ManagingOnlineAuctions:Current BusinessandResearchIssues€¦ · PINKER,SEIDMANN,ANDVAKRAT ManagingOnlineAuctions Figure2 ClassificationofOnlineAuctionTypes BUYERS ONE MANY ONE 1. - [PDF Document] (2024)

ManagingOnlineAuctions:Current BusinessandResearchIssues€¦· PINKER,SEIDMANN,ANDVAKRAT ManagingOnlineAuctions Figure2 ClassificationofOnlineAuctionTypes BUYERS ONE MANY ONE 1. - [PDF Document] (1)

Managing Online Auctions: CurrentBusiness and Research Issues

Edieal J. Pinker • Abraham Seidmann • Yaniv VakratW. E. Simon Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Rochester,

Rochester, New York 14627W. E. Simon Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Rochester,

Rochester, New York 14627McKinsey and Company, Palo Alto, California 94304 and The Graduate School of Business,

Stanford University, Stanford, California [emailprotected][emailprotected][emailprotected]

The Internet’s computational power and flexibility have made auctions a widespread andintegral part of both consumer and business markets. Though online auctions are a multi-

billion dollar annual activity, with a growing variety of sophisticated trading mechanisms,scientific research on them is at an early stage. This paper analyzes the current state of man-agement science research on online auctions. It develops a broad research agenda for issuessuch as the behavior of online auction participants, the optimal design of online auctions, theintegration of auctions into the ongoing operation of firms, and the use of the data generatedby online auctions to inform future trading mechanisms. These research areas will draw fromapplied and theoretical work spanning management science, economics, and informationsystems.(Auctions; Internet)

1. IntroductionElectronic markets based on the Internet—in partic-ular, online auctions—have become popular venuesfor conducting business transactions (The Economist1999, 2001, Purchasing2001, O’Brien 2001a, Grenier 2001). In fact, it canbe argued that the auction-based electronic mar-kets best represent the changes to business inherentin e-commerce. Consumer-to-consumer (C2C) auc-tions exemplify the democratization of the Internet:Anyone with an Internet connection can becomea merchant, and self-regulating trust mechanismslike buyer and seller rating systems allow trans-actions between geographically separated strangers.Business-to-consumer (B2C) auctions rapidly developnew sales channels via the Internet and extend thereach of the firm to previously inaccessible markets.Finally, business-to-business (B2B) marketplaces show

the changes to both business processes and industryorganization that a disruptive technology like theInternet brings. These new B2B marketplaces createopportunities for firms to reinvent core procurementprocesses and by reducing transaction and searchcosts (Smith et al. 2000) also blur the boundariesbetween firms and change the structure of alliancesthat existed in the past. The economic impact of theseauctions is rapidly growing. For instance, UnitedTechnologies has been using FreeMarkets to conductauctions among its suppliers. The company expects tosave between 6%–8% on the low end and 20%–30%on the high end. This translates into expected auctionsavings of about $1.2 billion in 2002 (Treaster 2001).Although auctions have long been studied in

the economics and management literature (Cassady1967; Stark and Rothkopf 1979; Milgrom and Weber1982; McAfee and McMillan 1987; Klemperer 1999,

0025-1909/03/4911/14571526-5501 electronic ISSN

Management Science © 2003 INFORMSVol. 49, No. 11, November 2003, pp. 1457–1484

ManagingOnlineAuctions:Current BusinessandResearchIssues€¦· PINKER,SEIDMANN,ANDVAKRAT ManagingOnlineAuctions Figure2 ClassificationofOnlineAuctionTypes BUYERS ONE MANY ONE 1. - [PDF Document] (2)

PINKER, SEIDMANN, AND VAKRATManaging Online Auctions

2000), there remain many unanswered questions ofrelevance to online auctions. This is not becausethe previous research has been flawed, but ratherbecause of the enormous change in the opportunitiesfor the use of auctions. Online auctions have greatlyincreased the variety of goods and services that canbe bought and sold using auction mechanisms, haveexpanded the ways in which auctions can be con-ducted, and have created altogether new uses for auc-tions. As a result, managers face decisions regardingthe use of auctions that are far more complex thanthose considered in the past.In this paper, we seek to map out the major ques-

tions about online auctions that we believe could beaddressed by the management science research com-munity so that managers can make more informeddecisions about their use. Although the advent ofonline auctions has created many challenges, the com-puterization of auctions has, in many ways, made iteasier to study auctions as well. As a result, therehas been recent research activity devoted to analyz-ing data from real auctions and building theoreticalmodels of their design and use. It is not our aim topresent a review of the literature on auction theory,nor is it our intention to suggest solutions to any par-ticular problems related to online auctions. Instead,this paper provides a structured, critical evaluation ofthe current state of management science research ononline auctions, presents some new empirical researchresults, and develops a broad research agenda for themany open issues. We hope to identify opportuni-ties for detailed quantitative analysis by managementscientists in this area and spur valuable research activ-ity, as Geoffrion and Krishnan (2001) have done morebroadly for e-commerce. We believe that further workis needed in the following four broad areas related toonline auctions:(1) Empirical and theoretical research to better

understand the behavior of participants in online auc-tions and the degree to which existing theory is stillapplicable.(2) Research on the optimal design of online auc-

tions that takes into account elements not previouslyrelevant. These include endogenous entry, competingauctions and alternative selling mechanisms, thediversity of participants, and more complex optionsfor auction rules.

(3) Research on the integration of auctions into theongoing operations of firms.(4) Research on how to learn from the vast amount

of data generated by online auctions.In this paper, we consider each of these areas in

turn and discuss them in detail. In §2, we presentan overview of how the Internet has changed therole and function of auctions in commerce. We alsopresent the results of the most recent empirical stud-ies of online auction activity. In §3, we take a tacticalview of the issues faced by a firm using this channeland consider the optimal design of an isolated onlineauction. We identify several auction design param-eters, discuss the business issues surrounding each,report on the relevant research results, and identifyopen research questions. In §4, we take a more strate-gic view of the online auction as an integral part ofa firm’s business operations. This integration meansthat auctions occur repeatedly and, therefore, cannotbe viewed in isolation. We identify the specific con-cerns of the B2C and B2B markets, report on therelevant research results, and identify open researchquestions. Finally, we discuss the issue of trust andreputation in online auctions, which is importantwhenever repeated transactions occur. Throughoutthis paper, we identify opportunities for learning fromauction data. We conclude in §5.

2. The Impact of InternetTechnology on Auctions

In this section, we characterize the ways in whichInternet technologies have changed the conduct ofauctions. The primary effect of the Internet has beento expand the opportunities for the use of auctions.We describe these opportunities and explain the fac-tors that lead to them. We then give an overview ofthe current state of online research activity by sur-veying the empirical studies of this phenomenon thathave appeared in the literature.

2.1. Why Auctions?Most business transactions are conducted via one ofthree mechanisms: (1) a posted price, (2) a negoti-ation process, or (3) an auction. Casual observationsuggests that distinct categories of goods are involved

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ManagingOnlineAuctions:Current BusinessandResearchIssues€¦· PINKER,SEIDMANN,ANDVAKRAT ManagingOnlineAuctions Figure2 ClassificationofOnlineAuctionTypes BUYERS ONE MANY ONE 1. - [PDF Document] (3)

PINKER, SEIDMANN, AND VAKRATManaging Online Auctions

in each of these mechanisms. Surprisingly, there hasbeen relatively little research on why some goodsare sold using one mechanism rather than another.Based on our observation that many goods that havebeen previously sold only at a posted price are nowbeing sold using online auctions, we believe that theInternet has expanded the space of goods for whichauctions are appropriate. We therefore focus ourattention on what drives the choice between postedprice and auction mechanisms. Most consumers arefamiliar with the posted-price mechanism and assumethat it is the most prevalent, but in terms of dollarvolume, it probably is not. The larger the scale of thetransaction in terms of cost and complexity, the morelikely the transaction will be conducted via a negoti-ation process between the buyer and the seller, or viaan auction. The two most important determinants ofwhich mechanism is most appropriate are the sensi-tivity to transaction costs and uncertainty about thecorrect price for the good or service.Economists seem to agree that price discrimination

is a reason for using auctions. Bulow and Roberts(1989) strongly make this connection by linking thequestion of optimal auction design with heteroge-neous bidders to third-degree price discrimination.Auctions can be used to elicit a bidder’s actual reser-vation value for a good and then to link the price paidto this reservation value. Consequently, one way todetermine whether a good should be sold using anauction is to ask whether there is much to be gainedthrough price discrimination for that good. If demandfor the good is relatively inelastic, there is more to begained from price discrimination than if demand iselastic. This fits with the intuition of Wang (1993) thatthe greater the dispersion around the mean of reserva-tion prices, the greater the benefit of auctions relativeto posted prices. Yet, other factors also appear to beinvolved in determining when auctions are used.Lu and McAfee (1996) state that “the goods sold

through either bargaining or auction institutions havesimilar properties: they are unique, expensive, andwith uncertain equilibrium prices” (p. 229). Wang(1993) rejects the role of mean valuations in determin-ing whether an auction is superior to a posted-price,taking a position consistent with Milgrom (1987), whostates that “the only clear common denominator for

the kinds of objects that are sold at auction is theneed to establish individual prices for each item sold”(p. 2). In Wang’s (1993) model, however, the cost ofconducting an auction is borne by the seller, and theholding costs, per unit time, faced by a seller aresmaller for the auctioneer than for the posted-priceseller.1 As it is commonly agreed that traditional auc-tions impose greater transaction costs on all the par-ticipants than the posted-price mechanism, the mag-nitude of these costs relative to the value of the solditem influences the choice of a selling mechanism.De Vany (1987) provides a more detailed model of

the transaction costs faced by both the seller and thebuyer in his comparison of auction and posted-priceselling institutions. Besides the holding costs borneby the seller and inspection costs borne by buyers, hemodels the opportunity costs of the buyers due to thetime spent participating in an auction. De Vany (1987)concludes that the degree of price dispersion and therelative values of buyer opportunity costs and theitem being sold determine whether the seller prefersan auction. Harris and Raviv (1981a) show an impor-tant connection between the choice of selling mecha-nism and the relative levels of demand and capacity.In their model of a monopolist whose choice of sellingmechanism is endogenous selling to N potential buy-ers with unit demand, they find that when demandexceeds capacity, auctions may be optimal. Whencapacity exceeds demand, a single price scheme isoptimal. Their results fit with the observation that rareitems are often auctioned because with rare items, thedemand exceeds the seller’s capacity.We attempt to graphically capture some of these

ideas in Figure 1, in which we display how we thinkthe product space tends to be split between productsfor which auctions are and are not appropriate. Forlarger dispersions in the customer reservation valuesfor the good relative to the mean valuation, auctionsare more appropriate. For rare goods, auctions arealso more appropriate. Although we believe that themean value of the good has some influence on thechoice of selling mechanism, it is difficult to separate

1 The motivation for this cost structure is that the auctioneeronly needs to store the good, while the posted-price seller mustdisplay it.

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PINKER, SEIDMANN, AND VAKRATManaging Online Auctions

Figure 1 The Effect of Online Auctions on the Product Space PartitionBetween Posted-Price and Auction Sales

Coefficient of variation of customer valuations

Rarity of good

Posted Price


Note. Arrows indicate the impact of the reduction in the cost of conductingauctions online and the increased accessibility caused by the Internet.

this effect from the price dispersion and rarity effects.In the next section, we describe how the use of onlineauctions has expanded the product space for whichauctions are appropriate.For completeness, we also note that an auction can

be used as an initial stage of what ultimately results ina negotiation or as a stand-alone mechanism for pricediscovery. For example, when a house is sold, thepotential buyers in effect bid for the right to enter intonegotiations with the seller. Auctions have an impor-tant benefit over negotiations. By following a strictprotocol, auctions have a transparency that gives par-ticipants confidence that they are being treated fairly.When two parties negotiate, there may be a questionabout how the seller selected with whom to negotiate.By conducting an initial filtering through competitivebidding in a public auction, it is possible both to elim-inate much doubt about fairness and to encourageparticipation. The issues of fairness and trust are alsoimportant in online auctions, and we return to themlater in this paper.

2.2. Expanded CapabilitiesIn their overviews of the online auction phenomenon,Klein and O’Keefe (1999) and Klein (1997) proposethat the Internet has had the following effects onauctions:• Reduced transaction costs for both buyers and


• Accessibility to more participants, both biddersand sellers,• Easier description of complex products,• The ability to conduct complex auctions.

To these, we add the following:• Easier collection of data about auctions and• The possibility for participants to join at any time.

Reduced Transaction Costs. Because the transac-tion costs of auctions have been reduced, mass-marketgoods that seemed to be best sold using posted pricesare now sold over the Internet through B2C auctions.We now see the sale, via auction, of common con-sumer electronics, music CDs, computer peripherals,videos, and so on. The arrows in Figure 1 depict theimpact of the continuous reduction in auction transac-tion costs brought about by the Internet. Firms sellingproducts with less uncertainty about their value,and firms selling products of lower value, now findauctions more viable than before. The Internet allowssellers and bidders to track progress in real time andto search for products at a relatively low cost usingsoftware tools such as (, (, ( The successof C2C auction sites like eBay and the low value ofmany of the items sold there demonstrate that thetransaction costs of Internet auctions are low for bothbuyers and sellers.

Accessibility. Another way in which the Internetis expanding the space of auctionable goods is bymaking participation easier, increasing the pool ofpotential bidders. With a bigger pool of bidders,online auctions seem to make items in some sense“rarer.” As a result, we see quite mundane mass-produced items being auctioned online. Additionally,online auctions, which draw on the entire Internetcommunity, make it easier to establish new marketsin which multiple sellers transact with multiple buy-ers for the same goods. We thus see a growth in theuse of e-trading markets for securities and the cre-ation of specialized vertical market exchanges such asCovisint for the automotive industry.2 A key success

2 In the first half of 2001, Covisint ( booked$33 billion worth of transactions using both its electronic catalog

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factor for such exchanges is establishing sufficienttransaction volume and participation levels, i.e., mar-ket liquidity. Firms and consumers are more likely toparticipate and interact in a market that has clearlydefined rules and protocols. Because the Internet isdrawing on a broad spectrum of participants, the par-ticipants in e-markets are less likely to be familiarwith each other than participants in traditional mar-kets, so the formalism of a public auction takes ongreater importance.

Managing Complexity. Computerization and theuse of the Internet also make more complex auctionspossible. By broadcasting real-time computations, theInternet makes it possible to conduct multiunit auc-tions easily. Online auction software accepts bids froma large number of bidders, sorts out the bids, anddynamically allocates the goods among the biddersaccording to predefined priority rules (e.g., price, bidquantity, and time of first arrival to the website),and instantaneously posts results on the Web. Nohuman auctioneer could perform these complex tasksfor multiunit auctions in real time.The computational power of online auctions also

allows the auction of complex bundles of goods andservices that would otherwise be sold individuallyor through negotiations. Auctions in which biddersare interested in different, possibly overlapping, bun-dles of goods require new mechanisms for deter-mining prices and allocating goods to bidders. Thedesign of these so-called combinatorial auctions hasattracted much interest in the academic community(see DeVries and Vohra 2001, Rothkopf et al. 1998).Finally, computational advances are improving themultimedia capabilities of the Internet, improving theability to describe more complex products and fur-ther expanding the scope of products that can beauctioned.

Information Gathering. Computerization alsomakes it much easier to collect data on auctions andparticipants. By examining auction data, it is possibleto learn how different consumers value a particular

and auction services. One thousand users participated in 420auctions during this period (, retrievedJuly 18, 2001).

product and, therefore, how to price it. In reverseauction settings, a seller’s costs and indications ofproduct demand can be ascertained. Furthermore,information on the behavior of participants in anauction can be used to design better future auctions,and in and of itself may have commercial value.

Time Element. Bidders in online auctions are notrequired to be collocated, so online auctions can belonger than traditional auctions. Bidders can easilyjoin the auction at any time by visiting the correctwebsite. Online auction designers must pay attentionto how decisions they make influence the participa-tion behavior of consumers over time. These concernsare unique to online auctions.To summarize, the use of online auctions has

blurred the traditional distinctions between situa-tions in which auctions are appropriate and thosein which they are not. The multiplicity of auctionsprovides consumers with an alternative purchasingchannel previously unavailable to them. Firms havemore opportunities to use auctions and, therefore,must integrate this choice into their general decisionmaking regarding the choice of channels used to pur-chase and sell goods and services. Firms also havemany more choices in the actual implementation ofthe auctions. The reduced cost of running online auc-tions makes it more practical to use auctions as amechanism for learning about the market. In §§3and 4, we discuss how the wider range of prod-ucts auctioned, the continuous arrival of bidders overtime, and the ability to collect auction data combineto define new research problems for managementscientists.

2.3. Overview of Online Auction ActivityThe earliest Internet auctions appeared in 1993,with auctions based on Internet news groups(Lucking-Reiley 2000). In 1995, the first Internet auc-tion websites opened, with OnSale ( eBay ( starting operations. (Formore information on OnSale, see Moon 1999.) Today,there are hundreds, if not thousands, of websitesdedicated to online auctions. An incredible varietyof goods and services is auctioned on the Internet:collectibles like stamps and coins, computers, cars,

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Figure 2 Classification of Online Auction Types


ONE 1. Bilateral negotiations EDI/XML

2. Web-based sales auctions



3. Web-based (Reverse) procurement

auctions C2B and B2B

4. Web-based exchanges

and even locomotives and machine tools can all befound on auction sites. Following Van Heck andVervest (1998), it is useful to characterize e-marketsby the number of buyers and sellers and whetherthe participants are consumers or businesses (seeFigure 2). Auctions are found when a single selleris selling to multiple buyers, or when multiple sell-ers are selling to single or multiple buyers, so wefocus our attention on quadrants 2–4 of Figure 2.Quadrant 2 shows single seller to multiple buyerauctions. The two types of auctions in this cat-egory are B2C and C2C,3 of which OnSale andeBay, respectively, are examples. Quadrant 3 coversmany sellers and a single buyer. These auctions areknown as reverse auctions or procurement auctions.There are many examples of firms using procure-ment auctions in which sellers compete for a con-tract in the B2B market; Sorcity ( an example of a third party that specializes inhosting such auctions. In the reverse B2C auctions(C2B auctions), firms vie to make a sale to a particu-lar consumer, e.g., Regarding quadrant4 of Figure 2, there are also several B2B exchangesin which forward and reverse auctions, negotia-tions, and electronic catalog sales are all conductedbetween buyers and sellers for specific industries.Examples include Covisint for the auto industry,Exostar ( in the aerospace industry,e-Steel ( for the steelindustry, and Chemconnect ( the chemical industry. Industry-independent third

3 Categorizing any auction site as purely C2C is unrealistic becausemany small-scale businesses are using eBay, for example, on a reg-ular basis. For our purposes, we refer to sites that have a significantC2C component as C2C.

parties, like FreeMarkets ( arealso developing these vertical B2B exchanges. It islikely that in a few years, these various B2B exchangeswill dwarf the consumer-oriented auctions (Kafkaet al. 2000). We are not aware of any active true doubleonline auctions beyond the financial and commoditymarkets.Most research on online auctions has focused on

the forms that have existed the longest, B2C and C2C.This is because researchers are also consumers and,therefore, have greater access to these auction formsthan to B2B auctions. We, too, focus on the consumer-oriented auctions, but we also try to determine whatlessons about these auctions can be applied in the B2Barena and identify areas for future research.Several studies presenting overviews of the C2C

and B2C online auction phenomenon have appearedbecause the debut of online auctions in 1995. Becauseonline auctions are relatively new, these efforts serveas a useful starting point. Beam and Segev (1998) ana-lyze 100 B2C and C2C online auctions selected using avariety of search engines, while Lucking-Reiley (2000)analyzes 142 B2C and C2C auctions selected in a simi-lar fashion. Both studies find that the types of auctionmechanisms used on the Internet are actually lim-ited and traditional: the English, Vickrey, Dutch, andfirst-price sealed-bid auctions are virtually the onlymechanisms used, and the English auction is, by far,the most common.4 New rules, however, are evolv-ing for the auction of multiple units.5 Lucking-Reiley(2000) finds that auctioneer fees are much lower onthe Internet than in traditional auctions, supporting

4 English auction: ascending bid auction in which bids are opento all to see. The winner is the highest bidder and the price isthe highest bid. Example: First-price sealed bid: biddersmake a single secret bid. The winner is the highest bidder andthe price is the highest bid. Example: The Chicago Wine Company( Second-price sealed bid (Vickrey): the same as first-price sealed bid, but the price is the highest losing bid. Example:rare, but it is an option on some sites, such as Dutch:the seller steadily lowers the price across time. The winner is thefirst bidder to pay the current price. Example: In the case of online multiunit auctions, some use the term“Yankee auction” to refer to an open bid ascending auction inwhich bidders pick a quantity and price, the units are allocated tothe highest bidder, and each bidder pays his bid price. Some alsomistakenly call these “Dutch auctions.”

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the view that the Internet has made auctioning moreaccessible. He also raises several issues that suggestthat the rarified assumptions of classical auction the-ory are insufficient to address the behavior of onlineauctions. These include phenomena such as last-minute bidding activity, commonly known as “snip-ing;” the less than universal use of proxy biddingagents; and jump bidding (see Easley and Tenorio1999 for an analysis of jump bidding in an Inter-net auction). These phenomena present some chal-lenges to auction theorists. Additionally, new featuressuch as “buy now” prices have never been addressedby the literature. An exception is a recent paper byBudish and Takeyama (2001), who analyze a limitedmodel of the buy-now price in online auctions.Beam and Segev (1998) identify several defining

characteristics of the business model behind an onlineauction. In their framework, a business model can becharacterized by how significant a part of the busi-ness the auction is, the ownership of inventory, andwhether the auction is B2C or C2C. The auctionedproduct’s characteristics also help define the businessmodel. Beam and Segev (1998) further classify auc-tion businesses by the breadth of merchandise offered,whether the goods are information or physical, andwhether they are new or old/used. The descriptivestatistics in their survey are limited, however, as theyare based on the frequency of the phenomena in theirsample, rather than on sales volume.Turban (1997) gives many good examples of

consumer-oriented online auctions and online pro-curement auctions, which he terms “online bidding.”In the realm of online contract bidding, he findsthat both sides save much time and money by elec-tronically doing things. A wider pool of solicitationsreduces costs and increases quality for the buyer. Forbidders, there is improved access to contracts thatmight not have been available for smaller, less-knowncompanies. Yet, we are not aware of any systematicresearch that has proven that the pool of awardeeshas really changed for contracts tendered online, orthat buyers enjoy significant economic benefits as aresult.Bapna et al. (2000, 2001) focus on multiunit B2C

auctions, characterizing bidders in these auctions asbeing one of three types, depending on how they

time their bids and how often they bid. This suggeststhat there is an opportunity to develop richer mod-els of bidders that involve more than valuationheterogeneity, which can be empirically tested usingonline auction data. Additional overviews of theonline auction phenomenon appear in Herschlag andZwick (2000) and Chui and Zwick (1999).There is a consensus among all these studies on

several important points. Many B2C and C2C auc-tion Internet sites are thriving. Despite the diversityof products being sold using Internet auctions, thereis little diversity in the auction mechanisms used. TheInternet has changed the conduct of auctions, and anumber of unique issues about online auctions needto be investigated. In the next section, we investigatehow some of the unique features of online auctionslead to new design decisions for auctioneers.

3. The Optimal Design of anIsolated Auction

In this section, we consider the tactical issue ofdesigning an isolated online auction. We criticallyreview the efforts that have been made to under-stand and model the major design questions forisolated Internet auctions and identify some of themany open questions. The traditional literature onauctions has considered them in isolation and ana-lyzed their behavior based on a number of assump-tions that do not typically apply to Internet auctions.Excellent surveys of the classical economic theoryof auctions appear in McAfee and McMillan (1987),Milgrom and Weber (1982), Milgrom (1989, 2000), andKlemperer (1999, 2000). Rothkopf and Harstad (1994)point out the numerous limitations of the traditionalgame-theoretic approaches to auction design. Theynote that assumptions of bidder symmetry, commonknowledge of private valuation distributions, the iso-lation of auctions, fixed numbers of bidders, and rigidadherence to rules result in a theory of auctions thathas limited usefulness in practice. They assert thatthere is much room for research that improves themodels of competitive bidding. We believe that withinthe context of online auctions, the standard assump-tions are even more dubious.

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Given the wider pool of participants made possi-ble by the Internet, asymmetries among the bidderswill likely occur. In particular, experts and noviceswill participate in the same auctions. Experts mayhave specialized knowledge about the valuation ofthe product for sale or about the bidding processitself. The diversity of the participants will similarlyweaken the assumption of common knowledge. Onthe Internet, multiple auctions for the same productcommonly occur simultaneously, and auctions for thesame product or types of products repeat over time.These recurrences refute the assumption of isolatedauctions.One of the fundamental differences between tradi-

tional auctions and online auctions is that in onlineauctions, bidders can arrive at any point after thestart of the auction. For example, in Figure 3, weshow the cumulative fraction of arrivals of newbidders participating in flash (one hour) auctions and compare it to a cumulativedistribution function for an exponential distributionwith the same mean (Vakrat and Seidmann 2000). Thedata is aggregated across 105 different auctions andrepresents the timing of the first bids of 2,150 differ-ent participants. We note that the arrival pattern well

Figure 3 CDF of New Bidder Arrival Times Vs. an Exponential CDF withthe Same Mean (0.53 Hours) in One-Hour Online Auctions











0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2

Arrival time (hours)




ve p




Actual arrivals

Exponential distribution

matches an exponential distribution. We also see thatsome bids arrived after the one-hour mark because,even though the auction was scheduled for one hour,it closed only when 10 minutes had passed withoutbidding activity. Roth and Ockenfels (2002) analyzethe timing of the last bids by participants in onlineauctions. They find that there is a surge in bids closeto the end of auctions with strict deadlines. When theauction end is not strict, but is based on a “going,going, gone” rule, in which the auction continues aslong as there is recent bidding activity, there is lesslast-minute bidding.Given the above observations and that the num-

ber of bidders and the way in which they participatedetermine the auction closing prices, it is important tounderstand the arrival process of bidders to an onlineauction. To structure our discussion of the design ofsingle online auctions, in this section we formulate ageneral mathematical model of the seller’s decisionproblem from the perspective of a forward auction,built upon a model of the bidder arrival process.We define �t as the arrival rate per unit time to

an auction t time units after its start. In general,the actual number of arrivals in any time interval�t� t+�t� is a random variable. If we take the per-spective of the potential bidder, we can see that �t isa function of T , the duration of the auction; and t, thetime elapsed because the time remaining in an auc-tion determines the amount of time the bidder mustwait to find out if she actually succeeded in purchas-ing an item through the auction. �t is also a functionof nt , the number of bidders currently participating;and k, the lot size offered because larger numbers ofbidders relative to the lot size indicate greater poten-tial competition and may deter a consumer from join-ing the auction. �t is also a function of bt , the vectorof current bids, because the current bids will filterout all potential consumers with lower valuations ofthe goods. Finally, �t is clearly also a function of R,the auction rules. By auction rules, we mean the rulesthat govern how the closing prices are determined,how the goods are allocated at the end of the auction,whether bids are open or sealed, whether there is areserve price, what the initial bid and minimum bidincrements are, what information is revealed and to

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whom, how items are allocated, and how the end ofthe auction is determined.The state variables for the auction at time t are nt

and bt , and these are random variables. If there arek items auctioned, then, at the end of the auction,there is a final price vector p = p1� � � � � pk�. This vec-tor is a function of nT and bT , the final values of thestate variables, and the auction rules R. The seller’sproblem is

MaxR�T �K


pi nT � bT �� (1)

The evolution of the state vector bt over time is acomplex process. For the case of a single-unit auc-tion, Bertsimas et al. (2001) have developed efficientalgorithms for determining optimal bidding behav-ior for an individual participant in an online auction.They formulate the problem faced by an individualbidder as an optimal control problem in which thebehavior of the rest of the bidders is viewed as anaggregate random process. Segev et al. (2001) approx-imate an auction of a single item as a two-dimensionalMarkov chain on the price and the number of bidders.They employ this model to estimate the final pricevector for an auction using historical data on arrivalrates and bid levels. Although their estimation proce-dure is sensitive to the accuracy of the inputs, theiranalysis illustrates the benefit of using the data fromprevious auctions for design purposes. These resultsunderscore a unique feature of online auctions: Theycreate an excellent environment for collecting actualdemand information about and (individuals’) reser-vation prices for numerous products.From the perspective of the firm, however, the

details of the evolution of the bid vector, bt , are notas important as the number of bidders participatingin the auction and their valuations. All things beingequal, the seller prefers more bidders to fewer andhigh-valuation bidders to low-valuation bidders.Traditionally, analysis of auction design has focused

on the auction mechanism itself. In a seminal paper,Harris and Raviv (1981b) compare discriminatingmechanisms, in which winners pay according to theirown bids, and competitive mechanisms, in which allwinners pay the same price, for multiunit auctions fordifferent bidder risk attitudes. They show that when

bidders are risk neutral, both mechanisms result inthe same revenues for the seller while discriminatingauctions dominate when bidders are risk averse.Meyerson (1981) considers the optimal design of a sin-gle auction when bidders have independent privatevalues. Meyerson shows that a revenue equivalenceexists between any mechanism for which “the objectalways goes to the bidder with the highest value esti-mate” and “every bidder would expect zero utilityif his valuation estimate were at its lowest possiblevalue”6 (p. 66). In these approaches to auction design,an auction is fully characterized by how bidder val-uations are revealed and how the actual goods areallocated. The allocation criteria in these analyses areonly based on the bid values of the participants. Incontrast, during online auctions, the timing of the bidand the quantity requested in multiunit auctions arecommonly used in conjunction with price to decideon allocations.Online auctions require the broader consideration

for designing auctions expressed in Equation (1). To“solve” Equation (1), a seller needs to understandthe relationships between the design parameters T ,R, and K and the closing price vector in onlineauctions. In the next subsections, we discuss the cur-rent research on these relationships.

3.1. Auction RulesThe rules set R for an online auction involves defin-ing two subsets of rules we refer to as the mechanismand the bid constraints. The mechanism defines thebidding procedure, i.e., how the bids are compared,whether the bids are ascending as in an English auc-tion or the price is descending as in a Dutch auc-tion, and whether the bids are open or closed. Themechanism also determines how the closing price isset and how the goods are allocated to winners. Themechanism likewise determines when the auction iscompleted, i.e., the stopping rule for new bids. Bidconstraints control the type of bids that are accepted.An auction may have minimum allowable bids, secretreserve prices, and restrictions on the allowable bidincrements. To evaluate R, one must understand how

6 Vickrey’s (1961) revenue equivalence results turn out to be a spe-cial case of Meyerson’s (1981) more general approach.

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it affects the participation of bidders via the function�t T � t�nt� k� bt�R� and how the rules influence thetrajectory of the bid vector bt . We expect that the auc-tion mechanism will affect the participation level inthe auction and therefore, indirectly, the bid vector bt .On the other hand, we expect bid constraints to havea direct impact on the trajectory of bids and influencebidder behavior.

3.1.1. Auction Mechanism Choice. The impact ofthe rules on participation is determined by a com-plex set of factors. The English, first-price sealedbid, second-price sealed bid, and Dutch auctionsare the most common traditional auction mecha-nisms for single-unit auctions, and the most heavilystudied in the academic literature, with the Englishauction being by far the most prevalent. Yet, asMilgrom (1989) notes, these mechanisms are popularnot because they are “optimal” in the sense thatthey maximize the expected revenue of the seller, butrather because they work well according to severalcriteria. A well-designed auction must be robust withrespect to assumptions about bidders’ behavior, beefficient in its allocations, have low transaction costs,and be resistant to fraud.Currently the English auction is the dominant

mechanism on the Internet. This is not surprising,because using a mechanism that people find familiarand intuitive reduces transaction costs.7 Furthermore,according to Milgrom (1989), one of the disadvan-tages of the English auction is its open cry multi-round nature. In a traditional auction, this requiresthe physical presence of the bidders, adding costs toparticipation. With the Internet, this cost is greatlydiminished, making the English auction even moreattractive. Some believe that the English auction issusceptible to various forms of cheating. We discussthe issue of fraud in §4.4.The question remains whether, on the Internet,

in practice, the English auction performs as itshould. The ability of online auction sites likeeBay to attract millions of satisfied customers is

7 It is conceivable that the field of optimal auction design based oncomplex game-theoretic results will one day find its best expressionthrough the use of software agents in Internet auctions, as notedby Rosenschein and Zlotkin (1994).

strong evidence that there is no problem with theauction mechanism being used. Lucking-Reiley (1999)conducts experiments with Internet auctions of col-lectible trading cards, comparing the revenue genera-tion of Dutch auctions with that of first-price auctions,and comparing English auctions with second-priceauctions. His goal was to assess whether the theoret-ical revenue equivalence, regardless of risk attitudes,between English and second-price auctions holds.8

He finds little difference between the two mecha-nisms, which suggests that theoretical predictions ofthe performance of English auctions on the Internetare reliable. On the other hand, he finds that Dutchauctions had closing prices on average 30% higherthan first-price auctions. He speculates that two pos-sible reasons for this violation of the theory are theeffect of endogenous entry on the Dutch auction andthe fact that the Dutch auctions were much longer andbidders might have been impatient to complete theirpurchase. Endogenous entry and the impact of delayon bidder behavior are both issues that are uniqueto online auctions. We discuss these further in thefollowing sections.Much of the research on auctions has focused on

forward auctions, in which a single seller auctionsgoods to many buyers. On the Internet, there aremany examples of reverse auctions in which a sin-gle buyer takes bids from multiple sellers. In theconsumer market, these typically take the form of a“name-your-price” system.9 Buyers describe the ser-vice or product they want and the price they wishto pay. These “want ads” are routed to participatingsellers or posted on the website. The leading exam-ple is, which conducts C2B auctions pri-marily for travel services (airline tickets, hotels, andcar rentals), but also for long-distance telephone ser-vice, new cars, and home financing. In some cases,the buyer is committed to purchase at the statedprice; in others he is not. At, for exam-ple, the buyer names a price for the product or ser-vice she requires (e.g., an airline ticket), and then

8 There is an assumption here that private values hold.9 In fact, we do not believe that there exist any true C2B reverseauctions. We refer to them as reverse auctions simply to be consis-tent with the common practice, but a more accurate term would be“name-your-price mechanisms.”

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PINKER, SEIDMANN, AND VAKRATManaging Online Auctions finds a taker for that price.10 The buyeris committed to purchasing at that price. In the C2Benvironment, there is considerable ignorance on thepart of the consumer about what a reasonable price isfrom the seller’s perspective and, in fact, little guid-ance is provided to the consumer regarding appro-priate pricing. Originally, instituted aseven-day update delay and 24-hour commitment onbids to place a significant cost on trying to collect thisinformation. Hann and Terwiesch (2001) have stud-ied the bidder behavior on a German name-your-priceservice that allows bidders to update their bids afteronly a few minutes. They find that bidders do notbid frequently with small increments, as one wouldexpect, but rather bid only a few times (typicallyless than four) with significant bid increments. Theyexplain this behavior as demonstrating that there isa significant participation cost to the consumers inthese online negotiation settings. Their results suggestthat more research is needed to determine the optimalrules for these name-your-price markets.In the B2B setting, many auctions are, in fact, re-

verse auctions for procurement or the management ofrequests for quotations (RFQs) with competitive bid-ding. In theory, these auctions should function likestandard forward auctions, except that the price ismoving in the opposite direction. In practice, how-ever, it is not only the price that determines thewinner. In forward auctions, participants have agreedto conduct business with the seller by virtue of bid-ding in the auction. Any skepticism they have aboutthe quality of the seller’s goods is reflected in theirbids. With reverse auctions, unless strict restrictionshave been placed on participants, the buyer will havepreferences among sellers and may not want to buyfrom the lowest bidder. Also, although RFQs andcompetitive bidding for contracts are not new phe-nomena in the B2B environment, their implementa-tion on the Internet forces firms to make concrete

10 Although is the most well-known C2B site, thereare other models being used as well. Request-a-Quote at Lycos.comand serve as lead generators for participating sellers.Consumers give a description of what they would like to purchase,and it is electronically distributed to relevant merchants. These mer-chants respond with e-mails, giving quotes to the consumer who isnot obligated to commit to any transactions.

decisions about starting bid levels and reservationprices that they might not have formally consideredbefore.One of the auction design decisions faced by the

firm is choosing between forward auction and reverseauction mechanisms. For example, when does an air-line conduct forward auctions for tickets and whendoes it participate in a name-your-price channel Similarly, when should a firm sell-ing a chemical product conduct a forward auction,and when should it look to participate in a procure-ment auction run by a buyer of such chemicals It is also unclear how a firm shoulddecide how much inventory to allocate to servingbuyers in C2B auctions, what price limits to place onthe bids it accepts, and how often to conduct an auc-tion in a way that maintains market liquidity. It ispossible that results from the literature on revenuemanagement (McGill and van Ryzin 1999) can be usedto shed light on these questions.

3.1.2. Bid Constraints. In online auctions, severalparameters are commonly used to influence bidding.Minimum bids constrain participants to bid above acertain level. Reserve prices are lower bounds placedby sellers on closing prices. If the bidding ends beforethe reserve price has been reached, the seller has theright to withdraw the offered goods and not make thesale. If the reserve price is posted, then it is equivalentto a minimum bid. If the reserve price is kept secret,sometimes the bidders are notified when the bid hasexceeded the reservation price. In a small number ofonline auctions, the existence of a reservation price isonly revealed after the bidding has been completed.A “buy-now” price is set by the seller and is a formof maximum bid. Before any bids have been placed,the first consumer who offers to pay the “buy-now”price, gets the item at that price. The buyer who optsfor the buy-now price is guaranteed to “win” the auc-tion at a preset price without the delay of the bid-ding process. The seller who sets this price benefitsby receiving a relatively high price without the risk ofthe auction ending at a significantly lower price. Onthe other hand, if the price is set too low, the sellerrisks undercutting the bidding. A seller sometimescan also set a minimum bid increment, which placesa lower bound on new bids, at any time during the

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auction. There has been no research that quantifies thetrade-offs between the levels for “buy-now” prices,minimum initial bids, and reservation prices.We have seen, in our empirical analysis of bid-

der arrivals, that if the number of bidders is insuf-ficient, the resulting auction price may be quite low.To protect against such a price collapse, the sellermay set a minimum initial bid. This approach is alsonot risk free, as we show below. Vakrat (2000) ana-lyzes 350 auctions conducted on SurplusAuction.comfor items that were simultaneously available on retailsites. In Figure 4, we plot the auction price (normal-ized to the posted retail price) versus the minimumbid price (also normalized to the posted retail price).The posted prices serve as a benchmark. Each dot inthis chart represents an auction. Dots on the diag-onal represent auctions in which the product wassold at the minimal initial bid. Dots on the horizon-tal axis indicate failed auctions, in which nothing wassold, while dots above the diagonal indicate instanceswhen items were sold for prices above the minimalinitial bid. Dots at or above one on the vertical axisrepresent auction closing prices that met or exceededthe posted price at online retail sites. In Figure 4, wesee that when there is no minimum bid, items are auc-tioned at significant discounts over the posted price.As the minimum bid increases, a greater proportionof the auctions result in closing prices that are at theminimum bid level and the seller is protected from

Figure 4 The Impact of Minimum Initial Bids on Auction Closing Price










0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2Minimum initial bid (normalized)



n c




ce (





Failed auctions

giving the product away at a low price. On the otherhand, as the minimum bid level increases, we also seethat there is an increasing number of auctions with nobids. In such cases, the seller has incurred the cost ofsetting up the auction and of holding the inventoryfor the duration of the auction, but has received norevenue.Bajari and Hortacsu (2000) develop an economet-

ric model of endogenous entry in single-unit eBaycoin auctions and show that bidders require a mini-mum expected profit to join an auction, and find thatthe minimum bid price strongly affects participation.Their analysis is based on the idea that the win-ner’s profit is dependent on the number of otherbidders who participate and on the auction rulesin terms of reserve prices and minimum bid levels.Lucking-Reiley et al. (1999) find that minimum bidsincrease the price but also decrease the probability ofa sale.A secret reserve price can be used in conjunction

with a minimum bid level. Bajari and Hortacsu (2000)and Kaiser and Kaiser (1999) recommend that sell-ers who use a secret reserve price use a low min-imum bid. The idea here is that the low minimumbid attracts more bidders, and the secret reserve priceserves as insurance against low closing prices. Bapnaet al. (2001) also claim that bidding increments playan important role in English auction outcomes. Theyargue that setting a high bid increment has twoeffects. First, it raises bids, because the lowest winningbid must be higher than the valuation of the bidderwith the next highest valuation by the amount of thebid increment. Second, it reduces participation andoverall bidding activity, because it effectively raisesthe minimum required bid at every point. Reducedparticipation can reduce the revenue, so these twoeffects are at odds. It is not clear how important thistrade-off is. This is another example of a hypothe-sis that could be thoroughly examined using the datafrom online auctions.All of the studies of the effect of these various

parameters on auction results have been somewhatlimited. Some have been limited to particular cat-egories of products, such as coins in Bajari andHortacsu (2000) and Lucking-Reiley et al. (1999), andall have only examined consumer-oriented auctions

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(B2C or C2C). Systematic study of these topics couldyield a mapping of products to the most appropriatebid constraints. Such a mapping would guide design-ers of online auctions in practice.

3.2. Auction DurationTime plays an important role in Internet auctions.In contrast to most traditional open outcry auctions,which last minutes, Internet auctions can last days orweeks. Because bidders are not required to be presentand can bid from practically anywhere and at anytime, it is practical to conduct auctions over longerstretches of time. This does not mean that the durationof the auction is inconsequential. The duration of anonline auction has a significant purpose: it determinesthe number of bidders, thus, potentially affecting thefinancial outcome.Traditional auctions start with a fixed number of

bidders, often requiring a screening process. Oncethe auction begins, no new bidders may join. On theInternet, an auction begins with an announcementdescribing the product, the rules, and the end time,with the hope that enough bidders will be attractedto generate a high selling price. If the auction is tooshort and few bidders participate, it is more likely thatthe final price will be low. Lucking-Reiley et al. (1999)find evidence in coin auctions on eBay that longerauctions lead to higher prices. Yet, there are also coststo increasing an auction’s length.In the case of products with a rapid depreciation

like consumer electronics and computer equipment,long auctions can reduce the value of the productand reduce the seller’s revenue. If the seller maintainsan inventory, additional holding costs may accrueover time. The buyer also has costs associated withlength of the auction. If we consider a person decidingbetween buying a product in an online auction andbuying the same or a similar product via a posted-price mechanism, we can see several trade-offs atwork. Typically, the buyer is choosing to participate inthe auction because it is the only venue in which shecan find the product she wants or because it will becheaper than conventional channels. When the buyeris choosing an auction to save money, she is tradingoff cost and the extra effort involved in participat-ing in the auction, the risk of fraud, and the delay

in receiving the product. The longer the auction lasts,the greater the delay for the buyer, and the greaterthe probability the buyer will be outbid. Both of thesefactors can be viewed as reducing the bidders’ reser-vation prices or increasing the discount they expectfrom the auction.For illustration, consider the following simple

model of a single-unit English auction in which bid-ders have independent private values drawn froma uniform distribution �vl� vh� and the auctioneer’sreservation price is 0. We draw on the revenueand strategic equivalence between the English auc-tion and the Vickrey auction (Vickrey 1961) to jus-tify the assumption that all bidders bid truthfullyand that the auction’s closing price, pa, is determinedby the second-highest valuation. Assuming a fixednumber, n, of bidders, it can be shown (using theorder statistics of the uniform distribution) that theexpected closing price of the auction is

E�pa�= vl + vh−vl� n−1�/ n+1��In a single-unit auction, this is the revenue to the

firm. If the cost to the bidders per unit time ofdelay from participating in the auction is w, then, inan auction of duration T , bidders will shade theirbids by wT . The expected closing price becomes thefollowing:


vl + vh−vl� n−1� n+1� −wT

when wT ≤ vl�

vh−wT � n−1� n+1�

when wT > vl�


Equation (2) has a number of interesting features.First, the auction’s closing price increases with thespread of the valuation distribution, vh−vl�. Second,because n− 1�/ n+ 1� is increasing in n, the clos-ing price is increasing in the number of bidders, sogreater participation leads to higher revenue. Third,because of delay costs, the expected price decreaseswith auction duration T . This analysis is limited bythe assumption of a fixed number of bidders. As dis-cussed above, the longer the auction, the greater thenumber of participants, so n is an increasing func-tion of T , and the effect of duration on revenue is

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more complex. Because n−1�/ n+1� converges to 1for large n, if the arrival of bidders per unit time ishigh (i.e., the website has a lot of traffic), the effect ofduration on the number of bidders is less importantthan its effect on the bid levels. On the other hand,when website traffic is low, lengthening the auctionsomewhat may help boost the closing price.Selecting the duration, T , of an online auction has

another subtle effect: it creates a bidding deadline,because bidders want to know when they can expectthe auction to end. This deadline influences the bid-ding process. There are two common approachesto handling the deadline in online auctions. Oneapproach, used on eBay, for example, is to have a rigiddeadline; no bids are accepted past that time. The sec-ond approach is of the “going, going, gone” variety;the auction will continue past the original deadline aslong as there has been recent bidding activity, where“recent” typically means within five or ten minutes.The rigid deadline has given rise to the sniping phe-nomenon, in which bidders place bids in the finalmoments (minutes or seconds) of an auction so thatother bidders will not have time to outbid them.In theory, it would be optimal for a bidder in a pri-

vate value auction to bid her reservation value andenter it into a proxy-bidding agent provided by theauction site and for the winner to be the highest bid-der, paying a price equal to the second-highest bid.In practice, late bidding and last-minute bidding arecommon in online auctions, suggesting that peopledo not behave as the theory predicts. Bapna et al.(2000) call these bidders “Opportunists,” and find thatthey account for the winners in approximately 20%of the auctions observed. This phenomenon can beexplained in various ways as a product of some vio-lation of the basic assumptions of the auction model.Bajari and Hortacsu (2000) see it as evidence of com-mon values. Some attribute it to naive behavior ofinexperienced bidders (Wilcox 2000). In an elegantanalysis, Roth and Ockenfels (2002) prove that last-minute bidding is consistent with bidder rationalityand private values. They show that the rigid dead-line and the probability of not being able to enter acountering bid late in an auction11 can cause the late

11 The inability to respond to a late bid in an auction may be due toa number of factors. Communications congestion, late updating of

bidding behavior. They provide empirical evidence ina comparison of late bidding behavior in Amazon andeBay auctions to support their thesis. This exampleshows that the Internet implementation of an auc-tion mechanism may not be isomorphic to its physi-cal world counterpart, so designers of online auctionsmust not assume that the theoretical predictions carryover unchanged.

3.3. Multiunit Auctions and Lot SizeThe Internet makes it easy to conduct auctions formultiple units of the same product in the same lot,and these can be found on all the major online auc-tion sites. In the literature, multiunit auctions havebeen analyzed in two ways. Most authors assume thateach bidder only has demand for one item (Harrisand Raviv 1981a, Bapna et al. 2001). In these sit-uations, generalizations of the standard single-unitEnglish auction or second-price sealed bid auction arequite workable. The most common mechanism foronline multiunit auctions is often referred to as the“Yankee auction.” In a Yankee auction, one or moreidentical items are simultaneously auctioned. Biddersspecify a price and the quantity of items they wish topurchase. Bids are typically ranked by price first andthen by quantity. Winning bidders pay their bid price.When bidders only have demand for a single item,the Yankee auction is the multi-item generalization ofthe single-item English auction discussed above. Thesecond-price sealed-bid model can also be extendedto multiunit auctions with single-unit demand, inwhich k units k ≥ 1� are offered in a single auction(Vickrey 1961), in what is called a sealed bid k+ 1�-price auction. In this auction, the uniform price is setby the bid on the k+1th unit (because there are onlyk units on sale, it is not a winning bid). The domi-nant strategy is to fully reveal one’s private informa-tion (i.e., one’s reservation price). As in the single-unit auction, the Vickrey (1961) mechanism is truthrevealing because the winning bidders do not deter-mine the price they pay. At the same time, reveal-ing the true value guarantees a nonnegative consumersurplus. Harris and Raviv (1981b) show that when

the bid history so that the participant does not know the latest bid,or other interruptions that interfere with the precise placement ofthe bid are examples.

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bidders have independent private values and are riskneutral, the expected revenue from the Yankee auc-tion is equivalent to that of the sealed bid k+1�-priceauction.When bidders may have multiunit demand, the

situation is more complex. Ausubel and Cramton(1996) demonstrate that the results described abovefor multiunit auctions do not carry over to the multi-unit demand setting. They describe a phenomenonknown as demand reduction.12 Lucking-Reiley (2000)also points out that this is an area in which develop-ments in auction theory may improve the design ofonline auctions through the use of more sophisticatedmechanisms that prevent demand reduction (Ausubel1997, Ausubel and Cramton 1996). Mechanisms toavoid demand reduction problems are complex, andit is unlikely that they will gain acceptance in thenear future, but as the process of bidding becomesincreasingly automated, it will be possible to imple-ment more complex auction mechanisms to addressthis problem.Regardless of the auction mechanism chosen, sellers

in a multiunit auction can choose how many unitsto auction. All things being equal, increasing thesupply in the market by auctioning more units willdecrease the price. Lot size is, therefore, also animportant auction design parameter. We illustrate thispoint by considering the following simple modelof price determination in a multiunit k + 1�-pricesealed-bid auction. We assume that a seller is decidinghow many items k to auction when n bidders haveindependent private values uniformly distributed on�vl� vh� and each bidder has demand for only oneitem. If the lot size does not exceed the number of bid-ders,13 the expected closing price can be found, usingthe order statistics of the uniform distribution (Vakrat2000) to be the following:14

E�pa�= vl + vh−vl� n−k�

n+1� � (3)

12 Demand reduction occurs when, because of the mechanism usedin a multiunit auction, a bidder with demand for k1 > 1 items findsit optimal to bid on only k2 < k1 items.13 If the lot size exceeds the number of bidders, the seller givesaway all the items at the minimum bid level.14 The expected price is determined by finding the k+1 order statis-tic of a uniform distribution.

We observe in Equation (3) that price is a decreas-ing function of lot size, and that the effect of lotsize on the price is determined by the spread inthe customer’s valuations, i.e., vh−vl�. This suggeststhat when determining the optimal lot size, the firmneeds to know the variance of the customers’ val-uation distribution. Pinker et al. (2000) take advan-tage of these relationships to develop a frameworkfor using information from one auction to learn aboutthe customers’ valuation distribution and to improvelot-sizing decisions in consecutive auctions.The leading Israeli online auction site Olsale (www. uses an innovative approach to managethe risk involved in setting lot sizes that may be toobig. At the beginning of a typical Olsale auction, asingle unit is offered, and then, as bidding progressesand some of the demand for the product is revealed,additional units may be added to the ongoing auctionas a function of the current bidding price, turning itinto a multiunit auction. This approach has no coun-terpart in the conventional auction world. There isconsiderable room for additional research in this area.On the empirical side, it would be interesting to inves-tigate the impact of lot size on bid traffic, and in thecase of the Olsale model, to analyze the optimal wayto increase the lot size during an auction and its effecton bid traffic. On the supply side, one could examinehow production decisions could be integrated withthe use of an auction sales channel, and in the case ofthe Olsale model, to develop strategies for producing(or buying) units for an ongoing auction.

4. Integrating Auctions into aFirm’s Business Model

In the previous section, we discussed the design ofisolated auctions. Online auctions, however, are rarelyisolated events, for several reasons. First, most auc-tions on the Internet are for common goods for whichthere will be future auctions or similar auctions simul-taneously occurring. Second, given concerns aboutfraud, both buyers and sellers are concerned withestablishing reputations. Third, businesses that useauctions as a channel for selling their products areintegrating the auctions into the regular operations oftheir firms.

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We now consider the problem of auction designand implementation from the perspective of a sellerwho is interested in repeatedly selling products viaauctions. We can view this seller as a business thatuses auctions as part of an overall business strat-egy that may include alternative sales channels. Thisdescription would apply to private individuals whouse auctions to supplement their income as well as toa firm that uses auctions to eliminate excess inventoryor to discriminate on price.There are several ways a firm may use auctions

to sell its products to consumers. These approachesare all related to the choice between auctions andposted price.15 Wang (1993) constructs a simple modelcomparing a firm’s profits from auctions and postedprices, showing that there is a positive relationshipbetween the preference for auctions and the disper-sion of customer valuations around the mean. Thissuggests that if the firm is selling relatively rare orunusual products, then it may be better off sellingprimarily via an auction. Many firms use auctionsto dispose of excess inventory, for example, uBid( provides this service for companieslike Sony and Hewlett Packard (see Saloner 2000).This is consistent with Wang’s (1993) thesis, becauseit is harder to anticipate the value consumers have forolder products. Some may value them essentially asnew, while others expect a steep discount. In this busi-ness model, a firm’s primary selling channel is postedprice, and auctions are used in a secondary capacityfor older inventory. Yet, this is not the only situationin which auctions are beneficial. A firm can benefitfrom simultaneously operating online auctions andposted price. Firms may also use auctions as a mar-keting tool. For example, conductsmany single-item auctions at any one time of productsthat are available on its retail site. These auctions canbe viewed as loss leaders to generate traffic to theirmain website. A few auctions of hard-to-get popular

15 An exception is provided by the example of Aucnet, an onlineused car auction site for Japanese used car dealers. This is an exam-ple of dual channels, an auction and a negotiation channel, but isunique in that the auction channel is for transactions between deal-ers (i.e., B2B), while the negotiation channel is primarily B2C. Leeet al. (1999) find that prices in the auctions are significantly higherthan in the traditional channel for cars of similar quality.

products like the latest Palm Pilot or exotic vacationtravel packages can also be used to attract traffic to awebsite. Finally, auctions can be used for the purposeof price discrimination.It is natural to model the use of repeated auctions

within a dynamic programming framework. We pro-pose two general models to structure our discussionin this section, a finite horizon model (§4.1) and aninfinite horizon model (§4.2). When a firm is usingauctions to dispose of surplus inventory, a finite hori-zon model is most appropriate. When a firm is usingauctions as its primary selling channel or using themin parallel with conventional posted-price sales, aninfinite horizon model is most appropriate.In this section, we also outline the important issues

in B2B online auctions (§4.3), an area with as yetrelatively little research. We consider the decisionsfaced by a third-party auctioneer who serves as anintermediary between buyers and sellers (§4.4). Theauction intermediary is responsible for constructingthe infrastructure for the market and defining itsrules. Finally (§4.5), we discuss current research on animportant topic for repeated auctions, fraud.

4.1. B2C Surplus AuctionsWhen a firm is using auctions to dispose of surplusinventory, it must make similar auction design deci-sions as those discussed for isolated auctions in §3.Yet, it must also explicitly account for the opportu-nities to sell in future auctions. Table 1 defines thenotation.The selling firm faces the following dynamic opti-

mization problem:



[ k0∑l=1

pli +�J1 q0−min k0�n0��]− q0T0h



Ji qi� = Maxki� Ti�Ri


[ ki∑l=1

pli +�Ji+1 qi+1−min ki�ni��


− qiTih

}+C for i > 0�

ki ≤ qi�

Ji 0�= 0� (4)

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Table 1 Finite Horizon Model Notation

qi—the inventory at the start of auction i (state variable)ki—the quantity auctioned in auction i (decision variable)Ti—the duration of auction i (decision variable)Ri—the rules of auction i (decision variable)ni—the number of bidders in auction i (random variable)pl i—the final price for the lth item in auction i (random variable)h—the unit holding cost in dollars per unit time (parameter)C—the fixed cost of conducting an auction (parameter)�—the discount rate (parameter)

McAfee and Vincent (1997) analyze a seller who hasa single item to auction and who can attempt to reauc-tion it in a later auction if he fails to receive any bidsabove his reserve price. They assume that the auction-eer’s only decision is the reserve price in each sequen-tial auction. Using a repeated games framework, theyshow that if the auctions are conducted using second-price or first-price mechanisms, the optimal reserveprice trajectory is decreasing and equivalent acrossmechanisms. The problem they consider is, essen-tially, a special case of the problem formulated in (4),in which there is a fixed number of bidders in eachauction, the auction duration is ignored, holding costsare 0, the auction cost is 0, and the initial inven-tory is 1.Pinker et al. (2000) model a firm that uses auctions

to dispose of inventory. They use dynamic program-ming to determine the profit-maximizing way for afirm to allocate its inventory across multiple sequen-tial auctions. They use a special case of (4) in which allthe auctions are conducted with a no-reserve second-price mechanism. In a similar fashion as McAfee andVincent (1997), they also assume that the number ofbidders is fixed and thus ignore the auction durationand time between auctions. They do not restrict theinitial inventory and do include holding and auctioncosts and multiunit lots. As a result, they model howthe firm must balance the costs of running an auctionand inventory holding costs with the price increaseprovided by smaller lot sizes.Pinker et al. (2000) also extend the model in (4) by

developing a practical Bayesian framework for incor-porating results from previous auctions as feedbackinto design decisions for consecutive auctions of thesame item. Using ongoing bidding data, they learn

the actual customer valuations for each product andimprove their estimate of the spread of the bidder val-uation distribution, which is a key parameter in deter-mining the revenue from an auction. IncorporatingBayesian analysis into the multiperiod, multi-itemoptimization model results in substantial benefits tothe seller, primarily when the auction traffic is rela-tively small, holding costs are high, and there is a rel-atively large spread in bidders’ valuations. They alsofind that when the spread of the bidder valuation dis-tribution is known, the optimal lot size decreases witheach auction. When the spread is learned throughBayesian updating, however, the optimal auction lotsize is not monotonically decreasing.Vulcano et al. (2002) model a firm with a fixed

initial inventory that receives bids over time fromconsumers. They develop a finite horizon dynamicprogramming model that is a special case of (4) withfixed auction duration and a particular set of auc-tion rules. In each period, the firm makes decisionsto accept or reject bids. For the ith highest bid to beaccepted, it must exceed the ith highest value thresh-old set dynamically by the firm. They propose a novelauction scheme in which the bidders reveal their bidsand then the firm determines the value thresholds forthat auction. They show numerically that this mech-anism outperforms multiperiod auctions in whichfirms commit to a quantity in each auction beforeobserving bids. Their result makes sense becausethe firm is clearly better off making auction quan-tity decisions after observing bids than before. Thismechanism seems to fit best within the single-leg rev-enue management context that motivates the paper,however, the auction scheme they propose has yet tobe seen in practice.All of these papers (and one discussed in the next

section) on repeated sequential auctions assume thatthe bidders in one auction are independent of thosein all other auctions. Data we have collected (Vakrat2000) from hundreds of daily B2C online auctionssupport this assumption, showing that from one dayto the next, auctions for the same items yield clos-ing prices with no significant difference. On the otherhand, anecdotal evidence suggests that there are bid-ders who come to online auctions to bargain hunt.These bargain hunters will return repeatedly until

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they find an auction they can win at a low price.From a modeling perspective, this just means that thebidders in online auctions who expect future auctionopportunities have lower valuations for the auctionedgood than do bidders who do not plan to partici-pate in other auctions. The result is that in a repeatedauction setting, the consumer valuation distributionshould be shifted down relative to an isolated auctionand possibly more dispersed. Anticipating the effectof this behavior in advance is difficult and suggeststhat the Bayesian learning framework of Pinker et al.(2000) could be useful to sellers trying to estimate thevaluation distribution to inform their auction designchoices.

4.2. B2C Auctions as a Regular Sales ChannelVakrat and Seidmann (1999) compare the pricepaid at auction with the posted price at the samesites and other sites for 350 auctions conducted and (5,174 partici-pants, 7,478 bids, and 1,372 auction winners). Theyfind, on average, 25% discounts over posted priceslisted on the same website and 39% discounts whenthe item was only available on another site; the dis-count percentage is smaller when the product is moreexpensive. They develop a model of customer bid-ding behavior built around a participation cost for theauction derived from the delay cost, with the ideathat prices must be lower in auctions for it to beworthwhile to participate and spend time monitoringthe auctions and deferring consumption. Their resultssuggest that auctions can serve as a mechanism forprice differentiation.16 In this context, an interestingquestion is whether the participants in posted-priceand auction channels are different in terms of theirvaluations of the product being sold.We have yet to see any theoretical work on the

impact of auctions on parallel sales channels likeposted price. In this section, we formulate a gen-eral model of online auctions used in parallel with aposted-price channel as an infinite horizon dynamic

16 A possible explanation for the difference between the auctiondiscount across same-site posted prices and the auction discountacross posted prices at different sites is that attempting to pricedifferentiate with auctions forces retailers to lower posted prices.

Table 2 Supplemental Notation for the Infinite Horizon Model

f—fixed price offered (decision variable)y—quantity ordered by seller (decision variable)n—number of bidders with valuations below the posted price

(random variable)v—number of customers arriving with valuations greater than or equal to

the posted price (random variable and function of auction duration)v ∗—number of winning bidders with valuations greater than or equal to

the posted price (random variable)w—unit cost of production (parameter)

program. When a firm uses auctions as a regular saleschannel, they must integrate the auction design deci-sions with production and pricing decisions. We usethe notation in Table 2, suppressing the period sub-script, i, and supplement it with the following:The seller must find the policy u∗ q�= �k q�� T q��

R q�� f q�� y q�� that maximizes the discountedexpected profit given by

J q�= Maxk�T �R�f �y


[ k∑l=1

pl +�J �q−min k�n+v∗�

− v−v∗��++y�+min v−v∗� q�f]

− qTh−yw

}+C for i > 0�

k ≤ q�(5)

We do not claim that the above model is precise orpractical to solve; its purpose is to illustrate the trade-offs involved when the firm simultaneously man-ages an auction channel and a posted-price channel.In (5), customers are assumed to have full knowl-edge of the existence of both channels. During thedelays between auctions, there is only a posted-pricechannel. Customers with valuations greater than orequal to the posted price will purchase the goodif there is a positive inventory. When auctions arein progress, customers immediately decide to par-ticipate in the auction or purchase at the postedprice. Low-valuation customers (valuations below theposted price) may only participate in the auction.High-valuation customers may purchase directly orjoin the auction. The decision to join the auctionis determined by the customer’s expectation of her

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surplus from the auction. This surplus is determinedby the probability of winning the auction, the dif-ference between the auction closing price and theposted price, and the participation cost. As earlier dis-cussed, an important component of the participationcost is the delay involved in waiting for the end ofthe auction. The time remaining in the auction whenthe high-valuation customer arrives will influence hisparticipation.The firm makes several decisions that influence

the auction participation decisions and the waythe price discrimination occurs. Ideally, the firmwould like to use the auction to create a channelfor the low-valuation customers without cannibaliz-ing the market for the posted price. Increasing theposted price increases the pool of potential auctionparticipants. Increasing the auction lot size increasesthe probability of winning for high-valuation cus-tomers and, therefore, leads to greater cannibalizationof the posted-price channel. Longer auctions increasethe number of participants increasing competition,thereby making the posted-price channel more attrac-tive for a larger proportion of the high-valuationcustomers.17 We therefore believe that the seller mustcoordinate the posted price, the auction lot size, andthe auction duration to maximize the profits fromoperating the dual channel. The model in (5) and ourdiscussion of the finite horizon model in the previoussection also suggest that auctions can be used as a toolto help manage inventory. When posted-price salesare lower than expected and inventory is high, thefirm may increase its use of auctions, by increasingthe auction lot size and increasing the frequency ofthe auctions, to help deplete the inventory and avoidholding costs. Etzion et al. (2003) model the design ofparallel auction and posted-price channels.Van Ryzin and Vulcano (2002) extend Vulcano

et al. (2002) to the infinite horizon case and includeinventory management decisions analyzing a spe-cial case of (5). They show that when using auc-tions of the type described in their earlier paper,the firm’s optimal inventory control policy is a base-stock policy. They then extend their model to the

17 This statement is based upon the assumption that high-valuationbidders have equal or higher waiting costs than low-valuationbidders.

case of a firm simultaneously managing a commoninventory for posted-price and auction channels. Yet,their results are limited, as the buyers for each chan-nel are assumed to be independent and the quan-tity on sale is not revealed, which may dramaticallyreduce participation.

4.3. B2B AuctionsB2B auctions on the Internet are primarily being con-ducted in two ways. Some firms are conducting for-ward auctions to sell off excess inventory (“surplusauctions”), while others are using the reverse auctionformat to find suppliers (“procurement auctions”).Although there are plans for exchanges usingbid/ask double auctions, we have not discoveredany evidence of them in operation yet except in the chemical industry.18 Surplusauctions are similar in structure to B2C auctions,while in procurement auctions, a single buyer makesan RFQ from many potential sellers. Participants inthese B2B auctions need to decide on their auctionstrategies, but the hosts/organizers of the auctionsmust also make design decisions that fit the businessneeds of the participants.Surplus and procurement auctions are different

from the B2C auctions we have discussed in sev-eral ways. The scale of B2B transactions is muchgreater than in consumer-oriented transactions, so it isimportant to identify “qualified” bidders beforehand.A qualified bidder is one who the auctioning firmis confident can satisfy its part of the transaction’srequirements. In a surplus auction, we ask whetherthe bidder is capable of making payment and takingdelivery of the goods. In a procurement auction, weask whether the bidder has the ability to deliver theproduct as required. Thus, in procurement auctions,the buyer typically has multiple criteria for choos-ing a supplier, such as price, quality, delivery date,and payment terms. Finally, procurement transactionsoften involve long-term contracts. Due to the scaleand scope of such contracts and the amount of time

18 Of course, financial securities and commodities exchanges haveexisted for some time. In this paper, we are concerned with morespecialized and more highly processed goods than commodities, forexample, a certain grade of copper wire rather than copper itself.

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it takes to negotiate them using traditional methods,the effect of the duration of the auction on behaviorand participation is much less significant than in B2Cauctions.In surplus auctions, the traditional forward mech-

anisms like English or Dutch auctions can workwell, because from a seller’s perspective, quali-fied buyers can be solely evaluated on price. Oneway to ensure that only qualified bidders partic-ipate in such auctions is to conduct invitation-only auctions, as Eastman Chemicals does, at auction site for chemi-cals ( Identifying anappropriate set of bidders is also a service that third-party auction site hosts provide.Dasgupta and Spulber (1989/1990) model a single

buyer who must select a supplier. The buyer does notknow the sellers’ production costs. They show thatit is optimal for the buyer to specify a schedule ofprice and quantity and then to conduct a sealed-bidauction in which the suppliers bid the quantity theyare willing to produce. Chen (2001) proposes a simi-lar mechanism in which the suppliers respond to theprice quantity schedule with sealed bids of what theyare willing to pay for the contract. The buyer selectsthe highest bidder and then that supplier selects thequantity that maximizes its profit. Chen (2001) showsthat the actual bidding and allocation can be doneusing any standard auction mechanism. In both thesepapers, the suppliers are only distinguished by theirproduction costs and the buyer is only interested ina single product type. As a result, it is possible toreduce the problem to some variation of the tradi-tional auction mechanisms. In practice, procurementauctions are much more complex.The simple traditional auction mechanisms are

insufficiently descriptive to capture the complexityof bidding for a contract with multiple componentsand involving multiple attributes, as occurs in prac-tice. One approach to dealing with multiple attributesused by many reverse auction software providers andhosts is splitting the auction into multiple stages.For example, at, buyers hold indepen-dent auctions for different products or combinationsof products they wish to purchase. Each auctionis defined by an RFQ, and each RFQ specifies the

detailed terms and conditions required by the buyer.Only sellers who can satisfy all the terms and con-ditions can bid on the contract. The buyer will dis-cuss details with the three lowest bidders at the endof an auction and choose from these. Some addi-tional criteria beyond price, therefore, are incorpo-rated into the purchase decision. The CompleteSourceauction systems provided by Moai Technologies( provide online negotiation facilities,based on online chat room technologies, for follow upwith particular bidders.In many contexts, there remain important unob-

servable characteristics of the suppliers who mustbe inferred from the prices they quote and thecontext of the auction. For example, in the labormarket for information technology (IT) expertise,there are many freelance technology workers bid-ding on projects. Their experience and quality areunknown to the buyer beyond simple rating systems;RentACoder.com19 is an example of such a market.Filtering bidders on price before negotiating will notaddress the problem of identifying the qualified sup-pliers in this setting. Snir and Hitt (2000) developa theoretical model of an auction for IT knowledgethat involves a stated price and an unobserved qual-ity attribute. They use data from an IT expert auc-tion website, like, to investigate thebehavior of markets for professional services. Theyfind that in such markets, there may be excessivebidding for high-value projects, raising transactioncosts for participants, and potentially lowering thequality of the services purchased. They suggest morethorough qualifying of bidders as a mechanism toreduce this problem. Unfortunately, precisely specify-ing qualifications may be difficult in a professionalservice market. This is also a limitation of Che (1993)in which a two-dimensional auction model, similarin structure to Dasgupta and Spulber (1989/1990), isdeveloped with quality replacing quantity. The anal-ysis relies on quality being specified by a single

19 At this website, buyers enter adescription of their problem and experts bid for the opportunity tosolve the problem. RentACoder employs a payment escrow accountto protect buyers who are unsatisfied with the code they receiveand serves as an arbitrator for such disputes.

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parameter and the buyer knowing the structure ofall the suppliers’ quality cost functions and the dis-tribution of supplier cost parameters. Milgrom (2000)proposes a mechanism for more general multidimen-sional attribute auctions, based on the buyer’s reveal-ing its utility function to the bidders, and shows thatsuch a procedure would lead to an economically effi-cient outcome. Given that most firms seek to maxi-mize their own utility rather than achieve economicefficiency for a market, and given that firms may alsobe reluctant to directly reveal their utility functionsto competitors, Milgrom’s (2000) results may not bepractical.When a firm is trying to source a multicompo-

nent requirement, such as a bill of materials or trans-portation services, the situation is even more complex.For example, if a large packaged goods companyconducted a reverse auction for its trucking routes,different trucking companies might be bidding onoverlapping but nonidentical sets of routes. To sim-plify the problem, the firm could choose to auctioneach route independently, but this approach wouldignore the important fact that a firm’s bid on oneroute is likely dependent on its success in biddingon other routes.20 If bidders are allowed to bundletheir bids, we have entered the realm of combina-tional (also called combinatorial) auctions. In combi-national auctions, the challenge is to derive rules forranking bids such that the tasks of computing allo-cations and selecting bids to place are computation-ally feasible (Rothkopf et al. 1998, Pekec and Rothkopf2002, Walsh et al. 2000). The work in this area nat-urally applies techniques of combinatorial optimiza-tion. A discussion of the literature on combinatorialauctions is beyond the scope of this paper.When a buyer is conducting a multiitem procure-

ment auction in which suppliers bid for portionsof the contract because of capacity constraints, theproblem is no longer combinatorial but is still com-plex. Gallien and Wein (2000) propose a “smart mar-ket” for such an auction, in which in each round

20 This complexity also arises in wireless spectrum auctions con-ducted by the Federal Communications Commission. There aresynergies for firms from having certain geographic combinationsof spectrum rights.

an optimization engine allocates the contracts in amanner that minimizes the buyer’s costs by solvinga new linear program. A myopic bidding suggestiontool guides the sellers and bidders. This is an attemptto create a framework that addresses the allocationproblem faced by the buyer and the bidding problemfaced by the seller.An important element of B2B transactions is their

repetition. Buyers value quality and reliability as wellas low prices. This means that there might be a pref-erence to send repeat business to suppliers who per-formed well. Knowing this, suppliers in procurementauctions may bid low to get first-time business witha buyer who will open the door to more lucrativerepeat business. A procurement auction makes it eas-ier for a buyer to consider more potential suppliers,weakening its relationship with long-term suppliers.On the other hand, the incentive for first-time suppli-ers to bid low is diminished if they view long-termrelationships as less valuable. It is unclear whetherprocurement auctions are causing significant changesin buyer-supplier relationships, and it has yet to bestudied whether participation in online procurementauctions has expanded the pool of suppliers used byany given firm. There is, in fact, significant skepticismin the industry about the importance and benefits ofB2B procurement auctions (Emiliani and Stec 2002a, b;Delaney and Wilson 2000). Although it is acknowl-edged that purchase costs and transaction times canbe dramatically decreased, these benefits are not revo-lutionizing the supply chain as expected. There is con-cern that a focus on the potential auctions providingfor cost reduction may strain existing buyer-supplierrelationships (O’Brien 2001b). The effect of these auc-tions on supplier relationships underpins the follow-ing three main criticisms of procurement auctions:(1) They are focused on squeezing the suppliers.(2) The claimed benefits ignore the total costs of

purchasing.(3) They do not encourage better supply chain in-

tegration; they are actually a disincentive to rela-tionship-specific investments.A market built on the premise that one side, the

buyer, reaps the entire economic surplus will notattract many suppliers in the long run. There mustbe gains to both parties to get participation in the

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market and sufficient liquidity. As we have discussedabove, there are typically multiple dimensions to pro-curement transactions, and price is only one of them.The greater the degree to which the focus of the auc-tion market is on dimensions other than price, suchas reduced transaction costs for both parties, the morelikely the market will succeed.The cost of switching to alternate suppliers based

on auction results can be enormous and must beincluded in the buyer’s winner selection process.Furthermore, inexperienced suppliers may imposeadditional costs on buyers due to poor quality, insuf-ficient or inconsistent capacity, and delivery delays.The buyer must consider all of these potential pur-chasing costs as well. Finally, the trend in supplychain management has been toward better integrationwith suppliers. This means sharing information, inte-grating processes, and so on. If a buyer is switchingfrom supplier to supplier based on auction results, itis impossible to develop the long-term relationshipswith suppliers that are necessary for both parties togain from large investments in complementary pro-cess improvements.Many potentially interesting research questions

remain for the operations management communityregarding the impact of procurement auctions onsupply chain management. The following are someexamples of open research questions: How doessourcing via an auction with stochastic prices andavailable quantities affect production and inventorydecisions? How does a supplier set prices and servicelevels when competing against auctions? How doesthe option of saving through auctions compare to theoption of building a relationship with a supplier andachieving cost reductions through integration? Willprocurement auctions slow down supply chain inte-gration?Another effect of repetition on procurement auc-

tions is that it makes it possible to learn aboutsuppliers. A supplier’s bids are a reflection of itscost structure. A buyer who knows her supplier’scost structure is in an advantageous position inany negotiations. A reluctance to reveal privateinformation in such repeated transaction environ-ments is one reason Rothkopf et al. (1990) believe thatVickrey auctions are rare. Beil and Wein (2003) devise

a mechanism using inverse optimization in which abuyer learns the bidder’s cost functions by alteringthe bid scoring function in each round of a multi-attribute auction. The purpose is to take advantageof this information in devising a scoring function inthe final round that maximizes the buyer’s utility.Although it may be unrealistic to think that sellerswould participate in an auction in which the scor-ing rules were constantly changing, Beil and Wein’s(2003) analysis does make it clear that there is a poten-tial for buyers to improve their utility by using bid-ding behavior from one auction to design the rulesfor future auctions.

4.4. Auction IntermediariesFirms that host auction sites perform several func-tions. They must communicate supply and demandorders, transform these orders into transactions, andprovide sufficient liquidity for the market. Theseintermediaries provide the infrastructure for the auc-tions to be conducted over the Internet, provide vari-ous value-added services, and serve as a trusted thirdparty who will not manipulate the auctions to any-one’s advantage. Firms must decide whether theywant to use an intermediary or host their own auc-tions. Auction hosts, be they third parties, buyers, orsellers, must decide how active a role they will playin the marketplace and what will be their businessmodel.Interestingly, some firms even host auctions for

their own products and competing products. Dell,for example, auctions leased Dell computers on aseparate primarily B2C auction site,,and opens its site to sellers of all computer brands.Dell has made several choices in setting up this site.First, it has chosen to auction leased (used) comput-ers. Second, it has chosen to host its own auctionsrather than use a third-party auctioneer. Third, it haschosen to open its site to others. Dell restricts sell-ers of non-Dell brand products to used equipmentand limits the quantity offered. These restrictions pre-vent competitors from using Dell’s site as a majorsales channel. The small sellers who use Dell auctionsare attempting to “piggyback” on the focused trafficattracted to the site, i.e., they are trying to find mar-ket liquidity. For this reason, they have chosen Dell

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auctions instead of a more generic site like eBay. Byhosting its own auctions, Dell is saving fees that oth-erwise would have gone to auction sites and is moreeffectively drawing traffic to its other websites. Byopening its site to others, Dell is collecting fees fromthe other sellers, increasing the liquidity of the marketfor its own auctions, and learning about the demandfor competitors’ products. So we see that the choiceof using an intermediary involves several importanttrade-offs. There are issues related to cost, liquidity,and marketing.In B2B procurement auctions, intermediaries also

often play an active role in identifying potential sup-pliers and filtering out those who may not be ableto deliver. In the B2B setting, it is in the interest ofan auction host to create a mechanism that is notbiased toward buyer or supplier. Milgrom (2000) seesthe goal of B2B exchange design as economic effi-ciency. Milgrom’s reasoning is that if the mechanismis designed to extract the entire surplus from the sell-ers, it will eventually be difficult to attract sellers tothe auction site. A market without enough partici-pants will quickly collapse.The importance of market liquidity means that

there are positive network externalities in onlineauctions. The greater the number of participants atan auction site, the greater the attraction it has topotential participants. In theory, one would expectthat given the low search costs on the Internet,there would be many intermediaries in each mar-ket, because it should be easy for a buyer to findan auction regardless of where it is hosted. In prac-tice, there are giants such as eBay and FreeMarkets.Understanding the factors driving the industrial orga-nization of these auction intermediaries is an openarea of research. Intermediaries who want to generatetraffic to auctions also face different challenges thantraditional retailers. Retailers can stimulate traffic anddemand by running promotions based on price dis-counts. Although buyers expect auction prices to bediscounted over those in fixed-price venues, there areno guarantees.The neutrality of the auction intermediary does not

preclude the need to make several choices regard-ing the business model and operation methods. Theauction host must choose a revenue model. Typically,

auction sites charge some combination of a listingfee, i.e., a fixed fee for conducting a particular auc-tion, and a percentage of the transaction’s value. Itis not clear whether they should charge the buyer orthe seller, or whether this decision is dependent onwhether it is a forward or reverse auction.The auction host must also determine the degree to

which it should be involved in the transaction. Theauction host could be simply a bulletin board servicein which the sellers are given tools to set up theirown auctions with few constraints, as is done on eBay.Alternatively, the auction host could be involved byconstraining the auction rules, screening the partic-ipants, and offering different forms of has its own technicians who certify anypreviously owned equipment being auctioned on itssite. and others offer inspection ser-vices through established third parties like SGS offers a three-year warranty on theauthenticity of the items sold in its auctions. In theonline auction environment, auctioneers have manymore options and greater flexibility than they hadbefore. Research has yet to be done to determineguidelines for auction intermediaries in making thesebusiness decisions.

4.5. Fraud and ReputationThe anonymity of an online auction creates opportu-nities for fraud. Traditional auction theory has dis-cussed the effect of auction design on opportunitiesfor collusion, but the Internet offers greater oppor-tunities for misbehaving. Specifically, in C2C onlineauctions, winning bidders may choose not to pay,and in some cases, they are not bound by any con-tract to pay the seller. This is a form of ex post bidretraction and if used as a way to conduct bid shield-ing, it may discourage some participants, thus, hurt-ing the seller.21 On the other hand, the seller may

21 An anonymous referee suggested the following example: bidderA asks a colluder, B, to bid $500 for a good on which A has theleading bid of only $10. While B’s bid is the highest listed, no newbidders will join the auction. Near the end of the auction, B retractshis bid, allowing A to win for $10. We point out, however, that siteslike eBay prevent this behavior by only displaying the lowest bidnecessary to be the leading bid. So on eBay, the bidder B’s $500 bidwould only appear as a $10 plus minimum bid increment bid.

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accept payment without providing any product orthe promised product, thus, defrauding the bidder.These problems have resulted in two responses. Oneresponse has been to design mechanisms to preventor detect fraud. Another response has been to placevalue on reputation. There has been recent work onboth these responses.Wang et al. (2001) and Yokoo et al. (2000) con-

sider the problem of false-name bidding in multiunitsealed-bid auctions. False-name bidding occurs whena bidder creates additional identities and splits hisdemand among these identities. These authors showhow false-name bidding can subvert the GeneralizedVickrey Auction (GVA) protocol. The GVA was pro-posed by Varian (1995) as a mechanism for conduct-ing truth-revealing, multiunit sealed-bid auctions andmaximizing social surplus. In the presence of false-name bidding, the GVA no longer has its desirableproperties. Both Wang et al. (2001) and Yokoo et al.(2000) propose alternative auction mechanisms suchthat false-name bidding is not incentive compatiblefor the bidders.Shilling is another potential form of fraud based

on false-name bidding by the seller. In online auc-tions, sellers can easily create false identities andbid through these identities to boost the bid levels.Kauffmann and Wood (2000) define “questionablebidder behavior” (QBB) as occurring when a bid-der bids on an item when the same or a lower bidcould have been made on the exact same item in adifferent concurrent auction that would end soonerthan the auction in which the bid was placed. Theyclaim that such behavior is likely to be that of aseller or a colluder involved in shilling. Interestingly,they show empirically that QBB correlates well withauction outcomes and behavior that would be asso-ciated with shilling. Looking at 643 QBB biddersout of a population of 6�798 unique bidders, theyfound that QBB bidders were participating in rela-tively fewer auctions, won fewer auctions, and bidearlier in the auctions and with higher incrementsthan other bidders. These empirical results could formthe basis for developing tools for auction hosts, suchas eBay, to identify sellers participating in shilling forpossible sanction.

The participant feedback scores provided on eBay22

create a natural testing ground for the importance ofreputation in determining the results of an auction.Lucking-Reiley et al. (1999b), Houser and Wooders(2000), McDonald and Slawson (2002), Dewan andHsu (2001), and Ba and Pavlou (2002) all conductempirical studies of the relationship between sellerreputation and auction outcomes on eBay, and findthat reputation has a small but statistically significantpositive effect on price. Lucking-Reiley et al. (1999b)find that the reputation effect is much larger for neg-ative feedback than positive feedback. Houser andWooders (2000) show that a higher reputation in eBayauctions leads to higher bids, and McDonald andSlawson (2002) find that the number of bids increaseswith reputation as well.Dewan and Hsu (2001) compare prices for stamps

on a specialty site with eBay and find that the spe-cialty site yields higher prices. This suggests that thereduction in risk or enhanced reputation of the spe-cialty site, because of its added services, has valueto consumers. This study is especially interesting,because it is reasonable to think that there is a signif-icant reputation difference between the specialty auc-tioneer and eBay, and there is some skepticism aboutthe meaningfulness of eBay reputation scores, whichcould be easily gamed.Resnick and Zeckhauser (2000, 2001) perform an

empirical analysis of buyer and seller feedback oneBay. They do not see an effect on price, but they dosee an effect on the probability of a sale. Interestingly,they find that although there is much feedback, it isoverwhelmingly positive. This raises many interest-ing questions. Is there a tendency to avoid negativefeedback because of social norms and fear of retali-ation? Are sellers who get negative feedback quicklychanging their identities? Are sellers preempting badfeedback by sending positive feedback first?23 Theauthors posit that the system works because people

22 On eBay, buyers and sellers can leave comments about each otherusing a numerical rating: +1� positive, (0) neutral, and −1� neg-ative. Only participants in actual transactions, i.e., a seller and awinning bidder, can leave feedback.23 From a design perspective, it seems likely that a marketplacelike eBay would prefer that there be mainly positive reputations toenhance the reputation of the entire marketplace. We do not suggest

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think it is important; sellers do not want negativefeedback because they believe that buyers stronglyrespond to it. Alternatively, poorly rated sellers maybe quickly chased away via “stoning,” so in equilib-rium, few will exist. Given that feedback is predom-inantly positive on eBay, it is probably not the bestsetting for tests of reputation effects. Comparisonslike the one done in Dewan and Hsu (2001) betweentwo settings in which the reputation differences aresubstantial will probably be more informative.Resnick and Zeckhauser (2000, 2001) also make it

clear that there is still a need to devise better mech-anisms for establishing trust between participants inan online auction or, indeed, in any online market-place. Dellarocas (2000) develops a formal (mathemat-ical) way to discuss trust issues for online trading.He points out the many flaws in current systemsand suggests some possible techniques for improvingtheir design. It is not clear that trust can be effec-tively developed by a computerized mechanism ina way that would earn the confidence of businessesconducting large-scale transactions. For this reason,many designers of online marketplaces, for example,FreeMarkets, are providing services such as prequali-fying suppliers and inspecting goods sold. The majoronline B2B marketplaces also allow firms to conductprivate, invitation-only procurement auctions for thesame reasons related to trust and reputation. Therehas been no research on how issues of reputation,trust, and brand equity have influenced the nature ofparticipation in B2B marketplaces. The main param-eters in this discussion are insurance, penalties, andother risk management mechanisms for the buyers,sellers, and intermediaries.

5. ConclusionsThe Internet has made auctions a more commonand integral part of the way commerce is conducted.The expanded applicability of this trading mechanismand the enormous flexibility granted by the compu-tational power behind online auctions present firms

that eBay manipulates participant feedback, but there does appearto be an incentive for them to discourage many negative feedbackcomments.

with many important decisions. As a result, therehas been great interest in online auctions in the aca-demic research communities, and considerable empir-ical and analytical research on online auctions hasemerged in recent years. Some researchers are basingtheir work on the analysis of readily available actualauction data. This analysis is being done to identifyimportant empirical phenomena and to inform thedevelopment of new theoretical models. Despite someinteresting initial results, this work is still at an earlystage and has some significant limitations.It seems that the main focus of the empirical work

has been on consumer-oriented auctions, especiallyon C2C auctions like eBay, and using them to empir-ically verify previous results from economic theory.There is value in developing our understanding ofonline auctions by studying simpler environmentslike C2C auctions, but as researchers, we must avoidfocusing our attention on the phenomena that areclosest at hand, and in this case, sitting on ourdesktops. There is a need for the academic commu-nity to forge stronger ties with the leaders in theB2B online auction market. Only by gaining access tothe proprietary data of these market makers will webe able to address issues that truly have significanceto business decision makers, and develop tools thatimprove the way online auctions are used.As a result of the limitations, there remain many

important open research questions of managementinterest. We have identified the following four specificareas that we believe offer opportunities for fruitfuland valuable research:(1) Characterizing the behavior of participants in

online auctions and their responses to actual marketconditions and rules.(2) Defining the optimal design of online auctions,

taking into account newly relevant issues.(3) Integrating auctions into the ongoing oper-

ations of the firm and quantifying the effectsof auctions on critical business decisions such as pro-curement, marketing, production and inventory con-trol, and supply chain management.(4) Developing statistical estimation techniques

and optimization methodologies for effectively min-ing the rich consumer data generated by auctions topredict behavior and to dynamically improve opera-tional decisions.

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This paper should serve to make online auctions amore accessible research area for management scien-tists. We also expect that the boundaries of knowledgewe have delineated and the open research questionswe have identified should serve as a challenge to theintellectual curiosity and talents of our peers.

AcknowledgmentsThe authors thank the editors and anonymous reviewers for theattention they gave this work and their constructive and insightfulcomments.

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Accepted by Arthur Geoffrion and Ramayya Krishnan; received October 2001. This paper was with the authors 19 months for 5 revisions.

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