My OCs and how to make it using PoseMod (2024)


  • 1 LittleYan12,834's OCs
    • 1.1 My OCs!!!
    • 1.2 How to make OC
      • 1.2.1 Download Yandere Simulator
      • 1.2.2 Download PoseMod
      • 1.2.3 Time to create OC!!!
        • Using Pose Mode Easter Egg
          • Making Female OCs!!


Hello!! I'm LittleYan12,834, and this page is about my OCs so here it is!!

My OCs!!![]

How to make OC[]

Ok, so now you've seen all of my OCs (I'm still busy making more OCs, more will be added), now some of you maybe wondering how to make these OCs (except those who already know), right? Okay so, I'm gonna tell you how!!

Download Yandere Simulator[]

Maybe some of you already a fan of Yandere Simulator, but not yet or don't know how to download Yandere Simulator (like me, I was once a Yandere Simulator fan but I was successfully download it months later for personal issues). Alright, this is it!

So, you can download it right here (official website) or here (wordpress). Read the instructions there. If your download was corrupted (see in the official website) you need to re-download it or using another link.

Download PoseMod[]

Uhm, why PoseMod? Cause I making the potraits using PoseMod, and that's the only way I know to create potraits.

You can download it here.

Is the link work?? If not, try searching for another link in google (I hope it worked)!

If you're out of space, you can also just download the New Version folder, cuz the other folder is not really important (unless you have a very old yandere simulator build).

After you download PoseMod, copy all files in the New Version folder (or other folder in the Old Builds, if you have an old version of yandere simulator) to your Yandere Simulator folder.

To use it, open the PoseMod.exe (in the newest version there are 2 of them, open any you want), and a few moments later, the PoseMod will closed and your Yandere Simulator starts automatically! If you just open Yandere Simulator, not PoseMod.exe, there will be no PoseMod option in Yandere Simulator.

To open PoseMod menu when your Yandere Simulator runs, press the X button on your keyboard. Press it back to turn it off. When you select Advanced Edit in PoseMod menu, press the F10 key to close it.

Time to create OC!!![]

Warning: I'm using Pose Mode easter egg to make OCs, and I'm just using Kgftbz PoseMod to make potraits cuz I can't change hair or eye color in Kgftbz PoseMod, I don't know why... sigh... Okay let's learn how to make OC using both Pose Mode and PoseMod!!

Using Pose Mode Easter Egg[]

To use Pose Mode easter egg, you need to beat Osana once. Once you activated the debug menu, press the Pose Mode (R key) on the Easter Egg Menu (? key). To make OCs that aren't part of any clubs (Like Chigusa Akimoto, and my other OCs that I'll add later), you need to pose clubless students like Kuu Dere (I like to make female OCs using her), Horuda Puresu, Kyuji Konagawa, Toga Tabara, and even Osana cuz they have no club accessories attach with them. Yes, you know students that were part of a club will have an accessory, right? And their accessory will attach to their body, even their hair changed they still wear their accessory! Literally, you can't took it off, unless you make the club closed they'll remove their accessories. So, don't use students that were part of a club if you want to make a clubless OC.

Making Female OCs!![]

Let's use Chigusa Akimoto for example!!

My OCs and how to make it using PoseMod (3)
  1. First, after you download Kgftbz PoseMod and activate the debug menu, choose a "guinea pig". I always choose Kuu Dere cuz she's very plain.
  2. But before continue, to make a good potrait, disable "Character Rim Lighting" in the settings, otherwise your character's face will be white.
  3. Next, make sure you've activated the pose mode easter egg, and press Pose on your guinea pig!
  4. Press the "Customize Appearance" button. You'll see a lot of "fun" there. To make Chigusa, adjust the Hairstyle to 72 and accessory to 4. It'll look like this:
  5. The adjusments

  6. Now, let's change the hair and eye color! Adjust like this: Hair R 255, Hair G 100, Hair B 75, Eye R 100, Eye G 255, Eye B 0.
  7. The adjustments

    The results

  8. FYI Those hair and the eyes are meaning RGB (Red, Green, Blue)
  9. You see something strange when you adjust the color from 100 to 0? Yes, for example like the picture we saw, the number becomes 56.00001. I don't know if this is a glitch or not, however, there's a way to fix that. Scroll the number until 0, then scroll up again. You can now change the Hair B color perfectly:)
  10. Now the make ups are done, let's make the potraits! Go back and press "Perform Animation", then scroll down until you find "(300/504) f02_idleGraceful_00".
  11. These "Choose Animation" menu is filled with all animations in Yandere Simulator. Some animations are just static like a statue, and some are moving. To make a potrait, you should make the guinea pig a statue by pressing "Stop Animation" in the pose mode easter egg menu.
  12. Alright, she is ready! But she has an unfriendly face, unlike a popular idol! press the "Edit Face" button on the menu, and adjust the Smile Mouth to 100 and the Close Eyes to 0.
  13. Now she is reaaally ready. Wait, you haven't disable the Character Rim Lighting yet? Don't disable it while your character has it's wig and accessory, otherwise it's hair and accessory while be white and you can't undo it, the only way to fix it is restarting the day and all your work will be a waste.
  14. Then how? Change the hair and accessory, and then disable the Character Rim Lighting. Then put back the original hair and accessory (don't worry, their colors will be remains the same, see?). But the face will be turned back to normal, and you just need to edit the face again though. Simple (unless you did lots of edits in the face).
  15. Now it's time to took a camera (no, I was just joking)! Press the "X" button to activate Kgftbz PoseMod, press "Edit Characters", press "Select a Character", then find and press your guinea pig's name.
  16. After that, press "Customize Character", then press "Take Potrait"!
  17. Tadaa! Your OC's potrait is taken, check it in this folder: (Your Yandere Simulator Folder Name) > YandereSimulator_Data > StreamingAssets > Potraits (Potraits1989 if you make an OC in the 1980s Mode). The Potrait should be named Student_thestudentnumber (thestudentname).
  18. Alright, now let's make our OC's Student Info! Go back to the StreamingAssets, go to the JSON folder, and open Students.json (Eighties.json if you use 1980s Mode). DON'T use the "BACKUP COPY" cuz as you can read in it's name, IT'S A BACKUP!!! And editing the Backup files will affect nothing.
  19. How to open JSON file: You can open it with any text editor apps. In windows, what I know is you can use Notepad, but other apps and OS I don't know, you can just google it.
  20. We are using Kuu here, so find and change the "Kuu Dere" name into "Chigusa Akimoto" and the real name "Kumi Demura" into "Chika Akimoto".
  21. Change the "Class" from "11" to "12". 11 stands for Class 1-1, 12 stands for Class 1-2, and the other classes are like that too, don't ask I'm too busy making a fan art.
  22. Then change the "Persona" from "1" to "6". Here. 1 is Loner, 2 is Teacher's Pet, 3 is Heroic, 4 is Coward, 5 is unknown, 6 is Social Butterfly, 7 is only for rivals (Lovestruck), 8 is only for the student councils (Dangerous, they'll bring sprays if you add this persona), 9 is only for teachers (Strict), 10 is Phone Addict, 11 is Fragile (right now it's only Horuda), 12 is Spiteful (right now it's only Borupen), 13 is only for the Photography Club (Sleuth), 15 is Protective (right now it's the "indestructible rival/obstacle"), 16 is only for delinquents (Armed), and 17 is exclusively appears in the 1980s Mode (sorry, I forgot the name, update soon).
  23. Change the "BreastSize" from "1" to "1.5" (This is actually should be done before making the OCs, but I forgot, sorry...).
  24. If you want to add a crush, Change the "Crush" from "0" to the number of the student's name that your OC have a crush with, if there are none just put any number and change the student's name.
  25. Now everything's perfect, but the information hasn't changed yet, let's change it! Find "Info" and change it to be like this: "A popular gravure idol. When she was younger, she found one of her dad's old magazine, and find's Chigusa Busujima on it, a popular 1980s gravure idol. She idolizes her, and now she reaches her dream to be a gravure idol. Because of her similar appearance with Chigusa, she often called ''202X Chigusa''"
  26. DON'T USE THE QUOTATION MARKS. If you want to add a quotation marks, use '' instead of ". Why? Your game will be super buggy. But don't worry, when you use '', it'll seen as " in the student info.
  27. Alright, everything's done! But if you just restart the game now you'll see the student info's picture is Kuu Dere instead our OC (in this tutorial we use Kuu as a guinea pig)! All we have to do is go to StreamingAssets and go to Potraits folder (Potraits1989 in 1980s Mode). Change your original guinea pig's potrait's name into anything, then change your OC's potrait's name into "Student_yourguineapignumber". For example like Kuu's number is 4, then change Chigusa's potrait's name into Student_4.
  28. Restart your game.
  29. When you go to school and take a potrait of our guinea pig and you see the student info, voila! That's your OC!!! <3
  30. Wait, how about the stockings? In "Customize Appearance", change the stockings into "CustomStocking1". That was a custom stocking, there are 10 custom stockings, you can edit them in the StreamingAssets folder. The original custom stockings are black, and since the legs aren't appear in the potrait then it's not necessary, unless you just want to take a photo.
My OCs and how to make it using PoseMod (2024)


How to use pose mode in Yandere Simulator? ›

To pose a select a character to pose, the player must approach them and hold down the E key. From there, a menu will appear, presenting the player with all the different options they can use in the mode.

How do you change your breast size in Yandere Simulator? ›

By the way, to increase or decrease Yandere-chan's bust size, use the < and > keys on your keyboard!

How to activate pose mod menu? ›

Pose Mode is activated by pressing the ? key which will open up the easter egg menu, and then pressing the R key.

How do you find pose mode? ›

To switch to Pose Mode you just need to select the armature object and make it the active object (=highlighted in orange). It's called RootNode in the outliner.

Is Yansim free? ›

Is Yandere Simulator free? Yandere Simulator is free for now. The game's developer has said that Yandere Simulator will remain free during its development, but once the two rivals are added, the game will cost money. The cost of the final version is yet to be determined.

Can you change Senpai to a girl? ›

The player is given the option of choosing Senpai's gender at the beginning of the game; they might be 'Senpai-kun', or they might be 'Senpai-chan'.

What does Osana like in a guy? ›

Osana will say that she likes guys with tan skin, ponytails, glasses, and piercings. She also values intelligence, and says that any guy she dates has to be a cat person.

Where is the girls bra in Yandere? ›

Saki's task is to find her bra. Her bra is sitting near the Confession Tree against the fence. Once the player collects and brings it back to her, Saki will be very happy and will become Ayano's friend.

What is kokona breast size? ›

She has a very large bust size of 2. She wears a purple friendship bracelet on her right wrist. In builds before August 18, 2018, Kokona used to wear purple thigh-high stockings. Now, she wears short purple stockings.

How can I change my breast size? ›

The only way to permanently change breast size is through cosmetic surgery, which comes with its own risks (and expense). Doctors usually prefer that girls wait until development is complete before getting surgery.

Who is the serial killer in Yandere Simulator? ›

The Clown is a mysterious clown and the serial killer at the Akademi High School in Yandere Simulator: SNAP Mode. He only appears in Nightmare Mode and serves as the main antagonist.

Why can t you kidnap male students in Yandere Simulator? ›

If a male was kidnapped, he would turn into a gender swapped version of himself. YandereDev has not yet explained how Ryoba Aishi and Jokichi Yudasei would react to a girl in the basem*nt. The original intention of the kidnapping feature was to brainwash them into killing the following week's rival.

Can you kidnap more than 1 person in Yandere Simulator? ›

Kidnapping is one of the non-lethal elimation methods for female students, including rivals, that does not leave behind any evidence linking the protagonist to the disappearance. The protagonist can hold up to 10 kidnapped girls in the basem*nt.

How do I take pictures with Yansim? ›

Hold down the right mouse button to take out Ayano's smartphone. Click the left mouse button or press the Control button to snap a picture.

How do you use punch mode in Yandere Simulator? ›

The player can use this mode to kill students and teachers. If the player presses the Left Control key, Ayano Aishi will punch the air. If any student is in the way, they will be sent flying far away due to the strength of her punch, replicating Saitama's fighting style.

How do you activate Yandere vision? ›

When Yandere Vision is activated, everything becomes hazy and time slows down. Ayano/Ryoba's eyes glow red and a black outline surrounds her body. Yandere Vision can be activated by holding down Left Control (PC) or RB (controller).

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