The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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si Rant Cites Oexk Rcsn Rad tatita Uanx Delicatessen 52 Share Apartments HcEses program pmira anuafee SHOE STORE Eucld Axe at 66 75 and 25 ion Wilson arbor GL 1 2104 701 96 GLASS CCTTING Lewis Cowan Realtor 2 4000 lb lira CITIZENS BUS Cedar airmount nil bnnt nw rnmtrlAM re ro II 1 0191 1 A917 V'RES 35 mle Ctr i Mate high G(M dvire pnk ay lx Zaill i UM CTwtrodauV to MA 1 0072 lot: cut ACO T1 WELDERS ARM SPRAY 0 a in th centrifugal detail lining quarter' oiranni IUM COMPRESSORS all new and it sexi i ait stainless Heel open klUhetv RIZZO CO bld? i ini A 1 minti anj han 1 era life preaerve Dock 79 chagrin however aiwU ujnftn Yacht Club nr phtma wtlioush A illinst ui 110x11 aaa LA 1 5638 pump Rrrkv take id require fire let seat 90 owner mm this good builne tor I wilH al) it nw :00 SQ PARTITIONED ok TRADE SCHOOL IS MA 1 6100 2 i Lxiuoie siur Modern quarters op 1 7780 WM BE 2 2166 tlCUi1t Bov 7825 Dealer pat! while hw ill SlfN OR Executive Desks I EAST SPRINKLERED PARKING 50c DfD on lt Avpnllenl tnirp 1 23 0 mrt51 Wrsoi Uad file CH 1 00 main st trwunr 11100 wek New Office Chairs 124 Dogx Poultry Suppliei oj d'tw able within 10 days treilent onpor i(l MA 1 j256 and as for 1 well ovw rnmr 2 unit Urie land extends from Eudd Are i wth PiWf quarters call Rrstaurant Sodn Hur i cw A rearon foo payment ran take it war BL batonr jn small monthly payments i RK 4n condition 6 7 77 Special Low Rates apply when XbiTtvuS" iJi menu 15621 Detroit TKwibie fixture great P'MentuJ Gali foe today! asHadywde fr lSOC tfoarfy prom so nd consider ftu an Ub cjcrwctirtra Gross 1900 9 room buu bils rar top A 1J4U 50 I I IJU'! 1 3000 Rent Garages Storage alerts ft I engine In th( Mr riedman i UurrvUnal DUtilirrw CABA1 Ed d4rdtWU Commercial Cleveland Crust Company RA 1 1545 transfer point saes STS 000 RACE I RACK SPECIAL Routes 4 1 1T 1 Comer Let New room suites invited from rern'wn' M'iPJ to build i mv MORTV'ACKS Itrfn tvWM XTtitf i roasnuaoie Call Hl 159 for Infor mauvn int 5 wai aid Hwta SjUu fMUEDAtE7 Af RAISAt Affo 9UCK ACTJON CLIVUAMO LA1H DOLE TUtSDAT JUtr 13 IW4 tJ 2 593H 44000 CHlUS CRAT SKA vayf pa ti warn i dO Mors enntrula and ventitatinr windshields and coplof at'S's Un 30 aallAti tt srer titiik nd gallon gaa tank nr curtains wintrt saimnnia udder Al cnndiimntn prnps'lfrra and batteries pump nt aaumtuun tn town 7 3 LOWER and gift shop well I tshed reasons bi CL 1 S7 1 5379 fast deal terms arranged WIOW VOl OWN A SUNOCO RSUAERING MIRRORS Old NUbtlahed rompn machines and equipment for such purpeae acid la (Abated at 21J Ctotario street 127 Michiscry Tools Motors SO Business Cppjrtunitlts 1 10 Business OpportualHn Kacn and kdt panent I AufO RcpSr Ind Sllf 1 CT RCP 15 ton Cleveland Punch and Shear Model architectural jaw throat with Hunter ts high speed nieial cut orr rr i o59 DIAMOND engagement ring: nounline: 3 aide dumonda whit A Sound Imcstmrnt I'or a Secure 1 urine Hartz Mountain Canariei EAST hlDE HEIGHTS 1 0304 BROKER NEWLY DECORATED EXECUTIVE OICES Paneled carpeted fluorescent lights: condltinned If desired 832 sq ft down town Euclid Ave Weekdays SU 1 2295 Sat Sun WY 1 5640 room board $chweid Arrange tor apfMntment Chfte Capitol Realty RAt 1545 Knox Coynly0 irmly established business with property fully equlpned hatchery and batterv room capacity 56 000 exgs sound Investment price 12 000 KORYTA 119 Nafl City Bank Bldg CH 1 3810 ItARDWARK store Wet arttv loca 71 OW SUITIM and Store UfDfon Individual gm i a St Crrl 5 LAAGZ rocru fr adlt faffi rear Bouse 4312 Brig? iV rwwn BUY SELL TRADE WHAT HAVE YOt A KORYTA 1XC YOUR BUSINESS BROKER THE AROALE ma 179 WANTED Latch Mad Steel aluminum and wood great ly reduced prices on various ytjles United Motor mue Mhole equt? esftic and shop model pk Xttp tree Tnu listed buiireM ngnt ana IDEAL OR MC OR STORAGE 220 A SPRINKLERS AST SIDE NEAR DOWNTOWNp LT TZ INC CH 1 2 7 ft 8 BUSINESS flnam and purchM butin' ertferpriaea We Uo uppi th CASH to expand vnur business or it to conuHldata debt! or for any worthy Durovs SEE 134 Store and Office ixtures ADM1RAL SAYS: 1S OVK BUSINESS TO IMPROVE YOUR GO SELE SERVE MAY IT BK A DRUGSTORE APPAREL GIT OR VART'TTY 5TORE our rental rhn WE BUY SELL RENT ROSE INC Krrxnprt reePark tn Onpos! tRedCro MAT MARKET SATSAGE COMPANY equipment Will vegetaoi ano fnttt tunweer own jr macirtn a real voinrae pullet a naiury ey maker foe ma th faily he raa ht? Ca Mr tUrdr Corner Co La 823 Poatag meter Detect? parcel pnat acale 5 nd 4 electric chr aimer Edlphonet ictapnorKa Remington bootkeeping ma chine very reaaonabie CH 15295 1100 prvapect OAK OH TAVERN Will in nt 310 000 tn suburban Lome aa down payment ml ante tn be cairied by owner prefer with prnprTT ana nvrrg autMtanflal buaineaa ate properly weal uiviiq 14 month large iea rouiroy HIGHEST CASH PRICES Paid tor your West property No da ta 'K Get our tMav £ENTT AL REALTORS WO 1 5000 WEll UY DIRECT Pcrry Paync Bldi: 740 SUPERIOR 3000 it will decorate and acb divide owneraatp a ad wanagnweat fi rfrH Hroa Nrlptt tiU al) a Ttwxi fcaihir ar Iran than halt price 5400 Wil! deliver within lOd 'nnstanre Diamnud St Mamheld Mr I )Ht CHHIS CHAKT rrvu Chai ienger ex eiicni nnnhH twn iB't water and ready Io to fliffun 5 Heiehts I r9 lU I a a KU1IV Mill bOUQ HU IIIWI tn I WA NTED Van Norman milling machine lathe slate pile1 condition accfisones and location Box 29123 Plain Dealer YARD Hough front end loader 4 vears old: rebuilt warante S3 ion Sl 9 2113 or SH 9 1073 pr valuahK 1 bacM to jirod Annotntmmt CTUrkf CZITOI RESTATRANT LARGS itore EaL reasonable Ideal for drugstore or mperelte YE 3 326 49 NEAR BROADWAY $30 MONTHDI 1 1369 'SfORS OR 16X0'3 DETRdrf Store fixtures for ule BQ 2 8473 Store 16170 feel Dr ron Rd TO 1 1 775 rVsta rant modernT llv 3 1 5J ORA1N AVE 4 'EUCLID Poreelaa tronC 1 Ciitlrr in Our PeaH Pd TU 5 3A00 CAE 3A Industrial Credit OR AC'ION 240 ROSE BLDG ftmall 9'ine tto'k min be moved UWIK CU Ev ning' A Sundai Drv Cltaniim 28 yean good bulnee: muat aacrtfif: llineaa force Immediate le wet PR 1 2554: tv aner SV 1 3215 iiAnevA OWXrR 112? batrung fanfeum pktuc rrouad tame a aygrajod equipment furalaheg coctagws veatn reated raptna reetavrant bu idmg rmwiero fotffle prwr fx Muataanew and 1 SOt ft frontage cat num highway auie from Tvmr it interchange from Cleveland renarder uav reawmaUe irr CLEVELAND TRUST Banks Meat Beer Ciiie" Priced for quick sale GAj atauuii ScrantbiCKJT io liven 1 A A i C' i a I I MnAo 4 ftTC" I 4 OR vW III bU Kl'Lbb EQUIMEN I Dealer LIQUOR dine dance plug Sroom hotel widely known summer resort town owners uite IS ar res of land ample parking Priced at $17500 in cludes property $11500 down CAPITOL RKALT 1 54 5 Cafe and Restaurant 2 M200 1 620 2 fotni Builne STIld per week wed equipped sell or trade reasonabs vuiusi waiiiu rA COTTAGS "Kellns ta 500 an tAE 2 living quarters long Par 5 207 Detroit CAE 2 corner" locati 801 Bureeye new draft svstem PRffl EASING' I CM 6370 fRACTOR: skVa bar rfil aww ri wiier Supply 174 5 OR SALE: 2 HORSE TRAILER CALL room: pprtorAl 2824 97200 SQ' tide Industrial unit heaters 3 lare doors 4 offices toilet facilities lease: $250 Pr ionth Call Vince JBagnik 14A 1 0 2 77 100 EUCLid' 1000 SQ ON 1ST STORAGE AND OICE: PARKING YE 2 M31 25 nob sq ft sprlnklered trwk dock Many others to choose from J1ERMAN EX 1 3200 STORAGE or light manufucturtrg 600 sq ft: West Side ME 1 4433 spagTpTTight mfg superior THRU EVJ2 1O94 VL 1 S38E 30x50 WAREHOUSE DISPLAY R0O3? Officefurniture' $100 wo 1 3395 1512 E' 55" with I Tfo I DKAIEK EX 1 5907 Service 8AN1JUSKY 1146 TRUSCOTT 24 cruiser UhrvwJer inon ON 1 12 '9 CHRIM GRAT I I ft bt and trailerquipped like new HR 1 33 WIZAf'h outhiMid irwior 6 $125 all VV 3 3216 Hal twtro btrer ba offer 101 Wt Oft'' SU V5 135 I 1948 CRANDALL 152 Alli Chalmers trrM i 'arrv Aii pump surveying instruments Twinsburg 84 01 Iox3b NuRT7)N Universal Grinder new in 1943 rebuilt can be seen tinder power at Wykoff Machine 12329 Edwin ma i CL ft 423 cunei I niftg MA 1 0730 Evening and Sundae fW 25 I UMBER yard and milfwor "ln central sales in 1953 $200 000 grow profit $40000 sale (his year in creased 501 will sell tn someone with lumber er millwork experience $10 000 down will swing It Bua 28025 Plain Staley Murphy Co Inc 5019 Detroit OL 1 3128 1rt flrvir nnn an ft floors total 15000 sq ft available now all or part loading dock parking 2000 to 10900 SQ 501 High St downtown 4 floor and basem*nt all or part available now elevator: Ideal warehouse storage ds trlbutorand mfg MAlj5238 5400 SQ I Auro Repair and Sain I Agency' A iron arranged 2 atory teUotay tn 3 26 dinnert A I ewdlHtm: $5000 tn replace must sell mak an uffec Chagrin Lag'Wm YaCht mill 7'2 IV IM79 yi 7111 rd motor ita moel used 2 time in water Luiuer EX 1 5907 1 CALLON ajiretv es 1 IDfiwe i i 7 i i hkii inii i ww urpiui vaiua center fc 2 av'M i Heights Medical Bldg IQRent actory Warehouse Sita i 2 ten ton crat: of 50 ft din into bldg Parking TAR KETTLE $50j BENCH Aw SJV Aiav auru metal jools WO 1 3395 3 late model afr comrrrror S225 irm cold weld motor welders Pavne Ave EX 193 )0 BOILER AND OR STOKER ERIE 40 AND IRON IREMAN MAKE OER CH 1 2 7 ft NORTON Universal grinder 12x3 6: 194 1 toolroom quality Lincoln Re builderst 1 1 205Brea RdAT 7 1 33 EXHAUST fan ana automatic shutters new and ued from 16 to 30 110 voltac CH 1'6081 DAVIDSON offset press 1014 verv good condition: complete with relief segment and other extras MA 1 3763 JIGSAW jointer grinder mo tor drill mlwellanroui small 202 20 Quincy air tompreasmr rom to 20 CH 1 4081 AIR compressors electric motors bought sold repaired 1375 CH 1 40 I WANT ORlTOR TlXn SUO REA SONABLE RATES Ml 1 4547 INRARED oven conveyor some uww IlC 1 am i ROLLER convevura i wine a lengths: $150 perfoot CH 1 4081 Bill LtNt cutters riu uuuw tables dividing heads ITT 1 7 CONSTRUCTION machinery workingman' bar Ev 2Q years 1st time offered Priced right 1 VLAD REALTY CL 1 444 1 3 tno wrrn IU CUSTARD TAND Main west 4 Int rorrr A buy at 12 000 Includes butnes and prop arty Vdftex Broker CAE 5 A fp Long lease good going business lora tcn teady clientele Box 4415 Plain quarters must be have cash ro nper nrrfprrM Mrnar 772 Plain Drr I OR LEAST SERVICE TATION Txxaled on Rt ID In North Oimatedtfion under construction Will be vu EMPLOYED 14 H1 liar br cheer lu ranch type hcie same rtajonsce' SUte Rd bu TU 4 2 023 eves Sat Su EAST Cleveland 2 buames girt will ahAre attractive with a third Box 15 2 22 PUla Dealer BUSINESS lady a 5 M3 Would like to sha with same Good reference AT 1 6 852 GIRL win share her home hi EuchG with 2 gtrl RE 2 9170 or 'i ti a i presses HE 1 0487 i BULLDOZER Cletrac gond'rondl ion bargaln $1500 YE 2 6950 t2 AND S3 A bar machine 1U42 tomplele KE 1 0053 ELECTRIC DRILL STANDS A MarshMachineryCo SH 11 234 PANCbohN sandblast room air com pressorand dust collector HEbljU ARC open caparlfy also poit able equipment AT1 94 ft 9 BAND SAWS AND ILERS lakeside Machinery 13 1 iw StCalr GARDNER Denver 5 hZ com pressor RE 1 6014 KI CRA WLR PRJCE $3800 CHARDON 3 4141 PUNCH press drill presses pt welder lathe shaper smati I "ila ON 1 4689 Siooo 4 A 1 nunn! ft9 neitmeven fork afok lb a 1 barrel 4 BEAUTIUL ROOM IN HUPrn low irnt good business fine oppnrtunny Call Top AT 1 2090 BEVERAGE BOTTLING CO Mnt complete line franchise In north ern Oiio 35 yearx in business annual sales $300 000 Completely palletized 7 tnia Box 10316 Plain Dealer BAKERY doing good bualneu fully equipped including Millg he cream ma chine price $2000 owner retiring must be seen fo appreciate 10227 St Clair Ave REALTY SALON or sale or lease eat over 30 year In name location Owner iU In Cal for 2 year Bargain for cash CE lifi8Q4 ACHEI OR laundry: ing $250 bmtlnes weekly going to arm GL 1 0005 shop Established in Lakewood T5 'i2UKh cnenele retiring Box 2122 2 Plain Dealer BEAUTY SHOP EAST r7a? steady clientele: best offer: help will slay 10lt370 LO 1 6997 BARBER snep l402 Lorain Ave: 3 chairs: established a yrs1 retklnj including living quarters LEVERAGE STORE: 2 LICENSE Est route Must sell within 2 wpeks Good businmA orLI 1 1040 BAKERY with ltv)ngnurters southeast HJ 3 718 call between 9 a and 1 BEER and wjn sfore showing" good Profit selling because of bad health at Callnuiier A 1 3986 BANK Bar Beverage 937 7 comer location JEX 1 BARBER SHOP: Well etaSno7 4 1 NBC Bldf after 6 BftBSftSliS i2 7 a SW 1 9527 RaUTY salon illness forces sale ED 752 or JV 1 3350 CHILD care days my home: private vard and beach XV 1 3666 PRESCHOOL child in niy home Clark1 Ave gDOd care vu a YOUNGSTEKN 1 HOMEJiN JiM 54 Homes for Aged Invalids Hnmet accepting ur matt ycuou must licensed by the Department of Public 'OHIO INEST DORA ANN REST HOME BEDEAST SOMETHING INER OR PARTICULAR PEOPLE Phone Mantua Crestwuud 4 221 8 DORAANN NURSING HOME CIEVELAND NEWEST BEDAST SOMETHING INER OR particular PEOPLE 1877 DURA CttArf aluminum I Mi 50 14 ti wlel I4fr ni ii 1 ji i t7 5 SAilt I'toti Ll 1 1046 CHIUS CBAT 23 express cruUerl I15 chryder marina engine A i condition $2fiuO Week end phone Vermilion weekdays Eiyda 3 9562 ifl Cm Craft eaM ctulaer com plete tran be ron at chagrin Iwm Yacht club £Xww id oe Thumpaou PE i 1764 i lA rr ox Cimker trne hoar 22 SU 1 Qtfift 1 3rhnm Rea Horse motor all 1 aorlet complete $250 EX 1'1040 7 2d floor: fireproof bldg: downtown lo cation elevator and loading dock rea sonable Vaughan ch GT SlfTip do ntown wVft' "WuK Uahed: leaser 11 6 jgt PR GRiM ER vl near churchy schools OwnerCE HCXsPI'faL heaufv service will ert five money maker ax 34325 Plain Dealer DESK SPACE Beautiful office telephone retary PR 1 2035 5927 EUCLID AVE OICE or light manufacturing apace Inquire 5911 Euclid Ave EX 17321 SHAKE HgKtf'c'Mce apace condltiorins snd free parking 175 3510 leHdSK2 1711 $50 Can abare 6Tfe $2 5 Phone 'nwering AC 1 2561 Xixt £58i fTATicSnTR CONDinONED TRJ 401' pETROrr LO' worc rpES PARK 2D LOOR BO 3 5221 123 Cltlrn MA 10230 KvrnlnSA nd Sun 3 a fQ 1 4 233 PHIS' BUSINESS Smit plant ptac maal aaoritk SK 1 S25S lo 11 'n'ESTAUKAMT CROSS'JIOOO WKkE? ATTENTION CHES EUCHd Ave hot pimf rwina motet rooming a nt etannshed 4 years net well over $20000 a year AiMng IlflHOO fn i if $7 000 Vlada Park iranfer established 60 year: groashg tOo week all new sUinleu step) fumret inspect (aii fnr appointment EUCLID AVE RT 20 Wlrxliffo Willoughby line 18x34 yes taurant high claws chenlei with 6 ror home rifhe at $26500 10S28 ST CLAIR STORE 20x40' MODERN RONT I GAS HEAT IDEAL OR BAKERY DRY CLEANER JEWELRY RESTAURANT KOBLITZ INC CH 1 278R HEIG HTS CROSSTOW LEE RD CORNER MAYIELD Small store at bus stops busy comer excellent parking Cali Edward Schweld A lzOO 22 WANT store for small beauty shop plus 4 5 room living quarters attached: col ored Call before 11 a or affor 7 LmSW 5 6430 A ST A A A Double store rent 1 or 2 with living tia rx nrni i a i a LA 1 4 1J33 CH 1 64 4 2 sn CLAIR 6TH SI' 600 ft for mfg ale office 3d floor: elevator heat sprinklers KOBLITZ INC CH 1 2788 1 LEE Rd 2164 66: Stores modem air cnnd2tloned hldg rLl 7068 67 Rent Office Desk Room mir whop Pwrma wait ewtab Ust ed fuiiy equipped fog frnt nt li seu machinery CHeatnut 7622 sCWreTTK Averaging ffxbo 1600 per week ideal tor eoup4e xvi i fti ia ocov 1 I 4 'nrr i uini nn wuyr' a a 1 jvv pqpcnor ry on? 9th Corner Bolivar Ground floor 56x117 6 200 sq ft: prominent location: dnve in doon: commercial er office Hear urnished HOLLANDER TO 1 3113 24th Chester Ground Loor: brick bldg: 40x1 2 ft to paved alley illuminating heat fluo rescent lighting: block front plus 2500 sq ft storage space In balcony A service parking for 4 car Call York A SMYTHE CO DOWNTOWN OICE MA 1 9600 Ri SQUIBB A SONS leaving its very desirable regional offices for larger quar ters Our offices are centrally located on on? floor with good parking ties We have occupied these quarters for over 11 year and feel that they would be excellent for someone who in need of a near downtown branch and sales office warehouse and general 01 1C Call' MR5' HE 2 2727 I AIR eOMPRE SSOK MOTORS 113710 Aspinwaii 104 SL1ER1OK PLANER 12' TTAtr 7S lyi Ilk npM 4 tlmw WV 1 3T41 or KX Town 14x5 jO pfona will take MIUIUI A V4 A nil HIMHIJ iu Ut nnuHi 1 sliehf lv $125 Dealer Ex 1 5HO7 rrii imnfrTll null 3 I 'IT vR a grata manl Known Green Gable I SPEED boat tutiful I nn east Min Tva $rfn 3n wst Lt Mria i rncr ruiurro i i J4iin jmm on jakjj Minfin Hi I a ilm Inniili ww I A 1 zza a ihv fvv Mtni rn you order your Want Ad for 7 days Our Escrow Servica protects you when' buying or selling Real Estate at all 61 neriCAfrssEN Trffi Su good I'VsMnn school DX 964? 2 and fixtures 14 ar be moed CI 1 9596 DRY eleanfot plaat WJeuaiuhed no eomprtltfon: 3 eh asd carry Mng between $400 3500 1 1292 OOD MARKET rmen twwla It 40 years sale $1000 tnnrmt twn wswir dies Children rt 194 rMnt owner 1953 $39 000 shopping arc nl uturt $35000W eae sell with properfv APPLE uel id STPER MARKET ato plenty ctf a tort: centr touted: cad Ml 1 4200 weekdays er CH 1 1060 inoculated wormed Lu 1 0461 1729 Superior A OICE OR LABOR3TORY SPACE 4700 Sq or Part Attractive Baildinc Recently partition io uit Verv attractive be jeer to appreciate Co TO 1 8080 A TTWHaRS OHIO: nNASCINC REINANCING HOMES BUSI xr ACTORIES QUICK ACTIOM CCNnDBNTlAL Ntlonl investment a Mortease Co Gitizenj Bldg PR 1 7SJ4 repair Typewriter u4 a iflt i Ind 'n I TKOLD Pwlctnlrw: ch'EvH rrrm 125 14 3X 9 0970 silver man and VIJ 3 390 7 mxtsbi' cciehi''cm 4MALL sUT' dttmn reasonable KE 1 967 3 oridi CH 85 305 befwe 6 nahngaciy hull perfect sail fair re wvnabte ED 6MP l'49 33 hri Crtt cruiser twinriew a1 condition many exit 000 PS 5929 i MAri'JSVf0) 1 1 I A I ft I 11 I 2020ft DETROIT RD I ET Tn nij'H i4 i i 4 I taK I I BLVMERS TU 5 103 CASH for your sTngle double apt business Lakewood or West rank Kilbane Co LA 1 272J TOP ciiVlur condition 8W WANT quick action with ICKR A LT TU 4 5 20 0 WANTED Ind us I aV To near Iniiepend ejica phix A Nrod Singleir Suburban ALLJtli vLTY RealtorHD 1 700 CASH property EuclPi o's northeast evtioh BrpkrrIV 1 764 buy oe Elllr MA 1 6530 SV 1 3505 rXnTET Home cash Stephen SZARAZ Realtor BB 2 390 WanIT tOTS! Av A'QU Vogue Buildsva Inc RE 1 4553 1 9539 BUSINESSgirl will share her 4 nr'm apt with same cwn bedroom: off West Blvd references W1 1 4771 TLTELY gentlemen share heme with couple baby welcome CL 1 2917 to share Appliance and Service WEST years eld grw 000 to $100000 can be tncmsrd hr larger: sales for Owner retiring Win stay with ne mAner for reasonable time! if desired Principals onlv Ros 17023 lam Dealer DESIGNING 313 3 Ontario Street reailverinr ron to ord? machines equip? aetd will enmider offer owner wants to reUte Us hi 70 a Uhev TOWER CO MA 1 S174 A Sundj' TI jH00 GIT and print shop Downtown tea nbie for quick sale customer account included Box 10410 Dealer Gas STaTKVC Texaco for lease Hough Ave low inventory rood buat ne romer The Tcxa Co 51A 5 3 dRCNTRY ftftre for aie at rroibartln price $2 5011 including stock Inquire variety store i Ann a known neighborhood store store 40xlrt'n Route 6 naiemrnt norxrvnm can ana ary uuu iwurc must APP1 1 lb ut hd MA JU74' VARIETY 9313 HcuhZ eat "SO years rent $35 sacrifice selling be taiise of death in family YEK1Y' Income PonniMc ith $1500 Investment NATION AL rompanr effm area distrib utorship for the most sensations! de DOWNTOWN OICES In mall or large unit regu lar tervice available at $175 per sq it Double office a low as $75 per month er details write Box 351 It Plain Dealer 4900 Euclid Ave WHK BLDG Excellent office space 450 ft sroas tic ceiung asphalt tilt floor parting JOS VRSTNER A CO CH 1 Cail Jklr Bmwn ONE ROOM $50 MONTH 13 661 EX'CLID AVE SO Pint Turn Houtjj (W) 65 sInesi Places tor Rent a L'scd $2950 wahiait rnnintft Hl diawers If desire complete re ondition a ni i i i 1 1 1 size transfer $4 each new draw ing board used sle1 clothes Ifo tiers used eteel blue print cabinet late el Acme 5x8 visible file new safe from $59 50 used chairs tables: tie folding chairs 2 95 steel' shelving Ask auvui r6n Qtjick SALE txrt Horssi Stock farm Taoli mimeojltoh Moael 94 Srrll No J'OCK rarni I00IJ MB" 1 horwr 'H ftlSS 7vli iWlAKl lnch Pto" 4ttiuaeo 3 rpa etaftds type ere A A Prlnt i trr i sna In On 2041 Ml I 4ft Oi'U I 1 JTO or A i 1 9 1 0 on Sun TBNNESSEE Belin Iww Must Wil OUR MODERNIZATION EXPERTS CAN PLAN YOUR TOE WITHOUT OBLI GATION TO YOU IMMEDIATE DELIVERY New Show Cases New Wall Cas New Displav Cases ADMIRAL SHOWCASE S680 Euclid UT 1 7751 PRY GOODS STORE Mt ST STU jse Bust Side focatscn ladwa cnudrtti wear good Uuioea imc HI 1 3693 Racking 1 07 60 lft'xys' 'fiVatTTOl A AT 1 k41J WOODHI'lL 2868: Large ito full CDAR Tsylor Doctor or desi ase pent slfotnlng 4 room I space: 1 story bldg A ruTttM fnr rnt jSl 3 wffT CAO trt ft OflVa ftd VO 27 spafc: rwtMlb1 rent PR 10830 I B1fTarliU 50 thieUA CH 1 795T 150 and TurUMC cnmirucrini uew with acy': wnite gmn so wrin I bide office $40 1 1181 fall cut amondr $135 SH central location including 1700 square feet of fine new offices 3 tru 'k load ing docks 2 ton elevator and impie parking lot Available shortly Call broker fnr th owner CHAT PATER SON MA 1 22 93 Co brokem welcome 1229 SIXTH ST STORE RONT 4000 ELEVA TOR TO PERECT 7000 BASE MENT PARKING: W1U DIVIDE TRU CK DOCK LO 1 5 5 0 6 1M RNI NGS 20000' 1 Story Brick 79th High Ceiling Heavy Zone 50 Car Park Cha (' Pearson 1 0600 AND LEASE! MOVE IN OR MG STORAGE 25000 SQ TRUCK DOCK ELEVATOR HEAT 220 A OICES SPRINKLERS KOBLITZ INC CH 1 2788 Downtown Commercial Bldg Cleveland's Most Modern 2 200 4490 7800 SQ OR RENT LOWEST RENTAL DOWNTOWN RR AD LEY REALTY CO A 0273 GROUND floor front West Side 4U00 sq ft 5000 and 7500 ft sprin klered bldg good loading facilities 7000 sq ft Croton Ave opposite A i warehouse loading platform WM JHALOSKY 1 961 7 UCLID 1220'5 near new rapid station: ground finer: light manufactur irg good rear delivery and parking I 350 aq ft piuft half basem*nt $150 a month MA 1 63 35: 42000 SO penr1t TOWER CO 1 vV Sundjva suptnrm a eeki Bnxjey mxkrr xd far 3 faaiHk of 55th on Swpertar HX 1 4242 INTERNIST WANTED To share luxurious but effi cient office with endocrinologist in new air conditioned Park Chester Medical Building Many Inducements excellent opportunity for right man SW 5 2 ft ft MODERN 1 5 i DEN LYNWOOD TAI LOR 1 3661 Eudid Broker I I 1 1600 SO steel a id brick 3 private par in WILL SELL 1 1 non sti pt 1 story no pears 300 lb firor foad ptu 8500 ft in basem*nt DOWN TOWN private parking lot 75000 SQ 3 story building spnnklere OTHERS ALSO WILL BUILD TOR LEASE 15000 TO 100000 SQ 1 STORY BUILDING ON EXCELLENT SITE HOWARD POPE REALTOR CH 1 4 112 EVES LA 1 4 310 hatMTL 1 i i state must sell Phone LMi t'hM 5 24 0 t' $1 101 A HK faiai mite east of old etmthed Cbardon on Route 6 93 ft front wn Mi'iitv i jii Citilanua now A Martin's uis Geneva i SEND for i54 Kann Caisfogu Miller ReaRv Geneva Xuburhsn ft Write A Martin son 0 3 ACRES 3 miles tuxth of Chfdvn Ohk an ac pl I 3M 121 Boan Marine Supplies a High profit uiakinir bimnr niiiiiin 'iii in IWChiHU i VAl a I neetl 14 diri mi umiiKa injHirij I 616 rieli woman or couple vm hr hwdlrdliT ZT ma stf hi evenings JI5H ao experience ncccawv will (um Approximately $l0ufl rpnal re quired or full i unliilcntial pir AU ER OICESrft $3C a aronth JAXWHT 51! 1 1299 Ci yecr own brvae' 30 Basintji JpartunitiHj HI i aiuavnierk 1 rMrwn A ERICK BLDG 1 STORY l000 ft 5700 ft of'lct no post hlth cHUnrs iprlntlered LARGE PARKING LOT INCLUDED COBROKERS INVITED OICE SPACE Biudnet River 1 marl monthly payment Cail HE lUTUt 'I 1 2' wonderful opportunity nw living quarter $4500 down will fuance other interests EN 1 19 2 2 1 5 30 Davenport RESTAURANT7 Short order crowfowncorner must el) due to other good profit and volume term ca arrang'd ope sting years Call CWe eel Treasure ebise ued can and ume car repair Drace ra handling equipment a ni dy irl mriudea tnrrntor Suitors bkreera ccoQreaaors ea aparr pai aud ewrptoto hue auppLe steel mr copper tubtnjc Contact A Eire Represent Perry Equipment Otxrp Cat! CH 1 4446 or PR I 6S50 AC 1 1678 REALTOR I LNK tOCATION KXITLlRNT BUY 1 Rocky rivfr brick 6 SI'ITER INCOMR T3O PER MONTH: mdLLIuI J'" AlWtrtc lnv V'1 sait ntspoMll fur nlahod in each niltr 5 rar brick Karaite hit 1 hM Mcul I lL 1) JONES IJD'LLJ "'a in Rmltor CL 1 8044 lished by prewnt owner for th lat 10 years all mdern equipment ir0 seat b4T actfon vcy short hours 30 a tn No Bundaya or holiday $100000 jr mi per year DORIS REALTY 143 LEE RD Rwllor YU 2 362 3 ToLease INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL Qvendorf Mom Co Ma1 214 3 76 Moyjng: Storage Packing APEyou to California or" to some other western Daily service on household rood and auto st low rates Judson orwrltng PR 1 2070j LOW rates for storage or household fur nishinrs RELYON lnet 137 ISHB 1 0422 LA RGB van for lorida caa taka part Inad Spark Htora ge TE 3 3331 for jess In Iteel vault's? a WHITWORTH CE 1 1123 132 Sale DiamondsJewelry 14 CARAT "white gold rinc center dia mond 4 diamond tide Chips $5 17 jerl La thin Uh gold bsrid $20 VT 1 1145 ftArPTrorrr'n nr mert ring for fractlor of orlrtnal coL 1306 Eornd Bt ri iAaao DEI1CA7 ESSEN With ber and wine llrenae Owner ar rdr Nn resa aM oflei refused See Lidar BO 2 5ft60 Lincoln Rraltv Co SSEN 2 PERMIT payment: rood flshr arms MA I SI74 (I 1 6100 Si nr het ic SRHVICIC STATION SAlAf nr informatfoh ra 1 A'ifM) in a 4 1H dsilv nr ti! Atx 'r rrv i 8108 1 t0l SALE Due tn the d'ih uf etfa must sell ill lelilng a thriving business on 3 srtti enu AlilliS 1111 prominent Location 2185 EAST 14 ST BETWEEN PROSPElT CARNECIE 6 STORY BAsem*nT IREPROO EACH LOOR 50x80 INE OICES LARGE ELEVATOR WADING DOCK AMPLE PARKING WM BASSICHIS MA 1 4181 177000 SQ NEAR 79 WOODbAND 1 4 U' 1 1 1 i I ivrvrtrru ro tn 2d floor of 5 000 sq It pa king or can do your ownworx joaatng ooi a reasona im MEAD ACOBS CO ST 1 8111 ft weeks black CH PUPS week snrmeil lnntetrl wonderful with children 1 ah 1 black mafoe 1 black tan 1 table female i nn if (SlfPMAN RepMr1 A EDGEWOOD AT 1 1331 IM tn I 4 mnntht old 72 CA'H ANY CONDI Birs Taverns! Z'V TN zsr pre ivoaia ae ait mar tar small trkde hriefc bunding ronatM inf suiie and stores $l000 a month nced to ell at cmlv 105000 The finest bul buUd'ng MI beck tmn! wm prove over $1200 a week br busluaa ai riuri katiuunn Parma The finest ca'a $2200 a week buslneet ro liquor Hues Must be MOTEl 1 WEST Th houwt tlnn non' dm ui I i TRONG'V 11 IT Hi 1 3 Pxvl 1 300 1 P'L XLJI rA A I 4 Read SH Pa R5( At nf rf onio nun vHnrr Hie BriMteit 1 5 ACRILS Clark ork Trucks 194" nd 144 Model Tire $1250 each Service Station tor Lease We have 2 new excellent Wet 9lde hxxtjons jrhich wtli be available soon or information call MA 5j55 Tivaiw' Matured iady would like Wiiip 3 nt Co tavern rl owner reteience eai ma highway sprint apot for laaejaafs I fl 1 4 1 4 Dm la? 1 9 a tc a ii station in foctfon buildings $15 750 Pbetv near turnpike inlerchnce romer biaiel 27571 Reader 1 mi a Rt 5 and 534 Newton 0 tftg mAft9rer 1 located in Brooklyn on buy thorough fare nice going business grod leare owner tie other out of town miersat Prue of 1 2 500 include all stork and future afock alone ahould rveM sale prxe Restaurant ish and Chip Shop Papular establish busuieaa aperialto tng In fun Jtnnr and home ye rotlar and baking xcepttMiaiiy well ec4irDed hirh la! years reputation same Kvatii'm acre rent lea re Of Cleveland Nuumi owd 1 available for tiupectton or detai or? a big bargain for exli SHtdrsid ixca KOI rvtH iNm iT i ilk Rl 4 ln operated: tnciudtng Hain tea wrecker Opper iilinifv Hnl'1U4 1 AMOCO evrtvthinr In snirt Ml bltahment terms Sre TOWI CO Evenings A Sunday a MO I iU ON ROUTES 6 AND 3 units alt with privat a pa Hvlne nuarterv $35000 will handle owner will carry nuirtgnge ftr balam 'all lzraiii 5 4 6 ft 6 or 35 I ACH INE shop If are q7a)lfied and inrerestM In eatablishlng your own business will finance to extent of ex rrlient facilities equipment efo Gbe full detail nf experience and back ground in machine shop Held in first letter All replies held ronfldentlal Plain Dealer MOTEL Well eatahilshed providing ex cellent Income and a very attractive bungalow for owner superb foratton on busy 12 like new and modern throughoui Write owner Purcell 950 Columbia Ave Battle Creek Michigan MEAT MARKET Groceries and vegetable Owner has other buxines' or will sell equipment make nffr US Rrnadwav PailfOrd fl 1 11 I dOTtL BITS Surrounded by beautiful tre ee: 310 ft frontage mi Euclid 420 ft deep natural hm well that would heal 11)0 unlia near Mentor priced tor guick Mie Chardon 5 4141 malts New equipment tease niuney maicer near Park 11 300 st Clair MASSEUSE To help operate health center partner ship bail Interview 4 9 Euclid Health renter 94 00 Kudld Ave ulhM: w'ZrimH 5M arms and Acrsaga jirn utaikiuiTt 4vmiu a hnti i lni rtn I aI Vria Vermilion 30 JA aim tftee a buildings remxUied uae new 3 bedrovm SHOE store with living quarter: 1 hatm basem*nt furnace: cut wafer i uAucr ana nw imam sawn eute IO 4409 ti $2530 Phune J75TI mi ot Metuni PENTHOUSE Suitable tor professional studio adver tising agency artist etc plenty of north light free parklag Available $200 per month HOTEL SOVEREIGN Call Suzy Gallagher Mgr 157S Eat Blvd GA i 2:20 Chihuahuas Puppie ini Grown Srnclr Arne iran pt Shr 91 LOWEST PRICES EVER NEW 24' PEDESTAL ANS SPEED MOTORS $5950 A I RAL I XT UR CO 56SO Euclid UT 1 7733 SAVE 5 TO 30 ON ALL EQUIPMENT OR CAES AND RESTAURANTS ADMIRAL IXTURE CO 36SO Euclid UT 1 7733 SAVE' money ON RESTAURANT' EQUIPMENT ACTORY OUTLET WHOLESALERS Corner Huron Rd 4 St MA 1 060 SI AUGHTERHOUSE butcher shop equpmrnt an excellent condition worth $10000 bargain price $3000 CallE MKAiytaC! 1 3610 SECRtrfARY dek 3: dreibl execu tive desk 12 straight chan 4 swivel Chair a I shape Prlvare nrr will urriflceHE 1 7496 4 WAIC display esses 2 glass 'floor cabinet ne s'l 'wx! f'vr display Euclid Lojzan Hotel 9507 EUCLID AVE lngle and double rooms private andemibath kitchen if newly furnished and decorated: dose to 105 theaters and shopnirr center opposite Cleveland Clinic: dally and weekly rate CLAIRE HOTEL 6 53 105 near corner St Clair: Clean rooms $10 weekly rate white A effldencysuite GLl 44ft ROYAL COURT HOTEL Apt and Sleeping Rooms Laundry acilities urnished 1830 EAST 19TH 1 524 Euclid Ave Modern room down up PR 1 9MJL HAWLEY 3d 8t lr Daily and WEEKLY RATES ItAir HOTEL 2530 PROSPECT AVE to $11 weekly $150 to $2 dall 65 Business Places for Rent CORNER 154 and kinsman: Attract live store heat hot water: excellent lo cation for beauty parlor or dry eleanlngtablihment Lease or monthly tenancy'Hw1 6l9l DOUBLE store Euclid Ave across the street from rapid transit station 34x64 possossfon Aug rent all or part A J674 3000 including separate office space loadinc pisiform Urnt heat etc Ideal for small machine shop Immedl MI 1 STOP COR NER ifore 32x5 4 attaefied 54xT8 war houfe optional: lively shopping ds trtet rood for any business 300 Lo raln Ave 15 560 or BO 2 2068 GROINP LOOR 1107 Bolivar: 4000 ft: heated: truck door: good office CH 1 2788 TSaDISON 7823 Store with furnished hrlrg quarter $1QQ per month Call BO 2 0510 RdZRtore with double ga rage: full basem*nt ER 1 1483 CEl358j GROCERY' vegetable and Ice cream afore renter must buy stock 4 room Cnmt'ie: cocpef dhttHatfoh fbaey pus hr iw1fw Ad Cfcprer uaM 40O 2 200 sal I lighted aed ear tot recproum ie loo 6 2iv'v i4: eeh fxi0 on lease basis Be car f'a rtn nr Height location The best tMfy tn rnnt bendy tn non ineomPi tttioonon Rahner 1 mortgage You can lake oi over $innn per year ter raying expense UiUreM rn LreipaS md maintengnro Phone Ma 41I4 MeCOY la 1 77 14 Wonderful Buy in sn it Ai $17 non ISlOME $513 MONTH Lynwood Taylor HaM 1 ii lid Bmk III 1 1660 ISA! shirs 6 BRICK SIHTR OUR IRST OER1NO Quality i onxtrucMon Good Incoma EXCLUX1VK SALK RY ARSON ORG'N 1'100 MkIioii I A 1 3727 SHUttM TUPAY ft 30 A ft JVf SI 7SoO U1 ual income Oft Chester Ave 3 rnom suite gi mitral best Asking $61500 117 IJ M965 NKR excellent Condf ruu'm 5 NOUth of Lorain Av yrLAKE: 10125all utllltlS' NORTiiriKtn AURORA rdTT sSuT II Al 6502 A 1 2825 116 Wanted Real Estate HIGHEST CASH Alex odor Realtor Home Lot and yrm 1308 Loratn Ave MB 1 ftllf BUY BSTaTeSZaPARTMENTS msrnyft and doubles for cash MG and PIS 'G Patented produvt tremend us poten tial Lack of working apitl necessi tates sale Ideal for dlvenitlcalton Sell ing to many different outlets and gen ersl pubflc in Unied and for Aim rtuinrrioa rinnai ments should tuft ex cred $25 000 ui assist buyer In erahiihint solid bush (I WI uiai I1IUUIU ij aian BAK profits 1st vea: iPure possible earning Unusual type of business' rood retumv unlimited Box 2222 Plain Deie must srtf sacrificing I new fqutpnient good terms 1 6 down payment leare sale room and cottage Genesa on the Lake44 27 BUSINESSWOMAN will share attractive 5 room apt with same BO 2 cl*tON Young man win share 2i room apt with same BO 2 5452 eves COUPLEill share 4 room upper with same colored 1 SK 2 1 6 COLORED coepie to share 5 n'm fur nished apt: adult only A 1 2 1 1 53 Children Boarded iLare store open balcony snd or 1 i trrt ftf Dav t'er I mbH Ab JI SV 3 3 Oon tin e'nnne KOans tiernud OA llftt tbic tliar nf ExceUenl M1 rHouse taHrtcat in xorpng etc SUU Reinforced concrete ouuomg: DOWNTOWN: WAITING TO BVV I 1ST AST ACTION THE APPLE CO 136 Euehd imM 1 3745 I remer rertrtng I erTS IV rtlA vvw a'uuuu per Tear TA a its 1 cycles single phsse rod capacity In ret suburb Cleveland to in Capable of welding stainlei aai Autulte parts a id steel mild steel and copper mechanic! 1 retail cvtnpIri uiun auaij ns nt vhciicu: 52500 SUJfo2S03 i iumt BULLIXY3ER HD10 Alils Chalmers i comparable to D7 2300 hours almost i new condition warrantee $6 000 1 SH 9 2113 ur SH 9 1073 CNf Detroit Pd Rneky UIAHMB TJ Rartiret DRLICaTEN priced fnr qurx st 500 I tor srrk 8339 n'1r III tlxturri 14 1 1017 or GL 1 15 51 nEurirKsTrT KniiTTST'islV area 2 licens good going buvlrres sac n'lce Call owner SH 1 6790 S6rf rolC 6u'T new: with rt without property 4A27 SH 1 2141 DELICATESSEN 2 west Money maker right party trad BO 3 4540 BQ 3 6466 5 15 mlls east Rt ww will lease iiome neu 30 car CAPITOL REALTY DELICATESSEN' 2 lane drawine radluir Ixit One c' the best In th city a bareatn at $9 500 H1r force MleCallLA 1 6726 DV1TD JT75 L1nre qd etulomnt to moved BestjJffer ohfrJnrert fye 1 0022 DRY ckaqifg buine rd Unw' od ana oust location fixtures Included Wl 3 060C DEUCAtKSSEN COM "stop reaaonabi owner 10320 MHm nRY elaAfilm le irt PER SQ excellent P'e PAUL COLEBROOK IA 1 6 ONLY $S0 A MONTH 5606 Euclid about 1700 sn ft de sirable rproe lor factories storage or nfflcesj price InHuds 1 224 1 6000 SQT of spare 2 store entrance to drive into building zoned for any kind business high celling 2800 79 SW 1 7277 CEDAR at 105 SI 6500 sq It of manufacturing or warehouse spare on 1 floor Elevator Jfoaronabl rent EX 1 0760 WAREHOUSE Downtown: street floor oarklrg lot true do' heated 4000 ft Box 2 1 525 PlatnDaler ENGLISH basem*nt over 8000 ft (food fnr manufacturing or display very ressnnaoie reui vi 7704 Carnegie large attractive store for lease suit able for sales office and showroom Approximately 2000 Sq Phone A Berrv iEV Evening YE 2 2345 permanent ground floor Car A1RE15aLK terrrer A ise brosen yywiUred JJ lead ED 154 1 Miixrw a i mnnrni rnr iin lorn rui wnnn cropped shot beaufHul fawn very ret I $13000 TV 4 5861 Koahh TU 4 1418 i LOT Uejuaie Gar fl gh Im ruftwrer a teasonanre 7605 Brtnsmde Mt! 1 rAXER fomal 8 mnA Ot et rellerit for children UL BoXER pups 2 mlre left i iq rwn foitule: I yr A regiarer jn ENTIRE BUILDING 26400 Sq Approximately 2 200 sq ft beauti ful offices entire balance clean warehouse space siding level with 1st floor Large paiktrg and truck area Available Immedi ately Most reasonable rent in town 221 SCRANTON RO ELBER JR MA 1 327 parity: low 'n payment financing Appointment only ATI ENTIOX CLUBS! A rrrvt "ITtonU" Mr Ha Cun club loeued on uir at nor Twin i I SerlUllwl rrai4lo tn1ltrR i ULl 4888 man made spnne frd lakes and thickness motor leaded and stocked with nir there re Ideal showroom for furniture upholsforv box and new knives Call 3 room and shower 4 rnom and hath irst floor 5000 ft also 2 upner'wi 1 1319 after 5 rn Ah'1 lanre 2665 home overlooking non oi Mcrtfket $20000 cAh re quired CLUB ROOMS west Large 3 tory biick building ftOxian tarTe alr cwvfl toned auditorium ideal fnr dancing larr? stage new balcony just completed cost $27UO(I tarce 45x50 rhtbto'ni or social complete with bars etc 2 5 room suites 2 stores large parking hit Immediate prwseasinn Priced well below market cost KiMir urniture Parma One of the finest kiddle shops in town nn experience neressary: will net as high as $18000 a vear Price of $65 000 Includ's new brick building large 0x125 lot and 410 000 worth of uxa Can you beat It? mfown? ma 5 rooms and bath In aeh suite Vk win bring a nice romforUbie re turn on thq treatment lach tull eon fo cf a large living room a full din fog om 2 good lire bedrooms a fam ny kitchen wun plenty of eat oxre a full bath Gaa furnace tn the base i ur an irwaa tam particulars and vnur appointment to see CGI GN 1 5000 today Attntmn InvKtnre rn Kni A Nrtek wm t3 fine condllloa 1 kalhf w11 a lari a I 1 Medina MtaU suite ore 3 room siute individual Rwte bath: divided basem*nt copper ptumb MENTCm Township 3 a res 4 bed ln steam heat awnings for rooms modern conveniences ctre water: building Located eloae tn trans oit furnace apple trvex chicken iwusea rental rertinn Priced and equipment double garage with 1 actfon irst time offered sn Krreced in patn built baea $11500 don delay cul today ON 1 5000 or sppv'tntnrerH call BO 2 6994 after a a i VJaJLJLre nrr rCATJKKN nn riwnnrnv mm' i business rare gasp I brokers Invited Cell RO 2 3331 RECAUM of HI health hardws for' mall town nar Lima met In mne Write Hardware Bn 95 Brevet oam 1 WHC buy small offset plant" anywhere 1 buff A til 'll 11 1 'aarur'llt Br WI'V Bill 4 owner as operator under srevrart agree 'be end 10 ttvforoii ir iTj lain uvaier Ola regHHren rir'cijin'en OR sal lar rornrr lot gas station markings can YBJft loioi waierito r'a looq I'tiiion tor 7 coujk tnree ma other bminess 1VJ 32'i 1 fomalre rhorughbred unregistered GOOU gotnr ei'ern and irprery IV i304 5 rooms reasonable LU iU 1 54 53 LIB feme re "a UP SU 1 919 Mo Old KW 1 2 BARGAIN kl popuar (fairy frenhl I UOI LIB pupplea champton "'inn your iw rr oiuar soio 1 7 7 I 1 i'r a Misy ivinx city utit ntftKKttNn 136 Typewriter! Office Mach ol I Llcctnc I ypewritrn uniwii a GERMAN SHPHRD 'J A I iLn'V i nnn rreM jMAfc sailboat Clifton yjAUjvww reu Stiff id A Ididlnr tbp 25 with motor: rm display bee belt! slxo In el vic for Ini niedlst dellverv See tndav ri uukuimk up aovvvu vear wn A a In 3 vcais denendeni rn number uf 1 AND YAiHi nlU HY 4 a 'munis serviced iOl IMroit MA tJ2 APPLICANTS must avallabia Irnoie 1 953 15S Lyman 1944 Id i jobHsru remote ntrola wnevt trew cushion ironing bracks twice rum running irenre Hiver yitii Pay No Office Rent Your phone In our office we answer handle mail and callers: 24 hour serv ice PR 1 2020 Room 402 1010 Euclid Bldg OREST HILL BLDG CORNER EUCLID SUPERIOR Professional or Medical Sult available $75 free paved parking TO 14)0 30 QUINBY BffDGi 5511 EUCLID CORNER 55 OICES: Small and large: $30 month and up light mfg assembling sales utilities furnUhed TO 1 0030 MEDICALBUHDTNG' Doctors or dentists in factory district close to Shaker rapid and Shaker Height 4 offices available with park ing facilities main thoroughfare CH 1 37 8 1 COMMERCIAL BLDG 2056 4TH ST very desiraoie onice 50 sq un4AU ft A 1 1 til floor JOS 'wURSTNER CO CH 1 0147 CalMr LBrown "PROSPECT fthBLDG Best Downtown Location MA 1 4350 EXCEPTIONALLY allret1v prlvf office furnished carpeted Moderate rental Good address convenient loca tion Reception message and ecretrial vervlre available Cl 1 15 10 WILL rent attractive office In reel warehouse including light heat and switchboard service tn manufacturer agency or ale organization Harvard Eroadway area MT 1 R700 EUCLID EAST 17TH irst clas downtown office oce 1652 sq ft Can negotiate favorable lei ms for this very dcstrabl spare Available immediately A 1 9483 SCHOIELD BLDG 9 TH AND EUCLID Smail medium and large offices See Mr Schofield Room HOP WILL lease anowroohi 58x20 ft and office 20x14 ft Mayffold Rd South Euclid: will convert showroom tnfo of fices It desirable Box 30122 Plain DESK space: Private office 214 Hip podrome Bldg telephone aniwertng service Included: $30 month Mr SehafferCH 1 4941 HEIGHTS LOCATION Desirable office suite in well nuintalnM building rent including heat light and janitor service YE 2 7117 KOLX draft ber syirem allrhtly used111 guarantee 3 fowart 4108 Broad way CiESKS cnairs but erfT rent Acme Office ixture Co 2265 Ontario MA 1 0916 CASH regUters rw used SEE GENERAL CALL 1714 Woodland Ave PR 1 3353 rrw3A: ING CABINETS AT TREMENDOUS SA VTNCS 5680 EUCTJD UT 1 7733 TYLER refrigerafed fixtures: wver SOO models fo choose from UT 1 7878 7719 tmegie zVxSZTA A KEYSTONE ixture "53 Wfoodlijid USED showcase and wall able UT 1 773 5 "TJSU)'' fif fice LaniDmeu Low Price rrex 1132 Prospect Ave GREETING 3 eebfo ts sell 11 or one GL 1 7676 GREETING care fkrt confer? miiC uppUesvsiyn IV 8 0125 chafoi diafjri tole fester iel flier 6100 Mresln A 1 658 Uied Cub 1 I i i i PGWER driven Monroe CAicularnr: xond fA i ijip Buck Six Suite Apt iso Income lute modern rear ovi overlooaitif Vliv River Valley four 2 berfroonj rentes 1 bedroom suitM indi vidual iitllftlea and heating roM ONL Ufn OWNER PRINCIPALS lOSOO'CARXEGIE 4 ground floor offices or storeroom with large 10 display window cozy 3 room apt with bath on 2d floor in cluded in rent locate your business on Clevelands busiest East Side thorough fare where thousands of cars passing hcurly will see your name Mrs Thomas SV 5 7300 IDEAL LOCATION OR MEDICAL OICES parking tot available adjoining irst floor corner HOTEL SOVEREIGN Suzy Gallacher Mcr 1575 East Blvd GA 1 2520 Eat 20 yr on downtown main piUltUU i year round bualneu noa big rent $100: rewd elo Ivt elrei place modern fixtures electric equip mrnt offered special tow price I KORYTA CQ 819 Nat I City Hank Bldg CH 1 38 10 RES TAURA NT groceries: iojrm good equipment in LsnNed tftOO driUH rlttln1 Mi tkB If rwr Of get mi a Meady year round "PXV present income 2nno wrek 7 Want actory Warchousa ANTED?" Rent nr Rare approximately 6000 ft for light mfg Smail aluminum foundry lat Honr loading dock Parking Local established com panv B'x 14722 Plain Dealer WAREftOUMC PACE WANTED IN CLEVELAND PROPER 7000 TO 10 000 NQ MUST PE ON RAIL ROAD SIDING ON GROUND LOOR ONLY 72 82 1674 Large double genTc high celling concrete floor RA 1 9124 7 4 Rental Agencies RENTALS WANTED WEST TO LANDLORDS WADE RENTAL SERVICE 13950 LORAIN W1 1 1174 REE RENTAL SERVICE To landlord Phon SW 1 4 4 30 GLANZ BROKER 10615 EUCLID Ojxn daily 10 a to 7 TO WEST SIDE RENTAL SERVICE 121 b5 WQ 2100 OWR co em A 1 1 nd av CROKRY meats 2 dwibre store 3 rvxMtos tn rea West: ISO 000 yrarit two ivpen $5 900 if sold this week OL HU69 Prondt1uid and guaranteed from $145 Monroe calculators from 14950 will add subtract multiple divide adding mchtne itv troiiten $29 50 Ak about ur rental plan ROY LI RENT ROSE INC 1311 Perine ree Parking Oppoae Rd Crrww Ben Kiri evj ai iki a oi jo num in a 4 Ive bird Parakeets al! breed 4 dieirograph $35 dictaphone $35 Bur WbtftHul lUortgn ail ia rourb ddr I2S: I a elKtto 'I'l 'S 1 6 5 A 2736 OT 1504 1 PIVO PMTI I 1 IK I 74 II COIGATT: AVE MS HorwiJM rn 1 MM I XIUXBCTS Siwtial on Ctr 'WtnK Rr 2 3215 vntiB ponnexrrv aw ZVMTT7tt4A I vv" kXrTLi VV?" 1 4 iU1 fVKAin 9U OQUU Btrlhr GLJ2l07 AStf BUYER OR YOUOltfCtfc Ort T(Y PreneranUn puns 10 wrek 1 DOUBLE in the Brooklyn Parma and riiax i iiuian a rv yeuigi i iu tieixHA MVllVUi 1 ia i wt or vt tja? PIVATE home practical nurse: bed patient orconvalescentEN 1 3787 55 RentSummer Cottages roundup lake A HW UNITS available during July New and modem cottages on private spring fed lake ideal for family: private bath swimming fishing playgrounds dance hall picnic areas Roundup Lake lo'alid just east of Aurora on Rt 82 Phone Aurora 5211 or Cleveland MA 1 4255 or YE 2 1547 CHUNKEYS HARBOR MOTI New just completed each unit accom modates 4 electric toilet shower and cooking stove beach at door north dock' of Peelee island iScudderu only safe mooring for yachts at Peelre $10 per night or $50 per week Wire or phone Elmer elU 23R20 Scudder Ontario CANADA ishing cottages on Lake sin3 sandy beach good fishing or: information call A 1 7446 between 5 30 6 30 MADISON on the Lake: Newly built cot tages available July 25: all utiities private beach rent by week or season KE1 33I1 BEAUTIUL 5 room lake front cottage near Huron by wren month or season ail utilities: sand beach golfing danc ing movies YE 2 b652j Huron 5866 URNISHED COTTAGE ELECTRICAL conveniences front porch fireplace orest 2 6590 cANADa'3 BEDROOMS 60 NEAR1 Huntsville: water toilets gas bath lire less oil heat beach SK 1 7797 Tznni 4K vu conveniences weekly or monthly pn vate beach ARROWHEAD Beach Willoughby avall able July 11 nd ia AuS 6 and 1 5 WA V8780 Lake Shore Blvd Nice 3 room cottage own beach reasonable rates WI 3 1753 POTTAGES licht housekeeping: good fishing boat and Ice Mrs Smyth palmer Rapids Ontario Canada VER 1 LI ON TH A Modern 3 bedroom studio type cottage screened oorches AC 1 8 8 49 GENEVA on the Lake: Welker Cottages call after 5 PO 1 7596 EVA ON Ti i LAKE 5 ROOM rfiMPiriE coiiAt ti it 23925 LAKE Sher? Blvd 3 rooms complete beach RE 1 8391 GENEVA1 30' house trailer: clean: leeps 4 aeek MO 2 26 5 1 ATTRACTIVE vermilion cottages mod rrn 363O evenings 58 Want Suburban Property AAAffENANTS WAITING ORSVS URBAn PROPERTY BROKER 100 REE RENtaL SERVICKSU 5 7300 60 Summer Board Resorts OTSEGO ijike Eleven semlmodem apartments nn beach: boat furnished: rate $30 to $50 per week HESS RESORT Gaylord Mich 63 Apartment Hotels MOUN ROYAL Kitchenette or bachelor apt newly decorafod furnished hotel service 4311 Prospect HE 1 1430 HOTEL 5505 'ST Of AIR COMPLETELY RENEWED 1 2 ROOM EICIENCIES REE PARKING DAILY WEEKLY RATES HE 1 4588 26 1900 2 3 room efficiencie' from $9 weekly tree parking adults 5 1 95 10 64 Hotels or Smart Hotel At big money saving rate see the beau tiful Hotel Sterling As pood a the best at much much les cnt REE PARKING Away rom Noise and Congestion Only 4 Blocks irom Downtown Sterling Hotel Prospect st 30 HE 1 96Q0 Hl PreH Realtor 9 l'tM KM AUTO iori! Cafe WANTED: BI MNESS Bendcr Tucky 30 SALESMEN To YOU Ohfo Lareen Bustnp Broker15200 DR 1 94 4 1 TU5 1246 ROOMING property 7 5 St north of Chester 25 rooms: heat Incom $535 Cite Term HUNTER A CO CE 1 86 2 4 fcZjifisC Near college 9 fovely rvmi 3 for owner frtg $3 000 oon jj income vwner tk u339 PESTAljHANT: Eat 25 rrere owner retiring real opportunity for tie right party Willoughby Revsurant 1 pnnr winnnnM nV Aflvr: Eah 1 in Co ruraianed neir ciair on iso 1 or fa i ivro on sun $390 month income $15500 fSeDaPRINT mimeogreoh pa'mier 1 1 1 3513 chec writer Royal typewriter Tboawa RBSTAUrANr ctod I'dng byirinev red RiurmreM ma 1 equipped $1100 cash or termr rhlne adjurtable fluorere ent destr lamp I 1 19! 9 MUea Ave PE 3 0678 I So reasonable offer refused KD 1 4585 i Tw 'Ah i i rp a or I AinA it ruyjppfn try gqua IreatjAn l) reavmabfe NEW portable 4150 up terms: rnl e'Y rvr i list aW wtT folly equipped partrei niture Priced ire Tpre A 1 "Reuse 14 rrore: vreffrot furniture ocd income 1930 I 7 9 re CAnSE tlnlr good condb turn complete 14fo ft ins in cat trunk iun JV CHRIR Crart Errew hrf ton toilet scat cabin: nearly prw ftr 18 tn ft nitw saltUiNt thnmp ron buiit 3 sails Musi seti MA 14 IDO day Hl I 03 1 7 ee liberal loans NO RD TAPE irn Rfcom inancing itiv Qttwn INSTRUCTION MON A ILA BLR Vttr'6 LOBSalarepartmentsSih 4 SLITER necie Ave only 54c per it overhead cas heat 3 large over head door Call YE 2 0962 Sun day and evenings EX 1 194 rum nvrn mother ants lor seif and care of 1 8 month oid bey: refined home Rocky River Bay VlUae or Lake word to $150 mouth Box 23422 Plain Deale WILL care for little girl ae 7 ft or 9 my home companion to well be haved girl 8 nice yard: day only OL 1 0502 DAY care of children infants: excellent facilities pickup and deliver Meals and diaper service UT1 361S WORKING mother needs temporary home for baby due Aug Box 5923 Plam Dealer WILL board tnfants by day for working parent sy SUMMER VACATION CN ru'tnDcv GVRR 6 MO ROOM for motber care of riuld while mother worlds PO 1 529 EXCELLENT DAY CARE OR PRE SCHOOL CHILDKENMO2 1735 CHILD CARE MY HOME BY HOUR ORD A YE? 4 3 64 CHILDREN to board: permanent home 3 years and up: white EX 1 7728 CHILDREN days in my home for pre school children CEli615L CARE' of children in my home days experienced mother CE 1 9028 Service Station fnr Ireire Hau new excellent localim which 200 amp Lincoln portable a drive 1 Su af i inn mn WMiinchouse orive with rer 4 fr A a i jantt nt CINCINNATI" CCMR1NAT1ON BUER AND GRINDER WITH PEDES TAL LIKE SUNNYUNE ELECTRIC CO 7 27 PRoSPECT A VE VENTILATING EQUIPMENT Bl OW 1 1 1 1 Is BOOTH ANS ELECTRIC 1 MACHINERY TOOLS SUPPLIES HOR 1 VTZMDSS ST CLAIR I lapahty on surface and external rrtndlne mb shoo work on small ore sembly wore aio ut remi) I CLEAN retp sale of printing equip 1 SUBURBAN ri i 8 Li not re and a sma hm automatic etc Call MU 1 4 290 plenty of parking appointment prove orr $1200 a i jHd XlW MALES RIBBON WlX 1 KR Wf 2 7 6 1 VI jfc I About 20 minute southwest of Cleve land Public Square on a well known street with bus facilities This modern building Is excellent for a distributor light fabrication or warehouse use Rail road siding and amole vacant land for parking and expansion Truck level dock 14 ft clearance Available on 5 vear lease MEAD JACO BS CO SU 1 11 ST CLAIR AT NOTTINGHAM AIR CONDITIONED Modern office space in small attractive bldg in this desirable East Side toca nori: paneled walls fluorescent lighting acoustic ceiling asphalt tile floor and parking facilities Approximately 2800 sq: ft will divide reasonable IV 1 2670 evenings YE 2 3873 CAXTON BLDG 812 Hi RON RD enrice ranging irom 2 RO phone answering service accessible to good parking Room 619 MA 1 3324 UNION BLDG 1836 EUCLID AVE Several small offices available: conven ient t' parking JOS WURSTNER CO HI 1 0630 Ca 11 Mr lood LIVIN'' QUARTERS WEST' 3 bnwlirig include'! work tn0mAi nw Kr I 1 'I II'VM rejujp Steel letter 1 mnt rent $260 A month with rxm irsre mirea 2ono Math nffore 4 A OUVV BUSINESS BLOCK sr: ram bM nr ruped hr beverage store new g4 hir naw rent $100 7 ronm up rent i ITS ner ttmnn i rt irx ninar a yean rent reiJO WOODBRIDGE AVT rame bldg I t'ri h'in near iqu Mtr CKin Bldg rnenf Oniurtmf of three amran tnii ni ncATEssEv wear Side iaratum ill medern 2 rmim ft of Houle 3 on Swth fiianrf i property vere wd riwaitiaR futures prued to aril sure ro Rd Nnth aino UL 1 iOM ivwmt 4 grw6 ono ealljodar 1 ACRES $79 per tert at I 'r Can arranga to el mdlrirtuallT rninre axwit thia property miMt dirued pereonaity with broker to Lil value fttvethnefit SA 00(1 ruins WEST BUSINESS SECTION SHOWN ANY TIME MEJ3Ml M(5TEfoS 1 Rn'Terey Ar tn n1 Liaruni ihf knrvi ranklin nhd 'Oreland 2 MA1 market 34 year Tiecit Si nilll ftnwn Iff OPEN AIR MARKET AND SUPERETTE Here Is an opportunity for a family i nrur: in get irji nimness ail fixtures excellent condition low rent SlCK'k sIwmp MOflft terms RIZZO CO nieaa cruiser 1au lirknnt riretne toeed un t3 31 mt ner hiur funl lictous nn competltire txwi item on the fop cabin baa ruucee mattresses mrr ttewai rt great earn inn miter ana rre ings tn past i ntinnutoramp similar to jocking nnt available tills area as bought 1 Cvmiss rM tor $3000 operated one vear bringing rears real $15 000 and now averaging $2I OQQi rover a vear for new owner thrumu NO SELLING or esptrienca iiecrem a aulmnlto Wig t'un'oi A vuni flirt al nertmnrlrtiis I cants vetfctfa must anow wunnsnesa fol expand and must offer ability fo mrer ate under own supervision in regard to i ('Ynacientfoualv ser icing wmm'ih or upervlsing help do Can handle in spate lime to staii STARTING inmme up to $25 000 tint 1 year building up tq $50000 vear with i I I 302 uium avHuacM intme tiv Minimum 4 to 6 hours Gtod character and gmd references and a record of stabliify After proven fa lx i irlerlinn made Immediately 1 1 500 hi vretment required Piilrtbuhirships al available in ares WrPr full if vou qualify Box 21434 Plain isidcndhl eondliimt suirea raragea East Cleveland taie nr rem Spark Broker LA 1W 1 41S3 CH 1 SO3 OR Cuninwrcul Invntnnt I ll rr Rliy Co CH 1 S313 A'AHtMENT4 A Ml IPK IIAKT A ASSOC UN 1 7115 JAf I 11 VksTM' ST'I MA 1 iriju Sa I ot Bril DERl A I I I ihN 0 consecutive tots available In Garfield a rmvnfl 4lrn 19 ftnn OR SKUJiH WILL CONSIDKll TERMS I IIU 111 II ifcjsytAKK oo(b5 Ifltl i VAln motors NnHTH fMSTKD 600 reduce I M) HAVE GAS WATER RgSVBR PAVING tORRJSILri REALTOR RO 2 4ST3 SECTION' Cl JfV ELAND HEIGHTS Rrlnkmore Dr pff Quilhamr 13V Ullage acra wxlrd Int near 3525 Brlnkmore Owner EV 1 6965 CliHNKR of Plainfield trn r4j In bouth Euchd good front are large shade trees both streets have alt Improvement a nice ipoi for a ntca i Iwme wner GL 1 2582 U0 PARMA HEimiT ribiilihltf inti nllMOw 5 500 each LA 1 0183 AT 1 7164 i vfter 6 and gat Sun MS1IMID VKUilOt rrnTert Itentrutinl ranch home tot in Metre Park Dr subdivision 75x400 100x400 y500 Up HI 2 I TIMBERLINE Aortas NEW HRECKSVHJ ALLOTMENT I LOTS ROSS EtXlS REALTOR BO 2 4673 acre fu: nravtiy woxicti near i4 iu szicit wupea Witli children 1 1670 A veo2j 2 Av RES' TSveV ftTrcmfge Oi5fl Yord Rd North Rfoialton Alklng proremmta Sullivan I Gilniaoton 1 NH H'lIVtRSI lYlSHAKERlllEACliwWt) Lore for singles and 2 famllle YE 2 8PK1DEL Eve A 1 0873 SHARER 3278 Van Aken'" Blvd near fonawiy: by owner 2500 Gal! Mr Skninik GA S27ti ficyihon 1 '56fT 1 near Park $3 15 MATTHEWS Realty BK con 7 3T7L terma ME 1 4 ID i WO 1 2046 iCcVrTSDAljr Kif Lee Lot 45x137 Realtor A 1 3535 i ffoUttf EUCfjfirlne fufurKwi Ttei Iizuan CH 4 vy tlr $1275 AC 1 7229 co*ckm hsr RdmSu ndruji4: nws WJ I Day BH i 6101 ere ON 1 8506 I ft Wft ten rft on i onn T3 la ha vd wnr AT 1 3H3 4b5? before on PARMA Heights on Crestwood: rV Iola three ma ea twr MClh TU16J4 ri or iraue troxr iu on cm I near Yetfowsfone EV tnft lgnr I rrod ti iM( mi twi hoi tor hj i 4 1.

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The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


Where is The Plain Dealer in Cleveland? ›

4800 Tiedeman Road Brooklyn, Ohio

Is the Cleveland Plain Dealer still in print? ›

Plain Dealer Publishing Co. provides content and publishes in print seven days a week.

Does The Plain Dealer still deliver? ›

Expect delivery of your newspaper by 6:00 a.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays, by 7 a.m. on Saturdays and by 8:30 a.m. on Sundays.

What is the history of the Cleveland Plain dealer? ›

The Cleveland Plain Dealer was founded as a weekly newspaper on January 7, 1842 by Joseph Gray. By 1845 it had transitioned to an evening daily. Joseph Gray died in 1862, and his paper was controlled by a series of editors until Liberty Holden purchased the paper in 1885.

How much is a Sunday Plain Dealer? ›

The huge majority of people who read The Plain Dealer do so by subscribing, but people who buy the paper on newsstands will see higher prices starting Monday: $5 on Sundays and $3 the rest of the week. It's part of our continuing effort to sustain local journalism for the long term.

Who bought The Plain Dealer building? ›

The former Plain Dealer building is owned by Industrial Commercial Properties (ICP) LLC of Solon.

Where do Blue Angels take off from in Cleveland? ›

The 2024 Cleveland National Air Show at Burke Lakefront Airport will be headlined by the return of the U.S. Navy Blue Angels. The air show, as usual, will be held on Labor Day weekend (Aug. 31 and Sept. 1-2) next year.

Does Cleveland still have the flats? ›

The Flats have come back to life thanks to a multi-million-dollar makeover to both its east and west banks. This waterfront neighborhood now features restaurants, bars, shops and a boardwalk with complementary green space.

How do I contact The Plain Dealer? ›

The Plain Dealer Production and Distribution Center 4800 Tiedeman Road Brooklyn, Ohio 44144 (216) 999-5000 or (800) 362-0727 Hours: 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

What is the largest newspaper in Ohio? ›

Top 10 Ohio Daily Newspapers by Circulation
  1. The Plain Dealer. ...
  2. The Columbus Dispatch. ...
  3. The Cincinnati Enquirer. ...
  4. Dayton Daily News. ...
  5. Akron Beacon Journal. ...
  6. The Repository. ...
  7. 7. News Herald. ...
  8. The Vindicator.

What does The Plain Dealer mean? ›

Word Forms Origin Noun. Filter (0) Someone who interacts or does business straightforwardly and honestly.

What did Cleveland used to be called? ›

Cleveland was founded in 1796, the result of a Connecticut Land Company survey of a 3.3-million-acres on the shores of Lake Erie that it would originally call, “The Western Reserve.” Named after General Moses Cleaveland, the City of Cleveland was incorporated in 1836.

Where is the Cleveland Plain dealer? ›

Plain Dealer Publishing Co, 4800 Tiedeman Rd, Cleveland, OH - MapQuest.

What was invented in Cleveland? ›

Brush brought us the first electric streetlight and streetcar in 1879. Inventor Garrett Morgan added the first gas mask in 1914 and the first traffic signal in 1923. Not to mention, Glenville residents Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster created the world's first superhero when Superman debuted in 1933's “Action Comics” #1.

How much does an obituary cost in The Plain Dealer? ›

Placing an obituary in The Plain Dealer – Home Delivery starts at $269.95.

Can I read The Plain Dealer online? ›

circulation department, you have access to The Plain Dealer e-edition via any of The Plain Dealer apps and via the desktop browser version using the same username and password on up to three devices.

How do I stop plain dealer? ›

You can cancel your subscription to The Plain Dealer at any time. Please email or call 216-999-6000. You may also cancel online.

Is The Plain Dealer building empty? ›

The building has largely sat vacant since the Plain Dealer sold it for $12.4 million in 2022. Brad Harmon, president and publisher for The Plain Dealer and called the planned use of the building “a perfect fit.”

Where is the RV show in Cleveland Ohio? ›

Welcome to the Ohio RV Supershow, presented by Progressive, returning from January 10-14, 2024, at the I-X Center in Cleveland.

Is Cleveland com the same as The Plain Dealer? ›

In April, Advance Local—which owns the Plain Dealer as well as, a non-unionized digital news operation—laid off twenty-two Plain Dealer staffers. (Advance positions as a separate media entity, though stories from both newsrooms have always appeared on the same site and print paper.)

Where is the boat show in Cleveland? ›

1 I-X Center Dr., Cleveland, OH 44135

Join us for the 67th anniversary of Ohio's largest and longest-running boat show – the Progressive Cleveland Boat Show!

Where was the Roaring Third in Cleveland? ›

In 1915, a pair of Oberlin College (in nearby Oberlin, Ohio) graduates opened a settlement house in an area of Cleveland called “The Roaring Third,” located at the corner of East 38th Street and Central Avenue.

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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Author information

Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.