at the youko sharply through the mirror. The gold eyes that looked back at him were acute, but his face was calm. The redhead slowly started to brush his teeth again as he looked back at himself, letting the fox continue without a quick retort.

Youko had to work to keep his voice even as he said his next words, sensing the pang inside his ribs, “After tonight, after we've parted for good, you'll eventually find someone else. I hope the person you choose is the best for you. I just hope that person treats you well. You deserve respect, Shuichi…”

The human's movements slowed, observing closely to what the other male was telling him. He didn't avert his attention back on the fox, but his body seemed to stiffen as he spoke; fingers white as they pressed into the marble.

“I don't want them to do what I just did,” he continued despite, tone a low rumble that carried in the small room, “I don't want to ever hear that anyone else has ever hurt you that way. If I do…”

He paused for a moment, making sure the human was receiving his words without distraction. Shuichi slowly pulled the toothbrush from his mouth as he turned his eyes toward the sink, listening.

“If I do,” he continued, sharp eyes reflected in the glass, “I will kill them.”

He let that proclamation settle in the atmosphere, face resolved.

Shuichi angrily turned on the tap and spit into the sink. Throwing his toothbrush into the cup as he placed both hands on the either side of the basin, emerald eyes glaring at him vehemently through the mirror. Youko held his gaze, eyes half open looking down at him through silver bangs as he rested his head back against the wall. His posture was completely relaxed as he lounged along the side of the tub, but his expression was gravely serious; a tone of veracity in his intensive stare. Shuichi’s small nose wrinkled up in pure fury as he scoffed with disgust and snapped his eyes away. He briskly wiped his face with the cloth and whipped it violently into the sink as he turned to storm out of the room, shoving the door out of his way.

He sped off into another part of the suite, and the fox could soon hear things being clattered and banged around in the other room. The youko only tilted his head a bit as he listened to the noise. He was slow to get up as something heavy was dropped onto the floor. Placing his hands back into his pockets, he followed the path that the human had took. He walked languidly across the small sitting room, and found the source of the commotion in the large adjoining bedroom. He leisurely came around the corner and leaned his tall body up against the doorframe, his silver hair spilling over his shoulder as he watched the human quickly packing his things.

“Where are you going?” he asked; his tone was not sharp and held no anger, just fatigued sullenness.

“I'm going home,” the redhead snapped, accentuating his point by haphazardly throwing a pile of clothes into his suitcase.

Youko’s gaze followed him as he went about the room grabbing random items and putting them into bags. He did nothing for a while but stay against the wall as he looked on at the scene helplessly. He noticed the human placing an envelope on the bed. Two black and yellow plane tickets were sticking out of it. He looked back at his other half whose bare back was turned to him as he leaned over a carry-on. Watching his lean muscles ripple under his skin as he moved his arms, sifting through his things.

As if he was magnetized by the sight, Youko slowly came off the frame as he went towards him. Approaching quietly so as not to alarm. With his attention still elsewhere, the youkai slowly snuck his arms around his waist. Feeling the defined stomach flex against his forearms, he settled a tender peck on the ball of his shoulder.

Shuichi immediately fought to get away, scratching his nails against his skin as he tried to pry off his cemented hands and lurching his body forward. The youko held on tight, though, as he pulled the thrashing body towards him; fitting him into the contour of his own larger frame like a missing puzzle piece. He continued to press his lips up along the line of his clavicle to the expanse of his neck as he stroked the young man's sides, his own heavy thigh pressing into his hip.

“Let me go, Youko,” the human demanded, satiny voice breaking as he strained against the strength of an authoritarian body.

The demon kissed up to his ear and laid his thin lips up against it as he whispered, “Please don't leave me tonight. This will be the final hours I’ll ever see you. I just ask to have you one last time.”

“Get off!” His partner howled, punching his fist against a solid grasp as he tried to pull his hips free.

“Please,” the youko begged, voice desperate as his breath shuddered against his skin. His sharp face was pinched with pain as he buried it in the crook of his neck, “Please, don't leave. Allow me this one mercy, Shuichi…”

That snapped something inside the fiery redhead as he ripped himself free and whipped around to glare at the youkai.

“NO!” he screamed, the lone syllable splintering as he said it most aggressively, “YOU did this! And now you want my mercy?!”

The fox’s face was heavy with despondency as he looked at him, silver brows knitted over dense golden eyes. He reached out an arm to grab for him again, to pull him back into his space so he could merge their bodies together as if they'd never parted, but the redhead swiftly moved away. The back of his legs hitting the metal frame at the foot of the bed as he rushed back.

“I don't want this,” Youko stated as he tried to reason with him, “I don't want any of this to happen, believe me.”

“It’s never been about what we wanted!” The redhead spat back, using his own words against him. He raised a pointed finger up and out towards the darkened windows as he vehemently continued, “They don't care about what we want! If they did, they wouldn't be forcing this upon us! I’m tired of living by their rules!”

“I know, I understand,” the fox tried to pacify as he raised up a hand to appease his partner, “but I can't change their demands… or the consequences. All we can try to do is make the most of what time we have left. Come to me, love… and I can try to sooth our souls, if only for a little while.”

Shuichi’s raw face looked extremely pained then, an intense feeling of deceit settling in his heart. He recoiled back a bit, regarding the demon with large, doleful eyes.

“I'm ashamed of you, Youko,” his raw voice seethed with incredulity, “I never thought you'd be the one to concede so easily. You've rolled over like a dog showing its belly!”

This last statement struck a cord… Youko’s expression became cold as he looked on at his partner.

“And what would you have me do?” he bit back, “Go to the God himself, and beg for his reconsideration? As if he'd ever give me the time of day?! My hands are tied, Shuichi!”

“At least, you'd have some DIGNITY!” Shuichi cried in response, pounding his fist against his own chest, “Who cares what they say?! When has that ever stopped us before?!”

That was before they told me they'd erase your memories!” Youko screamed back, calm exterior now breaking under the pressure of their argument, “They’ll tear everything away from you! Your sense of self, your pride, the very integrity of your being! They'll have you start from the very beginning as if you were just a small babe, and wouldn't even bat an eye! It's a small price to pay to ensure that they don't steal your core persona away from you!”

His explication came out desperately. His fervor propelling him further until he was face to face with his other half, shouting at him through bared teeth just inches from his nose. Shuichi didn't seem to care as he craned his neck up to keep fervid eye contact with him, pressing his proximity into the youkai's with an aura of resentment.

His mouth was in a sneer as he spoke, “And the alternative is…what exactly? To miss an entire part of my life? To miss the other half of my soul?!

Frivolously motioning his hands down towards their dual, warring bodies to accentuate his point, he continued heatedly, “I am not me without you! One cannot exist without the other! Isn't that what we said?! Either way I turn, they've already broken up my existence! What is even the point of living, if I must live only half of a life?!”

Don't,” Youko snapped, grabbing the human's face in his tense fingers as he spoke to him; claws indenting into his skin out of desperation, “Don't start to talk like that. You will find life again, Shuichi. There is so much more left for you to live for. Shiori, for one. Your happiness, for another—”

“Don't bring my mother into this!” Shuichi cried out in astonishment as he ripped his face away. He pushed off of the demon, striking his open palm against his chest to give himself space from his towering partner.

“She was my mother, too,” Youko responded, almost hurt by the way the human ignored that fact.

The redhead whipped back around as he went back to stuffing his things into bags. Youko moved to stop him in distress, beg him to stay if he had to. He was naught but a long leg’s pace away, ready to tear the luggage from his hands that threatened to take him away from him, but the human paused his erratic movements for a moment. He stiffened when he heard the fox's labored breathing, the ache in the youkai’s soul reaching out to its twin for reprieve in the warmth of his presence. He was not oblivious to its call… Like a scared child reaching out to their matriarch, the youko's spirit beckoned to him. Asking for forgiveness. Pleading for comfort. Crying for his attention as it extended out its phantom hands for his embrace; appealing to his tenderness. His red hair swayed a bit as he turned over his slender shoulder to speak to him again. Fingertips settled into a point on the comforter above the mattress as his words carried over across the small space between them.

“So what are we intended to do then?” he said slowly, eyes downcast towards the sheets, “Once the night is over, our time is up. They were so gracious to give us this chance. Yet, the sun rises and they'll tear us apart forever. And not just by spirit this time. Are we really supposed to continue to live our lives as if we’d never known each other? Am I really meant to forget you?”

Youko shook his head, not able to tear his eyes away from him, “You don't have to forget… but you do have to continue to live, Shuichi. If not for anyone else’s sake but mine. We will see each other again… but in another renascence. I could not bare to continue in this existence if I knew your soul was condemned because you took your own life.”

The human's eyes narrowed then as his face began to pinch in emotional pain. Tears started to pour from him again as he sunk to the floor, kneeling against the bed as he folded his arms over the edge, crying into the mattress. His body racked with sobs as he screamed out in infuriated despair.

“I can't, Youko! Please, don't make me do this... I'm not strong enough...”

The fox's bestial heart broke then as he heard his soulmate beg for him. Just shattering into a million microscopic, little pieces at the agony of his name. He lowered himself to the floor so he could kneel next to his host. Wrapping him into his arms so he could bring his head into his chest. Kissing him against the temple, he ran his hands along his hunched back.

“I meant what I said earlier,” he said gently into his hair, air rustling the vibrant strands lightly, “Please, believe me when I say it.”

The human froze in his arms. The youko was not at all surprised when he sprang forth from the floor, his mind in a fury, as he screamed down at him, “How could you say that to me?! Why would you be that cruel?!”

Youko looked up at him through the split in his bangs as he said evenly, “It is not cruelty that fuels my words, quite the opposite.”

The redhead glared at him then and grabbed the nearest thing he could reach and threw it at him. It was lucky enough for the fox that it was merely a piece of clothing, but the lack of a resounding smack infuriated the young male even more to the point where he started to throw everything that was on the bed to the floor; the Venetian carpet underneath muting the thuds only slightly.

When everything had been ripped off and strewn about the ground, he started to tear things off of stands and cabinets. The kneeling demon only had a half a mind to stop him, knowing once the clatter of a vase hit the ground that this was going to be an expensive fix, but he didn't know if he could handle that pure, blinded rage being directed towards him. When the human nearly cut his foot on a shard of glass, yet still started to go into another room to tear that apart as well, was when he decided that it was time for him to step in. He got up from the floor quickly to follow after him. Entering the next room, he noticed that the human had already begun tearing through their luggage.

“You know, throwing a tantrum is not going to change my words,” he stated, stoking the fire.

The boy whipped around to him, bag still in hand, “Take it back!”

The fox was now provoked, pissed off that the human refused to receive the truth. His eyes narrowed as his ears twitched back and tail swished; glaring at the human with unconcealed spite.

“How dare you ask me to refuse my feelings? After I've given everything I could for you!” he spat back, “I cannot take back the truth no more than I can remove the pneuma from my body! You are insolent if you think that will change anything!”

“You twisted, conniving, evil bastard!” the redhead seethed, body shaking with unbridled anger, “You enjoy the way you can make me suffer!”

“I take no such pleasure,” Youko said, voice ghastly the way it hushed as he advanced on the human, “Hence, the reason why I'm here right now. Have you forgotten all the sacrifices I've made for you, human? Have you forgotten the devotion that propels me to ensure your safety? Were my words really that implausible that you aim to scald me with every ounce of your hatred? Or are they merely just inconsequential to you?”

His youki was dangerously spiking now, air in the room sparking with his energy— but this did not seem to unnerve the human as he slammed the bag to the ground and continued his provocation.

He stepped up to the demon to lash malefic proclamations at his face.

“Your words cause me suffering! More than any of the other torturous ways in which you could abuse me!” he exclaimed, “They tear at my insides and cause me to bleed their poisonous effects! I rebuke those words and spit them back down at your defiled feet!”

The demon growled and wrenched the human up by the arms, lifting him off the floor until his toes barely brushed against the wood. His face was contorted in the most inhuman snarl as he attempted to control the furious energy underneath his skin. Their noses barely touched, heated breathes intermingled, as he said his next biting words:

“You stubborn, tenacious, beautiful and vindictive human being, why do you aim to scour me like this?! I've given you all of my twisted and distorted self in clear and unwavering faithfulness, and you say that is too damaging for you to handle?! Even though I've used all of this fatalistic energy I have left in my very being to bring you your own happiness? What is it about my demoniacal and depraved presence, the one in which you have found solace in before, that shuns you away from my promise? Why is anything that I've told you so hard for you to believe?!”

Shuichi struggled against the hard chest in which he was pressed against, tears streaming down his cheeks, as he tried to get away from the words that were being barreled at him. He pushed his thin forearms against the youkai as he held him tightly to his taller frame with a bruising grip, shaking him inadvertently. The human pointed his face down with his chin against his neck when the demon enquired him, yet again, to acknowledge his barrage of questions.

“Answer me!” he snarled, pressing his angered face into the young man's while his nails bit into his skin.

He only responded with a fervent shake of his head, pushing a hand against the demon's mouth to quiet him. This caused the youko to vehemently pull his face back and forcefully push the human away from him. Shuichi’s lower back landed against the dresser all the way in the opposite end of the room; the impact shuttering the walls. He still stood, gripping the wooden edge and splintering it under the pressure of his fingers, as he brought his infuriated emerald eyes up to the youkai.

Youko stood to his full height, gold eyes looking down at him, as he coldly regarding the way his fingers bled.

“If you choose not to accept my vow, then I believe we're done here. There’s nothing else I’m willing to do,” the fox said dismissively.

The redhead held his stare for a moment, silently daring for the demon to leave him there—battered and broken. To forsake him with the kiss of Judas on the eve of the murder of their unity. When he didn't move, the human then realized that he was waiting for him to respond. To tell him whether or not he should go.

Like an obedient dog.

Oh, Youko, he thought, what happened to you?

“It is not your words that I find unbelievable,” Shuichi started, pushing himself off the dresser and slowly stalking towards the demon; eyes glowing as things began to levitate off the ground, “Or the manner in which you say them. It is the mere timing of your admittance that I question your sanity. Either you’re deranged… or just merely stupid.”

The youko didn't react at first, just stared at the human with dead eyes that Shuichi could tell were silently questioning whether or not he had a thirst to taste death’s icy embrace at his clawed hands. Their two energies prickled across the dead air of the room, both the same and yet so different. Youko knew if they held this standoff for much longer, the whole building would be coming down. But he kept his stance as random objects of the room began to whirl around him, blowing his long hair about.

It had been such a long time since seeing Shuichi's powers, that he’d nearly forgotten he’d retained any. And now that they were on display, and directed at him no less, he felt almost proud. What a beautifully audacious thing he'd created, the young man that bidden his wrath. Youko's lip twitched up in amusem*nt as the human began to advance on him.

“Would you maim me, Shuichi? For just speaking the truth, my love?” The looming kitsune questioned, voice grave yet tinged with playful mirth.

He looked towards the younger as a large object rushed past his head. While it landed with a crash against the wall behind him, a ragged bark of laughter snaked its way out his throat as he leered at the other. Half-lidded eyes begging him to take him on. Silently telling him that he’d love to test out the redhead's sudden burst of conviction, and then show him in all the ways in why he shouldn't. A flash of his own power licked across the ceiling, and he held his hand up, calling the boy to him with his fingers outstretched. A challenge.

“Come to me, precious,” he crooned; his voice becoming the deep, reverberating growl of a hell beast. Lips the shape of a twisted, lascivious smile, “Come and find the reprieve in your maker. I am your home.

Just then, Shuichi's powerful energy fizzled out just as quickly as it came. Items were suspended in midair for a just a moment before they all came crashing back to the ground. His eyes faded back, green irises dawning behind the crest of his power, as his auburn brows knitted together and his fine mouth recoiled back in a distorted snarl.

His nimble feet deftly missed all the items scattered across the floor as he waltzed up to him, ferocious purpose in his steps. Sleek frame slithering up to the demon until he was just half a room away.

Why would you say that to me?!” he demanded fervently.

“Why does it ire you so?” Youko smoothly countered, placing his hand back at his side with the other in his pocket while he looked down at the younger as he stood relaxed.

Shuichi's expression morphed; eyes squinted with tears trickling along the lids. The bridge of his nose crumpling up as his top lip quivered.

“Because…” he finally conceded, voice barely an octave above the still background, “Because you brought me here to this breathtaking city just to tell me that we'd never see each other again…”

His desperate green eyes looked at Youko as if he’d made the most devastating betrayal, and they pierced through the fox's consciousness like a whizzing arrow through his heart. The youkai made a motion of his head downward, signaling for the human not to dare make his next proclamation.

Not to punish him in that way.

Knowing full well he couldn't handle the pain of he did.

Shuichi kept their eyes leveled as he slowly reeled his head to the side, a twisted scowl coming over his face, and braced himself for the words he would say next with a low, thundering tremble to his voice, “You told me you'd always be there for me, Youko… You promised me you wouldn't concede… So many nights you let me spend wrapped up in your arms thinking of your commitment as indestructible…”

Youko's gold eyes glinted with steel as he started to respond, chin turned down, “I told you, Shuichi. They've backed me up against a wa—”

“You told me no leverage was worth the sacrifice,” Shuichi quickly interjected; lithe toes now creeping along the floorboards towards him again, hips moving side-to-side, as his expression became accusatory. Like a lion encroaching on its pray.

“I didn't know then what cards they would play—”

“You told me that death would come before departure,” he continued, voice now rising with every syllable.

“It’s not my life on the line now—”

“Yet… Tell me why, here you stand… As alive as ever... And tomorrow you'll have vanished into nothing!” the human hissed, teeth bared as he dug into the fox's fragile ego with his next crying decree, “What utter hypocrisy to tell me devotion is coming from you, Youko Kurama!!!”

“Why are you reminding me of this?!” The demon bellowed; shoulders veering forward as his face twisted in a rage. He reached back into his hair to yank out a seed. With the seed, he instantaneously grew a whip. He lashed the weapon with a flick of his wrist and cracked it down towards the human's foot, tail end striking across his bare ankle. The human didn't do anything at all but slightly angle his body away towards the side as the demon spat at him, “I know what I've said! Can't you tell that this torments me as well?! What have I done to you to deserve such biting derision, Shuichi?!”

“Why would you say that to me?!” he snapped back, red ponytail whipping over his bare shoulder.

The fox made an expression of unambiguous indignation as he leaned back up, shoulders squared as he cracked the whip again. Letting the blow lash a cut across his calf while he co*cked his head to the side to glare at him through heavy lids, mouth in a deep scowl. The redhead quickly encroached on him then, body leaning heavily into his upper torso as he was on his toes beating vitriol into the demon's face. Youko tensed in irritation as he watched the human berate him with such close proximity.

“You wretched, egotistical beast!!! Why would you tell me this was goodbye...!?” he screamed, ripping away the youko's hand that came up around his throat to stop him from making his next accusation, tearing his black shirt even further in the process, “Only to confess to me moments later that you loved me!?

After the last booming syllable left his mouth, the room quieted to a near deafening silence.

Youko looked down at his lover, all traces of anger gone as they were now replaced with saddened adoration. Shuichi kept their eyes together as he recoiled in on himself; body shaking, feet tiptoeing back, and face contouring into despair as he started to weep. The fox’s guilty conscious shattered into deep remorse as he watched the human descend unto his knees amongst the scattered mess that was their tumultuous anger. His trembling hands tearing at his chest as his figure wracked with breathtaking sobs.

Every inch of his body begged to sink down with him and curl the human into his arms so he could wash away all of the pain from his face, the pain he caused, but his stubborn resolve kept him rooted to the spot still up and standing over him; one knee slightly bent.

His voice was a subtle baritone as his words ghosted down to the floor where his distressed lover cried at his feet.

“I do,” he admitted.

Shuichi bent over the ground in pain, shaking his head, trying to block out the fox's voice with a piercing scream.

The fox repeated himself, “I truly do. I've loved you more than anything else.”

There was a drilling cry of agony as those words speared him, pinning him against the ground. His ribs could be seen through his bare, exposed skin as he wrapped his arms around his frame and coiled in on himself, expanding with every ragged breath… Long, crimson hair pooling on the floor.

Youko’s feet moved methodically when he finally conceded and knelt down next to his shivering host, right knee embedding into a picture of them lying amongst the chaotic clutter. He kept his hands to his sides as he spoke over the crying body, bare back bowed over. Youko’s naked chest heaved up and down with the immensity of his admiration for the human.

“I couldn't help myself,” he confessed, looking over the redhead's stunning form, “Why did you make it so easy for me…? When we split… I wanted to let you go. I was going to vanish so you could live your life unbothered. I didn't merit your time or your devotion. But whenever it came time, your presence always compelled me to stay… You lulled me back into a sense of security with your sweet, nurturing lips and your gorgeous mind. I wanted to bask in your ambience, such a perfectly designed creature. So forgiving and refined. I couldn't leave you… Every waking thought is you. Every breath of air is all in thanks to you. I exist now solely because of you. And you never shunned me for it. You welcomed me. You forgave me. You gave me a home in your arms. You gifted me a belonging in your life. You consoled me with the remedy of your darling attentions that sought to warm my cold, self-loathing soul with their beautiful venerations. You gave me worth… You gave me purpose… You saved me… This hideous creature that I am. Shuichi… I don't deserve your tears. I don't deserve your love. But I can't stop myself from loving you in return. You have been everything for me since the very moment I saw you draw in your first, lone breath.”

The limber body furled along the floorboards, every single word scalding him. The shriek that ripped from his fragile throat was devastatingly broken and seared with fraught. Only the sound true pain could release.

He wrapped his arms around the human's waist, lifting him up and out the mare’s nest that was the floor. Shuichi tried to fight it—tried to pull and crawl away on unsteady hands and knees to escape the towering figure and the things he was revealing to him—but the youko pulled him back with a firm press against his chest, feeling his heart beat erratically. The human was like a weighted blanket in his hands as he brought his frailer body heavenwards towards him. Wrapping one long arm around the redhead's shaking hips while the other draped across his chest as he held him to his own looming frame with his chin encased in his strong grip; angling the young man's face so his ear was trapped against his virile mouth.

“I will give my life for you,” he continued, head tilting to the side causing his long, silver hair to descend over the boy's body. Shuichi whined into gritted teeth, eyes clenched closed. Brutish fingers stark against his soft features as they indented into his round cheeks while they held his face steady, “I'll give you anything and everything. Tell me. Tell me how you want me. Would you prefer me dead?”

The kitsune traveled a hand up from the young man's long thigh and along his abdomen, brushing against his sheen shirt, to wrap around Shuichi’s hand that laid across his stomach. Their clasped fists traveled the rest of the way up the human's vibrating body until he stopped; momentarily to caressing a jutted collarbone. Suddenly, a sharp weapon was placed into the smaller palm… A dracaena leaf distorted into a blade. Youko clutched his hand again, forceful pressure grounding against the bones of his knuckles that sought to secure his reluctant grasp around the object, as the kitsune traveled it to his own throat; pressing against the human's graceful fingers until the sharp point was cutting into his skin.

“Take my life away,” he whispered hotly into his ear, “Take my very breath from me. The one that you've gifted. You'll know then that I'll never have left you again. Never having to travel this earth possessing the knowledge that I betrayed you. I beg you. Take what is owed to you.”

A sweet kiss was laid on the human's jaw, bunting his forehead against the other’s temple as he adored him lovingly. He craned his neck to the side so his throat was completely exposed, pressing the blade further in. Shuichi’s eyes were now open, screaming through his teeth, looking at his twin soul with unmasked horror. He tried to loosen his hold on the acicular leaf, but the youko released his chin to secure his forearm against his heaving chest. Shuichi gripped onto the demon's wrist, trying to pull away the strong grasp that trapped him, but the demon pressed harder; his blood now trickling down their entangled arms. His eyes were intense as they looked into Shuichi’s constricted pupils.

“Shuichi…” The youko breathed, stroking his thumb along the other’s. The redhead was now softly shaking his head in a panic.

“Youko, stop…!”

There was only one solid and defining beat of a mortal heart before the demon continued:

“If you love me, too… You will kill me.”

The human's eyes were wide with disbelief, watching the way the other male’s gaze begged him. The kitsune slowly unwrapped his hands from his lover's, laying them at his sides reverently. When Shuichi's hands didn't immediately move away, dagger still pressed up against his throat, the fox looked at him with the most unrestrained fondness. Lifting up one arm to stroke his cheek with his thumb and then petting his face tenderly with the back of his fingers. He wiped a tear away from the human's eye.

“Do it,” he said, tone relaxed, “Put us both out of our misery. I'll be most useful once I’m dead.”

The human's face was shocked. Shocked at the youkai for having the gall to expect this of him. Shocked at himself for listening. He couldn't comprehend what force from his subconscious propelled him to place further pressure onto the blade—Youko's face not even flinching as he did so. The fox stroked his leg in a way that said it was okay… That he understood. That he wouldn't judge him for this act of brutality. He closed his gold eyes as he tilted his head back, body at ease.

The younger's red bangs fell over his heart-shaped face as he averted his gaze. Not able to watch the next gruesome scene even though he had seen much, much worse. Taking in a deep breath, he started to glide the sharp edge across the rough skin.

“Shuichi,” Youko spoke, voice smoothed with warmth, “I love you.”

The redhead's eyes snapped open as his body stiffened.

“I always have… and I always will. I would do it all again—every single moment; every single blissful, agonizing second—if it meant I was able to experience our merger for just one more time. I have never felt more fulfilled in my life… than when I was with you.”

The human's clench tightened around the blade; these words causing him suchexquisitepain as they were said with so much passionate endearment, it was as if he could feel them traveling through the heavy, depressed space from one’s heart to the other…

“Please,” the demon quietly begged, voice only a murmur, “Just don't forget me… I only hope that some day you can find it in you to return my favor—"

His long hand glided up to ghost across the area above the thrumming pounding in his chest, extolling him.

“—Because even in death, my soul will have to follow you.”

The next moment, the blade clattered against the wooden floor. Drops of blood splattered across the ebony panels…

There was a shuttering gasp of affliction as a body thumped against another solid surface.



Welcome to the end of part 1!

Unlike the other installments, this story will be divided into three parts. I'll like to post each part a week apart (or try to at least).

I'm hoping the characters' reactions made sense after a bit as Shuichi seemed to come out highly overwrought and emotional for his normally calm and collected character. Sorry for the long gap between updates. I was really working for awhile to tweak this installment just right. I know it's an unusual setting for them to be in for a story, so I was a bit hesitant about posting it. But I hope you enjoy it all the same!

As always, feel free to drop your thoughts and I'll work to make sure I get back to you! (If I haven't yet, sit tight and I most definitely will. I'm thoroughly greatful for anyone taking the time to leave comments and feedback!) Keep your eyes out for the second part coming soon!! :)

Chapter 5: The Chaos of Au Revoir: Part 2


When everything seems to be at its peak, it suddenly comes crashing down that festering wounds aren't anywhere near starting to be healed... No, in the fact, like the calm before the storm—there's only a tensed, unnerved breathe before the onslaught of hail and wind starts to rip through the delicate balance surrounding the two halves' hearts and soul.

Tearing through each other with their catastrophic vitriol.

But, surprise to no one, Youko hasn't been completely forthcoming... and somewhere within deceit lays the truth. One that has to be mined for by a clever mind... After all of this, Youko’s vulnerability might just be the key to the end.

(Part 2 of 3)


Within this chapter, is quite possibly the LONGEST sex scene I think I have ever written. So, be warned. It's a lot, and I'm hoping you don't get bored halfway through... But I'm not gonna lie— my grandoius, flowery writing peppered with long, romanticised innuendos just seemed right XD

Please pay attention to ALL content warnings!

CW: Domestic abuse (more of it—a lot more), attempted rape, forced mating, heavy angst, asshole!Youko, vindictiveandviolent!Shuichi, both homicidal and suicidal intents, very graphic sex, rough anal, detailed deep-throating, over-stimulation, org*sm control, biting, claim/mate marking, abandonment, heavy depression.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Shuichi collapsed against the ancient thief’s body, frame shivering uncontrollably with wet lips brushing up against his breath. He held the demon's face in both of his palms as he kissed him…Tears dripping from the fleshy point of his cupids-bow down onto the demon's own tongue.

The youko’s eyes were still closed when the young man had crumpled onto him, waiting for the dagger to run across his jugular. The sudden affection was admittedly a surprise. When he slowly opened his eyes, he saw Shuichi bowed over him there— shaking like a leaf as he gasped for air against his mouth; normally nimble hands, rigid and cold on his pale skin. Youko pursed his lips against the other’s, flesh just barely touching. He chased after them as the human started to lift away—pulling him back down with the gravity of their need for affection from each other as their breaths became heavy; puffing rough pants into each other's airways while their mouths entangled. As the human started to crumble back towards the floor, his strength quickly giving out on him, the demon pulled him back up to him by a powerful grip indenting around his upper arms; leaning down to return to their loving expression. He drew him over and along his person like a heavy cover, legs sliding in-between the redhead’s knees to hike him up his lap, as he secured their lips together with an anchored hand behind his head.

“I love you…” he repeated against the human’s mouth.

“Don't… Youko, please,” Shuichi pleaded, green eyes wincing in pain as he shook his head again; trying to push his palms against his cheeks as if to hush him.

“I love you,” he said again, chanting it like a sacred psalm as he pressed chaste kisses along his face until his mouth was caressed against the younger's thin, delicate ear once more; heated whispers like snakes as they slithered into his ear canal, “I love you… I love you… I love you… More than you could ever know…”

Shuichi was nothing but a shivering mess—Sitting on his lap… Ensnared in his grasp… Rendered to him on top of his thighs while he allowed the youko to take possession of their exchange. The younger couldn't seem to get a firm grasp on reality as he was allowing little mewls to escape through his parted, wet lips while his eyes were clouded over with dense confusion. Youko didn't care… feeling an insurmountable need to have the young one under him for a final time. His taste was exquisite. He savored of dewy, youthful flesh and intense passion, and the fox needed—yet, even overwhelmingly wanted—to have his slender body spread across the sheets of their torn-up bed in order to lay his indescribably immense devotion onto him. To sooth him. To show him. To convince him that he meant what he said.

He couldn't leave here with any doubt in the human's mind that he did so carelessly. Not a single bone in his body could manage to be that wicked to the man that had sacrificed for him his own subsistence in order for his very existent to stay on these planes.

Youko was cruel—he was a heartless bastard, he knew—but if there was one thing, one person, who could overcome his cruelty… It was this trembling, crying shambles of a mortal man that laid on top of him with all red hues and amazingly sparkled emeralds for eyes that surrendered him so hopelessly besotted at the sight.

No… He couldn't leave here with the young man thinking that he was so insensitive to him. His very air was of him, and even if it tortured him to know… He had to learn that everything the youkai did, he did it because it was to ensure his prosperity. Even now… Even when it meant saying goodbye—no matter how much it tore and bled the ancient and illustrious thief on the inside to do so.

He needed to see Shuichi happy. He needed that more than he needed to live.

And even if that meant excommunicating himself from his life… Tearing himself away from the only thing that ever gave him a greater purpose or definitive sense of self…

Well, the legendary bandit was willing to allow himself to fade away into obscurity in order to see the bright glimmer of fulfillment in the younger man's gaze. He'd allow the aching hole in his heart to grow and fester, leaving him hallowed and bereft, just to give him peace.

Youko broke away from the swollen mouth once again to lay wet kisses along the subtle jut of his jaw and traveled down further until his lips were hovering over the fluttering skin of the young man's pulse. Feeling the verve of his lover beneath his teeth, there was an impulse itching at the very base of his throat to render his bite unto him…

It was a masoch*stic need. Because giving him the mark meant that even though he could not be with him in body, he would still be tethered to him in spirit yet again… Indefinitely. And with an indiscernible amount of time left still to his life, if the human were to ever—ever-loving God forbid—pass before him, that meant he'd be completely left alone. Torn by his soul for a second time.

It didn't matter to him, though… Securing his jaw around the pulse, he was ready to sacrifice himself for the chance to still be attached to his former host in some way.

When Shuichi felt the sharp fang run against his artery, he stiffened. When he felt the serrated tooth begin to imbed into his thin flesh, he saw red—being snapped out of his overwrought stupor within that very inhale of a ragged, growling breath of sharp discomfort.

Before the mark was able to be marred onto his person, he stood up—so quick it left the fox unawares for a moment—and backhanded the youkai with a brutal fist into his cheek until his head snapped to the side, silver bangs splaying over his defined face.

“How could you even think of doing that to me?!” he cried, face a mask of incredulous animosity.

When Youko looked up at him with one gold eye visible through the curtain of his shiny hair, face looking like a well kicked and freshly beaten puppy, he became suddenly irate again.

“You're an absolute piece of sh*t!” he spat, words coming out in anger without even a thought of their ability to cut, “After all of this, you still want to defer me so I'm still somehow incapable of getting over you! How could you look to lay your claim on me, but then not even stick around for the aftermath! You'd have me celibate for the rest of my days wanting for you!”

Youko continued to look up at his partner, knowing these words were true but not having the resolve to come up with a clear answer. The youkai had to admit it was selfish, that was for certain, but it was also desperate; needing to find a way to still feel the human's heartbeat on the nights he'd lay alone in any makeshift bed he'd manage to find— reveling in the echo of the man who'd once called to his own name.

“I don't know…” he answered honestly, voice unusually soft despite the throbbing ache in his cheek, “I guess I just wanted to be able to feel you somehow… Even after this was all through. I'll never be able to find companionship again after you, and after some time our souls will eventually completely detach from each other… I just want to be near to you in some way, even if it's not on the psychical spectrum.”

Shuichi looked down at him in shock, not able to believe that the fox did not have some type of ulterior motive for his actions. That just wasn’t like him, and his reasoning immediately turned to sinister aims...

“You want me alone, don't you?” he seethed, soft face twisting into a vicious scowl, “You want me to spend the rest of my days lonely and isolated so no one else could ever have the chance of touching me when you can't, is that it? You'll leave me, sure, saying that it's better for my health, but then you'll turn around and make it to where no one else can have me. Because God forbid anyone else try to lay claim to anything under Youko Kurama's territory, is that right?!”

These accusations were said with so much venom, it was like they were dripping straight from the cobra's mouth. Youko had hardly ever seen such hatred in the young man's aura, and he’d never—not once ever—believed such animosity could be directed towards him. His words stung… and they left a festering gash in his already weighted subconscious.

“No…” he quickly strived to placate, shaking his head in staunch refusal and bringing up a hand to grasp at the younger's arm, “No, Shuichi. I would never do that—”

“You just did!!!” the redhead shrieked, tearing his arm away as he flung himself back, “Or tried to, at least! Not just two seconds ago! When you had me vulnerable and sympathetic for you was when you thought it was best to strike! You soulless BASTARD!!!

The kitsune quickly got up onto his knees to chase after his lover's retreating body, trying to keep him cemented in place while he looked to rectify the situation.

“No. No, Shuichi, listen to me,” he attempted to explain, but the human was beating against him again with thick palms pounding into his arms, “I wasn’t—I didn't mean it that way…”

He tried to come up with some other rationale behind his careless action, but the more he tried to wrap his brain around it… The kitsune soon realized he was right.

“Shuichi, I'm… so sorry,” he amended, bringing the younger into an imposingly tight hug while he buried his face into his stomach, “Please, believe me. I never meant to hurt you…”

“You're a liar!

The human shrieked at him as he tried to yank himself away.

“No… no, I just want you to be happy,” Youko murmured, pushing his head in further to the human's abdomen as he tried to keep him from escaping; muscular arms tightening around him, “Please, I've just had a lapse in judgement… I'm hurting, too…”

The young male kicked at him to try to push him off, completely enraged by that statement. After he wasn't successful, he leaned down to bring the youkai's eyes back on him with a brutish tug of his hair.

“You want me to be happy, but only on your terms,” the redhead seethed in a whisper, the Viridian in his eyes alit with rage, “If you wanted me to be happy, you wouldn't have made me aware of your sellout only to confess to me we could have been something more this entire time. You had me wanting, Youko… Believing that we were never going to be despite the obvious preference I saw in your eyes every time you looked at me…”

The younger began to break down again, tears falling from his chin as he looked at the fox with a different type of pain—


A complete and thorough anguish of his soul that had the taller man wincing at the sight; knowing he was the one to put it their.

“I knew I could see it… Every time we touched… Every time we made love… You beheld me like it was the first time you had ever seen life before…” Shuichi continued, his persona took on a bittersweet emotion as he gazed at the fox beneath him through the saltine water wavering on his lids; releasing the fist in his hair to glide his hands down his face, beholding him. He swiped his thumbs along his angular cheeks as he thought of all the times they'd ever let the chemistry grow between them, “I wanted to be with you… You knew that. We've been waiting on this edge ever since we've parted bodies for a chance to live together without censured eyes, and I offered to give up my life in the Human World… But you told me no.”

Youko softly shook his head as he brought up his hand to stroke the one that was currently holding him. His stare mirrored the glassiness in the other's gaze as the image of his lover pleading for him not to leave their shared bed for the umpteenth time flashed through his mind…

“You have to stay here, Shuichi… Shiori needs you,” he said, “and I can't keep you protected in the Makai. They'll find us no matter where we hide.”

Shuichi’s face softly pinched then, the face he made whenever he’d heard this same spiel before. He angled his head slightly away as he pinned him with a discerning stare.

“You can't, or you won't?” he questioned, a glint of knowing in his gaze, “Are you truly afraid of the consequences, or are you just tired of putting in the effort?”

That accusation had the fox tearing his claws into the other’s pants as he bit back a vicious snarl at the underhanded insinuation. He tried to contain his sudden fury as he regarded the callous claim.

“I would do anything for you,” he bit out through clenched teeth, “You know this… You've capitalized on this. You know I could never live my life again normally after you. So why do you seek to narrate me into this heartless and odious character like everyone else already has? I've been none of those things to you.”

Shuichi scoffed then, leaning back down a bit.

“Oh? And when you took my body for your sad*stic pleasure in the cab, that was neither heartless nor cruel?” The redhead hissed.

The youkai grinded his jaw, warning him.

“I was upset—”

“You were proving a point,” the redhead quickly interjected, cutting through his excuse with a sharp tongue, “You said so yourself: I'll always belong to you, no? You can go off and do whatever you want. Come and go as you please. Leave me as you please. But the moment I’ve tried to gain back some type of autonomy for myself, I'm quickly put back in my place. By you, by Koenma, by anyone really. Is Shuichi Minamino not a name that exists with a clear sense of legitimacy? Does he not deserve a sense of self? Whenever I've tried to take back my own life and make my own decisions, I'm always told that I'm wrong.”

Youko peered up at him, keeping their gazes locked together while he calculated a careful rebuttal to that statement; understanding that their was a hidden meaning of subjection behind his words.

“I said what I did out of anger, I did not mean—”

Youko Kurama,” the young man interrupted again, calling him by his fabled name while he leaned down further; coming face to face with a leper, “You have never said a condescending word you didn't mean in your entire life. I am nothing more than your ‘property’ to you. As is evident in the way that you treat me… f*cking me like a whor* when it's convenient and then vanishing off the face of the planet when it suits you. You wanted to remind me who holds all the power in this relationship. I am your slave by dogma.”

Youko winced at that. The reaction was so quick and so subtle, that most would not have been able to perceive it’d even took place. But Shuichi easily could… and that one little response was all the confirmation he needed.

When the younger stood back up, glaring down at him with hardened and nearly uncaring eyes, the fox tried to once again dispel his allegations.

“Shuichi, that's not true,” the youkai swiftly aimed, “None of that is true. You know this. I've never meant to impede on your self-development.”

“Then tell me,” Shuichi ordered, withdrawing his hands as he narrowed his eyes, “Tell me you give me your blessing to be with someone else. Tell me you would allow for me to take partnership with someone else without your constant surveillance.”

Youko snapped his mouth shut for a moment, trying to understand what—specifically—it was that his other half was looking for from him… Not daring to say a word before he expounded.

“If you leave me tonight,” the younger clarified, “then you leave behind you’re right to ever have any sort of agency over my life again.”

“If that is what you choose to do…” the fox continued, swallowing the thick, burning bile of affliction that traveled up his throat; claws twitching as his ugly antipathy began to show again, “To find someone else… Then I have no choice but to accept that. I'm not going to stand in your way—”

“That's not what I asked,” Shuichi corrected, keeping him pinned under his stare, “If you leave, you leave me for good. In all sense of the word. If I—once I—choose to be with another, that is none of your concern. You agree that you'll not regard yourself with my chosen companionship from here on out? To let me make such decisions freely and without your unseen censorship, no matter of my awareness or consent to it?”

Youko’s gold eyes hardened at that. He knew now exactly what he was being asked, but when he opened his mouth to resentfully agree, a paltry and strangled sound of a grunt left his throat instead. Words seeming to fail him. He cleared his throat to try again, but the words were caught in his lungs…. Unable to be produced.

Shuichi gave a bitter smirk at that, an exhale of resentment leaving through his nose, and he shoved the fox away the next minute; taking in the fact that his hands left him reluctantly.

“That's what I thought,” he said sourly, “A true specter in the flesh. You'll remain to be unseen, but your presence will never really be gone. That's what you want.”

“I want to protect you,” the fox quickly cut in, trying to mask his scowl and failing miserably.

“You want to control me,” the human corrected, lip tipping up in a sneer, “You want to make sure I continue to live my life by your standards to ensure that I never truly grow out of you.”

Youko tilted his head to the side to shake his head in refusal, “No, I—”

But the younger man did not stick around to hear any more of his excuses—moving right past him as he briskly walked back towards the bedroom with his leg shoving him to the side as the kitsune sat with his mouth hanging open mid-thought.

“You've proved enough to me tonight,” Shuichi said icily, face hardened and eyes cold as he retreated, “If you want to keep any semblance of respect, you'll let this go quietly while I pack my things.”

Youko's staggered stare fell upon the polished floorboards as he heard his (soon-to-be) bisected ex-lover striding quickly into the room behind him while he loudly snatched up a random bag off the floor to throw his things into. The fox tried to bid away the heavy rock that suddenly landed in his chest when he realized that the young man he'd once shared an entire embodiment with had just unraveled his entire psyche when even he hadn't figured out what the muddied and construed motives were behind his imprudent actions... Confirming that he was most likely the only one—in the very, very, very few he'd ever let manage to grow so close to him—who would ever manage to up-show him in a cutthroat game of wits.

And he was losing him…. Forever.

Every audible ruffle of a luggage container or a plunk of a belonging was bringing him farther away from him as he readied himself to walk out that door and leave him behind in here—in this ransacked hotel room that was the physical replication of their internal turmoil—to never be seen or heard from again.

The ancient fox sat on his knees for a moment in utter silence, staring at the floor and listening to his soul mate angrily cramming his things into suitcases, while the scenes of their shared time together flashed through his mind… His feathery, red hair fanned across the pillowcase; his green eyes bright with high regards and jovial attachment; his brilliant smile and his melodic laughter back in a time when he was happy… His lean silhouette outlined in the windows of darkened rooms when they'd been runways… His thin and toned body tense and curled up in the protection of his arms when the pain of their separation became too much… His cheeks, rosy and damp, when he silently cried for their interdict dalliances…

His sweet lips against his… In the middle of the night when he thought he was asleep… Whispering a lengthy and arduous confession of his adoration for him… Petting his still face when he’d given him the purest expression of a loving affection that had almost brought him to literal tears while dozing off…

A loud clang of a heavy metal box hitting the floor of the bedroom immediately snapped him out of his melancholic reverie and back to the inattention of the depressing present.

The one in which his one and only true soulmate was moving on from him…

For good.

Youko couldn’t help himself from letting one, lone saltine drip of water fall from his eye no more than he could stop the fists from clenching up at his sides (knuckles white and tight) as he took in an angry, ragged breath through his flared nose.

He rigidly stood up from the ground, gradually lifting one heavy foot after the other, as his stiff back remained straight and tensed.

When his muscular and brooding frame finally rose off the floor, he slowly turned around to stare at the bare back of the man who dared to refuse him…

Shuichi didn't look to see him coming up from behind even though he heard the hard steps moving towards the room.

And really, he should've learned better—especially after all of this time—to never leave his back unguarded near a pissed off fox…

“Where the f*ck do you think you're going?”

And even though he heard the malicious connotations behind those words, he did not heed their pregnant warnings… Fully involved in his plot to remain spiteful, he responded with the embitterment dripping off his tongue.

“I know you're not obviously this daft, I'm going home,” he bitterly cut out, “You know… the one in which you’ve deserted? Need I really remind you again, Youko?”

The youkai gave a guttural snarl through his grounded teeth at the flippant and frosty response. The younger didn't pay him any further mind as he swiftly moved past him to grab something from the other room. When his lithe body moved against his own in cold regard, a white-hot anger flashed through the demon's mind—teeth borne as he loured at his other’s retreating form with vicious eyes.

“You're not leaving,” he commanded, slamming one of the double doors further open until it banged up against the wall, “Come back over here, and sit the f*ck down. I'm about to teach that nasty and ungrateful attitude of yours…”

Shuichi furiously threw everything in his hands down onto the floor as he whipped around to spit spite back at the demon.

You don't have the RIGHT to command anything of ME!!! If you want me to be your obedient little serf, why don't you come over here and MAKE ME!?!

Not a second passed before the proclamation left his mouth and the moment in which his dare was taken up on.

The youkai was blaze of light when he barged through the room to just the few feet where he’d stood away from him and seized him up into his iron hold by a powerful forearm around his waist. The bones of his hips cracked as he pressed him against his strong build. The wind from Shuichi's lungs was forced from him when his body was suddenly wrenched back with brutish force. He was being dragged towards the doors of the bedroom, feet scraping along the floor, as he lunged himself forward to try and escape his grasp.

“You f*cking deluded prick!!! Let me go!!! NOW!!!

He could feel the demon's hand leaving another bruise on his body as he gripped his hip with more force than necessary in order to keep him trapped in his death-like grasp. He started to violently twist his body about in order to try to wriggle it free, scratching at the wrist that kept hold of him, but when his backside pressed up against a solidness within the demon's own pants…Impossibly rigid and undeniably prominent… He suddenly knew then that if he let the youkai bring him in there—into the bedroom where he could easily have him pinned under his strength with no one to stop him but the phantoms that stayed silent behind their protective walls, just like before—he’d be leaving there with more than just bruises…

If he left there at all.

He started to kick at the other man with renewed vigor then. One solid foot landed into his shin, and the youkai wasn't so much hurt as he was irate; gripping his tight fist around his neck while he kept his frame fastened to him with his other arm. Shuichi was flinging curses at him—execrating the demon with so much rancor, it was like he’d never even loved him at all…

When they began to pass the threshold of the room, Shuichi cried out into the suite. Expressing his perilous state to anyone who might be listening. To anyone who might even care… And when his hands caught on the wooden frame, pale and trembling reddened fingers clutching onto the white-painted molding for dear life, he sobbed out again. Desperate tenor choking and crackling under his own fear.

He was yanked off the next instant, a malicious voice hissing at him to be quiet unless he wanted to bring others into his misery, and he gave an egregious whine when his hands slipped away; practically feeling the peril of his person already within his body.

“Youko! STOP!” he screamed, seeing the tops of the rumpled sheets. He could envision his blood being splattered across them.

He was flung into the bed the following moment, wooden frame banging against the wall when his body landed heavily on the mattress. Shuichi sobbed out in protest when his already beaten physique made the connection, and he attempted to quickly get up from the vulnerable position on his back in order to try and crawl off the bed. But Youko was on him in a flash; dragging him down by a yank of his foot to the edge of the bed with his menacingly tall figure bowing over him to keep him pinned.

Shuichi was beating his fists into him, clenched hands making loud connections against his solid chest as he tried to kick him away with his feet knocking into his abdomen. The fox was as sound as an iron shield though, and even if his mate was able to out-brawns some of their most formidable opponents with his deceptively thinner build—he was most certainly not stronger than him. As was evident in the way he could not push him off when his violent hands began grabbing at the pliant curves of his body…

“Stop it! Youko, you're going to hurt me!” the human cried out, tears on his face again when the youkai leaned down to drag his teeth along his exposed neck.

That statement earned him a rather hard and resounding slap to his already discolored face; causing his head to bounce off the bed as he felt a crack in his cheekbone. The brutal abuse had him crying out in complete despair until he was stopped mid-sob by a cruel grasp around the trachea of his neck; cutting off his airways.

“You'd like that, wouldn’t you?” Youko fumed into his choking face, taking notes in the way his pallid skin began to flush under the force of his hand while he gaped, “You licentious c*nt. Look at how unvirtuous you are, with the way my brutality has already made you so laughably hard for me.”

The fox made his point by reaching down between their bodies and roughly tugging at the erection that was clearly protruding from the young man's pants. A horrific mewl of realization left the young one’s strangled throat as the emergence of that fact left him grief-stricken.

“I have to admit,” the former thief bit out with a bitter laugh as he lightly licked at the human's salty tears while he began to work him through his pants, “I've turned you into quite the immoral little bitch, haven't I? You play the sweet, ethical mama's boy façade so well. Don't you, Shuichi? But really…”

He paused for a moment to release the chokehold around his neck in order to tug away the hands that were clawing his chest so he could lay flush against him while he stroked his member through the rough fabric of his clothes. He kissed him on the gasping mouth before he continued, deceivingly sweet…

“…the very making of your being has been soiled by the beast that domiciled within your body until you borne him again. Isn't that right, little dove?”

Shuichi looked up at him with dispassionate, wet eyes that looked to damn him with every fiber of his being. He was heaving for air before he spoke, taking in the much-needed oxygen while he bared his teeth at him.

“That would speak volumes… Wouldn't it, fox?” he bit back, tone venomous, “You’re so corrupted that you sully everything that you come into contact with. I certainly wouldn’t be the first you've tainted with your ‘love', isn't that correct?”

That shrewd remark earned him another hard and skull-splitting smack to his face— the sharp skin-on-skin contact rebounding around the room with Shuichi's piercing scream of pain while the fox shoved both of his hands above his head.

“Heh, and yet you enjoy being abused by a man who is so base. So, what does that say about you, lover? You know what’s going to happen tonight, don't you?” he hissed in a sneer as he began to grind their covered stiffness together while the boy scowled up at him, “I'm going to f*ck you raw, little gem. I'm going to bow your body into me until you break and I have your insides bending into my thrusts until it’s nothing but pulp inside your organs…”

Shuichi let out a strangled cry at that, trying to push against the hands that secured him to the mattress. He tried to kick his feet against the back of the youkai’s thighs, but he could already feel his member responding to the gyrating friction. He lamented at the excited shiver up his spine at the fox's heated promise, hating himself for it.

“And then, once I've ruptured you, maybe we can let Ben have a turn, hm?” the youko remarked bitterly, sharp nose crumpling in disgust at the very thought while his gold eyes burned with hatred at the mere name, “He was so anxious to have you, wasn’t he? Let’s see how impassioned he'll be once he realizes he's f*cking nothing but your pulverized guts and his throat will be ripped out the very minute he emits his nasty seed inside of you. Like he ever had the prestige to be with you at all.”

“Leave other people out of this, Youko!” the young human exclaimed, youthful eyes filled with rage at the notion, “This is no one else’s massacre but our own!”

“Why are you protecting him?!” the fox bellowed, shaking the smaller frame when he lifted and then slammed the pinned hands back down into the bed.

“I don't know him!” the redhead screamed back, shaking at the malicious treatment, “But I know he doesn't deserve your malice! Let it alone!”

Youko's eyes narrowed then, fingers pressing into him until his wrists were curving under the pressure.

“You let him touch you,” he snarled, “Didn’t you? You let that ugly f*ck put his hands on you… Like he ever had the f*cking right to seek for your affections!”

“And who decides my rights?!” Shuichi shouted, voice enraged as he kicked at the demon, “Because it’s certainly not YOU.”

With that proclamation, the youkai's face soured with ire; saying nothing as the human's green eyes bore into his.

“You can beat me, Youko,” the redhead heatedly continued, shivering with anger, “You can f*ck me, rape me, gouge me, disembowel me, and make me black and blue. Make me lame, make me sterile, make it to where I will never be able to stand to feel the touch of another loving hand again… You can certainly do all of these things, but guess what?”

When the other didn't answer him, Shuichi lifted up his head as far as he could to murmur cruelly into his face; a small smile of wicked spite on his lips.

“That will never give you the right to my freedom,” he stated, making sure his gold eyes were honed in on him so he took in every single word he said, “You will never be able to have an agency over my very existence. If you want my compliancy to these asinine whims if yours, you'll have to kill me tonight.”

The youkai’s energy spiked at that, demonic instincts piquing at the challenge. Shuichi flared his energy back; enticing.

“If you don’t,” the human went on, licking his teeth much like he did earlier in the night to mock him, “I will make sure to lay with every single suitor that comes across my path just to spite you. Let’s see how fast someone else can lay their claim, hm?”

Youko growled deep within his chest, his pupils becoming feral slits, as the thought of him spread out for the entire world made him so suddenly and overly infuriated without comprehension. He still did not utter a word before a savage fist wrenched his red hair back by the tail and exposed his paled neck.

Shuichi immediately tensed, feeling the fox bend down and graze his teeth along the artery. He kicked and thrashed against him as he shouted, “NO!!! Don't you dare!

He covered the bare part of his neck with his shoulder to push him away.

“Expose your neck to me,” the youkai ordered, viciously tugging at his quickly knotting tresses, “Now.”

“NO!!” the younger shrieked, trying to cover the vulnerable area, “I’m not going to let you do this to me!!!”

“If you want to make bold threats like that,” the demon snarled, “then I'm going to make sure no one else has the ability to come in my stead. You’ll take my mark on this godforsaken hour, and you will wear it proudly for this rest of your pitiful days, human. Do you understand?

“I’d rather f*cking die than be stuck to a man who will have deserted me to those packs of starving wolves tomorrow!” the younger shrilled out, spitting at the demon's chest.

Youko was absolutely enraged by that—yanking back his head by the long tail of his hair again and forcing the shoulder away from his neck with a brutish force pushing it down into the mattress; leaving his throat bare and assailable.

When he bent down to bury his muzzle into the nape, the young redheaded man shrieked out in objection.

“I hate you!!! I f*cking hate you!!!” he screamed, flailing and beating against his other’s taller frame as he looked to enflame him with his very vitriol, “How could you force this on me?! You'll leave me withered!”

The demon did not answer this heady accusation as he ghosted his pale lips along the flittering skin that veiled over just above the young man's pump of blood, teeth bared as he reached out the tip of his tongue to taste his distraught lover's pheromones. He suddenly pushed down on the slighter hips with his hardened length bruising the other's as he tasted the exhilaration, the anguish, the bittersweetness of his love… the heated arousal.

In the next moment, he was calling the energy up from the very depths of his bowels as he looked to surge it into the younger's own body; sharp fangs indenting into the tan and fevered flesh.

Shuichi absolutely sobbed… Grieving into the open, electrified air that begun to surround them and squeezing his damp eyes closed as he felt the canines begin to pierce into his skin. His wet, dark lashes were heavy against his cheeks as he tried to will away this very atrocious moment with just a vain shake of his head.

“You don't love me…” he wept, ragged gasps of breath leaving his lungs as his chest was leaden by absolute grief. His weak and shaky fingers were grasping onto the demon's arms as he felt the mark beginning to surge through him, “You say you do, but you really don't… You couldn’t do this to me if you did… You just objectify me. Like everything else you pilfered, I'm just another thing for you to collect and own… Like my own life is just another trophy for you to claim. Like my life means nothing… Like I've meant nothing to you…”

Something about that remark snapped the youkai back to attention; eyes suddenly widening as his teeth laid halfway imbedded, a very small and subtle voice whispered something perspicacious to the bestial wrath swirling inside his gut, and his body suddenly froze…

It was then he felt it… the human's fear. His misery. A deep sorrow that laid within his very bones. He sensed it in the very quake of his chest as he cried against him. Pulling a bit away, the fox looked down at the slighter male; seeing the blood… seeing the tears… seeing the bruises and bite marks that laid all along his body as parts of his nice clothes were torn.

Youko’s pupils returned to normal size as he suddenly rushed to get off of him; taking a few long steps back, distancing. His broad chest swelled as he looked down at his hands, stained red and entangled with a few strands of the human's crimson hair. A slow, aggrieved breath shuddered out at the sight.

Shuichi laid still on the bed… In a sudden state of disorientation when he no longer felt the imposing male on top of him. He was reluctant to move—afraid that any attempt at leaving his subjected position might incur the demon's brutal temper again, but after a few moments when he never came back, he started to slowly lift his shaking hands to check his person.

His fingers deftly scanned his body to make sure he was still in one piece. When he was convinced enough, a hand quickly dove up to his neck. He felt the small puncture wounds of the bite, but there was no real mark marred onto his skin… His newly unwedded soul remained untarnished.

He slowly sat up from his position on his back, staring at the crumpled sheets of the bed for a moment as his legs laid bent at his sides while he stayed there in dense confusion; not quite understanding why everything seemed to stop so suddenly… His wet, emerald eyes slowly traveled up to the demon standing before him; careful not to make any sudden sound or movement.

As he observed him there, head bent down while he looked upon his clawed hands with a muted mortification on his sharp face, it immediately dawned on him.

Shuichi’s soft face crumpled up in absolute repugnance; lithe body shaking from both resolving fear and fury while his entire figure heaved with every deep intake of breath as he tried to regain his strength. His fists clenched at his sides.

“What are you doing?” he hostilely inquired, normally soft voice brusque with rage.

He attempted to make a motion towards the demon, but Youko quickly lifted up his hands to stop him as he took another step back.

“Don’t…” he said windily, face angled down, “Don’t approach me any further, Shuichi. Just stay over there…”

Shuichi’s eyes narrowed at that, coming closer.

“Shuichi, please!” the youko barked out, balling his fists in midair as he bit back the bitter taste of animosity on his tongue, “You need to pack your things… You need to go. I can't…”

The redhead staid silent as he quietly angled his head down, waiting.

“I can't…” the fox continued, gruff voice only a whisper as he stared down at the post of the bed, “Please, go. I need you to go home. I need you to get away from me...”

There was an air of hesitancy from them both before Shuichi slowly glided himself off the bed, pliant thighs whisking off the edge as he kept his eyes pinned on the demon. But instead of going towards the luggage he'd already begun to ready, he inched closer to the man that was trying to create space between them. Youko felt the air of contest in his demeanor, and he had to work to keep down the sudden surge of demoniacal youki that urged him to take it on in a grand show of a virulent war. Biting back the instinctual snarl that hissed just behind his teeth and putting another foot behind himself. Shuichi immediately homed in on the subtle show of submission and instantly took the opportunity…

“What?” the young man growled out, inching towards him, “Really, after all that, you're going to give me such a letdown? What happened to making me learn my lesson? You built up such a finale, Youko.”

The fox demon's ears twitched back as he narrowed his eyes in affront at the boy, vulpine nose scrunching up, but he didn't play into the younger's goad as he continued to maintain space between them. This didn't stop him, with the human taking another bold step towards his vicinity.

“You're spineless,” Shuichi hissed at him, face in disgust, “What a f*cking joke. What happened to the beast of legends? Hm? What happened to the man that had the entire realms cowering at his name? Did he really just bow into the meager cries of a mere mortal boy?”

Even though the burning bile of rage rushed up his throat, the kitsune did nothing—not even mutter a word—in refute to this claim. He kept his hard gaze pinned onto the young man to watch his movements, but he did not react in a violent temper as he had done before. Merely letting the human hear himself talk.

“Well, well, well,” the redhead mocked with a laugh, mouth in a sneer, “I really did whip this legendary bandit into good shape, didn't I? How charming… Would you beg if I told you to?”

“You need to leave, Shuichi,” Youko said evenly, “Now.”

“Or what?!” the human snapped, veering himself forward until he was nearing the other male's proximity again; just a few feet away.

Youko stepped back again.

“Just go,” the fox answered, voice almost pleading, “Please.”

This show of philanthropy caused the younger to heave in an air of vicious spite as his face crumpled in anger.

“Come, finish what you started, fox!” he bit out, lifting up his shirt to show the bruises, “Come. Lay your mark! C'mon, strike me!

“No,” was the lone, wispy answer; the demon not letting any more emotion show on his face.

This erupted the bottled-up vehemence in the redhead as he breezed over to the youkai, ignoring the sharp sound of warning from the fox, and lunged against his chest to shove him back. His ki sparked up considerably as he began to accost the demon again.

“Don't hold back!” he screamed punching him in order to elicit a reaction, “Beat me, Youko!”

Youko did nothing as he was being struck, taking the younger’s punches silently as they audibly smacked into him. When that didn’t garner a single show of aggression, Shuichi began to use his energy to force bursts of ki into his person; bright blue light blazing up on his fingertips with small sounds of explosions booming out as it connected to his muscular frame. With each hit, the fox sharply inhaled, but didn’t look to stop him; merely letting the blows connect while his hands came up to grasp at the younger's upper arms. The bursts singed his skin and his black suit was becoming torn. But he did not fight back, nor did he try to get away… allowing for his other half to take his anger out on him. Trying to even gently pet his shoulder while he did so as if to soothe.

This small show of affection absolutely enraged the young man—smacking the demon's hands away as he went back to shoving at him again.

“Break me!” he shrieked, yanking at the demon’s clothes, “Do it! Force it on me! f*ck me like your subjugated TRAMP!!!

Youko mutedly shook his head as his face became pained, trying to bring the boy into a hug in order to hush him from begging to be debased. He let out a soft rush of air when the younger continued to plead for his abuse, completely heartbroken at the sounds.

Shuichi began to tear at his pants, brutal tugs attempting to will his reaction. Nothing happened, and he pounded into the steel-like arms of his other half who encased him; screaming into the youkai's face.

“RAPE ME!!!” he screeched, trying to wrench his belt free, “C’mon, you egotistical f*ck! Force me on my f*cking back like I know you want to! That's how you like me, right?!”

“No, Shuichi, please… Stop this,” Youko softy beseeched, gently trying to pull the redhead's hands away.

Shuichi wrenched his hands back and punched the demon in the shoulder when he tried to calm him down again. He initiated another sound of protest from him when he tried at the belt for another time, but the constant refusal to his harsh advances quickly made him exasperated and he reached within his own hair to pull out a single red rose.

After a split second, the youkai knew precisely what was happening, but his human counterpart had been faster— Lashing the thorny whip until it wrapped around his throat…

Another beat and the razor-sharp edges were biting into his skin.

They staid like that for a minute: the fox demon staying stock still as his red-haired human counterpart looked up at him with angry green eyes that asked for him to react with his fury.

But he did nothing of the sort, gold eyes looking back down at him with sorrow, and the human wound the throng around his hand to tighten it—tugging at it a bit and pinning him under his malevolent stare.

“No,” the fox demon said quietly to the silent, unarticulated plea in his eyes; face soft.

There was a quick flash of despair in the younger's gaze before he growled out in frustration and began to pull the demon to the bed by the green lead. Youko followed—both knowing that he could easily get out of this bind if he wanted but not having the resolve to do so—as he let his significant other lead him to stand up next to the mattress while he climbed up onto the soft surface.

Shuichi kept their eyes together as he kept the throng tight while standing on his knees in front of him. Youko’s gold irises shown through his glistening bangs, and the sight sparked a warm inkling of fondness within the human; causing him to choke back the feeling with ire as he tightened the whip a little further.

The kitsune let out a small, strangled sound and instinctually swallowed against the feeling. He kept his stance still, hands and arms laying limply at his sides, as he kept their stares together. His gentle gaze silently spoke to him, quelling him down from his place of intense hostility…

They looked at him with all of the warmest regard in the world.

Causing him to smack the demon as hard as he could.

Youko's head cracked to the side. Shuichi’s hand stung from the impact. Gold eyes lifted back up to Viridian and they both stared at each other again.

“Abuse me,” the younger instructed.


Shuichi smacked him again, ensuring that his nails grazed across his face. Youko’s body wavered, shoulders slightly tensed, but he did not counteract; resilient stature minutely wavering at the surprising strength behind the young man's strike. Shuichi flexed his sore hand as he spoke.

“Why are you holding back now? Wasn’t it your aim to degrade me? Reduce me to nothing but your enslaved varlet? Keep well on your promise then, fox.”

The youkai said nothing and did nothing towards this callous claim. They both knew the truth laid within it, and neither needed the fox's confirmation to solidify that fact… But Shuichi was growing steadily tired of the fox's state of inertia; standing there as nothing but a stiff board as he allowed himself to be abused at the younger’s will.

And whether this was his way of showing repentance or simply because he didn’t know how else to respond besides from the obvious anger he was trying to keep himself from—neither of them could discern… and this was even more infuriating to the scarlet-haired man than anything that had taken place before.

“So,” Shuichi egged on; auburn brow quirked, “you find me repulsive now?”

Youko slowly shook his head, metallic eyes traveling down his graceful frame, “I could never…”

The human scowled at the look of adoration that shown plainly in his wandering stare.

He yanked at the whip until it pulled the demon's attention back to his face.

“Then take me,” he ordered harshly.

Youko choked again, but did not retaliate, “I won't do that.”

Shuichi gave up on strangling him into compliance and threw the whip onto the bed as he used his hands to instead grab onto the fox's own. The youkai only tried to pull away half-heartedly when the younger began to press them into the contours of his body, fingers wrapping around the curves instinctually as if they fitted to them like well-worn gloves. He felt the flexible meat bend under his grasp, and he let out a slow, shuddering sigh through his pale lips…

The human shimmied up to him then; knees causing the springs of the mattress to creak under his weight as he kneeled on the edge. His breath ghosted across the fox's face as he hovered just a mere inch from him.

“We both know that a fire burns within your soul for me,” the mortal whispered, exhale of air hot and untempered. Youko's gold eyes snapped up to him as he spoke, “You’ve been restraining, fox… and you torture yourself needlessly. All that you desire to possess is right here— Right within the clutch of your fingertips. So, give up the ghost and take what you've so rightfully deemed as yours… I stay here as your élan vital by proxy.”

Youko’s breath shivered at the thought, stare becoming weighted down with want as the other's lips grazed across his own; vitality swelling beneath his skin at their mere proximity and enflamed by his words. He could taste the human's wind on his tongue, and his eyes intrinsically fell closed while he drew even nearer, lips pressed together but not yet kissing.

Shuichi pressed up against him, placing his hands to the small of his back, while a thigh snaked up to press up against his jutting hipbone; fine materials of their pants quietly swishing as the bed creaked again. The human gripped onto his arms, keeping him in place.

“Take your bounty,” he muttered, tongue flicking at a sharp tooth, “Take my life essence for yourself. I give it to you willingly…”

Youko’s eyes opened at that, silver brows wincing in pain, and he pulled his head back just an inch. He looked up at the other, and his gaze was wet; unshed sorrow on his lower lids.

“Shuichi,” he started, rough voice tight…

The fox stared at him, expressing his candor.

“You need to leave.”

The human became infuriated then, moving to strike him again but his arm was caught be the wrist before the blow could land. Youko held onto it even though the other tried to wrench it back.

“Why is it so hard?! Just do it!” Shuichi screamed at him, yanking at his black shirt as he curled it in his fist, a lone button popping off.

“Don’t say that…” the youkai sighed out, voice pained, “Please, don't say that…”

“It’s your right!” the human screeched, shaking the tall figure slightly with the rough way he pulled at him, “Just give me this one compassion! I beg of you!

Youko’s face pinched with agony, holding onto his wrist even tighter as if it were his very lifeline; bruising the complexion under his desperation. The human tried to elicit his anger with another loud punch to his chest, but he couldn't keep the affliction from his face.

“I can't…” he answered, pressing the younger's shaking hand to his cheek; kissing him softly on the wrist, “I know that would make this easier for you, but I just can't do that to you…”


“Because I love you…”

“STOP IT!!!” the human screamed, yanking his hand back as he began to fold in on himself; crumpling on top of the bed with his head grasped between his fingers, “Stop it with this pseudo clemency!!! Just kill me, please!!!”

Youko’s face crumpled again, the voice of his lover begging to be murdered causing him to become just so utterly distraught…

“Shuichi, don't,” he sighed, tone aggrieved as he shook his head, “Please, don't ask me to do that… I beg of you.”

“Please!” the younger continued, grasping at his pants, “I want you to take this life from me... I can't handle the pain… This body can't take the fissure, Youko...”

Youko grasped at his arms, trying to pull him up as he looked to embolden him in any way he possibly could, “But you can—”

“I CAN'T!!!” the human screamed back as he fought against him, “I can't do this, Youko! If you've had any sort of kindness for me ever in your life, than just kill me! I'm absolutely pleading with you...! I'm not strong enough for this. It just hurts so muchAll of the time. It doesn’t stop!”

The fox was heaving with his heavy despondency, trying to stop the younger from saying these words by bringing him into a hug, but the redhead was yanking himself back; not allowing for any intimacy to be shared between them as he tried to beckon back the demon's diabolic nature in order to invoke his wrath to do what he wanted.

However, the youkai was wise to his plan, and he would not allow the anger to seep back into his conscious as he tried to calm the human down.

“Shuichi, I can't do that,” he tried to reason with a gentle voice, “I would do literally anything you asked of me. Ask me to pander, ask me to become destitute, ask me to stop living the very air that I breathe, but I can't do that…”

Youko softly shook his head as he grabbed at the younger's tear-streaked face to bring his attention onto him, “Don't ask me to take away the only thing I have left in all three of these desolate worlds. I can't kill the only thing I've ever loved this deeply…”

Shuichi brought his hands up to grip around the hands that were holding him, nails biting into the fox's skin.

Green eyes burned with anger.

“And yet, you'll be the one leaving me tomorrow!!!”

The youkai winced, voice pained, “I know… I know that it's not fair, and I'm so sorry. This entire ordeal has been so unjust to you... But I need you to be strong for me. To survive and thrive for me. We can't continue on this way, my love… I will be naught but a named and hollowed shadow in your wake. Trust and believe.”

The human screamed at him, kicking at the bed to try and push himself away, but the youkai kept his face within his grasp, not allowing him to go free; keeping his attention.

“Shuichi, I need you to endure…” The fox whispered, causing the boy to kick at him instead, “I need you to be strong… I need you to make it through this. I can't imagine not having you on this earth.”

“I'll be good as dead to you after the next sunrise!” the human screeched, “What the hell does it matter!”

“Everything,” the youkai whispered, kissing him on his sweaty head while the crease between his brows pinched in desperation; thumbing his face, “It will mean anything and everything to me. As you do…”


The enraged human shot him with another burst of his ki—this one finally managing to release his hold and push him back. Before the demon had time to react, Shuichi lifted back up on the bed and angled his open palms towards him; normally soft face tightened with rage as the blue ball of energy formed in his hands.

Youko gazed at him with the sorrow of his transgressions written all over his face as the blast came towards him.

It hit him square in the stomach, causing him to hunch over slightly in pain while he caught his breath.

Shuichi didn't wait for him to gather his bearings. He shot him with rounds and rounds of his spirit waves, one right after the other, as he channeled all of his bitter anger into the blasts; roaring out as he fired them.

Each shot had the demon becoming torn and bloodied, keeling over as the strikes were becoming too much. One clawed hand was gripping at his chest, trying to hold back his protective anger, while the other came up to show his open palm; motioning for him to stop.

“Shuichi, don't… You'll kill us both this way,” he wheezed out, deflecting another blast with his own ki.

It ricocheted and hit a nearby crystal vase, bursting the shards every which way.

The human snarled at that, giving up the spirit wave technique in order to pick up the rose whip again…

And with one fine hand, he spun it around and lashed it at the demon; thick throng twirling through the air as it made an audible ‘swish’ before connecting with the wall next to the youkai's head.

Youko looked up then, gold eyes analyzing as they looked upon his inflamed lover, discerning his motives. Shuichi stood before him, still kneeled on the bed, as he glared down at him with the thorny lash hanging from his hand.

Looking like the cut-throat fighter who stood in the tournament ring all those years ago…

The youkai finally stood up straight, silently asking him if he would really do this—maim the sole being who was the only person who could ever know him so completely—and the answer to his silent inquiry was given when the whip came back…

Cracking down on his skull as it lashed him across the head.

Youko was rendered onto one knee for a moment, raggedly breathing as he tried to bite through the sting; never having to endure the pain from his own weapon before. When his head finally stopped spinning, he slowly lifted back up…

Keeping his glowing eyes trained on the young mortal man who attacked him so boldly.

Shuichi staid still for a moment, observing the demon through narrowed eyes to see what damage had been done. Waiting to see if there would be any repercussion.

Youko looked on at him, face passive as blood began to trickle from under his thick, silver fringe and into one slanted eye; dripping down his face. He did not move or make any sound of protest while they stared at each other; chests heaving as they respired.

“Shuichi…” he finally called after a few moments of tense silence, “Why are we doing this to each other?”

The human quirked an eyebrow at him, mouth in a frown, as he looked for him to elaborate.

“Why are we taking out our anger on one another other when we know that neither is at fault for this?” he continued sadly, “Why are we hurting each other like this?”

Shuichi deeply inhaled, abrasive stance slightly faltering. His eyes traveled the demon's solid frame as he looked at the devastation that had been inflicted on his person, mirroring the one on his own.

His head slightly shook as he tried to come up with his reason.

“You say that,” he said vehemently, voice piqued, “but it is not I who will be disappearing in the morning. I've had no say during this entire separation—whatsoever!”

Youko smiled at him even though his expression was sad, eyes soft.

“I know…” he conceded, “How absolutely unfair this has all been for you… It's why I can't help but to think it might be better this way…”

The redhead became infuriated again, lashing the whip another time but only for it to land by the demon's feet, warning him.

“Stop this!” he growled, yanking back the lash, “Stop with the illusory! If you don't want to be here than just say so! There's no need to hide behind the lie! Saying that you're doing this at the will of the Spirit World’s orders, when really it’s all because you've just decided to no longer commit!”

Youko shook his head, bobbing the adamsapple in his throat when he swallowed.

“No… that's not true,” he said plainly, “I would've committed for as however long as I needed to. It is not a lack of ambition that fuels my decisions…”

“Then why?!” the younger angrily bit out, lashing the whip at his feet again, “Why did you agree?! Why did you give in to their demands and choose to give up on everything that we've worked towards?! I know it's not just because of what they've extorted!”

The youkai stayed silent for a moment, finally bringing his eyes away from his malignant lover as he looked along the ground—as if he were searching for the answer within the very floorboards. When the thong hit against his leg in an ultimatum, he swallowed again and looked back at his other, trying to find the words within him.

“I…,” he started, but stopped again when he seemed to choke on his own conviction. Shuichi’s stare became pensive as he saw the look of pure trepidation on his vulpine face. The demon continued, trying to hold his resolve, “It’s not just them I’m trying to save you from… I… It’s me.”

Shuichi shook his head in confusion, incomprehension clear in his voice, “…What?”

Youko looked to continue as he balled up the fists at his sides, “I’m… a hindrance to you. I've become your limitation. A handicap.”

The human looked at him quizzically, trying to understand. He saw the way in which his demonic counterpart was becoming visibly shaken; tall stature shivering as he gazed on at him, trying to keep his composure while attempting to explain himself. His thin grip slightly slackened on the handle of the whip.

“I'm a danger— to you… and you're wellbeing,” the fox went on, tone dense, “I'm not the type of person you should be with… I'm not the type of person that deserves to be with you. I… I'm terrible. I'm a menace. I'm like an infectious disease, just permeating through your existence and entrenching you in my own misery… Living vicariously through you. Even still. And if I think that for even a second you might walk away from me and take it all away, I would have… What I could've done…. What I had wanted to do—I am… I've become so toxic… Destructive. I've… Shuichi, I'm… so atrocious. Look what I've done to you...”

The youkai motioned his eyes down to the human's body. Shuichi followed their path, observing his intensely disheveled state as well as the bruises and abrasions all along his skin; looking thoroughly beaten and prostrated. He saw the marks of the demon's own hands and jaw on his person, as if he had still been trapped inside… trying to claw his way out.

And something clicked into place then.

“You think you're the reason for my pain?” Shuichi questioned, looking back up at the demon.

Youko eyes tightened, back becoming rigid. He slightly lifted one shoulder, weakly indicating that he agreed.

The human made to shake his head to dispel his concern, but the youkai stopped him; raising his hand.

“Don't,” he started, choking, “Don't tell me it's not true… I've seen the way you've mourned… The misery that has you up late at night. The rift in our souls that has you yearning for reprieve. Your internal turmoil, the recesses of your innervation, your depression. That's all… my fault.”

Shuichi lifted up a bit, trying to call the demon's attention to him. To bring him out of this state of mind. He could feel the ire slipping away from him as it slowly yielded to concern; concern that deepened every time the fox took in a shaky breath, filled with what seemed like absolute sorrowful anguish. He started to disarm his resentment when he could tell that the demon was beginning to finally—finally—tell him the truth. The inkling of which was in the way their own souls were shining towards each other in their minds.

“Youko,” he coaxed, rigid tenor becoming softer, “Youko don't blame yourself for this. How could you have possibly known…?”

The enigmatic kitsune shook his head, willing away his tenderness, “Shuichi… Don't do that… You don't have to. I know this guilt is not unfounded… I… What I did when I took over your unborn body… Conquered over your life… What I knew… What I willingly ignored… Don't look to exonerate me. I'm not worth your forgiveness… and I don't justify your goodwill. Every time I look at you, and this amazing, wonderful person you've become despite my ingrained animosity that swelled within your very veins, I realize… l'm… such a monster.”

Youko tried to ignore the comely human that was trying to beckon for his attention, trying to take him away from his rightful self-admonishment; he kept his eyes away so as not to relinquish to his tenderness yet again… As he tried to keep his resolve, he could feel the lump within his throat begin to slip from under his control; letting a muted, choked-back sob leave his lungs. He could see Shuichi straightening up at the sound from the corner of his eye, face riddled with worry, as the yin in him had his maternal instinct calling out for the youkai.

“Youko,” he beckoned again, soft tenor a sweet murmur as he tried to bring him into his comfort, “Youko, look at me, please…”

But the youkai did not. He didn't allow himself to be comforted. He kept his face down towards the floor, in a rare state of dutiful submission to show the human his sympathy as his lumbering stature stood tall like a darkened beacon. His pose was stiff, his body shaking, while he looked down at the rug where a line of blood drops had landed on the fibers… leading a path up to the bed, where his human companion sat bloodied and torn due to his own nihilistic anger.

Shuichi looked on at him as his shoulders began to tremble, the fox's head stiffly shaking from side-to-side.

They staid in silence for a moment; both of them hesitating. But that silence that was broken—Not by something audible, but by something tangible…

A single tear leaking from the youko's eye… And then came another… and another… and another… Until they were all just a stream of shimmering trickles down his pallid cheeks, dripping off the point of his sharp chin and splashing onto the ebony floor.

The redhead was held shocked for moment, not knowing what to do as he couldn't recall a time in his own memories from the fox's long existence where he'd ever shown such vulnerability in front of another living being. He stayed there, speechless and immobile, watching as his ancient counterpart broke down for him. Finally coming down from his fully angered state, the human moved to sit down on the bed in astonishment. But when he bent his side the wrong way, sharply gasping at the pain from a bite mark just below his ribs that stung his still tender body, he mewled softly in discomfort as his hand came up to gently cradle the area.

Youko unwillingly let out a sound of deep regret, face morphing into complete pain as he slowly felt the self-animosity begin to grow within himself. Shuichi’s eyes quickly snapped back to him, hearing the agony within his voice.

After a minute of dazedly watching him, he slowly started to come off the bed again; inching towards his demonic partner. Careful not to make any sound or sudden movements lest the youkai was to try and get away from him again. His nimble feet tiptoed toward him, padding of his toes muted against the soft fibers of the rug and further still until they stepped onto the cold hardness of the wooden floor, raising up his hand as he neared.

When he got close enough, he laid cautious fingers on the demon's abdomen. Youko, just realizing he had made it to all the way where he stood without even alerting him, quickly brought up an arm to shield his face; burying his nose into the crook of his elbow while he tried to half-heartedly push the other man away. But Shuichi was persistent… Quick to gently pull it back down, he brought the long limb to lay back at his side so he could cup his face within his palms and calmingly speak to him.

“Shhhhh,” he softly whispered, “Don't hide from me, Youko. It's alright…”

The rigid features of his anger were now gone from his face as he looked up to the taller man with a strong sense of compassion rippling within the glassiness of his emerald stare. Bringing the fox to look at him with his pained gaze while his cheeks staid damp; the young boy’s soft, full lips in a hush. When Youko tried to pull away from him again, bringing up his own hands to pull his back while he tried to turn his head—brows furrowed with embarrassment—he hushed him again as he slowly pulled the larger male into a hug.

Youko couldn't keep up his resolve; quickly coming undone when his reassuring palms would not leave him. His whole frame trembled as he gave a long, labored exhale while he wrapped his arms around the slender frame in front of him. Instead of coming into the younger's embrace, he gradually sank to the floor… Knees hitting the ground while his long limbs remained entwined around his waist. His hands were gripping onto the subtle raises of the human's back while his head buried into the fleshiness of his stomach for another time.

Shuichi let his hands glide down the silk of the kitsune's mane, and he felt the other audibly sob into his torso when he did so. His auburn brows furrowed as his head tipped to the side… bringing the older man closer to him as he delicately hushed him again.

“Shhh, it’s alright. Find comfort in me,” he murmured, petting the youkai's head while he stroked his back. The fox tightened his grip around him in response, letting go another heavy sigh. The redhead stroked him as he continued, “Youko… Youko, my dear, why didn't you tell me? How come you didn't say you felt this way? All this time… You've carried all the burden of the blame on your shoulders, thinking that somehow my affliction was due to your conduct, but one word to me and I would have been quick to dispel this concern. Why did you keep this from me…?”

The fox pushed his nose further into the supple flesh of his navel as his forehead bunted into his ribs; his grieving soul finally taking relief in the other like it had begged to do all night. His mouth twisted into a pained frown, having trouble finding his voice behind the solid rock in his throat, but one more gentle stroke to his broad back from the other had the next sob released.

“Shuichi…” he practically whimpered, nails biting into his shirt from the pain in his chest but stopped just before puncturing his skin. The human subtly shushed him yet again while bending down to kiss the very tip of his pointed ear. The affection had the youkai shivering in response.

“I don't know…” he finally conceded, head slightly shaking as it burrowed his face further in, “I don't know why. I just… I was afraid you would try to allay me again. Try to deny my fears even though I know it's the truth. I… God, Shuichi I am so sorry. You're the only thing I've ever loved this much, and I've hurt you so cruelly… I'm not warranting of your affections.”

“Don't say that,” the human whispered, “Don't you dare believe that. I get to choose who is deserving of my time or not, and—save for tonight— you are certainly not on my list of fiends.”

The youko sobbed again when he heard this, shaking his head yet again and tightening his arms around him as if to refute this claim.

Shuichi held back the tsk that was at the very tip of his tongue to lightly admonish the demon for his stubbornness, but he leisurely bent down to kneel with the crying demon instead. Wrapping his head within his arms so as to bring it to rest on his shoulder where he could gently kiss his neck. Youko heavily exhaled into his chest, finding his complacency to be conflicting the aim he had to not allow for the younger man to so easily assuage him. He continued with the internal war within himself while the other stroked the silver tresses away from the line of his throat so he could kiss him there.

“Youko, listen to me. You will not take all the brunt of this separation,” he quietly soothed into the side of his head, hugging him closer, “You are no more the reason for my depression than you are the anecdote that which cures it… You talk of all these things I've done for you, but you are so quick to waive aside all of the things in which you have also done for me… I know what I said earlier in the night, but… Please, don't believe them. I was angry… I'm so sorry that I've hurt you…”

The younger pressed his nose into the other’s jaw; taking in a slow, tensed breath. Once Youko heard this, his body stiffened. He forcefully shook his head again and leaned back to look upon the other, grabbing him by the shoulders so as to bring his attention back onto him.

“What the hell are you saying?” the demon said briskly, “None of which you said was worse than what my bloody malignity has already done to you. This… all of this is what happens when one does not take heed to the consequences of their own actions. You would have never hurt if I had never made it my business to hurt you. You would have never cried if I never did those actions which brought the tears to your eyes. And honestly, let's be perfectly clear, dear… You would not be suffering if I had never come into your life. If I had left when I was told to do so… When I knew I should have. It would have been much better… for you, if I had just never even existed at all.”

Youko watched as his human counterpart slowly registered what he said. Pulling away from him slightly to look upon his face fully, he regarded the deep yellow eyes that stared back at him; dampened by grief and tears. A strange sight to behold from the ancient and stoic beast of legends.

Shuichi felt his face contort with anger, but quickly put subtle agitation there in its place. His thin fingers clenched around the youkai's forearms as he still held on to him as a sign of reproach.

He carefully tuned the tightness to his tone to ensure that the demon would listen to him.

“Youko,” he started out sternly, opening his mouth to begin to scold the youkai for another time, “I never want to hear those words from your mouth again. How could I—”

Shuichi never got to finish his spiel as he was cutoff mid-sentence by a light rapping on their room door. His soft tenor stuttered to a stop, leaving a croaky sound in his throat as he suddenly tensed.

The two men on the ground looked up towards the front of the eloquent lodging, staying frozen in their clasped position to make out what they'd just heard, and then looked back at each other when they heard the soft knocking again.

Youko slightly shifted in his position while Shuichi’s eyes widened with horror as he looked at the state of their room. The air around them was dead silent as they held an unspoken conversation with the way their eyes moved back and forth as they stared at one another, limbs stiff as their hands squeezed each other's arms. Another rapping at the door had the human getting up off the ground in hurry in order to acknowledge their mysterious and impatient guest, but Youko swiftly brought him back down by a strong grip pulling him around his elbows.

“Don't,” he said quietly, shaking his head at Shuichi’s unsettled stare, “I'll go. Just stay here.”

“Who is it?” the redhead swiftly asked, worry etched across his features as he looked back by the door as if he was trying to see past its solidity.

“I don't know,” the youkai answered, ears twitching as he was trying to make out any other type of sound, “I can't register any youki so they must be human. Or at least posing as one….”

The demon lifted one leg, but it was Shuichi’s turn to stop him from getting up when the knocking continued, a little bit more forcefully this time.

“No!” he whispered, “We don't know if they’re with the SDF. What if they’re here to arrest us? We can't let them see you!”

“We've done nothing wrong. We're allowed to be here, per Koenma,” Youko rationalized, trying get up again, “They would have nothing to arrest us for. But if we don't answer, that could cause the wrong type of attention that will.”

Shuichi vigorously shook his head, keeping him down by the iron-like grip around his biceps, stating, “Maybe they heard about what happened at the restaurant… We weren't supposed to leave the hotel. We should wait for them to leave.”

As if on cue, there was another—much louder—knock on the door this time, causing them both to look back over in that direction.

“Allô? Excusez-moi.

“We don't have that option,” Youko said simply, removing his younger half's hands from him as he slowly lifted up, “They're obviously here for a reason. It's best to go answer them before they attempt to force their way in.”

Shuichi began to panic as the older demon begun to stand up from the floor. Grasping onto the veiny, limber hand that came down to tenderly caress his face as the youkai tried to pacify him.

With a heavy exhale of air, he whispered to him with urgency, “Youko, no… don't! If they see how you look, they might just try to have you detained. Please, don't go. Please…”

The fox quietly bent down to place a placating kiss on his lips, lifting up the younger's chin so he could silently quell his anxious words.

“And if they take one look at you, they most certainly will,” he murmured.

His eyes ventured over his other half’s state of intense dishevel one final time, wincing at the sight of a large bruise blossoming on his face, and gently pried the hands away that gripped onto him for dear life. The human gave a muted, strangled moan as he stepped away to answer the fifth knock on the door.

“Je serai là!” the youko shouted towards the entryway.

Youko looked down at himself and quickly realized his own state of attire was not exactly the best impression at the moment either; swiftly working to divest himself of his clothing.

He shrugged off his singed and bloody suit jacket and quickly started to unbutton his torn shirt underneath. He worked the garment off quickly and threw it over to somewhere in the vicinity of the chair that was in the corner of the room. He toed off his shoes and socks before undoing his belt and stripping himself of his pants. Shuichi staid on the floor as he watched the youkai undress with a sense of helpless anxiety to his stare. Still trying to convince the demon to just let the person leave on their own, but the youkai softly stroked his face once more with the back of his hand as he passed and moved into the other room to grab the robe hanging from the back of the bergère.

He twirled the garb around so he could put his arms through the sleeves and bring it over his shoulders. As he tied the sash around his waist, he moved back into the bedroom to grab something from the vanity next to the chair.

“Youko,” Shuichi gently called, staying at his place on the ground as he was too scared to move unless it made a noise.

The kitsune looked back at him for a moment, hand anxiously running through their things on the dressing table as he tried to make himself appear as presentable as he could as quickly as possible so as not to seem suspicious. His silver brows furrowed when the younger mutedly pointed to his own head, lightly tapping his middle finger on left side of his forehead under his bangs.

When the older male didn't seem to grasp what he was trying to tell him, Shuichi tried to whisper it to him without raising his voice…


Youko's brows furrowed further as he looked into the mirror in front of him. He quickly noticed that his human companion was quite correct… There was a steady stream of dried, congealed blood running from the very edge of his hairline, down over his left eye, over his sharp and hollowed cheek, and down further still until it dipped off into a line under his chin. He aggravatedly tsked in annoyance, berating himself for not noticing it sooner, and answered the sixth urgent knock at the door.

“Just a minute!” he yelled, quickly forgetting whatever it was he had been looking for, “I'll be right there!”

Shuichi lifted up on his knees as he passed, trying to pull him back by the fluttering edge of his robe, but he made a silent show of patience as he softly brushed his face with his palm and swiftly kissed the top of his head with an affectionate reassurance. His younger half let out a small, terrified sob, but he couldn't stop to relieve his worries any further. Letting his fingers glide along the line of his round jaw, he moved to walk away while the human squeezed his hand one final time for comfort; keeping himself glued to the floor.

The kitsune swiftly moved across the expansive lounging area to the bathroom, being careful to not creak the floorboards as he passed. When he made it, he quickly grabbed up the washcloth from earlier—the one still laying in the dome of the basin where the human had whipped it into—and quietly turned the faucet on so he could wet it. Looking at himself in the bathroom mirror, he realized the deep gash in his head was already healed and worked to remove the stains of red on his hair and skin.

The process turned the cloth muddy and tints of crimson dripped off his face down onto the white marble below. He worked until it was all gone; passively running some water over the mess in the sink before turning off the faucet and using another towel to dry his head.

When yet another knock came to the door after only a few brief moments of silence, the demon mutedly growled in frustration… Tossing the dirty cloth into the bin and finally stepping his way over to the door while he tried to bite back on his irritation.

He pulled on the soft belt of his bathrobe to close it tighter around his body in an attempt to hide some of his bareness as he stepped up to the wooden frame.

Shuichi uselessly watched on as he observed the way the fox hid all of his vulpine features before answering; changing the frequency to his own ki so he appeared human to the mortal eye. Much like he had done previous in the night when they had went to that catastrophe of a dinner.

Distraught suddenly deluged him as he looked over the disastrous state of their room: things all scattered about in absolute chaos as he had thrown them there out of pure spite. Anguished at the fact that if the hotel staff saw them this way, they would aptly kick them out and into the hands of the patriarch that bidden their final departure from one another.

His soft face distorted with pain—bringing his damp, green eyes up to reluctantly watch as the youkai placed his hand on the knob; holding his breath when the door creaked open and threatened to expose them for all the worth of their destructive instability…

Youko opened the door just a crack, leaning his head through the frame, “Yes?”

Bonsoir Monsieur,” a muffled, but amiable, male voice greeted on the other side, “I’m so sorry to disturb, but we were just going around and checking in on our guests. Hopefully you are finding yourself well? We had a small upset with our systems tonight, so we apologize if you may have experienced any brief interruption in your phone service this evening. I sincerely hope you were not inconvenienced.”

The taller male cleared his throat as he nodded his head with pseudo respect; answering, “Ah, yes… We’re just fine, thank you. Nothing really became of the occurrence here.”

The stout man that had come to the door nodded his head back in acceptance, handing him a bottle of what seemed to be some kind of expensive chardonnay. Youko reached one long arm out to take it, watching as the man seemed to try to peer around him into the room, but was unable to due to the youkai's broad physique blocking his access. The trim-looking man seemed to huff a bit, but hid it well under his genial façade.

“We’re handing these out to our patrons this evening to hopefully help reassure you in our commitment to uphold the utmost quality of our accommodations,” he continued, nodding his head slightly in respect, “We understand that such occurrences can be quite upsetting. Please accept this as a token of our apology and a consolation to you. We hope you're finding comfort in your stay with us.”

Youko nodded his head back once (particularly wanting to roll his eyes at the sentiment) and was about to quickly bid the steward a final word of gratitude and farewell, making a motion to close the door, before the gentleman stopped him…

“Ah, I apologize, sir,” the steward interrupted with a respectful waive of his hand, “I don't mean to pry, but we have had some complaints from other guests that there has been some rather loud… hmm… commotion coming from your room. Are you sure everything is adequate?”

Youko grimaced a bit, the reaction unnoticeable to the steward’s human eye, and he could feel Shuichi’s stare boring into the back of the door as he was unknowingly holding in his breath; praying to all the Gods that were listening in the Heavens that the staff would not try to pry their way in. The youkai discreetly made a motion of temperance with his hand behind the wood of the frame, quietly asking for the young man to keep his seat while he tried to appease the host.

“Mm, yes,” he hummed, tone relaxed, “I'm sorry for that. We've been packing for our departure tomorrow and some of our luggage is rather heavy. Please excuse our disturbance. We'll be more thoughtful from now on.”

The suave guest said that last sentence with a small bow of his head before once again trying to bid the man goodnight and closing the door. Yet, he was once again stopped by the steward clearing his throat and motioning towards the inside of their suite. The fox held back another dangerous growl of frustration from rumbling up his throat.

“Yes, I completely understand. I know it can be tiresome to come back from a long day of perusing the beautiful city to deal with such trivialities. If you'd like, we can have the maids come in and do it for you?” the short man stealthily offered.

That damn formal smile never leaving his face.

“No,” was the quick response; the youko tried to not make the word sound too sharp or dejected as he said it out of the most bitter impatience for the other man's insistence, “Thank you. We’ve seemed to manage it just fine on our own. I'd much prefer to go to bed now since, as you said, we've had a rather long day, and we'll have an even earlier start tomorrow.”

The dastard steward continued to smile respectfully at him as he coolly rebutted, “I can sympathize with that. However, it is customary for us to come survey the room with these types of… ahem, allegations. I know it is rather tedious, and I’d hate to intrude—but it is hotel policy and all. Do you mind if I just take a quick peek inside? It won't be all but two seconds, my good sir.”

The shorter man made a bold move to open the door a bit wider, even putting a portly hand on the indent of the wood to do so, but Youko was quick to put pressure on the heavy frame to keep the man from coming in. The steward looked up at him with a friendly—but pointed— expression, and the disguised youkai did nothing at first but stare at him intently for a moment.

His amber eyes were dark and intense as he barely contained his growing infuriation with the older gentleman at his door. He could hear the human's heartbeat quicken as the steward cleared his throat with expectation, and Shuichi started to stare worriedly at the demon's back.

Green eyes were damp with unease as his body tensed and his hands bawled up into taut fists at his sides. He didn't know what they would do if the man were to continue to stand firm... If Youko continued to refuse, then they risked the staff calling the authorities and forcing their way in. If the youkai let him in, then they would still have the authorities called on them as a wellness check and possibly even press charges against them for the damages. If that were to happen, the Reikai force would be dragging Youko back to the Spirit World in handcuffs. Citing a breach in his already very delicate, very stringent, probation. For a very rare time in his human life, the red-haired side of Kurama berated himself for risking their very wellbeing out of a need for brutal and unscrupulous actions based around careless, reckless thought.

What would he do if he never even got to wish the youko half of his soul a proper goodbye? Never getting to make amends and tie up the loose ends of their long and strenuously conjoined existence? Knowing that he was to blame for the fox's spiritual internment that would be sure to follow his arrest?

That he would be to blame for having never let the enigmatic and fabled kitsune break the cycle of his fate… Like he’d always so desperately wanted for him.

He made to try and get up off the ground to hopefully dissuade the man from continuing to try to enter, but a quick send of the demon’s energy implicitly told him to stay where he was.

Youko knew that both he and the steward had heard the soft creak of the floorboard from Shuichi's attempt to intervene, but he smoothly brought back the man's attention when he looked towards the noise in the room.

“Of course,” the fox calmly replied, and he could practically feel his host's heart pounding in his own ears, “I understand the concern. I'm happy to oblige, but would you mind waiting for just a few minutes? My partner is in a certain state of undress, so he will need a moment to become decent. He's had a rather terrible night, you see, as he's become rather ill from the food at our dinner. I had to give him a rather warm bath in order for him just to fall asleep… I was merely trying to allow him some time for quietude while he rested. Please pardon my brassiness, I just know he's not up for much company tonight.”

The stewards face seemed to relax some then, but the fox continued with the carefully crafted act as he angled his face behind the door, calling out into the suite.

“Darling?” he said, voice soft and soothing as it beckoned to the human. Youko made quick eye contact with him before he could reply.

“Yes, dear?” Shuichi’s meek alto-tenor responded, not at all having to fake the croak in his throat or the feebleness to his voice as he was almost literally trembling into a shambled mess on the floor. He looked at the youkai who gave him a discreet nod of reassurance, “I’m looking for the medicine! Have you seen it…?”

“No sweetheart, but there is a gentleman from the hotel who would like to come in for a moment. I suppose we were rather noisy while putting our things away, and they would like to check the room,” the fox continued, thrumming his hand on the door, “I know you're not feeling well, but I'm afraid you'll have to get dressed, love—”

“No, no,” the older steward interjected, waiving his hands in front of him with a look of sympathy in his eyes, “It’s quite alright. The young man seems to be rather ill, and I'm sure he needs his rest. I apologize for the rude request.”

Youko lifted a silver brow in mock-surprise as he opened the door wider just a smidge without allowing any of the interior to actually be seen.

“Oh, are you sure?” he asked, a careful compliancy to his voice, “I really don't mind. It'll take just a mom—”

“No, please pardon me, Monsieur,” the steward insisted, giving a slight bow, “Please go back to your evening. I’m sure your companion is in need of your assistance. It was merely a follow-up to a call is all, but I'm quite sure all is right. We just ask that you remain mindful of the noise. The walls are rather thin here.”

Youko relaxed his shoulders some as he gave a handsome smile down to the shorter visitor, “Ah, of course. Again, my apologies. We have no other packing to do tonight, so you may only hear the rambunctiousness of our snoring.”

The portly, dignified man gave a hefty laugh and bowed again with a genuine smile.

“Oh, I doubt that, but thank you for your consideration,” he said amicably as he motioned towards the bottle of wine in the demon's hand, “Please, feel free to take that with you on the trip home tomorrow. I know long flights can be most brutal, and I'm sure you'll need a nice good drink to relax once you get home. Bonne nuit! Veuillez souhaiter à votre conjoint un prompt rétablissem*nt de notre part.”

The older gentleman made a show of walking away with cart in toe, nodding his departure, and Youko quickly waived him off as he went.

“Oui. Bonne soirée!” the fox said after him, making sure he was actually leaving down the darkened hall and away from their suit with a weary and guarded eye before pulling back into their room.

The moment the door clicked closed was the moment the fox had an armful of a certain redheaded human within his grasp. Nearly dropping the wine, he tried not to fall too heavily against the doorframe (after having just been practically reprimanded for their apparent noise pollution, after all) as Shuichi jumped onto his tall frame.

With toned arms wrapped around his neck and long legs curled about his waist, he pressed into him with a heated kiss.

The youkai held him steady with one arm under the round of his bottom to keep him up as the other held the slim neck of the wine bottle in his hand as it was crossed behind his back and leaning on the door, a bit disoriented at first with the way the human was attacking his mouth. His silver hair was tufted up above the younger's hug as he sucked and lapped at the demon's lips. He urged them to open with a desperate moan onto his mouth, pressing himself further into the tall youkai.

Youko couldn't do much but oblige as he was quite literally backed up against a wall, opening his mouth to let the younger in as he licked at his own tongue with earnest. Shuichi was practically rocking into his chiseled body; lissome frame squirming along his torso as he tried to climb up his tall stature even further so he could kiss him deeper. Thick thighs pressing into the dip above his hips and his hands desperately grasping at the tapering base of his skull—he could feel the boy's need pressed into the enclave just below his sternum.

His impassioned advances were a stark contradiction from the angry and vocal abuse he had received earlier in the night; still practically feeling the whip that had lashed across his scalp as the boy conquered over his mouth with an intense sense of distress in the way he delved his tongue into him. As if he were trying to suck in his very life force to keep him bound to him another time.

The fox was trying to gather his bearings while being orally ravished when the human finally pulled away to speak to him.

“Youko,” he said in a heavy whisper, bringing up his hands to pet the fox's face as he looked down into his eyes; practically nearing tears again, “YoukoI am so sorry. I am so, so very sorry… I am utterly ashamed… I have been so careless with you.”

The youkai tried to hush him for another time, bringing back his lips so he could lay a timid kiss on them… Trying to implicitly explain that he held no ill will (in fact, wasn't it him who was supposed to be apologizing?), but his lover was incensed by his anguished conviction… Laying sweet, wetted pecks along his confused face as heavy teardrops landed on his pale skin.

He’d only ever seen Shuichi this distraught one other time in their dual life, and the normally calm and cool demeanor of his mortal mind was now replaced with a look of doleful inconsolability that had the ancient fox weak at the knees… Wanting to take the fragile and pregnable young thing under his imposing command in order quell his sadness with the comfort of his very own authority on his person. Knowing that he found a respite under the strong, dominative power of his arms.

Admittedly, the human had been crying all night (tears seeming to have been on an unending reserve as they were coupled with a broad set of emotions ranging from despair to full blown animosity), but this seemed different…

This seemed self-condemning. A sight that reflected his own feelings.

Gold eyes were acute with worry as the redhead looked down into them while he ran his thumb along the fringe of the youkai’s bangs, laying a sweet peck on the point of his sharp nose as he sighed over him.

“I'm sorry,” he breathily repeated, and before the fox could say anything to dispel the apology he pressed his wet lips onto the demon's mouth again, continuing, “You have been a godsend to me... Still, I have done nothing but abase you and put you in harms way time and time again, and yet… you continue to make it your sole aspiration to appease and take care of me. Why?”

The youkai's eyes now held a deeply profound confusion as they swiftly darted across his other half's face.

“I love you,” was the simple reply, as if it didn't even have to be said.

Shuichi gave a breathy laugh through his tears. Tight smile underlined with some type of muted understanding as if what the fox said was somehow juvenile and endearing.

And that was… quite an interesting turn of events, the fox had to vexingly deduce.

The human leaned down and pushed their lips flush together yet another time… The salty drips from his ducts seeping into the fox's own mouth. He stroked the demon's face with his entire palm and when their mouths separated for just a moment, flushed rouge and pale pink flesh sticking together as they parted, so he could look over him with an acute sense of admiration in his glassy stare before he pressed them back together again. Keeping his counterpart in the heady contact as he poured every ounce of affection he had into the youkai's very own conscious; flooding his mind with thoughts of deep attachment.

“You are perfection,” Shuichi murmured into his mouth, eyes soft and filled with warmth, “You have beguiled me.”

Youko’s brows knitted further in bewilderment, gaze glossed over from the weight of their interaction, and started to shake his head ever so slightly to contradict him. He continued to hold the human up in his arms as his face was caressed with soft thumbs stroking the lines of his cheeks.

“Yes,” the redhead asserted, stopping the refute to his claim as he stilled the motion with a stroke to the skin above his brows, “You may not think it is true, but you are. You may think you're nothing more than a cold, ruthless killer of this long dead thief that they all make you out to be, but you’re not.”

Shuichi kept his eyes trained on him as he ran his hands up and down his bust; gliding his fingers along his ethereal face and then down to the definition of his neck and then back up again as if he was worshipping the very personage of a celestial deity with his own fingertips.

“You are so much more than that,” he pressed, saying these words with such conviction that his tears bled onto the fox's cheeks, “You are kind, and you are soft, and you are noble. You have feelings, and a conscious, and clement thoughts. You have learned warmth. You have learned empathy. You have learned the significance of humanity and a compassion for life. And you… you are so very magnificent for that. I can't even begin to describe…”

“No, Shuichi…” Youko started, face pained from these endearments, “I can't allow you to commend me… I’ve hurt you—”

“You’ve loved me,” Shuichi swiftly rebuked, “You have comforted me. You have sacrificed for me. Youko, don't say those things… Don't limit yourself in that way… Don't you see? Those things they say—those hurtful, awful things they libel about you—those are lies. They are a reflection of the demon that once did what he must in order to survive in a world that had nothing to offer him in the way of respite from his long sustaining but for cold, barren beds and barbed alliances. Turning its icy, arid shoulder on the derelicts that reside within it; leaving them destitute. Leaving you starving. Leaving you wanting for more. Leading you to me… and our own comfort… Together. You did what you must, Youko. What everyone in that wasteland of an existence has to do in order just to survive.

The young man's face turned into a woeful scowl as he thought of the deity who deserted those beings in that eternal pit of Hell just out of spite. Just because he could. Just because he deemed them unworthy. Just like he was doing to them now…

“I will not let them fill your head with such fallacies,” he seethed, anger bubbling up in his chest as his green eyes looked intense with the way they burned with his animosity for their unseen offenders, “I will not let them manipulate you into believing these lies about yourself. I know you. I see the warmth in your eyes and the kindness in your soul. I see the worth in your life, kitsune. Even if you refuse to see it yourself. You are not cold. You are not crude. You are deserving of my love and I will not let our souls leave this waste of an existence until you know this within every fiber of your being. Do you understand me?”

The fox’s pupils were constricted into slits as the human made these proclamations. Eyes wide and face lax into shock as he listened to the veracity behind those words. He was dumbfounded. Unable to digest his other's truths.

“No… Shuichi, I…” he stumbled to say; for the first time in a very long time, finding words hard to come by.

“Listen to me, Youko!” the human shouted; banging the door behind him with an open palm and then gripping the youkai's face into the pressure of his fingers with his other hand; causing his stunned lover to jolt slightly as he did so, “They may be able to pry you from my arms tonight, but they will never—evertake away the humanity that I gave to you. I will not let them rob me that way. When you think of me, when you sit in your solitude letting your thoughts wander to our time spent together, I want you to think of this very moment. Every. Single. Time. Remember this validation I’ve given unto you… Because you, Youko, are worth every single breath that I gave you.”

The fox couldn't help it…

He felt the unfamiliar prickle of saltine water come back to his almond-shaped eyes. A baser instinct he'd never thought in a million years he'd ever have the capability to experience.

He felt the lone tear drip from his ducts and down the expanse of his cheek until it was caught by the swipe of the human's thumb. His feet began to slide along the floor, bringing the human down with him as they descended onto the ground. Shuichi held on tight, letting the youkai leave the forgotten bottle to their side as he wrapped his strapping arms around his leaner frame and constricted him in his flesh-bending hug. The youko buried his face into the human's clothed chest, feeling the pump of his heart on his brow. He couldn't keep back the dry sob that left his throat as his claws bit into his lover's skin.

Shuichi was undeterred; eyes the hue of a deep and lush evergreen forest as he looked fondly over his other. Stroking his fingers through the fine silk of his silver hair as he allowed for the demon's legs to come up and trap him against his upper torso. He leaned down to whisper lovingly against the smooth plaster of his skin; softly stroking a flattened, pointed ear as he did so.

“I love you,” He gently murmured, nudging his nose against the youkai's temple as he had done for him so many countless times before, “I do, truly. I sincerely love you in return… Not because of our positions. Not because of your power. Not even because you have given so much of yourself for me and I for you. It's because you are gracious... You are the single being in this entire planet who knows me more thoroughly than I can ever hope to know myself and still accept me for all that I am. And you have never, not once ever, expected anything for it in return. I will always love you, Youko. So, when you're out there on your own and those grueling days of turmoil have made you silently feeling as though you have dwindled in your own esteem, remember… That even though we may from now on be miles and lifetimes apart, this one person—this one soul— loves you for all that you are worth. And my heart will never let you go. No matter what they try to force on us.”

He gently brought up the youko’s head so he could look into the metallic orbs once more. The fox's face was damp, and Shuichi couldn't stop the sweet, adoring smile that blossomed on his lips as he wiped away the streaks with a flat palm. Youko looked at him through a watery haze, not able to particularly place the emotion he was experiencing. Shuichi pulled him forward by his chin, placing a tender kiss on his brow.

“Promise me?” he simply asked, “Promise me you'll remember this?”

Youko's eyes quickly darted from side to side, studying into the human's gaze. He mustered up the coherency to nod once.

“Yes,” was all he could reply, voice gruff and raspy.

Shuichi made a sound of quiet approval and wrapped the demon into another hug, arms coiled around his head as he cradled him into the crook of his neck. He pressed his lips onto the back of his fuzzy ear while he rubbed his strong, tensed back in comfort.

“Youko,” he called softly. His hips pressed into the fox's stomach; ample thighs compressing into the sides of his waist.

There was a deep inhale before the fox replied, “Yes, love?”

Shuichi nuzzled into the joint of his jaw, bringing the fox's hands to travel the length of his body.

“One last time,” he whispered, “Allow me one last night to be taken under your arms. Please.”

The youkai simmered up what could only be described as both a growl intermixed with a moan as he said nothing at all while he crashed his lips into the younger's mouth. Pressing the smaller one’s head down into the bruising, wanton force of his kiss.

Shuichi groaned in approval, once again cradling the fox's head in his hands as he opened his mouth to allow the demon's tongue in. They kissed deeply for a moment, slick muscles dancing in a heated thrum that had them both panting for breath, before Youko started to lift them up off the floor.

With one arm wrapped around the younger's waist and the other scooching his back up along the wall, he raised them onto his own steady feet. Shuichi didn’t allow him the gift of reprieve from their heavy interaction as he continued to delve his tongue into the demon's mouth while he transported them into the next room; his loosened crimson hair covering their faces like a veil.

It was lucky enough for them that Youko was adept enough at spatial cognizance that he managed to move them about the clutter in the room without much of a hitch as the lustful human continued to make precarious demands on his mouth.

When his thighs finally hit the soft edge of the king-sized bed, he tried to lower his human counterpart onto it; but he was brought down too, however, as the redhead kept a tight grasp around his larger frame.

The fox made a small groan of protest as Shuichi’s pliant thighs hung onto his sides, forcing him to bring up one knee to imbed into the mattress so as to not land heavily on top of him. The smaller male was oblivious, releasing the youko's kiss-swollen lips to travel his focus down to the jutting tendon in his neck; biting and nipping at the skin while his nimble hands tore at his robe. His eagerness outweighed his sense of tact, ripping the soft wrap the rest of the way open so he could run slender hands down the length of his toned stomach. Youko could hear the flimsy, cotton fabric tearing under his younger's strength but he was beyond the point of caring.

He kept his hands on either side of the boy’s body as he allowed himself to be ravished. Feeling the soft strands of Shuichi’s feathery bangs tickle at the exposed skin of his chest as moved his head down, climbing his body like a balancing pole as he refused to give up any inch of contact that they had. The youkai sighed heavily as he felt a wet tongue lap at taut, pink peaks. Letting the tip of it swirl around the areola until rigid teeth bit down lightly, tugging the hard flesh within his bite until each one was blushing and swollen. He sensed the featherlike touches of smooth fingertips gliding down his navel and into the barrier of his pants; brushing against the tip of the swollen, leaking stiffness above his black underwear.

“Nn!” the youkai moaned, thrusting his hips into the sensation.

“Mmm, yes,” Shuichi wantonly encouraged, nipping at the bulge of his peck, “Moan for me, Youko, please. I want to hear it.”

The fox was more than happy to respond. Letting the low rumbling of his satisfaction carry out from inside his chest into the air as the human's deft hands tugged at the hard shaft in a hurry as he scooted himself southward, stopping to flick his tongue in the taller male’s bellybutton while he popped his hard co*ck free from the restriction of his briefs and pulled them down to the midway of his thighs. The demon keened again in approval as soft hands began to pump at his member.

Shuichi slid himself down until he was slipping off the side of the bed and onto his knees to align his head at the perfect height with his erection. Youko lifted himself up to allow his young partner a better position and so he could see the redhead's actions with clarity. The human stared up at him, green eyes heavy under his dark lashes, while he stroked him with the lust fully visible on his face.

Youko's mythical heart stopped beating for a second—The young man stretched out his pink tongue to lap at the precum that had pearled up on the head, gliding the point of his muscle into the slit while he did so.

Youko bucked, knees almost giving out as his companion wasted no time in wrapping his lips around the tip of his swollen member and grazing his teeth ever so lightly on the flushed flesh as he sucked.

“Nn, Shuichi…” he groaned, burrowing his long fingers into the (now very loose) ponytail.

The human hummed in approval as he began to bob his head up and down the length of his shaft. Letting the flat expanse of his tongue glide along the underside of his co*ck as he stimulated the pulsing vein there. He hallowed out his cheeks to cause a deep suction with each oral stroke, and the fox could feel the tip of his member graze along the human’s soft palette while the grooved lining at the roof of his mouth stimulated his length.

For a moment, Shuichi retreated the member from his oral cavity with an obscene ‘pop' as he stroked the now spit-covered member up and down while dribbles of his saliva still connected from the hot flesh to his mouth.

Youko moaned again and the human urged him on with a luscious groan of his own.

“On the bed,” he suspired, squeezing at his muscular thigh while he pumped his shaft, “Lay down on the bed for me.”

The youkai’s thoughts were muddled with the way his lover continued to stimulate him, not affording him a minute to register his words as he continued to squeeze along the length of his girth. It didn't bother Shuichi any; pulling the demon's briefs the rest of the way down, the sweet human lifted up from his knees to trail kisses along his defined torso as he arose. His lips skimmed along the height of the fox's chest, plump pink flesh dragging along the swell of his breast as he lifted.

His hand released his member to trail his featherlike touch up the line of his stomach before stopping at the indent of his sternum.

He brought the fox's head down to lay his thin lips onto his once more, the feeling of the younger's thick thigh coming up to rub against his pulsing member causing the demon to groan, while he slowly turned them both around.

Youko was distracted by the heated interaction, his head stuck in place by his other’s firm hand behind his neck, while his lissome body slowly nudged against him to direct him to turn. Before he knew it, the redhead was releasing their kiss with a sharp nip to his tongue and pushing him back down onto the bed with a clever shove to his chest.

The youkai landed on his back, bouncing a bit when he connected, and lifted himself up on his forearms to look at his lover as he slowly strode the two feet over to the edge of the bed. Sliding his long limbs in-between his knees so he could stand between his legs, he ran his hands up his muscular thighs and then up above the jut of his hips. His green eyes were dark as he looked up at his demonic counterpart.

Breath heavy and panting slightly, he ordered him, “Lie back.”

Youko looked at him through weighted lids as he watched the way the human’s nimble fingers drew a path along the ‘V' of his abdomen. He was slow to follow the instruction, languidly stretching down a long arm to lift the other's head up by a finger under his chin so they kept their eyes together. Keeping the younger pinned by the chin, the youkai used his long legs to scooch along the loose and rumpled sheets until his broad back hit against the pile of pillows. Shuichi was beckoned to follow by the grip, slowly bringing each limb to settle onto the mattress as he climbed up onto the bed with him; each hand or knee indenting into the plush comforter—their movements causing quiet swishing sounds as they waded through the messed-up bedlinens as if they were water.

Shuichi pushed the youkai's thighs apart as he approached with a soft hand on each knee. He settled himself inside them once again, Youko’s gold eyes watching him intently as he did so, until he was crawling up to level his mouth over the heated flesh of his co*ck.

Youko mutedly gasped as the human's hot mouth connected another time; soft lips brushing against his shaft as his slick tongue licked a line up the vein underneath while he continued to crawl himself up. The human wrapped his arms around each of the youko’s legs to keep him in place as he traveled his oral muscle up to the tip of his co*ck and flicked it into the slit there. The fox's head thumped back into the headboard as his co*ck jolted at the stimulation.

“Nn, Shuichi,” he breathed, traveling his clawed hand up to entangle his fingers into the messy, crimson strands of the younger's hair.

Said man pursed another kiss onto the head of his shaft before wrapping his mouth around it, eliciting another moan from him. His green eyes lifted up to gaze at him through thick, dark lashes and a curtain of bangs while he slowly brought the length back into his mouth.

Shuichi's image was that of a fawn—the way his small mouth had to expand fully in order to fit the wide girth into it, and how the lines of his jaw muscles were taut when his eyes fluttered closed as he got down to the base. His nostrils slightly flared as he tried to breathe through his nose around the circumference. He let the co*ck sit in the back of his throat while he got used to the feeling, noticing that there were still a few inches left to go.

“Amazing,” the fox sighed, looking along the curves of his lover as he laid diagonally across the bed with his co*ck in his mouth. He petted his hair as he continued to encourage him, “You look amazing this way… and you feel even more so. Your mouth is a literal treat, Shuichi.”

The young man hummed with satisfaction. He dragged his mouth back up while he sucked and then slid back down again only to slowly drag his mouth up once more. The action causing a sheen of spit to gleam in the dim light all along the length of the demon's co*ck.

Shuichi felt the hard flesh pulse against his tongue and his dark emerald gaze looked back up at his lover. He kept Youko's stare locked onto his while he began to suck him in long, slow strokes.

“Ha… ahn,” the youkai breathed, feeling the younger's teeth slightly grazing his sensitive foreskin again.

The human did it again, and practically salivated when the demon groaned; feeling his pale legs shiver under his hands. He curled tighter around his thighs as he quickened his pace—slick mouth slurping along as his redhead bobbed with the demon's hands curled into his hair, guiding him with gentle strength.

He felt the youkai pressing down on his skull when the tip of his member hit the back of his throat, and instead of lifting back up again, the younger relaxed his muscles to push the girth past his palate. Youko worked to keep his hips down instead of bucking up to get more of the feeling like he wanted and bit his sharp teeth into his lip while he held back a loud moan.

Shuichi was not impressed with that, and promptly worked himself down more as he hummed onto the length.

“Oh fu—!” The demon gasped, canting up his hips as he pressed him down further.

The young redhead happily moaned. Cheshire grin astonishingly visible around the substantial girth between his lips. He lifted up slightly, feeling the co*ck pulse against uvula, before diving back down until the tip of the fox's shaft hit all the way deep down into his esophagus.

Youko was incensed, one hand gripping at the sheets while the other was fisting his hair; yanking him back up by the ponytail only to shove him back down again. When this happened a few times, Shuichi trying to work through the reflexive gag as his chest heaved, he finally let the fox put it all the way in; thick, round head of his co*ck pushing all the way past his larynx and against his inner trachea.

With a forceful push down, it went a bit further still, until the human's pert nose was buried deep into the thick hair of his pelvis; smothering him completely.

He held him there while his co*ck shook.

“Shuichi…” Youko moaned again, rubbing at the back of his neck, “My f*cking God, you are a literal angel. I'm gonna cum right in your throat like this…”

Even though his lungs were burning for much needed oxygen, Shuichi couldn't help the excited mewl that escaped him; the sound muffled and gurgling the way it slithered out around the dense intrusion in his neck.

The young man could tell the fox was itching to throat f*ck him into oblivion within the next minute, already feeling his hips canting up to do so, but he put a patient hand on his stomach to stop him for the time being so he wasn't done too soon.

Youko let him go begrudgingly, groaning out in protest as his length slipped from the boy's throat…But he was quickly intrigued again when Shuichi lifted all the way up so the co*ck was released, and then began to suck his own fingers.

Shuichi put the three long digits into his mouth while he kept eye contact with the fox. With eyes locked, he made sure the fox was watching as he slid the deft digits in and out of his mouth, coating them thick with spit. The youkai tipped an eyebrow up at him quizzically as he watched when the human withdrew them again and gave him a positively wily grin.

Before the demon could vocalize his curiosity, Shuichi kissed the sensitive skin of the inner juncture between his leg and hip, causing him to shiver as he felt a clever finger swirling at his entrance.

“Shuichi, what—”

And before the youko could even finish his sentence, there was a slender finger being pushed passed the tight ring of muscle.

Youko groaned, a deep and reverberating groan, as the digit slipped into him and filled him with a feeling he hadn't felt in ages. His grip curled tight into the human's hair, a small sound of discomfort being bitten back, as the sensitive tissue of his anus tingled with a slight burning sensation.

Shuichi pressed the digit in all the way until his last knuckle was pressing against his entrance, reveling in the sound his older lover was making. He slowly drew it back out; noticing how tight the youkai was becoming.

“Relax, my love,” he gently cooed, voice a bit hoarse as he squeezed his other hand around the toned muscle of his thigh, “I’m not going any further than this. I only want to play with you a bit. Listen to how lusciously you groan for me. I crave to hear it from you, lover…”

With that, he began to move the slick digit in and out; feeling the ancient demon tighten around him as he hummed in a mix of pleasure and discomfort. The sensation caused his own member to jump with excitement as he had the fox in a very rare state of being submissive for him.

Feeling the beast quiver around him, his already large co*ck stiffening even further, he began to move his hand with urgency; pressing the thin point of his delicate finger into tender walls as he looked for that small bundle of nerves that would have him keening. As he slipped a taut, shaking sac into his mouth, he found it, and began to stimulate the demon there while he finger-f*cked him.

“Ahn!” Youko huffed, pulling at the younger's hair slightly as he pushed himself further onto the finger. He gasped again as his other ball was being suckled on, suspiring, “I swear to God, I'm going to f*ck your pretty little head right back into the mattress after this… But f*ck if this is not such a delicious change of pace. I haven't been taken in so long…”

Shuichi moaned in understanding, keeping the fleshy ball within his mouth as his hand quickened in response. He let the tight testicl* slip from his lips as he responded.

“Since Yomi,” the younger breathed, hot breath ghosting across the now spit-covered scrotum, “and that was only the once… Before that, it was—”

“Kuronue,” the ancient demon moaned out the name, hips jerking into the motions at the thought of his too-long-gone lover, “God, how I miss him…”

Shuichi nuzzled his nose into the inside of his thigh in comfort, keeping his hand moving as he did so. His own heart could feel the fox's ache, and he lightly kissed the sheen of his pale flesh to soothe him.

“I'm so sorry, love,” the young human sighed softly, his beautiful voice sung with such empathy for him, “I didn’t wish to bring back such painful memories… I only look to take care of you in the same ways as you have always taken care of me. You feel so good when you're inside of me… I only wish to return the favor.”

Never be sorry, my sweet little dove,” the fox moaned, feeling the finger against his prostate another time as he stroked the younger's ear in comfort, “You are my light. The ray of sun that shines through me even on the darkest of days. I will always cherish you, even when I think of him. For you are the most vital above all else… You know this.”

Shuichi kissed him tenderly on the thigh at that proclamation, a feeling of reassurance settling in his heart, and he hardened his thrusts just a bit to have the taller man keening for him again. As much as he loved being rendered compliant underneath the legendary fox bandit, he almost loved to have this mysterious, powerful kitsune writhing for him more. Hearing the way in which he moaned out his name as he let himself yield to his slighter and more effeminate partner reminded him that the fox possessed a sort of vulnerability for him that not very many people would ever come to know from him.

His head rested heavily against the fox's leg. Listening to the fervid breathing of his other soul, he was painfully reminded that this would be the last time… That these moments were wrapped in finite…

And they always had been, he quickly realized, but had never had the courage to admit it to himself until now.

“Shuichi,” the rumbling of a gentle baritone called to him, “What are you thinking of, my little love?”

The human slowly opened his eyes as he realized he had become increasingly rigid and his hand had slowed. He stared at the shimmer of moonlit skin for far too long, trying to ingrain it as a memory into his mind.

When he felt the youkai try to get up, making a motion to stop him from his current pursuit and to bring him up to him by a gentle push on the back of his neck, the younger man immediately began to forcefully thrust his finger in and out of him yet again. Shaking himself from these thoughts, he lightly nipped onto the meat of the youko’s inner thigh as the demon tensed and moaned another time. He quickly worked another finger inside of him, suckling on the juncture of his right hip right next to his member as he groaned onto his lover's skin at the way he tightened around his hand.

“Mmmm, f*ck, Shuichi…!” Youko hummed, falling back into the pillows as he pulled at his hair yet again.

“Yes,” the human breathed, licking and biting at the sensitive flesh of his pelvis as he worked two digits in and out of him, “Say my name again… You moan it so well.”

Youko called out for his lover as Shuichi began to twist his hand while he thrusted the digits, causing his knuckles to message into his passage. The young man gave a hungry growl as the demon shuddered around him and sucked on one stretch of skin for a few seconds before letting it go with a loud pop and licking his tongue back up from the raised line of the fox’s scrotum all the way to the tip of his member; bringing the flushing head between his teeth.

The kitsune gave out a loud sough, one fist clenching into the sheets as the other remained tangled in his hair, as he guided the boy back down his length. Shuichi swallowed the member whole, forcing his fingers all the way into the demon as he did so. He gave out a reverberating sound as he withdrew and shoved the fingers inside him again.

“f*ck yes!” Youko growled, back arching off the mattress, “Give it to me, now.”

Shuichi happily obliged, putting a third finger in as he sucked up and down his length. His red head bobbed in a fervor, working his hand with the fine tune of all his years of combat training as he tweaked those fine fingers within him. The digits stretched him loose and the mouth sucked him until his genital skin was raw, but the demon never felt anything better. Letting his mouth hang open as his sharp fangs shown in the light and his claws dug into the flimsy cotton of the pillow above his head.

Shuichi released his co*ck for a moment, his eyes a dark hue as he looked up at the demon with all of his passion evident. Beholding the beautiful and unguarded sight that he was.

“Say the words,” the younger hummed, mouthing the underside of his co*ck with a little suck and a small nip to his frenulum as he punched the fingers into him, “To who do you call?”

“Yesssss,” the youkai hissed, scratching his nails up the human's neck, “You. It's all f*cking you—my brilliant, perfect Shuichi… Take me to that other realm like you f*cking do.”

Shuichi gave a small laugh as he kissed the pulsing vein of his member and pushed the digits into him with his thumb massaging into his perineum, seeing his entire genitals jump at the sensation.

Youko howled in response, trying to keep from tearing his claws into his human counterpart. Breathless and on the cusp of his paradise, he said, “Oh my God! I'm so close to coming… I need in your throat, my gorgeous dove.”

“Beg me for it,” the human commanded, pressing his fingers into him again, “Ask me nicely, and I might indulge.”

“Shuichi,” the demon keened, limbs wound taut.

“That's not a beg, my love.”

“You know what I want from you,” the demon snarled, a tone of censure to his voice, “If you make me beg now, I'll make you beg even more for me later.”

Shuichi lecherously grinned at that, giving the fox a sweet show of his juvenility.

His white teeth shown pearly in the glow of the dim light as he smiled up at his lover, “You know you would have had me done so anyway. You enjoy the way you can make me carol for you.”

The demon growled again as the boy began to tease him still, holding back the need to flip their positions and have the younger pinned under him onto the bed so he could f*ck him into a nice, hard lesson.

But, he wanted to feel more of this... And the younger knew. Using the reluctance to his advantage, he slowly stroked his prostate while he suckled on the skin between his shaft and his sac, eliciting a strained moan from him.

“Shuichi,” the fox practically whined as he bit out, “I… ha! Ohhhhh, nn! I… need... ahhh!”

Shuichi's eyes were mischievous as he gazed up at the desperate kitsune again, smirking. He tickled the underside of the demon's co*ck with his tongue, teasing.

The youkai bucked into the sensation, trying to force his head down, but Shuichi smacked the forceful hand away and continued to wriggle the fingers inside him.

Words, Youko,” the youth corrected, soft voice humming, “Use your words. Now, we know better than that… What do you want from me, love?”

There was a pregnant pause before Youko heavily exhaled before audibly swallowing.

“Let me cum…” the fox breathed out, teeth clenched around the words, please.”

Shuichi suckled on the rippled skin again and pressed his forefinger into him.

“Shuichi, please!” the youko whined, hips bucking up, “Please, I need it! I need you…!”

The younger softly hummed again when he laughed around the mouthful of flesh and released it to go back to his previous pursuit. Licking back up the length again, he stopped just at the tip and kissed the flushing head tenderly, precum smearing across his lips. Youko looked down at him as he felt the human pause for just a moment… and he was inflamed by the sight.

Shuichi laid there, between his legs… mouth the vision of swollen fruit and eyes the hue of pines behind the thick shade of his jagged, red bangs; evoking him.

“One more time for me, Youko,” he purred, squeezing at his thigh, “Who is it that you want?”

The fox lifted himself up on one hand as he bent himself in half, bringing the younger's eyes up to meet him by winding his grasp back into the back of his hair. He kept their stares together as Shuichi had to crane his neck back in order to look at him.

“You,” the demon said with such deep and impassioned emotion that it visually sparked within their intense stare, “It will always be you.”

With that, he forced the other up into a kiss, licking the salt of his own emissions from off of his lips. He groaned when the younger reached around his leg to squeeze at his length with his free hand, and the human took that opportunity to kiss him impassionedly; tongues twirling and hungrily stifling his moans.

He squeezed him again and broke away to bring the youkai's co*ck back into his mouth, swallowing him to the full extent as he brought the head in until it hit all the way down to the very base of his throat again. Causing the other to choke as he gasped and tightened his grip in his hair. The redhead garbled a little when the co*ck pulsed inside his throat and worked his hand in and out of his lover, twisting the fingers as he thrusted.

Youko growled as he threw himself back and bowed his back up; feeling the familiar pang in his lower stomach as his muscles wound up. His fist was now tearing at the sheets as his toes curled in, and he loudly moaned in clear protest when his hips were forced back down. Shuichi was now moving the girth in and out of his throat as his hand worked into him; inducing any sound from his lover that he could. When his fingers buried all the way in and the human had made a sort of suction with every withdrawal of his member from inside his neck, causing his tonsils to rub around it in a fleshy-like sheath, the youkai couldn’t hold back any longer….

Grabbing his human counterpart by the top of his neck where his skull met his spine, he forced the boy all the way down. Shuichi’s hand stiffened inside him, knuckles rubbing into his inner walls, as he suddenly had to focus on his breathing. Keeping him in place, he thrusted into him a few, shallow times with his pulsing co*ck fully imbedding into his esophagus until he could feel the tip brushing up against the pliable ridges of his windpipe. Shuichi’s neck expanded out beneath his fingers, and Youko couldn't contain the desperate whine that escaped him at the feeling. Sensing his human counterpart choking around his co*ck, thick spit dribbling out from his mouth until it landed in a pool that collected on his pubic region and trickled down the sensitive skin of his sac while he audibly gagged, he felt that tight coil in him snap.

“Shuichi!” the youkai cried, pushing up into his face, “f*ck yes!”

Shuichi made a sound of affirmation as he sensed Youko’s co*ck spasming, and the already tight passage quivered and constricted around his fingers. Youko let out a long, fervid howl as he suddenly exploded into his partner’s throat. Keeping him secured by the neck, he kept the boy in position to take the full extent of his ejacul*tion; feeding the thick and warm liquid down his gullet as he moaned out the young man's name over and over, co*ck twitching and beating with a fervid pulse as the fingers inside him stimulated his prostate again.

“Yes, yes, yes, yes!” the fox sighed, “Shuichi…My god…!”

The boy hummed to comfort him as he allowed his lover to keep the co*ck in him while he finished. He couldn't breathe properly for a few minutes as Youko’s viscid seed was spirting into his throat and giving him no other option but to work on swallowing the spunk until he could no longer feel the tangy, tacky substance dripping into his esophagus, but he kept a gentle hand on his thigh as he reassuringly stroked him while he came. Letting him know that his transparency was safe with him.

Youko turned his head to bury his flushed face into a flexed arm as he worked through the tremors that were absolutely wracking his body. Suddenly feeling a complete sense of weakness and urgency for the young man that had him calling out to his name with every physical tremor of his muscles, vocalizing his desperate need. Shuichi was such a darling, though, telling him in a million ways how trustworthy he was as he didn't even bat an eye or show a sense of aversion to his temporary state of fragility. He could feel his own soul reaching out to embrace him as he continued to cum, reconnecting with him on the metaphysical planes while his body was in a state of euphoria.

After the last of his spirts were emitted, Shuichi finally let the member go from his mouth. Allowing the softening co*ck to slip from his tongue, the lissome redhead crawled up to where he was with his long, slender limbs moving on either side of his body. He bowed over his lover as he brought the fox's wet eyes up to meet his with a tender grip around his jaw.

His beautiful face was soft and loving as he looked down at his other while he spoke, “I would have you bare for me a million times, Youko, before I ever even considered the idea of letting you go needing for a warm touch. Don’t ever be shy with me. I aim to be your very fulfillment.”

Youko was stricken by these words, sensing their meaning of absolute devotion within them. He couldn't express the swell in his heart as he let out a heavy breath. His gaze was damp as he looked up to him, seeing his own wholeness within the sparkling emerald pools.

Without saying a word, the fox lifted up and yanked the younger down into a hungry kiss. Delving and panting into his mouth as he said all the words he couldn't say to his gracious lover with the affection that was transpiring between their melding tongues.

He had Shuichi secured within his hold again on top of his lap, and the boy was fervently running his hands all along his body as he returned the kiss with the most passion he could invoke from his very bones. Snaking his fingers through his silver hair, he caressed the fox's throat with the other; moving his hips into the demon's thighs. His need pressed into the youkai's stomach, and Youko was tearing at his clothing within the next moment.

Ripping his sheer shirt to shreds, he let it fall away to the already messy space around them while he hooked his large hands into the waistband of his fitted dress pants and tugged them apart; tearing the thick, sturdy material as if it were nothing. Shuichi whined as the rough contact aggravated a bruise on his left side… Youko gave him a completely tender and loving peck to express his deepest apology while he slid off the now tattered material from each of his slender legs.

He looked down at the thin, lacey briefs that covered the younger's impossibly rigid member; soaked through with the boy's own precum. The fox bit his lip at the sight, the thought that the boy had been so worked up for him during their entire argument only to be practically weeping in his pants while he sucked the demon off had him utterly fawning; finding the young man's responses to him just so completely taking, it left him begotten. He attacked the human's neck after a second of ogling as he used his claws to tear away the flimsy and delicate material piece by piece; running the lace across his delicate thighs as he discarded them.

“I’m going to make you scream for me tonight,” the fox heatedly promised into his ear, causing Shuichi to shiver, “I’m going to have you feeling better than you've ever felt before… I need my name on your lips tonight, lover. To remind me of the thing that I'll be missing… That human that I've never been so complete without.”

“Youko…” the younger softly started, but was stopped when the last piece was torn from over his co*ck, feeling a claw lightly scrape over the slit.

Shuichi whimpered as the fox's hand grasped around his length, tugging at him. His finger came up to bite between his teeth, but the next moan was pulled from him as the youkai's hand worked diligently. Youko kissed the other's bare and slightly reddened chest as he pumped his younger half until he was squirming in his lap, whining. He let his head rest on his clavicle as he spit onto the member and hastened his strokes.

It only took a few more pumps before the human was finished, crying out as his cum splattered across the fox's toned stomach; having been so worked up that his climax had been at the very brink for such a long time. His body trembled within the youkai’s arms while he came down.

Even though the member was obviously spent, Youko didn't give him a moment of peace. He let the co*ck sit for but a minute before he started to pump it back to hardness again.

“Ohhh, Youko…!” the younger breathed, gripping onto the collar of his open robe.

The youkai moaned in response and pressed up his own need into the crease of his ass, showing that he was already ready for more.

With an air of hesitancy, Shuichi allowed the fox to work him to hardness again; moving his hips into the action—Knowing that neither of them were going to be getting any sleep tonight… Just as they most likely wouldn't be getting any other type of rest again for the remainder of their lives.

He kissed the juncture of his other's neck while he slowly slid the robe off a little bit more to expose his broad shoulders. He mewled approvingly as he felt himself stiffening in Youko's clever touches and lightly nipped down the slope of the demon's bust.

After a minute or two, he gently coaxed the fox's hands away as he had him lay back a little further so he could reposition himself. Youko moved to lean on his hands as he watched the way his lover moved, thin frame reworking itself on top of his taller stature. He became interested as the boy lifted himself onto his knees with one hand keeping himself steady on his chest while the other grabbed at his co*ck again. He gave a little groan at the pleasant pressure on his shaft, but quickly became concerned as the younger was positioning himself over it…

“Shuichi!” he called, attempting to stop him with one hand on his hip, “Go get the lube! Don't hurt yourself!”

The young man looked up at him sweetly with a reassuring smile on his lips, kissing him softly on his open chest.

“Don't worry, dear. I'll be fine,” he said as he began to position the tip at his entrance.

Youko made to rebuke, but the moment the head of his co*ck slipped into the impossible tightness, he forgot all of his resolves to stop him as his breath hitched. He moaned with pleasure as he felt the younger’s sweet constriction surround him.

Shuichi bit his lip in discomfort, feeling the sting of being stretched impossibly wide around the fox's thick circumference without any preparation; causing his legs to tremble. Despite his body's obvious complaint, he labored himself onto the co*ck; pushing it deeper, inch by inch, until it fully sheathed into his body. Youko's breath was labored as well as he sat still for his lover to allow him time to adjust and not just completely ram into that delicious and quivering passage like he wanted... His fingers twitched on top of the mattress as they itched to grasp around those slender hips and have the human vaulting up and down his co*ck while he f*cked him into an absolute state of incapacity.

Shuichi panted for a minute while his brows furrowed in pain, feeling the co*ck jump inside of him at the sight.

“I told you, you should have been patient,” the fox laughed breathily, “You wouldn't hurt like that if you just took a few more minutes to prepare yourself.”

Shuichi snorted as he looked up at the youkai, quelling his self-possessed expression with the way he leaned up and sank himself further onto his member; stretching out his toned body for display as he let his hands settle on each of the demon's knees for leverage. His low-hanging ponytail hung over his shoulder while he spoke.

“With the number of times I've had your co*ck inside of me, I doubt that my body isn't already molded to the shape of your flesh,” he shot back with a smirk as he swiveled his hips to prove his point, “We are one, after all. It was perfectly designed for you, wasn't it, my dear?”

Youko moaned again as the slighter companion began to move himself up and down the length, feeling his very loins becoming enflamed by that remark. He lifted a hand up to help the human with his work, but the limb was promptly smacked away as Shuichi leaned forward and braced a hand on his stomach.

He began to circle the co*ck inside him, moaning as the shaft hit up against his prostate and sent a tingle through his spine. Youko groaned as well, feeling himself be sucked into the wonderful heat that was the boy's anal cavity. He kept himself from thrusting up, but couldn't hold back the need to grip at the boy's thighs, sharp claws almost imbedding into tan flesh.

Feeling his counterpart’s need, Shuichi bent further over until he was kissing at the fox's chest as he quickened his pace. Feeling the suckle of his lover's teeth on his pectoral had Youko praising him while he expressed his approval. He petted the young man's head while he let his other hand travel up his leg to grope at his backside; clenching the pert, round cheek in his hand as he slightly guided his motions.

The fox let his lips rest against his partner's quickly wetting skin. A kiss wisped across Shuichi’s forehead, and he pushed himself down further onto the thick length at the contact. Feeling Youko's stable presence surrounding him—strong hand grasped around the seat of his round, other arm wrapped around him as it secured him to his rock-steady person, the air of his affection ghosting across his face as he panted for him in thick, heavy gasps, and expressed his arduous admiration for him with the brassy words humming into his ear like a song—gave the human another crash-landing reminder that this was the final time he would ever be blessed with this man's comfort.

The sorrow pricked at his eyes…. And it threatened to seep from him yet again and drench the chest of the youkai below him, but the youth pressed his face against the demon's strong breast and disdainfully shook his head to will them away. Not allowing for anything to taint this moment…

Including his own vulnerability.

He placed both hands on the youkai's chest, effectively both pressing him back into the pillows and giving himself better leverage to move himself. Youko laid back, hands coming to rest around the younger's legs, as he watched his lover move with breathy pants escaping them both and filling the air of the otherwise quiet room. Their combined heavy breathing intermingled with the soft creaks of the bed and the faint noise of the city street as Shuichi labored himself on top of him. The symphony was melodic… His sinuous silhouette moved against the skyline in the window, and it completed a picture of beautiful intimacy. Youko laid still for him, keeping his slate body lounged along the mattress so the younger could rock himself into the motions.

Shuichi bent his back into the oscillations, letting his round rump smack against the demon's legs while his co*ck slid into him and then pivoting his spine back so his shaft pressed into his walls, pleasuring himself. He moaned as he rubbed his own co*ck into the fox's stomach; practically humping him. Youko's grip was tightening on his thighs as felt the boy’s cavity constrict around him with every drag of his ass up and then loosen when he thrusted himself back down. He huffed gruffly as one of the human's fingers tweaked at his nipples. The fox opened his legs wider, giving him a better angle while he let the boy ride him.

Both of their pants were becoming needy as they felt the pleasure mount again. Youko was encouraging the younger on with the way he softly moaned out his name, the last syllables coming out cracked and rough as he said it through clenched teeth. He could hear the desire in his tone and licked up the fox's chest to bite at his throat before leaning back up; placing a hand back on both of the demon's knees. He motioned for the demon to keep his legs bent up as he began to propel himself up and down the length, legs and stomach visibly flexing as he did so.

Youko watched the human in awe. Seeing the way his slim build moved up and down his co*ck, squeezing around the girth, as he f*cked himself with his lover's body. He could observe how it would disappear inside his anatomy and then reappear as he drew back up. The fox moaned loudly again, scratching the younger's skin as he fastened the pace; the younger's own modest co*ck bouncing up and down along with him, hitting against the demon's stomach whenever he came back down.

“Shuichi…” the youkai growled, pulling at his legs to coax him to let him take over, “f*ck… look at the way you do that… That's astounding.”

Shuichi moaned in return, but didn’t allow for him to take the lead. Instead, his motions became faster as he used the demon's knees to lean back while his lower body bent into the thrusts, gasping as he was pleasuring himself again. Youko threw his head back as he felt his testicl*s twitch, being stimulated even further by the angle. He whined out his soft lover's name again, and the human came back forward as he settled all the way down until Youko's co*ck was fully inside him and jerked his hips forward, tightening his anus around the girth.

Youko moaned out, suddenly feeling himself coming again, and he gripped at the younger desperately as he kept this position of the stranglehold around his member while he ejacul*ted inside if him.

“Ohhhhhh, yessssss!”

Shuichi moaned, too. Circling his ass again as he looked for that little further titillation while he compressed his member between both of their hard stomachs; twirling the co*ck around inside him while it twitched. The thick shaft pressed up against his nerves another time and suddenly he was shaking, ass clenching around the youkai as he screamed out his release.

God, yes,” the demon snarled, encircling his arms around his trembling lover as he shook against him, “Just like this. Stay just like this, Shuichi. You feel so f*cking amazing.”

He held Shuichi to him while he thrusted into his body as they both rode out their climax, feeling the boy’s ass becoming slick with his seed while his stomach became wet and warm with the human's cum once again. It slid between them while they finished, making sloppy sounds.

The fox kept one arm curled around his lover's upper body, affixing the lighter chest to his own with younger's arms trapped in his embrace, while he reached down one hand as he moved the other's ass into the impels; pressing down on his cheek and then gripping the plump flesh in his fist to drag it back up. Shuichi’s sweaty face was buried into the fox's breast as he whined out in exhaustion, arms bent and stuck at his sides while the fox continued to work their already spent and worn bodies so quickly into another session. His hot breath panted against the youkai's skin, making it even more humid, as their chests heaved against each other.

“Youko…!” he called, his blunt nails scratching down the sides of his pectorals.

The fox demon quietly hushed him as he continued to labor their bodies into the shallow thrusts, his sharp claws making indentations in his cheek.

He laid his lips against the younger's ear as he whispered to him, damp red hair tickling his face, “You’re wanting to show all you’re love for me, yes? We need to make the most of this moment, gem, lest you forget the feel of my body all around you. The absoluteness you experience of me encumbering you.”

The redhead bemoaned into his breast as his lower spine was arching and bending into every insert of the demon's co*ck. It didn't stop the youkai—in fact, he nuzzled him endearingly as he did so as if he were merely complaining about a small inconvenience such as the weather—and Shuichi looked to muster up the energy from his already weary body to find his stamina to keep going. Knowing Youko, he would go all night—whether with or without the younger's reciprocation. He could lie there and the demon would most likely continue to f*ck him in his sleep. And knowing his lover's desperate need to make the most of their waning time together, in order to make up for all the hours previous in which they spent irrationally angry with each other, he would spend every last minute making it up to him. Showing him his regrets with his carnality, as he often did.

“I can't leave here thinking you might forget the feel of my hands,” Youko continued, the corner of his brow bone pressed into his temple and Shuichi could feel the physical furrow of his face as if he were pained, “I need you to remember everything. I need you to remember me.

Shuichi sighed, fully perplexed at this statement. He dragged his tired arms away from his sides so he could wrap his hands into the demon's hair and pull his head back, observing his expression of distress. His gold eyes were heavy as they looked at him; thrusts slowing down. Shuichi pulled himself up until he was leaning over the demon's face, stroking his neck with his thumbs.

He nudged their noses together as he spoke to him.

“I could never forget you,” he said, looking into his eyes so as to express his sincerity, “that's just not possible. You were a part of me…”

Youko looked down, stilling their action as he reflected on this. He didn't look back up at him as he looked to be pondering something; stroking the younger's round as he thought.

“But yet…” he started, seeming to be choosing his words carefully, “If—and when—you decide to be in the company of someone else, you may find this same respite in them. It's okay… if that's so. I… couldn't hold that against you. I just want you to remember what it felt like when we were together. Our… unification, it’s something distinct. I'll hold it close to me for the rest of my days… However long that is. I just need you to know that… When you go…”

Shuichi scanned his eyes over the youkai's face, studying his appearance. The fox kept his focus away from him, but the slight tip of his mouth down in a soft frown was an indication that he was holding back something deeper… something painful. He could feel it in the way his soul continued to entreat for him even though his physical body did not.

“And you,” the younger said; keeping his careful gaze on him, “When you find someone else, will you still want to remember our time together?”

The youko's dark brows knitted together in confusion before he snapped his eyes back up to him, hands tensing.

“Shuichi… I was serious,” the demon said, tone a bit apprehensive if not even just a bit irked, “I’m never going to love again after you. How can I? This... what we have–It’s unparalleled. No other companion could ever live up or compare. You've given me more than what anyone else ever could.”

Shuichi continued to study him as he thought on this.

“And is that why you love me?” he asked, “Because of what I gave to you?”

The youkai shook his head, honesty evident in the way he seemed to let the words flow through him without thought.

“I mean, yes, of course,” he backtracked a bit, letting his eyes wander along the rest of the room as he thought about the answer, “and yet, no… I love you for all that you've done for me, yes. Not many would be willing to forgive the beast that stole away their sole agency from them, and then stick around to foster them back to health to boot…”

Youko let his gaze come back to him when he said that, letting that statement settle. Shuichi continued to look at him carefully, face scrunching up a bit in remembrance as he realized what he was referring to.

“But it's not because of what you've done that has captivated me,” he quickly continued, “It’s who you are as your own, individual person that propelled you to do these things that I love. You’re gracious… A literal Godsend to me. You're everything that I could ever hope to be. The very replica of my only decency… and I couldn't be more astonished by this amazing man you've become. You're a very good person, Shuichi. Even when you took my name. Anyone could tell you this. You just need only to ask them.”

The redhead looked at him closely. He tried decipher these things in his mind, but he kept going back to his sole reasoning.

“When I lived under the guise of Kurama, my old self in our merger,” the human stated slowly, looking over the demon’s person as he did so, “I thought of all the things that was done as Youko… as you… and I acted accordingly. Thinking that I had a moral deficit that needed to be met. But… I never realized those weren't my actions. This body, this shell that I'm living in, I thought that this was the façade. Living as Shuichi Minamino while my energy called to your name. I could’ve never known… When I remembered your own memories and felt your own power, that felt real. Like I was still somehow you, yet my consciousness could not relate to it. I did those things that I did because I felt like I had an obligation to do so… To make up for our past. We were never completely clement as one being, let's not forget. There were many of times where I'd done things I'd rather forget…”

Youko scooted up so he could hold the human closer to him. Carefully listening to all the things his soulmate was telling him with a studious ear.

“Yes, of course,” the fox said, bringing a hand up to run his fingers through his loose hair, “You don't have to explain this to me. I already understand.”

“I know you do, but,” the human went on, running his finger along the soft ridges of the demon's robe, “all I’m saying is my motives were not always honorable, even if they had a positive outcome. I often did things that were for my own benefit, no matter the consequences it might have on others. With Yomi…”

The man’s voice trailed off as he reflected on whatever memory was replaying in his head… soft expression becoming weighted.

“You did what you had to do in order to ensure the well being of you and our family's own future,” the youkai cut in, “that is not a condemnable reason. Yomi thought of you as a vessel to get to me, and he knew where to weaken you into compliance.”

Shuichi looked at him with heavy eyes, swallowing once, “And Mother…”

Youko stilled his hand then, holding the side of the boy’s head in his palm so his attention was fully on him, “You can't blame yourself for that. We didn't know that my demon ki was having that kind of affect on her. Plus, I’d like to meet any mortal boy whom wouldn't be a bit co*cky and abrasive if he were born with the ego of a 3,000-year-old kitsune.”

Shuichi gave a small, breathy laugh and Youko smiled in return, stroking his cheek lovingly.

“None of this disregards what I said,” the fox added on, “You are still a very gracious person, and I love you even more for it. You are what I aspire to be. Especially with who you've become after the fact.”

The human graced him with a small smile, thumbing the raise of his collarbone in a show of thanks. The fox looked over his face as he reminisced, thinking back on what he said.

“You are so strong…” the demon stated, a very prominent display of emotion coming through his words as his gold eyes became lucid and his voice came out a bit breathy, barely above a whisper. He stroked Shuichi’s hair as he continued, “Strong of will. Strong of soul. Strong of character… You are everything that I lack… I… can never get over you. You'll take a piece of me with you when you leave on that plane to go back home in the morning… and I'll never get it back…”

Youko’s breath became heavy as he ran a ginger thumb across his lip, feeling the soft skin bend under his touch; remembering how it felt pressed against his own.

“I don't want it back,” he continued, throat sounding constricted, “I want it to remain with you forever. Even in your death, I want it to trail after you into the nether… As I wish I could have.”

Shuichi’s face became tight, eyes dense and brows knitted, as he saw the way the demon let his harrowed emotion lay plain as day on his face; feeling his very ache in his own heart. He didn't know what to say… Didn't even know how to react as the ancient fox subtly admitted to him his lost sense of faculty.

Youko saw the way he looked and gently pressed his thumb into his cheek, consoling him.

“It’s my own bad luck really,” he joked, a small snort escaping through his nose, “I have the worst picks in lovers. They never seem to stay very long… Perhaps I'm just destined to be alone.”

Shuichi lightly shook his head, trying to give him some word otherwise, but really… It made sense. The kitsune came into this life in complete solitude, and he'd most likely die that way as well… Never getting to experience the comfort of a longstanding relationship. Everyone in his lengthy life seemed to flutter in and out… like they were only a mirage. Gracing them with his presence only long enough for him to have their images burned into his mind until it all flitted away again…

“And you,” Youko went on, “You'll be gone soon, too. I know you'll hurt for awhile… Inari, I can only imagine, but… I know you'll move on, eventually. Someone will soothe the ache in your heart and fill the emptiness in your soul… It’s only right. It's inevitable, really, looking the way that you do. I just hope that you remember me… Remember the time and the tenderness that we spent together… Even when you fall for another person. I hope that I'm at least a favorite part of your memory.”

Shuichi looked his other half up and down for a moment, remembering the words he had said earlier in the midst of their brutal argument, before flitting his eyes away to another part of the room. He couldn't say anything to refute him, knowing he had made his own bed with his embittered claims, but something seemed to feel unsettled inside his gut… Like the very thought of it just didn't seem right.

The redhead continued to remain quiet as Youko brought up his hand to place a tender palm on his cheek, bringing his attention back to him with a gentle press to his face.

When Shuichi's green eyes slowly met his again, the fox looked to reassure; sharp face holding a small, warm smile just for him.

“It’s okay. I understand,” the youkai soothed, “I don't expect you to remain alone. I could never ask such a thing from you. I want you to find happiness. Even when—especially whenI'm not the one who will be there to give it to you. I want all of the great things this world has to offer you. Just make sure they're not a complete imbecile, alright? If I don't kill them for their obstinacy, Hiei just might.”

Youko laughed slightly when he said that, but Shuichi couldn't muster up the will to return his humor as he pushed against his palm with his chin; pained at the very notion that the fox just might be giving him away…

The fox's small smile was still on his face as Shuichi slowly bent down to bury his head into the swell of his breast again; secretly letting out a soft, pained sigh as he pressed his forehead into his skin… Breathing in the heady, comforting scent of his demon lover's musk as he tried to find solace in his person yet again…

The fox wrapped him into a tight hug as he kissed the top of his head, feeling a pang in his own heart at the words he just said. But… just like his human counterpart, he didn’t want for his sadness to ruin the last of their time together.

So, even though he could feel the way in which his beautiful and now delicately distraught lover trembled in his arms as he tried to hold back the despair from overtaking him again, he laid his lips down the lines of his face as he began to switch their positions—pressing his strong arms into his thinner build as he rolled them over until the younger was on his back below him while he let his mouth glide down to suckle along his throat.

Shuichi gave a breathy moan, laced with despondency, as he clutched at the demon's shoulders while their members pressed together. Feeling his body responding, he stared up at the canopy above their bed as he mulled something heavy in his mind. The youkai bit lightly on his skin; persuading him back to hardness with the grinding of their hips. The fox was covering him in a surplus of adoring affection as he physically worshipped his body with his very hands. Gliding his fingertips all along his contours as if he was mentally mapping out his physical personage in his mind; nails scratching pleasurably along his skin. He sighed softly, watery green eyes closing in satisfaction, as Youko bent down to capture a pink bud into his mouth and lightly dragged it between his teeth. Pulling at it until it blushed. He flicked his tongue across the nub while it laid pinched in his bite, and the human’s back arched off the bed as he keened in pleasure.

“Youko!” he gasped, nails grappling at the demon's arms, “Nn!”

“Mhmm,” the demon sighed, satisfied. He left one nipple to focus on the other; keeping the younger trapped underneath him while he torturously gratified him.

He gave his other breast the same treatment as he made sure the pink flesh was a blossom of color on his chest as he dragged his tongue around it another time. His hand hiked his leg up to wrap around his side as he let his grasp slide down to his bottom again, pushing his hips up into their gyrations. Shuichi mewled as he let his hands entangle into the fox's silver hair, his own head leaning back as he arched again. He pulled at the tresses while the demon left slightly discoloring kisses down his sternum, using his other hand to tweak at the freshly bruised nipples.

He trailed down the younger's body, his thin lips leaving wet traces on his already glistening skin as his tongue came out to taste every inch of him. When he pecked past his ribs, giving an oral affection to each and every raise of his fine ribcage, his pink muscle dragged down the line of his stomach as his gold eyes peaked up at his partner; studying the way he flushed gorgeously under his touch. His tongue dipped into his navel, lapping at the quivering raises of his umbilicus, and the human tensed as he moaned; toes slightly curling as he sucked there. He trailed down further—kissing the soft space above his pelvis, nosing through the hair of his pubic region, dipping over to lick at the bulge of his hip bone, until finally suckling down his supple thighs; leaving small, purplish hickeys in his wake. The fox dourly noted each and every single scratch, every single bruise, every single mark left on his person so that he counted every single way in which he needed to make it up to him; not letting for his anger to be the last thing of him that was inscribed into his anatomy. He let his hands glide down his long limbs to cup at his ankles; gently kissing behind each knee before rubbing his cheek on a calf and pursing his lips on the ball of his fine foot.

Shuichi was panting as he looked up at him. Keeping their gazes together, he ran his tongue up the arch of his heel, sucking on the padding, and then brought one dainty toe into his mouth. The redhead gasped as he felt the appendage being sucked on; body tensing. The fox ran his mouth up the small length of it, tongue swirling around the digit as his teeth lightly dragged along the skin. The human was moaning, spine bending up while his hands twisted into the sheets, as he did this to every single toe on his left foot. Every scratch of his fang on his flesh sent tingling shivers down his spine and right to his groin while the fox massaged up and down his long, toned legs with his hands. The young man was sure he could cum again by the demon just doing this one action, especially when his mouth latched onto the length of his big toe; sucking along the phalanx as if he were sipping through a straw, gaunt cheeks hollowed out as he audibly slurped. When he got to the tip, he lightly nipped at the point and the human loudly sighed again.

“Ah-ha! Youko!” he murmured, head shaking to one side as he clutched the pillow for dear life.

The fox smiled around the digit and abandoned that foot to go to the other. Tongue tickling up the other arch, he rubbed the other foot as he gave his right appendages the same treatment; licking at the skin between his toes and pulled at the sole with his mouth.

When he was done, Shuichi was a writhing mess on the bed; panting heavily as his modest co*ck was leaking trickles of precum down its length. He set the feet back down on the mattress so he could slide between his shaking thighs. Shuichi stopped him before he could go much further… Stopping his procession with his damp foot on his thigh as he blearily looked up at him.

“Behind me,” he panted, chest rising and falling, “Take me from behind.”

Youko raised a quizzical eyebrow; amused, but softly tapped at his hip in response.

“Up,” he lightly commanded.

The human readily obliged, jumping up onto his hands and knees; shaking the bed a bit in his eagerness. He crawled over to where the demon kneeled, and the youkai thought that the younger was going to lean up to give him a kiss. But the youth staid on his hands as he dipped his head down to anxiously suck at the substantial girth that hung between his legs, bringing it into his mouth to slurp along its shaft. Youko let out a small laugh that was intermixed with a moan as the human started to give him a rather enthusiastic blow j*b—head bobbing back and forth as his full, round ass wiggled a bit in the air. He lightly smacked it, biting his lip as he grabbed at one cheek and gave it an appreciative squeeze. His knees almost buckled when the younger nearly deep throated him again, and his other hand came up to grasp at the wire frame above the bed as he groaned; twining his other grip into the younger's hair as he guided him into the action. A certain suction had his balls twitching, and he pushed the human down until he was taking him all in for another time.

“Ah, f*ck,” he suspired, mouth hanging open, “You're going to make me cum in your throat again, aren't you?”

The human gave an affirmative hum, and the demon had to laugh; utterly charmed by his enthusiasm. He pushed him down a little further still, and let the younger lap at his member for a few minutes longer. He got he shaft nice and wet with his spit before the youkai lightly tugged him back, feeling his teeth dragging along his length as he did so. He entertained the idea of humoring to his lustful whimsy and feeding his brood to him for a second time, but thought better of it as he saw his tight ass wiggling in the air; just waiting for him to be buried deep within it.

“I know you would,” he purred, petting his precious head while he looked up at him with the co*ck still in his mouth, “But you've already made one request, love. I want you bent down on your knees for me. Let me feel you bow before for me while I cum inside you. You look so beautiful from behind… Do you know how your back bends? It's like a violin, love… Tuning you is like a song.”

Shuichi groaned at that, letting his co*ck go free so he could speak to him.

“Then orchestrate me,” he suspired; rubbing the thick, proud-standing girth against his cheek, “Have me singing your praises. Let the Heavens hear our composition as you make our company so beautifully, my beloved fox...”

The boy gazed up at him through the thick of his lashes, dense bangs falling into his eyes, as his sweet lips kissed the side of his co*ck with his hand still entangled in his hair. He was the image of f*cked-out; tan skin flushed as it just gleamed with his sweat, red hair a mess as the black tie that had once been holding it together was dangling off of one strand over his shoulder while the other tresses were damp and sticking to his wetted skin. His lips were kissed raw—swollen and bruised—with the many times they've collided with his own in the night. His hands were trembling, his limbs were taut, but still he stayed there like a devoted vessel; displaying his body that was already ready for more of his impelling.

And Youko's pupils turned to rounded slits then… completely taken by his sight.

By God, what would ever make such a better image than this?


It would ruin him for the rest of his days. No matter if he ever took another temporary lover, this vision would be seared into his mind, as nothing could even compare.

He could only ever f*ck another body if that face was envisioned in his conscious. A complete and utter bewitchery.

It didn't matter, though… Leading the young male by the tightened fist in his untamed hair, he guided him to lean over on his knees before him; getting him ready to take the full extent of his co*ck until the fox was absolutely bled dry for every single cent inside of him. He'd make love to him until the chapel bells tolled, marking the grievous morning in which they parted.

Shuichi’s face was pressed into the pillows, backside positioned high in the air as the fox took his place behind him. This was his favorite position, and he couldn’t even lie about it—being kowtowed while the fox took what he wanted from him as much as he saw fit. Being rendered so he was completely exposed and subjected to him. Feeling the fox's shaft slide along the crease of his ass, he felt an excited shiver up his back. Sighing into the cotton fibers as he felt the substantial co*ck enter him.

Youko kept the boy pinned by one arm pressed against his lower back, keeping his strong hand around his thin wrist as he slowly slid inside. The human was already stretched, but his muscles were tight and constricted due to the angle in which he laid. He heard Shuichi give out an arduous whine as he fully impaled him, letting his heavy co*ck sit fully within for a moment so he felt just how aroused he made him feel. When his co*ck twitched for a third time, he slowly pulled it back out; taking his time to tease the young man.

“Nnn,” Shuichi cried, rubbing his ass against him, “Youko…Mm! Faster...”

The youkai roguishly grinned down at him, taking his time to insert it back in.

“I'm sorry, honey. What was that?” he asked impishly, “I didn't quite hear you. Your soft voice was muffled.”

Shuichi angled his head a bit down so his mouth was no longer covered, panting.

“Do it faster, Youko… C'mon.”

Youko was beaming, thin mouth in a Cheshire grin, as he languidly pulled it out another time.

“Oh, slower… Like this,” he said, making his point when he halted his hips until it was just the head of his co*ck inside him, “Isn't this nice?”

The younger huffed in frustration and tried to move his hips back onto the length, but was kept still by his own arm on his back. He wiggled his hips a bit more, trying to get more of the feeling.

“Youko, just do it,” he sighed, attempting to give him a serious stare, “Why are you holding back?”

The fox suddenly veered his hips forward, slamming into his round ass. Their skin made an audible smack when they connected, and Shuichi gave a short scream as he jolted forward in shock. The demon kept him pinned as he let the co*ck rest inside him again.

“Hmm, maybe that was about what you were looking for,” he crooned, rubbing his thumb along his arched spine, “I can't help but to want to hear you beg for me though, lover. Tell your libidinous demon what you want with that sweet, melodic voice of yours.”

Shuichi growled a bit in frustration, at both the sudden pain in his ass and the fact that the youkai seemed to be refusing to move anymore. His free hand slid to his side as he slightly lifted himself up to glower at the demon over his shaking shoulder.

“Just f*ck me,” he commanded, and said the next word with a bite to his voice, “Please.”

Youko smirk widened minutely as he angled his hips backwards before slamming back into him again. Oscillating his smaller body with the force.

“Ah ha!!” the human cried, clenching his fist. He grinded his teeth together against the pain that also tingled with a tinge of pleasure.

“That didn't sound very convincing,” the fox purred, “Where is your dulcet tone for me, little dove? Did you lose your pleading voice?”

Shuichi glared at him again, and the fox purely chirped for him to respond; letting his expansive hand rub up and down his side as he messaged into him a bit. The human's eyes closed as he moaned, feeling the type of friction he wanted but it was just gentle enough that it didn't give him the pang of pleasure he was looking for. He arched back into him again as his body tensed.

“Youko…” he intoned, trying to find his own stimulation with the way he circled back into his hips but was not allowed to move much by the fox as he kept him practically still, “Why are you torturing me?”

The youth screamed again as the fox slammed back into him another time and pressed his upper body into the mattress while he kept his venturing rump still by pressing his entire weight into it; bending him awkwardly. He lamented into the pillow as his lover raked his claws down his ribs, subjugating him.

“Beg,” the fox ordered, deep voice bellowing with command as he angled over him, “Now.”

Shuichi shuddered, absolutely gratified by his authority, and groaned into the sheets.

“Please,” he whispered, tone lilting, “Please, give it to me.”

Youko growled and started to message his co*ck into him without actually thrusting, and Shuichi wanted to sob. Feeling it send him into shivers, but it was just not enough.

“You’re really abstaining your gift from me?” the demon rumbled, “The greatest thing you can give, and you’re withholding it from my ears…”

After the youkai said that, he yanked him up by his hair; causing him to gasp and keen at the same time. His fingers tore at the bedlinens while he mentally worshipped the brutish, callous male over him; thin mouth pressing into his ear.

“Don't make me ask you again,” Youko snarled, co*ck tingling as he felt the exhilaration from his lover's skin, “Sing your want for me. Make me hear it so I'll have your body curving into my thrusts... Or I'll make sure to let your co*ck go weeping.”

“Youko, please!” he gasped again, voice still soft and breathy by the angle, “f*ck me harder, please!”

Not quite satisfied, the demon slowly pulled out of him before slowly pushing back in, inch by inch.

Please, Youko!” the younger cried, a bit louder this time, “Please, I need you to give it to me harder!”

The fox was a bit more lenient this time, dragging his co*ck back out before going back in, but did not change his pace. He let the younger go so he could sink back onto the bed, but kept his one arm behind his back as he leaned over to kiss the ball of his shoulder. He had not yet heard the incantation he wanted, so he kept his rhythm smooth… Lazily thrusting in and out of him while he worshipped him with his hand.

Shuichi was absolutely distraught by this, trying to encourage him on with his torment clear in his voice.

Youko, Youko, Youko,” he chanted, “You know this is nearly not enough! Please, give me more…”

Youko chuckled a bit, keeping his thrusts long and steady as he leisurely f*cked him. Rubbing against his body as he would press into his rounded rump with his pelvis circling his co*ck inside. He had the boy both moaning and mourning while he mercilessly teased him. He tilted his head a bit to the side as his gold eyes raked along his sweet, submissive body; taking his time to enjoy the passage quivering around him.

“I have to disagree,” he hummed, “This position is utterly prefect. You feel so wonderful like this. I want to take the time to enjoy your servility, love.”

Shuichi sobbed into his arm as he tried to bare the agonizingly languid strokes, feeling the tight coil in his stomach almost making him sick. He shook his sweaty head in vain, body trembling.

“No,” he begged, trying to supplicate him, “No, this isn't enough… Please, Youko… More! I need to feel so much more of you…”

The younger was quavering underneath him, trying convince him to go faster, but he kept his member hauling in and out of him at a slow pace while he kissed up and down the bended spine. He gave him a loving gesture as he squeezed his hip in appreciation at the way he tensed around his girth. Keeping his impels relaxed while he watched the way his co*ck dragged in and out of the boy. Salivating at how the tight, pink pucker clenched around his member.

“Oh god, look at you,” he breathed, pressing the thumb against the top of the stretched-out skin, “You’re like a delicacy… You body is so accommodating to me.”

Shuichi bit back a pained mewl, head landing heavily against his forearm as his fist clenched, when he felt the thumb push its way in; stretching him out even further while the co*ck slid slowly in and out of him. Youko moved it in him as well, licking his lips as the hole seemed to grab onto it greedily. He spit on it a bit to slide it around easier and was most appreciative when the boy groaned.

“Mmmm,” he commended, “Just like that, dove—keep it tight just like that.”

He kept his movements at a snail's pace but he drove the thumb in and out, enjoying the way it was making slick sounds. Shuichi was squirming below, whines becoming desperate.

“More, more, more!” he grieved, trying to rock himself back despite Youko's firm grasp around his arm, “Oh God, give me all of it!”

“Say please,” the fox roguishly reminded, smirking, “It's so unbecoming to forget your manners, Shuichi.”

“PLEASE!!!” the younger sobbed, finally giving in as he just wailed into his tensed arm, “Please, just f*ck me into this mattress, Youko… Please. I don't want to be able to breath.”

Youko removed the thumb, pushing fully into him as he leaned over his drenched back and canted up into his prostate; purring as he smiled at him.

“You’re so sweet,” he sung, licking at his arm, “You’re quite helpless, aren't you? Maybe I'll just f*ck you like this for awhile longer… There's no need to be done so soon.”

“Please, please, please, please, please!” the younger beseeched, crying into his arm with tears sliding down his cheeks, “Please, dear God, I need it… I need you pulverizing into my guts, Youko. Let me feel you f*cking into my stomach. C’mon, honey—Bend me. BREAK me. f*ck me.

The fox slammed into him at that remark, and he gave an appreciative whine. Youko grabbed at his thigh, pushing him up into him more, and barged into him again.

More!” Shuichi screamed, “Give it to me! More! More!”

“Shuichi,” he susurrated into his hair, fluttering the strands as he squeezed his arm.

The younger shivered under the weight of his name on the ancient demon's tongue, and Youko couldn't contain it anymore…

He lifted back up, grabbing onto his hip with his free hand and started his unrelenting surge on his person. He wrenched his hips back as he started pounding into him, causing Shuichi to jerk at the sudden and vicious change of pace, screaming into the room as his mouth hung open.

Despite his cries, he kept them going; skin slapping into skin as he absolutely hammered him with his thrusts. Causing his arm to bend back painfully as every impel had his lithe body careening back and forth on the bed, causing the entire frame to shake. The redhead let out a strangled sound as his jaw hung open and his widened eyes began to water. Youko's co*ck was stabbing into him with every thump, and it pitched against his tender insides, feeling a contusion starting where its brute force thumped repeatedly.

And even though his entire body went rigid in pain, the desperate sound he made was nothing but pure, unadulterated gratification.

“Ohhhhhhh!” he moaned, curling back into him.

Youko labored their bodies into the violent speed, panting as he f*cked him with the full force of a millennia old beast. One who didn't care for the fragility of human skin.

And it was the best thing that Shuichi ever felt; knowing that the demon was giving him everything that he was worth. Knowing that he had the strength to take on all of him.

f*ck yes! God, yes…! You feel so f*cking good ramming inside of me…” he bit out, moaning.

He scratched at the sheets, fine nails clawing at the flimsy material until it ripped, while he pushed himself into the bruising thrusts. He heard the snarl of the fox's bestial moans as he f*cked him, and he nearly came undone right then.

Youko was nearly pulling the human's arm from its socket, he knew, with the way he was using it as leverage to drag him back into his plunges, but the way the young man was giving out these breathy, little moans of pleasure as he impaled him time and time again only encouraged him to not even give half a mind; knowing this was exactly what the younger had been wanting.

His hips were shaking with the way his ass was pounding back into him. The flesh rippled with every violent impact and his passage was absolutely throttling him with how it tightened around his length in both pain and pleasure; hungrily pulling him back in for more. His satisfaction was rumbling up his chest and reverberating around the room as it accompanied the shaking of the whole bed with the forceful way in which they espoused with each other.

The youkai passively wondered if they'd get another noise complaint but ultimately decided he didn't care when the human continued to loudly chorus his want for him in return.

Shuichi’s hand was extended under his grasp, skin turning blue, and his back began to pop with every oscillation. But he was no more concerned with the possible casualty on his person than he was looking to invoke the demon into even further erotic brutality with his wanton tone.

“Oh, Youko! You're so good,” he keened, pushing up on his one hand to look back at their action, “Nnn, yes! That's so perfect the way you bruise me…”

Youko gave him a brutal thrust, smiling at him as his hand came up to pet at his soft hair. The human leaned his head back in pleasure as his body shook. He smacked back into him in response and vocalized his need to keep going when his thrusts unintentionally slowed. The fox obliged him; ramming back into him as his sharp, pointed nose quivered with the exertion.

The younger's hand came back to glide along his arm in appreciation while he sung, and the youkai felt like this was far too much freedom.

He shoved the hand away, causing the limb to smack into the mattress, and when Shuichi gave a surprised grunt… He released his other arm in much the same manner before using both his hands to push him down by the shoulders, forcing him into the bed with his head buried in the pillows. The human cried out as the fox f*cked him in this odd position for a moment: leaning heavily on his upper back while his co*ck rammed into him. He soughed into the linens; voice muffled as he was being slightly suffocated.

The fox lifted back up soon to wrap his hands around his hips to wrench him back into every thrust, punching him with his hips now that he had both grips free.

Oh God, yes!” the redhead screamed, “Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh my f*cking, Inari, you are perfect!”

When he attempted to lift back up to help his lover with the labor, he was promptly shoved back down while the demon's member pounded inside of him.

“Stay down,” he barked, giving him a particularly hard barge that ended with a wet slap, “or I’ll f*ck you until you can't walk. Just take the spear of this co*ck, dove. You've been so hungry for it all night.”

“Yes!” he cried, wet face in the sheets again as he clung to them for dear life.

The fox worked his member inside of him by using his own slight hips as a grasping tool; using the boy's own body to do the task as he moved him along rigid co*ck. Shuichi started to twirl his ass again as he looked for the stimulation against his nerves, and the youkai released him for a moment so he could watch the way in which he f*cked himself.

The younger pulled the thick length out of him with his round cheeks going up, before slamming back down causing his backside flesh to jiggle. He circled his ass around again before starting the whole process over, artistic back moving up and down like a wave.

“sh*t,” the fox said breathlessly, balls tightening at the sight, “You’re good at that, aren't you?”

Shuichi smiled up at him, face deceivingly demure, while he continued.

“Mhmm,” he hummed, “You like that, don't you? You feel even more amazing from this end. You f*ck like a God.”

Youko's sinful grin became toothy; glowing, vulpine eyes narrowing as he looked down at the beautiful receptacle of his carnality. He propelled his hips forward once; eliciting his erotic scream.

“A God, hm?” he said, voice dripping with suave, “Is that why you fawn before me?”

The human’s eyes became dark while his full lips parted as he spoke.

“How can I not?” he whispered, twirling around again, “When you make love to me the way you do? You've incarcerated me in your spell. You have me bended at your will… I am nothing but your faithful vessel, and we both know this… You take me how you see fit, my love. I live at your pleasure, don't I?”

The fox growled most approvingly, squeezing a cheek within his iron-grasp. He took back over as he grasped at the younger's hips and moved him back into the thrusts. He took no time in settling back into the previous speed, having the human screaming again as he rammed into his prostate every time.

Shuichi writhed on the bed; sheets entangled around his arms as he grasped his head and tried to bare the forceful strokes. His messy red hair twirled around his fingers as he grunted with each brute force on his person. His breathing was labored, back bending like a bow, and his feet curled around the fox's thighs as he shook with such intense gratification.

He shook his head from side to side as he felt his gut clenching for a release, but his hands were currently unable to stroke his member. He was forced to allow the fox to lead him to his much-needed end, but his propels only sought to edge him more as they began to become erratic. Still, he was in bliss; rosy cheek grazing along the pillow as he moaned.

“God, yes!!!” he wailed, tenor voice cracking as he reached back to grasp at the fox's legs, “I need you, Youko! I can't breathe—AH! f*ck me! f*ck me! f*ck!

Shuichi's screams were echoing off the walls, but Youko's own moans were looking to outshine them. He pummeled into his ass from above, gripping his hips with fingers that were discoloring his skin now as he chased the tight bind deep inside his stomach, knowing their release was right on the precipice. With the human absolutely in hysterics below him, artistic body bending and arching every which way, he was going to cum soon. He leaned back over as he gyrated their bodies together and kissed the ball of his shoulder, causing Shuichi to just break down. Sobbing literal tears as he called out his name like an exaltation, hand coming around to grasp at his silver hair for much needed support. The itch came back to the base of his throat, and an immense need almost overtook him again to lay his bite on the young man. With sweat dripping down his angular face, he tried to continue to chase their respite while simultaneously shaking the feeling away; trying to keep his demonic instincts under control while his vulnerable and enlivened lover was becoming most arduous with singing his subjugated moaning for him.

The young one was not making it easy, though: Worshipping him with his hands, venerating him with his tongue. He sought to call the demon to him as if he were a deity, and he needed desperately for his deliverance. It was all so completely and thoroughly captivating—but Youko tried not to let his fangs get too close to his flesh…

A certain way the fox had him bending had his thick co*ck pulsing into his prostate yet again and suddenly a white light took over Shuichi’s vision. He intoned out into the room as his eyes rolled to the back of his head, marking out his violent release. His cum splattered across the sheets, and he was gone; seeing nothing but Nirvana in his vision.

The youkai was soon to follow. Feeling the younger clench like a vice-grip around his member, he strangled his co*ck into another climax. He thrusted all the way into his trembling body and laid his forehead heavily against a quivering shoulder as he came inside of him; hands keeping him secured to his person while his co*ck spirted its load into his anal canal.

Shuichi took a moment to come back; stuck in the clouds for some time while his body worked through its tremors. He was blissfully unaware of the absolute, needy sounds he was making as he went through his ejacul*tion. Each exhale came out croaky and in a forceful grunt as his body tried to unconsciously catch its breath. Youko held him tight, making sure he felt secured within the encasem*nt of his larger frame even though he was not fully sentient of it. When his green irises finally came back around, he sunk heavily onto the bed; strength giving out on him.

His whole body sagged onto the mattress, and Youko followed him. He kept them connected as he settled them both onto their sides with him laying behind his smaller build; wrapping his long arms around him as he nuzzled into the crook of neck. He glided his palms up and down the youth’s bare, quivering thighs while he kissed him on his back.

Once his body was calmed down enough, his hips began to cant again…

“Ohhhhhhh, no,” Shuichi lamented, hand curling around the bicep under his head, “Youko, you can't be serious…!”

“Yes,” was the breathy reply, the fox kissing him again as he kept his squirming hips still for his thrusts, “Every minute, gem… We need to make the most of every minute.

The redhead mutedly sobbed into his pale lips as he felt the co*ck slowly hardening inside him again, pressing into bruised flesh.

“f*ck…” he muttered out breathlessly, voice tense, “Youko, I don't think I can…”

The kitsune messaged his hip gently as he continued his actions, suckling on his flesh.

“Yes,” he simply said, “You can. It'll feel like a bit too much at first, but you're body can handle it, dear.”

Shuichi shook his head, fine red hair tickling the fox's skin as he did so, but still the older male moved within his body… Pushing his ardor into him as he looked to just absolutely immerse him in his devotion. He kept the boy in his arms as he dragged his co*ck in and out; his hand coming down to dip between his wet thighs. He fondled the younger's flaccid member, and Shuichi sobbed into his arm. He kissed him reassuringly on his upper bicep and stroked him until his modest co*ck responded. His svelte hips were shaking with the stimulation, and the fox looked to console his lover by laying tender, wet kisses along his shaking back. With his shallow thrusts; he laid his lips along the indent of his elbow, up his arm, around his shoulder, and up until he reached his neck. Despite his recent disparaging, the young man was lightly moaning at his service and angled his head to the side as he unconsciously bared his throat for him…

Youko had to snap back quickly, feeling his fangs bare themselves. The sharp enamels had been so close to his fluttering skin, they had almost pierced it. He could feel his youki calling up to his lips for his mark, and he had to forcefully shake his head again; tightening his arms around the younger's frame as he tried to bury the sordid instincts back down. Shuichi’s neck still remained exposed, and the youkai had to look away… traveling his eyes along the messed up sheets to distract himself.

Shuichi lifted up his weary head to look back at him, having felt the sudden change to his demeanor. He studied over the fox's sharp face, notating the perspiration dripping down his cheek and the crease between his brow, until he noticed the presentation of his teeth. He stared at the pearly white fangs for a long while, discerning.

After a bit, once his body started to ardently respond to his touches, the younger lifted up… Laying a sweet kiss on the fox's open mouth. Youko returned the favor, turning his head over so their lips came together. The human was breathing heavily, from both exhaustion and arousal, as they exchanged their very air with the affection. He pulled back a little bit to regard his overhanging companion, and he saw the warmth within his personage…

The amber eyes… the softened features… the way his mouth couldn't help but tip up a bit in a small smile for him. A bright compassion he never remembered the fabled kitsune having before…

Looking along his face, Shuichi thought back to all of the events that had taken place that night… The absolute, seething rage he had felt at the thought that the fox was betraying him and toying with his attachment; how he had conjectured (incorrectly) that the demon was discarding their entire coalesced existent in favor of freedom and using the Spirit World’s injunction as a cover up.

But the light he held now within his face, the tears in which he had freely shed, were all in attestation to his honesty.

The fox had never—ever—cried before from what he could remember (both from his own memories and the fox's) unless he was in a situation where he was under great, great emotional duress. It was the one emotion he could not fake. Apathy, tenderness, joy, anger—even love; he could imitate all these things.

But actual tears he could not. He could not falsify sympathy in that way…

(Even though he knew he had tried, many-a-times, only to fail miserably.)

And knowing the fox actually cried for him made him…remorseful. Sorry that he had ever made him revert back to that state.

Looking into his gaze, his hands came up to softly hold the underside of his jaw. Youko tilted his head into the intimacy, looking quite content being held within his affection, and the human brought their lips back together.

As the fox let his hand run the planes of his stomach while he thrusted into him, Shuichi whispered a weighted question against his mouth.

“Do you really love me?” he queried; voice quiet.

His fingers ran the lines of his jaw as the demon pulled back to look at him.

His gold eyes traveled his face for a long time, biding.

“Yes,” was his final reply, “Yes… I really do. For all the ones I have loved before, I have loved you the most.”

Shuichi’s eyes lowered, thinking of his earlier words from the tumultuous end to their violent discord. He grazed the fox's neck with his nail, and the soft action had Youko going into him a bit harder; fully sheathing himself as he sighed into his hair.

The redhead moaned and wrapped his arm around the demon's neck to bury his head into his nape; keeping him there when he tried to move away…

“Bite me,” he groaned, arching back into him, “Put your claim on me. Right there...”

Youko had to wrench his head back in shock, expression incredulous.

“What?” he asked sharply.

Shuichi’s eyes were the color of evergreens as he looked back at him; lips parted in a susurration.

“Coalesce with me again,” he breathed, “…Give me the mark.”

Youko’s eyes became dense, softly shaking his head. He tried to create distance between them with the way he leaned back; cold air slithering between their drenched skin.

“No…” he began to say as his voice became weighted, “That's not… I can't.”

The human slid backwards until his back was against the youkai’s chest again, and he kissed the indent of his neck sweetly. The demon had to hold back a soft moan, wanting to return the favor…

“No… Shuichi, no,” he said again, more firmly this time as he slightly pushed him on the hip to coax him away; feeling his blood begin to swell, “You deserve better than that… You know this. You've said it yourself. I've come to honor your decision. Don't confuse me… I've already accepted that commitment in my mind. Don't chain yourself down so soon—especially when it would prove so fruitless for you in the end— you have a whole life ahead of you.”

“I don't want anyone else,” the younger cut in with a firm voice, “I don't see myself moving on… No matter how much either one of us wants that. I'm in love with you.

“I…” the youkai stalled, trying to understand the quick change of positions, “That would hurt you.”

“It will give us solace,” the younger provided, petting his chin again, “No matter what we do, we will hurt. I will at least still have you in my mind when we stay so far apart.”

Youko's eyes strayed towards the sweep of his throat, and he saw the small indentations that were already there. He could imagine his sigil engraved across it… and the perception was beautiful. Knowing he would be the first and last of this brilliant one’s life.

But it was selfish. The younger deserved a new chance at finding fulfillment after him… This would all have been worthless, if not.

“I don't want to find another lover,” the human spoke up again, “I will never be able to give my all to a new relationship, knowing what we've had, and that would be fair to no one. This is the best outcome for us…”

“This will make the separation harder for us…”

“Then let it be so… It will already be onerous.”

The ancient demon had to sit back for a moment; thinking about all the things that lead up to this point. Part of him didn't understand why he was being hesitant… He had wanted this very thing not just an hour ago.

But he knew that becoming spiritually mated with him would cause more problems than solutions. It would hurt them both egregiously when what they really needed was to heal…

Yet… he couldn't help but feel as if this were the right choice. Like the wicked hands of fate had meant for this very moment to happen… No matter how unscrupulous it seemed right now.

The fox had never believed in fate—but he had also never believed in true, unselfish love—however, he also believed that both of these things were what tied the young man into his life.

He couldn't change it now… His heart was sullied.

Absolutely possessed by the being that was in his arms. His legend was absorbed by him. He was of him.

As if the fox were his spirit and not the other way around.

Youko settled in closer. He brought their bodies flush together as he pushed into him further, feeling a sense of invigoration to his loins. He brought his mouth down to the human's shoulder but did not actually bite into it. He let his lips lay there as he began to move in and out of him again.

Shuichi groaned into his arm that pitched up into a whine as the demon reached between his legs and started to stroke him again. This time his movements were not soft, but they did hold a purpose; giving him long, tight pumps as he pushed into his body. Shuichi’s hand came up to grasp onto the demon's free arm as he lamented into it. The spot just above his shaft began to itch immensely as he hardened; signaling to him that he was being well overtaxed.

He couldn't stop what was happening, though. Youko had him trapped in his embrace as he attempted to work him into a numerous release. He kissed up and down his body again as he encased him in his arms so he held still while his hand moved up and down his length quickly. His thick co*ck pressed into his prostate, and his lower body jolted; feeling the itch turn into a slight pang.

“Oh, Youko—I can't!” he cried, body becoming rigid as his legs and feet stretched out in pain; trying to squirm his hips away, “I can't! I can't! Nngh!

His green eyes watered as the fox's movements didn’t slow down. He was trapped between the fox's hand and his moving hips. His toes were curling in on themselves, pressing against the youkai’s shin, as his hands clawed at anything and everything they could reach. Shaking his wet, disheveled head in desperation as he raked his nails up the arm that was stroking him, he sobbed into the demon's flesh as his hips began to tilt into the hand while also moving back onto his co*ck as the pang turned into a slow burn.

“Oh, god! Ohhhhh, god!” he yelled, “Oh my God, it hurts! But I… AH!”

“Shhhh,” Youko soothed, pressing his lips into the curve of his ear, “You can do it. Just unwind… let it come through you.”

Shuichi sounded aggrieved by this soft command, but his hips jerked when the fox stroked against his sensitive nerve bundle again.

He worked the younger back onto his stomach as he continued to move both his co*ck inside of him and his grip around him. The human gave a noise of disapproval as his face was pressed down into the sheet to muffle his disparaging moans. Head held down by his arm, Youko began to stroke the younger quickly.

His youthful body twitched. His arms and legs were twisting into the linens as he opened his legs wider to give the fox better access but seemed to shake his head in distraught as he did so. The youkai didn't let him speak anymore as he brought him closer to his finale. He f*cked him slowly but was stroking his modest member at a quicker pace. Shuichi’s body began to tense up as his round rump pressed back into his pelvis…

He let out a clamorously aggrieved sough that was muffled by the bed as his fingers came up to twist into his red hair. His whole body began to shake violently, especially the place above his hips, as suddenly he was coming again. Youko kept him pinned down with his arm across his shoulders as he fisted the younger's co*ck until it trickled out a small little river of cum onto his hand, ramming his co*ck into the stranglehold that was now his anal cavity.

He murmured to him adoringly while he came. Telling him how good he was and how resilient his body had become that it was able to take him on in such a way and give him another release. The human's hips were now quaking, causing his ass to smack into the youkai's pelvis unintentionally, as he toiled through another climax. Every single nerve ending scorching.

Shuichi’s limbs jerked out of control, and his voice was becoming raspy with the way he whined with each tremor that ran up and down his spinal cord; firing off explosions in his synapses. He was crying as the fox held him close… Kissing him lovingly on the mouth as he continued to thrust into him.

“I love you,” he whispered into his cheek, petting his face, “You're alright, darling…. You're safe. You're here with me. I wouldn’t let anything happen to you that I didn’t think you could handle.”

Shuichi sobbed in complaint as his vision was unable to focus; seeing nothing but stars as the bed and sheets became nothing but blurs.

Another well-aimed stroke against his prostate… and something inside him snapped as suddenly he was coming again.

“No! Youko, no!” he cried out in panic as his body was put through another mind-numbing seizure, “Oh my—f*ck! What is happening?!”

“Shhh, shhh, shhh,” the fox amusingly cooed as he kept him still, “It’s alright, love. It’s a loss of refractory, that's all. You’ll be alright in a moment.”

Another thrust and the boy's body was exploding; absolutely convulsing as he cried out in shock.

Youko kept him steady as he enjoyed the feeling of the human's cavity convulsing around his co*ck. His forehead pressed against his shoulder as his lover rode out his quick succession of org*sms. Shuichi was weeping; tears falling freely down his face as he pitifully called out to his older lover for reprieve. The fox merely brushed away the strands of hair that stuck to his moistened skin and laid his lips upon the flesh that shook for him… Making him cum again when his body seemed to be just coming down.

He worked the younger through multiple, miniscule org*sms. His heavy co*ck moving languidly in and out of his passage as he made sure to drag it across his overly-sensitized bundle of nerves every time. Shuichi was squirming below him, lithe body pressing up into his own powerful build as his entire finely-tuned frame shook in agonized gratification. His modest co*ck pulsed wildly within his grip as it eventually was no longer able to produce anything more than a few, small beads of cum in his hand; spent for everything it had to give. Shuichi was sobbing into the mattress as he felt his numerous release; supplicating to the fox that was mining his body for every single last quiver of pleasure he could extract from him.

“Youko…” he whined, no longer able to keep his body up so he sank into the bed, “Youko… Please. I am only human… I can't take much more of this…AhhhNNN!”

With that last statement, the fox shoved into his lover; keeping him pinned under him as he felt his body quake around his member in a final release. Shuichi absolutely vibrated as the final climax just wracked through his nervous and muscular systems; anal canal unknowingly clenching and unclenching around the youkai’s girth as he cried. Forcing the fox to loudly moan as he came inside him again. His shoulders trembled in weak fatigue as he let the electrical currents slowly die down, feeling the warmth of the demon's seed fill him.

Once he seemed to be calmed, the fox spoke fondly into his ear.

“You’re so beautiful,” he muttered, nipping at sensitive meat, “Your anatomy seems as fragile as a flower; but really, you’re as durable as titanium. You’re a literal diamond, Shuichi. You have to know this…”

The younger whined out in an exhausted grievance, but the fox merely kissed his shaking head as his face laid buried within the pillows.

Gently nudging at his shoulder, the fox was careful as he withdrew so as not to cause him another org*sm unwittingly. His whole body still shook as he was turned to lay over on his back with the ancient thief laying over him. Youko tenderly kissed him on his lips; running his thumbs along his ribs in great favor.

His emerald eyes were bleary as they blankly looked up at the canopy. His chest was hauling up and down as he tried to catch his breath, but the heavy pants still came from him as his tired body couldn't seem to keep oxygenated. Youko was lightly nuzzling along his neck as he slipped into him again; semi-hard member gliding in easily due his lax muscles and the copious amounts of organic lube already within him as it made a slick sound while entering.

Shuichi groaned in immense displeasure…

“Youko…! No! I can't… I can't…”

He wheezed as the fox pushed fully into him; pressing his palm against his sweaty face to keep him hushed as he lightly pursed their lips together.

“Shush, love,” he whispered softly; lovingly, “Just keep your eyes focused on me… I’ll keep you grounded.”

Youko pushed his head up so they could keep eye contact with each other as he laid within him. Green eyes wavered as their gazes locked; weakened hand coming up to grip around the fox's wrist. The youth was an enfeebled mass below him. His whole body was drenched in sweat and his entire build shivered; as if he had just been dragged out of the freezing waters of the Bering Sea. Youko kept him secured with his slick body wrapped up in his arms, humming to him.

His warm, gold eyes shown affectionately down on him as he smiled.

“How gorgeous,” he said, voice gruff with deep affection, “I’m so enthralled by this image of you… Will you keep me in your memories when we part? I have a strong feeling this will never leave mine…”

Shuichi couldn't muster up the energy to say anything in return… Throat sore and lungs burning from vocalizing his over-fulfillment, he couldn't do much but stare at the entity over him in confused awe. His ethereal frame casted in the dim glow as if he were his very guardian keeping watch over him as he laid enervated on the sweat-soaked sheets. A saline drip dropped off the fox's nose and onto his skin, and it caused him to slowly blink; mind swirling behind his eyes as he did so.

Youko sweetly brushed away the saturated hair from his face as he talked with him; defined claws scraping against his delicate skin as they pulled away the crimson strands.

“Did you mean what you said earlier?” the youkai asked faintly, looking along his face, “When you asked to take my mark… Are you sure that's what you want? I could only imagine how miserable that might make you… Even though it may be wholly beneficial only to my ego.”

The demon derisively smirked at himself in self-deprecating humor, but kept his eyes warm for the man below him as he continued to lavish tender affections on him.

“You‐ko…” the younger murmured hoarsely; squeezing his wrist.

The gesture was a quiet admonishment; however, the youko only leaned down to kiss him in response. He shifted a little on the mattress to make their positions more comfortable, but the slight movement caused his member to shift inside the younger and Shuichi moaned painfully. The sound vibrated against his lips, and the fox delved into his mouth while it was opened. His discomforted grunts were swallowed down his own throat as he shallowly thrusted inside him again.

Wet sounds from their kiss filled the room as the bed softly creaked; Youko's pale body moved over Shuichi’s tanned form as his thrusts deepened. The human had to pull away as he breathed deeply in distress.

“Nnn! Ah! Ha!” he mourned, feeling the pain of his lover's girth hardening within his cavity again, “Uhh! Y—Uhn! Youko! We can't do this…! You’re—huh! Yo—You're… going… to… mm! Hn! Nnn, it hurts!

Youko brought him into another quick peck before looking down at the way their bodies connected; pulling his long member out and smoothly going back in. His own co*ck was weeping for reprieve, slightly throbbing in dull pain as it was worked into yet another session. Unlike his human counterpart, many demons did not have a cap on their libido. His sex could keep going for as long as he remained aroused, and the ejacul*tions would not stop coming until he was fully satisfied. He remembered going for days, literally, back when he was blessed with his solely demon form… But it had been a long time since he had been in the company of anyone who could keep up with his impressive stamina, and the boy below him certainly was not as lascivious as him. Such was evident in the way his eyes began to tear up as he was being f*cked by the fox's huge breadth yet again.

He knew that Shuichi was not going to last another round after this… So, he resolved himself to make the most of this final moment as he readied their bodies for what was to come next…

“Shuichi,” he murmured between his pants as his whole body moved back and forth, “I need to know… Did you mean what you requested of me? Is this really what you want?”

“Yooouko…!” the younger sobbed as he feebly tried to push the youkai’s oscillating hips away.

The fox pushed into him fully and held his hips there as he lifted the human's face back up to him; bringing back his attention.

“Shhh, shhh. This is it. This is the last time. I promise,” he muttered as he kissed him on the lips to console him. He brought him closer as he quietly sobbed into his broad shoulder while he mumbled into his ear, “I need you to tell me… I will not do this against your will, Shuichi. Is the mark really what you desire as my final gift to you?”

The redhead tried to shake away the static from his head as if his body were trying to shut down from the overstimulation. Youko stayed quiet to give him time to process what he said. When he finally came to enough, he found his last little bit of sense to speak coherently.

“Yes…” Shuichi breathed against his neck, hands holding onto him for dear life, “Yes, I want... the sigil… Youko…”

The fox breathed in deeply as he hugged him even closer; feeling a sense of bittersweet relief settle in his heart. He inhaled the scent of his beautifully thick, red mane for a moment before pulling back and kissing him deeply in appreciation.

Shuichi reciprocated his show of affection, his shaky hand coming up to sweetly caress his face. His fingertips wavered over the deep indent of his cheek, and Youko had to pull away to endearingly lay his lips along the raised padding of his palm.

“You know what’s about to come then…” he said, looking back down at him, “This may hurt a bit… but you're strong. I'm sure you'll get through it just fine. Just hold onto me, and I'll make sure you're more than alright.”

The human's face couldn’t help but grimace, not enthralled with the idea of putting his body through further labor, but nodded his head in agreement. Youko smiled down at him, and Shuichi looked upon the eyes of the man whom he would soon be married with in a metaphysical sense. He supposed it wouldn’t be much different than now… with their souls already being conjoined since shortly after his very own conception. They were already far too raveled into each other by mind, body, and soul; but the claim of a demon meant their life force would be officially interwoven.

It was a grave commitment… If one died, so–eventually–would the other. If one hurt, so would the other. They would always feel each other's presence within their very breathes, but if they were to be too far apart for too long…

Shuichi knew the pain they were going to endure. It was only logical to question himself if he really wanted to put himself through this miserable obligation.

But the odd thing was… He didn’t. He held no reserves about his decision. Didn’t even give it a moment of deliberation…

He knew where his soul belonged… and who it belonged to.

The very man in which it had already been ascribed to since his own corporeal manifestation.

It was where it would always belong. No matter what else he had ever been told.

So, when the ancient thief lightly tipped his head to the side with the press of his strong thumb into his jaw, he held absolutely no hesitation within this resignation; consenting to the beautifully tortuous pain that was to come.

Youko kissed down the length of his bust—Starting from the crown of his head, to his temple, to the line of his cheek, to his chin, until he dipped up to kiss his lips again, only to bend his head back down to kiss along the raise of his adamsapple. He finally made it to the flutter of skin that was his pulse… bared teeth hanging over it as he seemed to hesitate for just a moment.

“Do it,” Shuichi said, tone firmer and more resolute than it had been a few moments ago as he grasped onto the back fox's head, “Lay the bite, Youko. Our fate has already been decided…”

There was a puff of air against his damp skin as he felt the demon's muscles tense. Youko remained still for a second, breath shuddering against his open neck, and the human thought for a moment that he might just not complete the task…

But when he felt the humidity from his mouth as he latched over the expanse of skin and his lips encased the physicality of his verve, he knew that was just not in his nature.

And he loved him even more for it.

The sharpness of canines pierced his throat, and he felt the demon's jaws throttle around his pulse. His fangs sank in and all of a sudden, he was choking—

White-hot pain singed his every nerve… The agony pierced his very being as the demon's immersive energy coursed through him. His already depleted body suddenly became inflexible as the electrifying ki had him torpid. The bite instinctually made him limp as the fox's power permeated his entire existence. His mouth was open in a scream, but no sound actually came out as the sudden shock waves made him frozen as if it were an electrocution. The current ran through his veins and heated his blood until it pumped like fire within his own heart; feeling the intense heat in his chest. His breathing was stopped as suddenly an intense glare took over his vision. The light from the brightest stars in front of his opened, unseeing eyes as the youkai's ki ripped through his brain. He could feel the demonic energy reach into every crevice of his person as it bolted right through him; from the very top of his head, through his limbs, to his fingertips, to his smallest toes—it completely electrified him.

Youko was working to keep the younger conscious as he ran his enormous energy through his thinner build. He could feel the deep-seated ki coming up from his bowels as it ran through his own figure and through his mouth as he fed it into the slighter, more receptive body beneath him. A deep satisfaction was being met as he felt the younger's energy coalesce with his own while it began to transform. It absorbed the essence of his spirit as if it were welcoming it home, and for a moment, he felt as if he were living within the boy's own body again.

He could feel his subsistence and smell his own scent and taste his own tongue as his inner-eye traversed through his corporeality. Seeing through the younger's own mind.

And in that instance; he fell absolutely, profoundly, and unequivocally in love with his very existent all over again.

He was beautiful. By mind, body, and soul. A complete and literal treasure that manifested in the flesh.

It reminded him of living in the boy's own existence for the better part of nearly 20 years—a whole fifth of a century—and he couldn't have been more at peace when he was within him.

Seeing through his eyes, feeling with his hands, tasting with his own tongue, and thinking his own brilliant thoughts…

He remembered what it felt like when Shuichi’s gentle palms and delicate fingers would run up the lines of his body, and the fox almost suddenly came by that one memory alone…

There was never anything better than living within this young, mortal man's skin. Sharing with him in one being. He needed to be with him. To possess him. To invigorate him. To live his very life with him as he once had so many nights and moons ago.

He'd never again feel complete without him… This antiquated, venerated, and fabled kitsune of immense power and legend. There were entities older than him that whispered of his name in the dark and even those who were younger that looked decrepit and feeble that mentioned him notorious within their own generations. He was known, by and far, and he had crossed with many paths and taken many famed and notable lovers to his bed...

He was a luminary, a very mythos in the skin. His own documented life was a saga in the oldest libraries that had nearly stood the test of time as well as he had—

But despite all of this, three-thousand years of his own time, he found himself unable to think of a life he would have to live without the 20-something-year-old man below him.

And it reminded him of what he was losing when the bell outside rung midnight and tolled the last hours they had left to be with each other.

He fought the urge to look back at the clock with the utmost, spiteful ire. Wanting to shatter it into a thousand, insignificant pieces with his own anger. Instead, he kept his attention on his human soul and traversed through the rest of his thoughts. Every single reflection, every single truth, every single lie and secret laid bare.

And every single moment of it was gorgeous. Every single, ugly thought couldn't be anything less than venerable to him.

He moaned into he younger's skin as he began to stir below him and inadvertently thrusted up his graceful body into his solid frame.

“Youko…” he called faintly, hands weakly clutching at his arms as he continued to bite into him, “Youko… I can… I can feel you… inside of me…”

He gasped as the fox barged into him, completely aroused by that statement. He felt the younger's sweet nectar trickling over his fangs and into his mouth, and he drunk it up most willingly. Shuichi was moaning now, the initial shock of having the youkai’s enormous power course through him was immediately gone and his dominance was starting to take effect. It fizzled through his nerves as it titillated his once waning libido with the way his ki settled into his loins. He felt his physicality calling to the robust male above him as every time his muscular frame moved into him, his body responded most earnestly; wanting to be completely encaptivated by him. His legs wrapped around his waist and his arms encircled his broad shoulders as he brought him closer.

He moaned again as Youko deeply stroked inside of him; pushing his co*ck all the way in and slowly dragging it all the way back out. The human lulled his head to the side to expose his neck even more, and Youko clamped down as he pushed even more of his ki through him. Shuichi jolted, fine back arching up, as he could feel their souls merging within the very pits of his stomach and stroked along the broad planes of the youkai's back as he called his signature into him; absorbing his essence like a sponge. He turned his weary head to lay his lips against the other's temple as he continued to mar him with his teeth.

“You know you are everything to me…” the redhead whispered, weaving his fingers through his long, silver hair, “I couldn’t ask for anything better than you.”

He kissed him tenderly on the temple again and pushed the youkai's head down into his neck as he rested his chin on the line of his shoulder while he held onto him tightly; running his hands up and down the fox's frame. Youko moaned into his skin again, pointed ears twitching back; becoming completely endeared by how devoted he was. Their intermingling energy began to illuminate the air around them; shimmering against the backdrop of the warm, iridescent light and the opacity of the dark sheets. The little wisps of verve sparkled as their amalgamation began to have their souls interwoven; bringing their auras together again.

Shuichi’s attention was unfocused until he caught the glimpse of something dark emerging from the corner of his eye. His head slowly rolled to the side as Youko’s teeth began to pull at the tension of his tightened neck muscle; sucking at the meat as he moved within him again.

As his lithe frame rocked with the thrusts, sweaty back gliding along the bed, his damp eyes traveled the lines of the black sheets until he followed the folds up to the glinting cylinder of the golden bedpost.

He saw blooming there a rose.

A rose of a deep scarlet hue and was fuller within its blossom than any flower he had ever remembered conjuring before.

The rose looked of his personage. The lines in the shape of his face; his eyes, his cheeks, his lips… It held within its center a sparkling emerald jewel…

It was encased within the vines of a silver stem.

“Youko…” he said breathlessly, enraptured by the beauty of it.

The demon ran his expansive hand along the curve of his hip as he pushed his leg up further, going in him deeper. Shuichi gasped; crescent fingernails making indentations in his pale, starlit skin.

Their energies surged into the motions and the light swelled until it brightened the very top of the canopy above them. Shuichi saw the flowers as they began to bloom; silvers stems twining along the golden frame as the roses encased its entire structure. They burgeoned until the fabric awning was drowned out by their petals and the spindly stems crept into the creases of the sheets around their bodies. It encaged them until they were surrounded by the bountifulness of their bouquets. Soft petals caressed their oscillating skin.

Youko was drinking into his body as his deep back arched into the thrusts; taking his fill of the young man below him. The human let out a desperate sound as the heel of his foot massaged into the base of the youkai’s spine. He lightly pulled at his hair as the ki under his skin began to titillate his figure in pleasurable little shocks; calling out the demon's name as he was being encumbered by his essence. A particular drive had him crying out for more, and he surged his own ki back into the fox's body through the tips of his fingers; entreating for him as he spoke of their life into his ear.

The flowers were enlivened by this, rustling softly as their effervescence mounted until it buzzed in the air. They gave off a sweet, falsetto sound… Humming out into the atmosphere.

Shuichi’s sweaty limbs were sliding against the fox’s own perspiring skin, and he was calling out to his lover earnestly until the gentle sound reached his ears. He looked up, and he noticed the blooms swaying; moving in time with their thrusts. Youko wrapped him into his arms again and soothed his sweet pleas as he held him still while he increased the pace and severity of his drives. He surged a final, all encompassing bolt of energy through him one final time; growling his tone into the mark as he engraved him with his spiritual sigil. Saying his own, mythic name into his skin; he spoke of his claim on the young man through the intones of his rumbling voice. Signing him with a final spiritual stroke of his ki within his person.

Shuichi called out to him again as he gripped around his arms; feeling the vigor rip through him. His muscles became taut again, limbs rigid, as the fox's voice echoed through his mind and his face flooded his vision when it became white. The Spirit of Inari materialized before him and told him of the man in which he was now endowed, the Jewel of the Kami; clairvoyance speaking of their marriage in the gentle geniality of her ethereal voice.

Her eyes were dark and perceptively knowing, awaiting. His mouth could not speak, finding himself struck by the sight of the God, but his soul answered her with the only response he had to give. When he accepted the demon into him for a second time, she was gone; the echo of her clever smile a corposant that faded into the dark.

Their spirits ‘clicked’ together, and he felt the weight of their unification come down on them; taking the very breath from him as the heaviness of their married souls settled back within their bodies.

The roses above them crooned their joyous energy into the room; celebrating them.

Their sweet descant floated in the air above them as their spirits settled into the rejoining of their souls.

Youko was no longer biting into him as much as he was suckling along the newly engraved lines of his mark as he worshipped the taste of it on his skin. The blooms’ charming melody was gracefully serenading the them as Shuichi began to unwind in the fox's hold.

“Youko…” he called hoarsely, voice tired and weak yet again as it broke and crackled a little with each syllable, “Youko, listen to them... They're singing. I've never heard them do that before…”

The ancient thief finally released him from the hold on his neck, admiring the sight of his signatory as he pulled back up to look along his face. His gold eyes were deep. A sunny hue that gazed upon him; tender thumbs stroking the lines of his jaw.

He kissed him lovingly on the lips before he answered him, giving him the first affection of their unity.

“They sing for you,” he crooned, pecking him on the tip of his pert nose as the boy blinked, “You are the very grace of my being. They are besotted at the sight of you… Much as I am.”

Shuichi blinked up at him again, a bit confused, and the fox gave him a thoroughly humored, loving smile as he brought him into another kiss. He kept their lips together as reached back to wrap his hands around the younger’s knees to lift his legs back up to curl around his waist. His tail swished to one side as he renewed the intensity to his thrusts. Shuichi moaned into his mouth, and the fox dove in to taste the pleasure on his tongue.

The human began to sway his hips up into the impels while twining his fingers through the youkai’s hair another time to bring him closer. He felt a sense of peace settle in his heart as a sort of equanimity took over them. He brought Youko's co*ck deeper into his body as he sucked on his tongue; shivering with both pleasure and exhaustion when it rubbed against his swollen gland.

“Mmph,” he moaned, feeling the sting of overexertion within his very bones but kept the fox's hips moving with the way he pressed his calves into his rear, “You feel amazing. I'm so in love with you, Youko…”

The fox lifted back up, an air of content leaving his lungs at his younger's words. His sharp eyes lifted up to him and were illuminated in bright gold. Youko pressed their foreheads together, keeping their hips moving, as he gazed into the young one's eyes. Slit pupils locked onto rounded ones as the youkai’s heavy breath ghosted across his face; panting as he continued with their tired lovemaking.

“I love you too, Shuichi. I do,” he murmured, wet chests gliding together. His head slightly shook as he continued to speak, silvers brows lightly pinched, “I've loved you more than anything I’ve ever come to know. Please… Please, believe me even I say it. I mean it with every fiber of my being. I can't be anymore truthful with you… I've adored nothing and no one else as much as I adore you.”

The human brought a hand up to caress along the fox's face, green eyes wavering back and forth. The depth of the youkai's humility spoke within his very vision… and Shuichi couldn't fathom a different truth.

“I know,” he murmured back, stroking his cheek, “I know. I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to negate your feelings before. I just… I'm so hurt, Youko… I'm so distraught at the thought of what the morning brings us. How could this possibly happen…?”

Shuichi could feel his heart constrict; deep affection intermingling with pain. His small nose crumpled at its bridge as he looked upon the handsome man above him. The very image of his peace.

“Shhh,” Youko cooed, brushing their noses together as he saw the single tear that fell from his eye, “Hush. Don't think of such things now… We’ll have enough days to mourn, love. Right now, there's nothing else but you and I. This is the one opportunity that cannot be taken away from us. Just focus on you and I… We’re all that matters in this very moment.”

“Youko…” Shuichi quietly sobbed, “It can't end this way… Please, don't leave me here alone…”

His whispered beseech was gently quieted with the press of the youkai’s lips against his, and in the next moment he was moaning as the fox bent his head down to suckle on his mark; deeply thrusting into him again. He sucked on the thumb that came up to press into his mouth as he groaned in want with another well-appointed drive, and his despair soon melted away into deep gratification.

Youko dragged himself back up now that he was able to keep his guilt-ridden conscious at bay. He abated the inevitable for awhile longer as he focused on the pleasure that was mounting within their loins. The roses around them were now singing their praises as they fed on their beautiful, carnal energy; drinking up their sensuality. Their soft tune hummed in the background as their pants intermingled with their moans as Youko kept his thrusts persistent. A symphony of deep intimacy surrounding their bed. One he didn't think could ever be replicated by another living soul.

The fox brought their eyes back together, and they simply gazed into one another as the youkai kept his member stroking inside his younger’s body. The way in which Youko looked at him, as if he were the only thing in the entire immersive universe worth seeing at that very moment, called upon the deep and ingrained bond Shuichi had with him. He began to feel the warmth of their coalition ignite through his limbs, and he kept their gaze steady as he let the impassioned affinity flow through them.

Their spirits could be seen within the contact of their stare, and their coition began to revive the verve around them. Shuichi looked into the aura of his soulmate in which was illuminated within the fox's gaze, and he saw there all of the things that made him feel contented and complete.

Their foreheads pressed together another time and their minds became one. As they chased a release, they came together in more senses than just a physical.

Their thoughts melded together and their visions collaged into one internal sight. Their mouths staid inches apart as they breathed in each other's very air, and one could feel the pleasure of the other's body within their own nerves. Their moans became synonymous, taking on the same level of vocal intones, and their pulse incorporated the same rhythm.

In the heat and smolder of their rose-encased, matrimonial bed—they converged into one being once again. The light around them blended until it became a deep indigo color. It illuminated their moving bodies in its glow. Youko’s back arched and then curled over as he continued to thrust; defined muscles rippling as he stroked his co*ck into the young figure. Shuichi’s toes furled and twirled around each other as the pulsing need burrowed deeper, deeper, and deeper still—until he was whining out with they way he was being profoundly penetrated. His nails raked unknowingly across the youkai's arms, leaving bleeding scratches in their wake, but the fox kept him grounded with his own drives; keeping his body feeling. Keeping his mind seeing. Keeping their souls connecting. Keeping his lover awakening.

His own pants came out in heavy, whined grunts as he felt the human constrict around him. The pleasure shot up his spine and it took away his ability to properly breath. He clutched onto the human for dear life, long fingers wrapped around the thigh that flexed with every drive while the other wove around the indents of his ribs as his arm was wrapped under his back. The bones of his hips connected into the pliant, fleshiness of his rear with every impel; causing their skins to ripple at the smacks. His co*ck was pulsing, absolutely spasming as he kept it going—the long length driving in and then drawing back out, in and then out, in and out; propelling it in with a heavy grunt and then pulling it back out with a sigh—as the skin of the young man's entrance puckered around him as his agile body took his arduous pumps in stride.

Youko could feel the way in which the pleasure coiled in the younger's stomach at the feel of his own co*ck inside him, and it only greatly surmounted with his own. He had to remember to breathe. Never having felt this type of immense gratification before. It was putting them both into a complete out-of-body experience. Their eyes were looking into each other's, but the only thing they could see was the light from their spirits dancing before their eyes.

As he felt the burning entrails in his abdomen curl into a tight knot, Youko whimpered his mortal lover's name; desperate and needful.

Shuichi reached up to grab him by the nape of his neck. Pushing their foreheads flushed together, their unfocused eyes were inches apart as he pushed into the youkai's mind.

Youko gasped, hand coming up to grasp at the folds of the sheets and entwine into the flowering vines next to their merging bodies out of shock. As Shuichi pushed through, having to go through layers and layers of solid and nearly impenetrable walls built up over time, his fingers pressed down into the mattress and his claws raked at the flimsy fabrics. Both of their mouths hung open as the younger made his way in… Until, finally, the demon's last unconscious resolve broke, and his reality flooded into the fox's thoughts….


They both saw a light. The light was bright, like staring straight into the sun on a clear, cloudless day; until it finally faded away into unintelligible beige walls…

Until there was a face… and in that face was a woman. And next to the woman was a man. Both smiling. Both happy… Both infinitely welcoming.

Both loving—as the warmth and light of fond attachment swirled around them against bleary eyes veiled over with a clouded film.

It was a birth.

It was their birth.

Shuichi’s only while it had been Youko’s second, but only compared to the one he couldn't remember.

They felt their first breath swell into their virgin lungs. They heard their first cry echoing through their sensitive ears. They could taste the first drop from the nectar of Life on their new tongue, and the universe welcomed them home again… Together.

They stood within their one, unified body yet again as they saw the procession of their once merged existence cart past them in flashing, delirious scenes of animation. Much like living in its experience had been.

Together they saw the teachings:

The birth.

The realigning.

The belonging.

The lesson…

The sorrow…

The repentance…

The finding.

The colluding.

The new process of growth and change and making peace….

And then there was the trial…

The judge.

The execution.

The split.

Kurama stood before the mask of his own life…

Seeing the face of the unforgiving magistrate at his forefront, his hands shook against dirty and torn pants. He looked around. Bringing his hands up he felt the trepidation thump within his own chest, he looked down. The fingers of his human body were there. His red hair laid matted over his trembling shoulder, but his body was his. He felt his hands up and down the lines of his curves. The physicality which was ascribed only to him by his mortal birth, and he felt the coalesce of both his demonic and mortal soul within his piths…

And he felt whole again.

The magistrate gave a word of sunder, and he gripped onto his unity; his own nails marring his skin.

And Kurama cried…

He cried as he begged for a reconsideration.

“Please!” he sobbed, falling to his knees before the unrelenting King, “Please, don't do this to me… I won't be able to bare it…”

A waive of a hand, and he already knew there was no renouncing his sentence.

His sobs became chokes as he felt the grapple of hands on his filthy clothes. He clawed at the dirt on the floor, the only thing in that room that was not placing him under an obscured judgment.

“PLEASE, I BEG OF YOU!!!” he screamed, voice cracking as the tears came down his rosined cheeks in hot, wet droplets, “You don't know what you’re doing! I'm still human!

There was no answer. Only eyes. Cold, unseeing, uncaring eyes. More uncompassionate than the ones he was ever claimed to have. He struggled against being hauled to the imprisonment of his fate, but despite his years of training this body to fight…

He was not strong enough to stop this.

His cries became shrieks which became ragged gasps; feet and hands and limbs all struggling as he was choked into submission.


Yet, it stopped nothing. He felt the pain of his separation, and Shuichi’s eyes widened as he realized he was being torn yet again…

Divided into not-quite-halves for another time…

And there they stood. Separated.



There were the wounds…

The blood…

The tears…

The remorse.

The stares...

The caution…

The tentative tanned hand against pale skin as green eyes looked into gold ones for reprieve…

The way in which silver hair and long arms encased around a shivering, infirmed frame as one screamed into the void of nothing… Asking for the forgiveness of a God that did not exist.

And then finally the rejoining.

The conceding.

The oath of protection and commitment.

The healing…

The sense of re-belonging…

The coming together.

The images of their shared life melted away, and Youko only saw the image of himself in the man of red hair and green eyes and tanned skin below him…

Reaching up a hand to caress along the youkai's face, Shuichi cried for him. For them. For their dual life and belonging together.

His lips were wet and his lashes were glistening as the hot trails of water ran down his face and seeped into his sweat-soaked hair below; imploring him.

“This is what we shared,” he sighed, words muffled by the contained sobs; petting away the silver bangs from his face, “This is everything I have to give to you… I cannot take you away from myself anymore than skin that I wear, and yet you will be gone from me tomorrow. I can hardly give this fair, Youko… But please… Please, remember me. Remember us. It is all I have ever lived… It is all I will have ever wanted to live again. If you must go… then please promise me it'll be to only think of me.”

Youko’s breathing shuddered out in a gasp, broad chest heaving once. His eyes were wide and illuminated as he stared down at his younger double below him. He felt the trickle of damp warmth coming down from his ducts, and a single tear dripped off the point of his sharp nose and onto his lover's own chin. Shuichi was shivering, gentle fingertips oscillating over his brow, but he quieted him with his full lips in a hush as he touched his cheek. He murmured a word of forgiveness, and the youkai wept.

“I'm sorry,” he said, burying his face into the crook of his shoulder, “I’m so sorry, Shuichi. Forgive me… I've never meant to make you suffer like this… And after everything we've gone through—Forgive me for the betrayal I'm about to make.”

Shuichi hushed him again and brought him into a hug. The fox let out a pained sob into his neck as he gripped his hands around his arms. Realizing the time that was waning, he took back control of his emotions with a deep intake through his nose and pushed himself up on elbows indenting into the mattress. He kissed him along the mark left on his throat before lifting up to kiss him on the mouth as he began to move their bodies another time.

Shuichi’s mouth opened in a groan, and the fox encouraged him on as he pumped his member inside him. He honed the dedications of his thrusts so they brushed against the right spot every time as he renewed their session with vigor. The human's hand traveled down to grip onto his elbow as his hips moved up to bare his thrusts. He let out a loud moan as he was being impelled into; feeling his last climax coming.

“Youko!” he called out; winded and exhausted, “Youko! Youko! Youko!”

“Yes,” the fox susurrated into his ear, “Don’t hold back, let it come through you… I'm right here to hold you. I love you, Shuichi—never forget. Take all of it into you.”

He drove his co*ck into the younger, writhing body beneath him as he felt his own release coming soon. The way they engaged with one another caused the entire bed to shake, swaying with each thrust, and the petals from the roses above them began to fall around them like a sweet, fragrant shower. The soft blooms landed on their bare skin and wet hair as they continued to move and meld into one another. They glided down Youko's back, and one fell upon the lip of Shuichi’s open mouth. The youkai kissed him so their beautiful, coalesced blossom was between their affection.

Shuichi constricted his legs around the demon's waist as he felt the itch return to his groin. His breathes came out in pained gasps as Youko continued the pursuit on his person. He pulled at the youkai’s skin as he tried to bare the nearly impossible length of his propels, his own co*ck twitching with protest, but still he chased his end if only to have this moment with the ancient fox one last time.

“Youko, Youko,” he whined, “I need you now… Cum inside of me, please.”

The fox groaned at that, shoving all the way into him. He rocked the boy’s body back into the pillows with the hard drives, but he continued to work his hips faster; thrusts becoming desperate and erratic. The younger keened as he felt his lover mounting him for his cum, and he opened his legs wider to give him easier access.

“Yes, Youko! Yes! Just like that! Oh my, I love–AH!”

Youko kissed him again, tongues swirling, before lifting up onto his knees and pressing his hands onto the underside of the human's thighs so his legs were pressed against his chest. He laid back down over his lover's frame so Shuichi was bent in half with his legs angled over the demon's shoulders as he deepened his impels. The youth’s mouth hung open as the strokes became nearly invasive, and he could sense the youkai move within his own stomach. He groaned loudly as he could feel the head of the fox's co*ck deep within lower abdomen.

“I love you, too,” Youko sighed between breathes, “and never question it. I'll always love you the most.”

Shuichi whined when a particular thrust had his entire frame shaking, and he held onto the fox's hands as he suddenly felt his co*ck spasming in an intense climax. He tilted his head back and sung into the room as he pushed his body up into the fox as a violent org*sm ripped through his body. Youko was only two seconds behind him, sighing into his hair as his whole frame began to shake, and he buried his member deep within his cavity and released a steady stream of cum into his lover. His hips shook as he released, and Shuichi’s co*ck spasmed as it gave him another dry peak; poor member being overworked and unable to give him any further seed. Youko grunted heavily into his hair as he shallowly thrusted inside his human counterpart for every last drip that spirted from his co*ck, making his cavity full of his spunk.

When it was done, the post-coital tremors were taking over them both. Youko finally slipped from his body and brought the younger to lay next to him while they caught their breathes.

Shuichi was trembling against his frame; thoroughly spent and unbelievably tired. Youko kissed the top of his drenched head as he ran his expansive hands all up and down his build to calm him down. He could feel the younger's breath shuddering against his bare chest and he wrapped him in his long limbs to keep him warm. Softly murmuring to him a word of sweet fidelity as he did so.

Shuichi tried to fight against his drooping eyes as he hung onto the tall youkai with one arm wrapped around his waist. But with his lover's flushed and nude skin pressed against his own, and the fox's deep baritone voice rumbling in his chest causing a soothing vibration against his ear, his wearied mind finally gave out; having been used to this calming routine before.

The world faded to black as his fatigued body shutdown. Encased in his mate’s warm arms and the soft petals of the flowers fluttering against his body, the young man finally fell asleep. Whispering a loving phrase into the fox's breast as Youko returned the sentiment in kind as a murmur into his ear, letting him drift into slumber within the safety of his hold and his gentle nails running up and down his spine.


Shuichi woke up with a start. He heard something clamoring outside, and he bolted upright. He looked around for a moment, startled and unsettled as he realized he fell asleep without any knowledge of it. His heartbeat became erratic as he realized he had left himself unguarded.

He jumped again when he heard the same clamor. Whipping his head over to the window, his hand instinctually reached back into his disheveled hair as he readied to arm himself if he had to; peering through the bow windows for the source of the noise.

His breathing was coming out in little, rough pants as he was so suddenly put on high alert. His gaze took a minute to focus since the bright, morning sun coming through the glass had his bleary eyes almost blinded. Once he could finally concentrate, he squinted to see past the sharp rays and outside of the painted windowpanes.

A small, grey dove cooed at him from the corner of the sill in which it was perched. It fluttered its wings again as it settled itself into its nest and caused the glass to shake slightly from the turbulence.

Shuichi finally calmed down as he realized this was the noise he had heard. Getting his breathing under control, he quelled the heart thumping in his chest as he placed a cold hand to rest over his breast. He brought his knees up to rest his arms on them as he laid his head against his hands and let his delirious, tizzied mind come down from his sudden anxiety. He focused on the way the sunlight casted shadows on the sheets as he allowed himself to awaken fully.

There was a stinging in his neck, and he brought his hand back up to absentmindedly rub against the tender spot. His fingertips rubbed against the raised bumps of jagged marks in his skin, and his neck stung again as he caressed it. He looked over his form underneath the sheet currently draped across his body; trying to make sense of the small, superficial wound. He brought his hand back, noticing there was no blood. His eyes traveled over to a small indentation on the edge of the mattress that looked as if someone had been sitting there not too long ago…

He jumped again; immediately realizing that Youko had been there with him and remembered the tumultuous evening they'd previously shared together. The final night of their dual existence…

And it was morning.

His hand came around to grip at the pillow behind him as he looked for the fox who had been laying in the bed next to him when he’d accidently fallen asleep. He gazed over the spot to his left and noticed the rumpled sheets and the depressions in the mattress where a tall body had once been laying; now empty.

He realized he was alone in the bed and jolted to immediate attention; his heart now racing again for indescribable reasons.

He quickly looked around the room for any sign of the fox. He remembered the disastrous state in which the suite had been in when they had their argument, but now everything that was once in disarray and disheveled seemed to be put back into place… His clothes and other belongings that were strewn about all over the ground were picked up and either put back onto shelves or neatly tucked away somewhere. The bags in which he had ripped apart were put back together and sitting atop of a luggage stand. They were all either zipped or clasped closed, except for one that laid open on top that showed his wardrobe had been studiously folded and stacked into the compartment of the luggage container with a clear bag of his toiletries put back into place and laying above them…

The linens that had been pulled off or otherwise tangled and in a mess on the floor were gone… He looked down at the sheets on the mattress, the one in which he was currently sitting atop of. It was the space where they’d had a very long and arduous night of making love. The interaction had the black sheets stained, torn, and crumpled in the wake of their laborious communion, but the dark linens were now replaced with crisp, tan bedding that looked to have been tucked in at the corners with one sheet laid over him and the duvet folded at his feet at the end of the bed. The pillows had been put back into place with the cases replaced. The flowers that had vined around the bed posts and bloomed all around them had disappeared; not a single trace of a red petal or a silver stem to be seen. Even the vase he had smashed into the floor was somehow put back together and standing on the windowsill, not even a crack in its fine porcelain veneer…

Shuichi was becoming desperate. Panicked green eyes looked around the room in search of anything that would indicate the fox was still there; urgently in search of his presence.

“Youko…” he called softly.

No answer.

His bare leg slid off the side of the mattress as he leaned over to look into the other room. He saw that room had been picked up as well with the youko's jacket and other things gone… His shoes were not at the door of the suite and the robe in which he used was hanging over the door of the bathroom, indicating for the hotel staff that it no longer in use and should be washed… His few bags of belongings that he had brought with him from the Demon World were not with his own things on the stand. His signature ki could not be felt within the walls…

Shuichi could feel his breath start to quicken. Melancholia creeped up into his mind like an ugly, unwanted visitor from the trepidation pounding in his chest. He tried to keep his throat from constricting as he heard no other noise from within the suite walls besides for the heart that was thumping in his own ears.

The mark on his neck stung again, and his hand quickly dove up to press his fingers against it. The small cuts were burning, and it was hot to the touch. There was another, duller pain throbbing in his lower abdomen. He looked down the planes of his build and was immediately confused when he saw the smooth expanses of tan skin… Unmarred.

He knew he had been marked up pretty well with the way the fox had left every kind of contusion on his person known to man—from cuts, to bites, to bruises, to hickeys, to scratches—all from either anger and every other emotion ranging up to, and especially, loving attraction.

It hadn't occurred to him at the time, but walking around with all those marks on his form were sure to raise concerns and possibly even very uncomfortable questions; especially when arriving home.

But now he didn't have to worry about that… Looking over his build, he realized every single laceration and discoloration was somehow just gone. His tan complexion sparkled in the light of the sun with not a trace of malevolence on it.

He ripped off the sheet that was covering him. He noticed that he was indeed still fully nude in the bed and was, in fact, confirmed that every mar had vanished from sight. However, the dull pain in his stomach was an indication that he may still have been internally healing and figured it must’ve been the way he had overtaxed himself with stretching his libido too thin. A lock of his hair caught his attention. It was soft and downy, like it had been washed, and it smelled of their floral shampoo… In fact, his whole body looked like it had been bathed. No longer sweaty, or bloody, or sticky.

How in the hell…?

“Youko?” he called again, beckoning to a voice that he implicitly knew was not there. He thought he could make out the fluctuation of nimble feet unsettling the floorboards, but he couldn't tell if he was hearing only what he wanted to hear… He called out again, more desperately this time; hands clutching at the sheets, “Youko! Youko, come out from in there… I’m starting to worry…”


Shuichi couldn't move from the spot he was in. Frozen to the bed, he was afraid to travel to the other rooms of the suite only to be affirmed that there was, indeed, no other body within the quiet, muted barriers.

His respiration quickened and his throat clenched, trying to fight back the salty liquid stinging behind his eyes. He looked around wildly; searching for something—anything—to make the demon's presence known. He must’ve left an article of clothing, surely. Or his wallet or his passport. He would absolutely need to come back for them, right?

Never mind the fact that the youkai would not actually need these things when he returned to the Makai… Shuichi willingly ignored this fact as he desperately looked for a physical sign of his presence.

But there was none, not even a strand of his hair on the bed.

It was like he just… vanished.

He finally looked over to the bedside table. There he saw a bouquet of flowers arranged beautifully in a clear vase. They were the roses from the previous night… They glimmered softly in the light, and single necklace was dangling from one of the stems… An emerald stone hanging from a fine, golden chain.

Shuichi tentatively reached out his hand to touch it, as if its delicate appearance might break apart at his touch. When his fingers grazed against it and nothing happened, he carefully picked it up. He studied it within his grasp for a moment, looking for a sign. When the padding of his thumb brushed along an engraving on the back of the stone, he turned it over. Eloquent initials were engraved there.


The redhead bit back a small sound of objection, not wanting to believe the truth. When he looked back over, he realized there were other things on the table. A small plate of food; on it some bread, a pastry, a spreading of some sort, and small selection of fruit. All neatly laid out and dewy with perspiration as if they were fresh… A white envelope was set next to it. One, lone plane ticket was sticking out…

Shuichi shook his head as if to refute that it was even there, but what was beneath it was what caught his attention more…

There was another envelope below that one. Ivory and crisp with not a single bent. He could tell a card was in it. He half wondered if he even wanted to look at it… Partially wanting to deny its very existence. But curiosity, and a somewhat need for finality and closure, got to the better of him.

He reached over a shaky hand to pick up the envelope. There was a small inscription written on the front:

“My Love”

He swallowed back the thick lump that suddenly formed in his throat as he turned it over to run his fingernail along the glued seal. Carefully tearing it open, he saw that indeed there was a small white card within its fold.

But above the card there was a shiny, thin material. He pulled it out, noticing the small creases around the edges.

It was a Polaroid. A picture of them, to be precise.

He and Youko were standing in front of a garden. The blooms of which were a full and vibrant backdrop behind them. They were standing with an arm entwined behind the other's back, holding each other but almost at a significant distance... And yet, one could tell their affinity for each other as each one let the other hold them in a gesture of knowing intimacy with the way their hips were pressed against one another’s.

They both smiled for the picture, but the expression was forced and vacant… Sad. Shuichi’s eyes were wide and doe-like, expressing the true sorrow that laid beneath them. Youko’s eyes were dull and narrowed… The heaviness of his remorse laying evident with the bags under his eyes.

It was the first—and only—picture they had taken together. A whole two weeks after their horrific split.

Yukina had just received the camera as a gift from Kazuma and had wanted to take a picture of them to ‘commemorate their new life.’

At first, Shuichi had disagreed with an air of indifference from the youko joining him; not wanting to have a psychical reminder of their enervation.

But the small demon had insisted, saying that they belonged together and the photo would prove that fact…

And now it was the only visual proof that he had to show that they had ever spent any time together within their separate bodies.

Shuichi had to put it away. Seeing the depression within his face back then and feeling the familiar searing sting within his heart now, he realized that even after all of this torment they've put themselves through—absolutely nothing had changed.

It was too painful of a reminder… He had to look away from it.

Putting it off to the side, he focused his attention on the white card that was subtly sticking out from behind the paper folds; softly beckoning him. He thought for a moment, noticing the wisps of black ink on the visible edge of the card's face, and ultimately ended up sighing as he slid the thick board from the envelope.

He threw the envelope onto the bed with an almost agitated exasperation to his action. He bent one leg up to rest his arm on his knee while he readied himself for whatever his demon counterpart had wrote to entreat him…

“My gem. My dove. My treasure. My love…

My dear, Shuichi—"

The human had to stop. The trembling in his hands was causing him to be unable to read the elegant text that was scrawled along the stationary. He closed his eyes as he willed his nerves to relax. He took in a deep breath, and it came out in a long, shuddering sigh. He swallowed the bulb in his throat again as he willed the tears back from the ducts in his eyes.

Shaking his head slightly, he huffed a little in contempt as he settled himself back into position. He adjusted the card slightly in his hand so he could read it better…

“My dove. My treasure. My gem. My love…

My dear, Shuichi—

If you're reading this, that means it's already morning, and the hours we spent together have already ticked by and brought us to the dour time of our final departure.

I hope you slept well. I know you most likely would have preferred me to keep you up and conscious with me throughout the rest of the night, but I felt like you were very much in need of rest…

I apologize for not waking you, but I hope this letter will suffice.

You will find a plate of food on the table. It is not much, but I figured you may not be very hungry upon first awakening—

Please eat.

If you need anything more, the staff downstairs have a form of payment on file that is on an unending reserve. Call them if and when you need service, including any meal you wish.

I have informed the hotel management that you will be extending your stay by another night in case you wished not to travel today. I would wholly understand if you didn’t… But if you need more time, simply give the manager a call on the number that is provided next to the notepad by the phone. He is aware that you may call, so please do not hesitate to reach out to him. You can stay for as long as you’d like—just as long as you contact Shiori to let her know.

I encourage you to take as much time as you need.

Hiei is aware of where you stay, and he knows if no one has heard from you after a certain amount of time, that he should come looking for you. He told me to advise you not to wait for his escort—as it will not be a gentle one. I beseech you to reach out to our friends if you are in need of condolences, Shuichi… Don’t try to bare this on your own.

The flowers are yours to take. You will find that even though they are alive, they will never wilt or die. Much like how I've found your allure.

The necklace is one I had made for you. It is a materialistic thought–I know, but I hope that you may wear it on some days that you might miss me… I can only picture how graceful it will look on you…

I hope you liked the picture. You had thrown it across the room last night unknowingly when you had torn through my things.

Don't worry. I'm not upset. I could never blame you for the anger that you felt. The canvas may be a little torn, and I know it's not the happiest of moments to remember– but I hope you cherish it all the same.

You will find that everything was put back in order for whenever you are ready to depart. There's no need to worry about any cost of the damages. It has all been taken care of.

There was an inked scratch on the paper as if the fox had been ambivalent as to what to say next… Continuing with:

I can only imagine how frustrated you must be that I didn't say goodbye…

I'm sorry.

I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me. I could not handle the final farewell. I felt it best—for both of us–that I did not stay longer than necessary.

I know this will already be painful… and I'm afraid if I relay my departure, neither of us may have the strength to eventually welcome the inevitable.

So, I hope you slept. I hope you slept good and well and that you may sleep some more in order to give your body the time and strength it needs to recover so you can make the burdensome trek back home. I know it is not ideal to fly alone, but…

There was a mark on the next line as if he had scratched out what he was going to say next.

Please call the airline if you need to reschedule your flight.

If they are unwilling to reschedule you, find the card in the safe and use this to buy another ticket. You can also use this for anything else you might need during the short remainder of your visit and then just cut it up when you get home.

Shuichi… Please don't be angry with me. It will do neither of us any good. I’m almost regretful of the mark I left on you last night… We should not have done what we did. But I cannot change it now, so I hope you take the necessary steps to bare through it.

We certainly know how to make our own misery, dear.

Our own torturous, ugly, obscured, and beautiful misery…

Alas, I wish to be miserable over no one else but you. You are worth every pain and tear that I've bared.

There was a colorless, round blot on the station… The ink from the last word was smeared as if some type of liquid had been wiped away—

Shuichi stared at it for far too long; beholding the only physical proof of the fox's compunction. Knowing what the small, insignificant mark meant and felt the vicious clench within his heart.

If it is of any solace, I have noticed that my ki has already began to wane. The flowers have already refused to grow for me. It is as if they are aware of my duplicity and wish to punish me in your wake.

Hm, isn't that funny?

My own vessels rebel against me. As if I were somehow contemptuous of myself.

I suppose I am… Even I think myself a coward.

But it is all in stride, love. As long as it keeps you a safe… I will gladly hate myself for the rest of eternity. Laying in cold, solid beds. Thinking of your words…

I hope I live to honor you… and your gifts to me.

Please take this letter and keep it with you. I hope it gives you comfort on nights most empty. I hope it gives you intimacy on hours you’re left feeling lonely…

I will have spent every minute of every day from here on out—no matter where I go or what company I keep—wishing that I was back with you.

I love you, Shuichi. With all of my heart. I need you to know this; no matter what I've done… I need you to understand that this was not a decision of apathy nor deceit. I have done everything I could do because I love you more than my soul could ever bare…

I hope you learn to love me again someday, too.

Please. Don’t try to forget me.


You're most devoted and amorous traitor—


Shuichi could feel the ire in his grip as he unintentionally bent the card in his hand as his fingers began to shake. His whole body trembled. Anger and fury taking over him again. The animosity swelled within his lungs and a stabbing pain of deceit settled in his heart. The mark on his neck burned as his small nose crumpled up in contempt…

He whipped the card across the room and the thick board landed with a quiet thud against the adjacent wall before it slowly fluttered down to the floor.

The human screamed into the room. Mild voice shrill and crackling as he voiced his odium into the empty space.

He swore he could hear a large body shift within the darkened space of another room, and his scream turned inwards at himself as he clasped his hands over his ears and cursed himself for creating hallucinations that only seemed to serve his own childish whims.

“Youko!” he cried out, shrieking the demon's name with outrage so it echoed against the walls. He slammed his fists into the bed as he stared into the void; looking for nothing as he saw nothing. His breathing evened out as he suddenly came down from his sudden hostility. Knowing he was truly screaming at ghosts now… He peered into the shadows of corners as if they would materialize right before him.

When they did not, he called again; faintly, “Youko…”

When futility answered him back, the human’s face scrunched up with misery. Curling into himself, he began to cry…

His breathing turned uneven again as he started to feel the sobs rip from his chest. Bending over the folds of the sheets, hot tears were sliding off his face and dripping down onto the tan linens turning the wet spots beige. He gripped at the pain in his ribs. Feeling it mount to an unbearable ache within his breast while the mark on his neck throbbed for another time as he called out to his phantom lover for reprieve… There was a sudden jolt that seemed to emanate from the bite and travel all the way down to the base of his spine. He shrieked in horrid pain as the claim mark began to electrocute him.

His soul called out for the fox's spirit, but no answer seemed to come. And yet, he could taste the youkai's verve on his tongue. Present and yet not. Knowing he was alive, somewhere, without him. He jolted forward as another shock ran through him, and he buried his face within his hands; trying to bare both the physical and mental abuse it left on his person.

He sat alone in the bed. A space he once shared in great fervor with the man he’d had such a profound carnality with, was now mostly empty and barren. Save for the lone, frail man weeping.

The human slowly sank back down into the sheets; hands curled around his ribs as he hugged himself, bringing himself to lay on his side. He stared out the window at the morning sun awning over the large, picturesque buildings as it casted the romantic city within its warm, blushing glow; alighting the urbana as pink and yellow streaked across the clouded sky. He jolted every few seconds as the pain from his mark shook through him every so often; shivering on top of the bed.

Slowly, the tremors began to stop. Decreasing in severity as they dulled when his tears began to calm some. He blankly peered out the glass at the dove that was perched atop the sill outside as he worked through the last of the shocks. He saw the grey bird ruffle up its feathers as it tried to get comfortable within its new home. It seemed to shiver some… Trying to keep itself warm against the bitter cold and wind. Shuichi’s eyes gazed on at it while he watched the bird huddle in on itself. Tucking in the point of its beak within the fold of its wing as it protected its face from the freezing, unrelenting world outside.

The redhead blinked as the last shock ran through his system and another one did not seem to appear for a few minutes. He stayed watching the bird for a long while; in a state of tired stupor. He almost considered opening the window and letting it in; watching the way it shivered yet again. But just as he was mustering the energy to get up, another—larger bird—appeared.

The second bird seemed to motion to the other as if it were familiar with it; flapping its wings while it lightly pecked at its back. The first turned around and seemed to sing happily at its new visitor. The two doves cooed at each other. Their weak chests visibly vibrating as they nudged their heads together in a fond show of knowing affection. The avian couple began to flutter their wings again as the one motioned its head out towards the city street while the other one followed. Both birds got up from the perch and flew off together from the landing; flitting out into the world, side-by-side.

Shuichi, cheeks now red and streaked with dried, salty tears that left his green eyes fogged—heaved his chest in a silent, closed-mouth sigh. Finding himself truly alone with not even the metropolis fowl to keep him company, he turned away from the view of the awakening city and rolled over to his other side. Back turned towards the windows, he reached down a lethargic hand to pull at the bedding and bring the sheet up to cover his bare, naked body that shivered in the cold room; draping the lightweight linen over his head so he was shielded from the space outside of it. He laid within his darkened encasem*nt as he stared impassively at the uninteresting, woven designs of the threads.

He thought of nothing and said nothing. Not having anyone or anything to talk to or think of. He simply laid within the vague cocoon he made himself; trying to stave off the chilly air that was seeping through the thin, cottony material and ignore the stabbing pain that twisted like a knife within his gut. Having been used to repressing his emotions, he let the uncomfortableness of detachment settle into his heart as he dissociated with everything around him. Fatigued and numb, he willed himself to go back to sleep. To forget his problems for at least just a few more hours so he didn't have to face the bleak reality of his solitude…

He closed his eyes as he settled his chilled hands within the humid warmth of his thighs and curled up into a ball to go back to sleep, hearing his heart thumping oddly within his chest… Breathing in the fading scent of his lost lover's musk that seemed to somehow linger on the sheets.



Woof! This was a long one! I hope you made it through! There was just so much going on, and this was the most lengthy part of the story to write. I'm so exhausted lol

Poor Shuichi, though, right? :(

My heart truly breaks for him. (I guess it would, lol.) After all of that, it was a very bleak ending to write. Stay tuned for more, though... We're not quite finished yet.

Youko has himself to answer to, after all...

Chapter 6: The Chaos of Au Revoir: Part 3


In a state of abeyance from the turbulence of their night before, Youko sits inside a quiet little coffee shop waiting for his next edict. He sits and reflects; wondering of his choices and how he'd gotten them this far...

Knowing Shuichi was purposefully left alone with his demons—the ones he put there—he's telling himself that he's not sorry. That this is the best outcome for them.

That this final act of cessation from his life is the ultimate show of his morality. They were not meant to come this far—surely. They were not meant to fall into such dedication—of course.

But feeling the ghosts of his hands, the phantom of the breath on his neck—Seeing the eyes that are judging him from across the dead space and reminding him of his despicability, he's clawing at the table; tearing out his heart from the inside and suspending his ethics for a moment to consider the possibility of dissension.

What a heated perplexity they created... Raveling themselves in the searing strings of Fate. He's now in a quandary; locked in incertitude.

But he can't go back now... He's deadlocked into his decision.

Isn't he?

(Part 3 of 3)


Special shout out to those who helped me proof all 3 parts! 120k+ words is not easy to read through ;-;

I appreciate you! Thank you so much! <3

I'm sure, for some of you, this part may have been long awaited. Given the conclusion of the last chapter. I admit—it was very abrupt. But part of me just really wanted to emulate what Shuichi would have been feeling in that moment.

But don't worry, I think Youko may just be feeling the repercussions from that this chapter.

CW; Much tamer than the last chapters, this part only includes short scenes of m/m intercourse, a very brief mention of idealized enslavement and brutal sexual assault (only thought of, not acted out—as Youko becomes alarming in thought for a few sentences), a brief discord that results in a very short and one-sided domestic assault, and the rest is just the very lengthy lyrical prose of the kitsune’s mind and his detest for a certain deity...

I apologize if it runs a little long and repetitive in some places. I'm working on being more concise for future installments for better readability. I still hope it's enjoyable~

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Youko sat at a small table inside the café that was nestled under the hotel in which they had stayed at; street-level. He grabbed a box from his coat pocket and took out a thin, white, cylindrical object from its container. He stuffed the carton back into his coat as he thumped the flat side of the cylinder on the table. Packing his cigarette while he watched impassively at the patrons idly sitting around him. Disinterested in their presence, he settled his eyes back out towards the window where he sat; watching the traffic as it slowly crept by.

The avenue was alit by the dim, blue glow of the early morning hours. In general, the day was still so young, that many people could still be seen crawling out from their homes or other mainstays as they made their way to whatever destination that had them awake at such an ungodly hour on this frigid morning. He passively watched them as they pulled their coats tighter around themselves and rubbed the sleep from their eyes…

Trying to ignore the intense, burning sting within his chest.

The sharp, sudden pain caused him to jump slightly within his seat, and he reached down to the small white cup of coffee to distract himself. He adjusted the newspaper on the table with a slight pinch at its corner, the one in which he was really only half paying attention to, and wriggled his wrist a bit to adjust his watch so he could check the time.

6:35 a.m.

He silently cursed to himself as he looked towards the door of the restaurant. The damn prince was supposed to be here by now. As always, he showed his general disregard for the youkai as he seemed to just completely discount his time. He took a large swig of his espresso as he looked out the window again; cheeks pursing in with the swallow as he looked for any sign of him.

He had to leave this city. Time was of the essence, and he only had a short amount of it in order to make his departure before his signature gave him away. It was only a matter of time until the human counterpart to his soul would sense him down here…

The pain in his chest stung again, and he closed his eyes with a sigh. He bit the inside of his lip with a small inclination of ire when the flower inside his satchel sitting next to him began to intonate a soft, melancholic tune; sending out a diminutive wave of energy to him as if to ask him for reprieve from its own sorrow…

He had taken one of the blossoms for himself… The one that seemed to be the least repulsed by his touch. The flora, in general, had moved away from him when he went to pick them up as if they realized what he was about to do next… Sensing his impending betrayal, they supplicated to stay within the warm presence of the comely young man that laid nude on the bed; brushing their petals against his soft, glistening tan skin while he slept.

The youkai had first found it rather amusing, never having really experienced that type of sentience from the flora before as if they had an actual opinion… But when they began to lash out their thorns at him as he tried to pick them from their vines, his humor quickly turned to annoyance. Not particularly thrilled with practically being back-talked to by a plant—

He eventually gave up, coaxing them to be gathered in a bushel and taking this one for himself as a memento…

The color of the petal reminded him of the boy he’d left sleeping upstairs; long limbs entangled in the sheets as he made his quiet exit. Finally giving in and breaking his resolve for just a moment, he lightly sighed again and reached down to softly stroke the flower. It keened into his comforting touch, stem bowing until the blossom laid within the cup of his hand, much as Shuichi usually did.

Youko could no longer avoid the stinging in his heart. He was upset, he couldn't deny it. It was obvious this outcome was not in the least ideal. He never meant to make his stay longer than necessary. He just… could never seem to leave when he had to. And now his own weakness caused this whole debacle. He was irritated with himself, more than anything. He knew this day would come, when he would be forced to eventually leave his human life behind and therefore his human twin along with it. He could bow out from his brief stay in the Ningenkai graciously enough but leaving Shuichi… The thought of never hearing his voice again or experiencing the ingenuity of his mind—departing from a literal piece of himself—he'd had the most difficult time finding the will within him to go.

And now it resulted in a threat to the young one’s wellbeing. All because of his self-interest in the situation.

This was his fault… Where had his iron-will and hardheartedness all gone to? When had he allowed himself to become so persuadable? He was a maverick. A loner. He'd spent more time in the company of only himself than he had ever within the companionship of other people. Yet, he found himself so readily finding a home within the presence of such a young man… And that was saying a lot for a being living over three millennia in mostly solitude.

He reminisced in the memory of having his smaller frame within his arms. A dancer’s build with delicate bones and fragile skin that pressed against his body as he laid his head atop his shoulder as if it fit there and always had…

Melding into one, perfect being…

The stabbing in his heart intensified, and it took the breath from him for a moment.

The youkai straightened up in his seat as he cleared his throat. Bringing his hand up to cover his sudden frown, he put his attention back towards the street; willing—begging—his despondency away. He tried to think of something else, of anything else, that was not the young man that was finding a very abrupt coming-of-age within the loneliness of a bed they had once shared only a few hours ago. The male with long, red hair and pools of emerald lakes for eyes… The depths of which had brought him away from his own solitude so many, many times before…

It was useless, the demon finally concluded. He couldn't stop thinking of him now anymore than he would be able to in the days, weeks, months, years to probably come. He absolved himself to sit and stew in his pain as he grabbed his coffee from the table and took a careful sip. He listened to the other patrons as they held their own quiet conversations. A particular voice off in the distance towards the back of the store had a similar intone to his human lover, and he found his thoughts wandering off again… He closed his eyes in exasperation and tilted his head back, trying to distract himself.

After a few minutes of measured breathing, he leaned back forward and grabbed up the paper to unenthusiastically read the page in front of him. Grabbing his drink again, he nodded to the random man that passed his table as he scooted his chair more to the side to allow him through. He laughed at himself, shaking his head slightly; not really knowing when he had taken up such mild habits of the Human World. He scanned his sharp eyes over the page he was on and looked over a particular story that he believed Shuichi would find interesting…

He sighed again. This was ridiculous. He needed 5 minutes–5 minutes—not to dwell on the tragedy he was making. Just a brief time so he could get this little deal over with and make the pill easier to swallow.

He dropped the publication back onto the table with a wisp to its thud and set one expansive hand on his thigh while the other massaged the crease between his brow; shaking his head. After a minute, he sat back up and absolved himself to just staring out the window as he thought of him while he waited.

He’d left their suite not but 30 minutes ago. It was really only reasonable that he was having trouble concentrating on anything else. He’d spent the better part of the last few hours ensuring everything was in place for the young one’s lonely transition back home; making sure he didn't have anymore burden on his mind than what he already had to deal with.

Once the human had fallen asleep in his arms after their laborious night of heatedly fighting and then hours of arduously making love after, he stayed in the bed with him for quite some time to just enjoy him. He looked over his face, engraving every single line and muscle into his mind as if he didn't already inherently know what it looked like. Running his fingers over the curves of his body… Tasting the sweetness of his breath as it left his lungs… Kissing him. Holding him. Drinking in his light as he revered the living thing that he was.

After some time, he finally moved his attention to the area around them. Remembering the chaotic state of their surroundings, he had heaved a weighted exhale through his nose. The youkai had even found himself immeasurably tired at that point, and it would have been bliss to just go to sleep with the young one still in his arms for just one last time… But he knew that he hadn't the time for it. Gazing over his body, he’d realized that Shuichi was still covered in cuts and contusions underneath all the sweat and other sticky mess. He pulled the younger closer to him as he kissed the top of his head, finding content in the way he softly breathed against his chest while he lightly stirred. Being careful to not wake him, he laid his lips on his lover's brow as he slowly slid his arm from underneath him and disentangle their legs. Shuichi had adorably whined in his sleep as his solid body moved away and shivered a bit in his absence. The fox ordered for the roses to move off the bed so he could pull back the top sheet and lay it over his frame. The redhead had sighed then while he'd petted his hair… The fox had winced as he looked down at him.

It took him awhile to clean everything up.

Shuichi had made a right mess of things; that was an absolute, frustratingly accurate fact that he’d put on his own damn grave. From the heaps of clothes, to the piles of random linens, to his bottles of medication and random containers of toiletries, to shoes, to socks, to pieces of glass and shreds of fabrics, to any and every belonging it felt like they had ever even owned or possessed: it was all just absolutely thrown and whipped in every single direction. Hiding in corners and under tables and even in between the couch cushions. The youkai didn't even know how the moderately-sized male had even managed such a feat. It would've been admirable if it hadn't been so utterly aggravating.

The young man had certainly made his work for him.

And he didn't even utter a word of scorn under his breath as he did so. The fox knew he deserved this. He knew he deserved more than this… So, he worked. Quietly and purposefully, he picked up and packed away every single item that laid along the ground. Putting them away in bags or carriers. Making sure that Shuichi had every single thing he needed and compartmentalized them so they were easy to find; knowing that's how the younger liked to organize things himself—just as he did.

It was the least he could do, really. If he was going to abandon him in a foreign city (with a broken heart, no less), he could at least make sure that every single detail was taken care of so he didn't overwhelm himself with the small trivialities of traveling.

He did it as a show of care. He did it because he loved him.

And he needed him to know that, so he left his last impression on him as an act of service—in the wake of his obvious abandonment, he tried not to think.

Youko stared at a leaf blowing across the sidewalk, rubbing his index finger along his chin in contemplation. This was all this really was. This decision he was making. This entire trip. This was all just an elaborate act of service, he deduced. A final testament of his dedication to him.

But looking along the rows of painted doors of the grand rowhouses across the street from him, he couldn't help but feel like this final conclusion wouldn't be anything but further from that aim. Like he was doing the opposite of what he intended…

But he knew that couldn’t be the case.

Because when he had finished, he slowly strode back into the room. Staring at his human counterpart again, he saw him laying alone in the grand bed surrounded by rose petals; full lips slightly parted as he fluttered the strands of his bangs that had fallen into his face as he softly suspired while he slept. He looked absolutely ethereal laying there. Like he couldn't possibly be from this earth. Certainly, he was a cherub. An angel incarnated in the flesh. His own rose that had been plucked out of his garden and reimagined into an elegant human body. Someone up there in the heavens certainly knew exactly what they had done when they had designed him…

Languidly creeping over to the bed, his gold eyes had been affixed on him. His demonic ki began to flare. Seeing the thing that he had claimed… The being in which he owned… His clawed hand reached out to touch along his face.

A burning desire itched inside him to take him back with him to the Makai… To hide him away in his deepest trove where no one could ever find him. Where no one but him could ever see him again. He could keep him there… Shackled to the bed. Chained to his companionship. Youko could show him then in all the ways in which he could love him. In which he could take care of him and revere him. How much he could possess him…

No one would know. The ancient king of thieves was sneaky enough. He could keep his whereabouts untraceable. No one would ever have to be privy to his new life under his constant, studios care. No one could make him leave.

No one would hear him scream...

His hand unconsciously wrapped around the younger's throat, and he felt his life force under his fingertips. Under Demon law, the man belonged to him by right. He’d laid claim to him, and the human had come to be owned willingly. He had every authority to take him back to his den and keep him there until he spent the very last of his days within his censorship—everyday a receptacle just for his love for him and he could keep him living for an indefinite amount of time... Once they were in the realms of the Makai, Shuichi would be his and only his. He would be his blood-bound property. His breathing vessel of a courtesan. A priceless possession he could keep among his other piles of treasures… No one would have the right to take him away…

He had felt Shuichi’s skin shudder under his clenched fist, and the fox breath had caught then. He’d immediately snapped his hand away… Realizing he was unconsciously choking the young man. Eyes wide and thoroughly unsettled, Youko took ten paces back in order to give himself space. He had leaned up against the dresser that was adjacent to the bed as he got himself under control…

His desperation for the young one’s companionship was making him lose his inhibitions. He was dangerous like this. He’d never felt such strong emotions until he was in Shuichi’s body, and now that the boy’s calm clemency was gone, it was hard for him to keep his demonic instincts at bay when his instability was heightened to such an intense degree.

No, he remembered thinking, this was the best outcome. He didn't want to think of what he might do if there was ever a chance that Shuichi might leave him.

He’d imagined that scenario in his head and all of a sudden, his blood swelled in his veins and his vision only saw red. He imagined his body bloody and broken, unable to get up and walk much less go away from him.

He’d kill him. He knew it. He’d tie him to the bedposts, arms and wrists bound by his own vines as he f*cked him until he couldn't feel from the waist down or reamed into him until he literally broke his spine—whichever came last.

He’d done worse to people who had done much less, after all…

And yet, that was the most disgusting thing he could ever see himself doing. The fox literally had made himself sick at the thought of his own despicability.

He’d bent over as his stomach lurched, and while keeled—he’d moved to sit down on the floor at the foot of the bed. Knees bent up with his head in one hand, the fox had quietly mourned... Again. He mourned for their lost life together. He mourned for his own wickedness. He mourned for Shuichi. Because he knew he didn’t deserve this, but he also knew he deserved much better than him…

He had mourned for himself, because he couldn't seem to make himself the kind of stable foundation that Shuichi needed him to be.

After a few minutes, he had ran his hands over his wet face and pulled himself together. This wasn't going to help anything, he had thought; hauling himself up off the floor as he sighed a tired sigh of both heavy despondency and wearied frustration. He’d already spent so many days and nights laying awake and thinking about this. He would likely spend many more. Right now, he needed to focus on Shuichi and what he needed… And try to spend these last few hours in his presence enjoying the fact that at least he was alive at all, and he could hold him for just a little while longer…

He’d moved around to the side of the bed again; looking over his slender figure another time. With tender fingers, he'd moved the hair away from his face and softly petted his bruised cheek… stroking his soft, discolored lips. He’d moved his hand down from his shoulder to his arm and down further still until he cupped his long fingers in his palm and thumbed each nimble digit as he counted them. He enjoyed the way his nails were so neat and manicured as they glinted in the soft light. He enjoyed the way each one instinctually bent and curled around his hand as he had accidentally tickled his palm; like the youkai sometimes had done to show his affection or to silently insinuate that he wanted to hold his hand. He was in love with his very life… The very fact that his person even existed was like a blessing to him.

He twined their fingers as he clasped their hands together while he slept. He bent over to softly kiss him on his lips as petted his soft, feathery hair with the other hand.

“You’ll never know what I would do for you,” he whispered to his sleeping form, his gold eyes gentle and filled with warmth. He leaned down to nudge his nose against his bare shoulder, his large frame slightly shuddering as he breathed in his scent. He spoke against his skin, “I would do anything and everything your mouth commanded of me... All you'd have to do is ask… I would give my life… My soul… My very happiness, Shuichi. I'll never be complete again…”

The boy had muttered something in his sleep, and the fox couldn’t tell if he was responding to him or just talking incoherently. He smiled against his shoulder when the younger had made another sound of some type of word, and he leaned up; kissing him on the lips again to hush him.

He’d gotten up at that point to go over to the phone sitting on the table at the side of the bed. He’d called for room service to bring up fresh linens and leave them at the door. After hanging up the receiver, he went over to his small bag of things and grabbed his small container of salve. Stepping back over to the bed, he pulled the sheet back and quieted the younger when he shivered with a reassuring hand on his arm. He bent down and slid one arm around his shoulders with the other under his knees; lifting him off the soiled mattress.

Quietly, they moved across the rooms; carrying him through the sitting room and into the bathroom. He kneeled down next to the tub with the boy in his lap and held him to his chest while he leaned over the porcelain side to turn on the tap. Shuichi had stirred again, breathing into his breastbone, but he kept him asleep with his thumb rubbing circles into his back. Checking the temperature with his hand under the running downpour from the faucet, he waited until it was warm enough to put in the stopper. Lifting them up again, the fox had carefully moved them both into the deep basin of the bath and sank down into the filling water with the younger laying on top of him.

He’d washed both of their bodies off, rinsing away all of the stickiness from both of their emissions and sweat that clung to each other's bodies, and was very gentle as he washed the younger's hair. Letting his head lay on his broad chest, he worked his clawed hands through red strands to work out all of the knots and tangles without tugging too much. He lathered the unruly mane in the fragrant soap and rubbed his gentle fingertips into his scalp so he could wash away the thick scent of perspiration.

Shuichi had been so thoroughly exhausted and drained for every last bit of energy he had, that he had stayed asleep throughout this whole process; softly snoring in his arms. He carefully tipped him over to his side so he could cup his head in his palm as he rinsed away the suds in his hair; keeping his peaceful sleeping face above the water while he cupped some of the bath liquid in his other palm and poured it lightly over his head. His pert nose had scrunched up slightly as a few drops glided down his brow, and his thin eyelids fluttered a bit at the contact. He murmured something else in his slumber, something that sounded like some type of an annoyed grievance at the minor disturbance, and the fox laughed a bit as he kissed him on the forehead; stroking the small, adorable crinkle above his nose.

“You’re too cute,” he murmured at him adoringly.

Bringing him back up to lie him over his muscular frame again, he couldn’t help the sudden jump of his member when he did so. The younger had unconsciously squeezed his thighs around his waist and massaged his flaccid member into his stomach with the shift, and the youkai found himself reaching down to pump his co*ck back to full hardness before positioning himself so he could enter into him again… The redhead’s hands had clenched against his chest, and he sighed into his neck at the feeling. Youko had quietly shushed him while he whispered into his ear all of the loving, soothing things he had to say while he thrusted inside of him. Shuichi was moaning in his sleep, gasping and grunting as his body unconsciously writhed with the deep impels. Youko kept him fastened to his frame with long, strong arms wrapped around his thinner build while he kept them chest to chest as he pulled and pushed his round rump into the soft but steady drives. He took his time with him, reveling in the way his tightness clenched around his length and how he responded to his co*ck pushing into his prostate even though he was not fully conscious of it. He was chanting his name, supplicating him for more as the sudsy water lightly splashed around them. His deep baritone voice was singing into his ear as its reassuring vibrations told him how much he was in love with him and how beautiful he was. Shuichi’s forehead rubbed into his shoulder as he let out a wanton, desperate moan in his sleep as his own hardening co*ck seemed to pulse against his abdomen. Youko reached between their bodies to stroke it, and it only took two pumps of his fist before the younger went rigid and soughed into his neck.

“Shh, shh,” Youko soothed, rubbing his back as he came, and he could feel the trickle of his warm cum on his stomach, “You’re so good. Just stay still for me for just another moment, love—Nnn!”

Shuichi’s walls had suddenly clamped around him, and he moaned into the younger’s hair as he came into him again; filling his sleeping form with his seed until dribbled out around his co*ck and into the water. Now having them both breathing heavily, Shuichi’s eyes fluttering opened and closed as he floated in and out of consciousness. Youko grasped his large hand behind the younger's head as he kissed his flushed face and murmured to him with profound endearment.

“So beautiful,” he crooned, kissing his fluttering eyes, “You’re so beautiful.”

Once they regained their breathes, Youko tsked at himself for making another mess. Mildly annoyed, he popped the stopper from the drain with his foot and grabbed the handheld showerhead to rinse them off again. He ran the sprinkling water over his lover's hair, red strands sticking to his neck and down the lines of his back as it was wetted again, and before running it over his skin then reaching down to try and clean off the crease between his buttocks. It was a little difficult, trying to keep the younger asleep as he continuously had to adjust and move him around to make sure he was free of any filth, and a few times the young male actually woke up to blearily look at him. He would hush him back to sleep, kissing the space between his brows so his eyes would flutter back closed, and hum to him until he could hear the softness of his snoring again. Once he was finished, he carefully grabbed a towel from the rack next to them and ran it over his long tresses to dry his hair. Keeping him in his arms, he’d gather up the red locks in the white, fluffy pile and scrunched it up to soak up any excess water. He talked to him while he did so, even though he wasn't actually hearing him. He reminisced on stories of when they were younger, telling him how’d he go on and do so well in school, lightly reprimanding him when he saw the slight breakage in his hair that he would need to take better care of himself…

“Ugh, Shuich,” he quietly said to the sleeping form, doing the favor of removing some of his split-ends, “You have to treat yourself better… Why are you so stubborn, hm?”

Of course, the boy didn't answer him; fully relaxed by his tender and warming touches, he was now in a deep slumber as he mutedly snored into his chest. His delicate ribs expanded with each breath, and the fox lifted him gently by the chin so he could lay a peck on his lips in response. He’d wondered if the young man would keep his long hair… He hoped he would. It would always suit him so well… Encasing his beautiful, round face in its rosy hue. It would always have many find his allure. Like he did…

He’d grabbed up another, longer towel from the stand and wrapped the boy’s body into it. Taking a deep breath, he hugged him to his build again as he cautiously got out of the tub. He brought him to lay over on the couch while he started the fire. He kept the wood burning to keep him warm as he checked the door for the linens and walked quickly back to the bathroom to grab the salve. He put the linens in the bedroom for later and came back to sink down onto the floor next to the couch.

Shuichi had turned on his side, arm hanging off the edge as he had his hand under his head. He gently coaxed him back onto his back so he could apply the salve to his wounds. Dabbing a finger into the sticky substance, he slathered it over each scratch and bruise and mar he could find. Starting with the marks on his face all the way to the cuts on his toes. When he had gotten to the claim mark on his neck, he stalled for a moment. Seeing his bite engraved there, it reminded him that now they were never going to truly be free of each other…

He'd become angry with himself… Why had he done this? How could he put them through all of this mess only for this to be the outcome? What good would the constant reminder of their separation do either of them? Always wanting, always searching, always hurting… That would be their lives now. Completely opposite of what he had wanted for the younger. But Shuichi had practically begged him for the mark, and he couldn’t say no…

And in that moment, he became hostile with himself. Putting down the small container, he turned to stare into the fire as damned himself a million times over for not having the resolve to deny the young man of anything that he asked for. He should’ve just left. Before they went to that damn dinner. Before he became belligerent with him in the car. Before they ever came back here and started screaming and hitting and abusing each other. Before they even came to this damn city—he should've just left.

A letter or a small exchange of words would’ve been enough.

Saying goodbye to Shuichi in his sleep while he laid in his own bed at home would’ve sufficed.

He could’ve at least made it easier for himself to just walk away…

But he didn't do that, and now here they were. In no better position than what they had started in. Shuichi would still mourn, and he would still grieve over him, and they’d both still be torn into pieces.

What the f*ck had been the point to all of this????

Youko couldn’t answer that to himself. Not then when he sat stewing in front of the fire. Not now while he was brooding alone in his chair sitting inside the little coffee shop and staring out the window. And not before all of this, when he sat across from Shuichi at the restaurant; thumping his finger on the table as he stared at him while the young man laughed, leaning forward and opening his mouth to utter those accursed words…

All he knew was at that point in time, all he could’ve done was get up from the floor, go to the other room to rip off the soiled sheets and apply the new ones, pick Shuichi up into his arms for the last and final time, and place him into the freshly made bed... Alone.

He left him naked. In fact, he curled back into bed with him for another hour so he could at least just hold him one last time. Laying with him skin to skin, while he just wished that they'd never even had made it this far. After minute ticked by after minute on the clock, each one seeming like an eternity and yet was gone so quickly that his heart became heavier and heavier with trepidation at each tock… it was finally time for his departure. He slowly got up… Pulled on his clothes and packed his small collection of things; making sure he had everything he'd absolutely needed so he didn’t have an excuse to return. He called down to the lobby to give them instructions for their—separate—leaves and put a credit card in the safe. He’d returned back to the room; putting a small gift for the younger onto the nightstand, he’d turned back to him for one final time. He’d ran his hand along the line of his body—mentally ingraining the image of his nude, sleeping form trembling while it laid on the cold bed in the subtle blue glow of the early morning hour—before leaning down to cover him in the sheet and rested his lips on his ear as he held his shaking side.

“I’m sorry,” he had said, voice pained, “I love you, I promise you I do… Please, forgive me.”

With that, he gave a final squeeze to his hip and a kiss of apology to his icy cheek before straightening up again and throwing his room key onto the dresser. He had just turned right around, no glancing back. Checking his watch for the time, he’d aligned his clothes and grabbed his bag. He left his ex-kindred sleeping blissfully on the bed, unaware of his leaving. Walking right out of the room without ever hesitating—he ignored the sigh that left Shuichi’s lips. He made his way out of the suite, grabbed up the newspaper the staff had left for them at the door, and walked through the exit while he tucked it under his arm; clicking the door closed as he heard Shuichi beginning to stir in the other room.

The walk down the darkened hall had been like a dream. Knowing it was happening in reality, but the movements just passed by like a blur. He kept his mind on the exit as he tried to create as much space between them as quickly as possible. Pushing the button for the elevator, his sharp ears ignored the call for his name; planning on what he'd be doing to idle his time instead…

And now he was here. Waiting for this blasted deity to show up so he could finally leave this city along with all of Ningenkai and go back to his rightful home in the Makai. Where he belonged.

He checked the time on his watch again and realized another 15 minutes had passed by. He rubbed his hands over his face in exasperation, and this time he forcefully pushed all further thoughts of the young one from his mind. Picking up the paper again, he read the article about French politics as an older man outside walked passed him by the window; staring at his long, silver hair and sharp face as he dispassionately read his publication.

“Encore un peu de café?”

Youko looked up to the passing waitress who held up a pot of coffee, standing by the side of his table.

“Oui,” he said, pushing the cup closer to her.

She nodded and poured some more for him before shuffling off to another part of the store. He grabbed up the newly filled cup and took a sip of the fresh brew. He heard the ringing of the shop door and looked up.

“Well, I certainly thought you may just never show,” he said idly to the man that walked up to his table as he turned his attention back to his paper.

The chair across from him screeched as it was dragged across the floor, and the other person slumped into it.

“As if you should ever be so lucky,” the newcomer stated as he took off his gloves, “No, I regret to inform you I merely only had a brief council I had to attend before coming here that ran a little late. Not that you care, I'm sure.”

Youko snapped his gold eyes back to the other guest, a ghost of a sneer twitching on his face. He watched as the other man unwrapped himself from his heavy outerwear, not responding to his snide comment for a moment. The young-looking brunette unraveled the scarf from around his neck and tossed it to the side with his gloves.

“No, I really don't,” he finally said, “You had me waiting here for almost an hour.”

“Is that all?” the other male asked uncaringly, “Oh, that's very well then. I had been afraid it might’ve been longer. Time runs so much slower in the Spirit World, it seems…”

“Koenma,” the fox snapped, causing the other male to look up at him, “Shuichi is very likely awake… And may have been for quite some time already. I thought we agreed to make this process quick so I could leave. He may as well just find me down here if—”

“So, what if he does?” the Spirit Prince quickly countered, raising his eyebrow at him, “What should it matter if he sees you here after the fact? The deed has already been done; I assume. Would you so easily go back on your word if he came down to this café and supplicated for you to stay?”

Youko sat back in his chair, jaw visibly flexing as he gritted his teeth. He looked away from him as he stared out the window again to look along the sidewalk, thinking. He didn't say anything as he tapped his middle finger on the wooden table in agitation. He grabbed up his coffee to take another sip, avoiding the question.

“What have you brought me?” he asked instead, changing the subject.

The prince smirked at him as a response; self-possessed gaze seeming all-knowing. The fox abstained from the want to reach over the table and wring his hands around that graceful, privileged neck.

“Why are we in such a hurry? I see no need to be done so quickly. It’s not often I get to enjoy the small pleasures of the Human World—Like a fine cup of coffee in a little French café. Isn’t it so quaint? Why don’t we sit and stay awhile?” the other male lackadaisically said, settling himself in his seat as he raised his hand to call the waitress.

Youko growled in annoyance, pinning him under his stern stare.

“I want to leave,” he bit out, tone sharp and in a warning.

“Trust me, you’ll have plenty of time in the Makai once this is all over with. Be thankful you've been given even that much leniency,” Koenma said offhandedly as he leaned forward to call the waitress again, “Excusez-moi! Puis-je avoir du café?”

The fox demon slammed his hand on the table—forcing the Spirit Prince to give him his attention as well as some other patrons sitting nearby. They stared at the two males who regarded each with obviously heated stares.

“You are lucky that I don't have the same penchant for bloodthirst as I did prior to my merger,” Youko seethed in a barely distinguishable whisper as his words came out in a hiss. He watched as the other man levied him with a stony gaze, continuing, “Or else you and your patronage would have been long dead by now. I am growing tired of your condescension. Give me the damn injunctions so I can leave you and this entire miserable memory behind.”

The brunette sat back in his chair and crossed his leg over the other, biting the corner of his lip. They stayed silent for a moment, watching each other. Youko’s gold eyes were acute and intense, almost flickering back and forth from round pupils to slit ones as he was losing his focus on controlling his energy. Koenma merely stared back at him with an air of mild irritation and yet studios consideration as he studied the fox. Neither one spoke for some time. At least until the waitress came up to set a new mug on the table, breaking the silence.

Koenma thanked her and gave her a gracious smile as she poured him a cup of coffee. She asked if he needed anything else, and he requested for a croissant. She tipped her head at him, and Youko settled back in his chair as she walked away; never letting his eyes leave the other.

The deity still didn’t speak to him for awhile as he shook the sugar packet in his hand and poured some cream into his cup. Knowing the youkai was waiting for a response, he poured the packet into his coffee and stirred the beverage very loudly; letting the small, silver spoon clink up against the sides. Youko nearly physically winced with each clunk against the porcelain edges as it aggravated his keen sense of hearing, and his glare on the other man only intensified.

Koenma didn’t reply until he took a sip of his coffee, loudly slurping.

“I am not one for retaliation or punishments,” he finally said, looking back up to him, “But I don't think it is wise to be making such ‘subtle’ threats in your position. The fact of the matter is, you are not the same demon as you were before, and you don't have the strength right now to do much of anything. Isn’t a threat to the Magistrates’ wellbeing what got you into this predicament in the first place?”

If the fox's ears were still visible, he would’ve seen them flatten back against his head in affront to that statement. As it were, the only thing that was intelligible was the subtle tick to his brow. Youko put his hand on his leg, leaning forward.

“You think I'm not a threat?” the youkai asked, tone intent.

“I think that your energy is still waning, and it is only a matter of time until it is not anymore,” the prince said evenly, “Hence, this entire ordeal. The Spirit World wants to ensure there is not another repeat of your excursions before the merger. We weren't aware of your whereabouts then, but we are now.”

Youko’s eyes narrowed.

“I wouldn't do that,” he countered, “That would be counterproductive. I wouldn’t do anything that threatened Shuichi or our family's wellbeing.”

“Which leads us to the second reason for this meeting,” Koenma stated, taking out something from his jacket, “We all want to ensure that his best interest is at heart—”

“That’s bullsh*t!!!” the fox demon snapped, garnering the attention of the other patrons again.

Koenma merely waived at them as they blinked in their direction; looking at the tall, distinguished man who was glaring at him with the vehemence of a thousand scorned women. He only laughed a little as he turned his honey-brown eyes back to his angered coffee companion and silently motioned at him to take notice of the other people around them.

Youko’s nose flared a bit before he coolly put back on his stony exterior and settled back in his chair, arms crossed. With the disguised demon now subdued, the prince stirred his coffee again and took another sip.

“Do we really have to be so hostile with one another?” he asked, looking at him pointedly, “This antagonism will really do nothing. We should make a point to be cordial, at least.”

“If you wanted what was best for him, you wouldn’t have put him through the separation in the first place,” the fox rebuked almost blandly.

“We both know that wasn't an option,” Koenma countered, smiling as the waitress came back with his plate of bread and thanked her as she departed.

“There were so many other alternatives,” Youko stated, “It’s your fault why he's suffering right now. You made the whole process more gruesome than it had to be.”

“No,” the deity quickly corrected around a mouthful. The fox raised an eyebrow at him, daring for him to contend with something different. Putting up a finger as he swallowed, he continued, “That is your fault. If he is suffering, it is—ultimately—because of what you have done. And no, there really wasn't. You know why that is, Youko. Let's not pretend. You are not ignorant of the reasons behind the decisions that were made. All of this…All of this debacle and strenuous circ*mstances is because of your decisions. Not mine. Nor my father's.”

The kitsune’s jaw set into place. Koenma gave him a meaningful stare to drive the point home. While the prince tore off a piece of his bakery item, the fox let his eyes slide back over to the window. His mind wandered as he reflected… Being reminded of the hours he spent previous. He thought of the young man sleeping upstairs; alone and nude and cold…

He felt the animosity for himself swell within his gut yet again. It was scorching and vile. Tearing at him from the inside. Absolutely demolishing his ancient self-esteem.

Shuichi had told him he was everything…

But right now, he felt like nothing.

He swallowed the bile of affliction in his throat. Turning his eyes back towards the deity, he realized he couldn’t seem less bothered—stuffing another piece of bread into his mouth as he waived his hand at young boy that had passed by the window who was waiving to him, smiling—so he resolved himself to bury down whatever ill and self-demoralizing feelings he might be carrying to be dealt with later when he was alone.

And he knew that he had much time to be alone.

“Anyway,” the prince spoke up, dusting the crumbs off his fingers by rubbing them over the plate as he took another sip of his coffee, “Not to sound crude, but I daresay it doesn't really matter much anymore. Whatever happened has happened. Even I can't change that. So, the only thing left to do, dear friend, is to move forward…”

Youko regarded him blandly, not responding to the false term of endearment. It didn't concern the Prince any. Reaching back into his jacket, he brought the object he had intended to take out earlier before he’d been so abruptly interrupted by the fox's outburst. He sighed as he set it on the table.

A manila folder.

The fox had to laugh. Was the Reikai really so lazy that they used something as simple as manila folder to transport their most important documents? Snorting, he looked at it with disdain. Like such bland things were beneath him.

“…and in moving forward,” the deity started up again, licking his teeth, “I present to you—new beginnings. A contract to your new life.”

The brunette motioned his hand towards the folder. Youko peered at it cautiously with his brow creased.

He didn't move to pick it up, but instead, continued to stare at its place on the table.

“A contract?” the fox asked inquisitively, “What type of contract?”

“One that ensures our agreement is held up to the fullest degree,” the prince answered.

Koenma looked at him purposefully. Youko flitted his eyes back and forth from the prince to the folder once or twice before reaching his long hand over the table to pick it up. He slowly brought it to him before opening it up and looking over the one, lone paper inside. He took the sheet out to look over it. It was headed by the sigil of King Enma and Co. in glittering silver scrawl up on top. At the bottom was already Koenma’s signature; leaving a space for him to also sign.

“By the way, speaking of memories, did you complete your task?” the deity asked, bringing his attention away for a moment.

Looking back up to him, Youko staid quiet... Remembering the deal he had made—

Youko sat with Shuichi in the tub for a moment. Enjoying his presence for a bit longer as they staid within the warm, cozy water. He was appreciating the human's beauty and the very signs that marked he was alive. The way his back rose and fell with each breath. The way his eyes rolled behind his lids. How his fingers twitched against his sternum. How his exhales came out in little, puffed sighs… He wondered if the boy would ever let anyone watch him sleep again.

He selfishly, secretly hoped he didn't.

This thought brought him back to the present. He looked over to the container of salve he had left on the sink. Next to it was a small bag. In the bag contained a seed…

He tried to make sure that Shuichi never found it throughout their entire stay, a task that was much harder than anticipated as he started literally tearing apart his things, because the very moment he looked at it… He would've known exactly what it was for.

The fox stretched his long arm out from the water to grab it. He took the seed from the pouch and observed it in his hand.

The Flower of Forgetfulness.

He supposed now would be a good of time as any… If he was going to administer the pollen, it would be best to do it while the young man was asleep. If not, he’d be fighting him tooth and nail; giving them a round two of their earlier collision. He planned on letting him breathe in the pollen as he slept and erase all memories of the youko from his mind… Forgetting that he'd ever even existed. It was easier to erase one’s thoughts while they were sleeping. With their conscious already in dreamland, waking up to an altered recollection would be like emerging from a strange fantasy. Letting the brain do the work while the vessel remained in a state of stupor so they didn't have to go through the pain of having their thoughts brutishly taken from them.

It was a stipulation presented by the Spirit World. Instead of having all of the younger's memories erased, like they had proposed to do when they presented him with the original ultimatum, he offered to only erase himself. He was the cause of all the young one’s suffering after all. And this alternative would appease the Magistrate’s wishes in keeping the Demon from the Human World separate, but still give Shuichi his own agency to continue to live his life as he’d planned.

So, he readied himself to erase everything that they’d ever shared: Their merger, their spiritual connection, their romance, their deep attachment for one another…

The fox looked from the seed back to him. Wondering if a deep of bond that they carried could really ever be erased. Looking at the mark on his neck, he thought about the pain he'd still feel due to their prolonged separation. The emptiness he might recollect as a result of having their spirits severed. Whenever he would water the plants or touch a pot of soil, he would still feel his residual energy crawling up to his fingers. The fox wondered what it would be like for him to feel these things, but not recollect the purpose… He supposed it would be just like an intense sense of déjà vu. Knowing that these things must have happened before and understanding that there should have been a reason… but yet realizing that he just didn't know why.

Youko didn’t want that for him. That was no way to live. But he also didn't want for him to be at the mercy of the Reikai. Besides, forgetting him wouldn't be so terrible. It may at least give his new life a little hope… Not having to dwell on their sundering or the fact that he was ever even associated with him at all.

In that moment, Youko found himself wanting to ask Shuichi what he would do… Sure, Youko was wise thanks to all of the years he had lived and the literature he had studied, but Shuichi was actually the more practical of the two. He was able to think about things rationally and with an empathetic mind. Always thinking about the best possible alternative for all involved while still making sure it didn't come with a price to his own freedom. Yes, he may have been telling the truth earlier in their discourse... He often did things out of necessity for himself—much as Youko often did—but he never did anything at the expense of another person if it wasn't completely necessary. That was the difference between them. Youko was selfish, and his egotism led many to their demise. Taking what he wanted from them and keeping them around only long enough until it no longer served his purpose. There was only a very few who that principle had not belonged to… And every time he did it, he had been scorned. Making him bitter and resentful of close attachments so he blocked them all off completely.

But Shuichi—he never let himself be encumbered by ill will. Yes, he felt anger. Yes, he felt betrayal and resentment. Yes, he even felt vast arrays of sadness and despondency. Tonight had definitely proved that fact. But the difference was that he didn't let these feeling ultimately pave the way for his path in life. He’d dealt with them one on one, head on, to get a better understanding of how they worked and ultimately used this knowledge to get over them. Youko had always thought he'd been devoid of all emotion. That’s why it was so easy for him to do what he did. But now he realized he’d just never allowed for himself to process all of the things that he’d felt. He’d just covered them up then pushed them away and said they'd never existed to an extensive degree. He didn't need these things. These thoughts, these feelings. If they didn't take him closer to his goal, than they were useless. He’d let himself feel love, and he'd been rewarded with a dead partner. He’d let himself feel trust and forgiveness, and he’d been honored with a backstabber. He’d tried to find a place where he belonged, and he was repelled away time and time again when people called him a nightmare. A treacher. A no-good thief and a cold-blooded killer. He was a poison. Toxic and lethal because he killed everything that came in his path.

He was no good, he heard them say. Having him involved was a sure path to death and destruction.

And it was true. He was an evil person. A psychopath. A murderer and a criminal and a unsympathetic sinner.

He was the Devil. Anyone who’d read the definition of this word applied it to his nightmare-fueled occupancy.

Look into his eyes and you would see the Inferno of Hate that broiled there.

Listen to him speak and you would hear the hiss of a snake’s tongue spewing lies and deceit.

Feel his claws upon your hand and you would feel the chill of Death upon your neck as he ripped away your chastity and took your every vitality from you. Stealing abroad all the good and bright things that the Gods had ever given you.

Taste your own blood—Smell your own fear—Sense your own inhibitions when his face appears.

He had the horns of the Goat in one hand, and the wings of the Bat in the other. Both had suffered for the love of his expense.

He was Hell incarnate.

And that was what he wanted…

Because that was what gave him power and control and respect and fear.

He would have the masses bow before him. Giving unto him their subjugation. Giving him the control of Life’s Sacred Laws—and then seizing it away from them as they came to be under his grim cloak of Shoel. Amassing into his body count. Let them scream. Let them run. Let them hide and cower. Let them SUFFER.

Because he had suffered… Because he saw no good in this world that wasn't immediately torn away, so that must've meant there was none, right? No, the only thing you had was fear and power. The ones with fear cowered at the feet of the ones with power. The ones with power controlled over the ones with fear.

And Youko had never felt the pang of fright in his life.

So, the little maggots. The ones who inched and wormed their ways across the filthy, gore-covered dirt at his heels as they swallowed the flesh of their own young to appease his bloodthirsty whims while they let the words spew like vomit from their tongues to beg for their pitiful lives.

Look up to the sky to give your thanks to your Creator.

And then look back down to the vision of your Destroyer as he stands before you, all in white, knowing then that you had lived just to die.

Recognize the face of Youko Kurama, they had said, for He will be the last thing you see before your vision fades to black.

The show has ended. The wheels have stopped turning. You live no more… He’d wished goodnight to the sweet children of the Earth. Let them sleep in their eternal rest… Because every year in which he’d lived—He'd killed hundreds more.

And it was quite a damn shame they let him continue breathing. Because he would make sure that every step he took, they would regret the day he was born.

He had no pity. There was not a humane bone in his wretched, detested body.

Until Shuichi…

Until Shuichi, he'd thought that he'd had no other purpose. Before him, there was no greater goal than ultimate control. Before him, he thought he was nothing more than a bag of flesh and bones filled with silent animosity and understated hate. Loathing every single thing that lived on this Earth so he turned the flora deadly to kill all the fauna and the balance within it.

But Shuichi… He showed him more. He spoke away his ugly words of hate and replaced them with thoughts of peace. He gave him a greater purpose than fear and destruction. He’d ascribed to him a man worth saving. He’d whispered into his ear ideas of love and fulfillment. Trading his ideals of death for the little miracles of life… Death was power. But life was beauty...

HIS life was beautiful. From his hands all the way down to his feet. He saw the marvel of light in his person. Like a mother looking at the child she birthed from her own womb, he was in awe of the very nature of his existence… He’d touch his physical appearance and couldn't comprehend that such a thing had ever even existed alongside him. To him, he looked like a sculpture of magnificence. He couldn’t believe that he actually lived and breathed. How could such a flawless depiction of his ideals be so animate? And Shuichi deserved every minute of it, being what he was…

Youko looked at the seed again… recounting what the human had said earlier in the night.

That he'd never been able to make his own decisions. That he’d never had control over his own life. That ever since their separation, he’d been constantly told what was best despite his own convictions. Never given his own voice that screamed to be listened to.

Youko looked over to the adjacent wall as he felt the seed within his hands, rubbing it between his fingers...

Surely, erasing his memories of him would save them both a great deal of trouble, though. Youko didn’t really need the wrath of the Reikai on him… Not if he wasn't going to be sticking around anyway… What would be the point?

Looking back over to the sleeping face of his companion, he saw his soft features so tranquil and reposed. Resting on top of him, he seemed to be the most comfortable he'd ever been. So trustful.

Youko didn't deserve that trust. Shuichi should’ve known better…

His wet hand dripped onto the floor as it hung over the tub… Feeling the seed rumble in his fingers as it was waiting to grow. It pressed its tiny sprouts against its outer shell, calling to his energy.

Shuichi exhaled into his breast, unconsciously kissing his skin. He muttered to him in his sleep… causing the fox to breathe out heavily.

Gold eyes looking intently along his face, Youko’s ki spiked a bit as he flexed his hand. The seed called to him, ready to flourish. He fed his energy into his light grasp as he resolved himself to do what had to be done.

To do what he knew was ultimately best for Shuichi…

He crushed the seed in between his fingers…. Turning it into dust. He let the remnants of it fall over the floor as he brought his hand back around, pulling the younger closer to him. He kissed him on the top of his head as he hugged him tightly.

No, Shuichi shouldn't have trusted him, knowing what he was—But this was the one promise he would not break… A stave to his despicableness.

Youko had once read an old segment of literature with a great piece of advice. Going through a vast collection of antiquated scrolls and worn-out leather-bound books within his deeply excavated dens filled with dust, he had come across the ideals of the “Three Lies.” The author believed that a lie, by itself, was not always meant to be deceitful. If the speaker was meaning to have ill intentions, then they would often interweave the lies with the truth. Most often, they would say one lie and then a truth; to make their falsification seem more believable. Sometimes, if they really wanted to cement their distorted narrative into the receiver’s mind, they would say two lies then a truth. To build a path for their story to take up residence into reality.

But if the narrator told three lies together… Then it was the author’s critical assumption that the one who was telling the lies truly believed that the intent behind them was worth protecting so much, that they’d tried to cement this narrative into their own minds to make it more believable to even themselves. That the real truth was a true, honorable path, but because of some extenuating circ*mstance the liar felt that they needed to preserve it from the outside influence in which the lies were meant to deceive and lead astray lest it be corrupted by whatever ill intentions they were perceived to have on the integrity of the honesty.

It was the author’s belief that the narrator of the Three Lies should consider the truth in which they were protecting… That this might lead them to the real path they were supposed to take. Despite whatever bias might be held for its shrewdness.

It was based around the philosophy of a “Noble Lie.”

A lie was noble if its intentions and outcome were good. However, three Noble Lies, the author had surmised, was an indication that the liar was missing an opportunity. That the real deceit…

Was hiding themselves away from the truth.

Youko looked back over the table as Koenma cleared his throat. His gold eyes were keen as he seemed to be waiting expectantly.

“Youko…” the prince started, his voice on the cusp of being almost reprimanding, “Tell me you've done what was asked of you. I need to know you held up your part of the bargain…”

“Yes,” he answered, looking back over the paper, “The deed has been done. You don't have to worry.”

Number One.

Koenma sat back, a little bit relieved. He looked the youkai over for any indication of his true feelings regarding the matter, but the fox gave him none. Keeping his face passive as he began to read the terms of his new situation. The deity went back to drinking his coffee and picking at his food.

“Good. It’s a better situation this way. Being that he'll be able to move on properly. No need to have him worrying about you when it wouldn’t do much good for him anyway,” the prince said idly.

The statement was true, but it didn't stop the fox from sucking in the corner of his inner cheek as he gave the demi-god a leveled stare. The deity didn't notice, so he went back to reading his contract; the hand on his thigh gripping into his pants.

After the demon didn't say anything for awhile, the other male took the liberty of keeping up the conversation for him; putting his lips over the mug.

“So, how long does it usually take to take affect?” he asked, taking another sip.

He looked up to the youkai whom was keeping his own eyes on the paper. He seemed to be continuing to read for a moment before answering him, and his thick brows creased as he looked at something written in the scrawls. Shaking his head and putting it down for a moment, his gold eyes slid back up to him.

“A few hours to a day,” he’d answered, sitting up, “Long enough to make sure he can make it home clear in thought. In his case, with how deep and far back the memories run, it will likely err on the longer side.”

Number two.

The deity tipped his head in understanding. He sat his cup down with a clink. He motioned his eyes down to the paper that laid on the table.

“Something seems to be the matter,” he stated, not questioned, as he observed the youkai's obvious distaste for the piece of parchment.

The fox demon picked the paper back up by the side of its thin edge between his two long fingers and flung it across the table at the junior numen. It only fluttered a few inches, landing closer to his side of the table, but Koenma looked back up at the demon, obviously unamused.

“What the hell is this?” Youko countered, voice tight with agitation again as his stare became steely.

Koenma looked down at the piece of paper without touching it, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly.

“It’s your contract,” he said matter-of-factly.

Youko crossed his arms and bent one long leg over the other as he sat back; pinning a cold stare on the deity.

“A contract?” he visibly scoffed, he said his next words with spite, “Or a commandment?”

“Both,” the deity answered honestly, honey eyes brightened by the increasing luminosity outside as the sun continued to rise in the air while he looked at him.

“Right now, it's a contract,” he continued to explain, motioning down to the piece of paper, “Since you haven't signed it yet. But once you do, then yes… It will be very much like a commandment. Bound to it by the welfare of your soul.”

“You want me to sign a bond?” The demon retorted with irritation, “A soul bond? By putting my own life energy on the line?”

“It’s only fair,” the deity responded. His tone was a little exasperated, but otherwise he seemed not to be disturbed by the youkai's growing temper, “You were meant to be dead, Youko. By allowing you to continue to live your life, even after the split of your merger, we are risking the tip of the balance of the pneuma. That's wreaked havoc on other realities before. We are being more than generous, and—quite frankly—taking a risk for an entity who has only sought to destroy our entire infrastructure in the past. We don't owe you anything. But seeing as your life force is tied in with Shuichi’s, it wouldn't be fair to take you back to the nether realm just yet.”

The fox shifted his eyes again, looking along the wall behind him. If only the deity even knew half of the implications of what he just said, given their officially binding souls last night, then maybe he'd be singing a different tune.

But as it were, he couldn't tell the prince a damn thing; lest he find out about their breach of trust.

“So, what? You expect me to sign my whole life away?” the fox angrily retorted.

“I think that you'll find that the terms are more than generous,” Koenma stated, folding his hands in his lap as if this were merely a business transaction, “As you have found in the text, we are allowing you to spend the rest of your natural life in the Makai. You are permitted to stay as long as you wish with no restrictions. And given how your species is known for their rather long lifespans, that time could be nearly limitless.”

Youko sneered at the deity, his sharp nose crumpled on one side, “In exchange for?”

Koenma shrugged one shoulder again, nodding his head a bit as he looked down at the table and then back up to the youkai.

“We were actually fairly lenient, I think,” he stated casually, “There are only two stipulations.”

Youko remained silent as he stared down the other man across the table from him. His demeanor gave an impression that he wholly disagreed with that sentiment, but he didn't say a word in refute; just let his foot lightly shake as he waited for the other man to continue.

Koenma obliged, taking another sip of his coffee before going on, “The first is really fairly simple: You agree to never step foot in the Human World again—in any form.”

The fox didn't react to that. Didn't even twitch or nod in any form of an answer. Just continued to keep his eyes on the young deity, waiting.

“The second,” Koenma went on, realizing the demon was not going to respond, “is correlated with the first, but we just wanted to make it especially clear… You agree to never see or reach out to Shuichi again. Ever. Whether directly—or indirectly… And you know who I mean. His welfare is no longer your concern. We’ll take it over from here. You agree to back off. Indefinitely.”

The two shared intense eye contact for a moment. If this were Greek mythology, and Youko was Medusa, Koenma would've turned to stone right then and there. The youkai breathed out death like he breathed in air, and right then anyone might believe that he could kill with just a simple glance of his iron-willed eyes. If any of the by-standing patrons were sensitive enough, they could feel the air around their table prickle with the youkai’s increasing energy; electrified with a quality of subtle danger. Koenma didn't back down, though; cementing the sincerity of his words with the soberness to his gaze.

“You knew this was coming, Youko,” he finally said, speaking carefully but precisely, “We need to ensure that you keep to your word… Which includes closing off all chances of you possibly changing your mind later on down the line. If you want your freedom, you need to commit to this decision.”

The youkai's chest swelled with his inhale, trying to suppress his furious reaction; not wanting to give the deity anymore insight into the vulnerability of his true impressions.

“So… You want me to sign this oath by using my spirit energy?” the fox concluded with a slight tick of his regal brow, “Using my own soul as leverage?”

Koenma smiled a bit, but the expression was not as patronizing nor lordly as it might seem. He gazed at him with an undertone of sympathy.

“I’m sorry, but we need to take whatever measures necessary,” he responded, “I know that is not ideal for you, but in return— you get unlimited freedom in the Makai. You can go on, continue your life as if this all never happened. Run amok within the limits of the Demon World to your heart’s content. Much like all the other demon's of your caliber already do. I know there may be a few eagerly awaiting your return… It is a small price to pay for your reinstatement, if we're going to be frank.”

Youko looked away from him, taking in the scenery of the human city around them; knowing that this would be the last time. He saw the people walking past them on the outside of the café, silently saying goodbye to the realm he once called home. Leaving the Ningenkai was easy enough, he surmised. There was enough in the Makai to keep him busy. He would dearly miss his human family and the life he had built here, but…

“This is better for him,” the deity said, pushing the piece of paper back over to his side of the table, “This will give you both peace. He deserves to mend after all of this…”

The fox slid his gold eyes back down to the contract, thinking of the outcome this would have for the younger side of himself. He could imagine him going back home… To their—his family. He’d continue on with school. Get himself a respectable job. Maybe even settle down in a nice, quiet companionship after the initial pain of their separation had settled. It would be loveless—sure—but at least he would have company; even if they never partook in any sort of intimacy. The mark of a demon was like that… Turning off the receiver’s want to copulate unless they were in the company of their mated.

He would go on to care for their mother and maintain his relationship with the former Urameshi team. He would have plenty of people to help him mend and keep him company…

He could truly live a stable and fulfilling life… That's all the youkai ever wanted for him. He just wanted him to be happy… To be safe. To live his life without his toxicity haunting him and putting him into some kind of constant peril…

Something caught his attention on the other side of the window. A couple stood across the street from them. They seemed to take a brief pause in their daily commute to spend a moment in each other's company. Holding each other in the cold with their faces rosy and luminous with the way they smiled at one another… Talking of something sweet and sentimental between them. The one held up a pastry wrapped in some type of newspaper for the other to partake. The second took a bite of the offering and laughed when a bit of cream stuck to their nose. The first wiped it off with their thumb, chuckling at them adoringly. They stayed as if there wasn't a care in the world… Like nothing existed outside of themselves…

His mind fluttered back to the image of the man layin within the sheets… He couldn't help himself. He had also wanted that for them, he remembered. If he was being truthful, the fox wanted his cake and wanted to eat it too. He just wanted them both to be happy… Together. Why was that so much to ask?

Would Shuichi every truly find fulfillment without his presence?

Did he even truly want him to?

“Why is this so important to him?” Youko asked after some time. His appearance seemed to have settled some… Ultimately coming down from his hostility and there seemed to only be sullen resolution in its place.

Koenma breathed in deeply for a moment, putting his hand back on his leg as he settled back into his seat.

“Because he believes it is the natural order of things,” the prince answered. He responded as if he was answering for the thought of someone else, not putting himself into that statement, “He believes it is what is necessary to keep the balance of our worlds existing in peace.”

The youkai visibly scoffed, but said nothing; keeping his hands in his lap as his sharp face looked back out the window. The deity knew he was stalling, but checking the time on his wristwatch, he knew they couldn’t continue to postpone the unavoidable much longer. With the tips of his fingers, he gently pushed the paper closer to him. Garnering the fox's attention again.

“I know this is not what you want,” he spoke again softly, this time he looked at the youkai with a sense of understanding, “No one wanted it to end this way, believe me, but… This is, sincerely, what is best for him in the end. He needs this, Youko. He needs to be able to move on… as you do. Let him heal. Allow yourselves to find your sense of individualism again. Do what is best for him... Let him go.”

Youko’s mouth hung open slightly as if to retort, but instead he sighed into the air; without words. He stared at the ripples in his coffee, looking for the answers in the flecks of light wavering at the top. Wondering if he was ever even as strong as he’d once thought he was, finding himself in a state of stasis again.

“He’s still alone upstairs?” the fox asked.

Koenma nodded his head, “Yes. Asleep, no doubt.”

“And if he needs help getting home?” he queried, never removing his eyes from the table, “The conscious can often go into a disoriented state when distraught. If he got lost…? He should really be in assistance—”

“We’ll ensure he makes it home safely,” the deity countered, “Right now, before anything else takes place, I need you to sign this document. I need your official agreement. We can't continue even an inch forward until this is done.”

Koenma seemed as if he was growing a bit impatient, tapping his index finger on his knee as he was looking back and forth from the paper to him as he waited. When the fox did nothing else for a couple more seconds, he sighed.

“What did you tell him when you left? Was he awake at all? I can understand why you’d be so tentative if you never got the chance to properly give your peace…” the prince went on, somehow understanding that pushing the youkai to act wasn't going to give him the intended results; instead, giving him time to air out his grievance.

The fox demon looked up at him then, being given a direct question. His metallic eyes wavered for a moment. Almost as if they looked at the space directly behind his shoulder, but the action was so quick, the deity couldn't really decipher it.

He straightened his back, opening his mouth to say something but slowly shut it again. Koenma actually wondered if he needed to ask the question again, thinking that there was really some possibility that the shrewd youkai hadn't heard him. But there were words on the tip of his tongue, the prince could tell…. So, he waited.

“I said goodbye,” the fox ultimately stated, voice solid despite his previous appearance.

Number three.

There was a change to his demeanor, the junior deity could immediately discern this to be true. Where he’d held a manner of unexpressed hesitation before, now he seemed almost mentally decided on whatever he had been internally battling with. He sat straight, shoulders relaxed, as he stared at the Spirit World leader; not saying another word as he kept his hands on the table.

“Well,” the deity started, nodding his head once as fiddled with his wristwatch again, “That's very well. I'm glad you were able to bring it to a conclusion.”

“Hmmm,” the demon said noncommittally, neither confirming nor denying this statement.

The prince cleared his throat, motioning his eyes back down towards the parchment as he grabbed his scarf and gloves.

“Now then,” he began, “I don't want to rush, but I do have to get back to the Reikai. I know it's been a hard-won battle, Youko, but these things do have to come to an end eventually… And despite what you might think, I am here if you ever need anything. The same with Urameshi and the rest of the gang. If you wouldn't mind giving me your signature so we can go, I'll have someone escort you back to the Makai.”

The demon didn't answer him as he finally picked up the paper lying on the table. Koenma gave a relieved sigh, not sure how much longer he was able to actually have this spar of mental gymnastics with the youkai. There was a small pause before anything else seemed to occur while the fox did one last look over of the written agreement and hummed at signature of his paternal forebear on the top line. Koenma picked up his cooling coffee to take the last swig while he idled for the moment.

With the prince’s eyes turned away; there was a very distinct, very unmistakably audible rip that could be heard from across the table.

Koenma quickly lowered his cup. Youko looked back at him with a half-lidded gaze as he tore the flimsy paper into two, right down the middle.

The two pieces hung between the fingers of one hand for a moment as he observed the dispassionate state of the deity's reaction. His own face was iron. He did nothing else but watch the numen as he’d just implicitly obliterated their entire peace treaty to nothing.

The prince clinked his cup back down onto the table. His stare became grave as he regarded the youkai.

“We’re seriously doing this?” he’d stated, keeping his hand on the cup as he stared at him, “All of this work… For what? Just to add insult to injury? To show your horses are bigger? How childish.”

The prince tsked at him, but the fox continued to rip the contract into shreds. Strip by strip. Piece by piece. Until it was just nothing but tattered, miniscule scraps that he carelessly threw at the deity and let scatter all over the table.

He leaned back, letting one arm rest on the back of the chair behind him as his other hand rested atop his knee; glinting eyes acute.

“I’m not playing this game,” he finally remarked, causing Koenma to flinch at his brassiness, “I've had it up to here with your patriarch’s ridiculous demands. As far as I'm concerned, His Majesty can take the air in which he inhales his insufferable self-importance into his miserable, conceit-infested lungs and choke on the excrement of his own smugness. To think that he even had the audacity to shove my one humanity into my face like my philanthropy was somehow laughable to him... He’s a right bastard, you're father. But I will say this—he's mostly just ludicrously and stupidly bold.”

“Youko,” the deity warned, grip tightening on his cup at the slight, “He may be bold, but you’re no better… Starting an entire upset by choosing your own feelings over the welfare of billions more.”

The youkai smirked at that; laughing.

“No... Your father is the one starting the upset,” he corrected, fingers gracefully thrumming on his leg, “for the same reasons why I'm the reason for the devastation of this merger. But trust me—I'm willing to finish it.”

The prince could only shake his head, partially willingly unbelieving of what he was hearing.

Like he shouldn’t have already known that forcing the legendary thief’s hand into anything wasn't a bad omen for disastrous things to come. No, he was as obstinate and self-assured in his own convictions as the strongest mountain standing high in the clouds over the plebs.

Moving him would be like trying to turn the Earth's rotation to the other direction; impossible and pointless.

Youko leaned over the table. Face as serious and as deadly as the leopard looking into the eyes of the spider monkey, eyes gleaming.

“You tell your father, if he wants a war—He has one,” he growled, “I’ll be waiting for him on the cusp of my feebleness and his dignity. Let's see if he's ever learned to fight his own battles.”

With that, the demon got up from his chair, gathering his only bag of belongings, and started to make his way out of the café.

Koenma stared at the spot in which he had sat; shoulders sinking down towards the floor like they were carrying the entire weight of the Worlds upon them. And he was, but it's not like the demon cared. He'd silently watched as the fox gathered his things—marking an end to their brief, failed discussion—and looked to stop the youkai before he could step away from the table.

“Youko,” he called, tone warning.

The resurrected thief stopped, slightly turning his head towards his direction as his towering figure stood just next to his chair. Koenma’s eyes shifted up to him as he was hunched over in his seat; gaze intent as if begging him to reconsider.

“If you do this,” Koenma went on, throat constricting, “I can't protect you. I won't be able to stop the backlash that's going to come. Youko—I need you to understand. If you go through with this, you're forfeiting any of the safety I've ever had to offer either of you…”

The fox demon stalled. Standing by his side for just a moment. He looked towards the ground as he thought of the leverage in which had been extorted against him to try and force his compliance. He thought of his vulnerability… Of Shuichi's own show of determination. Knowing what he had said to him last night…

When Youko had laid in the bed with the human for a little bit of time after he’d done everything else that needed to be done. He was stroking his hair, counting each breath as he'd stared along the wall and held his head against his chest. His throat was tightening at each soft murmur he'd uttered in his sleep, not quite understanding just how he was supposed to say goodbye…

The thought of it had his head turning down until his pinched face was buried within the red nest of this hair; inhaling almost painfully. For one of the first times in his long, long life— He didn't know if he was strong enough to let something go.

His claws unknowingly scraped against the young one’s back, and he felt his form stirring within the encircle of his grasp. The fox had pulled away a bit to look at him.

“Youko…” Shuichi had muttered, brows creased.

The fox had tried to hush him back to sleep, softly stroking him, but the younger woke up with a start; jumping up as he suddenly became conscious.

“Youko…Youko!” he’d called for him as if he'd already left, delicate hands grasping at his frame.

“Shhh,” the youkai soothed, hugging him closer, “I’m right here, love. Don’t worry. I’m here.”

The human had muttered his name again as he’d submerged himself within his chest; breathing deeply. His long arms encircled him to keep him secured, wanting him to understand that he'd never truly let him go. They’d remained like that for awhile… Never letting the young one so much as shiver without his steady presence there to qualm him. After some time, he could feel the young man shift within his arms again…

“Youko?” he'd called another time, voice muffled and groggy.

The fox took a minute to answer, wondering if he should, “Yes, love?”

Green eyes looked up at him when he answered, and Youko couldn't bring himself to ignore them or look away…

“You love me, yes?” he’d asked.

The fox stared at him for a moment before he’d slowly nodded his head once.

“Yes. Always.”

“And you know I love you in return?”

Youko could feel himself being weaved into an inopportune predicament by that statement, but he still nodded his head again in return; not quite sure where the younger might be taking this—

“So, be honest…”


“…Is this split really what you want? Do you really want to say goodbye?”

The ancient fox looked at him for a good, long while before saying anything. Shuichi looked back at him, gaze purely perceptive, as he waited patiently for him to answer.

He should tell the younger yes… That this was the safest option for them both. That this would be the best thing for him. That they needed to part in order to ensure their wellbeings and that Shuichi would go on to live a long and successful life without him. He should've said all of these things…

But what he said instead was, “No.”

And he'd done what the younger had asked: He was honest.

“No,” he said again when Shuichi's gaze seemed to question the falter in his voice, “No, this absolutely not what I want… But—”

“So, you're doing this because you feel forced?” the human had cut him off, tone a bit tight.

Youko had thought in that moment that this may very well just cause another argument, so he steadied himself to calm the younger back down with a few well thought out answers; not wanting their last moments to be tense.

“Among so many other reasons, yes. I could say that,” he affirmed.

Before anything else could be muttered between them, Shuichi had hushed him with three soft fingers to his lips; quelling his need to have to explain himself. The fox was actually relieved and thankful. Comforted by the fact that the human knew him so absolutely, that he'd understood his reasonings without the need to hear them.

Shuichi had leaned up momentarily to replace his fingers with his lips, softly stroking his back when he had shivered at the contact. Youko had felt the disdain for himself grow. He felt so utterly useless. Ultimately unable to protect them from the many forces that be, so the only option left for him was to run… Run away and abandon his twin soul behind unless he caused his own sins to hurt the younger in return out of sheer association.

He’d brought there foreheads together. Stroking his thumb along the young man's neck as he breathed in to apologize for his so many, many misgivings for an innumerous time.

“Then I need you to hear me now,” the younger had spoke up quietly, stopping any of his attempts at asking for repentance.

He’d looked up to him; his partner’s resolute, emerald eyes already staring back. His soft tenor was hushed in the dimmed atmosphere, but his voice was firm; speaking to his unbelievably profound strength of character and will.

And he knew then that what he was going to say next was not going to be at all what Youko wanted to hear.

“You can leave from me, fox… You can run. You can hide. You can traverse these whole three realms to whatever dismal and sullen lands they take you to. But I promise you,” he went on, locking gazes with the other's as he ensured he'd kept his focus, “I will come to find you. I will search every single crevice and scour every single landscape until I find you again. They may be able to force your hand, but they will not force mine… And neither will you. If this is the game we must play, then I will spend the rest of my life hunting you down until you submit yourself back to me again.”

Youko had lost his breathe at that statement, imagining them playing this never-ending game of cat and mouse until the younger eventually met his end… And somehow, he'd realized that none of this was turning out how he'd intended it to be.

He hadn’t said anything. Knowing that fighting him wasn't going to be of any benefit anyway. He’d merely kissed him on the forehead and pulled him back into his tight, securing hug until he heard the airiness of his sleep again. He’d went back to rest rather quickly… Having seemingly been only half awake during that entire little speech, but the fox had remained awake; looking about the room as he ruminated over how entangled they had become with each other that not even a threat from the Gods could deter his audacious companion.

Like they were never meant to part…

And he was no longer ambivalent.

Youko looked at the deity as he had Shuichi’s words echoing through his mind. Knowing that he was the true strength for the both of them.

“Listen to me,” he told the prince, putting the tips of his fingers on the table in front of the other male as he leaned over him; making sure he was heard, “Your father can come for me. He can send all of his men. Send the whole damn battalions of those useless, pitiful soldiers of his if he wishes. We can spend the rest of my life avoiding his poor excuses of admonishment until his cowardly self is forced to come out from within his labyrinths of self-protecting fortresses to finally face me himself. But if anyone comes for Shuichi, I will set the whole damn Reikai ablaze until Enma is breathing in nothing but the dust and ashes of his own damn failure. Is that clear? Leave him out of this. This war is our own. I will sever the arms of any damn body who seeks to lay a hand on him to get to me. Including you.”

The immemorial and enigmatic kitsune hung over him like a foreboding prognostic of terrible things to come, and Koenma could only stare back at him. Silently beseeching for him not to antagonize this situation.

Youko looked back at him, and for the first time that Koenma had ever come to know him, the legendary bandit stood before him like a solid steel beam—but his golden eyes wavered with a muted statement of apology.

“It’s been 12 months, Youko,” he finally said, words soft with understanding as he spoke with him, “A whole year since the split. Don’t you think that has been enough time? Shuichi has more to live for than chasing after his old self.”

There was a breath. An exhale of disquiet, but…

“No,” the fox answered, “It will be years until we'll ever completely feel like two separate people. And even then, I'm not willing to give up our rare duality to the hands of a man who only seeks to destroy any sense of redeem that comes across his path. Goodbye, Koenma. I hope that we can come to good terms sometime again soon. Until then, you know where to find me.”

The deity watched helplessly as the fox put on his coat and slipped wordlessly behind the other patrons of the now increasingly busy restaurant. The bell above the door rang, and he slipped out the exit of the coffee shop without ever glancing back at him.

Koenma sighed…

Running his hand through his hair, he stared at the shreds of neutrality that laid scattered all across the table. He knew this was going to cause a major dissension that none of them needed. All he'd ever wanted was peace, but yet all he was ever given was chaos. Chaos that he was left alone to deal with and clean up time and time again.

He irked at the thought of having to go back to his father… Empty-handed.


Shuichi had never left the bed, and he'd never made it back to sleep. He'd stayed in that position he was in until his shoulder finally ached from having pressure on it for far too long that he’d turned over onto his other side to stare vacantly out the sun-lit windows to give it reprieve. The birds had never come back… Leaving their new nest cold and barren in the frigid weather.

And it was just as well… Shuichi didn't need even the fowl for an audience to his gelidity. His limbs were stiff, and he was no longer sure of the time that had passed. He was in a bleak space of invariability. His eyes watered; burning a bit as he slowly blinked at the orange and purple hues of the clouds. Was it afternoon now? Was it still morning? He couldn't really tell. The dark hues of the room that surrounded him could really be indicative of either. No one had called to ask him of his plans to stay, so he assumed it must still be early.

He flexed his toes. His extremities felt cold. He knew he must be freezing because he could feel the shivers up his back and could see the goosebumps along the skin on his arm that laid under his head, but he really just didn't have the energy to move… So, he stayed. Looking out at a landscape he really didn't recognize and waited really for nothing. Just existed. Calling for an energy that didn't respond.

The flowers quivered in the vase, like they could feel his frigidness and shared with him in it. The food laid untouched on the plate. He felt himself sigh into the damp pillowcase beneath his head. Closing his burning eyes for just a minute to bury his face within the humidity, he could sense the cold on the tip of his nose…

He could hear the ghosts in the rooms again. He’d heard the phantom creaks and the silent shifting within the walls so many times that by now he had just blocked them out. Not really paying much attention to it at all. It was so quiet he could even hear the muffled sounds of life continuing on outside on the street and even the movement within the other suite on the other side of the wall against the bed. He, himself, hadn't made any noise. Even his respiration seemed eerily still… Like he wasn't even breathing. In such a mental haze that he even sometimes questioned his own animation, until the wispiness of an exhale left through his nose and then sound reverberated through his head again.

He clutched at the soft corner of the pillow beneath his head; hearing the creaks resurface. His flushed face contorted in pain when it sounded like one of wooden panels right by the entrance of the room squeaked with the settlement of weight. He wanted to scream at the nonexistent specter to go away. To stop tormenting him… but then he’d know that he really was going crazy.

When he opened his eyes, the light from the other room was on… Casting a yellow glow along the wall and was the warmest thing he’d felt all morning…

There was the shape of a tall shadow within it—

He blinked… And then immediately whipped around on the bed, turning towards the source.

He hadn't expected to literally see a ghost, but that's what he swore he saw with the vision of Youko standing at the foot of the bed…

And surely that must've been a mistake, right?

A true spectral vision would’ve shuddered in and out of reality, blinking like it was trying to stick to the heavy atmosphere the way water tried to adhere to a porcelain surface… But the man that stood before him remained solid; looking at him with the density of dark amber orbs that were glassy with some type of deep-seated emotion. Adjuring him.

Shuichi suddenly felt the verve come back into his body, each limb and muscular frame of his physique vibrating now like he’d never felt this type of heat before. His bare chest heaved with the way he gasped for oxygen as his eyes traveled over the looming figure, trying to understand his appearance.

Youko kept still, seemingly waiting for something. When the young man remained on the bed, lifted up by one hand pressed into the mattress behind his back while the other clutched at the sheet that laid over him as he stared blankly in his direction, the youkai shifted a little; looking down. They didn’t say anything to each other for a long time, trying to adjust to the sudden change in atmosphere.

After a minute or so, Youko looked back up—gazing at the point just above his shoulder; expression silently distressed.

He opened his mouth, and Shuichi inhaled as he waited to see if this hallucination was real.

After a beat, he looked into the eyes of the man waiting for his acknowledgement.

He finally muttered something just under his breath… The wind so soft and pitiful it was hard to believe it even came from this malignant luminary at all… Having the tall figure looking down at the floor while his broad shoulders sunk to a steep slope with a drained hopelessness to his demeanor.

“I’m so weak…”

The words were sorrowful, and the proud demon who’d said them looked even more so. The redhead waited a minute more to see if anything else would come, but when nothing did, he shook his head with disbelief. Damp, reddened eyes looking up and down his stature as he tried to discern him.

Youko took a step closer to the bed. His leather luggage bag hung from his hand as he gazed over the flushed and puffy face of his human counterpart; realizing he must've been crying for a good, long while before he came back to the room. He released a pained breath at his state as he let his eyes travel over to the nightstand, seeing that the food had never been touched and the photograph laid face down on the desk.

He breathed again and looked back over to him; stare beseeching. Shuichi stared back at him, rigid.

He supposed he needed to make his intentions clear to the (rightly) thoroughly confused young man before he threw him out—

“I…” the fox started, inhaling deeply through his nose before he continued, “I… would understand if you'd never want to see me again… I’ve hurt you a great deal, and I... am so greatly sorry for that. I can't even begin to describe how I… I’ve been such a coward. I’ve just come to ask—unfairly—for your forgiveness and hoped that maybe… Possibly… If... you would have me back that is, maybe… I could stay… with you.”

The fox showed his first ever sense of bashfulness as he'd stuttered out his request, snow-white lashes fluttering as he looked down towards the sheets when he finished. Shuichi was frozen with shock for a moment, looking over the kitsune with an expression of incredulity. When the demon did nothing else, he actually scoffed. The implicit derision coming out as a soft puff of air from his hung open mouth.

The human clutched the sheet even tighter as suddenly his re-emerging rage bawled up the fist in his lap, being overcome by sudden and intense bitter resentment.

He lifted up on the bed, coming to stand on his knees. He quickly made his way over to the kitsune. With the sheet clenched in his hand and covering the front of his naked body, he kneeled before the silent youkai; coming face to face with him.

Youko kept his eyes on the bed as the human stood kneeled on the edge before him, unable to look him in the eyes. Shuichi’s eyes darted over his subdued features, bare arms shaking with fury, and when he tersely called the youkai’s name, the demon finally looked up to him; gold irises heavy.

He then promptly smacked him across the face; the connection making a crisp, echoing clap off of the walls.

The demon's head was snapped to the side by the impact, feeling the familiar sting on his cheek by the human's unusually strong cuff. Straightening his head back out, his eyes slowly opened to look at the young man through the silver strands of his bangs.

He relaxed his tensed muscles, calming himself from the sudden show of aggression.

“I… deserve that,” he admitted quietly, looking back down at the sheets.

Shuichi’s nostrils flared, encumbered by hostility.

“You left me,” he seethed, fists bawling up again as he shook with his indescribable anger, “You actually left me.”

“I know…” the fox acknowledged, lifting up a hand to calm his trembling. The boy was cold to the touch.

Shuichi immediately smacked it away, shouting, “You promised me you wouldn't, Youko!!! You promised me you'd never abandon my side!!! YOU PROMISED ME!!!

“I know. I know,” the fox tried to appease as he grabbed the younger by his flailing arms, trying to settle his anger; not wanting another repeat of last night, “I know, Shuichi, and I'm so sorry… I should’ve never left, I'm so deeply regretful of that. Please, come down…”

The younger fought against him, hitting the thick part of his palms against his arms as the fox tried to drag him into a hug, screaming at him again.

“You are such a pig-headed, self-absorbed, irredeemable ASSHOLE!!!” he shrilled, beating against his solid stature, “YOU SAID YOU LOVED ME!!!”

Youko finally managed to wrangle him into his hold, pressing his lither frame against his taller build; petting his hair as he brought his head to rest on his shoulder so he could console him. Shuichi was fighting against it tooth and nail; hammering him with his elbows, battering him with his fists, ramming a knee into the side of his leg… The anguished fox demon didn't care... He could barely even register it, really. He was just so utterly and thoroughly relieved to have his warm, curvature body next to his own… That he could barely muster up the want to perceive anything else.

He let the human struggle against him, softly hushing him as he petted his hair and laid his lips on slender crook of his neck. This set the younger off—cursing and spiting him for all his 178-centimeter body was worth and threatened to rip his lying, licentious tongue right out of his mouth. The vulgar statement only caused the youkai to laugh unwittingly; pressing his pained smile into his neck as he held him so close that he could actually feel his accelerated heartbeat thumping in his chest, finding comfort in even his bitter and threatening demeanor.

He wrapped one arm around the human's back as the other held the cup of his skull, keeping him within his embrace.

“I do love you,” he assured with an aggrieved tone, squeezing him even tighter, “I love you so, so, so much. You can't even begin to understand…”

“LIAR!!!” the redhead screamed, shoving against his chest, “I hate you! I f*cking hate you! You’re just a skeleton to me now! A no-good, self-deluding backstabber who would’ve left me at the drop of a hat if he was so much as inconvenienced with the idea that I would become a liability to him!”

“No, that's not true,” the fox whispered, squeezing his eyes shut as tears threatened to fall from them; gasping against the younger's shoulder, “I promise you, that's not true. Please, I'm so sorry, Shuichi… I’m so absolutely, undeniably, grievously sorry. Please, forgive me… Please, please. I'm so ashamed of myself…”

Youko couldn’t hold himself back any longer. He began to quietly weep. He cried against the younger’s hair as he continued to admonish him with a plethora of unkind words. Berating his very existence.

And he couldn't refute him. He was right. He merited every unkind word that the irate man spat at him…

But right now, all that he wanted—all that he necessitated—was for the redhead to just hold him back. To just wrap his arms around him so he could feel his physical presence. He needed that like he needed the oxygen they breathed, and he held onto him even tighter so the human would stop punching him; gently rocking both of their bodies as he tried to console him. He kept their frames swaying as he lightly combed his fingers through his hair, kissing his shivering shoulder as he tried to keep from mourning too loud.

“I know,” the youkai finally said after the umpteenth time he was lambasted by a derisive comment, biceps flexing as he wrapped him up, “I know… You're right, you are, but I love you. I do. I really do. Please, believe me. I love you, Shuichi, and I just need you so much right now…”

Shuichi pushed against him at that remark, shouting into his arm, “You say you love me, but how do I know that's not some supplicating lie?! You abandoned me here, Youko! You were going to leave me in this realm completely defenseless and on my own!”

“You’re right. I did,” he admitted as he nudged against his neck, stroking his spine.

He pulled back when Shuichi gave a ridiculing snort to his confession; moving slowly so the young man didn't try to fling himself away.

“But you know what?” he continued, sniffing once as he brought the young man to look at him by securing his head between his grasp with both hands on either side of his skull; keeping his face affixed on him as he spoke to him, muttering, “I came back… I left, but I came back, Shuichi. I came back for you. Do you know why that is? Hm?”

The human did try to escape his hold, but the demon held him steady. Keeping their eyes together as he went on.

“It’s because I love you,” he murmured, tears evident on his face, “I love you, and I realized the egregious, moronic, disastrous mistake that I made. Shuichi, I couldn't stop thinking about you… I couldn't stop hating myself for running away from you. I feel like such an idiotic, useless coward, but I'm just so scared, Shuichi… I'm so scared… I don't want to hurt you. I'm afraid that I might put you in a harmful situation or my demoniacal instincts might get to the better of me again, and I will endanger you with my own uninhibited bloodlust. And I just don't want that… I don't. Shuichi, I'm so terrified… Help me…Please. I'm begging you. Please, just help me find my way again… I don't want to be your detriment anymore… I just want to love you.”

The human finally began to settle. Looking along his face, he searched the demon's very soul for his genuineness; emerald eyes keen and sagacious. He gripped onto the fox's hands with his own as his nails bit into his skin, keeping his affection at a distance while he tried to read his intentions. Only despondency stared back at him… Despondency and remorse. Remorse that ran as deep as any of the atavistic energy within his body did and was reflected in the light that shined through his eyes.

“You’re afraid that you might hurt me?” Shuichi finally announced after some time, voice guarded. When the demon regretfully nodded, he continued, “And? What have you decided? We both know you're capable… You could completely devastate me if you wanted to… You nearly did yesterday. So, what do we do of that then, hm? What do we do if your demonic instincts become too much? Why should I stay with the man who hurt me? Who deserted me? I’m not going to be with an abuser, Youko. I'm not going to stick around if you can't control your temper or stop taking me on these wild rides that is the rollercoaster of your emotions while you try to figure yourself out. I don't care who you are to me.”

All valid questions that deserved valid answers. Youko felt stung by that last statement, but he knew it was just. He looked at his other half through the thickness of his lashes, swallowing before he spoke.

“I need to work,” he finally concluded, “on myself… and managing my instincts. I want to be better—I want to do better… For you. For us. I want to be better so I can do better for us. So we can have a chance to be together… So you and I can be happy. Is… that okay? Can you stick it out with me a bit longer so I can show you that I can do better than this? I know I haven't always believed in second chances myself, but… I want to prove to you that I can. To show you that I know you deserve someone who does their absolute best for you…”

Shuichi stared at him; silent gaze unwavering. He regarded him for a good long while before answering. After sixty seconds ticked by on the clock on the wall, every click of the internal mechanics feeling like an eternity to the youkai as he waited for his response, the young man finally nodded his head; accepting his plead.

The fox let out a relieved breath, smiling before he began to break down again. Clutching onto the young one’s hands, he angled his crying face to the floor; wide shoulders shuddering with his hushed gasping. He wept as he held onto the younger's fingers tightly, thumbing his knuckles. He lifted one knee onto the bed as he came closer, trying to get ahold of himself.

“Shuichi,” he called, and the younger answered back before he continued, “Shuichi, please hold me. I need you... Please.”

The human's resolve finally crumbled, hearing the stoic youkai beg for his comfort. He wasted no time in bringing the older man into his hug; wrapping his thin arms around his neck as he pulled him into a tight and reassuring embrace. Youko released a heart-rending, profoundly distressed sob into his hair, and Shuichi broke down. Having held back his own tears the whole time to keep a tight hold on his frigid anger, he let all biases melt away as he grasped into the youkai's shirt; teardrops springing forth and drenching the material.

They grasped onto each other. Shaking and distraught… And yet just so utterly relieved.

Youko gripped onto Shuichi’s smaller frame as he took comfort in the way his delicate bones and lissome curves could bend under his touch, relieved to just actually feel it again. Shuichi buried his face into Youko's thick, silken hair; finding respite in his scent and the feeling of his strong hands holding onto him. They felt a heavy weight lift off their hearts—Knowing they were back home.

Youko pulled back to cup Shuichi’s face again; wiping away his tears as he brushed the wet strands of his hair away from sticking onto his revived face. His thin lips tipped up as he looked at him through the water in his eyes.

“I'm never leaving again,” he stated, shaking his head as he reverently looked over the younger's personage, “I promise you. I can't go anywhere… You've beguiled me and I'm entangled into your ropes.”

Shuichi’s auburn brows pinched together as his face crumpled, shaking his head in return.

“You’ve said that before…” he whispered, barely able to catch his breath, “You told me that you’d never go, but you did… or at least you intended to. I can't contend in this world alone, Youko. It's not a life to live as only half of yourself…”

“I know. I understand,” the youkai whispered back, his own heart clenching at the memory, “But I mean it, Shuichi. I put that on my very life: I will not leave your side ever again. I'm here, okay? I'm here whenever you need me, through thick and thin. I'm with you until the end. I'll always be here.”

Shuichi’s green rippled back at him, wondering if he really meant what he said but couldn't bring forth the courage in himself to ask only to be misled again…

Youko nodded. Never needing to be questioned again.

“Always,” he promised, “Okay?”

Shuichi eventually tipped his head, and the fox brought him nearer to place a peck on his damp cheek. He pecked him all across the wet expanse of his face while the human sniffled as he grasped onto his hands again until he finally laid his lips onto his; kissing him deeply. They both exhaled into the affection, feeling the verves from their bodies ignite at the intimate affection. The younger reached up to curl his fingers into the fox's cotton shirt to bring him in closer. The elder of the two opened his mouth when the younger swiped his tongue across his lower lip, and in the next moment they were caught in a heady interaction.

Gasping into each other’s airways; trying to breath as the kiss became a fervent, urgent need to press all of their feelings between their tongues that was so consuming. The fox was pressed into the younger; coaxing him back on the bed.

Shuichi tore himself away, lips swollen and wet from their affection, as he ripped off the fox’s clothes with his nimble hands—Unbuttoning his pants in a haste as the youkai pulled his coat off and let it crumple on the floor. Youko lifted his long arms up as the human yanked his shirt over his head and came back down to link their lips together while he shimmied off his briefs with the help of Shuichi’s forceful tugs.

Fully nude, he let the young man drag him up onto the mattress before he pushed him over with a well-aimed hand to his chest. Shuichi landed with a bouncy thud on his back, and Youko crawled between his legs; creeping up and over him as his gold eyes shined with their urgency.

“Come here,” the fox suspired, gripping at his thigh, “and let me show you how much I love you. Open your legs for me, honey…”

Shuichi’s thighs parted further, and the fox's stomach was gliding along his hard member as he kissed the dip below his sternum before lifting up and reclaiming his mouth. The human let him settle into position between his heated limbs as he wrapped his legs around his body to anchor him to the spot. He pulled the demon on top of him by hands that entangled into the hair behind his neck and deluged the fox with his tongue while he canted his hips up; hardened co*ck pressing into the fox's abdomen. Youko moaned into his mouth as their lengths rubbed together. He reached a blind hand into his hair while his lips were being bruised by the younger's nips onto his tender skin. He fumbled a moment to get the seed to grow so he could extract the sap from its leaves, but soon the plant flourished and Shuichi was taking it from him to quickly squeeze the sticky lubricant into his palm.

Youko’s lips were wet and sore as he reached between his legs to coat his member with the substance. Shuichi was clawing at his arms, thick nails scratching down his biceps as he latched his teeth onto his neck and his hungry mouth sucked on the elasticity of the demon's skin. Slick, wet sounds echoed through the room from both his hand as he lubricated his co*ck and Shuichi’s suction as he left purple marks all over his throat. His own breathing was heavy and labored as he panted through his stuffy nose with the way he was being stimulated from both places. When his co*ck was slippery with the sap, he slipped to fingers between the human's crack and snuck them into his cavity. Shuichi keened, moving his hips into the feeling, but soon he yanked his hand away as he begged for the demon to hurry and put his co*ck there instead. Youko moaned at his urgency, unable to do much but comply.

If the younger willed it—he was set to obey.

Positioning himself at the younger's entrance, he swallowed all of Shuichi’s hungry moans with the way he locked their lips together as he pushed in; tight ring of muscle spasming around his co*ck as it was stretched so suddenly. He wasted no time. Setting a pace that was so fast and ferocious that it creaked and wobbled the solid bed with every heavy thrust, he took him there on that mattress like he was the last living thing that could give him any type of reprieve.

Youko’s mouth was ravenous, biting and pulling at his skin while his co*ck just absolutely barging into him… and Shuichi was absolutely in heaven. Tipping his head back to reveal his slender throat to the youkai so he could sink his teeth into the mark, his mouth was parted in the loudest moans he'd ever heard from his own voice while his hands grasped at the sheets. They tangled around his fingers, binding him to the bed as he was being f*cked into oblivion, but he wasn't even the least bit concerned as the fox took his vitality from him when he drunk from his wound.

f*ck me, Youko!” he screamed into the air, legs constricting around his waists, “God, just take me harder… I need to feel you—ha!”

Youko hushed him by pressing his wet lips on his, his hand coming up to grasp on the back of his skull so he had to look at him.

“You’re so beautiful,” he breathed, husky voice oscillating with each drive, “Who loves you, baby? Who do you keep?”

Shuichi began to cry as the thrusts begun to hold a purpose; driving into his inner walls as his prostate was stimulated with each stroke. He tensed up, bearing the deep plunges the best he could as his small toes curled up behind the youko’s back; teeth clenched in pain.

“You—nn!—do…” he muttered through his moans, eyes crying.

The fox nuzzled against his ear, kissing his jaw as his clawed hand caressed his pained face; humming, “Hm?”

An even deeper impel had him moaning out, feeling the coil tighten in his gut.

“You do!” he said breathlessly.

Youko pinched his chin into his grasp and angled his face toward him, looking into his eyes.

“Again…” he rumbled, gold gaze dense with lust, “Who loves you?”

Shuichi’s wide eyes stared back; mouth open in a groan as the fox impelled into him passionately, feeling him move deep within his cavity.

“You do!” he gasped again, feeling the next drive in his stomach.

Youko kissed him on the mouth, slowing his pace just a bit so he could move his member into him with more extensive drives.

“Who?” he asked again, claws indenting into his skin.

“You do, Youko!” he sobbed out desperately, trying to move his hips to fasten the pace, “You love me!”

“I do?” the fox inquired, kissing his cheek as he kept the strokes languid; shuddering out a moan when the younger quivered around him.

“Yes!” he sighed, bringing the taller man in closer with his legs, “Yes, you do!”

Youko kept his attention by making sure his face was clutched within his hand so he had to look at him. He began to hasten the pace again, feeling his co*ck jump by his words.

“Yes, I do love you, honey. Don’t I?” he smoothly murmured against his tender mouth, “I love you insurmountably. Take all this love I have for you, baby. I'm going to drown you in it.”

Shuichi nodded his head, eyes watering.

“Yes, Youko,” he sobbed, finally freeing his hands so he could clutch at the youkai’s shoulders while he was impelled.

Youko crooned onto his lips as they hovered in an almost kiss while the younger moaned with each thrust; his face becoming flushed.

“I cherish you, Shuichi. You know that, don't you? You know I care for you more than anything else in this world...”

Shuichi released another cry as he sucked at the youkai’s brim, reassuring him.

“Yes, yes, yes!” he chanted as the drives became more prevalent, graceful back arching as much as it could given the fox was pressing down on him with his own weight.

“I love you, too!” he gasped, “I love you so much, Youko… Pleeeease! Don't stop!”

The kitsune continued to verbally worship him as he kept their bodies moving towards the precipice of their climax. Telling him in so many words that he was in deep ardor, and he was there to stay for good as he made love to the younger, writhing body beneath him. Kissing him, stroking him, caressing all along his flushed and sweating skin. Making him feel more alive than he had ever felt in the many hours previous in which he had remained alone in bed; believing he was left bereft.

A certain thrust had him nearly losing his breath, and Shuichi grappled onto Youko's taller body as he reached between their stomachs to stroke his weeping co*ck. It didn't take much longer… Their legs became entangled as the human started to squirm into his own pumps while also taking in his intruding thrusts, and soon the younger was screaming into his hair as he came all over his hand; crying out the kitsune’s name as his body convulsed in an intense org*sm. Youko was just seconds behind him. Leaning up to kiss him on the mouth again, he came into the younger’s cavity after he’d constricted around the youkai’s girth as an impossible contraction wracked through him. They writhed together as they worked through their culmination, moaning as they kissed. Soon, Youko's hips were slowing and his shaft was spirting out the last of his sem*n. Shuichi laid exhausted in his arms, gasping for air while he kissed along the fox’s cheek; lovingly showing him affection while he let the fox finish inside of him. He wrapped his legs back around his waist so he could push him in deeper.

After he was done, Youko hauled himself up to give a quick peck to the human's lips before looking over to the clock—notating the time that had passed.

“Shuichi, sweetheart,” he called, stilling the man's hands, “We need to get up. We need to go. Now.”

Shuichi looked at him with confusion for a moment as the fox seemed to start to shuffle up to stand, not particularly ready yet to so abruptly end their after-sex high.

Youko continued to explain, quickly trying to right the younger's hair, “It’ll only be a matter of time before they're up here. Koenma will be sending the SPF after us, I'm sure of it. We need to leave immediately.”

“They’re threatening imprisonment?” he asked incredulously, looking over to the clock himself, “That's absurd!”

“I wouldn’t put it past them,” he remarked as he got off the bed and quickly wiped away the mess on his hand onto the sheet, “The Reikai King is a most spiteful bitch. So come, my love. We’re going to have to go as is.”

Youko extended a hand out toward sweaty him to help him up. Shuichi looked down at his now moist and sticky body with minute annoyance. He could feel how his thick hair was also damp with perspiration and mussed up considerably. He thumped his head back against the pillow, not particularly thrilled about the idea of running around Paris without a proper shower and all manners of bodily fluids still sticking to him, but looking up at the strong hand that stayed outstretched to him… He realized that this was all worth it.

He took Youko’s hand, letting the fox lift him off the re-drenched mattress. The youkai pulled him into a naked hug, and their sweaty bodies slid together while they kissed. Tenderly holding each other as their tongues entwined. Youko soon released him with a nip to his nose and a heady gaze to his eyes that promised there was more to come. They moved apart so they could hastily pull their clothes on and gather up their luggage to head out into the Parisian streets. Looking to catch an early morning cab to anywhere but there in that current moment…

They were getting ready run… But at least it was together.


A middle-aged gentleman stood by himself in the expansive, marbled lobby of the hotel as he waited for the cab that was supposed to take him to the airport. He quietly tapped his foot to an inner melody that had been stuck inside his head all week, checking his wristwatch for the time. He idled himself most humbly, feeling a little inconvenienced as it was nearing close to an hour from his departure, but otherwise he was content in staying there and taking in the scenes of the beautiful city.

Besides for his small run-ins with other travelers, his stay had been relatively uneventful; having been there for purely business reasons. But, he was happy enough. One had to take in life’s little pleasures however they may come, he reasoned, and a few days in Paris was hardly a means for complaint.

He stood watching the front door, waiting for any sign of his ride and observing the people passing by. He often felt like a side-character to other people’s stories. Someone who hung around in the background and just fumbled about until he may do something of use or significance to a random stranger.

He’d felt much that way last night—Seeing the beautiful, ethereal man in the elevator and knowing he'd had much of a rough night by the looks of his disheveled and forlorned state. He thought back to the way that kiss had felt… Feeling his young lips on his had been quite a nice experience, but he couldn’t help but to feel like the man had wished for something else the whole time… So, he’d peacefully watched him go, knowing that there must have been something more important calling him to its attention.

He’d also felt that way this morning. He’d briefly had an encounter with another man at the front desk. He’d thought him rather distinguished, if not a little cold on the shoulder with the way his bright eyes regarded strangers and his outer persona seemed as stony as a marbled statue. His distinct features were hard to miss. He’d never seen a man at such an age with such shine to his hair the way it glowed silver. Surely a peculiar man indeed.

When he’d met him again on the elevator this morning, he was quite surprised to see his cool demeanor was nearly irrelevant. He’d looked rather sad, actually… Waiting for the elevator to go up as he’d let his leather bag hang limply from his hands. Bright eyes staring straight at the floor.

Much like the young man he'd met last night.

He’d waited patiently next to him to get on. Minding his own business as his fingers thrummed against his wrist. He’d thought to say something, but the look on the other man's face seemed to imply he was not quite of this reality in that present moment; looking at a beautiful rose within his hand…

When the elevator dinged for them to go up, he'd put the rose away and stepped to get on with him. They stood side-by-side; leaning on the railing in the back of the lift. They remained silent for a moment, until the other man cleared his throat… Looking in his direction.

“I feel like I have to apologize,” he had said, “I know we may not know each other, but I feel like I’ve judged you most unfairly…”

He’d turned towards the other man’s direction, curiosity piqued as he’d looked at him in bewilderment.

“Oh?” he’d replied, “is that so? I daresay, I don’t think we've ever said more than two words to each other… At least, not to my knowledge.”

The man with silver hair tipped his head in agreement, but looked down along the tiles as he’d seemed to muddle with something in his mind.

“Yes, but…” he’d went on, suave voice seemingly filtering off as he’d thought of what to say, “First impressions can always be a bit misleading, and I tend to take things at how I first perceive them to be unless I'm proven wrong… And I'm just now coming to terms with the fact that I'm not nearly as wise or perceptive as I’d like to think I am… So… I’m sorry. I had a wrong assumption about you, and I apologize for thinking such a thing.”

He couldn’t help but smile at the man, feeling rather charmed at the notion.

“Oh, well that’s quite alright,” he’d reassured, nodding his head to him, “I’m sure you didn't mean anything by it. Self-realization is always the first step to progression…”

The man had hummed in agreement, looking up at the illuminated floor numbers as they'd passed on the digital screen. He had observed him for another moment, taking in the way his unhappiness seemed to settle in the subtle lines of his face.

“Is it a woman?” he’d asked, smiling politely at him.

“Hm?” the other man had hummed in response; looking back in his direction at the question.

“We are often persuaded to change for the ones we love,” he explained, “It is a sign of growth. We men tend to get awfully fickle in our own heads, but real love seems to be a true motivator. I was just assuming it must have been a sweet mademoiselle that inspired your philanthropy.”

The other man had smiled at him—smirked really, with a half uptick of his right lip— and he nodded his head once as he responded, “Close, but I don’t think my lover would much appreciate being referred to as a ‘mademoiselle`. He’s rather ornery that way.”

He had laughed at that, his broad chest shaking as he shook his head. He had reached up a hand to glide his fingers over the stubble of his mustache to smooth down the hairs as he continued to chuckle while looking at his watch.

“Ah, my apologies. That reminds me of a man I’d met in this very elevator myself last night,” he’d said, looking up towards the ceiling as he thought of him.

There was a certain shuffle from the man next to him, and his deep voice seemed to take on a tighter tone, “Oh?”

“Hmm, yes,” he’d sighed contentedly, “He was really quite attractive. You’d never believe it; such a grace and appeal coming from a male. He had the sweetest voice, too. It was like the resemblance of the light hush of a gentle rain shower. He was truly remarkable… Well, you certainly could imagine that I couldn’t help but to give him my number in hopes, but… sadly, nothing ever came of it. At least I shared with him in one brief intimacy. That may just hold me over for a lifetime…”

He’d looked back over to the other man, but his tall figure was suddenly further from him. He seemed relatively relaxed, but the way his bright eyes glinted in the light seemed to imply he was giving him a rather studious stare; looking at him directly while his ambers never wavered.

“You two kissed?” he’d asked, his hand curling around the silver handlebar as he’d watched him, “Well, that sounds heavenly, doesn't it? And what was that like?”

He had chuckled once, fixing the cuff on his sleeve as he’d looked down towards the ground in an almost abashed show of expression.

“Yes, we did,” he’d admitted and something seemed to shift in the other man's demeanor as his long leg bent at the knee; toes tapping, “But I'm sad to say it wasn't as sweet as it seemed. I couldn’t help but get the feeling that he was thinking of another the entire time… I’d left him as he was let out on his floor, and I haven't heard from him since. I doubt I ever will. Someone like that must surely already have another who’d be courting after their affection. I hope they're happy… In whatever state they're in.”

The other man's shoulders seemed to slump some, taking on a more lighthearted air to his posture as he gazed at him with a softer appearance. The elevator had suddenly dinged, and the man had looked out to the new level as the doors slid open.

“Ah, well… This is my stop. It was… nice. Talking with you. I hope you have safe travels,” he had said, straightening up as he walked out the door.

He’d tipped his head back and gave him a small, genial waive as he'd departed.

Smiling at him, he'd said, “You as well. Enjoy the rest of your morning… And good luck.”

The other man had turned around to look back at him, eyes a little wide with subtle surprise. He nodded his head at him as the doors closed, stating in return a short, “Thanks.”

He’d leaned back against the railing as he’d left the man at that floor, suddenly realizing that it was the same level in which the young man had gotten off on last night. He’d smiled to himself; thinking how coincidental that must be.

He checked his watch yet again. Yes, he was most certainly going to be late. But he didn't bother himself over it; knowing he'd get there when he was supposed to get there.

He heard the shuffle of a couple sets of feet behind him, and he turned around to look…

Well, wasn’t this most peculiar.

His heart jumped when he saw the young, beautiful man from last night walking quickly out of the stairwell. His long, red hair flowed behind him as he hurriedly checked around the corner for something. When he saw nothing, he motioned to someone else behind him.

The tall man with silver hair emerged behind; holding the younger male by the hand as he stepped out into the lit hall. The taller of the two smiled down at the other as he seemed to whisper something to him, eyes bright with high regard.

Ah, so this suddenly made a great deal of sense to him… The middle-aged gentleman stood by the side of the lobby, looking at the two apparent lovers bittersweetly as they seemed to converse with one another in close, intimate familiarity. They couldn’t immediately recognize his presence as he was standing by the wall behind a rather large stand, figure a little obscured by the dark wood, but he watched them with a small, knowing smile on his face.

The younger man laughed at something the taller one had said and hugged him around the waist appreciatively. The larger male wrapped the slighter in his arms as he kissed the top of his head; bringing up a hand to stroke a thumb to his cheek as he murmured something to him.

They looked bright-eyed and ready to take on the world. Demeanors seeming to be invigorated by something as the seemingly elder of the two motioned his head towards the door, and they hurriedly moved out into the lobby to go towards the front entrance, arms linked.

Something seemed to stop them immediately. Gazes wide and postures, rigid; they stared out the transparent doors to some random group that was walking up to the hotel.

The taller quickly took the other by the hand and dragged him over to the side of the lobby that had a small enclave next to the front desk that was covered by a long, heavy drape. No one but him was there to see them go into hiding, but his attention was suddenly called away when a large party shuffled in to the hall.

There was a polished young brunette in the forefront, appearing to direct the group behind him as he motioned his arm out towards the building. Some of the people dispersed to go to the front desk and ring the bell for assistance while the other's stayed behind him to wait for further direction. The polished man scanned his eyes over the lobby, searching for something, before his gaze suddenly settled on him.

As the man walked towards him, his own gaze traveled back to the couple who were hiding by behind the drapes. The taller male with silver hair was holding the younger tightly by the shoulders, keeping him secured against his person as he carefully peeked over at the people who were at the desk. They both looked thoroughly unsettled, and the young one looked like he was shaking…

His green eyes suddenly traveled up to him for a second, and their gazes locked. Something urgent and inconspicuous passed between them as the other man with an aristocratic demeanor made his way up to him.

“Excuse me, sir?” he called, and the older gentleman gave his attention to him, “I’m sorry to disturb you, but have you seen anyone come through this lobby per chance?”

The young brunette’s impression seemed friendly enough… But one glance back at the couple, and their wide eyes and rigid frames as they looked at the man speaking to him told him that something was not quite benevolent about his sudden appearance.

“Hmmm,” he hummed, tapping his finger on his chin, “I don't think I quite recall…”

The man in front of him seemed to deflate a bit at that answer, but he continued to press on; not being given a definitive.

“We’re looking for two in particular,” he expounded, “They would be quite hard to miss. Both males. Long hair, one with silver and one with red. Have you seen anyone matching this description? It’s quite urgent we locate them as soon as possible. We’ve been sent to take them to their next destination…”

He implicitly looked back at the couple, and the redhead was looking at him with the most terrified and crucial expression… Shrouded in the shadows of the curtain, they clutched onto one another. They seemed to be frozen to the spot, not trying to make any noise or cause any movement that would bring attention their way. They barely looked to be even breathing, as if a small puff of air might giveaway their hideout. The taller man with silver hair gazed at him through the side of his eye, subtly motioning down to the man in his arms as he brought him a bit closer… Furtively pleading with him as he held him to his chest, attempting to qualm the young one’s shivering with his hands…

“Ah, you know what!” he exclaimed, standing up straight as if he remembered something.

The polished-looking man perked up in anticipation as the other two became startled, trying to burrow back deeper into the shadows.

“I think I did see someone matching your description,” he went on as he turned to look behind him. He outstretched his arm as he motioned to the elevators, “I saw them go that way not but a few minutes ago. I believe they were heading upstairs. It was a man I had met earlier; I believe he stays up on the eighth floor.”

The man in front of him clapped his hands and immediately motioned the rest of his group towards that direction. He turned back to him with a short bow and smiled.

“Thank you!” he said, allayed, “That’s very helpful. Please, go on about your morning. I hope it's a pleasant one. Sorry to have bothered you.”

He nodded once, smiling back, “Not a bother at all. Good luck.”

The young brunette didn’t give him another word of parting before he traveled behind the small group of people who were calling for the elevator. He beckoned for the other members of his group to follow him up the stairs, and everyone who had filed in at the same time had all quickly left the lobby to heed his directions, no doubt.

He watched as a few of them waited for the lift and briefly glanced back over to the pair hiding under the curtain. They seemed to both sigh with relief; looking at each other with an air of lightened fondness. The red-haired man looked back at him and gave him a small, appreciative smile as he settled his head back on the expanse of the chest he was settled against.

Mouthing the words ‘Thank you’ with his full lips while he looked at him sweetly.

The taller male also looked in his direction, regarding him with his stern eyes that seemed to still be gauging him. But he tipped his head at him once in a show of gratitude; petting the side of the younger man's face that was shuffling in his arms as they waited for the remainder of the group to leave.

He smiled discreetly in their direction and hid the small lift of his hand in response behind his burly build.

The call button pinged, and the last of the small party got in and vanished behind the metallic doors. Once he was sure they were gone, he motioned for the couple to come out as the coast was clear.

They both exhaled in a humored laugh as they checked around the corner behind them. The younger pulled the other by the arm as they indeed saw no one else in the expansive waiting area, and they both emerged from under the drape. The heavy material billowed a bit in their wake, sliding back into place behind the tall man as he walked out. They both grabbed their luggage, and the young man quickly motioned back towards the door.

Before they left, the redhead turned back to him; giving him a small bow.

“Merci. Passez une bonne matinée,” he soft voice said, smiling.

He smiled back, feeling a warmth settle in his heart as he saw the way the young man looked at him. The older male gently pulled him by the shoulder before picking back up some of their bags and heading towards the door. The young man gave him one last nod before turning around and following the other through the glass exit. They left the building together, laughing and looking thoroughly happy as they gazed into each other’s eyes; the redhead lifting up to peck the other with a kiss of appreciation on the cheek while he looked for a cab. The tall man with silver hair wrapped an arm around his shoulder as he gave him a half hug, looking down at him lovingly as he said something to him.

They jumped into the first cab that pulled up to the curb; in quite a hurry to leave that specific location as soon as possible, it seemed. The taller held the door open for the other after they dropped their bags into the trunk, and leaned to get in with him. He pulled the younger man into another hug while he motioned forward to tell the driver where to go. As they pulled off, he watched as the two lovers cuddled into each other's builds as they wrapped their arms around one another; seeming as if there was nothing else in the world but them. Sharing in a sweet, long kiss.

The middle-aged gentleman chuckled to himself as he watched them leave. Love was quite a listless thing. Even in the face of uncertainty, love gave one courage… And there was nothing more tremendous than that.

He sighed to himself. Ahhh, someday he would find that for himself, but right now he was at peace with witnessing the gentle romance of a happy couple.

He frowned suddenly… checking his watch again.

That had been his cab, he realized. Oh well, he'll call for another one. He’ll get there when he's meant to get there, he figured. No sense in stressing over things as he surmised they happened as they were meant to happen. Grabbing his small suitcase that was his only form of luggage as he went to head to the café next door. Figuring he'll sit down and have a nice cup of coffee and a croissant while he called for another cab.


The small group busted through the room as they immediately looked for their intended targets. The door banged up against the wall most carelessly, and multiple people came through it all at once.

Koenma stood at the very front, immediately looking around the room for any signs of the guests. The rest of the team dispersed as they checked throughout the suit for the two men. He noticed that the apartment looked mostly deserted; sheets, towels, and other linens strewn about but there was no personal articles of clothing or any artifacts of belongings to speak of. There was a small plate of food on the night stand, but no other indication that anyone was still there.

“They're gone,” a soldier said as he walked up to him, standing stiffly, “They seemed to have left fairly recently. The sheets are still warm.”

The demigod tsked to himself, looking at the mussed-up bed.

“Why did we wait so long?” another soldier spoke up behind him, “If we had left only moments earlier, like we'd planned on, then we would’ve gotten here in time!”

The prince turned around to regard the soldier with a stern stare, and she immediately backed down. Biting her lip as she nodded her head in apology.

“It’s true though,” another one spoke up, “A few minutes previous and they'd still be here. Why did we delay?”

Koenma sighed as he didn't seen to answer their questions. Instead, choosing to stride into the bedroom as he looked over the space in which the runaway pair had last been known to confer with each other. He saw the sheets indented in the shape of a body… There were scatters of a few, rogue petals gliding across the floor. He looked out the window into the bright, over-casted morning light, watching the pedestrians out on the street.

He saw a cab pull up to the stoplight. The interior was mostly obscured, but he saw the tufts of silver and red hair from the back window….

“Go check the airport,” he ordered, turning his head to the side, “They were scheduled to leave this morning. Check that flight to make sure they're not getting on it.”

“But they wouldn't go to the airport knowing that—” one of the soldiers began to argue.

“NOW!!!” the young deity barked back, causing the other men to jump, “Do as I say! We have only a short matter of time before they're gone from this vicinity, and knowing Youko Kurama… Hiding in plain sight would make the most sense to him! Go! And check all the rooms again to see if they left anything!”

There was an air of reluctance from a few, stating they should be leaving as soon as possible as it was obvious there was nothing left of them here, but Koenma ordered for them to check again. The small band of soldiers dispersed again, and he looked back out the window… Seeing the cab drive away.

He sighed a bit to himself before turning away and leading some of the soldiers back out to the hotel lobby. He ignored the soldier who asked him if he knew of any other whereabouts where they might be hidden.


After the absolute chaotic mess that was the second chapter, I kept this much shorter than the last. I'm hoping this final part ended things nicely. I know that the first and second parts were kind of all over the place—a literal sh*tshow, so to speak. But I felt that to make it anything less wasn't comprehensive to how these two would actually part, or attempt to at least.

After being fraught with anger and depressive circ*mstances, I felt like everyone deserved a bit of a break and a feel-good ending. So cheers to you for making it this far lol

It was a feat to get through and there probably won't be anymore multi-chapter installments for awhile, but visit my Tumblr or shoot me a message here to drop your thoughts or if you have any requests. Thanks for reading!

Torn Asunder - EthosoftheLionhearted - 幽☆遊☆白書 (2024)
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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Author information

Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

Phone: +21811810803470

Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.