Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Journal Entry October 22, 2023 Chapter Text Chapter 2: Journal Entry November 1, 2023 Chapter Text Chapter 3: Journal Entry November 7, 2023 Chapter Text Chapter 4: EVENT November 10, 2023 Chapter Text Chapter 5: Journal Entry November 17, 2023 Chapter Text Chapter 6: Journal Entry November 27, 2023 Chapter Text Chapter 7: EVENT November 28, 2023 Chapter Text Chapter 8: Event November 29, 2023 Chapter Text Chapter 9: Instagram Message December 1, 2023 Chapter Text Chapter 10: Instagram Message December 4, 2023 Chapter Text Chapter 11: Journal Entry December 5, 2023 Chapter Text Chapter 12: Journal Entry December 6, 2023 Chapter Text Chapter 13: Instagram December 6, 2023 Chapter Text Chapter 14: Journal Entry December 7, 2023 Chapter Text Chapter 15: EVENT December 7, 2023 Chapter Text Chapter 16: Journal December 8, 2023 Chapter Text Chapter 17: Journal Entry December 9, 2023 Chapter Text Chapter 18: Email December 9, 2023 Chapter Text Chapter 19: Note From The Author Chapter Text Chapter 20: Journal December 12, 2023 Chapter Text Chapter 21: Email December 16, 2023 Chapter Text Chapter 22: Email December 25, 2023 Chapter Text Chapter 23: Journal Entry December 31, 2023 Chapter Text Chapter 24: Email December 31, 2023 Chapter Text Chapter 25: Event January 01, 2024 Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 26: Journal January 02, 2024 Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 27: Journal January 4, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 28: Journal January 6, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 29: Email January 7, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 30: Journal Entry January 11, 2024 Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 31: Email January 11, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 32: Phone Conversation January 12, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 33: Event January 12, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 34: Event January 18, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 35: Event January 20, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 36: Journal January 21, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 37: Handwritten Letter January 21, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 38: Email January 22, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 39: Event January 22, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 40: Email January 25, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 41: Event January 26, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 42: Journal January 28, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 43: Email January 29, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 44: Event February 02, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 45: Email February 2, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 46: Handwritten Letter February 3, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 47: Journal Entry February 4, 2024. Chapter Text Chapter 48: EVENT February 5, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 49: Handwritten Letter February 7, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 50: Journal Entry February 8, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 51: Handwritten Letter February 9, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 52: Event February 10, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 53: Event February 10, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 54: Journal February 11, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 55: Event February 12, 2024. Chapter Text Chapter 56: Event February 12, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 57: Event February 14, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 58: ZEE's POV Event October 21, 2023 Chapter Text Chapter 59: Zee POV Event October 22, 2023 Chapter Text Chapter 60: Zee's POV Event October 22, 2023 Chapter Text Chapter 61: Zee POV Event October 22, 2023 Chapter Text Chapter 62: Zee POV Event October 22, 2023 Chapter Text Chapter 63: Zee's POV Email October 23, 2023 Chapter Text Chapter 64: Zee's POV Notes for Kitten Chapter Text Chapter 65: Zee POV Event February 13, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 66: Zee POV Event February 14, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 67: Zee's POV Event February 14, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 68: NuNew's POV EVENT February 14, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 69: Zee's POV Mating 101 Chapter Text Chapter 70: Zee's POV Event February 16, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 71: Zee's POV February, 16, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 72: NuNew's POV February 16, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 73: Journal March 2, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 74: Zee's POV Event March 2, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 75: NuNew POV Event March 3, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 76: Zee POV March 3, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 77: Zee's POV April 17, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 78: Zee's POV May 5, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 79: NuNew's POV May 5, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 80: NuNew's POV Event May 24, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 81: Zee's POV Journal June 1, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 82: NuNew's POV Event June 1, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 83: Zee's POV Event June 1, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 84: Zee's POV June 13, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 85: MooMoo's POV Event June 1 Chapter Text Chapter 86: Zee's Journal June 19, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 87: Zee's POV Event June 19, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 88: Zee and Ma Text Messages June 12, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 89: NuNew's POV Event June 14, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 90: NuNew's POV Event June 14, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 91: NuNew's Journal Entry June 30, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 92: NuNew's Journal July 24, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 93: Event Zee's POV July 26, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 94: NuNew's POV July 26, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 95: Event Hia's POV July 26, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 96: Zee's POV July 27, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 97: Hia's POV July 27, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 98: NuNew's Journal Entry September 24, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 99: Event NuNew's POV December 5, 2024 Chapter Text Chapter 100: Zee's POV Event February 14, 2025 Chapter Text Chapter 101: NuNew's POV February 15, 2025 Chapter Text Chapter 102: NuNew's POV March 22, 2026 Chapter Text Chapter 103: NuNew POV July 5, 2026 Chapter Text Chapter 104: NuNew POV July 5, 2026 Chapter Text Chapter 105: NuNew POV July 5, 2026 Chapter Text Chapter 107: Zee's POV July 5, 2026 Chapter Text Chapter 108: NuNew POV July 5, 2026 Chapter Text Chapter 109: Zee's POV July 5, 2026 Chapter Text Chapter 110: Zee's POV August 6, 2026 Chapter Text

Chapter 1: Journal Entry October 22, 2023

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (1)

Last night was an epic mistake. I can't believe I gave in to him, but he was so sweet and tender. Is he just like that or am I special? It felt special at the time. Damn it, why am I so weak? I spent 5 years of my life waiting for him. I thought I was over him. I swore I was going to give up on him.

Tell that to me last night when after an embarrassingly little amount of wine, I let him pin me to the wall and shove his tongue down my throat. I guess, when I saw him again, it rekindled my pining and unrequited love. What a disaster.

I don't even know if he is dating Janis. They were friends all through college. Everyone thought he was waiting to ask her out after they graduated. They never announced they were a couple, but everyone assumed. I mean, they were inseparable. She is why I never confessed, why I always kept my distance. But Janis was not with him last night, and there was no ring on his finger, or mine. So why do I feel so guilty?

Because you gave it up to him like an omega in heat, except you are not in heat. It's all so embarrassing. But he smelled so good. I forgot how much I love his smokey scent. All he had to do was coat me in pheromones and stroke my scent gland, and I might as well have been in heat. Why did I react to him like that? It's not just because he is an Alpha. Plenty of Alphas have tried all sorts of strategies to get down my pants, but it never affected me. Not like this. I don't think I could have denied him if my life depended upon it. It was the most incredible night of my life.

Well, it's over now. By the time I woke up, the next morning, he was gone. He left me a note. It would have been better if he left without saying anything.


Good to see you again.


Wow, how underwhelming. He must have angsted over what to write for hours.

Maybe he looked up 'Noncommittal notes for when you accidentally hook up with a friend and are sneaking out the door before they wake up.', on Google.

Don't hurt yourself Hia.

I can't believe I gave my first actual penetration to him. I have been saving it... Well, I was saving it for him when I was in college. Since then, I haven't met anyone that I wanted to take seriously. I guess in a way it went to the intended person. I always imagined it would be a little more, romantic.

'Good to see you again.'

Not exactly the response I was expecting after giving up my...God, did we even use protection?

sh*t, I'm late for a meeting. I'll think about this later.

Chapter 2: Journal Entry November 1, 2023

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (2)

So, I may have stalked him on social media. I can't lie. I am that kind of guy. I swore after I graduated, I would be done with that. It's not good for me.

In my defense, we had unprotected sex, and he snuck out the next morning like he owed me money. It has been a week and a half since that night, and he has not contacted me. I don't know what I am supposed to do.

Anyway, there was nothing to see. His timeline was bare. No relationship status. A few pictures of graduation. I was in some of them. After that, no photos of people. Mostly pictures of buildings, and nature. I guess he is still into photography. He is not a big poster, unlike me, who announces everything daily. If anyone were to stalk me, they would get all the tea they wanted.

I'm not going to look again. I will consider this a slip. It has been a year since we graduated, and I have been doing well. I can't forget my promise. No more unrequited love! I quit that man, remember!! I am not going to get sucked back into love with him!

I was just curious, that's all. If he wants to, he knows how to find me. I am not going to humiliate myself and chase him down. I read the book "He's Just Not That Into You." I know what it means when they don't text or try to see you.

Anyway, I am supposed to be focusing on my career right now. There is no end to the work I can do if I want to. I'll be fine in a couple of days and go back to not thinking of him.

Chapter 3: Journal Entry November 7, 2023

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (3)

Guess who I ran into. Coincidence, I think not! I have been living in the same place since college. Everybody knows this is MY Starbucks. God, she is still such a bitch.

She is on a break from her internship. That's right, Janis. All 105 adorable pounds of skinny beta bitch with black hair wearing Prada. No, I am not jealous! So, what if she has been to Korea and had some "work done" and looks fanf*ckingtastic.

Meanwhile, I look like sh*t. For the past couple of days, I have had some kind of flu and have been puking my guts out. I have a mirror. I know I look like leftovers from last week. Of all the times to see her.

Then she had the nerve to talk about her Pruk Pruk and how they have hung out every day since she came back. Well, that's good to know since it has been two and a half weeks since he put his dick inside me, and I still have not heard from him. But, hey he is hanging out with Janis. I am going to pretend that I am not getting stabbed in the heart right now.

'Do you want to tag along tonight for dinner? It could be like old times.', Janis said.

'Sounds like fun, but I have plans for tonight. Maybe another time.'

Yeah, I have big plans with a B.L. series and a bottle of wine. Maybe I should call my besties, and change that to bottles of wine, and my karaoke machine.

I walked out of that Starbucks with my head held high in my Crocs, grungy hoody, and high school gym shorts. I'm a shexy bitch. Of course, I forgot to get my order, but I have my pride. I hid in my car until she left. Then I ran back inside and got my now-cold ginger tea and croissant. What? I paid for it!

I can't wait to tell James and Jelly. Oh, and I guess I am inviting them over for wine and karaoke.

Chapter 4: EVENT November 10, 2023

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (4)

My three friends are sitting around in my living room. Empty take-out containers litter the coffee table, but I can't be bothered to clear it up. My stomach is acting up. Anyway, it is more amusing to watch James try to open a bottle of Chianti.

I just dropped the entire Zee bomb, and my stomach is feeling worse.

"NO way! I can't believe he hit and quit.", James said.

"Wow, that doesn't make me feel trashy at all.", I said.

"Are you okay?", asked Nat.

I nodded my head. I can barely be honest with myself how can I tell them how gutted I am?

"I'm fine. But why didn't you tell me he was coming?", I asked.

"I didn't know he was coming. Max invited him.", Nat said.

"I forgot they were friends.", James said.

"It doesn't matter. He came. It happened and now it's over.", I said.

"I can't believe he hasn't contacted you. I didn't know he was such an alphahole.", Nat said.

I shrugged my shoulders, because honestly neither did I. He was always considerate and thoughtful and went out of his way to care for me, but a year can change a guy. Maybe it is true. Alpha's have no respect for omegas.

"f*ck him. Let's get drunk and sing bad love songs.", James said.

James poured wine into their coffee mugs and made a toast.

"To Omegas! We don't need no stinkin' alphaholes."

We put the wine to their lips, but only my friends drank. As soon as the earthy smell of the chianti hit my nostrils I gagged. Quietly, not to make a scene, I made my way over to the bathroom with my hand over my mouth.

"Speaking of alphaholes, how is Max.", asked James.

"Max is not an alphahole!", Nat said.

Nat looked adorable with a little red wine stain on his lips and teeth and James reached over and pinched his cheek.

"Okay, there is one good alpha in the world, and you got him. Better?", asked James.

Nat cracked a big grin and took another gulp of wine. He looked around.

"Where did Nhu go?", asked Nat.

"I think he went to the bathroom."

"He left his wine untouched. Do you think he is okay?", asked Nat.

"He told me he has a stomach bug, but he hasn't been doing well since we saw Zee. I guess now we know why.", James said.

James was almost done with his first glass and Nat refilled his coffee mug with more Chianti.

"I can't believe he treated Nhu like that. I did not want to say it in front of him, but that was a pretty crappy way to treat a friend. To treat anyone. I don't think I can hang out with Zee again after knowing what he did to our baby.", Nat said.

"I'll rip his face off if I ever see him again. I hope he and Janis get married. They deserve each other.", James said.

"Yeah, she was always horrible to all of us, especially NuNew. I always thought she was jealous because we were omegas. Betas can get insecure when dating second genders.", Nat said.


"Biologically, Alpha's and Omega's are more suited towards each other. Betas can't meet their needs. They can't mate, for one, and it's more difficult to get pregnant. For an alpha or omega to have a marriage with a beta means they will be unsatisfied for the rest of their life. That's why a lot of them are on suppressants.", Nat said.

"But I see mixed couples with kids all of the time.", James said.

"Those embryos are created in a lab and then inseminated, or other means. I mean they can have children naturally, but it's rare.", Nat said.

"How do you know...Oh. I forgot your dad is a beta.", James said.

"Nhu has been in there for a while. Go check on him.", Nat said.

James went to the bathroom door and lifted his hand to knock but stopped. He turned back to look at Nat.

"What?", Nat mouthed.

James came back to the coffee table.

"He's throwing up.", James said.

"Poor baby he is still sick. We should call it an early night.", Nat said.

Chapter 5: Journal Entry November 17, 2023

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (5)

I don't know what is wrong with me, but this week, I have hardly been able to keep my eyes open and I am still throwing up. I took a Covid test, and it was negative. I was sure it was Covid.

I did not get much work done all week and my editor is crawling up my butt and making a nest. I know we have a deadline, but I am only human! I am so stressed.

Mom is coming over with some food and is going to spend the night. It will be nice to have her here to take care of me. I could really use some Mommy love right now because I am feeling pretty worthless.

I have decided that reality is a real bitch. All these years, I thought Zee and I were friends, maybe, almost something more. I know this was not in my head. He used to take care of me and when he walked into a room it was my eyes he would search for. Everyone knew if I was off sulking or upset not to bother, Zee was already on his way with snacks.

The only reason we have not seen each other for the last year was because he never acted, and my heart was breaking saving myself for him. I decided to move on. What I was doing was so unhealthy and I think five years of waiting is enough. My youth was disappearing. How many opportunities did I dismiss because of him?

I wasn't dramatic about it, and I made sure that it would be gradual. I knew he would not notice or fight for me. It was depressing how easy it was to disappear from his life. It started after graduation. I began to avoid events where he would be. I took myself off the group chats. If he messaged me, which was not often, I would be nice, but I would not reach out to him. And things were better for me because of it.

I went on a few dates. I focused on my writing. I had my friends. I was happy. If I am being honest, I never fell out of love with him, and I missed him. But I was not in purgatory anymore. Purgatory is a very painful place.

And then I saw him again for the first time in a year. I was out dancing with my besties and some friends. James helped me put myself together and I knew I looked good. I was a modest dresser at university, but in the last year, with my besties' help, I flourished. Everyone always told me I was a beauty and for some reason, I would do everything I could to diminish that. Now, I enhance it. A flattering hairstyle. Some makeup. Fitted clothes. It is not indecent or anything. I would say it is cute, with a dash of sexy. But now people notice me and stare. And when I look in the mirror, I sometimes see that beauty that everyone says is there.

That night was one of those nights. I shone with confidence, and I was having fun with my friends. I wasn't self-conscious or in my head. I was simply, me. I don't know how long he had been there, sitting with Max and watching me. I remember feeling a lightning bolt strike in my stomach when I recognized him. When he saw that I noticed him he got up and walked towards me. I swear his eyes never left mine. He had never looked at me like that before. He looked, hungry. Hungry for me.

The rest of the night he stayed glued to my side. Looking at me with puppy dog eyes. I teased him and asked him if he missed me.

'You have no idea how much.'

He was so serious and intense. I felt it. That feeling I wanted for all those years. Like I was the only person who existed in the room for him. And he flirted with me, brushing his leg against mine and then leaving it pressed to me. Tucking my hair behind my ear. Using his finger to brush a crumb from my lips. I know it is cliché but to me it was incredible.

When I came out of the bathroom, he was waiting for me. His hands reaching to touch me. I stood there a little tipsy and stared at him. The hall outside the bathroom was not a very glamorous place for a first kiss. It smelled like sweat, booze, and vomit. It was dim and seedy with all sorts of dark corners that I am sure were used often. And I wanted to escape it, and the heat I felt coming off him in waves. I took a step toward the entrance to the bar, and he took three strides to meet me. Then all I could smell was him and everything else fell away. There was only him.

He looked at me like I was precious and touched me like I was perfection. He knew exactly where to stroke me to make me senseless with desire. The next thing I know we are in a cab to my house. He held my hand the entire time drawing figure eights on my palm. Making me shiver.

Once inside my house, as soon as the door closed, he was on me. Kissing me, whispering beautiful adoring words. He fulfilled all the dreams I had over the five years I loved him. That night, he worshipfully took my virginity. He knew it. I told him. It had to be obvious.

When he made love to me his eyes never stopped drinking me in. No one has ever paid attention to me like that. Learning about me by watching my every expression, movement, and sound. I was in raptures.

Later, I fell asleep in his arms as he cooed and stroked me. I don't think he ever went to sleep that night because every time I woke, he was watching me and touching me. I felt so loved. That is what kills me about the entire affair. He adored me that night. It was not wishful thinking. He told me as much. How could he do that and then ditch me?

These are the things that I cannot tell anyone because it is too painful. Because I was so easy to manipulate. I really hate him right now. For being so greedy and not caring about how he hurt me. His crime will never fully be known and that is how he is getting away with it. Because despite it all, I will never lift a finger to hurt him.

So yeah. I am in a dark place right now.

Chapter 6: Journal Entry November 27, 2023

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (6)

The boys came over unannounced. I have not been interested in hanging out lately. I think I said no too many times, so they invaded. We ordered takeout for dinner, but I couldn't eat. It is my new normal. If they were not here, I would be eating saltines. It seems to be the only thing I can keep in my stomach.

Hey, carbs are food.

My mom thinks I am depressed. I tried to tell her that nausea and stomach problems are not a symptom of depression. She argued that sleeping all the time, lack of interest in doing things, and weight loss, are symptoms of depression. Mom, I am puking all the time, so I am not getting proper nutrients or sleep. This makes me tired. I am not interested in things because see above. I have lost weight because see above. I need to do is see a doctor mom, not a therapist.

I think Jelly and Mom have been talking because Nat came to me with the same theory. I relieved him of that myth. Why are you listening to my mom? This is the same woman who when I had a bump on my head, used a coin to push the bump flat. She thinks retraumatizing the injury is the solution. Can we not listen to my mom, when it comes to medical things? PLEASE!

Next was the inquisition. No symptom was taboo. I have never discussed my digestive system in this much detail with anyone. Not even a doctor. Which I still have not made an appointment with. I hear that new parents like to talk about their baby's poo every day. Well, I must be their baby.

'Input, output it's all connected.', Nat said.

OMG they are being so omega right now.

To distract them, and to save my sanity, I redirected them to karaoke. I couldn't drink at all, but the boys drank enough for all of us, and we had a giant karaoke sleepover. I sang away my sorrows and they passed out.

I am looking at them right now, and can you believe our pretty James is snoring like a tea kettle? I have recorded him because he will plump his pretty lips and flip his hair and say that he does no such thing. I can't wait until tomorrow.

On that note, I am going to bed.

Chapter 7: EVENT November 28, 2023

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (7)

I look between Nat and James confused. Why are me they handing this bag of pregnancy tests? Since James is not sexually active, that leaves Jelly.

"Jelly, do you think you are pregnant?", I ask.

"Me? No, not me.", Nat says.

I look at James.

"Aow, I am not the Virgin Mary.", James says.

"Are we doing a project for biology? I don't understand. Why do we have a bag of pregnancy tests?"

"For you Nhu.", Nat says.

I point my finger at my chest. They nod their heads.

"But I...sh*t."

James takes a test from the bag, tears open the box, and begins reading the instructions. I sit holding a bag of pregnancy tests head spinning. I have only had sex with penetration once and that was a month and a half ago with Zee. If I am right, and we did not use protection...I could be...No way. What are the odds? Neither of us was in a rut/heat. I try to think back but my brain has been crap lately. Did he knot me?

"It's easy. Pee in this cup. Take the top off this stick. Dip this end in the cup. Count to three take it out and place this side of the stick up on the counter. Then wait 5 minutes. Don't let this end touch anything and make sure it is level.", James says.

He hands me the pregnancy test.

"Seriously guys. This is unnecessary."

"How long have you been throwing up?", asks Jelly.


I grab the pregnancy test and go to the bathroom. Why am I so mad right now? My face is burning hot, and my hands are shaking. It's just a pregnancy test. They are ruling things out. This does not mean I am pregnant. But I don't want to take the test. As soon as they implied that I was pregnant, I started to have a very bad feeling. All this time, I never once thought about pregnancy, but as soon as they said it, I knew.

Ten minutes later I come out shaking and grab another box of pregnancy tests.

"What did it say?"

"Hey! Nhu! You can't leave us out here like this."

After trying 5 different brands of pregnancy tests, I accept I might be pregnant with Zee Pruk Panich's child.

Chapter 8: Event November 29, 2023

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (8)

Nat's mom is an Obstetrician-Gynecologist, and his dad is an OB-GYN nurse. That is how they met. They were both interning at a hospital. It is a sweet love story. The Uareksit's have known me since I was in middle school. They are close with my parents, and I trust them.

Nat got me an appointment to see them right away. I feel a little awkward, I won't lie. When Mr. Uareksit draws my blood, he keeps the conversation light. I know he is worried because he is trying so hard. He squeezes my shoulder and leaves the room with a jar of my urine, and a flask of my blood.

Ten minutes later, Dr. Uareksit and Mr. Uareksit come in together. They are professional, like I am a real patient. I guess that is what I am now, their patient.

My brain is still not processing what is happening. I am only 23 years old. I am not in a relationship. They must think I am such a slu*t. This is what I am thinking about when Dr. U tells me that the urine test confirms I am pregnant. I must look bad because they both drop their medical professional personas, sit on either side of me, and hug me. I start crying.

All I can think about is how my life is over, and how I am going to live in shame. A single omega raising a child alone. Or not alone. I guess I am supposed to tell Zee, but that is the last thing I want to do. Hunt down the alpha who had sex with me and then abandoned me. Because if we are being honest, that is what he did. I cannot imagine telling Zee about this. It is going to ruin his life too. What am I supposed to do, contact him over Instagram and tell him, 'Congratulations you are going to be a father?'

How am I in this mess? I had sex one time. ONE TIME! And it was with someone I loved for so many years. Someone I have been saving myself for. I thought...I don't know what I thought that night, but it wasn't what he was thinking. That was obvious from the way he snuck out to avoid talking to me. Now I am pregnant with his child.

I think I say a lot of this out loud because they are both holding my hands and telling me that everything is going to be okay. Then Dr. U has me lie down and open the paper gown so she can do an ultrasound. Mr. U squeezes some goo underneath my belly button and then sits down next to me and holds my hand.

"This is my favorite part. When the parent sees their baby for the first time. It is a magical moment. Thank you for sharing this with us NuNew.", said Mr. U.

We all look at the screen while Dr. Uareksit moves the sensor around until she finds a tiny black blob. She starts measuring things while I stare at the blob that, as it is magnified, takes on the shape of a tiny baby blob. With eyes, a mouth, tiny hands, and feet. Mr. Uareksit does something and there is a pop and crackle of a speaker and then I hear this Whoosh, Whoosh sound. Whoosh, Whoosh. Whoosh, Whoosh. Whoosh, Whoosh. I am listening to a heartbeat. My baby's heartbeat. I am looking at my baby. My baby. There is a baby inside of me, right now.

This strangely proportioned little blob that is the size of a strawberry is my baby. I am having a baby. We all smile and laugh. I start to cry which sets off the Uareksits. The three of us hug and I start to giggle, and then we all giggle. I am having a baby. That is my baby, a baby.

Someone knocks on the door and hands Mr. Uareksit some paperwork and the two of them pour over the results together while I stare at my little strawberry. Who I am already fiercely in love with. Like nothing I have ever felt before. Any doubts I have about keeping the baby, keeping my little strawberry are gone. I don't know how I am going to do this, but I will.

Suddenly I am irrationally worried. Is the baby, okay? I look at the Uareksit's and they don't appear to be concerned, and before I can ask, Dr Uareksit tells me everything looks fine and that the blood work confirms what she is seeing, and lines up with the conception date. I am 9 weeks pregnant. The baby is healthy. I am healthy. I need to start taking prenatal vitamins. She recommends that I wait three more weeks until I am done with the first trimester, to tell anyone but immediate family.

I am having a baby.

Chapter 9: Instagram Message December 1, 2023

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (9)

Hello Zee,

I need to talk with you. Here is my phone number. Please call me right away. I wouldn't contact you unless it was important.

Hope you are well.



Chapter 10: Instagram Message December 4, 2023

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (10)

Hello Zee,

You must not be on social media very much, but I don't have another way to contact you. Can you please call me or DM me right away as soon as you get this? I will ask Max for other ways to contact you.

Hope you are well.


Chapter 11: Journal Entry December 5, 2023

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (11)

I don't know why but I have been holding off telling my parents until I tell Zee. I suppose it is because I would want to be the first to know if I were him. It is our baby. Assuming he is not going to ditch us. I can't be that wrong about the man, can I? There is no way he is going to leave me to raise Strawberry by myself, right?

Then why is he ghosting me? I used to have all his contact information, but I deleted it so I would remain strong. Why did I do that? My mind is racing in so many different directions.

Thank god for my friends, because they are supporting me through all of this. They help me with everything. From caring for myself and Strawberry to making sure my job will be protected when I take leave to give birth.

I had to have a difficult conversation with Jelly that I made a complete mess of. I asked him to swear to tell no one about Little Strawberry, especially Max. Max is a typical bull headed alpha and he is Zee's friend. I just know he is going to do something rash if he finds out from anyone other than Zee.

I could tell Jelly was uncomfortable with my request. They have a policy in their relationship. They don't keep secrets from each other. I begged Nat. This is not his secret to tell. It is my private information about my body. If Zee wants to tell his friend that is his business but that should be Zee's choice.

Nat seemed really torn. I was surprised to be honest. For me and James this concept is a no brainer. But neither of us are in a relationship with a control freak alphahole. I have no idea what Nat sees in him.

James could see I was getting anxious, so he took over reasoning with Nat. While this is all going on, I start to panic imagining Max going to Zee's house and telling him I was pregnant and blaming me for everything. Then the two of them getting a lawyer and taking me to court saying I am an unfit omega. The justice system is not exactly kind to omegas, so it is not unheard of for alphaholes to take children away from their omega parent. Especially in a situation like mine where I am unmarried and unmated.

Finally, I popped and yelled.

'I don't give a sh*t if you don't keep secrets from each other. This is not your secret to tell.'

Then I burst into hysterical tears and ran for my nest in my room. I could hear James chiding Nat before they came in after me. But I would not let them in. I had turned my entire bedroom into my nest, and I can't help but be territorial. No one goes in an omega's nest unless invited. That goes a thousandfold for a pregnant omega. I felt like I was crazy. Part of me felt terrible. I just yelled at me best friend and I was desperate to reconcile. But there is this huge force taking over my body making growl and threaten my besties for daring to step foot in my room.

By this point I am crying, growling, and trying to speak. I was a mess. Lucky for me I was dealing with two omegas who knew exactly what to do. They shut the bedroom door, and Jelly ran to the store and came back with macarons, my favorite sweet, and a huge, very soft maternity plushy. It was a giant kitty. It was not long before they had coaxed me out.

Then as soon as I saw Jelly I tried to apologize again and no amount of reassurance from him could convince me that I had not lost him forever. So, he let me hug him and held me and my new kitty while I ate macarons. By the end of it, poor Nat was covered in mucus and crumbs. I have such good friends. Who else would put up with a hormonal pregnant omega.

Chapter 12: Journal Entry December 6, 2023

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (12)

I have been reading pregnancy books. I know why I flipped out yesterday. It's because I don't have the Strawberry's father around. According to the books Mr. U gave me to read,

'It is important during gestation for the omega and fetus to have their alpha with them. The alpha produces pheromones that keep the omega calm and helps with the development of the fetus.'

'During the first trimester without an alpha, a pregnant omega may hide, become extremely aggressive and fear everyone even trusted family.'

They call it protective instincts. When I think about it, it makes sense.

'By the second trimester the lack of hormones provided by an alpha begins to have a physical toll on the omega's body. If not treated, omega can die during childbirth.'


'It is not sustainable for a pregnant omega to be without their alpha. Over the course of the pregnancy the mother will present with symptoms of fatigue and if left unchecked will become severe and can result in cardiac arrest and death.'

The way I understand it is my body is trying to compensate for what Zee should be providing us. Because my body is not designed to do that it wears me out. The longer I go without Zee the weaker I become, eventually my heart will fail.

Seriously? Why am I made this way? Even if I want to, I can't be without an alphahole.

The book talked about solutions. I mean if there were no solutions for this there would be no beta omega offspring, right? The book said hormone therapy is the first thing an OB-GYN will try. What is hormone therapy?

Great, I am going to go crazy and die of exhaustion. At least Strawberry won't be affected. Unless I die.

No joke, I need to find Zee. I need my alpha.

Alright, that is settled. I need to tell my parents. I need their help, especially my dad. He may not be my alpha, but he is an alpha I trust. Maybe that could help.

In the meantime, I am going to have to stop being coy about finding Zee and start actively hunting for him.

Chapter 13: Instagram December 6, 2023

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (13)

Hey Zee,

I found an old email for you, but it bounced back. I guess it is not active anymore. I really need you to get back to me. It is urgent.

Hope you are well.


Chapter 14: Journal Entry December 7, 2023

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (14)

I am going to see Mom today. I am planning my visit to occur while Dad is at work. Dad and his traditional second-gender family mindset is not going to handle my situation well. He may be the best alpha on the planet, but he is still an alpha and I am his only omega baby. I need Mom to use her magic to help me calm him down.

Because he is going to go batsh*t crazy when he finds out I am pregnant and cannot find Zee. They know Zee, and my dad will have no problem hunting him down. Which would be fine if he would handle it discretely, but he won't. Only Mom knows how to handle Dad. She is my only hope.

Chapter 15: EVENT December 7, 2023

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (15)

Mom took one look at me and sat down hard. I mean, I smell like a pregnant omega. I look like a pregnant omega. Even if male omegas are not common, everything else about the pregnancy is the same. Except for the birth canal.

"Mom. Mom. Are you okay? Mom?"

She pointed at me and said something that sounded like gibberish. I took her hand and put it on my pregnant belly, and she immediately calmed down.

"Mom, I would like to introduce you to Little Strawberry. Strawberry, this is grandma. She is going to love you and spoil you rotten."

"How?", asked Mom.

"The usual way."

"Now is not the time to be a smart ass, NuNew Charawin Perdpiriyawong, you know exactly what I am asking."

I told her everything.

"Zee Pruk? That sweet boy? He did that?"

"Yes Mom, but he does not know anything yet. I tried to contact him several times, but he did not answer. It does not look like he has been on social media for a while."

"I am meeting with someone today who can quietly get me his current contact information. I was hoping to tell him about the baby first, but I am this far along, and I cannot reach him. I don't know what to do. I am starting to struggle without my alpha, and I need help."

"Are you very disappointed in me Mom?"

Mom looked up at me with questioning eyes.

"Oh baby, is that what you are worried about? Of course, I am not disappointed in you. You are my one and only child. I am surprised that's all. Life does not always happen the way you expect. Give me some time to process this. Before you know it, I will be driving you crazy buying baby stuff."

We both giggle, and just like that mom is on board. I got lucky with my parents.

We talked and she fed me, and then she sent me home. She wants Dad to herself when he finds out. She has her ways with Dad, so I listened to her. I feel so much better now.

My next stop is lunch with my besties. I need their super sleuth skills to discretely get me in contact with Zee.

Chapter 16: Journal December 8, 2023

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (16)

I have the worst luck. Seriously! At this point, all I can do is laugh.

Guess where Zee is?


Specifically, the country of Mali. I didn't even know there was a country called Mali. I had to ask Google. Hia is with a Non-Government Organization, NGO, Engineers Without Borders, EWB. WTH is EWB? I had to look that up too. It's like Doctors Without Borders, but for engineers.

What is Zee doing in Mali you ask? He is part of a project that will bring water and electricity to schools in the Sahara Desert.

How nice...now get your ass back here. You're having a baby!

This explains why he has not been on social media or answered any of my messages. I almost wish he was ghosting me. At least I could hunt him down and make him do his duty towards his child.

Is it weird that I am laughing right now? WTAF is happening?

I found out yesterday when I met James and Nat for lunch yesterday, I asked them to help me find Zee. Jelly was all, 'Finally', and began furiously typing. I was expecting to get a current phone number and email. I was definitely not expecting this.

Anyway, according to Max, Zee is a volunteer at EWB. He designed a solar electrical system that could withstand extreme weather conditions. That should have been the end of his involvement, but the engineer who was supposed to install the solar system had an emergency and could not go. Zee was his emergency backup, so he got a call. And just like that, my alpha went to Africa.

Great. This is un(f*cking)believable. Now what do I do? I have all his contact information, but he is in the middle of the Sahara Desert.

I am learning all sorts of things today. Did you know the Sahara Desert covers most of North Africa? It is 9,200,000 square kilometers and is the largest hot desert in the world. I would have better luck finding a needle in a haystack then to go look for Hia. There go my thoughts of flying to Africa to find him.

Bottom line, he is in the middle of nowhere. He may as well be on the moon.

This has got to be a joke. He literally went to one of the few places left in the world that has no cellular or internet connection.

I keep waiting for someone to jump out and say, "You've been punked." Then show me the secret cameras that have been filming me.

This can't be real.

I don't even know how long he will be gone. Max told Nat that Hia could be out there for a long time. Like many months. If a couple is 2, and a few is three or more, how much is many? 4 months or more? Is he going to miss the entire pregnancy?

Calm down mamma.

It's not completely hopeless. At some point he will have to get supplies. He told Max if he finds himself in a city that has internet, he will check in. That is so vague. On an unspecific day, Zee will check in, in an unspecified way during the many months he is in Africa.

Check in with who? Check in how? Nat thinks he means email. Okay let's say he is correct. What, am I supposed to do, email him? How can I guarantee he will even read my email? And how am I supposed to tell him he is going to be a father over an email? What is the protocol for notifying your friend/one-night stand that they are your baby daddy over email?

This is ridiculous. I am so ANGRY right now.


I swear, if I make it through this pregnancy, I am going to disappear with Strawberry. I want nothing to do with you ever again, Zee Pruk. I hate you. You jerk. I can't believe you left without a word. You used me, impregnated me and now you are out there checking things off your bucket list. Well f*ck you alphahole!

What am I going to do? What about Strawberry. The book said a pregnant omega needs their alpha during the pregnancy. The book made it sound serious. What will happen to us?

I need to ask Dr. U. what happens if there is no alpha during pregnancy?

I can't write anymore. My emotions are all over the place. I am not even making sense to myself. I am exhausted. Good night.

Chapter 17: Journal Entry December 9, 2023

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (17)

Well, Dad knows now. He also knows that Zee is in Mali and even for Dad, that is too far to vent his rage. Since I am the only one here, he vented his rage on me. I am going to start a list that is going to be very long, listing all the things you owe me for Zee Pruk Panich. I can't imagine what Dad was like before Mom calmed him down. I just got the chills.

After yelling for a bit, about unprotected sex...

'Now you must live with the consequences of your actions. Who is going to help you raise this child? Who is going to pay the expenses? There are hospital fees, clothes, school, lodging...'

That made me so mad. The answer is ME! I have a good job. I can work from home and my hours are flexible. My employer won't care about my situation if I do my work. I am an author.

My first book did well enough, and my future is, hopeful. Sorry if I am not established one year after college but I think I am doing very well.

I guess I was, until I got pregnant and now there is the life of a single mom looming. Being pregnant makes you redefine who you are and your path in life. I am not who I was before. I never will be again.

I understand why Dad yelled at me. He loves me and is worried. Dad has always wanted a traditional lifestyle for me. Like Mom has. He wants me to be happy and safe with a good alpha who will provide anything I ever wanted. But I don't want that. I am not going to be a stay-at-home omega. That was never my ideal.

I love Mom and Dad. They have a good marriage. I had a happy childhood. But I saw what my mom went through. She was lonely and isolated. She lived for the two of us. We were her life. I don't want that. I want to stay active and relevant in the world. I want friends and options.

Anyway, Dad and Mom are united in thinking that I need to keep trying to contact Zee. Even if he is at the ends of the earth in a communication vacuum. Dad said that having children is an Alpha's dream. He thinks Zee will go berserk when he finds out he has a pregnant omega at home and come running.

'We are biologically built that way.'

When I asked him how I was supposed to contact Zee when he is in one of the most desolate places on earth, he told me I was smart and to figure out a way.

Deep breaths NuNew. Deep breaths.

Until then I am going to think about moving in with Mom and Dad. That is if I can tolerate moving my nest.

On an exciting note, Mom is taking me maternity clothes shopping.

'You can't wear the same pair of sweatpants every day.', Mom said.

She is right of course, but until recently maternity clothes were the least of my worries. Anyway, I can't wait to go maternity clothes shopping. I don't have anywhere to go, but when I do, I am going to look adorbs.

Okay, Strawberry. We have our orders. Let's find Daddy.

Chapter 18: Email December 9, 2023

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (18)

To: Zee Pruk Panich

From: NuNew Charawin Perdpiriyawong


Dear Zee,

I understand you are in Mali for many months. It is urgent I contact you and inform you, the night that we had unprotected intercourse resulted in a pregnancy. I am 100% certain you are the father. My due date is July 15. I am 9 weeks. We are both okay, but we need you, urgently. Please contact me as soon as you can.

Sending an email is not the usual way to let someone know that they are going to have a baby, but your circ*mstances are... I don't know any other way to contact you. Please forgive the abrupt way I informed you. If I could, I would have told you gently in person.

You must be in a state of shock right now. I don't know how you feel or will feel about being a father. My dad said that Alphas feels strongly about pregnancy and having children so I will go with that assumption and keep you informed. I hope that is okay.

I found out I was pregnant a week ago. It never occurred to me I could be pregnant. Nat and James figured it out. I thought I had a stomach virus. LOL At first, I was not happy about the news. That all changed when I went to see Dr. and Mr. Uareksit. and saw Little Strawberry. When I heard the baby's heartbeat I was in love.

Since you could not be there with us, see below for the ultrasound. That is your baby Zee, our baby. We certainly did not mean to, but we made a life together that night.

Strawberry is the nickname I chose. I hope you like it.

Only my parents, Nat and his parents, and James know about Little Strawberry.

Please come home to us Hia. We can sort out our feelings later. We need you. Strawberry needs their father, and I need my alpha. It will be very difficult to do this without you.

Until you join us, I have support. I will do everything in my power to keep us safe. We are waiting for you.



I joined a pregnancy website. Every week they send me an email about what Strawberry is doing. I will copy and paste what they say so you can be up to date when you join us. This is what has happened so far.

Weeks 1 & 2 of your pregnancy is Oct 10, 2023 - Oct 23, 2023

Baby Conceived

It's ovulation time. If sperm and egg meet, you're on your way to pregnancy.

Strawberry was conceived on October 21, 2023.

Week 3 of your pregnancy is Oct 24, 2023 - Oct 30, 2023

Implantation occurs.

Your baby is a tiny ball of several hundred cells that are rapidly multiplying and burrowing into the lining of your uterus. The cells that become the placenta are producing hCG, the pregnancy hormone. It tells your ovaries to stop releasing eggs and keep producing progesterone. Once there's enough hCG in your urine, you'll get a positive pregnancy test result.

Week 4 of your pregnancy is Oct 31, 2023 - Nov 06, 2023

Positive Pregnancy Test – uh that happened much later LOL

Your baby is an embryo made up of two layers, the hypoblast and the epiblast. The primitive placenta is developing and preparing to provide nutrients and oxygen to your growing baby. The amniotic sac is developing and will surround and protect your baby while it continues to grow.

Week 5 of your pregnancy is Nov 07, 2023 - Nov 13, 2023

Your embryo is now made up of three layers, the ectoderm, the mesoderm, and the endoderm which will later form all the organs and tissues. You might start to feel the first twinges of pregnancy such as tender breasts, frequent urination, or morning sickness.

Week 6 of your pregnancy is Nov 14, 2023 - Nov 20, 2023

Heartbeat detectable by ultrasound

Your baby's heart is beating about 160 times a minute and the nose, mouth and ears are taking shape. Lungs and digestive system are forming organs.

Week 7 of your pregnancy is Nov 21, 2023 - Nov 27, 2023

Your baby is forming hands and feet. Key organs like the stomach, liver and esophagus are beginning to form. Your uterus has doubled in size. The umbilical cord is transferring blood and waste between baby and mother.

Week 8 of your pregnancy is Nov 28, 2023 - Dec 04, 2023

The respiratory system is forming now. Breathing tubes extend from the throat to the branches of the developing lungs.

This is the week I discovered I was pregnant. 🙀

First Ultrasound! 😍

Week 9 of your pregnancy is Dec 05, 2023 - Dec 11, 2023

Chapter 19: Note From The Author

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (19)

Why Mali? I went there with Engineers Without Borders in 2008. Our goal, was to bring water and electricity to Tuareg school children. The Tuareg's are a nomadic tribe. They move around with their herds to find food and water. Their wealth are their animals. They are musicians, craftsmen of silver and leather, and of course herders.

They do stay in one place, but never for long. They move with the seasons. One of the spots they seasonally went to was outside of Timbuktu. That is where we met them. That is where the schools were.

I will never forget the children. They had chalkboards and chalk to write their lessons and since there was no electricity, they all sat near a window to see. They were so happy, and trusting, but they were little gremlins too. Especially when they fought to get my empty water bottles. I was such a sucker for them. I basically gave them everything I had every time I saw them. Let's say I was popular. LOL

The first thing I remember about meeting the Tuareg was they did not work during the afternoon hours. I think they thought we were nuts because they were drinking tea in the shade watching us as we sweat buckets trying to figure out solutions for problems we had no idea we would encounter. I felt so self-conscious. Since there is no television, social media, or internet there I have a feeling we were the afternoon entertainment. LOL

Let's say we knew very little about how things actually worked in the desert. So we collaborated with the local women's groups and the men to find sustainable solutions. I was in awe. I played such a tiny part in this big endeavor. But I am grateful for the opportunity to see a place and its people that were beyond my imagination.

I will save the full story for another time. It is a good one. Full of children, friendly people, and diverse cultures. I met and slept in the homes of Muslims, I camped in the Sahara desert, I met tribes of animists, I traveled down the Niger River in a little boat and camped on the shores of the river. I sang with local musicians. I met a very holy man who made me a magical talisman to find a good husband. (I met my husband that year and we have a solid marriage and a son.)

Let's say the country and people of Mali have a special place in my heart. Unfortunately, I have not been able to go back. I wanted to bring my husband and son to meet the holy man who blessed us with good fortune. I want to see the friends I made and meet their new children and grandchildren.

I don't know what happened to the people I met. Mali has had multiple uprisings since I was there and is now struggling to find some kind of peace. Last I heard some were in a refugee camp in 2012.

The thing about Mali, it is a country where so many different kinds of people all live together. They speak 13 different languages. All sorts of beliefs and cultures live in harmony. They have survived so much. I have faith they will survive this too.

When I thought of a reason that Zee would be unreachable, I immediately thought of the Sahara Dessert. The world could have blown up, and I would not have known. No news reached us there. There was only the immense night sky filled with stars that humbled me with my insignificance. All I heard was the sand blowing and the sounds of animals. All I saw was endless sand and a sky that was vast and blue. Not a single cloud, ever.

So don't be too mad at Zee. And I hope you are not disappointed with where he has been all this time. We will be hearing from him soon.

Thank you for reading thus far. I cannot believe how many people are interested in my little story. I am humbled.

Here is information about the actual project I participated in.

Chapter 20: Journal December 12, 2023

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (20)

Met with Dr. U today. Mom came too. Dr. U is concerned that we still have not located Zee and not likely to any time soon.

'Especially since you are displaying an excess of protective instincts.'

Clearly, Nat told her about my meltdown.

'And don't try to claim you are not isolating because you work from home. Nat said you are turning down all invites to leave your house.'

I am going to have to talk to that blabbermouth. He is ratting me out.

'Hey! I do work from home. I am a writer. And I did leave the house. I went to see my parents, twice.'

Mom told me to stop being stubborn. I told them they were shamelessly picking on a pregnant omega. Then we all laughed.

Bottom line? I am a high-risk pregnancy. I need to come back every two weeks, move back home, and find my alpha.

She told my mom it was important that I stay calm. No stress. Limit who can visit. Find my alpha.

Everything else was standard pregnancy stuff. Eat well, exercise etc.

I forgot to ask what happens when there is no alpha, and what hormone therapy is.

Now I need to figure out how to move my nest. It will all have to be done by my hand and transported carefully. Just thinking about it is making me freak out.

I can do it! I can do anything for my Strawberry.

Chapter 21: Email December 16, 2023

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (21)

To: Zee Pruk Panich

From: NuNew Charawin Perdpiriyawong

Re: Week 10

Dear Zee,

It is week 10 of our pregnancy. Mom took me to see Dr. U a couple of days ago. She said Strawberry looked well. Dr. U diagnosed me as a high-risk pregnancy. Don't worry that does not mean anything is wrong. It only means I have a higher risk of having complications. She said it was very important for us to find you. Until we do, I will be very careful!

The good news is I get checkups every two weeks. That means I get to see pictures of the baby. If I do, I will send them to you. One of the perks of being high risk.

You will be relieved to know that I am in the process of moving in with my parents. It is safer for me to be with them, and better for us to have my dad's pheromones. It will at least help me to feel secure.

You should see me trying to pack up my nest. It is out of control. Do you know about pregnant omegas and their nests? It is like a regular nest but on steroids. They even sell special pregnancy plushies to soothe pregnant omegas. I got one from Jelly and it is amazing.

Dad is going to try and find out more about your trip. He had the idea of contacting Engineers Without Borders. He thinks there must be some way to contact you, for emergencies. Like a satellite phone. I remain hopeful.

Sometimes I fantasize about you walking through the door. It is always the same. You show up unexpectedly. I scream, 'Hia' and run to you. You capture me in your arms and hold me like I am made of glass. We are so happy to be reunited. It feels like I have found a missing piece of myself that I thought I lost forever. I introduce you to Strawberry and you are so in love. We end up on the couch. My body curled around Strawberry, and you are curled around the both of us. You cover me in your pheromones, and I purr myself to sleep.

It has gotten so bad that every time I hear the doorbell I wonder, is it Hia? Silly, right? I guess I am excited for you to meet the baby. I have seen your tender side, and I can imagine your soft eyes when I introduce you to Strawberry. I know you will be a wonderful father.

It must be me longing for you because I have started stargazing. It is relaxing to look at the infinite universe. I think about you and wonder where you are, and what you are doing. You must have an incredible view of the stars in the Sahara Desert. I wonder if we ever look at the night sky and think of each other at the same time. Don't laugh.

I hope you are safe. Come back to us soon. We are waiting for you to be the alpha of our little family.



Little Strawberry is 10 weeks old. I am ¼ of the way through the pregnancy.

Week 10 of your pregnancy is Dec 12, 2023 - Dec 18, 2023

Your baby's organs are growing and beginning to mature. The baby's head comprises half the length of the body.

Chapter 22: Email December 25, 2023

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (22)

To: Zee Pruk Panich

From: NuNew Charawin Perdpiriyawong

Re: Week 11 Merry Christmas

Dear Zee,

Merry Christmas! I am worried that you are alone today. You must miss your family and your home very much. Don't feel lonely Hia. There are two people who are thinking of you and wishing you well. Tonight, we will go look at the stars and send you our holiday cheer. So, if you feel a special warmth in your heart, it means our heartfelt care made it to you. All the way to Mali.

Next year the three of us will be together for Christmas and Strawberry will be in your arms, laughing at your funny face.

Until then, here is a Xmas picture of me to cheer you up.

Be safe Hia. Hurry home. See you soon!




Week 11 of your pregnancy is Dec 19, 2023 - Dec 25, 2023

Fingers and toes have separated, and the bones are beginning to harden. External genitalia has almost completely formed.

Chapter 23: Journal Entry December 31, 2023

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (23)

It is the last day of 2023. Tomorrow will begin the first day of the year that Strawberry will be born. 2024, I wonder what this year will hold for me. I am trying to stay positive that 2024 will bring Hia to me and the birth of our child. That the care and tenderness he showed me the night we had sex was real and that we will work everything out.

But there are demons in my mind. Demons that whisper horrible things.

'He does not want you... He slept with you and abandoned you. Do you think because you have his child, he will want you? He will never mate you. When he finds out, he will take Strawberry away and give your baby to Janis and let her raise your baby as theirs. You need to run away somewhere he can never find you. You cannot trust anyone. You need to protect Strawberry.'

I know this is the protective instincts bringing my deepest fears to light. Zee is not that kind of man. But every day that passes, with no word from him, I sink deeper into this paranoia. All day my thoughts are consumed with rearranging my nest and protecting Strawberry.

I growled at mom today when she brought me a glass of water. I did not see her coming and when I did, I threatened her. I barely stopped myself from striking her.

Dr. U said the longer I am without the baby's father's pheromones the worse I will get.

We saw Dr. U. yesterday. Strawberry is fine, and we are about to start the second trimester. I got to see the baby move. It was beautiful.

Dr. U. told me that if Zee does not come soon, she is going to have to start me on a regiment of hormones to replace the pheromones that I would get from him. Little Strawberry needs them to develop properly. But there is risk involved. Risk that I might reject them. I don't know what that means.

She also said that I was not doing well physically. I should have gained weight, but I am losing weight, and my blood work is concerning. Again, it is those damn alpha pheromones. Because we are not getting them, I am taking what Strawberry needs from my body and giving it to Strawberry. But my body is not designed to do that. So, I am left with a deficit.

Dr. U. wants me to start coming every week to monitor my health. If my blood work does not improve then she is going to have a serious talk with me about what my options are.

Bottom line? I would rather cannibalize myself then for Strawberry to go without. If Strawberry is fine, I can endure anything.

On another note, Dr. U has given me permission to go to James' house for New Year. If it is a quiet evening with only him and Nat, it should be fine. I am irrationally nervous to leave the house, but Dr. U encouraged me to go. She thinks it will lift my spirits and distract me from my paranoia. Happy mommy, happy baby. I am going to dress up, put some makeup on and remember I am all that, and a bag of chips.

Chapter 24: Email December 31, 2023

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (24)

To: Zee Pruk Panich

From: NuNew Charawin Perdpiriyawong

Re: Week 12 Happy New Year

Dear Zee,

Happy New Year!!!!! I have another ultrasound picture for you. Look, our little baby. My heart is a puddle of mush. In a month or so we should be able to find out Strawberry's primary gender. I hope you are here for the big reveal. If not, I will tell you first in an email before I tell anyone else.

In two days, I will be in the second trimester. We have made it 1/3 of the way! I am taking very good care of myself Hia. I promise. Dr. U. was concerned about my blood work, but we are going to monitor very closely. I will go see her every week now. If it does not improve, we have options so don't worry Hia.

I am all moved into my parents' house. I may have been a little special the day we moved my nest. I am kind of glad you were not here to see that. I had no idea I was capable of such hysterics. OMG! Lucky for me I have three omegas helping me, and they knew exactly what to do.

I am in good hands Hia. My dad is protecting me. My mom is guiding, and helping me, and I have two incredible besties who are supporting me. So don't worry about us. All you need to focus on is coming home!

Wish you were here to celebrate the New Year. The year our baby will be born. We miss you. Remember to look at the stars tonight and think of us. We will be looking at the night sky and thinking of you.




Week 12 of your pregnancy is Dec 26, 2023 - Jan 01, 2024

The kidneys can now secrete urine and the nervous system is maturing. You baby may be curling all 10 toes, practicing opening and closing fingers and sucking a thumb. And mom should have gained from 2-5 lbs.

Chapter 25: Event January 01, 2024


Mild violence dubious consent not sexual.

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (25)

We are all sprawled out on James' couch. We celebrated the new year together. I look at my friends, James and Jelly are a little tipsy and have been wrestling over the TV remote.

"Kdrama!", James said.

"Horror.", Nat said.

"Kdrama. Aow. That hurt. Give it back. You beast. Give it back." James said.

"Ha, ha, ha. I am not- Oooof.", Nat said.

Nat's phone pings and he immediately stops and looks at his phone. The TV remote lies forgotten on the couch. We all recognize the alert Nat assigned to Max.

"Oh NO!", Nat said.

He starts furiously typing. I am watching this like a sated lazy cat. My belly is full of treats. It's way past my bedtime so I am sleepy, and I am content spending time with my besties. Dr. U was right. I needed to get out of the house. I am not really focusing on the conversation between James and Nat, but something in the tone of James' voice alerts me.

"He can't come here.", James said.

"I know. Shut up and let me focus.", Nat said.

"I am going to go outside to meet him. I will leave with him, okay?", Nat asks.

I am not sure what is going on, but Jelly comes over and gives me a hug and kiss on the cheek.

"See you soon Mommy.", Nat said.

"Happy New Year, Jelly."

Grabbing his bag and his jacket, Nat leaves without putting on his jacket or hat. It's cold outside and Jelly hates being cold. The situation has penetrated my sleepy vibes and I look over at James who is pacing.

"James, are you okay?"

He looks at me and whatever was on his face is smoothed away and he smiles.

"I'm okay."

"Where did Jelly go?"

"With Max."

That made sense. They were in love so of course they would find each other as soon as Max was free. I wonder if I will ever have someone like that. I rubbed my little baby bump. Strawberry was starting to show. I indulge in a fantasy of Hia being crazy about me. Rushing to my side every chance he can get. Protecting me and Strawberry from danger. How wonderful.

A lot of my dreams lately are about Hia protecting us. Since I have never been a scaredy cat, I assume it is the pregnancy making me think I need someone to protect me. When in truth I am perfectly safe.

We both look toward the door at the same time. Jelly was outside. He was pleading with someone. Then I heard an alpha roar. Is that Max?

James leaps up and looks out the window.

"You have got to be f*cking kidding me right now."

"What is it? Is Jelly, okay?"

"If there is nothing to hide then let me say high to James and NuNew? Why is that wrong? Is there something you are not telling me? Are you hiding a guy in there?", Max says.

I can't make out what Nat says in return, but I shift from a content omega to an alert freaked out omega in seconds. A rumbling growl tears out of my throat, and I stand up.

"sh*t. sh*t. sh*t.", James said.

"NuNew, they are having a fight you are not in danger. Okay Nhu? You know Max. He would never hurt the baby."

I heard what he said, but I am still terrified. I feel all keyed up like a violin string wound to tight. My chest is rumbling with a warning growl.

"What the f*ck is that? I can hear an alpha growling in there.". Max said.

James turns to me. He has a big desperate smile on his face.

"Nhu, let's go to my room. Okay?"

"I am going to give you my headphones and you can listen to some calming music. Remember Dr. U does not want you to get upset. Remember the baby. You cannot get upset."

I don't want to go. I want to keep my eye on the danger but when he tells me to remember Strawberry I will myself to calm down and follow him. But it is hard to turn my back on what is going on a few feet outside the door.

James hands me the headphones and syncs them to my phone and I open Spotify and open my pregnancy playlist. They are positive songs I have picked to help remind me that the doom and gloom is not real. I curl up on James' bed and play a number game while on my phone and let the music do its work.

Thanks to the noise cancelling on the headphones, I am not aware of the fight escalating and I fall asleep.

A vibration wakes me up but when nothing happens, I close my eyes again and drift.

I found out later what happened but by then it was too late.

Chapter 26: Journal January 02, 2024


Trigger mild violence

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (26)

What was supposed to be a calm little get-together for New Year's Eve turned into a bit of a calamity. That is a literary way of saying it was a sh*tshow! I was supposed to spend NYE with James at his house. Then Max had a work thing, so we got Jelly. YAY! Dr.'s orders are I cannot see anyone but James and Nat. Guess who showed up?

Max ditched his NYE party, he missed Nat, and showed up after midnight with 2 men I don't know. James won't let him inside because of me. Nat goes outside to try and talk to Max. It's too late, the alphahole is already in an alpharage. He thinks Nat is hiding another alpha.

I am spitting like a cornered cat. James is trying to calm me down. Max is threatening to break down the door. James lures me to his bedroom and gives me headphones. He is such a clever minx. His plan worked. I have no idea what happened after that. I only remember being woken up once. James told me the rest of what happened.

In a nutshell, the alphahole had a temper tantrum, A.K.A. an alpharage because he thinks there is another alpha in the house that Nat is hiding. I mean why else would Jelly run out of the house without his jacket on? Because Jelly is such a slu*t that he wiggles his ass for anyone. Seriously, what an alphahole. I have never met a better-behaved omega then Nat.

When James went outside, he tried to take control of the chaos but by this point Max is being held back by his two friends. One of whom is Film, a famous actor, OMG, who I would have loved to meet under other circ*mstances. How random.

Film and Net, the two friends with Max don't understand why we won't let Max look around because that would resolve everything. James and Nat are adamant no one can go inside because they are trying to protect me.

So, Max and his lizard brain decides to force his way in, and used his alpha voice on James and Nat. He used the VOICE! That is a big no no. Between mates, that is sometimes okay, but it must be consensual. I don't know why, people have kinks, I guess. To use your voice on an omega who is not your mate, especially one that does not have a mate to protect them, can result in jail time.

Because Nat is Max's omega, Nat is completely helpless against him and prostates himself immediately. The two guys holding Max are now yelling at Max and trying to drag him away, but it was useless. He was in a full on alpharage and shook them off easily.

No one had used the voice on either omega before. Nat...Jelly was so upset that he broke up with Max as soon as he was freed. James told me it felt like a force was pushing him mentally to his knees. He struggled and fought the command and for a second, he thought his will would win out. But Max used the voice on him again.


James could not resist after that. He was on the ground next to Nat. Both were crying. Nat kept saying he was sorry over and over again. James said he was so under Max's control that he could not even console Nat. They could not even look up when Max busted down James' door while fighting off his friends.

James' front door was broken in pieces. That I saw for myself. I completely freaked out when I saw it. Now I know what that vibration that woke me up was. Part of me is grateful I slept through everything and a darker part of me is feeling more vigilant than ever. He could have killed Strawberry while I was defenseless. I know Max would never do that but tell that to my crazy pregnancy instincts.

Anyway, as soon as the door opened, they smelled me. I mean Max and Film did. Net is a beta so he smelled nothing. Max was so confused. He was expecting to find an alpha but all he found was an empty room and the pheromones of a pregnant omega. Obviously, he knows my scent, so he recognized me right away.

Who knows what that alphahole was thinking because he did not stop there. There was no alpha, so even in his enraged state, he should have stopped immediately and began groveling at Nat's feet. I guess he was curious or did not believe his nose because he went through the house and the three males found me pregnant and asleep on James' bed.

After that the cops showed up. A neighbor called. By then Max had released the two omegas from the voice command and was begging a hysterical Nat to forgive him. Nat was so terrified that he hid behind Film. I even felt a little sorry for Max when I heard that. There is no bigger failure as an alpha.

Meanwhile, Net was holding and consoling James. James was scary quiet and not responsive. It worried everyone. I have never been under the influence of the voice; I can only imagine what a violation it is. James said it made him feel dirty and powerless. He did not want to talk about it much. He said it was like having his mind raped. That is not the first time I have heard it described that way.

Now, Max is in custody. Nat lost his alpha and boyfriend. James is scarred for life. All because of me. I don't take responsibility for what Max did. I am not one of those narcissistic martyrs. Max is a pig and there is no excuse. But if I was not pregnant, Jelly would not have kept secrets from Max and his alpha would not have been triggered. But because my besties were trying to shield me, they both were hurt.

It is hard for me not to blame Zee for this. If he was here with me, I would not need two omegas to protect me. I know he did not know when he left that I was pregnant, but he was irresponsible and cruel to me. And it hurts. It hurts so much. Everything feels out of control. And I feel so helpless and scared. I hate him but at the same time we need him so much. Why did I let this happen. Why suddenly, did Zee seduce me? I was doing so well without him.

Maybe I need to stop considering his feelings so much and start thinking about the people who are present and do care about me. Not some guy who screwed me and ditched me and went to the most remote place in the world leaving me with the consequences. He knew we had unprotected sex. He knew and did not bother to have the decency to talk to me and make sure I was okay before he left the country. I am done with telling myself to move past this. Look what considering Zee's feelings did to my friends and Max.

This is bad it is so bad, and it is all because of me.

I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate that alphahole.

Chapter 27: Journal January 4, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (27)

Nat has been staying with me for the last couple of days. He does not want to be at home right now. Max is sitting on his doorstep waiting to be forgiven and Nat can't deal with that right now.

All I can do for my bestie is to hold him when he cries and take care of him. He is in my nest right now and looks like a little worm with a Nat face. I gave him kitty and then wrapped him up in my softest blanket. I make sure he sleeps and eats and is not idle. Mostly I hold him while he cries these heart-wrenching sobs that sound like they come from the bottom of his soul.

I know I should not make this about me, but I feel responsible. Because of my selfishness, Nat does not have an alpha anymore and my besties were hurt. Nat tried to tell us, but all I cared about was keeping Strawberry a secret. Because of me, Nat is going through the worst trial of his life, and I can't do anything to help him.

James has gone dark. We don't know what he is thinking or how he is. While he was in custody, Max arranged to have a new door installed. James should be safe, but I worry that he does not feel safe. Mom is going to give me a ride over to his house. We will bring him back with us if he is unwell.


Just got back from going to visit James. You will never believe what we found. James has a semi-permanent visitor taking care of him. Remember the beta from NYE, Net? He has not left James' side since everything happened. Apparently, they are both smitten kittens and have been ordering takeout and have not left the house in three days. That is what I call a sexcation.

That does not mean James is okay, but it is not the dark pit of despair that I thought it was. For now, James is taking a leave from work and wants to stay in his bubble with Net a little longer. Then he will face Nat, and decide what to do about Max.

Chapter 28: Journal January 6, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (28)

We went to see Dr. U. this morning and Strawberry is great. I, on the other hand, am not doing well. Blood work is not improving. I am not gaining weight. Blah blah blah. I am f*cked.

It is so frustrating. I am doing everything they ask of me. I make any sacrifice. But because we have no alpha, my best is not good enough. Why were omegas made this way? If the second gender biological system evolved to improve the likelihood of the species, why wouldn't this account for abandoned or widowed omegas?

Why do I have to need Zee? Why do I feel desperate to see him and to have him here? Shouldn't I be angry and hate him at this point? If I wasn't controlled by hormones, I would...I don't even know anymore. I feel so overrun by my emotions. Like right now. I am so ANGRY!

Stupid second gender bullsh*t. I want to be emancipated from all alphas!

Deep breath...

My emotions are not always negative. There are plenty of moments where I am like any other pregnant omega. Sitting in my nest, happily planning for the baby. I have a nursery theme, strawberries of course. I researched safety specifications on car seats. What stroller is the easiest to manage alone? I read books on child development, and how to be the best mommy to my little Strawberry. This is how I imagine I would be all the time if I had Zee. Enjoying my pregnancy, instead of worrying about Strawberry, my health, and Zee.

More and more I find myself in a paranoid spiral and it is getting worse. I want to tell Mom, but the paranoia won't let me tell anyone. I am afraid they will say I am unfit to be a mother. But I have never once considered doing anything that would risk the baby. Not once, ever. At least in that respect, I am clear.

Sometimes I go down these little ratholes. Like the time I spent 24 hours looking for remote homes to rent. Just in case the Panich family comes after me to take Strawberry. I am not saying I will run away and live like a crazy pregnant hermit. But it makes me feel better to have several backup plans. It helps with the anxiety.

Anyway, Dr. U says I have a few options. The best option would be to have Zee's pheromones. She likes to say that every time like I am hiding him somewhere and refusing to use him. The next best option is to take hormones. It is a time-release medication, that I take once a day and, once a week I get a shot during my regular visit. There is very little risk for Strawberry. If there is a complication, it will be mine to bear.

Dr. U. explained that 15% of pregnant omegas have complications after starting hormone therapy. For some unknown reason, their bodies reject the medication and go into shock. The immune system wages war on the foreign hormones, further exhausting the omega. Dr. U wanted me to understand that. She told me omegas have died during childbirth because their bodies were so drained. Giving their very last breath to their babe. I can understand that.

More morbid thinking on my part.

Anyway, we are going to try that first.

Other options were kind of weird. Like finding a substitute alpha I am compatible with. I am not sure how that works, but I don't like the sound of it. Let's hope the hormones do the trick.

Chapter 29: Email January 7, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (29)

To: Zee Pruk Panich

From: NuNew Charawin Perdpiriyawong

Re: Week 13


Strawberry is 13 weeks now and is doing great. See ultrasound below. Strawberry is starting to look like a real baby, don't you think? I wonder when I will start feeling the baby move. I read that it feels like gas at first because they are so little.

I can't wait to meet Strawberry. I wonder so much about this little life that I am making in my body. Will they look like you or me? Who will they take after? I hope they are calm like you. A nice calm child sounds good to me.

I was a tornado when I was little. Mom thinks it's only fair if I have a little tornado too. You're my mother! You are not supposed to wish that upon your child. LOL

I was looking at pictures of the Sahara Desert today, wondering what your life must be like. You really are in the middle of nowhere. All the pictures I found are of endless sand and sky. You are in one of the few places left on earth that is unreachable by modern technology.

I guess it was not that long ago that people did not have cell phones or the internet. They only had landline phones and payphones. I don't think I have ever seen a payphone before.

The situation you and I are in now must be something like life was then. I asked my dad about it, and he said I make his youth sound prehistoric. Well, Dad, you are in your 50s so....

When my dad courted my mom, they must have had to wait all the time for everything. They arranged to meet places in advance and showed up. They wrote letters instead of texts. Mom found all of Dad's love letters and showed them to me.

But they were used to that. We are not. I find waiting to hear from you to be unbearable.

Hia, I need to tell you something. Dr. U told me that the pregnancy was draining my body and that if I did not do something soon, my and Strawberry's health would be at risk. She gave me a few options.

I am trying to make choices that have the least risk to Strawberry and have the best chance of success. I started hormone therapy today. It is a chemical replacement for the pheromones we would get naturally from you. The medicine will help Strawberry, and there is very little risk for the baby. Omegas who get pregnant with a beta use this medicine too. It has been around for a while and is very safe for the fetus.

I am starting to get scared Hia. Scared that something is going to go wrong with the pregnancy. What do I do if the hormone therapy does not work? I don't have many options after that. I really need you alpha. I don't care anymore about how you left without a word. I no longer have the energy to worry if you want us or not. I am only thinking of Strawberry now. I don't want to lose our baby.

Until you join us, I will continue to do my best to take care of myself and Strawberry. I will continue to try and find you. Sorry about the emotional outburst. I thought about deleting it, but you are a big boy.

Have you been looking at the stars? I go every night and think about you. Can you feel it? I don't know what the future holds for us, Hia, but I am determined to be hopeful.



Happy 13 weeks.

Week 13 of your pregnancy is Jan 02, 2024 - Jan 08, 2024

Miscarriage risk decreases

Your baby now has unique fingerprints, and the kidney and urinary tract are completely functional, which means she's peeing. And if you are having a girl, her ovaries are already full of thousands of eggs.

Chapter 30: Journal Entry January 11, 2024


Trigger Blood

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (30)


It is never a dull day here at the Perdpiriyawong House. Guess who had the balls to show up at my door? MAX. That alphahole came and fought with my dad. Of all the nerve. Don't worry I took care of him.

I am not allowed to answer the door. So, when someone knocked, Mom hurried me to the nest and shut the door. I know we are not expecting anyone so whoever it is, is going to trigger me. I have my giant kitty that Nat gave me, and I am rubbing my face and scent glands all over my maternity plushy. I am trying to stay calm. I reach for my noise-canceling earphones when I hear voices.

I know I should have put the headphones on anyway, but I recognized that alphaholes voice. I put my ear to the door and listened. I guess my body decided to cooperate because normally by now I would be growling. At least rumbling.

Max came to see me, but Dad would not let him past the door. He said he was here to apologize. Yeah right. No way Dad is going to let you into this house. Especially after what you did to Nat and James. So Max apologized to Dad since he could not see me.

'It was inexcusable. I had no idea NuNew was pregnant. As an alpha, I would never endanger a child blah blah. Blah.'

Then he said something that made me lose my sh*t.

'I know NuNew is pregnant with Zee's child.'

I don't know what he said after that because my body stopped cooperating. It was crazy, I was growling so loud I could feel the vibration in my entire body. I ran out into the family room and when I saw Max I screamed and leaped for him. Max did not raise a finger to protect himself, if I did not hate him so much, I would be impressed with that. Dad grabbed me but not before I tore a chunk out of Max's chest.

Now, I thought I was speaking clearly but Mom said no one understood anything I said. It was all growl, growl, grr., grr., growl. Ha ha, mom. I was cursing that alphahole to hell. It's probably good no one understood. It was not one of my finer moments.

It took both mom and dad holding on to me to keep me from reaching Max again. Dad dragged me off and put me in my nest and Mom guarded the door. They did not lock me in, but I did not want to escape. (this is disgusting, and I will only tell you journal) I was satisfied that I had wounded him. Seeing his blood calmed me down. I was proud that I injured him. Who am I right now? Is this how alphas feel all the time? Mom threw wipes into the room and then shut the door. She knew better than to go near my nest.

It took all that day and night for me to calm down. When Dad came home from work, he said he had some news. After my meltdown, the two alphas talked, and Max told Dad that he had a way to contact Zee. As Dad suspected there was a satellite phone that they turned on once a week at a prearranged time in case of emergencies. Max got Dad in touch with the project manager for Zee's project. Dad and the project manager will talk tomorrow.

I am trying not to get excited, but I can't help it. Hia could be home in a week.

Chapter 31: Email January 11, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (31)

To: Zee Pruk Panich

From: NuNew Charawin Perdpiriyawong

Re: Satellite Phone


Max came by and talked to my dad. He knows a way to get ahold of you. I am trying not to get too excited. Dad will talk to your project manager tomorrow about using the satellite phone to contact you. I will email you tomorrow with more details.

I see Dr. U tomorrow too. We should have some news about how the medication is working and another picture of Strawberry for you.



Chapter 32: Phone Conversation January 12, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (32)

"Hello, Mr. Patrickson speaking,"

"Hello, Mr. Patrickson, This is Mr. Perdperiyawong. I am calling to speak with you about Mr. Panich."

"Yes. Yes. Mr. Kornthas spoke to me yesterday. How can I help you?"

"Thank you for taking my call. I need your help to resolve a delicate matter regarding my son and Mr. Panich. It is essential he comes back home. Two lives are depending upon him. I understand from Mr. Kornthas you have a way to contact Mr. Panich?"

"Yes, we do, but if you are not on his list of emergency contacts we cannot allow it and you are not on the list."

"Who is so I may contact them and ask them to request on our behalf."

"I am sorry Mr. Perdperiyawong. I am not allowed to divulge that."

"So, what am I supposed to do, travel to Africa and wander the Sahara Desert to find him? This is a matter of life and death. Mr. Patrickson. Is there anything I can do? I will pay for the cost of the call. I will do anything."

"I know this is personal, sir but could you tell me the nature of the emergency?"

"Can you swear to keep this confidential?"

"If it is an emergency, I would have to make requests and get approval. Once it leaves me, I cannot guarantee anything. How about this? Send me a confidentiality agreement and you can tell me, and I will at least be able to tell you if it will meet the requirements for us to go against protocol."

"Give me a minute. I am calling Mr. Kornthas. I am going to put you on hold."


Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring.

"Mr. Perdperiyawong, is everything okay?"

"No, we have run into a problem. They cannot contact Zee unless we are on the emergency contact list. Can you guess who that could be?"

"Umm. Maybe his parents? They are not on the best terms, but it is possible. I might be or Janis."

"I have Mr. Patrickson on the phone. Would you mind getting on with me? I can add you to the call."

"Mr. Patrickson?"

"I am here."

"Mr. Kornthas?"

"I am here."

Chapter 33: Event January 12, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (33)

Examination rooms at an OBGYN's office are full of happy parents with their babies. Every time I come, I like looking at the pictures and I imagine putting a picture of the three of us in a frame and gifting it to Dr. and Mr. U. Seeing those pictures always makes me hopeful.

Mom is sitting on a chair; she is playing a game on her phone. We are waiting for the results of the blood work. I am holding my kitty and humming to Strawberry. I lay on the examination table in a thin paper robe, open to the front. I am completely naked under the robe. It always makes me feel exposed and vulnerable.

Since I am a few days away from 15 weeks, Dr. U is also doing a screening for things like Down syndrome. I am a little scared, but she said there was no reason to suspect any problems. Thank goodness Mom was here because she was able to help me with the family history and the genetics portion of the exam. Unfortunately, we have no information for Zee. We will not get results for the screening until the next visit.

"Mom, do you think it is taking a long time?"

"I think so, honey. They must be busy."

"I am nervous. Do you think there is something wrong with Strawberry?"

"Sweetheart, being a little late does not mean there is something wrong with Strawberry. It just means they are a little late."

"Mom, can I have a hug? I am feeling scared and a little funny."

"Of course, baby."

Mom came and sat on the examining table with me and put her arms around me.

"How are you feeling funny?"

"Tired, and dizzy. It is hard to think. Don't they call this pregnancy brain?"

Mom laughed.

"Darling, you have way more than pregnancy brain going on in here."

She pointed to my head. My family loves to tease.

"Try to relax baby. I am here. Do you want me to teach you some songs that I sang to you as a baby?"

I like that idea a lot and I nod to her. I don't want to talk because I can't trust my voice. What she said was so moving. I love the idea of singing family songs to Strawberry. Maybe one day they will sing them to their child.

Mom begins singing. I know these songs. We both put our hands on my pregnant belly and sing together. The funny feeling gets worse, but I keep singing. I can feel sleep pulling me under. I'm just going to take a little nap.

Chapter 34: Event January 18, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (34)




I let out a breath and try to turn over, but something is tugging at me and I can't move. My butt hurts and I need to adjust. I try again and feel a sharp pain in the back of my left hand. I fall back asleep.




What is that incessant noise? It's bugging me. But not enough to open my eyes.




This time I hear voices. So annoying. Won't they be quiet? I hear Mommy's voice. I go back to sleep. Mommy is here. Everything is fine.





"Mommy. Thirsty."

So tired.




Voices again. Can't people be quiet? Is someone arguing? I am tired, go away. It's getting louder.


I open my eyes to little slits. It smells funny in here, like a doctor's office. The room is dark, and the beeping noises go crazy and start alarming.


Mom is sitting next to me, holding my hand, but her eyes are looking past me at something. I try to call her name, but it's hard. When I do get it out my voice sounds raspy and weak.


My mouth is so dry.


I try and clear my throat.


She looks down at me and gasps. Why is she so upset? Why is she crying?

"Mom, what's wrong?"

She is laughing now.

"You're worried about me when you are in this condition? That so you NuNew."

She yells my dad's name and something in her voice makes the arguing stop and then he is there next to mom.


Now he is crying.


Mom puts a straw in my mouth. Am I at a hospital? I suck gratefully.

"Where am I?"

"You are at the hospital baby.", Mom said.


I try and look around and see people I don't know and damned if my pregnancy instincts don't kick in and I start to growl. It was pathetic at first, like a raspy kitten, but the growling helped to clear my throat and now it is menacing.

Who are these people? I need to protect Strawberry. They are going to hurt us. They better not come near us. I sit up and Mom is trying to push me back down again. While Dad is yelling at them to get out. Once they are out of the room. I fall back on the bed panting.

"Strawberry! Am I here because something is wrong with Strawberry? Mom! Is Strawberry, okay?"

I am feeling so panicked and out of control. Tears start streaming down the side of my temples into my hair, soaking the pillow.

"Strawberry is fine honey. Strawberry is fine."

"The baby is fine?"

"Yes, honey. The baby is fine."

I close my eyes. I am so tired, but I am too afraid to sleep. What if those people come in and hurt Strawberry? Mom presses something soft that smells like my nest. It is my kitty. I need to thank Nat for his gift because this pregnancy plushy is amazing.

"You are safe baby. Daddy won't let anything happen to you or Strawberry. Go back to sleep, honey. It's your instincts, remember? Don't listen to them. Listen to Mom, okay? You are safe."

I am safe.

Chapter 35: Event January 20, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (35)

I have woken up a few times in the last two days. I know I am at the hospital now. I know I am one of the 15% and had a bad reaction to the meds. Strawberry is fine. I asked Mom to get me my phone or something. I promised Zee an update a week ago. What if he has read the emails and is worried?

Mom told me it's not time for electronics yet. No worrying. Only resting and eating. I am too tired to argue. I guess that is to be expected when my body is converting resources, I need to live to feed the baby.

Dr. U has been by several times, but I don't remember. She is supposed to come today and meet with me about treatment. Mom is with me, and Dad is on his way to be here for the talk. In the meantime, I am fussing with my temporary nest, A.KA. my hospital bed. I don't think the hospital staff are very happy about it, but I am not in a maternity ward, so they are talking about bringing in a portable nest. Until then I am very grumpy when they try and take care of me. I would laugh if it wasn't such a pain for everyone.

Little Kitty is the heart of my nest, and I am petting and snuggling with my soft plushy when Dad and Dr. U walk in. Finally.

We say our greetings and then Dr. U gets right down to business. One of the many reasons I love her.

"You are aware that the hormone therapy is not working?", Dr. U. says.


I am still absorbed with Kitty, but I am paying attention. I need kitty to help me calm down."

"Okay, let's talk about options. We may have found a surrogate alpha for you until Zee can be contacted and come back."

This got my attention. I don't want anyone but my alpha. Only Zee. Dr. U. knows me well.

"It is normal to be opposed to this. I know you only want your alpha, but you must think about Strawberry. At the rate your body is being depleted, you won't make it to give birth."

Nobody has told me this yet. I look around the room for confirmation and my mom looks like she is about to burst into tears, and my dad is nodding. That is how I know this is real.

Dr. U continues, not giving me time to react, but I understand enough, and I am shaking. I am suddenly alert and aware of every noise, smell, and sound. The lights are brighter, I am aware of what is going on in the hallway, and I know I could leap out of this bed and run if I had to, or fight.

"An alpha has volunteered to see if he would be compatible with you. He is a family member of Zee's. I don't know if you are aware, but Zee has an older brother. Did you know that?", Dr. U. asks.

I shook my head, but Zee did not talk about his family. He did not get along with them.

"He does, and there is a better-than-average possibility that he will be a match because he is the closest genetically to Zee. Even more than his parents. Would you be willing to meet him?

I feel wild inside. The idea of letting a strange alpha near me is an absolute no. But Strawberry.

"Dad, have you been able to get ahold of Zee?", I ask.

The three of them look above my head and share looks with each other.


Nobody says anything. Now I am getting mad.

"What? This is my body and my baby you can't keep things from me."

"Only someone on Zee's emergency contact list can request EWB use the satellite phone to contact Zee. While you were unconscious, we reached out to his parents. They are on the list but are refusing to contact Zee.", Dad says.

"WHAT? Why not? This is their grandchild. Are they sick in the head?", I ask.

"They will only do it if you sign away your parental rights.", Dad says.

I start laughing. Like really laughing. Everyone looks worried.

"What is wrong with them? Do they think they are living in a Kdrama?"

Nobody answers me and there is an awkward silence.

"What about Zee's brother, will he help us or do I have to sign away my parental rights for that too?", I ask.

"They told us the same conditions apply for his help."

"You know what? Tell them to go screw themselves. I don't need Zee or his brother. We can find a match somewhere else. How do other people find compatible alphas.", I ask

"They start with the alpha's family. Siblings are best. Cousins sometimes work. If there is nothing there then we look for compatible alphas that you pay for through a service.", Dr. U. says.

I start laughing again.

"Rent an alpha. Oh my God."

Nobody else is laughing. I sigh.

They don't know that I already planned for this.

"I need Max here right away. Dad let's start looking at agencies. I have grandma's money. I was saving it for a house, but this is more important. I also need Nat and James here, but not when Max is here. I have a plan. And mom, I need my electronics.", I say.

"Dr. U, how long do I have to find an alpha surrogate?"

"One-month maximum. If you maintain the same rate of depletion. After that, it affects the baby and the damage to you is irreversible.", Dr. U says.

"Well, sh*t that sucks."

Chapter 36: Journal January 21, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (36)

Remember all my backup plans? My paranoid delusions that people were going to try and take my baby? I was not paranoid, or deluded. The Panichs are the most disgusting group of people on the planet. They still refuse to authorize the use of the satellite phone to call Zee and tell him he is having a baby. They are willing to let the two of us die unless I give up my parental rights.

f*ck THAT!

Dad applied for a restraining order, and we have a court date, of 1/22. I notified the hospital no visitors unless they were on my list and had identification. Then I took my name off the public patient list. Now if anyone calls and asks about me, the receptionist will say I am not a patient. I also moved to a different room and it has a nest! So if the Panich family or their minions look for me, I won't be in my old room. And if someone does find me Mom created a schedule so someone will be with me 24 hours a day.

When the time comes for me to get discharged, Max has agreed to rent a remote Airbnb house in his name.

Dad also met with the Panichs and recorded a damning and despicable conversation and provided a copy of the recording, all emails, and legal documents from the Panich family to Nat. The hospital has also documented multiple violations where they requested my patient, records, called my physician, impersonated family, etc. Nat is working on creating media content. Panich hate groups agreed to help and are organizing their moots.

Mom is in contact with OHR, and they have agreed to help. Their attorney will attend the court date on 1/22. Dad provided OHR with everything we have on the Panich family. We will see if there is a lawsuit or not.

Max came to visit. He is very changed. He wants a chance to redeem himself. I am giving him that chance. I am putting all my hope in him to contact Zee. As for Zee's family, Max knew a lot. The Kornthas and the Panich families are close. I found out why Zee had been disowned by his family. It was because he refused to marry Janis.

Now I know why Janis was always around. The Panich family wanted an alliance with the Phomphadungcheep family and tried to set up Zee with the Phomphadungcheep's youngest daughter, Janis. Zee was only hanging out with her because his parents told him to. After they graduated the two families wanted a wedding. Janis said yes. Zee said no that he had no feelings for Janis. Zee was disowned.

Am I a terrible person because this has made me happy and hopeful? I mean, poor Zee but all those years I was blocked by her, and I let it happen because I was not sure of their status. I cried myself to sleep too many nights, to count over their relationship. There was no relationship. I feel like a weight has been taken off my shoulders and the path to Zee seems clearer.

Max spoke with Mr. Patrickson. It turns out that the engineer that Zee replaced on the project is flying to Africa. Zee can come home! Max is going to meet with him tonight and beg him to take the news of my pregnancy to Zee, but I also need to write a note to Zee.

One last thing. Remember that actor Film? Guess whose cousin he is? ZEE's. That is why Max was with him on NYE. Max told me that Film hates Zee's side of the family. They robbed his dad of his inheritance and may have caused his death. Film would do a lot to screw them over.

Max is bringing Film to see me today to see if we are a match. Mr. U and Dad will be there too. Please don't be weird NuNew. No growling. Don't scare him away. I need this to work. Maybe I should ask to be sedated.

Just in case Film is not compatible, Mr. U has contacted several agencies and may have some compatible alphas for me to look at.

I am exhausted, but I am not letting anybody hurt or take my baby. They will have to step over my dead body to get Strawberry.

I have a lot to do. But first, I need to handwrite a note to Zee that will make him want to come home.

Dear Zee,

You knocked me up. The baby and I are dying without your pheromones. Come home now.


LMAO There is something seriously wrong with my brain.

Chapter 37: Handwritten Letter January 21, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (37)

Dear Zee,

I am sure you are surprised to see a letter from me. This nice man agreed to hand deliver it to you because we urgently need you back. Please thank him for me.

The night we...you know...I got pregnant. Take a deep breath. It's real, it's yours. I am 15 weeks pregnant. Are you breathing? I have attached copies of the ultrasounds so you can see our baby. I call the baby Strawberry.

We need you to come home. I need my alpha. Strawberry needs her dad. We need your pheromones. I am writing to you from the hospital. Strawberry is fine. It's me. I can't give Strawberry your pheromones, but my body is trying anyway. My body was not made to do that, so it is slowly taking my life. We tried hormone therapy, but my body rejected it. We are fine right now. But we will not be if you don't come home now. The doctor gave us one more month before the damage was irreversible.

I am begging you, Zee. I know you have only had a few minutes to process that you are going to be a father, but I have had months. Months of fighting for Strawberry's life. I don't want Strawberry to disappear from this world. I don't want to leave either.

I forgive you for leaving after that night and disappearing without saying a word. I will forgive anything if you come home. Please your omega and your pup, need you desperately.

In case this letter does not reach you in time and we miss each other there is something that I want to tell you. I have liked you since the moment I first put my eyes on you. All through college, and after you have been in my heart. It was always you, no one else compared. I like everything about you. Your kindness. Your sense of humor. The way you smell. The way you look. You are my sun.I don't want to miss the chance to tell you how I feel. Even if I cannot see your face. Even if I never know how you feel. I wanted you to know about the love I have carried for you all these years.

The night we made Strawberry, was like heaven. It was more than I ever imagined it could be. You were so gentle and loving. The way you made me feel was perfect. I was never afraid and trusted you completely. I never knew I could feel like that with someone.

Isn't it ironic? For 5 years I waited for you. Once I finally gave up, you came and took me, and we made Strawberry. Though I would have preferred we courted first. LOL

I don't know if you care for me, or if I was just sex. I don't know if you can grow to love me, or if you just want to co-parent. I have no answers to anything, but right now none of those matters. Right now, you need to come home and save us. Everything else we can figure out, okay?

Come home, my alpha.




If I can get discharged, we are going into hiding. Your parents have refused to contact you via satellite phone and are trying to force me to give up Strawberry. Call Max, he is the only one who knows where we are.

Please let me know as soon as you can if you are coming.

When we are reunited, there might be an alpha around. They are a surrogate for you. It is a treatment strategy, prescribed by Dr. U. Instead of going alphacrazy, make sure you thank this alpha because they probably saved our lives.

I can't wait to see you and introduce you to Strawberry.

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (38)

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (39)

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (40)

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (41)

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (42)

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (43)

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (44)

Chapter 38: Email January 22, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (45)

To: Zee Pruk Panich

From: NuNew Charawin Perdpiriyawong

Re: Urgent in the Hospital Come Home


We are in the hospital but stable. Strawberry is fine, for now. I am not, I rejected the hormones. Dr. U. gives me one month before the damage to me is permanent, and Strawberry gets hurt. I don't want to consider what happens after a month. So, we need to get busy making sure it never comes to that!

Our next option is to find a surrogate alpha. An alpha, my body does not reject to replace you.

My feelings about a surrogate are complicated. I know I need to, but I don't want to. I feel like I am betraying us. Mom said to stop being muddle-headed and think of the alpha like a nurse, or an aid. That might work but I am not exactly in control of my omega...they have gone a bit rogue. LOL

In all seriousness, the reality of the situation I am in is terrifying. We could die. It did not sink in until I woke up in a hospital after being in a coma for a week. How did it get to this point? Am I cursed? So many impossible circ*mstances have happened during this pregnancy. I feel like I am trapped in an Escher drawing, and I can't find a way out.

The biggest kick to the gut is your parents. They know about Strawberry and our circ*mstances but won't help or approve a satellite call to you unless I give up my parental rights to Strawberry. Two lives are at risk. One of them is their grandchild.

They have known about Strawberry for over a week. You could have been here by now if they cooperated. It is unfathomable.

I am so tired Hia. I fight all day from my hospital bed. My family has completely abandoned their lives to help us. Max, Nat, and James are all helping. But we don't have the money your parents have. Eventually, I will have to give them what they want if we cannot find a solution.

So, let's find a solution. The most important thing we need to do is find a surrogate alpha and we have already begun the search. I am told it will be a miracle if we find a good candidate. We sure could use a miracle right now.

Anyway, my day is spent meeting eligible alphas from my hospital bed to see if they are a good match. It is like a cross between a dating show and a survival show.

'Who will be the lucky alpha to get the rose.' the announcer says.

Alpha comes in.

'Growl. Growl.', I say.

Alpha tries to soothe me.

'Growl. Lunge. Growl.', I say/do/say.

Dad wrestles me back into bed. Alpha is traumatized for life.

'Next Candidate!', the announcer says.

If only you could be one of the candidates. GAME OVER!

Some FYIs for you.

We have a restraining order for your family. An omega rights agency is helping. They are paying for our attorney.

If I can get discharged, we will disappear for my safety. Call Max if you don't know how to find us.

The best news is your engineer replacement is on his way and I sent a mushy letter with him to give to you. You can't laugh at my terrible letter. My brain is weak...drool...cough cough...no making fun of the patient.

I am so excited. What if you are here in the next week? Oh, Hia that would be incredible.

Be safe, be swift, be careful.

Sending you, my love.



Week 14 of your pregnancy is Jan 09, 2024 - Jan 15, 2024

Your baby's facial muscles are getting a workout as he squints, frowns, grimaces, and practices his first smile for you.

Week 15 of your pregnancy is Jan 16, 2024 - Jan 22, 2024

Your baby is looking more like a baby with legs growing longer than the arms and all her limbs moving. The ears are properly positioned on the side of her head and the eyes are moving from the side of the head to the front of the face. At your doctor's visit, he should offer you a quad screening test to check for Down's syndrome or other chromosomal abnormalities.

Strawberry 15 weeks. Special image. 4D

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (46)

Chapter 39: Event January 22, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (47)

Max walked into the dark room with Film in tow. Dad is with me. It is very early in the morning. They had to sneak Film here. The Panichs are watching him. Max said Film knows what he needs to do and is willing. Now we must hope I don't reject him.

The first thing Film does is give me a big maternity plushy in the shape of a sun. He made sure to scent it with his pheromones. He hands the sun to Max, and Max passes it to my dad. I am either too tired to react, or this is a good sign. The first good sign we have had in a while.

We wait until I am ready. I am already eying my hospital nest trying to figure out where to put the big plushy. I nod at my dad, and he hands me the sun. It is so soft and squishy. It smells like an alpha, but it is not disgusting. It's not Zee but, I don't hate it. I look at my dad and he beckons Film into the room.

Film stops in front of the door. Not making eye contact, he lets me look at him and smell him. Everyone who comes into my room controls their pheromones, so it is a little weird to smell Film in here. I am holding the plushy that smells like him while I look at him.

I look at my dad again, and he nods at Film. Film sits in a chair and looks at me briefly. Then speaks.

"Look inside the sun. There is a surprise."

I turn the plushy this way and that until I see a little pocket. I put my hand in and pull a baby star out of its belly. I start to tear up.

"Are you ready NuNew?", Film asks.

I am scared but I think of Strawberry. It feels like I am betraying Zee, but I don't want us to die. I nod.

Right away I noticed a difference. He used calming pheromones, and it worked. I am calmer. I let out a big sigh and lie down.

"Can I sit near you Nhu?", he asked.

Too tired to care, I say nothing, and he perches on the edge of the bed.

"I am willing to help NuNew. If you want me. I will take the medicine so I can give you the hormones you and Strawberry need."

Wow, Max really prepared him. I look at Max and he winks. It's hard to hate him after everything he has, done for me. Nat does not even know all Max has done to help us. Max's request. I look at Dad, and he nods.

"Okay, but only until Zee comes. Zee is my alpha.", I say.

He smiles and pats the bed. He knows better than to touch me.

"You are a very good omega. I can't wait to tell Zee."

"Thank you for helping."

And I am grateful. This perfect stranger who has work and life commitments is willing to rearrange everything so we can live. I reach for Kitty and Film hands it to me, I drift off.

"Wow, that was like magic. I swear he is normally scary lethal, but he was so docile for you.", Max said.

Chapter 40: Email January 25, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (48)

To: Zee Pruk Panich

From: NuNew Charawin Perdpiriyawong

Re: Discharge


We did it. We found an alpha surrogate. It is your cousin, Film. He already took the hormones to trigger the pregnancy pheromones we need. I feel a difference. We won't know if it will work for a couple of weeks, but it has bought us time. Time for you to come home.

I get discharged today. Max rented us a house. Mom, Dad, and I are going to stay there with Film. Make sure you find Max. He will take you to us.

I feel excited because I know that you will be getting my letter, hopefully tomorrow. I wonder if you will be with us within the week. Am I too optimistic? Please be safe, but hurry home. Strawberry and I cannot wait to be with you.

I owe you a few pictures of Strawberry. We are 16 weeks along. I am getting big. You can't make fun of me. I am sensitive. You can only say I am perfect. LOL

Genetic testing came back. Everything looks good.

Hia, I still cannot believe I will see you soon.



Week 16 of your pregnancy is Jan 23, 2024 - Jan 29, 2024

Baby's heart is pumping about 25 quarts of blood each day. His eyes are working and moving side to side even though the eyelids are still sealed. Mom will have a "pregnancy glow" due to increased blood supply.

Chapter 41: Event January 26, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (49)

It is 3:00 AM. I am in a wheelchair waiting with Mom and Dad at the Hospital's employee exit. Mom has me bundled up because it is cold and wet outside. We are waiting for Max. He rented a car and is coming to get us. We go straight to our safe house from the hospital. Mom and Max got the house ready for us. Film is already there.

"Are we early?", I ask.

"No sweetie. Max will be here any minute.", Mom says.

"It feels like we are characters in a movie. None of this feels real.", I say.

Mom and Dad laugh softly but it does not reach their eyes. We are all worried.

I hear Max before I see him. The ground is wet, and I can hear the wheels splashing through puddles. Dad steps out to talk to Max. He waves at us to come over. I am feeling hypervigilant and suspect Panich spies could be camouflaged amongst the employee cars. I strain to see into vehicles, but it is impossible to see past their dark windshields.

Standing, I make my way to the plain white SUV Max rented. I am so busy trying to spot danger that I step in a puddle and my foot is immediately soaked. I don't stop or say a word. I feel exposed. It is ridiculous. No one knows I was discharged, but I cannot help worrying that the Panichs have people waiting to report and follow us.

It is a 30-minute drive to the house. We don't see many cars on the road at this hour. I lean my head against the cold window watching the reflection of lights on the wet road. I don't recognize where we are when Max turns off onto a small road. There are no streetlamps. Only the headlights of the car illuminate the road. I see the shapes of trees. I recognize some of them as pine trees. We pass small streets that I assume lead to homes. Then we reach our street and Max turns right onto an even smaller road. We bounce and rattle on this little road and everyone looks at me.

I smile, to let them know I am okay.

We pull up to a house. I cannot really see what it looks like in the darkness. Max parks but leaves the car running.

"Wait here.", Max said.

He walks in the direction of the house. I see light shine when the door opens. Two figures come to the car to help. Max, and Film. Film opens my door and waits. He never comes into my personal space. I am hesitant though. I can't help it.

"It's okay sweetie. It's Film. He wants to make sure you get his pheromones, so he is going to be around you a lot at first. You can get out when you are ready."

Everyone is looking at me, waiting. They are not pressuring me, but making everyone stand in the cold is its own kind of pressure. Film offers me a hand, but I cannot make myself take it. He is not Zee.

"Sorry.", I whisper.

Film shakes his head.

"It's fine.", Film says.

I get out of the car and shut the door. Film douses me with the pheromones I need, and I can breathe a little better. Mom comes around and walks with me up the steps to the door.

It is warm and cozy inside. Nothing fancy, but the house has everything that we need. The place smells like Film. Poor Mom and Dad. They are going to suffocate here. Mom takes me to my room.

"Dad and I are right next to you. That door there is Film's room."

She points to a door further down the hall.

"You have a private bathroom in your room. We can look around the house tomorrow. Are you going to be, okay?"

I hold my kitten plushy to my chest and nod.

"Alright honey, goodnight. I am going to let you sleep in. Come downstairs when you are ready. I will make you something to eat."

"Thank you, Mom."

She takes my hand and pats it. Then leaves. I open the door to my room. There is a queen-sized bed. The sun film gave me is on the bed and in a corner next to the bed is my nest from home. Mom did her best to arrange things the same. She must have taken pictures because it looks accurate.

My fingers twitch to get in there and arrange everything, but I am too tired. I don't even wash up or brush my teeth. I crawl under the covers that smell lightly of Film and immediately fall asleep.

Chapter 42: Journal January 28, 2024

Chapter Text

I keep hoping to see Zee at the door. Today is the earliest possible day Zee could arrive. But no one has heard from him yet. Max told us the airports in Mali are nothing like here. They won't have wireless or internet. Nor will the planes. It won't be until he gets into France that he will be online.

I know all of this, but I can't stop jumping up and running to the door to look out the peephole. I imagine all sorts of reasons that would account for him to show up without notice. He lost his phone and only got the letter. He caught a ride on a military plane, and they were flying straight through. He lost his passport and is being smuggled into the country. LMAO

I need to calm down and get busy with something to distract myself.

The house is nice. It is taking some adjustment. These pregnancy hormones are a pain in the butt. They make me mental. Yesterday I growled and went for Film because he sneezed. What? It scared me. He just laughed at me and held me at arm's length while I struggled. Then he doused me with pheromones, and I went limp like a sleepy kitten. He carried me to the couch deposited me with mom and kitty plushy and turned on my favorite movie. He is good. He will make a good mate to someone.

I am unbelievably lucky to have Film. He has saved our lives. We will forever be indebted to him. But I don't want to get close to him. I don't want to accept his kindness. Already lines are getting blurred. It should be Zee taking care of us.

Chapter 43: Email January 29, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (50)

To: Zee Pruk Panich

From: NuNew Charawin Perdpiriyawong

Re: Gender Reveal


We saw Dr. U. She came to us and stayed for dinner. She said Strawberry looks fantastic.

GUESS WHAT? I know the sex of the baby. Nobody else knows. I am telling you first. Hee. Hee. It is really, really, really, hard to keep this a secret, but I told everyone that I had to tell you first.

If you don't want to know stop reading............

















We are having a girl. A little girl. She is perfect. Strawberry, our little girl. I can already imagine you being the father of a little girl. She is going to have you wrapped around her little finger.

While you are traveling back home, think of some names. I already have some that I think are pretty. I like Joy. What about Lotus? Heather is nice too. Do you have any family names you want to consider? What about middle names? We need to be careful if we choose a middle name, so the initials don't spell out something embarrassing.

Oh, and I want the baby to have my last name too. Maybe hyphenated. Like Panich-Perdperiyawong or Perdperiyawong-Panich. We don't know what our relationship will be so this covers everything. Does that sound fair? What am I worried about? You will be here way before she is born. We can talk about this in person.

Hia, hurry home. I want to share all of this with you. If you were home right now, we would be curled up under the covers, with your hand on my belly. Having a contest to see who can come up with the most atrocious names.

Everything will be okay when you come home.




Week 16 of your pregnancy is Jan 23, 2024 - Jan 29, 2024

Baby's heart is pumping about 25 quarts of blood each day. His eyes are working and moving side to side even though the eyelids are still sealed. Mom will have a "pregnancy glow" due to increased blood supply.

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (51)

Chapter 44: Event February 02, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (52)

My nest is the best. Mom and Dad are at the door of my room, peering in. Only Mom can come in...sometimes. They are trying to convince me to come out for breakfast. I am trying to convince them I can eat breakfast in the nest. I must be doing a lot better because they have no problem telling me no.

"You're not a little kid anymore. Breakfast is on the table.", Dad says.

"I know I'm not a kid, Dad. That's why I can choose to eat here.", I say.

"Sweetie, it's unhygienic to eat in your nest. You will get crumbs everywhere and you don't want to attract rodents.", Mom says.

Damn it, she pulled the rodent card. It is every omega's nightmare to discover mice have been sharing their nest.

"Mice won't come here because it is very orderly here, and I reorganize and clean regularly.", I say.

Dad looks appraisingly at my nest, and I start to get irritated. I can sense criticism coming. We have been stuck together in this little house for way too long. What started as charming and quaint has turned into cramped and stifling.

"It looks like a mound of chaos to me.", Dad says.

Mom whacked him on the back of the head, and I gasped in horror. We are on the verge of a world war when I hear Film calling for me.

"NuNew, come eat. Strawberry is hungry."

I don't know when it happened, but I have relaxed around Film. I let him sit next to me on the couch and sometimes I let him touch my tummy when the baby is kicking. He loves to coo at Strawberry. Everybody in the house loves to touch my tummy, sing, and tell stories to Strawberry. She is going to come into this world very loved.

"She only listens to Film.", Mom says.

"Yeah, Zee, better get here soon.", Dad says.

"Shh. don't upset NuNew. He already is torn in two."

"I can hear you!", I say.

Seriously this place is too small.

I circle the table. I am holding, Kitty plushy, like a security blanket. Circling is a compulsion I have. Any time I transition to another spot I do this. Mr. U told me it is because I have had so much uncertainty and trauma during the pregnancy. It is annoying.

"I saved you a seat. Look, there is a croissant on your plate and fruit.", Film says.

I look around for meat. I have never been a big meat eater, but Strawberry loves it.

Mom brings in a steaming plate of sausage and I sigh in relief. Everyone laughs. Film stabs several pieces of sausage and puts it on my plate. Overcome with food lust, I stop circling and sit next to him.

"No one is going to take your food Nhu. Slow down.", Mom says.

Film hands me a napkin and slides over my veggie smoothie and I swallow and drink. Dad shakes his head.

"Where is that kid? He better get here soon.", Dad says.

As if summoned by my father there is a knock at the door.

We have a very strict protocol about answering the door. Only Film can answer the door. Nobody is going to associate him with us. Not unless they are part of Zee's family, and they know about me would they ever suspect a celebrity to be hiding an omega in the middle of nowhere.

I have been so hyped up about Zee coming home. It has been a week since he theoretically got the letter, but we have not heard a word. My fantasies about his losing his phone have become more and more plausible. I would not be surprised at all if he walked through the door.

I could not help myself. I leaped out of my seat and ran for the door.

"Zee!", I screamed and yanked the door open.

It was not Zee. I start growling and backing up. Film is right behind me and shoves me behind him. Dad pulls me back and hands me off to Mom. Who starts gently nudging me to the nest.

The protocol is I am supposed to go to my nest and put on the noise-canceling headphones. Mom will stay in the room with me.

"What are you doing here?", asked Film.

"Are you going to let me in cousin?", asked Gun.

"No.", says Film.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. That is no way to treat family, Film. Speaking of family, I would like to meet our newest member. NuNew and his baby. What does he call her? Strawberry, isn't it?", asked Gun.

After hearing this, Mom cannot get me into my room.

'What does he call HER?'

Was it a mistake, or does he know that Strawberry is a girl? Only Dr. U and I know the sex of the baby...and Zee. If he read his email. Could they be reading Zee's email? It could be a guess. He would have a 50% chance of getting the gender right. I start shaking. The idea that this scum knows Strawberry's gender before Zee makes me see red. I swallow and take some calming breaths. I can't freak out right now. I need to listen.

"You are no family of mine or theirs. Leave.", Film says.

"If I go, NuNew will not know what happened to Zee.", Gun says.

"Quit your games and leave."

"He is back.", Gun says.

I easily break away from Mom and start running but Dad is waiting for me. He puts a finger to his lip telling me to be quiet and goes back to filming. What is going on? Where is Zee? He should be here by now. Did they do something to him?

"Bullsh*t. If he was back, he would be here by now. No way an alpha leaves his pregnant omega.", Film says.

"But he's not his omega, is he? They were just a fling. He only wants the baby. He wants nothing to do with the omega.", Gun says.

"Leave!", Film yells and tries to shut the door.

But Gun stepped on the threshold and Film could not shut the door. Then the two of them fight for dominance until Film kicks Gun's shoe and slams the door shut. We wait to see what Gun will do. It looks like he is texting furiously. He waits, as if for instructions. It is so quiet we can hear his phone vibrate. Gun looks down at his phone and then shrugs.

"I want no part of this.", he says.

He leans something against the door and then leaves. He must have parked down the road to avoid alerting us because he began walking. We watch until he is out of sight. Film goes outside and comes back empty-handed.

"What is it, Dad asks.

"I think he was trying to serve NuNew. I wouldn't touch that document. Call the attorney and see what we should do.", Film says.

Dad and Film go sit down and watch the video from the outside camera and Dad's phone. Then they call the attorney. I look at Mom.

"Mom, let's call Max."

Chapter 45: Email February 2, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (53)

To: Zee Pruk Panich

From: NuNew Charawin Perdpiriyawong

Re: Communication


I think someone is reading your email. To be on the safe side, I am not going to send you updates. I am sorry.

I heard your brother stopped by looking for me. He said you were back from Mali. But I know there is nothing that would keep you from your child, so I don't believe him.

We are okay. Waiting for you. Please be safe Please come to us.




Week 17 of your pregnancy is Jan 30, 2024 - Feb 05, 2024

Baby's skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone and her heart is now regulated by her brain. She's practicing her sucking and swallowing skills in preparation for that first suckle at your breast or the bottle. Mom's breasts may have increased a full bra size.

Chapter 46: Handwritten Letter February 3, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (54)

Dear Zee,

What is Africa like? The pictures online look beautiful. Will you tell me all about it when you come back? Were you scared to be out there so far away from anything? When Strawberry asks about the time she was in my tummy, we can tell her about your adventures in Africa, and all the good work you did there.

It may not feel like it now, but later after everything is settled, this time in our lives will make an incredible story to tell our grandchildren.

Your brother came by the house. I guess we have been found. We may have to move again. He told Film that you are back in town. Max is trying to find out if that is true. I don't think you are. You would be here if you were.

I am sure you know how your brother was; he lived up to his reputation. We think your family is trying to serve a court summons to me and sent Gun to do it. He is not on the restraining order so he can approach me. Film and Dad handled him and recorded everything.

I am scared Hia. Without you here to protect us, can they take Strawberry away? What should I do? I can try to avoid the court summons. Dad said I am the only one they can serve it to. If they can't find me, they cannot make me go. To be on the safe side, I won't leave the house.

This is temporary. That is what I keep telling myself. Everything will be okay once you are here. I can hold on until you get here. I can do this.

Strawberry is a little wiggler. She moves around all the time. It feels like someone is making popcorn in my tummy. She also decided that she does not like sweets. If she wasn't in my body, I would not believe she was my child. She must take after you.

I can't wait to meet her. I have never been so excited to meet someone in my entire life. I hope she has your eyes and nose and my lips and dimple. Can you imagine how cute she would be? She will be perfect because she is made from you and me.

That is all for today Hia. The pregnancy makes me tire easily. Zzzzzzzzzzzz.

Be safe, and I will see you soon.



Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (55)

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (56)

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (57)

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (58)

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (59)

Chapter 47: Journal Entry February 4, 2024.

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (60)

Still no word about Zee. Max nosed around and it does not seem like Zee is back. I knew it! Max even made up a reason to call Janis. She is in Korea. She did not know Zee was in Africa. I thought she was Panich's chosen one. I think she is lying.

Hia should have received my letter by now. What could be the delay? According to Mr. Patrickson, the man who had my letter made it to Mali, and the rendezvous point.

What if something happened and he is hurt somewhere alone and cannot get home? What if insurgents kidnapped him? Terrorists hide in the Sahara Dessert. Why would he go to a place like that? It's so dangerous. What if the reason he is not here is because he does not want us and is staying in Africa to avoid us? I just can't imagine him ignoring Strawberry. I can see him not wanting me, but to put his daughter at risk. Not even the worst alpha would do that.

I can't take this anymore. I need to stay positive for Strawberry. I need to focus on my health but all I do is think about Zee. Zee. Zee. Zee. Zee. All day every day I pine for him. And I am so tired all the time. So tired, it's hard to get up to eat sometimes.

I hurt so much. My heart. The rejection. I heard that to be rejected by your alpha is a pain like no other. I believe it now.

If I could, I would beg you on my knees, to please come home.

Chapter 48: EVENT February 5, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (61)

Dr. U came to see us. She does not like that I am sleeping all the time and that my energy is so low. She did the exam in my bedroom.

"This is second-gender psychology related. NuNew you are too fixated on Zee.", Dr. U says.

I know what she is trying to say. I am keeping Film at arm's length. Everyone thinks the worst and they do not think Zee is coming back anytime soon. They keep urging me to allow Film to show me affection, but I am afraid Zee will reject me if I do. So, I push Film away.

"I have my mom and dad with me so what do I need him to do except give us his pheromones."

I know I sound ungrateful, but the guilt. It would be different if this was for Strawberry, but it's not. It's for me.

Dr. U took me to stand in front of the mirror.

"Look at yourself. Really look.", Dr. U says.

I barely recognize myself. I am gaunt, my skin looks grey, and my hair is dull. Even my nails are splitting and breaking.

"You're too thin, and weak. You may not be getting worse, but you are not getting any better. An omega needs more than pheromones when they are pregnant. You need affection, and care."

"I have Mom and Dad. They give me all the affection and care I need."

"Does this look like the body of a healthy omega?", Dr. U asked.

She pointed at my reflection in the mirror. I shake my head. I looked like I walked off the set of a horror movie.

"Your parents cannot give you what you need, but Film can. He is a compatible alpha, and he can trigger hormones in your body that will help you flourish. I know you resent it. You always have, but you cannot change the symbiotic relationship between alphas and omegas without hurting yourself and your baby."

"If you make it to the birth, it will be the most difficult experience of your life. You're nothing but skin and bones, child. Where are you going to find the strength, you need when you go into labor? You need to accept this alpha. No one is asking you to mate or be intimate. We are asking you to let him take care of you."

My face feels hot, and my eyes burn. I take a deep breath. I don't want to lose it in front of Dr. U.

"Zee will reject me. He will hate me if I let another Alpha touch me."

Dr. U looked down and bit her lip. Taking my hands in hers she spoke gently. I knew what she was going to say, and I did not want to hear it. I tried to pull my hands away, but she hung on.

"He's not here NuNew. I don't know why, and I am not going to sit here and speculate. The fact is Zee is not here and you are about to start the second half of your pregnancy. You have waited long enough. It is time to live for yourself and Strawberry."

But I sent him the letter. He will be here soon. Why is everyone giving up? Tears roll down my cheeks. The pressure in my head is unbearable. I try and rub some of the tension away.

"I can't. I can't make myself do this. I'll do anything else. I will eat whatever you tell me to. I will exercise, or never leave the bed. I will talk to a therapist. I will give up sugar. Please don't ask me to do this."

"NuNew, I don't think you understand the danger you are in. This apathy and depression can land you in the hospital too. What if you drop?'

"I thought omega's drop when they are extremely scared or in pain. If I was going to drop, wouldn't that have happened a month ago?"

"Quit arguing with me you stubborn child. Omegas can drop from extreme sadness, abandonment, and depression. If the feeling is intense enough, they can drop. And if you cannot recognize it yourself, then I will tell you."

"You are hiding out in a house with your family and a strange alpha because the Panichs want to take your baby. Your alpha is missing, and no one knows where he is. You and your child's health are at risk, and you may not survive to give birth."

"You are an omega in distress and this exhaustion you're exhibiting is a hallmark symptom before an omega drops. So, unless you want me to cut Strawberry out of your unconscious body in 20 weeks, get your sh*t together."

I never imagined something I deemed as histrionics could happen to me. If I drop, there is no telling how long I will remain in that state. I would be like a vegetable.

"What can I do? Tell me what to do."

"Let's call a family meeting and discuss it. Does that sound okay?"

Tonight, I will let Film wash and dry my hair. I will try.

Chapter 49: Handwritten Letter February 7, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (62)

Dear Hia,

I got chided by Dr. U. She said I was not taking care of myself. It is because I keep pushing your cousin away. I don't want anyone but you. I don't want him to take your place. I only want you Hia. I feel like if I let him in then I am giving up on you. I have waited so long for you. Loved you for so long.

It feels gross. He does not do anything bad. He has never once tried anything sexual. He gives me space and does not get upset that I constantly reject his well-meaning help. He will make a fine mate for someone, just not me. There is only you for me.

I thought it would be enough to have him in the same room with me. But it is not. I am not getting any better, Hia. I am also not getting worse. I sleep all the time. Dr. U. made me look in the mirror. It was shocking. I looked like I just walked off the set of a horror film. So, I need to do it, Hia. I need to let him, wash my hair and rub my swollen feet. Eat the special meal he made for me and let him pat my head. Give me a hug when I cry.

Mom and Dad do all these things now, but they are not compatible alphas, so I don't get the special benefits I need. Damn second gender symbiosis. It is more like a shackle and a chain.

When you come for me and see me being pampered by another alpha, please forgive me, okay? I only love you. I only want you. No one else can take your place in my heart. I am not giving up on us. I promise. But Dr. U. is right. This loyalty I have to you is hurting me. If I am being rational, I know you would never reject me or doubt me because of this. Instead, you would feel guilty and horrified that I am in this situation. I know that Hia. But my heart. It only wants you.

I am being silly, right?

I wonder if I will ever give you these letters.



Week 18 of your pregnancy is Feb 06, 2024 - Feb 12, 2024

Gender reveal time.

If you're having a girl, her uterus and fallopian tubes are formed and in place. If you're having a boy, his genitals are noticeable now, but he may hide them during an ultrasound. Are you feeling kicks and punches? Baby's hearing is also developing, so you may want to start talking to your baby.

Chapter 50: Journal Entry February 8, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (63)

I have been avoiding journaling about Film. I think; I know it is because I am so conflicted. He is a wonderful alpha. So very kind and attentive. He never complains. He never chastises me. He has this way about him; I don't mind him telling me what to do.

Maybe it is the way he phrases it.

'NuNew your dinner is getting cold. I prepared a plate of your favorites.'

'NuNew, Strawberry told me she wants a warm shower.'

'Strawberry can't talk.', I say.

'Shhh listen.', Film says.

Speaks in a falsetto voice.

'Mama likes warm showers. Strawberry likes too. Warm shower peas.', says Film pretending to be Strawberry.

That is so frikin cute. Apparently, I am weak for that. Who knew?

It's confusing and now that I am letting him in more. I am worried someone might get hurt. That's the problem with surrogate alphas. Lines get blurred. Feelings can grow. Someone gets left behind.

Normally, it is the alpha that is left behind with a broken heart. The omega has their beta. Everyone once in and a while you have an unclaimed omega, like me. But I am waiting for my real alpha. No matter how wonderful Film is, I only have Zee in my heart.

That leaves a wonderful alpha, who has his pregnancy pheromones triggered, left omegaless and childless. Left to mentally and biologically grieve.

I don't want that to happen to Film. I can see his care growing. The kindest thing I can do in this situation is to be distant and guarded, but I can't. I need to allow myself to feel good for this to work.

Damn it, Zee. Where are you? You are not just hurting me anymore.

And if you dare to give me a hard time about Film and this surrogacy, I am going to kick you in the nuts. Because that is how I feel every day accepting another alpha. And that is how he is going to feel when you take your place as my mate.

Chapter 51: Handwritten Letter February 9, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (64)

Dear Zee,

Are you looking at the evening sky? I am. I still try to come out to look at the stars every night and think of you. I wish for your health and safety. I ask you to come home.

I must sound like a broken record. Come home...come home...come home.

We are almost halfway through this pregnancy. It has gone so fast. Strawberry is starting to move around a lot. Her favorite time to kick is right when I lay down to sleep. No, Strawberry...WHY? I try to calm her down. I rub my belly and sing her favorite song. Yes, she has a favorite song. How do I know? I am her mommy. Mommies know everything about their babies. Ha, Ha.

Do you want to know her favorite song? It's Baby Beluga, by Raffi. You need to learn it so you can sing to her. Can you sing? I don't think I have ever heard you sing. Even when we went to karaoke. I remember you loved to hear me sing. Your encouragement helped me get over my shyness. Now James and Nat can't shut me up.

I have not seen my boys in a while. We don't want them involved in the mess. They send me text messages and snacks when Dr. U visits. They are my best cheerleaders.

I am still writing, but work has relaxed my deadlines. I like working like this much better. My writing is more organic, and I have remembered why I love to write. I think I should write when I am inspired, not because of the brutal whip of an editor.

Other than researching baby stuff in my nest, and occasionally working, also in my nest, I don't do much other than eat, sleep, and play with Strawberry. And wait for my shexy alpha to show up and scent me off my feet. LOL, I have to ask Dr. U. if sex is allowed. Shocking! Scandalous! How can a pregnant woman think about sex? OMG since becoming pregnant, I have had these dreams... Maybe if you are very good, I will tell you about them.

I am tired, Hia. It's time to leave my nest and lie down on my bed. I would sleep in my nest, but my mom is here, and she won't let me.

"You don't want to start any bad habits, like eating and sleeping in your nest."

She is so old-fashioned. Everybody sleeps in their nest. Most omegas incorporate their beds as part of their nest. Oh, I should warn you. My dad is the best alpha, but he is an old-school alpha. So, he may give you a hard time at first, but he is all bark and no bite. You are just going to have to take it. Sorry.

I hope you are well and on your way. Maybe tomorrow will be the day you show up at my door.



Chapter 52: Event February 10, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (65)

Today is a rainy day. That means I am stuck inside all day. No nature walks. No falling asleep in the outdoor rocking chair. Strawberry is bored too. She is kicking like crazy.

We are in my nest, and I am singing her favorite whale song while I rearrange everything for the fourth time today. I have a new pillow shaped like a fluffy cloud. Dr. U brought it by yesterday. It is from James. It is like contraband being smuggled into our safe house. It passed through many hands to get to me.

I love it. Not as much as Kitty. I pick up Kitty and whisper in his ear.

"Don't worry Kitty I love you the best."

Then I go back to fussing. I can't seem to find the right spot for this squishy, silky, soft plushy. I am tempted to expand my nest, but Film's bed is in here. Pushed up against the far wall. As far away from my nest as I can possibly place him. I only have so much room between my bed and the wall and if I push my bed any closer to Film's then we will be sleeping in the same bed.

"Baby beluga, oh, baby beluga

With tomorrow's sun, another day's begun

You'll soon be wakin'

Baby beluga in the deep blue sea

Swim so wild and you swim so free

Heaven above and the sea below

And a little white whale on the go

You're just a little white whale on the go"

Then I heard the doorbell ring. I did not even know we had a doorbell. I whisper not daring to hope.


I know better than to run to the door. A flashback of Gun's visit plays in my mind. Kick kick kick.

"Okay, baby girl let's go see."

I peek out my door. It's only me and Mom. Dad will be back any second and Film was doing some kind of event for work. My mom is hesitating by the door. She looks through the peephole and shakes her head. I creep to stand next to her. She starts when I touch her shoulder. 'I ask who is it?', with my eyes, and shakes her head and shrugs.

Suddenly we hear a Scratch, Scratch, sound on the door. Like a dog who wants to be let in the house. Scratch. Scratch. Mom and I both jump. What is out there, is it even human?

I look through the peephole and suck in a breath and jump back. My mom and I make eye contact. Nooooooooo. That is all that I am thinking. Mom is nudging me to tell her, but I need to check again. It can't be. I must be mistaken.

I take a deep breath and steel my will. I look through the peephole again and sure enough, it is still Janis.

My mom and I have a conversation comprised of looks, gestures, physical contact, and whispers.

"Who is it? mom asked, with her eyes.

I shake my head. Which means, "Don't answer it."

She shakes her head back at me with her brows and eyes scrunched. "Don't answer it?"

I nod my head.

She whispers in my ear. "Who is it?"

I whisper in her ear. "Janis. Zee's friend. Zee's parents want her to marry Zee."

Mom leans back and all I can say is that she screamed WTF with her whole body.

I shake my head violently.

Then we hear voices. It's Dad. I am my mother's daughter because we both run to the door and press our ears against the crack between the door and the door frame.

"Can I help you?"

"And who are you?"

"I believe I will be asking the questions here young beta."

OMG, Dad is so old-fashioned.

"I'm looking for NuNew. We are friends from college."

My mom pulls on my shirt. She wants to know are we friends from college. It's too hard to explain so I wave her away. "Later."

"There is only me and my wife here. No one named NuNew."

I can imagine her condescending smug smile as she speaks.

"Come on Mr. Perdperiyawong, we both know NuNew is here."

We heard Dad take a step. Oh. He is mad. My dad is a traditionalist who looks down on betas as inferior to alphas. He spoke in a very stern voice. With a touch of growl.

"Beta, you need to leave right now."

My mom and I are fighting to look through the peephole.

Janis takes a step back. I can hear the click of her heel. My dad takes a step forward, and they do this a few times so now Dad is between her and the door.

"I am going to count to three."

He looks her up and down then snorts.

"Make that five. There is no way you can move very fast in those ridiculous shoes in this weather. You better start hobbling down this drive to the car you parked in the middle of the road by the time I get to five."


OMG, this is the voice from my childhood. Mom and I are laughing in our hands.


It's louder now and if she does not get moving, he will get closer and louder. Tears are running down mom's face. I shush her, but I am not much better.


She scurried down the wet steps with her clickety-clackety shoes. Dad followed her all the way to her car. It was a miracle she did not slip and fall. At least it wasn't raining anymore. He stood, arms crossed blocking the road leading to the house, and watched as she did a 10-point turn with her car. Dad wouldn't let her drive up to the house to turn around. He stood there until he couldn't see or hear her fancy car.

My Dad may be stuffy and old school, but he is awesome.

Chapter 53: Event February 10, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (66)

We called Max after Janis left and he swung by after work. Everyone's lives have become cloak and dagger, because of me. We stopped saying hello to each other and started saying, 'Were you followed? Are you sure?' At this point, it's pointless to ask. I think everyone we are avoiding, already knows where we are.

"How the hell did she find out where we are?", Dad says.

Dad still has some residual aggression in his voice from the encounter with Janis. Poor Max is taking the brunt of it. Film puts his hands on my shoulders, and I smell his woodsy scent and calm down a notch or two. He begins massaging my neck. Max pauses midsentence when he sees it which makes me lower my head in shame. Dad whacks Max on the back of his head.

"Cut it out. He feels bad enough as it is." Dad says.

"Sorry NuNew. It took me by surprise. That's all.", Max says.

He gave one of those alpha head nods to Film. Film responded in kind. Do they think that's macho when they do that?

I shake my head and worry for the thousandth time about Zee's reaction.

"Mr. Perdperiyawong, I have no idea how she knew we were here. It's possible that the Panichs told her. After all, she was the one who they hand-picked to marry Zee. She must feel like she has a stake in all of this.", says Max.

Max looked at me and winced.

"Even though he refused to marry her a year ago and was disowned by the Panichs.", he says.

Film is murmuring reassuring things to me as he moves to my neck. I have to say I am impressed with Film. He has never once attempted to cross any boundary. He is like an alpha nurse/brother. I have half a mind to set him up with James. Oh wait, James has Net now. I wonder how they are doing?

I hear Film's voice rumble behind me.

"What is special about today? What made her show up today of all days?", Film asks.

He begins humming the baby beluga song for Strawberry. He could tell by my sudden movement; she took me by surprise and gave me a good kick.

I have not told them my suspicions about Zee's email being hacked. I should probably tell them now.

"I think Zee's email has been hacked."

"Why darling?", Mom says.

"Only Dr. U and I know Strawberry's gender, and Zee when he reads the email, I sent revealing Strawberry's gender. When his brother came for his surprise visit, he used the correct gender when he referred to Strawberry."

"Stop that! Don't try and rack your brains. Let it stay a secret.", I say.

We all laugh. Everyone of course is dying to know if Strawberry is he or she. Strawberry is.... Strawberry. I don't even know why everyone, including me, makes a big deal about the gender assigned at birth. Strawberry could decide she is he or them or whatever she/he/they/them is/are going to identify as. It's better to take her at face value.

"I haven't sent him anything electronically in a while.", I say.

"You have been writing letters.", Film says.

"Mm. Hm."

"Anyway, if say Janis or someone from the Panichs have access to his email and they are sharing information that would explain how they know so much.", I say.

Mom comes to sit next to me and gives my tummy a kiss. Film takes that opportunity to join the alphas. I watch all these wonderful people, some of whom have come out of the woodwork to help me. I feel like I must have done something wonderful in a past life to have so many people love me and help me. Not excluding those that are not here.

Dad takes a phone call and begins to leave the room when he suddenly waves for us to be quiet. He puts the phone down on the coffee table and presses speaker.

"I'm sorry Mr. Patrick. Would you mind repeating that?"

"Zee has requested to come home and has asked that I make sure to contact NuNew to let him know."

Everyone looks at me. I look at the phone and start shaking.

"Breathe.", Film says, quietly.

"Me?", I say.

"Pardon, I did not get that.", Mr. Patrickson says.

"NuNew is asking for more details.", Dad says, not breaking eye contact with me.

"Oh, okay. Zee received your letter NuNew and has requested to come home immediately. Since he could not call you himself, he asked that I notify you. He should be arriving in Timbuktu on February 12th. From there he will fly from Timbuktu to Bamako and from Bamako to France and from France to home. We are expecting him to arrive here February 15th give or take."

I feel like my head is going to explode and I immediately start sobbing. Everything I have held inside. All my fears and vulnerabilities. Are released in a torrent of relieved sobs. I don't even know what else Mr. Patrickson says because Mom is fussing, and Film picks me up and walks out of the room with me. He brings me to my nest.

"Nest?", he asks.

I nod my head tears and snot pouring out of me.

"Can I come in too?"


I meant to say yes but that is all that came out of me.

He carried me into the middle of the nest and looked around. I may be a hysterical mess, but we are in my nest, so I point to the spot he is allowed to sit in. He gently deposits me in my favorite seat, hands me kitty and my cloud, and wraps me in soft silky blankets. Until all you can see are my eyes. Then he sits in his assigned seat and opens his arms. I wiggle and inch over to him and he pulls me into his lap and hums and coos wordlessly.

Mom hands him some baby wipes and he cleans my face.

I am quiet now. Film is humming tunelessly and rocking. Mom is finding out what happened after we left the room. He specifically asked Engineers Without Borders to tell me...ME...that he was coming home. That is a good sign, right? My face splits in a wide smile and I let out a breath I think I have been holding since October 22nd.

My alpha is coming home. Halle(f*cking)luiah!

Chapter 54: Journal February 11, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (67)

Zee is coming home. Zee is coming home. Let's scream it from the rooftops. ZEE IS COMING HOME! I feel so renewed. I have been driving everyone crazy trying to get ready for him. Dad wants me to calm down and leave it. But I am too excited, and I am sick of people pushing me back into my room and telling me to rest.

Fine, I will make him a special seat in my nest and no one else is allowed in from now on but him...if he is good.

Somehow during this journey, I have accepted that my pregnancy has made me revert to a 9-year-old. I am never going to live this down.

But who cares! My Hia is coming, and he will be here in 4 days. How far along will I be...18 weeks. He will get to be with us for the last 22 weeks of the pregnancy.

Whoever the higher power is out there who is delivering my alpha safely to me, thank you with every fiber of my being. Thank you from Strawberry too.

Chapter 55: Event February 12, 2024.

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (68)

We are all sitting around the kitchen table looking at Mom's tablet. We are having a conference call with Nat because Nat is finally ready to launch our social media campaign to expose the Panich family. He has just taken us through a PowerPoint outlining the who, what, and when.

"That looks incredible Nat.", Dad says.

Nat rewards Dad for the praise with a big smile. Max is in the room, but out of the camera's view. He looks haunted. His eyes never leave the screen. I don't know why he won't let me tell Nat his involvement in helping me. I am sure over time; this new humble and kind Max would win Nat over. I would even help him. The Perdperiyawongs will forever be in his and Film's debt.

I focus back on our conversation with Nat.

"Tonight, the admin for one of the anti-Panich groups will anonymously release a short video of Mr. Panich threatening Mr. Perdperiyawong with letting his son die and their unborn grandchild if NuNew does not sign over parental rights to him.", Nat says.

"Is that the video you just showed us, dear?", asks Mom.

"Yes Mrs. P.", says Nat.

"And there is no way for them to find out NuNew's identity?", Mom asks.

"Not from that video. Mr. P.'s voice and face are disguised, and no one mentions NuNew's name or details about him. But, the Panichs could leak it, and there are some hospital staff who will know who the omega is that they are referring to in the video.", Nat says.

"So, everything starts tonight?", Film asks.

"Yes.", Nat says.

"It's going to be a busy night.", Nat says.

"Thank you, Jelly. I don't know how I will ever be able to repay you.", I say.

"You can start by not saying things like that to me like we are not family, and have a healthy happy baby.", Nat says.

I smile at Nat, but I am secretly worried. I hope our grassroots retaliation does not wake a sleeping dragon.

Chapter 56: Event February 12, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (69)

It is eleven in the morning. The call with Nat ended about an hour ago. Everyone carried on with their day. Film and Max had their heads together discussing something. Mom is washing the dishes and Dad is drying. I am feeling restless. Now that I know Zee could be here within days, I find the days to be endless.

I wander down the hall open the door to my room and sprawl in my nest. I check my email, go on social media, and get caught in an Instagram death scroll that I snap out of when I hear Max let out a loud whoop. I pause to see if anything else happens, but nothing does. Strawberry goes crazy. It's like she is playing the drums in there. I have a feeling I am not going to get a calm child like Zee. My phone pings. I have a text message.

"Nhu, it's Zee. Can you talk?"

I stare at the phone. My lower lip starts trembling. I wipe tears that have begun to fall. I have been waiting for this moment for so many months. What am I doing? Answer him you fool.


My phone rings. I answer it.

"Hello?", I say.

"Hey, baby.", Zee says.

Please don't start balling NuNew. Hold it in. You can do it.

"Hia, where have you been? Hia.", I ask.

Damn it, I am crying now.

"I'm coming home, baby. I am so sorry. I am coming home, and I am going to take care of everything. Okay? Baby?, Zee says.

"Hiccup! Mm. Hm.", I say.

"Nhu, are you crying?"

"Mm. Hm."

"How are you? How is Strawberry?"

I put him on speaker so Strawberry can hear his voice.

"You're on speaker Hia. Say hi to your daughter."

"We are having a girl?"

"Mm. Hiccup."

He doesn't say anything for a good ten seconds. I hear him take a shaky breath.

"Hello Little Strawberry. It's Daddy.

I swear to God, I feel her kicking like crazy.

"She is kicking, Zee. She hears you."

"Nhu, I can't wait to see you and our little girl."

"You can't?", I ask.

"Yes, baby. Of course, I have waited so long to have you. We may have done this a little backward, but I don't care."

I can't talk because I am sobbing. The relief I feel is indescribable. You don't know how much you are really worrying about something until you get good news, and your body lets go of all that fear and worry like a dam rupturing, and the feelings you compartmentalized and held at bay release with an unstoppable force.

"Don't cry baby. Don't cry when I can't be there to hug you and kiss it better. I am so sorry sweetheart, my Teerak. I promise, if you will have me, I will never leave your side again. Can you wait a little bit longer?", Zee asks.

"Ye..ye..yes. Hiaaaa...Your coming home? For real?"

"Yes, baby. I am in Bamako right now at an internet café. I get on a flight in a couple of hours to Paris."

"When will you be home.", I ask.

"Tomorrow or the day after.", Zee says.

"I'm going to be a father.", Zee says.

He starts giggling. We both start laughing. It is the best sound I have ever heard in my entire life.

"Did you get my letter?"

"Yes.", he says softly.

"What you said in that letter Nhu. I will never forget that letter for the rest of my life. I found out I was going to be a father, that you loved me, and that you were dying without me. I was shocked worried, and happy. I would have stolen the 4x4 and driven off alone as soon as I read it if not for stranding the project team in the middle of the desert.", Zee says.

"Did you get my emails?", I ask.

I had a suspicion that someone was messing with his email.

"What emails Teerak?", Zee asks.

I knew it.

"Hia, I sent you so many emails while you were gone all about Strawberry. You sure you did not get any?"

"Positive Nhu."

"Did you get my email?", he asks.

"You sent me an email?", I ask.

My entire body is shaking. This entire time I thought he had forgotten about me and left. Or he was ghosting me. If he contacted me before he left, that would change everything. It would be another huge knot in my heart that I can untangle.

"Yeah, before I left. So, you got nothing?", Zee asks.

"Nothing, Hia. You just disappeared without a trace."

He says nothing for a long time, and I realize he is crying, somewhere all by himself, in some internet café, surrounded by strangers, and my heart hurts for him.

"Hia, you're coming home. None of that matters anymore. Come home safe to us, we can figure out what happened later. Okay! I still have all the emails in my sent folder. Do you want me to resend them so you can read them?", I ask.


"Yes, but to a different account. I am sending you the information."

"Can you send me the email you wrote?"

He is quiet again.


"It's gone Nhu. I swear I wrote it, but I can't find it anywhere. It's not in drafts or the sent folder.", Zee says.

"We will find it Hia. I believe you wrote it Teerak. I am so relieved to hear your voice. I can't wait to see you."

We talked until he needed to leave for his flight. I tell him about all the tea he missed while he was gone. He tells me about the amazing people he met. He asks me about his parents. He makes me send him a selfie of his pregnant omega. He sends me a selfie. He looks so tan and mysterious. He keeps telling me how sorry he is. Especially after he sees my selfie. He tells me he loves me and Strawberry. I told him I would say it back only after he came home.

Poor Hia. I did not have the heart to tell him everything. I don't want him to be alone flying across the world with all of that weighing on his heart.

Chapter 57: Event February 14, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (70)

I am sitting outside bundled up in the rocking chair. Mom finally got sick of all my pacing and hand twisting and sent me to sit outside because 'you are making me nervous with all of your nonsense." Geez, cut me some slack. I have been waiting for this guy for four months.

Film and Max went to pick up Zee from the airport a couple of hours ago and I am straining my senses to catch the sound of a car coming up the drive. I am taking softly to Strawberry. Telling her that Daddy is coming. Singing her favorite song. She is restless. It's probably my fault because so am I. I have been out here awhile, and I am thinking of going inside to get a cup of hot tea when I hear a car.

"Mom. Dad. I hear a car. They're here!", I scream like a happy maniac.

I see a car, but it's not Max's car. I stand up and start inching toward the door.

"Dad!", I scream.

All parents can tell when their kids are really in distress. It is something in your child's voice that strikes terror in your heart and makes you go running to rescue your baby. That is what my dad heard when I screamed his name, and he came bursting out the front door. Just in time to see four strange men get out of an SUV and make their way towards the house.

I am trying to get up, but I am wrapped up in a blanket and the corner of the blanket is caught under the rail of the rocking chair and I am trapped. Dad takes one look at me and calls for Mom and strides out to meet the strange males.

"No Dad. Don't go.", I say.

Mom is by my side untangling me and pulling me into the house.

"Dad, get in the house. Hurry.", I yell.

He ignores me and keeps walking. I know what he is doing he wants to put distance between us to give Mom time to get me untangled and into the house. But these men look like thugs. They are probably all alphas in their prime. They are not smiling and most of them are looking past him at me.


"Mom, call Max. I am calling the police."

We are watching from the window as these men surround my dad. I have the police on speakerphone, but I don't know the stupid address of the house. Mom does so we switch phones, and I am on with Max, no wait it's Hia.

"Nhu, I want you to go out the backdoor with your mom and go hide in the woods.", Hia, says.

"Can't Hia. I am not leaving Dad.", I say.

I run into the kitchen and grab the step stool. There is a shotgun hidden in the space between the tops of the cabinets and the ceiling.

"Nhu. I am not kidding. Think of Strawberry. I am almost there. I need you to go out the back and hide, right now."

I am on my tippy toes feeling for the gun. All I feel is dust, and then I feel the cool hardness of metal. I shove Mom's phone in my bra and carefully pull the shotgun from its hiding spot. I look at the gun. I have no idea how to check if there are bullets, or how to disarm the safety. All I know is this end, points at the bad guys.

"NHU!", Zee says.

"Mom, do you know how to use this?", I ask.


Three of the men have my dad. Two of them have his arms pinned behind him and the third has been striking him in the face and stomach. The fourth thug is out of sight.

My tiny omega mom bursts out the front door with the shotgun and yells at the top of her lungs.

Neither of us knew how to use the damn thing. We are not even sure it works, but those thugs don't know that. We did figure out how to pump the shotgun and make that scary shotgun noise when you are loading the bullets in the chamber.

"Get your hands off my alpha.", Mom screams.

Then she pumps the shotgun.


Everyone recognizes that sound and freezes.

"I said get your hands off of my alpha.", Mom yells.

She points the muzzle of the shotgun at the three men. The men slowly back away with their hands up and Dad stumbles over to Mom takes the shotgun from her and takes over.

"Get back in the house.", Dad says and gives her a little smack on her butt as she passes.

She scurries through the front door and finds me crouching, peering out the window at Dad, kitchen knives in a pile on the floor next to me. I still have Zee on the phone, but he is quiet, and intent on getting here. When he hears Mom whispering to me, he starts urging us again to flee and hide.

"Come on darling, Dad has it under control. Let's get you and Strawberry somewhere safe.", Mom says.

"But Dad."

"He has the shotgun. They are going to leave any second.", she says

"It doesn't work Mom."

"NuNew! You are distracting everyone, and you are being stubborn. We are going into the woods to hide. Stand up. Let's go.", Mom says.

"Listen to your mom, baby. I need you and Strawberry to be safe.", Zee says.

I stand and go with Mom and take my phone with me.

"We are going out now Zee. We will text you when we are safe. I am hanging up.", says Mom.

"I will see you soon Teerak.", Zee says.

"Please be careful.", I say.

Then I hung up the phone and turned the ringer off. We are at the back door now and look outside. There is still that one thug wandering out there and we don't want to run into him. Mom cracks the door open, and we step outside. Both of us are looking right and left to make sure the coast is clear. We take a chance and make our way toward the trees.

I feel vulnerable outside the house and cover Strawberry with my hands. Mom is leading me through the trees. Neither of us is very outdoorsy so despite our best attempts, we are making noise as we tread upon branches, pinecones, and other debris. The crackle of every step reminds me to be vigilant. Mom's eyes are huge, and her face is tight with concern. We find some brush with a little clearing in the middle and squeeze our way to the center. Branches, like long bony fingers, cling to our clothes, but we force our way in.

I text Zee and let him know we are safe. He texts back letting me know they have parked down the road and are making their way to the house on foot.

"Do not move until you hear me calling for you.", Zee texts.

"Please be careful.", I text.

"You will be in my arms in no time at all.", Zee texts.

His text sparks a happy twinge in my chest, but not nearly enough to dispel my worry. Four months. I have been waiting for four months to see him and he cannot even make it to my door without an obstacle.

Mom and I hug each other and plead with God to make sure our family is safe. Mom begins to cry. I hate that this is happening to her. She has never feared for her life before and I feel responsible. All I can do is wipe away her tears and pat her back as I peer through the brush for any signs.

I don't know how long we crouched there. It felt like hours before we heard someone coming through the trees. I hoped it was Zee looking for us, but he told me to wait for him to call. This person was silently stalking through the woods.

Sure enough, a big alpha came into view. He was the missing thug. He must be looking for us. Mom's face is white. We hang on to each other in terror. The man stops and looks toward us. sh*t, he probably sees the clearing. If we spotted it easily, he probably did too. Since he is not reacting or saying anything I realize he cannot see us crouched in the center. He walks over and tries to peer into the center. I am holding my breath. He is close enough to hear my ragged breathing.

Suddenly he turns and walks deeper into the woods. Why is this happening to us? How is one pregnancy causing this much trouble? I just want to see Zee.

Mom and I are clinging to each other, mostly to stay warm when I see a text message show up on my phone. It is Zee. I nudge Mom, and we look at the message together.

"All clear. I am coming to get you. Come out when you hear me?"

I start patting down my hair. It's crazy that I am thinking about this at a time like this, but I have not seen Zee in 4 months, and I want to look my best. Mom helps me pat my hair into place. She is smiling at me now. Probably because I am so excited. I can feel the huge grin on my face as I wait for him to call out. And then I hear him. We stand up and try pushing our way through the brush. Whatever tidying up I did while we were waiting is immediately undone as we battle our way out from our hiding place. At this point, I couldn't care less. The only thing stopping me from running towards his voice is my love for my mom. I can't leave her alone. Not after what we just went through.

Zee's voice is closer now, and I am pulling my mom towards him. I can't take it anymore, so I call out to him.



I am dragging Mom behind me now. If I must, I will carry her on my back. I can't get to Zee fast enough.



Then I saw him. I can't help it. I abandon Mom and start running.


He is running too and before I can count to three, I am in his arms.

Chapter 58: ZEE's POV Event October 21, 2023

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (71)

I parked the car and stared blankly at the dash. It has been a year since I last saw him. My hands are trembling. Today is the first day of courting NuNew. I hope it is not too late. I would have pursued him long ago, but I had to wait until I was completely free of my parent's arrangements. There was no way I could drag someone as sweet and pure as NuNew into the twisted mess that is my family.

I jog down the street towards the nightclub. Mostly to get rid of my nerves. Max is waiting for me outside the club, pacing. Nat must be inside because the normally chill alpha looks like a restless tiger patrolling back and forth. I call from across the street and j-walk to stand beside him.

"What took you so long?", Max says.

"You growling at me?", I ask.

I punch him in the arm, and he shakes his head.

"Sorry, Nat is inside looking delectable, and I am out here.", Max says.

No more words are necessary. I would be pacing too if I were him.

"You're a good friend.", I say.

I sound sarcastic when I say this. Because of the bro code, you can't get too mushy. But Max knows that I mean it and smiles, then shrugs it off, playing cool.

"By the way, prepare yourself.", Max says.


I drag the word out slowly. I have a feeling. Like a tingling in my stomach. Am I nervous?

"Your boy has changed.", Max says.

Max does not say anything after that. We clear the bouncer, and we start up the stairs to the dance floor. It is Saturday night, and the place is packed. I pass people on the stairs. They look like they are around my age, dressed up for clubbing.

Prepare myself? What for exactly?

I follow Max into the deafening room. Music is thumping and I can feel the bass vibrating in my chest. It makes me want to move. Max leads me to some barstools, and I perch there scanning the crowd. A co*cktail waitress gets our order, and it is not long before she brings back our drinks with a big smile for both of us. I let Max handle her. I can't seem to find NuNew anywhere. Max points and I see Nat and James. Then, I see NuNew. My heart stops in my chest and I start to salivate. NuNew looks amazing. Max wasn't kidding when he said he changed.

I can barely keep my eyes off him as he dances and laughs with his friends. It has been too long since I have seen my Nhu. It takes a lot of self-control for me to stay in my seat and not go over there and claim him. But he isn't mine, is he? I want to change that. I wanted to change that before I saw him dressed in skinny jeans and a sparkly fishnet shirt. With nothing underneath...No, scratch that. He has a skin-colored tank top under it, giving the illusion of bare skin. Wow!

He is killing me. Especially when he does body rolls and his eyes become sultry and distant. Who is he thinking about when he does that?

I watch as men and women approach him. He is an unmarked omega and is beautiful. Like, too good for anyone in this room kind of gorgeous. When did this happen? At university, he was shy and hid his beauty underneath oversized clothes and hair in his eyes. This alluring creature before me has glitter on his face, and gloss on his ripe lips. His eyes are smokey and he moves like heaven. He does not hide his curves. Instead, he is confident and knows how to handle the advances of strangers with ease.

The NuNew I remember was sensitive and shy. With round mochi eyes that were always sneaking peeks at me. Now he doesn't think of me at all.

Of course, I knew how NuNew felt about me when we were students. I had feelings for him too, but because of my circ*mstances, I did my best to keep things platonic. At the time, my family was insisting I marry Janis. Despite my lack of feelings for her and the fact that I preferred men. When I told them this, they told me proximity would help the feelings grow.

To get the elders off my back I told them I would not consider marriage until after I graduated. I hoped Janis would meet someone else at university. Her parents worried about the same thing so, they pulled some strings and got Janis transferred to the same university as me. It was a poor choice for her major, but I guess her education could be sacrificed in the pursuit of matrimony.

Janis was a sweet beta when we started university. Fresh out of high school, she was naïve and kind. Encouraged by our parents, Janis stuck to me like glue. She did everything to win me over. It was clear that she was lovesick for me. I felt so badly for her. I tried to make it clear, but her parents and mine filled her head with bullsh*t and so she believed we would end up together, but it was impossible. Years of failure and bad advice twisted her into her parent's tool and by the end of university, she was conniving and spiteful. A creature created by greed. It was sad to watch.

But who cares about Janis? I am free of her now. It took getting disowned and losing my inheritance for everyone to finally believe I meant it when I said I would never marry her. The heart wants what it wants. My heart wanted NuNew. So, I waited until I could approach him with a free conscience. And now, I am here, with my heart hammering in my chest as I watch him effortlessly socialize and dance.

I snapped out of my daydream when Nat appeared before Max. Nat did not notice me. His eyes only saw Max. Max is lucky. Nat is cute and is the kind of omega who doesn't play games and shows his devotion clearly for all to see.

Quickly I look for NuNew. Sure enough, Nat drew NuNew's notice to me. His eyes are round with shock as he stares at me. I jump to my feet. I don't want to give Nhu a chance to react. I am afraid he will flee once he recovers from his shock. After all, over this last year, he deliberately distanced himself from me.

My heart is hammering in my chest as I make my way to him. Neither one of us breaks eye contact. NuNew smiles at me, and I falter at the halfway point. His smile robbed me of oxygen. I am so affected by him.

I don't say much at first. I am too busy taking him in, mesmerized by his scent and beauty. It is taking every ounce of my control to not claim him. I know I am being obvious, but I can't help it.

NuNew looks pleased and that shy boy I know peaks out. He may be confident with strangers, but before me, he is cute and uncertain. I know, because I feel the same way. I wonder if his desire to submit to me is as strong as my desire to dominate and make him mine. 'Mine.', that word echoes in my mind.

NuNew interrupts my fantasies about mating.

"Oh Zee, you look so cute right now. Did you miss me?"

I have been staring at him.

"You have no idea how much, Nhu."

I test the waters and brush my leg against his. He does not move away or react other than a tug at his lips. I try again. This time I leave my leg pressed to his. I am acutely aware of the heat radiating off him. Or is that me? I want to put my hand on his knee and slide my fingers up his inner thigh.

Wow, I need to lock this down or I am going to scare him. Right now, the prehistoric alpha in me wants to knock him out and take him back to my cave and mate.

Why can't I stop staring at him? I must look like a grinning fool as I drink in his every detail. Being near him is making my nerves hum with anticipation. After all this time. I can't believe I can show him how I feel.

Over the next hour, nothing about Nhu escapes my notice and I keep getting distracted by a lock of hair that has escaped and hangs in his eye. NuNew unconsciously moves it back into place, but it keeps wandering back despite his attempts to tame it. I will take any excuse to touch him, so I tuck the rebellious hair behind his ear. It is the same when I see a crumb on his glossy bottom lip. What I want to do is lick his lip clean. But I restrain myself and brush it away with a finger instead. I am about to lose my mind.

The next thing I know I am loitering outside the bathroom waiting for Nhu. It is not a pleasant place. The hall smells faintly of urine, but I am worried someone will accost him in the dark, so I menace everyone who dares to approach the men's restroom while he is in there. Grown men back out of the hallway. They know a triggered alpha when they see one.

It is not long before the bathroom door opens, and my person looks hesitantly out. Good, he knows better than to walk out into a dark hallway unawares. He sees me and opens the door all the way and I am hit with the most enchanting smell. I missed this so much. I can't wait anymore. I am trembling, not with a need to mate as much as a need to show how I feel about him.

Somehow, he is in my arms like he belongs. He is perfect. I rub my cheek against his and take a deep breath. I think I moaned his name. I want to look at him. I take his face in my hands, so careful not to paw at him like a clumsy alpha. I can't help myself. I rub his bottom lip with my thumb, and he shivers. My body responds and an inferno is raging inside of me. I dip down to touch my lips to his and stop centimeters away from our lips touching and wait for his consent. He sighs and tilts his face up.


I stroke his scent gland with my thumb and take his lips and I am completely lost when he moans into my mouth. This is everything and more. I never knew finding the right person could heighten my emotions like this. That it could make everything feel incredibly intimate. I want to claim the very air in his lungs. It is unreal how I feel right now.


I feel a purr rumbling in my chest and hear his softer and faster one in response. I can smell his arousal and I feel like I am about to go mad. We need to get out of here before we make a spectacle of ourselves.

"Let's go," NuNew says.

I let him lead me out of the club and into a waiting cab.

Chapter 59: Zee POV Event October 22, 2023

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (72)

NuNew is sleeping in my arms exhausted after our lovemaking. I want to wake him up and do it again, but this was his first time and we pushed him to his limit. We have plenty of time to build his stamina.

I am grinning like an idiot. He is finally mine. I told him everything. How perfect he was. How I felt about him. He stared up at me with his beautiful boba eyes like I was his everything. I love him so much. I can't sleep. I can't think. I can't stop watching him. I have never made love before. No one ever told me sex is incredible when you love someone.

NuNew's lips twitch into a smile and he murmurs something. I smile back at him. He is like a drug, and I am completely addicted. I have never watched anything this intently before, but I can't make myself look away, or take the rest I need. It's dawn anyway, I doubt I will sleep at all. But I do. For about an hour or two. My phone vibration wakes me up. I am so pleased by where I am and who I am with that I forget all about the phone, but the phone does not let up. I don't want Nhu to wake up, so I slide out of his bed and take the call in his living room.

It's Mr. Patrickson. What is he doing calling me so early in the morning? I remember the installation team leaves in the next day or two. Maybe there is a problem with my design, or getting the materials they need?

"Hey, Mr. Patrickson. Everything okay?", I ask.

"No, it's not. Lopez's mate is in the hospital. There was a car accident. She is not out of surgery. He is a mess.", says Patrickson.

"What can I do?", I ask.

"I hate to do this, but you are his designated backup in the event he cannot go. He is not willing to leave his mate like this. You are the only one familiar with the design. We can't find anyone else and train them in time. I don't want to call off the project. Most of the team is already in Mali preparing for Lopez." Patterson says.

He pauses and then makes the ask he has been building up to.

"I need you to go in his place. It is temporary. A month at best. Lopez is willing to go once his mate is back on her feet. Please help us.", Patterson says.

I think about NuNew. This is terrible timing. I need to be here to cement our relationship. It is a lot to ask of him to initiate our relationship and then make him wait a month. Patterson must sense my hesitancy.

"One, month Pruk. We will have to cancel the project without an engineer. I am so sorry to do this, but I am thinking about our mission and the children. We will never get another chance like this again.", Patterson says.

This is happening too fast. I know he is right, but I have waited for years for Nhu. Finally, everything was ready, and now this.

"Come meet me. I am at the Starbucks. The one near the train station. Let's at least meet and discuss logistics. You don't have to decide right now. Do you have a passport?", Patterson asks.

"Yes, but I have not agreed to do this.", I say.

"We are only talking. We don't even know if we can get you an emergency visa. You will also need vaccinations. Let's see if it is even possible and go from there, okay?", Patterson says.

While he is talking, I look for a piece of paper to write Nhu a note. I don't want him to freak out when he wakes up and I am gone. I find his printer and steal a piece of paper, but no pens. I can't text while I am on the phone and Patterson is not willing to waste a second. He is keeping me on the phone peppering me with questions.

I find an old pen in a junk drawer and start my letter. I want to ask Patterson to shut up for a second because I can't think. I begin to write. The pen keeps running out of ink. I am shaking it and using every trick I know to get the ink flowing.


Good to see you again.

"Zee there is a car downstairs waiting to bring you to me. Hurry they won't wait long."

"What, no I am not ready. How did you even know where I was?"

"Your GPS is open to anyone in your contact lists. Hurry."

sh*t, I am running around grabbing my stuff. I peek in at Nhu and he is asleep. I don't want to go in because Patterson is talking nonstop. I almost leave then remember my note. I sign my name and run out. I will text Nhu in the car.

Chapter 60: Zee's POV Event October 22, 2023

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (73)

I try to text Nhu, but I am blocked. That little brat. He is going to be punished for this.

Chapter 61: Zee POV Event October 22, 2023

Chapter Text

Well sh*t, I am going to Mali. I don't even have 24 hours. Patterson takes me to the government office himself to apply for a visa, while I desperately call my customers and tell them my business partner is going to send them a temporary replacement. My business partner is blowing up my phone. Patterson agrees to take my cat July in while I am gone. He also agrees to get my mail, check in on my house regularly, and make sure everything is safe.

Janis calls from an unknown number and I answer it. Pretty sneaky, Janis. She can hear the chaos in the background.

"I can't talk right now Janis."

"Are you at work?"

"No, listen I am hanging up."

"Wait, are you okay?"

"I'm fine there's an emergency with my volunteer project."

Then I realize who I am talking to and change my tone to be more compassionate.

"You should not be calling me. Please don't call me again. You are only hurting yourself."

Patrickson yells in the background at some poor government employee.

"He is leaving for Bamako tomorrow. It is an emergency."

I walk away from the chaos.

"Bye, Janis. Don't contact me again."

I hang up and move back to Patterson and the chaos.

Chapter 62: Zee POV Event October 22, 2023

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (74)

I can't call Nhu. He must be thinking the worst. I call Max to call Nat and get Nhu's contact information while I curse out Patterson in my living room and pace. Should I just show up at Nhu's house? Max is not answering. I send another text to Max to call me ASAP.

I still have Nhu's email. That will have to do for now. I am stuffing things into a backpack. No suitcases are allowed as I will be traveling great distances in the desert. I remind myself that I need to run to the store and get supplies when I feel my stomach rumble and bubble and...I run for my life. What the hell is happening? I lose control of my bowels. I have had the runs before, and it was nothing like this. I am sweating and feel like I am going to die. I text Patterson to let him know. He reminds me the doctor said I may have some side effects because I had so many vaccines all at once.

Zee: "The Dr. said I might feel slightly uncomfortable. Feeling uncomfortable does not define what is happening to me right now. I have a fever and chills and cannot get off the toilet. How am I supposed to go like this? I still need to buy so many things."

Patrickson: "By tomorrow you will be fine. Don't worry about the gear. Lopez is already packed, and he is giving you, his pack. All you need is your personal gear."

Zee: "Are we even the same size?"

Patrickson: "Drink lots of water, I will pick you up at 5 am.",

Zee: "I hate you."

Patrickson: "You can hate me all you want as long as you get on that plane."

Chapter 63: Zee's POV Email October 23, 2023

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (75)

To: NuNew Charawin Perdpiriyawong

From: Zee Pruk Panich

Re: Leaving the Country


Hey baby. You blocked me. You are very naughty. Daddy is going to punish you later. XOXO

This is the only way I know to get a hold of you.

I owe you an explanation. I know I disappeared yesterday, but I did not want to. I volunteer with Engineers Without Borders. I am part of a project that will install electricity and water in schools for nomadic people called the Tuareg. My job was to design the electrical system that they would be installing in the schools.

While you were sleeping the project manager called with an emergency. The engineer who was supposed to go and install the electrical system had a family emergency. His mate got in a car accident. She survived, but it will be a month before she is okay to be alone. I need to go to the Sahara Dessert in Mali and fill in for him until he can join the team. I only have one day to get everything ready before I leave. I would never go ordinarily, but without me stepping in, the project will be canceled. These kids will never get another chance. Can you understand why I am going?

It's only one month, baby. I don't want to go. I want to be with you. I should have stayed cuddled under the blankets and never answered the phone this morning. Then I would still be with you.

I meant everything I said to you last night, Kitten. I am not walking out on you. Can you please wait for one month? I hate leaving and not being able to talk to you. I want to see you so badly. I am going to go insane thinking about you.

I won't be able to contact you where I am going. There is no technology in the Sahara Desert except Satellite phones. If you want to know how I am, or if there is an emergency, I left you as an emergency contact with the project manager. His name is Mr. Patterson, and his number is XXX-XXX-XXXX. They are very strict there, so you need to call yourself and tell him you are my emergency contact and go down to his office and show him your driver's license. You only need to do that once. I told him you were my mate.

It's one month baby, I promise I am not abandoning you. I have waited a long time to be in a position where I was free to be with you. If you will have me, I intend to court you and see if I can earn the right to be your mate. I wanted to tell you this in person, but I am so worried you will see my sudden departure negatively. I don't want you to think I am a bad alpha who used you. So, I am making my intent clear in this email.

I can't believe this is happening. I finally got to hold you and make love to you. Do you know how many years I have waited to do that? How am I supposed to be apart from you for a month? I can't even see you before I go. I want to reassure you and hear if you are willing to wait for me.

I believe in us Nhu. I believe you are my one and only. Please be patient baby. Please wait for me.



Chapter 64: Zee's POV Notes for Kitten

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (76)

October 27, 2023

Hey Kitten,

I am with the project team now. The Sahara Desert is incredible. I think of you all the time and miss you. I wish you could be here with me. There are so many animals everywhere. The noise they make is insane. I don't know if I can get used to it. Maybe if you were here, it would be better.

I am not good at keeping a journal, but I will try to write you little notes. I love you.



November 1, 2023

Hey Kitten,

Today we went to our first school. The condition of the building is terrible. It is crumbling. We are going to talk to one of the clan chiefs about fixing the building before we install any electrical.

I am getting adjusted. I think about you a lot. Especially at night. There is a painful knot in my chest that will not go away. I don't think it will go away until I see you again. I miss your sweetness.



November 8, 2023

Hey Kitten,

They fixed the school building, and I started the installation of the solar. The children are so cute. You would melt in a puddle if you were here. They are so grateful for anything, even an empty water bottle is a prize.

I worry about how you are. I hate that I am not with you. I almost wish I did not have that incredible night with you because it tortures me. I long for the softness of your skin and the memory of your scent. Thinking of you fills me with a yearning I never knew I was capable of.

I hope you know I love you.



November 23, 2023


The first school is done. The entire tribe came out to see me flip the switch and for Michael to turn the spigot for water. I was a little nervous. I knew it worked. I tried it before everyone came, but I was still afraid I would flip the switch, and nothing would happen. It worked! YAY!

The children were very excited about the lights. I think they turned them on and off a hundred times. The adults were more excited by the water. There is a saying among the Tuareg, "Aman Imane" ("Water is life!"). Having water come out of a spigot must have seemed like a miracle. The Tuaregs get their water from wells.

To honor our work two men came with a lamb and slaughtered it. The entire tribe celebrated and had stewed lamb for dinner. The schoolchildren came and recited their lessons for us and a Tuareg musician played for us. It was quite an occasion.

I miss you. NuNew Imane.



November 28, 2023

Hey Kitten

I am so frustrated. They are asking for more time. I have been counting the days until I can come back to you. What do I do?

There is no way for me to contact you and tell you.

I am struggling. I need to know how you are. I am afraid you will give up on me. It hurts to be away from you. Am I allowed to be selfish and tell them no? What about all the schoolchildren who are waiting their turn?

Nhu, tell me what to do.



December 7, 2023

Hey Kitten,

We set up another school today. Everyone was very happy. I pretended to be happy too. My spirits are low. I can't help it. I am disappointed that I cannot be with you. I hope you can forgive me that I chose to stay.

Nhu, when will I see you again? I can still feel your warmth against my chest, and your silky hair tickling my chin as I hold you while you sleep. I should have never picked up my phone that morning. I miss you, baby. I love you. I hope you will let me make it up to you.



December 12, 2023


I have been feeling anxious a lot lately. I have this intense need to go home. I think about you all the time. What if you have given up on me and some other alpha is courting you? What if you need me? How can I protect you from here?

There is this feeling I cannot escape from. I cannot relax. Often, I wake up and sit outside staring at the stars while everyone else is asleep, thinking of you. I want to tell you I love you. I love you with all my heart. Being out here gives me a lot of time to think clearly about things and I know for certain that you are my one and only. My place should be by your side.



December 25, 2023


It's Christmas. We had a little gift exchange and a special meal, but I think we all miss our families right now. I don't have much of a family, but I miss you.

Merry Christmas Nhu. I love you with all my heart. Will you wait for me? It has been two months now. I hope you have not given up. I am coming home, baby. Please wait for your alpha.


December 31, 2023


Happy New Year. I wanted to kiss you at midnight. I guess I will have to settle for a camel. They are a little ripe, but you know. Hey, don't you give my kiss to someone else.

I miss you. I miss you all the time. Every day I think I need to tell Nhu about this or Nhu would love that.

The desert is lonely and cold at night. I don't know how much more I can take. I hope you are out somewhere with your friends and having fun. I hope you know I am staring up at the stars wishing you a Happy New Year.



January 8, 2024


The desert no longer enchants me. It feels like a prison. A prison of sand and sky. The only joy I have is seeing the children and their amazed little faces when I flip a switch and show them the magic of electricity. It makes me happy knowing they will never have to huddle up together under one window to have enough light to read by.

I heard that my replacement will be coming soon. But nothing official has been said. If this is a false alarm, I am going to tell them I am coming back regardless. I have stayed 3 times longer than they said I would. I should have never been here, to begin with. 3 months is ample time to figure this out. I can't imagine what is taking so long.



January 15, 2024


I had a dream about you last night. You were floating in the air beckoning to me. 'Come home.', you said. 'We need you.' Who is we? I think my fears are manifesting in my dreams. That or the malaria medication is giving me crazy nightmares.

The other night I dreamed you blew away in the wind, piece by piece. Like you were made of sand.

I hope you are alright. I love you, baby.

I have put in the request for them to arrange my travel home. The replacement coming was a rumor. That means I will soon be swinging you in my arms. As soon as I get somewhere there is cell reception, I will call you. I hope I am not still blocked. LOL

I love you, Kitten,



January 19, 2024


What are you doing right now? Do you think of me? I miss you and think of you all the time. I think about how you would love the night sky here. How enchanted you would be by the children. And awed by the wide expanses of sand and sky.

I wish more than anything you were with me. This morning I woke up to the sound of animals. Animal sounds are a constant here so when I say I woke up to the sound of animals it means a large number of animals.

I saw a caravan traveling on camelback. They were herding thousands of goats. I don't know if they were migrating for trade, or on to better pastures for their livestock. It was an unforgettable sight.

I should hear today about travel arrangements home. I am very excited. I love you to the moon baby!



January 26, 2024


I have installed solar at 5 schools. Can you believe it? AND...My replacement is coming. I am so excited to see you baby it has been so long. I hope you can recognize me. I am very tan. I am going to grab you in my arms and never let you go, baby. Soon, I will be with you. Very soon.

I love you so much.



February 7, 2024


My little Nhu Kitten. My replacement arrives tomorrow. I need to do a little training and hand off my work and then I am coming home. I can't wait to see you, baby. Every minute is an hour. How am I supposed to sleep knowing that in the next week, I will be with you?

Are you ready for your alpha?

I love you my little kitten. Love you so much.



February 9, 2024

Mama Kitten,

I got your letter. I am already on my way. Your alpha is coming home. Don't worry about anything baby. I will take care of you and Strawberry. Everything is going to be okay.

Am I really going to be a father? OMG.

You said you loved me!

Gotta go Mommy Nhu. I am going to break the speed of light to be by your side.

Daddy Hia


Chapter 65: Zee POV Event February 13, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (77)

I am on the plane to Paris, and I just finished reading NuNew's emails. They were heartbreaking. Nhu uses humor to hide his pain, but I know him. I could tell he was troubled but did not want me to worry. After a while, he was so desperate that he dropped the humor, and his emails became pleas for help. I will never forgive myself for putting my omega and pup through so much pain and danger. All this time, Nhu thought I walked out on him, and he loved me despite that. I don't deserve it.

I try and shift in my cramped seat without waking the elderly woman sitting next to me. I feel like my nervous system is on fire. The urgency to get to my kitten is intense. I need to use this travel time well. I want to arrive with some answers. There is some devious sh*t going on and I need to get to the bottom of it. I have organized my thoughts into questions.

1. Who tampered with my email?

2. Why are my parents trying to get my baby?

3. Why are they trying to take Nhu to court?

4. What is Janis' role in this?

5. Can I trust my brother to tell me what's going on?

6. Why didn't EWB notify me?

I D.M. my friend Mark. His nickname is Hacker because he has the best computer skills in my friend group and works as an IT professional.

Zee: Hey. Need a favor.

Hacker: Dude, where the hell have you been?

Zee: I will tell you everything later. I have an emergency.

Hacker: You, okay?

Zee: Yeah, but my mate isn't.

Hacker: MATE?

Zee: Almost mate, I will tell you later.

Hacker: Alright, what do you need?

Zee: Someone has been tampering with my email. I need to know who.

Mark is on the case, next I need to feel out my brother, but before I do that, Mark wants me to check my social media accounts to see if the sabotage is everywhere or only isolated to my email. There should be some messages from Nhu on I.G. If they are still there then whoever is messing with my email does not have access to my social media accounts.

I log in and see the messages Nhu sent me before he figured out, I was in Mali. When he wrote the messages, he must have thought I had sex with him and then ghosted him. That all my words of love were lies so I could take his virginity. Waves of guilt make my eyes moist as I continue to realize how he has struggled without me.

Now is not the time for self-flagellation. I need to turn my regret into resolve. I will not let this continue. I will protect my omega and my pup.

Talking to my brother is always tricky. If you don't know what his motivation is, it is easy to be manipulated. I may be his brother, but in his eyes, we are all his pawns.

I decide to reach out and tell him I am coming home and see where the conversation leads me.

Zee: Hello, big brother. I am back online. Did you miss me?

Gun: I always miss my baby brother. How was Africa?

Zee: Living without technology is like experiencing an existential crisis. But a lot of people are better off because of our time there. At least I hope so.

Zee: How are things there? I hope Mom and Dad are not driving you crazy.

Gun: They have been extra lately.

Zee: Sorry, I abandoned you. You are welcome to join me in exile!

Gun: I may have no choice if they keep going at this rate.

Ah...here it is. I laid out the bait. Let's see what he does with it. If I am his ally he will complain and try and draw me into one of his Machiavellian plots. If he is neutral or I am the enemy, he will pretend like nothing is going on and complain about something incidental.

Gun: Is there anything you need to tell me?

He must be probing about Strawberry. He either wants to find out if I know about her or he wants to know if I will lie to him. Hmm...

Zee: Are you referring to the upcoming birth of my child? 😅

Gun: So, you know!

Zee: Just barely.

Gun: How are you?

Zee: Shocked but happy. I feel terrible that my omega has been pregnant without me all these months. I can't figure out why EWB did not tell me. I would have come home immediately.

Zee: My omega had a lot of health issues because I was gone. He almost died along with the baby.

Zee: So, you know about this? How do you know? What is going on?

There was no answer for a long time. Was he going to tell me the truth? Did I make a big mistake by telling him I was coming home? Would he tell my parents? All of this is spinning around in my mind as I wait for him to answer.

Gun: Short version, our parents interfered. It is too much to text. Call me when you land.

I want to press Gun for answers, but he is so mercurial, I don't want to irritate him and risk him changing his mind.

Zee: Okay. Thanks. I will call you when I land.

Next to contact is Mr. Patrickson at E.W.B. He should still be at work.

Zee: I made it onto the flight to Paris. Thank you for arranging everything for me.

Mr. Patrickson: Welcome back to the 21st century. LOL

Zee: Thanks. How long is my layover in Paris?

Mr. Patrickson: "5 hours."

Zee: Are there any flights that leave earlier? I need to get home ASAP.

Mr. Patrickson: Let me look.

While he looks, I start researching male omega pregnancies. I found articles about how omegas with a mating bite have stronger immune systems and better overall health. I narrow my search to, 'pregnant omegas no mating bite'.

"If the pregnant omega has not mated with their alpha and bears no mating bite, the risk to their pregnancy is higher than a mated omega. An unmated male omega has an even higher risk of losing their baby before full term without a mating bite. Since there is no danger to the omega and fetus, it is recommended that the alpha commence with the mating ritual and claim the pregnant omega."

7. Ask Dr. U about mating.

8. Ask Nhu about mating.

It is evening now, so Dr. and Mr. U. are not in the office. I don't have Nat's contact information. But I have Max.

Zee: Hey, on the plane to France. I will let you know what time I land. Can you come get me and take me to NuNew?

Max: Wuzzup! I am glad you are back. It has been a sh*tshow. I have a lot to tell you.

Zee: I want to hear it all but first I need a favor.

Max: Hit me.

Zee: I need to ask the U's a question about NuNew's pregnancy. Can you ask Nat to ask for me?

Max does not answer right away. I see the three dots appear and disappear again and again. Is he busy, or distracted?

Max: Let me try.

I go back to researching. NuNew is 19 weeks today. According to the pregnancy sites, Nhu is halfway through his pregnancy and in the second trimester. He will begin the third trimester in April...

I have 24 hours, give or take, to get caught up on what to expect when you are expecting.

Max: What do you want to ask?

Zee: Should I give NuNew the mating bite? Is it safe?

Mr. Patrickson: If you can make it, there is an earlier flight that leaves 30 minutes after you land. It looks like the flight you are on is on time. Same with your connection. Should I book it?

Zee: Yes.

Mr. Patrickson: Your luggage may not make the connection. Are you okay with that?

Zee: Yes, book it. I have air tags in the luggage so if we need to, I can locate them.

Mr. Patrickson: Hold on.

Max: Nat is asking. Let me fill you in on what happened while you were gone. Try and stay calm bro., okay?

Zee: Don't hold anything back!


What are my parents doing? Am I really their son? Only a sociopath would withhold care to an at-risk pregnant omega and their baby. Let alone their grandchild. I don't want to believe Max. If I do, I will lose my entire family. There is no going back from that.

I guess, I am shocked but not shocked. When I think back, my parents were not exactly loving, or attentive. But I thought they cared for me. In their way. They always seemed proud of me, but I never did anything to disappoint them; until I refused Janis. I was an alpha. I was a good student. I won awards. I did everything they asked of me.

I am beginning to think I don't know the first thing about what a family is.

I searched my feelings about what I wanted my family to be and see if they compared with my parent's version of family. I can't predict how I will be as a husband and father, but I have an idea of what I want. I know I want Nhu and Strawberry to be central to my life. I want love and affection to be a daily occurrence. And nothing should be more important than being well-adjusted and happy.

Did my parents ever feel that way too and somehow went awry? I don't think so. I don't remember being hugged and cuddled as a child or even told I was loved. At least not by them. If I think about it, my brother and I were raised by servants, even when my parents were home.

The only way my brother and I could get their attention was to get public recognition. They always made time to show up for that. Top 3 academically in my district. Winning national championships in sports. Graduating with distinctions. Getting recruited by the best universities.

The sad thing is, I did not know my childhood was abnormal because it was the same with everyone I knew. Some of my friends had it even worse. At least I wasn't sent off to boarding school and could share the same house with my parents when they were in town.

All this time I had confused pride with love. It's no wonder I don't have a normal sense of family.

It wasn't until I went to college and met people outside my social and economic bracket, that I saw the truth. NuNew's family was the first time I saw what a typical family was like. Nhu's mom and dad were at home with him every day and involved in every aspect of his life. They were all very affectionate and seemed to love each other imperfections and all. Instead of furthering his parent's interests, NuNew was encouraged to choose interests that made, him happy. He was loved.

Whenever I went to his house I felt like an alien. I did not know what to do or how to act. Nhu's parents were very warm and extended their care to me. They seemed to want nothing from me, other than to be kind to their son. I was like a starving man looking through the window of a restaurant watching everybody eat without a care. I wanted what Nhu had. I wanted what most families in the world had, love...

My spiral into self-pity was interrupted by the elderly woman next to me.

"Son, your mind is whirling like a sandstorm."

I met her kind eyes and thought, this is someone worth listening to.

Folds of skin concealed most of her eyes, and she had dark brown skin that looked like an aerial view of a mountain range. She looked well cared for in her embroidered colorful pagnes with a matching tunic and head scarf. And she had an aura of wisdom about her. If you could imagine what a wise old shaman looked like, this woman would be what you saw in your mind. I had forgotten all about her. Did I jostle her awake?

"Did I wake you, Ma'am?"

"How can anyone sleep next to a sandstorm?"

She smiled and winked to show she was teasing. I took a deep breath. I do not doubt that I am giving off some intense energy.

"I'm sorry...I...", I say, I am at a loss for words.

"' What the old can see sitting, the young do not see it standing'. Tell Aunty your troubles."

My first instinct was to not bother her. We were taught never to discuss family business with outsiders. But I needed counsel. By far, this is the biggest problem I have ever faced. But how to start? How do I say, my family betrayed me and tried to hurt my omega and unborn child?

She patted my hand with her warm one and I felt something release inside me. I started speaking.

"I have come back from traveling in the Sahara after four months to discover I am going to be a father."

I stopped, overcome with emotions.

"Congratulations.", she says.

I think I must be radiating like the sun because the idea of Strawberry is such a joy to me.

"Thank you."

We both have wet eyes. I am at the beginning of my journey, and she is remembering hers.

"My mate has been without his alpha for all this time and became very ill. He was desperate to reach me. When my parents found out, they blocked him from contacting me and demanded he give his unborn child to them. If he did that, they would notify me in time to save him and the pup."

"Without me, my omega was dying, and with him so was my unborn child."

The woman's eyes were closed, and her chin rested on her chest.

"I think even my eldest brother was helping them. I don't know why they would do something so cruel to their kin. But I am ashamed to say I am not completely surprised.", I said.

My voice is barely above a whisper and heavy with unshed tears. I can't believe I am telling a stranger something so personal, but it feels good.

"' Misfortune has an advantage; it will allow you to know your true friends'. Or in your case family."

I understand what she is saying, but there is a part of me that wishes I could have gone my entire life without knowing my parents were capable of such evil. I could have preserved the illusion I was a beloved child and not a pawn to further their pride. Realizing your parents did not love you makes you rewrite your entire life.

"My mate had to accept my cousin as an alpha to get the pheromones he needed so he could survive and keep our unborn child. I am deeply ashamed I was not there for him. And what my family did...it feels like I am grieving their death."

The woman's head was still down, as she listened.

"If not for my omega's family and our friends, my omega would have been forced to give up our child."

"What affects the child is not the case for just the one."


"What affects the child is not the case for just the one. It means that the problem of a child is the problem of the entire community. It is an old Malian proverb. Your community stood in for you to protect your omega. You are never alone, remember that."

I nod to show I understand. My family may have disappointed me, but my community rallied to our aid. I could almost feel their arms around the three of us, shielding us.

"I don't know how to face my community. How could I have been so ignorant? I refused the bride my parents selected for me. I defied them because I already had someone in my heart. So, they disowned me. I thought I had paid the price for disappointing them, so I did not prepare or protect NuNew before I left."

"'A deaf man may not have heard the thunder, but he surely will see the rain.' It is not too late child to do the right thing. I can see that you are rushing back home as soon as you have news. As long as you care for and protect your mate going forward, you have acted with honor."

"What will you do about your family?", she asked.

"I don't know. I would like to focus on the pregnancy and the health of my omega and pup, but I don't think I can do that. Whatever their reason for trying to take my child will still be there. They are not going to stop, so I have to deal with them."

"I plan to protect my family and discover what my parents are up to. Then I will act.", I say.

"Family should be at the heart of everything. Don't be so quick to dismiss your parents from your life. They gave you your existence and raised you until now. It is not too late for them to learn. With this new life coming into your family there is hope for change.", she says.

"I am too angry right now to decide. But I understand what you are saying. Always leave away for them to be a part of my life."

"Life is like a ballet performance — danced only once. Make your decisions carefully young man. Don't let your alpha decide. Make sure you are calm and rational. You only have this one chance at life. There are no second chances.", she says.

She lifted her chin from her chest and messaged her forehead with her hand.

"This old aunty is tired and needs a nap. When you are as old as Aunty, you tire easily.

She patted my hand again.

"Sleep well, Aunty. I will watch over you while you sleep.", I say.


Mr. Patrickson: You are all booked for the earlier flight. Anything else I can do for you?

Zee: Yes, I want to find out why I was not notified earlier about the pregnancy. Did anyone contact you?

Mr. Patrickson: Yes, I was contacted on January 12 by Mr. Perdperiyawong. He asked me to contact you, but his name was not on the list. At the time he did not tell me who he was calling about."

Mr. Patrickson: "I advised him of the emergency process for those whose names are not on the list. At that time, he did not divulge what the emergency was. He did ask who was on the list and I told him the list was confidential.

Mr. Patrickson: The next time I heard from him, his son was in the hospital, and I was told you were expecting. Mr. Perdperiyawong began the emergency process.

Zee: What happened? I found out because they got a handwritten letter to me. Why wasn't I notified by EWB? It has been a month since they made their request.

Mr. Patrickson: I checked on the status of the request daily. It is still being processed.

Zee: Are you kidding me? Do you know that I almost lost my future mate and child? After all, I did for EWB is this the best answer you can give me? I should have never been in Mali, but I did you a huge favor. Not only did I rearrange my personal and business life, with less than one day's notice, I stayed on an additional 3 months. I gave up 4 months of my life and you could not get an emergency contact request through for someone who was my emergency contact? What is the point of having an emergency contact?

There was a delay in the response. I remembered what my aunty told me about staying calm. I looked at her slumbering in the seat next to me and pulled up the blanket that had slipped into her lap.

Mr. Patrickson: My apologies, Sir. How can I assist you? What would you like to do?

I was just about to respond when I received a text from a blocked number.

Unknown: I can't answer your questions on my work IM.

Is that Mr. Patrickson texting me from an unknown number? That clever fox.

Zee: Can you please tell me what happened?

Unknown: Your parents blocked the emergency request.

Zee: Their name was not even on my emergency contact list. How did this happen that the person who was on the list could not get through to me, and people who were not seized control?

Unknown: My guess is they know somebody important.

Unknown: I also suspect, they delayed your coming home by a month or more. Lopez's date to leave for Mali kept getting moved. He finally committed to joining the team in early January, but suddenly things were delayed. This occurred around the same time that your parents 'seized control.'

I am vibrating in rage. The more I know the worse it is. How widespread is this collusion to keep me and NuNew apart? I am so furious I feel reckless. But I glance at my aunty sleeping next to me and recall her words.

'Life is like a ballet performance — danced only once. Make your decisions carefully young man. Don't let your alpha decide. Make sure you are calm and rational. You only have this one chance at life. There are no second chances.'

I take a calming breath.

Zee: I don't want to let the EWB get away with this. What was done to me is an abuse of power. What are my options?


I have not heard back from Mark yet, but I am itching to get answers. I do a little digging on my own. Surely there is a way someone who knows nothing about technology can check if their email has been compromised. After a web search I discovered if I go under the security tab in my email account, I can see locations of logins. The last email I sent was to NuNew in October. Any other login during the four months after that should be my culprit.

I follow the step-by-step directions and find the login location page. The location information available is very general. I can see country and province/state, but no more detail than that. But it's enough to figure out who did this.

The first thing, I do is to check if there were any logins after I went to Mali. Yes, there are. Several. It looks like someone checked almost daily. Where was this person when they checked? At first, it was the same location as my hometown, but then the login location changed to Korea.

That f*cking bitch!

I would bet my life that Janis recalled and deleted my email to NuNew and then deleted any emails NuNew sent to me. I will have to wait for confirmation from Mark. He will have details like who and where, but as far as I am concerned, what I found was enough. Over the years Janis could have easily figured out my password.

Realization hit me. Janis is in cahoots with my parents. This means they may have known about NuNew's pregnancy early on. I look back through the emails Nhu resent me. The first email was on December 9. Did Janis tell them about Strawberry as early as December?

Why would Janis do this? What is in it for her? Is it still about marrying me? Did she see Nhu as an obstacle? Of course, she would. She always suspected my feelings for Nhu. Janis must have panicked when she saw my heartfelt email to Nhu. So, she deleted it to make Nhu hate me.

Okay, that is pretty crappy, but I can see that happening.

Janis must have continued to check my email and would have come across NuNew's email about the pregnancy. She knows I would mate and marry him if I found out he was pregnant with my baby. Dealing with a pregnancy would be out of her league. I bet that is when she involved my parents and invited pure evil into NuNew's life.


Max: I have an answer for you.

Zee: Hit me!

Max: Dr. U strongly recommends completing the mating ritual and exchanging mating bites. I will copy and paste this bit.

Max: 'A mating bite in general improves the overall health of an omega. Even more so with a pregnant omega. We always recommend unmated expecting parents to exchange mating bites to improve the success of the development of the fetus and the health of the mother. If NuNew had been mated, he probably would not have rejected the hormone therapy, and his symptoms would have been milder.'

Max: 'I recommend completing the mating ritual if NuNew will agree. I will set up an appointment with NuNew for all of us to discuss.'

Zee: Thanks!

Zee: I am coming on the earlier flight! I will email you the details.

Max: The sooner you get here the better.

Zee: Gotta go. I am landing in Paris. I have 30 minutes to run to my connecting flight. Wish me luck. If all goes well, I will be home in 12 hours.

Zee: Hey baby.

Nhu: Zeeeeeee!

OMG, he is so cute.

Zee: Did I wake you?

Nhu: No.

Zee: What are you doing up so late?

Nhu: I was sleeping, but I had the phone next to me just in case.

Zee: Naughty Kitten.

Nhu: I like Kitten, that is cute.

Zee: I am landing. I got an earlier flight. Can you believe we will see each other in 13 hours?

Nhu: I am ready for you, alpha.

I don't know why, but I find it so sexy when he calls me alpha. My body heats up.

Zee: I am sorry I was not with you until now.

Nhu: Don't worry about it, you are coming. That is all that matters.

Zee: Don't regret it. When I get there, I am not letting you out of my sight ever again.

Nhu: Silly, that's not possible.

Zee: Don't challenge me. 😉 How are you, Kitten? How is Strawberry?

Nhu: We are excited to see you. How about you Teerak?

Zee: I am anxious to get to you.

Nhu: We are safe and surrounded by people who care about us. Try and sleep baby. Make your connection and rest. You will be here before you know it.

Zee: I love you.


Zee: 🥺 Where is my love?

Nhu: You will get it when you get here. 😋

I heard the announcement to turn off all phones and bring chairs to the upright position.

Zee: I am landing now. I will see you soon. Go to sleep, Kitten. You are going to need your energy tomorrow. Message me anytime you want. Tell me if you need anything or if something happens. Nothing is too small. Promise me.

Nhu: I promise. XOXO


Pagnes: Traditional wrap skirts

Mali Proverb: What the old can see sitting, the young do not see it standing' = Elders know more about life because they have experience.

Mali Proverb: Misfortune has an advantage; it will allow you to know your true friends. = When you have problems, the friends who stay and help are your true friends.

Mali Proverb: What affects the child is not the case for just the one.= Care of children is the responsibility of the community.

Mali Proverb: A deaf man may not have heard the thunder, but he surely will see the rain. = Just because you are different does not mean you will not be able to see and understand. In this case, I meant it to be interpreted as you may have missed your mate's cries for help, but you did not fail to recognize the problem.

Mali Proverb: Life is like a ballet performance — danced only once. = You only get one chance at life.

Chapter 66: Zee POV Event February 14, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (78)

The plane has landed and I'm the first person out of my seat. It has taken me 72 hours of traveling to get here, but I am finally home. During the flight, I slept. I would not say I was well rested; I have crossed 8 time zones and jet lag has me in its clutches, but I don't care. I am an hour away from seeing Nhu.

Not much happened on this last flight. I did hear from Mark, and he confirmed that Janis had, tampered with my email. She had been logging on to my account for years. All compassion I had for that wretched beta withered away in the last 24 hours. I am thoroughly disgusted by her behavior. I feel like I dodged a bullet. She could have been my wife. The thought makes me shudder.

I messed around on social media to see what everyone has been up to. Okay, I was mostly looking at Nhu's timeline. While I was scrolling, I noticed a grassroots campaign. It caught my eye because I saw my surname in big letters. It looks like they are going after my dad and his company.

They say they have evidence of fraud and dangerous working conditions. This is nothing new. Over the years several groups have risen to expose and protest my father's shady business practices. I almost started scrolling again but the words omega, and unborn child caught my eye.

Somehow this group got a hold of the information about my parent's extortion attempts to get Strawberry. There was a recording. I listened to it. It was my dad.

When you are told that someone you love has done something awful, you tend to imagine it in the softest light. Hearing it for yourself; let's just say It was shocking. My feelings about my family are complicated right now. I don't think the reality of what they have done has fully sunk in.

I need time to process what has happened and get more information before I meet with my parents. Whether I confront them directly, or through an attorney depends upon what I find out. It may be easy to bully an omega, but not an alpha. In this society, the law favors the alpha.

While I stand and wait for the plane to dock and the doors to open, I check my air tag to see where my luggage is and laugh. It is still in Paris. Good, I don't have to waste any time going to baggage claim and I am now less than an hour away from seeing Nhu. I am so excited I can barely contain my temper with the passengers ahead of me.

Finally, I step off the plane and race through the terminals to the street. Max is waiting for me at the curb. I jump into the car and immediately smell Nhu mixed with another alpha's pheromones and tense up. The scent is coming from Film who is in the back seat.

"I figured I would let you get this out of your system before you see NuNew.", Film says.

I am doing my best to hold back a growl because I am grateful, beyond grateful, for Film's help. But I can't help how the alpha in me reacts to smelling my omega all over another alpha. I thought I was prepared for this. All delusions of preparedness are shattered when a large rumbling growl erupts from my chest.

"Aww. He is saying thank you Film." Says Max.

Both Film and Max are laughing.

"You owe me fifty dollars.", says Film.

My growl intensifies. My own cousin bet against me.

Film had the right idea. It was a difficult drive to NuNew's house, but I gained control of my emotions. Well done, Film! I looked at the amazing people I had in my life and felt gratitude.

"Thank you, both of you. I will never forget this.", I say.

They both wave me off and protest, but they know I mean it.

"Anything happen while I was on the plane?", I ask.

"Only NuNew driving everyone crazy getting ready for you.", Film says.

I can't wait to see him.

"Where is he? All I know is he is not at his parent's house.", I say.

"We are about 15 minutes away. He is in a little house off Canyon Road. We hid him there to keep your parents away, but they found us not long ago."

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, there is a restraining order against your parents. They can't come within 100 yards of NuNew and Strawberry. Unfortunately, that did not stop Gun or Janis from stopping by. They were not included in the order.", Max says.

"sh*t.", I say.

Restraining order? That is serious. Before I can ask any questions Max's phone rings. He hands his phone to me because he is driving.

"Who is it?", he asks.

The screen says NuNew's Mom.

"It's Nhu's mom."

Max looks sharply at me. I pick up the phone.

"Max, there are men here at the house. They are after NuNew.", whispers Mrs. Perdperiyawong.

"Mrs. Perdperiyawong, it's me, Zee. Where is NuNew?"

"He is right next to me- Hold on...", says Mrs. Perdperiyawong.

"Max it's NuNew."

"It's Hia baby. Tell me what is happening."

"Hia! They have my dad surrounded. I think they are going to hurt him."

"Where are you right now?"

"In the house. We are watching through the window."

I relay this to Max and Film who tell me to tell Nhu to go hide in the woods.

"Nhu, I want you to go out the backdoor with your mom and go hide in the woods.", I say.

"Can't Hia. I am not leaving Dad.", Nhu says.


My pregnant mate is somewhere in the woods being hunted by thugs, and Mr. Perdperiyawong is all alone trying to hold off the rest. And where am I? Not where I should be, protecting my mate. No, I am stuck in a car, miles away.

My hands are tingling and I feel like a tightly wound spring. The tension in my body is building. I need to find Nhu, or I am going to lose what little control I have.

"Park here, and we can go on foot the rest of the way.", Film says.

The car stops moving and we all jump out of the car. I am ready to run to Nhu's rescue, but I don't know the way. It feels like Max and Film are moving too slowly, even though they are jogging alongside me. We turn up a narrow road. It's steep. I want to keep running but Max stops me.

"Slow down. Do you think these guys are going to give us time to catch our breath?"

I am warring with my anxiety. I need to get to Nhu. I have no idea if he is alright. Panic looms over me like the oppressive thunderhead that appears before the storm.

"Please be alright. Please be alright.", I think, over and over in a desperate mantra.

We are close to the house now. We can hear someone barking commands. It is Mr. Perdperiyawong.

My phone buzzes in my pocket. I look. It could be NuNew.

Nhu: "We are hiding in some bushes. We are safe."

Zee: "We are here. We parked down the road and are almost at the house."

Zee: "Do not move until you hear me calling for you."

Nhu: "Please be careful."

Zee: "You will be in my arms in no time at all."

I am determined now. Knowing Nhu is safe has given me wings. I am ready to fight. We creep up to the mouth of the driveway and we see three men with their legs apart and arms splayed out on the hood of a car. Mr. Perdperiyawong has a shotgun and is yelling from the porch.

"Get your guy back here.", Mr. P. says.

"Our phones are in the car.", says the thug.

"You better pray he can hear you shouting then.", Mr. P. says.

"Oi, Davis, we need to go. Come back. Can you hear me?", the thug yells.

We hear nothing. The thug yells again.

"We are leaving. Come back now before the cops come. The old man has a shotgun."

The three of us look at each other. No one knows we are here. I point at myself and Max and point to the woods. Film nods and stays crouched. We silently creep through the trees trying our best not to make noise, but we are big alphas. The thug that is hiding in the woods will probably hear us coming.

Somehow luck is on our side because we see a large man parallel to the house watching the scene of Mr. Perdperiyawong and the three thugs. He is so intent that he does not hear us.

Of the two of us, Max is stealthier, so he creeps above and around the thug. I stalk closer. The man hears me and looks in my direction. To cover up the sound of Max, I run towards him like I am going to tackle him. The thug prepares for a fight when suddenly Max tackles him from behind.


The cops have arrived and are taking the four men away.

"Where is my wife and NuNew?", asks Mr. Perdperiyawong.

"They say they are safe. They are waiting for me to give the all-clear. I am going to get them.", I say.

"I am coming with you.", he says.

I text NuNew.

Zee: "All clear. I am coming to get you. Come out when you hear me?"

I start at the back of the house and walk into the woods with NuNew's dad.

"They probably went that way.", Mr. P says.



I hear a faint call. I start running in that direction and call out. My heart is hammering in my chest. We are moments away from reuniting.


I hear Nhu and Mrs. P. running through the debris in the forest somewhere ahead of me, but I cannot see NuNew. I pick up speed leaving Mr. Perdperiyawong behind me. I can't help it. I have been longing for this moment for so long.


I see NuNew and his mom. Our eyes lock and he lets go of his mom's hand and starts running toward me. He looks so round and cute and pregnant...PREGNANT...No running.

"Don't run!", I yell.

But there is no stopping my kitten. He jumps into my arms, and I hold him and Strawberry to my chest. I gently put him down. I am frantic to make sure he is okay. I try and hold him at arm's length, but he is not having it and winds his arms around my neck. He steps on his tiptoes and brushes his lips to mine. I freeze, letting him smell me and nuzzle me. I can smell Film all over him, but I have my emotions under control, thanks to Film.

NuNew nuzzles his face into my scent gland, and I explode coating him in pheromones. He is purring and nuzzling, stimulating more pheromones. Instead of the usual ecstasy, I feel when he stimulates my gland, I feel deeply satisfied and contented.

I slide my hands down Nhu's body and find Strawberry and rub slow gentle circles into Nhu's abdomen. I begin cooing to my omega and pup. I am still leaking pheromones like a fire hydrant and Nhu is happily bathing in them. Then he releases his. They are sweeter than before. Ah, here it is, that familiar ecstasy.

"MINE!", I growl.

"My Omega."

NuNew stops his nuzzling to say.

"My Alpha."

I pick him up in my arms. Heedless of anyone and everything and start walking toward the house. Nhu latches onto my scent gland with his lips and starts taking greedy gulps. My poor famished omega. He is starving for my pheromones.

In a jumble of lips and glands, and arms and legs we make it to his room. I smell Film but his scent is nothing but an afterthought. We fall onto the bed, and I hold my hungry purring kitten and let him feed. I feel so f*cking good. I feel complete. I moan into NuNew's hair as I satisfy my primal role as the mate of a pregnant omega. But something important is missing. I feel my canines elongate in preparation to mate, but we have not discussed mating, so I try and resist. I look at NuNew and his canines are ready and dripping too.

NuNew seems to come to his senses and with a groan detaches from my neck and examines my teeth. I let him explore my mouth and I delight in seeing him so close to me. God, I missed him. He looks perfect, but I also can see that his health is not what it should be. My poor pitiful omega. My heart swells with love and at the same time, it hurts.

I shake my head to clear my mind from its instinctual lustful haze and I begin to let my hands wander to Strawberry. I am trying to find the right words. I don't want NuNew to think that I am doing this because of Strawberry. Strawberry happened out of sequence, that is all. It has always been my intent to mate and marry Nhu, and then have Strawberry. Now I need to convince him of that. I never want him to doubt our love.

Chapter 67: Zee's POV Event February 14, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (79)

I turn my face away. If I don't, I will take him like a savage, then plunge my canines into the juncture between his neck and shoulder. I feel Nhu pulling away, which feels terrible but is probably a good thing right now.

"Baby, can we talk?", I ask.

Nhu does not respond to me, so I turn and look at him. He is holding Strawberry and won't meet my eyes. Oh sh*t, I forgot about how sensitive he must be.

I tickle his chin to make him look up at me and steal a kiss. Oh, that was dangerous. My entire body is quivering to mate and that kiss did not help matters.

NuNew gives me a little smile. I look around the room, looking for something to aid me, and see his nest. It has plushies, fuzzy pillows, soft blankets, and little objects that must mean something to Nhu.

"Do you want to cuddle in there? It looks cozy."

Compliment a pregnant omega's nest and you have a happy omega. Sure enough, I get a huge smile from Nhu. He looks at his nest and then at me as if deciding something. Probably if I am allowed in. I hold my breath. I know it is a big deal to be invited to an omegas nest.


Nhu leads me to a specific spot and curls up with me. It really is nice in here and I tell him so, earning another brilliant smile that takes my breath away.

"Baby, I want to talk to you about mating."

Nhu nods at me his expression is unreadable. I need to tread carefully.

"The night we reunited and made Strawberry; I meant what I said. I want to court you with the hope of becoming your forever mate. I still feel the same way, but we seem to have done things out of order."

I sense a little smile tug at my lips, but I feel uncertain. I hope NuNew does not misread my nervousness as something negative. I am essentially proposing to him. To help me calm down I stroke Strawberry and smile. I get a cute little smile from Nhu with a flash of a dimple on his right cheek. How am I supposed to focus when he is so cute?

"I don't know about you, but I am dying to mate with you. Part of it is you are carrying my child, but I know what it feels like when I want something that is purely instinctual. It lacks depth. It lacks the feeling of love. Mating with you is something I want. I have dreamed of it for years. I want it because I love you."

Nhu is playing with a well-loved plushy that looks like a cat. He looks up at me with the most boba-looking eyes I have ever seen in my life, and it makes me want to bite his plump little cheeks and cover him with kisses. Geez, I need to concentrate, or I am going to have to say this facing the wall.

"I asked Dr. U about it, and she says it is a very good idea. Did she call you to set up an appointment?", I ask.

Nhu nods his head and blushes.

"Have you thought about it?"

Before Nhu could answer I smell his arousal and see his face turn bright red as he squirms. I turn to face the wall.

"Nhu.", I groan.

"I need a second, so I don't lose control.", I say.

We both sat there panting trying to reign in our desires. He is 19 weeks pregnant and all I can think about is plunging into his slick. What is wrong with me?

"What do you think about it?", I ask.

"Hmm? Think about what?", he says.

"About us mating.", I ask.

At first, Nhu does not answer. Curious, I turn around. He is hugging his cat and staring off into space. Just when I begin to repeat my question he answers.

"I want to, with all my heart. Not just because of the baby, but because of how I feel about you.", NuNew says.

Pausing, Nhu takes a deep breath.

"I am worried you will think I am doing it because of Strawberry, but l too, have wanted you for years. I don't ever want you to doubt that."

Nhu took the words right out of my mouth.

My next question is how to do it without hurting the baby. Nhu has the same idea because he picks up the phone and makes a call then puts the phone on speaker. I look at who he is dialing, in the middle of this important conversation, and I see Dr. U.'s name on the screen. I start to grin, which makes Nhu grin. I look at my horny pregnant omega who then winks at me. I face the wall again. OMG.

"NuNew, is everything okay?", Mr. U answers.

"We are fine. I have Zee with me. You are on speaker.",

"Hello Zee, welcome home. We are all happy you are back. Let me put you on speaker too."

"Hello Mr. U. I am going to be a father!"

I blurt this out like an excited kid and Dr. and Mr. U laugh.

"Yes, we are well aware. What can we do for the two of you?", Dr. U. says.

"We were wondering if it is safe for us to mate?", NuNew asks.

I raise my eyebrows at Nhu. Pregnancy has made him bold. I think I like it.

"It is perfectly safe NuNew, in fact, I highly recommend it. It increases the likelihood of a successful birth. Especially for male omegas.", Dr. U. says.

"But what about...um...you know...", NuNew asks.

"Sex? You can say the word sweetie. Sex is not a dirty word. It is very natural.", says Dr. U.

"What about...sex? Won't that hurt Strawberry?", Nhu asks.

"Not at all. Typically, pregnant male omegas find they have an easier time with sex than normal. It has to do with your body preparing the birth canal for birth. Some couples say they had the best sex of their life during their pregnancies."

Nhu and I stare at each other. I am throbbing so much it is painful. Especially when I see Nhu's pants stained with slick. I think if the U's were not on the phone we would have attacked each other.

"Okay thank you. We will talk to you-. ", Nhu says.

"Hold on, one more thing.", Mr. U says.

It sounds like he is holding back laughter when he speaks. When he speaks again, he is serious.

"If anything hurts more than normal, stop. If there is blood, stop. If you feel contractions, stop. Okay?"


Suddenly, the kitty plushy is chucked into the air, and NuNew pounces while I try and hang up the phone.

Chapter 68: NuNew's POV EVENT February 14, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (80)

ADULT CONTENT!!! Not appropriate for those under 18, or anyone who does not want to be exposed to sexual acts. If you want to skip the sex, then I will summarize. They made love and then completed their mating bites. Oh, and NuNew says I love you for the first time and Zee says it back. Hee hee hee.

I am more animal than anything else right now as my body takes what it needs from Zee. I keep losing myself as instinct does what my body needs, but I am in there. It was me who gave him the kiss when I first saw him in the woods. It was the omega who attached himself to Zee's gland and drank from him like a sippy cup.

As soon as we got the go-ahead from Dr. U, we wasted no time. I leaped onto Zee, pregnant belly and all. And he met me with the same level of intensity and crushed his lips to mine. Hungry, and demanding, I opened my everything to him and he drank it all in like a man who was dying of thirst in the desert. We didn't even get all our clothes off, just the necessary bits.

I had to be connected to him. Like my life depended on it. I was burning up with desire and love. I wanted to offer myself as his omega and take him, as my alpha.

And about what Dr. U. said, Zee barely had to do anything to get me ready. To be honest, the time he spent prepping me was more about him enjoying the taste of my sweet slick and giving me oral pleasure. Until I couldn't take it anymore.

When we were ready, there was no teasing or delaying of gratification, he simply sat against the headboard and pulled me on his lap facing him. My pregnant belly, between us. Then he kissed me running his hands covered in my slick, up and down my body, making everything very erotic.

This man. This alpha. My Hia, I love him. I touch his face with my fingers as he looks up at me. He looks so vulnerable; so beautiful. I want to look at this face for the rest of my life.

"I love you, Zee. I love you so very much.", I say.

Zee draws me as close as he can and kisses my forehead as we tremble together with the intensity of our feelings.

"I love you too, Teerak. I have loved you for so long baby. I can't believe you are mine."

We kiss, mouths open, tongues straining, probing as deep as they can go. I feel his length below me, and I rock my hips, grinding mine into his, enjoying the power of having him enthralled below me. Then everything lines up and I slide down his shaft to the hilt. I feel so full. So amazingly stuffed full of Zee that when he moans into my mouth, everything I have built up inside releases in a torrent of pleasure that leaves me limp against his chest and gasping.

"Baby, you are so f*cking sexy. You make me feel like a king when you come for me like that.", Zee says.

While I recuperate, Zee rubs my slick up and down my body, sometimes licking his fingers for a little taste. He idly begins to nuzzle my scent gland. Increasing the pressure slowly. Until I release an embarrassing amount of pheromones. The waves of my scent make his eyes roll back into his head and his fangs extend, dripping with the mating chemicals that will create our bond. Overcome, he buries his face into the crook of my neck and shoulders and starts to lick and nibble.

My fangs extend in response to their full length. I taste the bitter tang of hormones. I lean forward and begin to lick his neck and shoulder. I use the length of my fangs to rub my secretions into the spot I want to bite.

He takes my hips, moves me up his shaft, and then guides me back down until we are flush. It is un(f*cking)believable. The sounds we make are so lewd. Everything Zee does the rubbing, the moaning. His beautiful co*ck that makes my insides throb with his moving and thrusting. His hot mouth that sucks and nips my neck. All of it is ramping me up with desire while we move in unison, like dancers made by heaven to fit together.

He bit first. I had no warning. One minute he is thrusting and mouthing me. The next, I feel a sharp sting. I strike in return, fast, like a cobra. Each of us pumps our unique co*cktail of hormones and chemicals into each other's bodies.

We remain latched to each other until the glands that store the mating co*cktail are depleted. Then we move together in a frenzy.

What followed was a feeling of pleasure that eclipsed anything I could ever imagine. I org*smed so many times that my consciousness left my body. Then everything went black.

I woke up still attached to his neck. Had I been unconscious for seconds...minutes...?

With a pop, I slide my fangs out of his neck. I begin to excrete healing hormones into my saliva. I lick his wound, and the bleeding stops. He follows my lead. Each of us tending to the other. All the while he is lazily moving inside me.

Suddenly, he flips me onto my back. I feel a tickle of a feeling in my mind. Arousal that is carnal and overpowering. It feels foreign and more aggressive than anything I have ever felt. My eyes widen as I look at his grinning face. It is him. These are his emotions I am sensing. I giggle and then gasp as he hoists my legs to his shoulders.

He is ready for more.

Chapter 69: Zee's POV Mating 101

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (81)

Nothing in the world can prepare you for the mating ritual or what comes after. All I can say is that during the most intense, loving, mind-blowing sex you have ever had, you bite each other, cum your brains out, and suddenly your senses explode.

The way people talk about the link that forms between mated couples makes it seem like it seamlessly integrates into your brain and now you have this beautiful bond.

Cue: Fairy wand magic music.

It was nothing like that for me and NuNew.

Imagine getting the emotional and sensory input of another human shoved into your brain.

My brain short-circuited.

NuNew's too.

It's not like I can feel every neuron fire in Nhu's brain. It is more like having an extra layer of vague emotions and sensory information that my brain needs to organize, in addition to my own.

Normally the brain uses your 5 senses, and some internal signals and makes decisions about what you need to know. Like the hum of lights.

Brain says, that is unnecessary for my survival and it's kind of annoying. Let's not send that light-humming sound into Zee's consciousness. But that burning sensation in his mouth, send that to Zee with a high priority?

"Ouch, that soup was hot."

My brain has been processing my sensory information my entire life and is a pro. Now that I am receiving NuNew's feelings, my brain is overloaded. I can't even tell when I am hungry. Am I the one who is hungry, or is it NuNew?

Probably Nhu, which is like always.

NuNew's parents told us our brains will learn to handle it. But in the beginning, it is very disorienting. That is why newly mated couples isolate. I always thought it was about sex, but now I have to agree with the Perdperiyawongs. I think it is mostly because they are trying to sort out where one person begins and the other ends.

I'll be honest though. The sex is fan(f*cking)tastic.

See! When have ever inserted f*cking in between words to add emphasis. That is all Nhu.

"NuNew get out of my head."

Chapter 70: Zee's POV Event February 16, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (82)

When we finally came up for air, we found the house was empty of all inhabitants except us. Once Nhu figured out everyone was gone, he turned bright red and shoved his face into my neck. Then he got distracted. Which in turn made me distracted. When he began snuffling and licking my scent gland...let's just say there was more sex.

Somehow the two of us ended up on the kitchen floor wrapped up in a large fuzzy blanket and spooning. I was rubbing circles on Nhu's pregnant belly. We were discussing names for Strawberry. So far every suggestion had been vetoed.

"What about Star?", I say.

I am thinking about the nights I spent looking at the stars thinking of Kitten. I know from Nhu's emails that he did too. What can I say, I am happy and when I am happy, I am a romantic sap. Or is that Kitten's influence? I can't tell, and I don't care. Happy is happy.

Nhu draws in a breath, and I hear him sniffle a little. I feel warm and wiggly. Is that a tear?

"Strawberry, do you like that name? Star. Kick if you like it.", Nhu says.

I stop rubbing and we both hold our breath and wait. We both feel a little pop, pop, pop drumming on Nhu's abdomen. Nhu sits up and looks at me. The blanket slides down a slender shoulder and I forget all about Strawberry.

That gets me a faen slap.

"Focus!", Nhu says.

His little brows are pushed together, and he has the cutest little pout. My heart fills up and before I know it, I mouth his cheek pretending to bite.

"Aow. Hia."

Nhu begins to whine, and I interrupt his whine with a peck on the mouth, then the cheek, nose, eye, mouth, cheek, forehead. Until my kitten is laughing hysterically.

"Pop. Pop. Pop."

Strawberry wants to play too.

Am I allowed to be this happy? I wrap my arms around Nhu bury my nose in the back of his sweaty head and inhale. I feel so relaxed. I should probably find a way to bottle Nhu's scent. We would make millions. I can see the headlines.

'Cure for depression found.'

'Panic attacks are a thing of the past.'

'World peace in a tiny bottle.'

The only problem is I would have to kill anyone who smelled my kitten. I snuggle into Nhu again and inhale. This is all for me. Mine.


Hunger is what finally breaks the cycle of sex, cuddle, sex, cuddle, sleep, sex, sex, cuddle. We had already, eaten a leftover casserole, and anything else that could be cooked in under 5 minutes. All that is left are eggs and vegetables. We feasted on cooked carrots and scrambled eggs.

Nhu knows how to cook, but he has been thoroughly spoiled while I have been gone. I have been teasing him endlessly about it. But the truth is there is no way I would let him go near a flame right now. I would feed him every mouthful if he would let me. I can't help it. I am an alpha with a pregnant omega.

I have an omega.

I have a pregnant omega.


"What are you so happy about Hia?", Nhu asks.


That is when I found the note. It is addressed to both of us.

Dear Zee and NuNew

No parent should have to listen to the sounds of their child mating, so we have left for home. Kidding; not kidding. We are so happy you are reunited.

Film has gone home. Please make sure to do something incredible to thank him. Max says he will keep the Airbnb for as long as you want. We think the two of you should relocate to Hia's house. We would invite you to stay here, but please refer to the first paragraph.

And New, we will never get tired of this joke.

NuNew has his weekly appointment with Dr. U in two days. 2/16/24 at 3:00 P.M. I will meet you there.

There is a casserole in the freezer, you can heat it up for a quick nutritious meal.

We have left two empty suitcases to pack up NuNew. When you leave, there is a lockbox. Drop the key there after you lock up.

Boys, please be careful. We don't think that the problems we have been having with the Panichs (sorry Zee) are going to go away now that Zee is back. All the more reason to relocate.


New is stubborn. His health has been very poor. I am sure he is already on the mend now that you are here, but he has a way to go to get to full health. He needs to eat, hydrate, exercise, and rest. You can get a full set of care instructions from Dr. U. on the 16th. In the meantime, I have sent a login and temporary password to access his medical records, to your new email address.

We are here to help. If it is alright, we will be in your hair, helping you take care of our baby, our grandbaby, and the newest addition to the family, our new alpha baby.

We know you two will sort everything out. We are so happy to have you home.

Mom and Dad

P.S. Charawin, I better not hear that you are giving Zee a hard time.

P.S.S. Don't forget your prenatal vitamins, iron pills, and stool softeners.

My laughing caught Kittens' attention.

"What's so funny?"

Silently, I hand the note to Nhu and sit back to watch, and feel, the kaleidoscope of emotions play out on his face.

"Hia, what is the date today?", Nhu asks.

I sit up and run to the bedroom to find my phone.



Somehow, we managed to eat, pack, clean up the house, and get to Dr. U.'s office on time for our appointment. Mrs. P. was waiting for us.

"You made it on time. I was a little worried.", Mrs. Perdperiyawong says.

"Mom, we are not kids. Of course, we did. No problem, right Hia."

I couldn't answer because I was too busy choking on my own saliva from when I inhaled sharply after hearing the shocking lie Nhu just told his mom. She knew it was a lie because I had to call her, frantic, one hour ago because of a nest emergency.

Mrs. P. has moved NuNew's nest three times already. By this point, she is a pro at dealing with NuNew's antics. I on the other hand know nothing about a pregnant nesting omega. That is chapter 32 of the pregnancy book I am reading.

I will be sending the author a strongly worded letter suggesting 'Nesting' should be chapter 1.

It would be a kindness to say I was ill-prepared for what happened.

My first clue something was wrong was when I came into the bedroom and all the clothes I had carefully packed were unpacked. Two empty cases lay on the floor. NuNew was in the middle of his nest singing Eeny meeny miny moe, catch a tiger by his toe. While pointing at various fuzzy objects. There was some kind of complex decision-making happening that I could not fathom.

"Kitten, Honey, why did you unpack the suitcases?"


Kitten no longer; in his place was Wet Cat. The glare I got from Nhu made my blood run cold. Nhu went back to his decision tree and like a fool, I went and asked another question. In my defense, we had 30 minutes to leave the house if we were going to make the appointment on time.

"Baby, we need to leave the house in 30 minutes. Is there something I can help you with?"

What happened next is an alpha's worst nightmare. It started with a hollow silence. The singing had stopped, but so had Nhu. He was frozen in place. It probably only lasted a few seconds but felt like an eternity. I am mated to Nhu, so I could feel the building emotions. Except, I couldn't understand what I was feeling because the reaction I felt brewing did not match what my eyes were seeing.

"Waaaaahh. You don't love us anymore. You hate us. Waaaaahh."

The discarded kitty plushy was clutched once again in Nhu's arms, getting bathed in tears. I am horrified. Everything was going great. What happened? Are these pregnancy hormones? I heard pregnant omegas can be moody. I did the unthinkable. I stepped into the nest without permission. I was panicked, okay. All I wanted to do was hold Nhu and reassure him that I loved him and Strawberry. Rookie mistake.

The second my body crossed the line, my kitten growled. He growled at me. Like the sound you would imagine from a big cat in the wild. He was now a lioness protecting his den.

I froze in place. Something deeply instinctual warned me that I was in big trouble. I guess I did not move fast enough because Nhu lunged at me. All I could do was throw up my hands to protect my face. I have defensive wounds all over my arms. Let's just say I have never backed up so fast in my life.

When I made it out of the room I reached in blindly, found the doorknob, and pulled the door shut as fast as I could. Then I stood in the hall in disbelief as I heard NuNew hissing and growling from behind the door. With shaking hands, I pulled out my cell phone and called Mrs. P. She picked up right away. Wasting no time, I told her what happened.

"Oh dear. Do you know what you did wrong?"

"Kind of, I know I messed up when I stepped into his nest without permission. But the rest of it?"

I don't have to read chapter 32 anymore because in less than 5 minutes Mrs. P. taught me everything I needed to know. She even had a plan to calm NuNew down and get us out of there in time to make the appointment.

Essentially it involved a peace offering of something soft, and a distraction of food. I will need to replace the new fuzzy house slippers I found when I broke into the cabinet that said do not open. Sorry Airbnb person, it was an emergency.

Chapter 71: Zee's POV February, 16, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (83)

All the time I have lost. Every exam, hearing the heartbeat for the first time. Watching my daughter develop. Finding out I had, a daughter. Learning about how to be an alpha, and what it takes to take care of my pregnant omega. Every laugh, every tear, I have missed all of this. It all comes to a head when I am sitting in the examination room with NuNew, Dr. U, Mr. U., and Mrs. Perdperiyawong.

This is all routine for them. I am seeing it for the first time. I feel a deep sorrow welling up inside of me. I feel my lip tremble, so I dig my fingers into my palm to stop the emotions from showing up on my face. I don't want to make this about me.

I almost managed it until the sonogram. I am sitting next to Nhu, and we are both staring at a tiny screen. The image blurs in and out in black and white. Then, I see her. I see, my child. This is real. It is not a photo or a video. At this moment in time, I am seeing my daughter move.

The entire room erupts in gasps and coos. I burst into tears. Deep ragged, holding it in too long, sobs as I mourn all the time that was stolen from me; from us. For a moment the room is still, the only thing we can hear is the whoosh, whoosh, of Strawberry's heart, which drives the point home for me. Any hope of stopping is gone with the sound of my daughter's heartbeat.

I feel Nhu shift, and then I feel his little arms around me, and his hot tears splash on the back of my neck. I shift to put my head in his lap where I can hold him and Strawberry. I am fisting Nhu's examination gown as I cry into his lap.

Another set of arms goes around me, then another, and another. There is not a dry eye in the examination room as we all mourn the time that was stolen from me.

The moment passes. My tears suddenly dry up and I want to see more. I want to see my daughter. Somehow Dr. U. managed to hang onto the sonogram wand, and Strawberry is performing for us. She is kicking her feet. I feel a tiny pop, pop, where Strawberry is kicking me. Nhu gasps, and I begin to laugh. This must be contagious because soon the entire room is laughing and just like that, it is over. No more worrying about what I have missed, because we have so many firsts ahead of us.

"My darling boy, in the scheme of things, these few months will seem like nothing. You have thousands of firsts ahead of you.", Mrs. P said.

Mr. U. begins passing out tissues as we resume the examination.


Everyone is all smiles as we leave the OB-GYN. NuNew had the first positive visit in a long time. His blood work is looking much better. He is gaining weight. Best of all, Kitten is happy.

I get Nhu safely buckled into the passenger seat walk around the car and groan when I see the bags and suitcases haphazardly shoved into the backseat. I take my seat behind the wheel and triple check all my mirrors are clear, and that Nhu is buckled in with the seatbelt below his belly.

"You are not eating enough. You need to rest more. If Zee does not come back...blah blah blah. That is all I used to hear. Now that my alpha is here, everything is turning around and I am so happy, Hia.", Nhu says.

"You still need to eat well and rest, and take care of yourself, Kitten.", I say.

"Not you too."

Nhu whines as if I am adding insult to injury. My little drama king.

"You wanted me back; what did you think I was going to be like? I thought it was common knowledge that an alpha with a pregnant omega is the most overprotective creature on earth."

"Alphahole.", Nhu whispered.

"I am right next to you Nhu.", I say.

He mouths something that I am sure is insulting and I laugh. I am whipped if I think he is adorable while he mouths obscenities at me. I lean over and kiss his filthy little mouth.

"Ready?", I ask.

"Ready.", Nhu says.

Excited, Nhu asks me questions about where I live, how many bedrooms I have, and where will he put his stuff. I pull out of the parking lot with a huge grin on my face, excited about our future together.

Chapter 72: NuNew's POV February 16, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (84)

Hia lives in a sleek modern building, that screams no children allowed. He assured me that there are families here, but everything looks so clean and high-end. I can't imagine sticky hands holding crayons will be welcomed here.

We must look a sight as Hia, and I make our way to the elevator. I am visibly pregnant, and he is dragging two cheap suitcases across the marble floors. I imagine the "tea" parties that will be held in my honor and cringe. At least I won't have to see the looks when he goes back down to get the plastic bags filled with my clothes.

"What are you laughing at.", Hia asks.

"Nothing, Hia. It's too hard to explain.", I say.

The elevator dings and Hia gets me settled then drags the suitcases in. I hide my smile behind my hand. He is eyeing me suspiciously.

"I am happy, Hia.", I say.

He hits the button for the 18th floor.

"Me too, kitten. I can't believe I get to wake up to you every morning. Pinch me, I must be dreaming."

He holds out his arm. I swear I am part gremlin because I give his arm a good pinch and laugh at his shocked face.

"Ow! NuNew!"

I burst into giggles. It gets even worse when he rubs his arm and looks at me with a sour face.

"Pregnancy has made you mean.", he says.

Am I mean? Is he going to realize he has made a big mistake? I just got him back; I can't lose him. Visions of him looking at me with scorn plague my mind. My lip begins to quiver.

I see the alarm on his face. I know I am all over the place emotionally, but I can't help it. Tears begin to slide down my face.

"No. No. No. No.", he says.

He pulls me into his arms and kisses away my tears.

"I am teasing baby. You are my precious Kitten, and I love you."

The elevator dings. We have arrived.

"Look, baby. We are here."

After some more quick kisses, he gently nudges me out of the elevator and follows with the cases. I am excited to see his place. I let the excitement wash away my fears and smile.

We get to his door. I see a silver plaque with the number 18 engraved on it.

"You live on the 18th floor number 18?", I ask.

He laughs and puts his thumb on a scanner and the door beeps and opens.

"Yeah, it just turned out that way. Eighteen must be my lucky number. We need to program the door with your fingerprint. Don't let me forget, okay?"

He opens the door into a spacious open room with wood and marble accents on the walls. Beautiful hardwood adorns the floors throughout. The wall facing the street wasn't a wall at all but windows that ran the length of the room. To the right, there was a modern minimalist kitchen. To the left was a family room with a nice cozy couch and a huge TV mounted to the wall opposite.

A cat immediately made itself known. Meowing piteously at Zee. Me he ignored me completely.

"You have a cat?"

"Yes, July. Poor guy, he has been with Mr. Patrickson this entire time. I was afraid he would not remember me."

Zee leaned down and gave July a good scratch then he stood and looked around the place.

"Looks clean enough. Want the tour or are you too tired?"


There were two bedrooms and an office.

"We can put a desk in here for you to write. I don't use this space very often. I normally go into the office."

I nod. I like the idea of having a room to write in. Usually, I write at the kitchen table or in bed. I know, I have terrible work habits. I look down at Strawberry. I don't think writing in bed is going to work anymore.

"This is our room. I will make room for you tomorrow. I am sorry I didn't have time to get everything ready for you. You can change things if you want. I want you to feel comfortable. I want this to become our home."

His face went a little red when he said, 'I want this to become our home.' How is he so sexy, and adorable at the same time? I turn to him stand on my tiptoes and kiss him.

"I love it, Hia."

That got me a huge goofy grin. The bunny teeth. I forgot his little bunny teeth. You only get to see them if he smiles really big. I give him another kiss because he is extra cute.

"There is a bathroom attached to this room. The other bathroom is this way. It is next to the second bedroom. Right now, the room is a guest bedroom and storage room. I was thinking it could be Strawberry's room."

I can't take this. Look at his face. He really wants my approval right now. Doesn't he realize that I would want him even if we lived in a junky apartment with one room?

"That sounds perfect, Hia."

I peek inside and see a treadmill and some weights. There is a bed against the window wall and boxes are piled everywhere. Looks like work stuff.

He takes me back to the main room and I check out the kitchen. There is not a lot of counter space, and I can't find the refrigerator.

"Hia, where is the fridge?"

The kitchen seemed to have everything else. A double oven, sink, stove, but no fridge. There were lots of cabinets. It was weird. Hia smiled like a little kid about to show me a magic trick. He walked into the kitchen and opened two cabinets. Except they were not cabinets at all. They were the doors to a double-door refrigerator. It looked seamless. I would have never known it was there.

"Woah, that is cool, Hia."

I spin around in a circle. I am looking for a good place to put my nest. If I put it in this room, I may get nutty if people come to visit. If I put it in the room we are sharing, I might get territorial with Hia, and that is not fair to him.

"Hia, where can I put my nest?"

Poor Hia, his eyes bulged out of his head. He had not considered this, I could tell. I started to get itchy. The first thing I need to do is set up my nest. I will not be able to eat or sleep until it is done.


"Don't worry kitten. I have nest support. Everything will be fine."

Hia pulled out his phone and made a call. While it was ringing, he put the phone on speaker.


"Mom, it's Zee and NuNew. We have a nest emergency."

Chapter 73: Journal March 2, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (85)

Cohabitation is a first for me. I thought it was going to be like having a roommate, but it is nothing like that. When I had a roommate, I could escape to my sanctuary and be alone. Now I share my bed, my closet, and even my bathroom with someone. A very big horny someone. Who is also overprotective and would have me hooked up to monitors with an RN to attend to me 24/7 if I would let him.

We came up with a compromise. I wear an Apple watch and it sends my location, blood oxygen, heart rate, and EKG to Hia.

At least my nest is set up. Mom suggested we use the office. Mom suggested the office. She is worried if I nest in the spare room, I will interfere with converting the spare room into the nursery. So Hia got me a wonderful piece of furniture made for omega nests. It has a canopy with little fairy lights and gauzy curtains. I LOVE IT!

Mom thinks once I have the baby, my nesting will go back to normal and I will only want a nest during my heat, or if I am really upset. We can come up with more of a temporary plan for that. Right now, I am a full-time nester. I can't imagine not wanting a nest because I love it so much. I am in my nest right now. So soft and lovely.

Hia's home is very nice now that I am getting used to it. I feel safe here. I have my alpha he keeps me safe and calm, and the building is secure.

There are only two ways to enter and leave the building. The main entrance, and underground parking. Anyone can walk into the main entrance, but unless you have a key FOB you can't use the elevator or the stairs.

Parking is underground. It is for residents only, and it has an automatic gate that requires a remote to open. Even if someone got into the parking lot, they would still need a key FOB to use the elevator.

We even have security in the building. They sit in a room behind the reception desk and watch video feeds of all the cameras in the building. Sorry Hia, no sex in the elevator, there is a camera.

Zee's family has not caused us any problems now that he is back. Hia told me not to let my guard down, but also not to worry about it. He will handle everything. It is such a relief to let someone else worry for a change. My life right now is maternity massages, researching baby gear, and designing the nursery. I have also started getting back to work. Only very part-time.

Hia does not know...SSSSSSHHHHHHHH.

AND I GET TO SEE MY BESTIES! That's right. They can come over anytime they want. I am having them over tomorrow. I can't wait. Hia is in for a real treat. The three of us together can get wild and crazy.

The very best part is Hia. I love being bonded to him. It is still a little chaotic in my brain, having him there but we are getting used to it. We are becoming so close, and I am so happy. Every day I love him more. I love waking up next to him. Smelling him everywhere. His rough scratchy face first thing in the morning. His warm sexy body spooning me. And the sex. If I had known sex was like this, I don't think I would have stayed a virgin for so long.

When I think back, I want to weep for the omega who went through his pregnancy without his mate for 19 weeks. Having my alpha changed everything. I am happy. I no longer worry or have obsessive tendencies. I am not aggressive, and my body feels fantastic. I even have that pregnancy glow. I feel like a goddess of fertility.

Zee = Bliss.

There is one thing, and I am not sure how to bring it up. We are not married. I don't care about having a child out of wedlock. For me, the real marriage was the mating ritual. But legally being married to Hia protects me. Societally, I am more legitimate if we are married. Technically Zee could be mated to me but married to a Beta. In this scenario, the beta would have power over me and my children. So would the Alpha.

Even talking about this with Hia is like me saying I don't trust you.

I think I will ask Mom what she thinks. I am not the first omega to be in this situation, right? She will know what to do. She comes to visit me tomorrow. If Dad is not with her today, I will ask.

I don't dare to bring this up around Dad. I don't want to remind him that Zee has gotten me pregnant out of wedlock. He is probably already oiling his shotgun, waiting to see if Zee will do right by me. LOL

Anyway, I am sleepy. I think Kitty Plushie and I are going to take a nap in my nest. Life is good.

Week 21 of your pregnancy is Feb 27, 2024 - Mar 04, 2024

Feel all that moving and shaking going on! Baby's arms and legs are in proportion now and movements are much more coordinated. Bone marrow is now helping the liver and spleen produce blood cells. The intestines are starting to produce meconium, the thick tarry-looking stool first seen in a baby's diaper.

Chapter 74: Zee's POV Event March 2, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (86)

Zee: I'm here, where are you?

Gun: At the bar.

Zee: OMW

My brother is sitting on a barstool slumped over with one elbow resting on the bar. I see him down a shot of what looks like whiskey, and he adds it to a line of empty glasses that he immediately has the bartender take away. I stand behind him fascinated by this unusual lack of discipline. My brother always has perfect posture and is not a heavy drinker. Also, he would never sit facing the bar if he knew a guest was arriving. He would want to see them coming.

This strange behavior makes me feel anxious. I drove over here with a good idea of what to expect. Now I am not so sure. This man with his back to me seems unpredictable.

I slide into the seat next to him and order two scotch and water, on the rocks. Neither of us say a word while the bartender pours. When he walks away, I turn to my brother and raise my glass.

"What are we toasting to?", he asks.

"My daughter. The first of the next generation of Panichs, God help her.", I say.

This gets me a wan smile and we clink our glasses together. God, he looks like sh*t. What is going on?

Gun sits up, pulls himself together, and turns to face me. I can't even see a hint of the cunning man that I know so well. Where is the fire in his eyes? That wicked little gleam, his only tell, is gone.

I decide to go with honesty.

"What is going on Gun? You look like sh*t? Is this because of mom and dad? What have they done?", I ask.

"Even my baby brother dares to insult me.", he says.

"Cut it out, you know what I mean. I am concerned. I am concerned because of what they did to NuNew. I am worried about what they will do in the future. Now that I see you, I am worried about you too. You have always been unshakable."

Gun says nothing and swirls his drink in his glass. I join him in silence and wait. Silence is a very powerful tool in conversation. Gun taught me that. It always worked against me in the past. I was younger than him and impulsive, but now I am an adult. I have a mate and a child on the way. I have traveled across the world and survived in one of the most remote and desolate places in the world. I am a changed man. I can wait.

I signal the bartender for refills. The silence continues while the bartender pours. I take a swallow of my drink and continue to wait.

"They are bankrupt.", Gun says.

"Pardon?", I ask, surely, I heard that wrong.

"They lost it all.", he says.

"I warned them not to invest, but the CEO of this tech company was some kind of snake charmer. And they are greedy. The CEO was a con artist. He tricked a lot of people and left the country with the money.", Gun says.

I stare at my brother. I would be less shocked if he told me our parents were moving to the moon. My parents = money. Money = my parents. It was the one constant in my life.

"Don't worry, they cannot touch anything in our names. Though I am sure they have been trying to find some kind of loophole. I moved my inheritance from Grandma out of the family bank. I recommend you do the same.", he says.

I nod, understanding. The Panichs have used the same bank for generations. They might bend the rules for my parents.

"What does this have to do with me and NuNew?", I ask.

But I am pretty sure I know the answer. Damn it, I just can't get rid of Janis no matter how hard I try.

"The Phomphadungcheep Family is going to bail us out. What started as an equal alliance has now become us begging for help. That is why our parents are so desperate. They need you to marry Janis so they can keep their power and their pride.", Gun says.

"I would marry the bitch, but she only wants you.", Gun says.

"She is obsessed with you, you know. She hacked into your email account and found out about NuNew. She immediately told her parents you were expecting a child, but you did not know. The Phomphadungcheeps saw this as an opportunity. They told Mom and Dad they were going to be grandparents. Then they demanded that we get your baby, get rid of NuNew, and give the baby to Janis."

"This is all coming from Janis?", I ask.

"Yes. It started with the Phomphadungcheeps finding out about us losing everything. They wanted to pull out of the marriage alliance. Janis abandoned her studies in Korea and flew home. She had a temper tantrum and got what she wanted."

"Do you know they tried to kidnap NuNew?", I ask.

"No, but I am not surprised. When NuNew did not fall apart in the hospital and give his baby away, they sent me to serve court documents. They wanted to force him into court and take the baby that way. It would not be difficult to do because he is an unmated, unmarried omega with no alpha."

"Was an unmated omega.", I say.

I pull my shirt down to expose my mating mark.

"Congratulations. Mom and Dad are going to hate that."

Gun grins at me. I grin back.

"I didn't have the heart to serve him. Even I have a limit. We have never gone against our own family before.", Gun says.

Gun looks blearily at me. Oh wow, he is drunk. I think this is the most honest conversation we have ever had.

"You are the only family I have. The only other person who knows what it was like. Our parents never taught us to love like normal people. I don't even know if I am capable of it, but if I did care about someone it would be you.", Gun says.

What is happening right now? I have never been told, 'I Love You.', from anyone in my family. I take another gulp of my drink to cover up my watery eyes. I don't think I will ever have a chance like this again, so I take a risk.

"I feel the same way about you, brother.", I say.

I turn my head to see his reaction. He gives me a shaky smile.

"God, we are so f*cked up.", he says.

He starts to laugh, and I join him. We laugh like it is the most hilarious thing we have ever heard because if we don't laugh, we will cry.

We said a lot of things that night and made a lot of plans. We reminisced about our childhood. It was not all bad. We had each other.

I piled Gun into my car and had the driver take us both to my house. I did not want to send him home alone in that condition. I also wanted him to meet my mate and his niece.

We stumble through the door and are faced with a worried Kitten. When he sees Gun, his eyes get big and his plump little lips press into a disapproving purse. He looks like an adorable little anime character, but I know better than to laugh. I'm not that drunk. Gun on the other hand points at NuNew.

"Your omega is so cute. He looks like an anime character. Brother, can I pinch his cheeks? NuNew, why are you so cute? Hey! I am your brother-in-law. I wanna meet my niece."

I mouth, "I'm sorry."

NuNew, bless him, took one look at the two of us and took over.

"We'll put him in the nursery. Put him on the couch for now and give him some hot water with honey."

"I am going to make up the bed for him."

NuNew starts to walk down the hall to the nursery but thinks better of it and turns around to point at us.

"Don't do anything stupid. Hot water and honey, that is all. No more alcohol. I am not cleaning up your vomit all night. Got it?"

Gun stood there blinking at Nhu, like an idiot.

"Yes, kitten. Hot water and no alcohol.", I say.

"Hot water with honey!", he says.

"You're right, Hot water with honey. Don't worry honey I will get the honey.", I say.

Gun and I both burst out laughing at my funny. NuNew leaves the room muttering insults.

"I can hear you!", I say.

I turn to my brother and plop down next to him on the couch.

"He's cute, isn't he?", I ask.

"Adorable. I am gonna call him Mew Mew.", Gun says.

"Damn, you want to die?", I ask.

"Why, you gonna kill me?", he asks.

"Not me, NuNew will if you start calling him Mew Mew.", I say.

"But I love, Tokyo Mew Mew. I am complimenting him.", Gun says.

I shake my head. He is going to have to learn the hard way. I feel like I am forgetting something, but I can't remember what.

"Am I supposed to be doing something?", I ask.

Chapter 75: NuNew POV Event March 3, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (87)

Mom is cooking in the kitchen, and I am showing her pictures of strawberry nursery décor.

"What do you think of this one?", I ask.

"That's not a baby blanket, that is a work of art. You realize that babies vomit and poop all over everything. You should get something serviceable, not expensive and pretty. You will only get upset when it gets ruined."

'Okay. Okay. I get it. But do you like it?", I ask.

"Why do I bother?", she asks.

I snuggle up next to her purring.

"Because you love me, and I am your favorite child.", I say.

"You are my only child New."

"Tsk. Technicalities.", I say.

"Wait! I have another son now. Where is my favorite son?", Mom asks.


Mom is giggling like a gremlin. Now I know where I get it from. She pushes the carrots over to me.

"Peel these.", she says.

"But Zee said-."

"Zee's not here and you're pregnant not an invalid.", Mom says.

I begin peeling the carrots.

"Where is he anyway?", asks Mom.

"He is getting some hangover medicine for himself and his brother."

"Brother? The one who came by the house?", asks Mom.

"Yup. They showed up last night drunk. I put him in the nursery.", I say.

"How do you feel about that?", asks Mom.

"I am nervous there is another alpha in the house. I don't like his smell. Zee told me that they are trying to be better brothers. I think family is important, but I don't trust him."

I whisper my answer. He probably cannot hear us, but I don't want to take the chance.

I hear some beeps from the door, but it is different than normal. Normally it is two beeps and then I hear the mechanism in the lock. This time there is a series of beeps, and then I hear the two beeps and the mechanism. We can see the front door from the kitchen. We both stop what we are doing and look at the door. We are expecting Zee, but Zee is not who walks in the door. As soon as I recognize who it is a growl erupts deep in my chest.

It's Janis.


Janis does not appear to be surprised to see us. She also seems to know her way around the place. She simpers at us and calmly takes off her clickety-clackity girl shoes, pushes my shoes off the shoe stand, and replaces them with her own.

"Where are my kitten slippers?", she asks?"

I look down in horror. I am wearing kitten slippers. They were here on day one, so I naturally started using them. I start to take them off, but my mom stops me. Then she steps in front of me.

"You don't belong here. You need to leave.", Mom says.

"Do I? I don't think you are in any position to stop me, omega.", she says.

My growling gets faster, and I get ready to spring. Mom reaches back and starts rubbing Strawberry. She is reminding me I need to protect my baby.

"This is my son-in-law's home, and you are not welcome. Leave immediately or I will call the police."

"Oh? Did Zee and NuNew get married? It's strange that I was not invited to his wedding since I am the bride.", she sneers.

"They are a mated pair now. Showing up here is disgusting and desperate. This is your last chance.", Mom says.

To back up Mom I pick up my phone and dial 911. I silently show her the screen and hold my finger over the call button.

Janis doesn't seem to care. She looks down at the remaining slippers and smiles. She puts Hia's slippers on. I am about to lose it. I forget all about calling the police and lunge for her. Mom hangs on to me and shoves me back behind her. She rubs Strawberry again.

"Don't give her a reason to put you in jail.", Mom hisses.

Janis saunters into the kitchen, takes a carrot I just peeled, and takes a bite.

"So, you're mated now. That shouldn't stop anything. I can still marry Zee and you can push out babies for me to raise. I'll leave you in a cage like the animal you are until you go into heat. You're just an omega no one can stop me.", Janis says.

Janis looks at me and my mom like we are the filth beneath her feet.

"It's disgusting, but I suppose I can share him a few times a year if it means I get little babies to raise.", she says."

I haven't had a chance to bring this up to Mom yet, so Mom does not know this is my biggest fear and that Janis' words are like an arrow hitting the bullseye. I start to shake so hard I drop the phone. My mom can feel me shaking and looks at me in concern. I need to sit down. I feel like I am going to fall.

I deep voice that is not Hia, interrupts.

"Mrs. Perdperiyawong, please get NuNew and my niece a seat, and then if you don't mind, please call the police."

We all turn to stare at Gun. I had forgotten all about him. I randomly wonder how he looks impeccable. Especially considering how drunk he was last night. Janis' eyes practically pop out of her head. She can't smell pheromones, so she has no idea there is another alpha here. She thought she could bully two omegas uninterrupted.

Mom gets me seated and dials the police. She does not hit send. She does hold the phone to her ear as if she has. Once that happens Gun turns on Janis. He looks her up and down with a sneer.

"Well. Well. Well. I never thought I would see the day when Janis Kanlaya Phomphadungcheep would be so desperate that she would show up at a mated alpha's home, threaten his pregnant mate, and pretend she was the lady of the house."

Janis can't smell Gun's pheromones, but she can be intimidated by his voice and physical presence. Like any alpha Gun is huge and well-muscled. He can snap her like a twig and because she is breaking and entering, he has the legal right to kill her in self-defense.

Gun is not like Zee. Zee is a softy and does not want to hurt anyone. Whatever happened to Gun as a child damaged him and there is a part of him, buried deep, that would get off on hurting her. Janis has known Gun for a very long time, so she knows this. She is not looking so confident anymore.

"For old time's sake, I am giving you one chance to leave. After that, I won't hold back.", Gun says.

Janis kicks off Hia's slippers grabs her purse and shoes and runs out the front door barefoot. As soon as the front door closes Gun grabs his head and sits down.

"Do you have any aspirin? My head is killing me.", he says.

Mom and I stare at him mouths open. He was faking it! I start to giggle, which sets off Mom. Gun starts to snicker and then groans and holds his head. Mom and I jump up. I get the aspirin, and she pours him hot water with honey.

He takes the medicine and groans again. He looks up at us. Mom and I are standing there awkwardly, staring at this huge alpha we don't know who just defended our honor.

"We have not been formally introduced. I am Gun Panich, Zee's older and more handsome brother. I imagine you are NuNew and that is my niece."

He points to my baby bump.

"You must be...NuNew's mom. Am I correct?", Gun asks.

We both nod our heads. He looks down at my feet.

"Take those and my brother's slippers and put them in the trash. I will get them replaced.", Gun says.

Mom and I quickly do as we are told. We don't want to disappoint our new hero. Gun is rapidly texting when we return from our task. I approach him cautiously. Half in fear, half in awe of him.

"What would you like for breakfast?", I ask.

"Don't worry about that. Come sit and talk with me Mew Mew."

"NuNew, it's NuNew."

"Mew Mew.", he repeats.

Mom and I look at each other. I try again.

"NuNew.", I say, slowly.

"Mew Mew,", he says.

I sigh and let it go. Maybe he is a little dense. I can deal with Mew Mew.

It takes a little time, but the awkwardness melts away. I see a lot of Zee in Gun. He even has bunny teeth just like Hia. For that alone I will give him a chance. Mom and I ask lots of questions about what Zee was like growing up. Gun told us that he practically raised Zee and that Zee was a very naughty child. Mom and I couldn't believe it. Hia seems so kind and even-tempered. I am beginning to think Gun is having some fun with us.

When he told us that Hia stole his father's dirty magazines and when he got caught with them told the nanny that he found them under Gun's bed; I knew that Gun was messing around. I let him finish his story.

"Gun, I think you are telling us fibs. Hia would never do that. I think maybe you are confusing yourself with Hia.", I say.

"Mew Mew, you are breaking my heart."

I tsk at him and Mom and I both get up to finish our work in the kitchen.

"Mew Mew. Are you leaving me alone?"

"It's NuNew.", I say.

I am beginning to suspect that his inability to pronounce my name is also a trick.

"That's what I said. Mew Mew."

Just then Hia walks through the door. He has bags from the pharmacy, bags from the bakery, and slippers. He presents a pair of cat slippers to me. My eyes are wide as I look from Hia to my mom, to a grinning Gun, and back to Hia. I take the slippers.

"Thank you, Hia."

"Where is my kiss?"


I look at his brother who is now smiling widely.


Hia whines points to his mouth, and gives me boba eyes. I can't resist the boba eyes.

"Not fair.", I say.

I lean in and give him a tiny peck. Now that Hia is home, I am feeling sleepy.

"Going to my nest. Nice to meet you Gun, and thank you.", I say.

"Yes, thank you very much," Mom says.

"My pleasure.", Gun says, seriously.

"Have a nice rest, Mew Mew.", says Gun.

I sigh and keep walking. Zee, who is starting to catch on that something is not okay turns to Mom and Gun. I pretend I don't know what is happening let myself into the office and sink into my nest.

"WHAT?", Zee yells.

I grab kitty plushie and close my eyes. I should thank Janis. Her dramatics have given me the perfect reason to bring up marriage and it will not hurt Hia's feelings. I grin, then snuggle into my sun plushie. I am still shaky and tired, but strangely, I feel okay. I make a mental note to ask Hia about how Janis got in, and 'her slippers.'

Chapter 76: Zee POV March 3, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (88)

Damn, Janis and her meddling. How dare she show her face here. What I want to know is how the hell she passed all the security that I pay a fortune for in homeowner association dues?

The lady at the reception desk is a beta so she cannot smell my anger, but she has eyes and sees other second genders holding their noses and getting out of my way.

Before I reach her desk, she picks up her phone. I cannot hear her, but I can read her lips.

"Alpha coming in, hot."

Towering over the beta I reach the front desk and stare down at her. I am seething and I can see she is frightened. In my mind, Aunty from the plane whispers to calm down.

"How may I help you, Mr. Panich."

"Someone uninvited showed up at my door, entered my home without permission, and threatened my family while I was out. I want to know how this happened, and what will be done to ensure it does not happen again, and I want to see the video feeds.", I say,

"Oh no, I am so sorry. Let me get someone from security. Did this happen today?"

"Yes, about one hour ago."


After hours of explaining, filling out a police report, making phone calls, and reviewing videos, we think we know how Janis got in. She walked through the front door, waited for a crowd to get in the elevator, and slipped in with them. She got out at my floor, and here is where it gets confusing. Her fingerprint was never added to my front door lock. After speaking to the manufacturer of the door lock, I found out she entered a manual code.

Each door has a generic code that you can key in instead of using the fingerprint function or the physical key. You are supposed to reprogram it once you install it. Someone made the brilliant decision to keep the generic code in place so building maintenance and security could access the suites if there was an emergency.

Every door in the 24-floor residential building can be opened using this generic code. The question is how did Janis know this?

Chapter 77: Zee's POV April 17, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (89)

My little kitten is round, and he waddles now. He is adorable. Nhu looks like a little cherub with his rosy skin and pouty lips. Even his little fingers are plump, and I want to bite them. I corral kitten into the elevator then turn around to glare at a man who wants to share the elevator space with us. His face pales and he won't look me in the eye.

"Go ahead, I'll catch the next one.", he says.

The door closes and I pinch Nhu's little cheeks.

"Aow! Hia, why do you always do that?"

"Would you rather I do this?"

I lean past his belly, kiss him, and use my tongue to stroke the seam of his lips. NuNew shivers and leans into me. I love it when I make his knees weak. Nhu looks up at the ceiling and whispers.

"Hia, the cameras."

I kiss the top of his head and use my key fob to make the 18th-floor button light up. As an extra layer of security, it now takes a specially programmed key fob to select a floor on the elevator.

"Do you want to press the button?"

"I'm not a kid.", Nhu says.

Nhu objects but he pushes the button anyway. I just want to see his plump little finger push the button so I can, 'Aw.', in my head. If Kitten gets any cuter, I am not going to let him leave the house.

We are coming home from an appointment with Dr. U. and everything looks great. Strawberry is growing. Kitten has made an amazing recovery. We no longer need to go every week to monitor his health. We have officially started the third trimester, and in three months, we will be welcoming Strawberry into the world. I think both Nhu and I had a 'this is really happening', moment when we heard that.

All the way home Kitten reviewed his nursery plans out loud. He seems worried that we will not be ready on time. I don't understand how having a completely decorated nursery, indicates we are ready to be parents, but it is important to Kitten. I have learned unless it is insane or dangerous to just say yes.

When we get home Nhu goes straight to his nest. Leaving the house has become trying lately and the nest helps him with his anxiety. I expect to find him dozing there later and if he lets me, I will scoop him up and put him in our bed. This way I can douse him with my pheromones, and we can spoon.

Dr. U. explained that as the pregnancy progresses, NuNew will become more instinctual. He may not want to leave the house, object to visitors, and feel uncomfortable if I am not around. As we get closer to giving birth, I should plan on isolating. It has to do with protecting Strawberry. I will need to talk to everyone to prepare them.

Sure enough, my Kitten is asleep curled up in his own soft fuzzy version of heaven. I carefully scoop him up and carry him to our bed. Sleepy little mews of protest escape Nhu's lips until he snuggles, into my neck and begins to lick and bite.

"Not yet you, naughty little kitten.", I say.

Lowering Nhu on the bed I engulf him and Strawberry in my arms and begin to trace little circles on Nhu's stomach. I feel Strawberry kick in response. No longer do her kicks feel like tiny little bubbles. Now when she kicks it is hard enough to see Nhu's tummy move. We play our usual game where I tap Nhu's belly, and she kicks back.

A sleepy voice interrupts our game.

"I think Star is too gentle a name for her. How about Hammer?", Nhu asks.

Strawberry kicks like a little fiend and we both laugh. I swear she understands us.

"Alright, we won't change it.", Nhu says.

Nhu began singing softly to Star. While I doze. Life is good.

"Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are!

Up above the world so high,

Like a diamond in the sky."


Week 28 of your pregnancy is Apr 16, 2024 - Apr 22, 2024

During the third trimester the brain triples in weight adding billions of new nerve cells. The senses of hearing, smell, and touch are developed and functional. Your baby is having different sleep cycles, including rapid eye movement. That means she's dreaming.

Chapter 78: Zee's POV May 5, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (90)

Omega Baby Showers are typically held at the beginning of the third trimester. If you wait much longer, you are running the risk that the pregnant omega may not show up. I left all the party planning to Nat and James. The only requests I had, were to limit the guest list to immediate family and close friends, have the event here, and make it a surprise. I think if we can do those three things, Nhu will be able to enjoy himself.

Logistically to have a surprise party here means that there will be minimal decorations and guests will have to show up on time. Leaving this to Nat and James was 100% the right choice. Each attendee was assigned a task. The Perdperiyawongs are making the food. Film is bringing the decorations that James Film, Nat, and Max will spend all night preparing. Max is bringing the drinks, already refrigerated in a cooler. The U's are responsible for the silly games. And I am responsible for getting NuNew in a bath for at least 30 minutes so everything can get set up.

It was 9:30 in the morning and the party was supposed to start at 10 when I got a text from Max.

Max: Hey

Zee: Are you downstairs?

Max: Not exactly.

Zee: WHAT? NuNew is in the bath. Where are you?

Max: Downstairs

Zee: Thank God! I will come to get you.

Max: Nooooo. Nat, James, and the U's are not here. They got stuck in traffic and with the cake. Can you stall for 15 minutes?

Zee: You're killing me here.

Zee: I can't guarantee anything. The front desk knows to get you as far as the 18th floor. Text me when you are in front of the door.


The good news, I have a plan for this. The bad news, Kitten is grumpy...very grumpy. I had to get him out of his nest to take a bath and he did not want to go. Nothing worked, not even letting him eat macaroons in the tub. Finally, out of desperation, I alluded that Nhu was a stinky kitten. I am so dead.

"Teerak.", I say.

"Go away.", Nhu says.

"Kitten, come on."

"I said go...a...way!"

"I have more macaroons.", I say.


"I don't want you or my macaroons. I have too much to do here. I need to rid myself of an offending odor.", Nhu says.

"Baby, I told you I was teasing. I love your smell.", I say.

"So, I do smell.", Nhu says.


"Your natural smell.", I say.

sh*t that was lame. I am making it worse.

"So, I naturally stink all the time?", Nhu asks.

"Nhu, Baby-."

"Maybe you should find yourself an omega who is not so odorous.", Nhu snaps.

"Ha! Ha! Not funny.", I say, and I mean it.

"And I can find an alpha who thinks my natural odor is delightful.", Nhu says.

"That is really not funny, Nhu. Take it back.", I say.

Now I am getting mad. No alpha is going to put up with that kind of talk!

"Where is my cell phone? I am starting a Tinder account. I hear there is a kink for pregnant omegas.", NuNew says.

I open the door with force. I am enraged. Nhu is not the only one under the control of his second gender. The idea that Nhu would replace me, even though I know he is mad and poking at me, makes me lose control. And now I am looking at a wet, soapy, naked, very scared kitten.

"Sniff sniff..."

"No Nhu, Baby, Kitten, Teerak...No please don't cry. Hia is sorry he is-."


"so sorry.", I say.

sh*t! How did this happen?

Chapter 79: NuNew's POV May 5, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (91)

I have never fought with Hia before. We have bickered here and there, but never a fight. I know I crossed a line, but he said I smelled and had to take a bath. Doesn't he understand I was having nest time? I don't want to have a stupid bath. But when he said I was a stinky kitten. I marched my pregnant butt into the bathroom. What he should have done was to let me relax and calm down but no... he had to offer me macaroons.

The next thing I knew I said some bad things and Hia burst into the bathroom looking like a crazed alphahole. What happened after that can only be described as a calamity. I cried. Hia tried to hug me and apologize. I pushed him away. He hung on and... Then we were both in the tub.

Hia looked so frustrated that I forgot what I was crying about and began to giggle. He just sat there gaping at me while remnants of my pregnancy peach bath bomb dribbled sparkly glittery glops down the side of his face.

That broke the spell and we turned Hia's accidental bath into a game of sexy slip-and-slide. We will be finding glitter in inappropriate places for the next week.

At least he got me a cute new outfit to put on. How he knew he would need an I am sorry I called you a stinky kitten present, I will never know. I do know that it worked, and I am not the slightest bit mad at him. When did I become this superficial? LOL

I better go. Hia made lunch and is calling for me.


"Surprise!", everybody says.

Staring out at the faces of the people I love the most, I am stunned into silence. Somehow while I was taking a bath, our home was transposed into a baby shower. My baby shower. Synapses start firing and I look at Hia who has a huge smile on his face. I bury my face in his neck as I realize. Oh no.

"I am sorry, Hia.", I whisper.

He pulls me in as close as he can and murmurs in my hair.

"I am sorry too. All is forgiven."

"I love you, Teerak.", I say.

"I love you too, kitten. I can't wait to have a baby with you."

Everyone is here. My besties, Mom and Dad, Mr. and Mrs. U, Film and Max... Max! My eyes widen when I see that Max and Nat are in the same room together. I look over at Nat who shrugs and smiles. I smile back.

Everyone gets in line to hug me, and I start to get panicky. It is not that I don't want to hug my friends and family, but I'm pregnant, and I can't stop how I feel right now. Hia quickly stands in front of me and rumbles.

"Okay everybody, step back. No hugging today. You are going to have to wait until after the baby is born.", Mr. U. says.

Everybody knows by now what it will be like for the next few months. Probably even after that, unless you can catch me without Star.

I stand next to Hia and watch my most beloved people. Max pulls Nat onto his lap and lays a big kiss on his lips. Film is busy flirting with James and James seems to like it. (James and Net broke up a few months ago.) Mom and Dad are passing out food, and Mr. U. is handing Dr. U. rolls of toilet paper. What is that for?

I look at Hia and he is looking back at me with his bunny teeth. Everyone is happy.

At the same time, Hia and I get a text message from Gun.

Gun: Happy Baby Shower.

NuNew: Wish you were here.

Zee: Thanks, bro.

Gun: Me too. I will be there when Strawberry is born, so try not to have her early. LOL

Gun, could not make it today. He decided to take a little vacation time and get out of town. It was Hia's idea. We wanted to spare him from the drama that is my in-laws.

Hia pulls me aside.

"Should we tell them?", he asks.

"About Star?", I ask.

"That too.", he says.

"The other thing.", Hia says.

"Oh... Yes. Let me get the certificate.", I say.

On the same days as Janis' visit, Hia confessed that he wanted to marry me. He even showed me the ring, and his notes on what he wanted to say.

'Why are you showing this to me?', I asked.

'Because I want you to know that I want to marry you and I am not doing this because of what Janis said.', Hia said.

Hia didn't propose to me that night. He said he did not want Janis' name to pass either of our lips on the day he asked me to be his husband. I didn't sleep a wink. I was so excited. Everything was falling into place.

A few days later Hia asked me to marry him. It was a simple affair. I opened the bedroom door and there was a trail of rose petals. I followed them and they led me to Hia. Hia was on one knee waiting for me. Neither one of us was dressed up. There were no fireworks or grand displays. It was just the two of us because that is what marriage is about. The two of us committing to loving each other for the rest of our lives. Even when we are in our pajamas with no makeup on and big goofy grins on our faces.

I said yes, and Hia put a ring on my finger. It did not fit because I was so swollen, but he promised me it would once I had Strawberry. He was prepared and hung the ring on a beautiful chain and put the necklace around my neck. In the same box was a matching ring for his finger. With shaking hands, I put his ring on his ring finger. We were both crying.

The next day, Hia had an appointment to sign the paperwork and make it official. At the same time, we changed my surname to Panich. I am now officially Charawin Panich. We got our formal marriage certificate, with my new identification card in the mail yesterday.

I went to our bedroom and retrieved the certificate and my I.D. card. I also made sure my ring was on the outside of my shirt. When I returned, Hia tapped a glass with a spoon to get everyone's attention.

"Do you want to say it?", he asks.

I shake my head no. My hands are trembling. I am a little worried people will think he asked me because of his parents. I don't want to have to explain that to anyone. If I start making excuses, then they win. Us getting married has nothing to do with the Panichs or Janis and her family.

"I would like to introduce you to Charawin Panich. You may now refer to us as Mr. and Mr. Panich."

Everybody starts talking at once. I take off the necklace with my ring and taking his cue from me Hia removes his ring too. Our rings, marriage certificate, and my I.D. are passed around. Everyone asks when the wedding will be.

"After Star is born.", I say.

"Star?", Mom says.

"Star.", I say.

Mom takes my hands.

"That name is beautiful baby. I love it."

Everyone is congratulating us. They love the name we chose and are happy we are married. James and Nat are already planning my wedding with my mom. And I found out that Hia asked Mom and Dad for permission to marry me weeks before he asked for my hand in marriage.

Now it is my turn to say something. I stand up and everyone stops talking and looks at me.

"Three months ago, I was in the hospital in critical condition. I was exhausted and terrified of losing Strawberry. If not for all of you, I don't know that Hia and I would have been reunited and I would have been forced to give up Strawberry to save us. Everyone in this room had a big hand in taking care of me until Hia could come home."

I look over at Hia. He has tears in his eyes. I do too.

"We can never thank you enough for the unconditional love and support you gave me... you gave us.", I say, choking on unshed tears.

Hia comes up behind me takes my hands and puts our hands on Star. I start to cry in earnest, so Hia takes over.

"When I was not here to protect NuNew, you all did. Look at him now. He is healthy, Star is healthy. We are mated and married and about to have a beautiful baby girl. You all, are our family. If you are ever in need, look around this room and know you are never alone. We will always be here for each other. We love you all so much."

Hia turns me around.

"Nhu, I don't know how I got so lucky. I thought for sure I missed my chance with you after so many years of loving you and never acting on it. Then I thought for sure I lost you after leaving for Africa and having to stay there for months. We did everything backward and sideways, but in the end, it brought us together and now we are having a baby. We deserve this, Kitten. We deserve to be happy. I love you forever.", Hia says.

"All I ever needed was you Hia. I knew that I had to find you, and once I did, everything would be okay. I don't need fancy things or big achievements. I will only ever need you Hia. And now I have you for the rest of my life and the next and the next. You are my forever.", I say.

Everyone is crying now but these are happy tears. We all worked so hard to get here to this beautiful moment.

"One last thing.", Zee says.

"Not even Nhu knows about this.", Zee says.

"I don't. know if I can take anymore.", Max says, and we all giggle.

"In exchange for not pressing misdemeanor charges for Breaking-and-Entering, tampering with my email, and felony charges for Attempted Voluntary Manslaughter, my parents and Janis' family have agreed to leave us alone."

Hia looks deep into my eyes.

"That is if NuNew agrees. The attempted manslaughter was an attempt on your life Nhu. If you want to pursue charges, I will support you. I have not signed anything yet.", Hia says.

"You know I don't want any more trouble. I just want it to be done and for all of us to be safe. If this agreement guarantees that, then I agree. I only ask for one additional thing. I never want to see or hear from any of them ever again.", I say.

Hia hugs me.

"You won't baby, I promise.", Hia says.

There was one person in the room who was not happy with this news.

"Somehow they always get away with everything.", Film says.

"But this time they are penniless and have lost everything.", Max says to Film.

"Didn't I just say if you were in need you could count on us? I think finding out who killed your parents and bringing them to justice is a need you could use our help with.", Zee says.

He stands up and hugs his cousin. They are both thumping each other on the back. Alphaholes, why can't they just hug each other?

I look at James, Nat, and my mom. They all have the same look. I start giggling. I know it is totally inappropriate, but I can't help it. Soon the four of us are laughing. Everyone else in the room is an Alpha so they have no idea what is going on.

Alphaholes. I think this with great affection.

I wonder if they have a name for us. omegabrats... omegababies... omegaholes... oh that is a good one...

Chapter 80: NuNew's POV Event May 24, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (92)

That grey fuzzy menace has been at it again. I stalk around the apartment hunting for him, with Strawberry's brand-new baby shoes that I had specially ordered. They are hand-painted with strawberries and stars. They are ruined! He must be here somewhere. That ding-dang cat is probably somewhere low, underneath a piece of furniture. It's like he knows it is difficult for me to bend down.

I decide and try something different. I am going to lure out the fiendish feline. I know July is a food whor* and will be unable to resist the sound and smell of his favorite cat food being opened and served in his little cat dish. That I keep clean for him by the way. The little traitor.

I break the seal on the can of wet food wave my hand over the hideous mush and try not to gag.

"Who's hungry? Are you hungry? Are you hungry? Smells good."

Sure enough, it works and the fuzzy little turncoat crawls out from underneath the end table and trots over to his bowl. I smile in triumph. I even let him get a bite before I snatch the bowl away.

"Meow?", Traitor cat says.

I put the mangled shoe in his face and say the timeless words.

"What's this? Hmm. What Is This? Did you do this?", I ask.

July starts swishing his tail from side to side and lays his ears back.

"Don't you give me sass, Mr. You better tell me the truth? What is this?", I ask.

More tail swishing and now a growl. I can't believe this little devil. I jump up put the bowl on the counter and move to grab him. But I am fat and pregnant, and he knows I have no chance of catching him. I swear he is laughing at me. He leaps up onto the counter and goes for his food.

"HOW DARE YOU!", I yell.

Now we have a standoff. I have the shoe and I am ready to use it as a weapon and July is going to go down fighting before he lets me take his food from him.

I hear a sleepy voice.

"What's going on? Nhu are you okay?", Hia asks.

Both of us manage to look guilty. We are about to be busted. But we have a secret agreement. In front of Hia, we pretend to get along. I put the shoe behind my back with one hand and pat July with the other.

"I am giving July Kitty a snack.", I say.

Both of us make big boba eyes at Hia.

"Oh. Okay. It sounded like you two were fighting.", Hia says.

July starts inching toward his food. He seems a little smug to me. I think he thinks he is going to get away with destroying Strawberry's shoes and get to eat the food. I think not.

"Well, July is a little upset because I needed to take the food away. There is a worm in it. He doesn't understand so he got a little possessive.", I say, lying through my teeth.

And before either male can move, I pick up the can of wet food and put it in the trash. If a cat could gasp in horror, July would. I turn my back on Hia to face July.

"I am sorry baby. I can't let you eat that yucky food. It will make you sick.", I say.

While I am speaking, I hold up the shoe and bare my teeth. Then I point to my eye and then I point to him. I think July got the message. Just in case he doesn't I will make sure to keep the door to my nest always closed. There is no coming back from that.


Week 33 of your pregnancy is May 21, 2024 - May 27, 2024

The immune system is maturing

The bones in your baby's skull are still pliable which makes it easier for her to fit through the birth canal. Your uterine walls are becoming thinner allowing more light to penetrate your womb. That helps the baby differentiate between night and day.

Chapter 81: Zee's POV Journal June 1, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (93)

A couple of months ago we both got invitations to our college reunion and at the time we both said yes that we would go. We didn't think when we accepted. We both thought it would be great fun to show up very pregnant and let our friends know about the good news. It never occurred to us that Nhu would be at the stage in the pregnancy, where it would be difficult to go out.

We have gone back and forth all month.

'You go, I'll stay.', Nhu said.

'No, I don't want to go without you.', I said.

'We can go next time.', both of us said.

'I think I can do it. Let's both go.', Nhu said.

'I can't, Hia. I am sorry. I can't.', Nhu said.

The thing is, Kitten wants to go if he can manage it. All his friends will be there, Nat, Max, and James with Film as his date. And of course, me.

We checked and Janis is not coming.

It's only been the two of us to keep each other company this last month and in another month and a half we will be parents. This may be our last chance to do something as a couple for a long time.

To encourage NuNew, James, and Nat went shopping for an 'I am pregnant and divine outfit.' Over the month, several choices have appeared for Kitten to choose from. He has loved them all and I have had many fashion shows. I have to say, my omega looks gorgeous pregnant especially now that he is healthy, and I would love to show him off. But I want him to feel comfortable and safe. If he can't leave the house right now, then I won't either.

Today is the reunion. It starts at 18:00. It is now 17:00. All day we have gone back and forth. This morning we were not going. Then at 15:00, we were going. Right now, it could go either way. Kitten is getting ready. I told him to get dressed up and if we don't go, then I will order a fancy dinner and we can eat on the balcony by candlelight. I am dressed up and ready to do either. All I want is for my kitten to be happy.

Chapter 82: NuNew's POV Event June 1, 2024

Chapter Text

I made it and I am so glad I did. There are people here I have not seen since university. Everyone is so happy for us. So many people want to hug me, but Hia is guarding me. He has been getting more possessive lately.

When I came out of the bedroom ready to go to the reunion, Hia took one look at me and his jaw dropped. Then he stood up and tried to push me back into the room to change. He got jealous and thought I looked too pretty. Silly Alpha.

'Looking amazing was the whole point of I am pregnant and divine?', I said and did not change.

Right now, I am sitting between Nat and James, and we are watching our three Alphas talk. They are loud and happy. The three have become such good friends. Something good came from those 4 rough months.

"So, what's the tea on you and Film?", Nat asks.

I am dying to know the answer, so I tear my eyes away from my alpha and tune in to the conversation. James blushes and looks at Film.

"He is wonderful.", James says, in a whisper.

He looks back at us and has tears in his eyes. Worried I start to reach for James, but he speaks again.

"Someone like me does not get this lucky."

Someone like James? James is amazing, what is he talking about?

"He said he wants to court me and prove to me that he is worthy to be my mate.", James says.

"If he asked me right now, I would say yes. I am in love guys. But I am so scared.", James says.

"Why, baby, why are you scared?", I ask.

"That I will get hurt when he meets someone better than me and I will be brokenhearted."

"What do you mean, 'better than you?'", I ask.

"You are amazing. Film is lucky to have you.", Nat says.

"You have to say that because you are my friends.", James says and gives us a small smile.

"What is going on with you? You have never talked about yourself this way.", I ask.

James looks at Nat and then down.

"It's nothing guys. I am a little overwhelmed, I think. I have never fallen in love, and it is scary.", James says.

We both give our bestie a huge hug. We whisper positive things to him, and coo at him until he is smiling again. I give Nat a look behind James' back asking with my eyes if he knows what is going on. He shakes his head but looks at Max. I think the two of them are keeping something from me and it has to do with Max. Is James still upset about New Year's Eve?

My thoughts are interrupted when Zee walks over to me and Max, and Film springs into action and goes running across the bar. I can smell their pheromones from here and they are angry. I crane my head past Zee to see what is going on, and then I see her.

That f*cking bitch.

Chapter 83: Zee's POV Event June 1, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (94)

I am hanging with Max and Film when I see her. Oh hell no. Max and Film see her too. Like a reflex, we look at our omegas. I pray that Nhu has not seen her. I don't want anything to upset him. Nhu and Nat are cuddling with James, and they are all talking. Good, they don't know.

"Let us handle this bro.", Max says.

"I agree with Max. She is trying to get your attention. If you want to defuse it, then stay with NuNew and let us handle it. Otherwise, she will get what she wants.", Film says.

"Alright. I am here if things get out of hand.", I say.

I head over to NuNew who has noticed something is going on and is trying to see what Max and Film are doing. I flash my kitten a smile trying to distract him, but it is too late. His entire face changes and I know he has seen her. Damn it.

Seconds later I have Nhu in my arms and I am scenting him trying to calm him down. Only Nhu matters and I turn my back on whatever is going on with Janis. Nhu is shaking and I try and pull him into my chest hoping he will rub his face in my scent glands, but he is not having it.

"What is she doing here? I thought she was not coming.", Nhu says.

"I don't know Kitten and I don't care. Let other people handle it for a change. She doesn't deserve our attention. I don't want to waste another second thinking about her, okay?"

Nhu looks at me for a time then he sighs and nods his head.

"You're right Hia. You are absolutely right.", NuNew says.

I pull him in for that hug and he leans into me and nuzzles my scent gland.

"Alpha.", Nhu whispers.

"My perfect omega.", I say.

"Can you scent me too?", I ask.

Nhu looks at me with his boba eyes and smiles.

"Of course, I can Hia.", he says.

My omega gently rubs into me releasing calming pheromones. He smells amazing and I feel the tension leaving my body in waves. Suddenly, we both feel Star kick. She is so big now that we can see Nhu's stomach change shape when she moves. Boom. Boom. She plays her mother like he is a drum. I tap back. Nhu's stomach ripples like he is an extra in the movie Aliens. Star pushes against my hand. I look at Nhu shocked. Did she just move so she could put her hand against mine?

Nhu puts his hand next to mine and taps and he gets a hand too. Both of us are so in love with our little girl, and each other that we forget all about everything else. My kitten yawns and snuggles into me. Happily, I put my arms around the two most precious wonderful important people in my life. My heart is so full.


"Yes, Kitten."

"Nhu is tired. Can we go home now?"

I give Strawberry a little kiss and give Nhu a deeper kiss, one full of promise. Then I help my little family up and we leave the bar through another exit and I take us home.


Week 34 of your pregnancy is May 28, 2024 - Jun 03, 2024

Baby's fat layers are filling her out and will help regulate body temperature when she's born. If your baby is a boy, the testicl*s are making their way down from the abdomen to the scrotum.

Chapter 84: Zee's POV June 13, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (95)

Assembling nursery furniture as an engineer is a frustrating process. I don't mean to say I am the best engineer in the world or even my country. I am probably not the best in my city, but I do know the fundamentals and whoever designed this sh*t, is getting a strongly worded email with attachments outlining my recommendations for improvements.

After all the angst and the special orders. Agreeing on colors. Trying to find strawberry and star-themed baby designs. Researching the safest crib and mattress and finding the best baby monitor. The nursery is done, and I can't wait to tell Kitten that Star's room is ready. I take one last look at her nursery and imagine Strawberry lying in her bed cooing at her star mobile. Or Kitten nursing her in the rocking chair. I look at the empty utility cart and I see it filled with diapers, burp cloths, and wipes, and I can see the two of us changing diapers like pros.

Our lives are about to drastically change in one month and I could not be happier.

As usual, NuNew is in his nest. Lately, he has been playing classical music for Strawberry because he read somewhere that it makes your baby smarter. I crack the door open and Mozart's Symphony No. 41 ('Jupiter') in C major, is playing.


"Meow.", Nhu says.

Ooh. NuNew is in a playful mood, perfect.

"Can I come in?"


OMG, he is so cute. I need a second before I go in to get rid of this goofy grin. When I walk into the room NuNew is sprawled out in his nest wearing nothing but my shirt and a pair of my underwear. He is air-conducting to the music and continues a few bars before he props himself up on his elbows trying to peer at me over his pregnant belly. His face is now the shape of a full moon, and I have taken to calling him Moon, or MooMoo.

MooMoo has replaced, or I should say he has coated his nest with a layer of my clothes. He regularly raids my dirty laundry. It is cute except I see a pair of my underwear and pray I did not do anything unsightly in them. Kitten waves me over and I lay next to him on my side. I know he wants me to scent him. It helps regulate his emotions and it is good for Strawberry too.

Nhu leans over on his side and begins to snuffle and rub his face into my gland and like a good alpha my body does not disappoint and soon he is a limp noodle and wants spoons. Making my omega happy excites me at an instinctual level and I find I can't deny my adorable pregnant beauty anything. I never imagined I could be this lucky, this contented.

We lay there in Moon's nest as I happily hold Nhu from behind and rub his belly, whispering to him and Star about how much I love them when we hear retching from outside the door.

It can only be July, probably coughing up a furball. Some slimy cold loveliness that I will step on at three in the morning. But it does not stop. Both of us sit up and stare at the door. Surely this can't go on any longer. It's just a hairball?

Nhu looks at me, his brows are drawn, and he has this little frown. I can see he is worried and to be honest, I am too. I stand up to see what is going on, and Nhu waves for me to help him up too. I open the door and there is July. He has what looks like a string stuck in his throat. I kneel to get a closer look.

"What is that? Is there something lodged in his throat?", Nhu asks.

I pry open his jaws, but I can't see what it is. I try and gently extract it by pulling on the string, but he yowls and tries to run away.

"Oh Hia, he needs to go to the vet.", Nhu says.

Any cat owner knows never to pick up a distressed or injured cat. If you do, you are going to get clawed half to death. So, I wrap up a very angry July in a towel while Nhu gets dressed and we are out the door with our little burrito cat.

Nhu insists on holding July in the car which I am not pleased about, because July could hurt him right now. But you try and tell a triggered omega in his last month of pregnancy to do anything and succeed, and I will give you one hundred dollars.

It is tense in the car, and I am trying to focus on driving, but July is making these sad little choking yowls now and that sets off Nhu. Which sets me off.

"Hia, he is in pain. What can I do?", asks NuNew.

"Talk to him. Hearing your voice may help calm him down.", I say.

So NuNew starts talking, and I hear the cutest confession. That would have made me aww if I wasn't so worried about July.

"I know we don't always get along. Okay, we never get along. But that does not mean I don't care. I know I should have respected that you were here first. And I promise when you make it through, we can start all over.", Nhu says.

"You need to meet Strawberry. I know you have been marking my belly when I am asleep. I know you want to meet her. So, think about that okay.", Nhu says.

Tears leak down NuNew's cheeks. He is kissing July's head, and July is helpless to stop it and he yowls for emphasis. Then NuNew answers him.

"I'm s-s-sorry. I didn't mean it. I do love you. Even if you are a stupid menace, you are my menace and I forbid you to die.", Nhu says, he is full-on crying now.

"Drive faster Hia, please.", Nhu says.

Nhu is petting July through the towel and coats him in calming pheromones which seem to work because July is no longer yowling.

"We are almost there baby. Everything is going to be okay.", I say.

And damn it, I mean it. The Panich family is no longer accepting any more heartbreak in our lives. We have paid our dues. We have met our quota.


Five hours and three thousand dollars later we take July home, who is fine... for now.

Somehow, in the ten minutes that I left the nursery, July got into the crib. Attacked the mobile yanked it from the ceiling and started to tear it apart. During the carnage, he must have swallowed one of the puffy stars and it got lodged.

At this moment, July is nowhere to be seen. I am assuming he will come out later for food. Meanwhile, NuNew is sitting at the kitchen counter holding a plastic baggy. In the plastic baggy is one slimy soggy star and I am in the nursery cleaning up the remnants of the Starry Starry Night Mobile.

We will be having a funeral this afternoon for the mobile...or the cat.

I'm just saying, a silent NuNew is scary.


Week 36 of your pregnancy is Jun 11, 2024 - Jun 17, 2024

Hopefully, your baby is in a head-down position. If not, your practitioner may suggest an external cephalic version to manipulate your baby into a head-down position. The vernix caseosa has now disappeared.

Chapter 85: MooMoo's POV Event June 1

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (96)

Hia has a business meeting he cannot get out of, and I am distracting myself with a nice bath. I can't stay in too long because the hot water in the bath can hurt Strawberry. But ten or fifteen minutes of bubble bath bliss is fine. My belly is so big that I can't cover it with water. It looks like an island in a sea of bubbles.

Star is moving around, and I wince as she steps on my bladder: now I need to go to the bathroom. I let out a little sigh of disappointment. I guess bath time is over. I am very careful when I get out of the tub. I am ungainly and very pregnant. If I fall it could be bad. Hia may be a little upset when he comes home. I wince in anticipation of the lecture.

Grabbing Hia's robe, I snuggle into it. I love how he smells. After I finish up in the bathroom, I make my way to the bedroom intending to get into bed check email, and look for a new mobile for Star's room. Suddenly I feel a tightening in the front of my abdomen followed by a pain like I have never experienced before. I stagger down the hall and make it to the bed. Is this a contraction? What else could it be? It seems to go on forever and then it is done. The lack of pain is euphoric.

I have a few weeks left to my due date, but Dr. U. explained that that date is flexible, and I am technically considered full term. Meaning the baby can come at any time, but it is unlikely that I am in labor right now. It is more likely Braxton Hicks or Prodromal Labor, AKA false labor. Dr U. told me I have a higher chance of this because I am male and as a male, my body needs to "prepare." Lucky me. The other answer could be Strawberry is not in the head down position but is feet down or breech.

All this is running through my head as I try not to overreact. My water has not broken. There is no discharge or a mucus plug. All I can do is wait and see and start a log to keep track of time.

After about fifteen minutes my abdomen tightens again. It hurts. I get up and try and walk it off, but it does not help. The entire episode lasts 45 seconds. It happens again, this time 13 minutes apart. I get excited, maybe this is it. Should I call Hia?

That is when I hear the purring. It sounds like a little motor.

"July?", I ask.

Sure enough, I see his grey fuzzy head pop up over the side of the mattress, at my feet.

"Not now July. I can't right now.", I say.

I am not up for one of our epic battles. We have had a cease-fire of sorts since he choked on the mobile. I hope he is not smelling weakness and coming in for the coup de gras.

July leaps onto the bed and warily walks over to me. He is still purring which I take as a good sign. It's a good sign, right? Then he completely surprises me by sitting on my lap, what's left of it and, snuggling up against my lower abdomen. My hands are in the air ready to strike, but I let it happen and his vibrating warmth is soothing.

When the next contraction comes, it is 14 minutes apart, and it is not as bad. Having my vibrating heater seems to help. A strange kind of feeling builds up in my chest and gets stuck in my throat. I tentatively stroke July's head and he rubs his face into my hand and the purring intensifies. He then gets up and marks my hands and belly, so I douse him with pheromones. Pretty soon we are both lights out on the bed.

Later when I wake up, he is gone, and I hear Hia walking around the house singing to himself.

Was it all a dream?

Chapter 86: Zee's Journal June 19, 2024

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Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (97)

Leaving NuNew yesterday was intensely difficult. At the time, I was thinking that I did not want to lose the business account. I have been missing for so long, that I am surprised my business partner has not bought me out. I was so busy thinking about our future and being able to provide for our growing family that I forgot about the present.

NuNew did not tell me about his false labor until this morning when he told me we had an unplanned appointment to see Dr. U. He dropped this bomb one hour before the appointment. I can't leave him again. What if he had gone into labor? What if he had complications and bled to death? I was not there when he needed me. NuNew told me it was okay because July was there.


I am so angry at myself, at NuNew for not calling me, and irrationally, July. Listen I know it is beneath me to be jealous of a cat, but it's my job to take care of my omega. Oh, and when I came home, I could smell Nhu had scented July, AGAIN.

Okay, I feel a little better now. I had to get that out or I was going to be unbearable at the appointment and I want to be supportive of Nhu and not make this about me. But WTAF.

Chapter 87: Zee's POV Event June 19, 2024

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Dr. U. turned away from the monitor and assumed a formal tone and speech which I have learned means, here is some bad news.

"I am going to diagnose NuNew with Prodromal Labor for a few reasons. His contractions were consistent and regular, but never intensified over time and his cervix has not dilated or thinned. Strawberry is breached which means her feet, or in this case her bottom,"

Dr U pointed to the frozen screen where we could see Strawberry's legs are crossed and her little bottom is where her head should be.

I am hoping the Prodromal Labor is happening because mom and baby are naturally trying to correct the position before the actual labor. This is the most common reason for Prodromal Labor and in males about one-third of labors are breached. It has to do with the shape of the uterus in male omegas. So, the Prodromal Labor is a good sign."

She paused for us to ask questions.

"Will Strawberry be, okay? What can we do?", asked Nhu.

Dr. U. smiled and took both of our hands in hers.

"I made that sound scary, didn't I? I am sorry. No matter what, everything is going to be fine. First, we are going to do a procedure called an ECV, External Cephalic Version. I am going to push on your abdomen and encourage Strawberry to move. Then we will monitor. If it does not work or you don't resolve on your own, I strongly recommend a c-section. Having a breached pregnancy naturally can result in avoidable lifelong disabilities for the baby. Like hip dysplasia."

"If you follow my recommendations, everything will be fine. I promise.", Dr. U. said.

Dr. U squeezed our hands and smiled.

"This is very normal. This is nothing like before, okay? I did not forewarn you because of psychological reasons."

She was referring to what happened to Nhu while I was missing, and I felt an enormous wave of guilt. I felt worry coming from Nhu through our bond. I thought the worry was for himself and the baby, but my kind-hearted omega only had eyes for me and began to softly scent me. He was concerned for me. That sentiment and the pheromones calmed me. Feeling loved is the most incredible sensation in the world. It makes me mourn my youth and the child who never got that.

"Do you want to try the ECV?", asks Dr. U.

"Will it hurt Nhu or Strawberry? Is there any risk? Will it work right away?", I asked.


We made an appointment for the next day. Dr. U. wanted us next to an operating room during the procedure in case NuNew went into labor. If he does, we will have the cesarean right away. If not and it works, we will have a normal vagin*l birth. If it does not work, then we will schedule a cesarean.

After filling out reams of paperwork, they attached a heart monitor to Nhu so we could monitor Star's heart. We listened for a bit while Nu and I chatted about middle names. We have not picked one yet.

When Dr. U. came in, she looked at the heart rate data gave Nhu a shot and then greased up his belly. The entire procedure took 5 minutes. It looked like a deep-tissue massage. It was a little uncomfortable, but now Strawberry is in the correct position and after a few more hours of monitoring, we were able to go home. Now we wait for Strawberry to come. It's all up to her to decide.


Week 37 of your pregnancy is Jun 18, 2024 - Jun 24, 2024

Baby is considered full-term

Baby is taking up most of the room in your womb so he's only kicking and poking you, no more somersaults. Baby is sucking her thumb, blinking her eyes, and inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid.

Chapter 88: Zee and Ma Text Messages June 12, 2024

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Ma: What is he doing now?

Zee: He is scrubbing the grout with a toothbrush. Should I stop him? It looks so strenuous.

Ma: No, leave him be. As long as he is not inhaling harsh chemicals, he is fine. What's the worst that could happen? He goes into labor. LOL

Zee: He won't let me use anything he has cleaned or organized. The usable space in our home is shrinking. I can only use the toilet in our master bathroom.

Ma: LMAO He is nesting Zee. It is a good thing.

Zee: But he already has a nest. This is not nesting this is obsessive cleaning. Look, at his face. I asked him if I could get something out of the fridge.

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Zee: Look at this. These are all the "comfortable" things he bought for the house.

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Ma: It is a form of nesting. It is an early sign he is going into labor. He may have other symptoms like diarrhea, and back pains. You should get ready. I bet in the next 12 hours he will begin early labor. If you can get him to rest, that would be good.

Zee: How do I get him to stop so he can rest?

Ma: Get down on your hands and knees and help him.

Chapter 89: NuNew's POV Event June 14, 2024

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Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (102)

Early labor began before dawn, not that I was sleeping. I have been uncomfortable for days and tonight, my lower back hurts. I am ready to have this baby. I rub my engorged abdomen.

"Sorry Strawberry. I love being pregnant with you, but it's time. Don't you want to meet Mommy and Daddy?", I ask.

I whisper because I don't want to wake up Hia, who is sleeping like an angel. It must be nice to deposit your sperm and then peace out, your job is done. I brush some strands of hair out of his eyes. He really is lovely to look at.


A contraction. I hiss in pain. I was expecting it, but it still shocked me when it happened. I start to squirm from the pain and wake up Hia. He is very sleepy. Then his eyes pop open and he is alert.

"Are you okay? Is it happening? I'll go get the bag."

If my muscles weren't bunching into knots torturing me, I would laugh.

As abruptly as it started, the contraction was over.

"I'm fine babe. Go back to sleep.", I say.

"Were you having a contraction?", asks Hia.

"Maybe, I don't know.", I say.

"Go to sleep, I will wake you.", I say.

"You are not sleeping?", Hia asks.

"I can't get comfortable.", I say.

"Do you want company?", asks Hia.

"No, I like watching you sleep. You are so pretty.", I say.

"Not as pretty as you Kitten."

He closes his eyes and is instantly asleep. I envy him. I wish I could sleep. I have a lot of work ahead of me, it would be good if I were rested. I find my place in my book and begin to read. July crawls out from God only knows where curls around Strawberry and begins to purr. I stroke him absentmindedly while I read, comforted.


It's morning now and I am pacing around. The contractions are coming more often and hurt more. It is not terrible, if this is the worst it gets, then easy peasy lemon squee-


That one lasted a half a minute. I think it's time to take a bath. Mr. U. told me it would help with the pain. I look at the time and it's a little after 8. I have been in labor for six hours now. I should probably wake up Hia. He is going to be so mad.

I peek into our bedroom, and he is cuddling with my pillow. He probably looked for me in his sleep and grabbed whatever smelled like me. Cute.

Crawling into bed I begin to wake up Hia. His lips are so pretty, so I poke them and watch how they spring back. I poke his cute little nose and he scrunches his eyes. I would lean down and kiss him, but I don't think I can quite manage that without a lot of adjusting. I am about to poke his cheek when Hia swats at my hand. Cute!

I smooth his eyebrow with my finger and wait. His beautiful sleepy eyes open and when he sees me, he smiles.


He closes his eyes.

"Hia, it's time to wake up. I am in labor.", I say.

Well, that did it. He is awake now. Peppering me with questions. Ready to take control. I interrupt him. It's not like he is letting me answer. I laugh. He is so frantic.

"Hia. I am fine. I have been in labor for six hours. The contractions are 20 minutes apart. I am going to take a bath now."

"Six hours? Why didn't you wake me?"

"For what Teerak? There was nothing you could do, and the pain was not that bad. I was fine and I had July to keep me company while I read. Now it is starting to get uncomfortable, so I woke you.", I say.

I kiss my confused sleepy Hia and go to the master bathroom for my bath.

"Why don't you wake up and make some breakfast? Kitten is hungry.", I say.

He will feel better if he has something to do.


Hia made me a big breakfast that I now regret eating because the contractions have doubled in frequency and pain. I forgot that pain makes me nauseous, and I feel like I am going to throw up. It's almost time to go to the hospital. My phone is blowing up with the group texts as Hia tries to keep everyone in the loop. I fumble with the phone and put it on Do Not Disturb.

Hia comes in with his phone. He has Mr. U. on speakerphone.

"Here he is.", Hia says.

"Hey NuNew, it's Mr. U."

He sounds so cheery like he slept all night. Annoying.

"Hey Mr. U.", I say.

"How are you feeling kiddo?", Mr. U. asks.

"I'm okay.", I say.

"Well, that's the first time I have had someone in labor say they are okay. Let's try that again. Can you tell me how you are feeling?", Mr. U. asks.

"The contractions are 10 minutes apart and I am really nauseous.", I say.

"That's more like it. Alright, here is what we are going to do..."


The contractions are coming five minutes apart and Hia is bundling me into the car. Dr. U. and Mr. U. are all ready for us at the hospital. Mom and Dad are already there. Our friends will come a little later. It could be another twelve hours before Star is born. No point in waiting in a waiting room.

The car ride is quiet. I am focusing on what my body is doing. Hia is focusing on driving. I am excited to see our daughter.


He glances at me and then refocuses on the road.


"We are having a baby.", I say.

I watch his face and see it split into a huge grin.

"We are, we are having a baby.", Hia says.



"Who do you think she looks like?", I ask.

We have had this conversation a hundred times already. But I love it.

"Hopefully she looks like you Kitten because you are beautiful.", Hia says.

I smile at our little routine. This is how it always starts, but each time it is a little different as we mix and match our features into the image of a little human.

"I hope she has your eyes.", I say.

"I hope she has your mouth.", he says.

I grin because he always says this. He must really like my mouth.

"I hope she has your cheekbones.", I say.

"I hope she has your hair.", he says.

"I hope she is tall like you.", I say.

"I hope she has your cute figure.", he says.

We pull up to the front of the hospital and I see a welcome party for me. It is supposed to be just my mom and dad, but it is them plus the whole gang. Nat and Max, Film and James, and Gun. They are all grinning at me. Hia jumps out of the car, and they cheer. He runs to open my door and when I get out, they all cheer. Now I'm going to cry.

Dad brings over a wheelchair and Hia helps me into it. Everyone is touching me and sending encouragement. There are balloons and flowers and stuffed animals and clothes and all sorts of presents. Strawberry is coming into a world full of love and I could not be happier.

Chapter 90: NuNew's POV Event June 14, 2024

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Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (103)

Once I reached the Labor and Delivery unit everything began to happen very fast. According to Dr. U., I had begun the second stage of labor. Because I am a male, I cannot have an epidural, so I must endure the pain. I can take anything if it means I will be holding my little girl.

After finishing a particularly exhausting contraction, Dr. U announced some good news.

"Strawberry has entered the birth canal."

Everybody whooped and applauded except me. I am in the middle of a contraction and it feels like I am being split in two. All those jerks that said males are not meant to have babies may be on to something because HOLY f*ck BALLS this hurts.

I look at Hia who was distracted and smiling without a care in the world. Meanwhile, I am on hour 21 of labor in the middle of the worst pain of my life and he was laughing and accepting congratulations?

The idea that I could let him know that I needed him floated by in my mind, which I promptly ignored.

No, the least he could do was to be attentive to my every need. I am the one who has suffered. I am the one whose body will never be the same. I am the one who was squeezing a bowling ball out of my ass.

Hia just deposited his sperm, disappeared, and left me to deal with everything. He was still going to look amazing; he had suffered nothing.

I am going to be forever changed, worn out, and fat with a loose anus. He won't be turned on by me anymore and will find some tight ass and leave me to be the baby-making machine. How was this fair? I hate him. This was all his fault.

I looked at Hia and funneled all my pain and frustration into my eyes. I wouldn't have been surprised if laser beams erupted from my eyeballs. This was his fault. I will never forgive him.

Hia shivered like a ghost crossed his path and looked at me.

"Nhu? Nhu are you okay? Dr. U. something is wrong with Nhu.", Hia says.

Everyone looked at me, but I didn't take my eyes off the man who did this to me.

Then I hear Mr. U. laugh.

"Zee, prepare yourself.", Mr. U. says.

That was all the warning Zee got before I ripped him a new one.

Meanwhile, Dr. U. ignores all of this and urges me to push.

"Push NuNew. Give it your all.", Dr. U. says.

"AAAAAHH. You! You did this to me. Are you happy now?", I say.

"Push again, as hard as you can. Push!", Dr. U. says.


Zee reached out to touch me and I hissed through the pain.

"Don't touch me. Don't ever touch me again.", I say.

His eyes went wide, and he looked around the room. Mr. U. mouthed.

"It's okay."

He nodded his head and gestured to Zee to keep attending to me.

Zee started doing the breathing technique to remind me how to get through the contractions and push.

"I...KNOW...HOW...AHHHHHHHHHH...to breathe.", I say.

"I see her head. She is crowning. A few more pushes. That is all I need.", Dr. U. says.

I bore down and screamed.


"You can do it baby push a little harder, just a little more. You got this.", Zee says.


After one last humongous gut-wrenching push, we all heard a slurping sound and Star was in the room with us.

"Give me my baby.", I say.

"I want to see her. Where is she.", I ask.

"Hold on Kitten, they need to check her out. She needs to -.", Hia says. but was interrupted by Star.

"Wa-ah. Wa-ah. Wa-ah. Wa-ah. Wa-ah. Wa-ah.", Star says.

Everything froze. That was our baby. That was her voice. Her cries are so soft. There was a strange feeling in my chest and I felt my breasts swell.

The medical team rushed Star to a little table next to me. They weighed and measured her and did some tests.

"Looking good!", Dr. U. says.

"We are almost done kiddo. Hang in there.", Mr. U. says.

I looked at Hia. I loved this man so much.

"Hia, we made a baby. We did it.", I say.

If Hia thought anything about my labor rage, he did not show it and went with the flow.

"We did Kitten. You were amazing. You did such a good job. I love you, baby.", Hia says.

"I love you too.", I say.

"Do you want to cut the cord?", asks Dr. U.

Hia squeezed my hand and walked over to the table where they had Star and with shaking hands, he cut the cord. Separating me physically from Star permanently. I started to cry when I realized what was happening but I was immediately distracted because Mr. U. put Star in Hia's arms and he was bringing her to me.

Labor pain and tears were forgotten as I reached out my arms for her. Tenderly Hia deposited a sticky tiny perfect baby in my arms. I looked down at her little face and I felt my entire world shift on its axis. Everybody in my life realigned in a new order of importance in my heart. Even Hia took a half a step back to make room for Strawberry.

Tears are running down my face. I am awed by this tiny creature in my arms. She felt so light and fragile.

"Hi Star. Hello Strawberry. Welcome to the world. I am Mommy, and this is Daddy.", I say.

I cannot get enough of looking at her. She looks so much like her father. How was it that everything she did was adorable? Especially when she grabbed both of our fingers and would not let go. How was it possible to love someone this much?

Unfortunately, there are three stages to labor and there was more for me to do. I needed to get rid of the placenta and everything the baby needed during the pregnancy to develop. There were more contractions but I bore it. I wanted it to be over quickly. I wanted to hold my baby again.

Hia got to hold Strawberry during this last and final stage. So he stripped his shirt off and held her close. Someone has been reading his baby books. Having skin-on-skin contact was very important for bonding and regulating the baby. But he never forgot me. He held my hand with one hand and held Star with the other. Already he was such a pro.

Finally, the labor was over and we were moved to our recovery room. The room was empty except for the three of us. Hia was holding me and I was holding Star in my arms. I could tell she was restless. She was slobbering all over me and wiggling her body so she could inch her way down my chest. Leaving a slimy trail in her wake. What was she doing? Then I realized she was trying to get to my nipple. She was hungry. I felt so bad for her desperate little struggle across my chest that I helped her out to my swollen nipple. She took to my nipple like she was starving to death and slobbered and mouthed me until she latched on and started suckling.

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Leaning back into Hia's chest and allowed myself to experience the feeling of breastfeeding. I was euphoric. I had heard and read all sorts of nonsense all of my life about how unnatural male omegas were. But there was nothing unnatural about breastfeeding Strawberry. Quite the contrary. From conception up until this moment, nothing had been unnatural. Sure there were difficulties to overcome, but no different than what a female omega would have experienced under the same circ*mstances. It was at this moment that I realized that "everybody" did not matter. All that mattered was my new, perfect family.

My greedy little Strawberry was passed out in my arms like a limp noodle, having glutted herself on breast milk when everyone rushed into the room. I was amazed we had been given any time to ourselves to bond with Star before they descended upon us like baby vultures. All circling to have their turn with Star. I guessed I had Mr. U. to thank for that.

"If you want to touch the baby you need to wash your hands and wear a mask.", Hia says.

He was in full alphahole mode and for once I fully supported him.

"Hia, you're a Daddy.", I say.

"Kitten you're a...what do you want to be called?", he asks.

I looked down at Star. I was a male, but I was a mommy too. Mommy is not a term that belongs only to females. If I made, carried, and gave birth to her, then I was her mommy.

"Mommy. I am Star's mommy.", I say.

Star was uninterested in my stand for male omega rights. She was passed out hanging off my nipple and drooling.

I looked up at Hia who had his arms around us both. Then I watch our family and friends fight over the one sink in the room. Perfect, everything was perfect. We made it. We are a little family.

Chapter 91: NuNew's Journal Entry June 30, 2024

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Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (105)

The day after Star was born, we got to take her home. I was still scared to handle her. Mom said Star was a lot tougher than I thought she was, but Star reminded me of a little baby bird. She was so fragile. When we put her in the car seat I wondered if she was too small for the restraints. Would they keep her safe? Rationally I knew they would. The seat was designed for newborns. But there was nothing rational about the fear I felt, and I could not help worrying. All I wanted was to be home where I knew we were safe.

Bringing Star home for the first time was anticlimactic. I spent all this time preparing so much and cleaning everything, but the reality was I only needed a few things. Myself, Hia, diapers and burp cloths, and somewhere safe for her to sleep which was not in the beautiful crib I bought.

The reality of being a new parent goes something like this. Star needed to be fed every four hours. First up would be me. I would go and get Star and then breastfeed her. It was important to make sure that both breasts were used. Feeding Star took 30 – 60 minutes. During feeding I scented her and when she was done feeding, I burped her.

After that, it was Zee's turn. He took Star changed her diaper, scented and swaddled her, took her back down the hall to her room, and "tried" to put her back to sleep. Feeding time, from start to finish, would take about two hours. Then everyone tried to sleep and if Star did not wake up, we could get 2 hours sleep and then we repeated this: 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Neither of us liked putting Star in another room. It made sleeping impossible for us. Being new parents, we worried about everything. Was she breathing? Why was her face scratched? What was that sound on the baby monitor? Why was she crying? Was she fussy or did she need us? We were up and down that hall constantly checking on her and nobody slept. I remembered the setup in the hospital. They put Star in a see-through tiny crib next to my bed. That was perfect. I wanted that.

Within one day, we had a little co-sleeper crib that fit right next to me and was the same height as the mattress. Feeding time, no problem. I reached over and grabbed her. Putting her to sleep was easy, she slept better when we were all in the same room. Was she breathing? We could check as often as we wanted.

Another phenomenon that I noticed was my revulsion to vomit, poop, pee, and slobber disappeared. All day long Star drooled on me. It happened so much that I always had to have a cloth under her cute little mouth. Spitting up after eating was a 100% occurrence. Then there were the multiple random times during the day that white milky liquid poured out of her mouth. How did she look so cute even when she was spitting up?

At every diaper change, we scrutinized her poo. What color was it? What was the consistency? How did it smell? Yes, I smell dirty diapers now and I don't want to puke. My theory on how this phenomenon occurred was my body was pumping my brain full of so many happy hormones, that I was in a permanent state of blissed out. We loved our little cutesy wootesy baby so much that it altered our core identities.

When planning for Star, Hia and I decided we would go green and use reusable diapers.

All I have to say about that now is, "HA HA HA HA HA HA. Weren't we cute?"

What we did not account for was the endless loads of laundry we had to do a day. Did I mention that her clothes needed to be changed constantly? She leaked liquid all day long. Even with the burp cloths she still got it all over herself and us. We all changed several times a day.

Since I am not used to having much money, I rolled up my sleeves and tried to do the laundry myself. Which meant neither of us was sleeping. Between the feeding routine, the laundry, and feeding ourselves, we did not sleep. Let's just say Hia and I may have snapped at each other and had a couple of bitchy pointless arguments. One of them was over hiring a diaper service that picked up our dirty burp cloths and diapers and delivered new ones each day. Why was I fighting this, honestly? I don't even remember my reasons. Hia won that fight and it was the best decision we ever made.

Okay, I am exaggerating, but when you are getting a few hours of sleep a day, it does not take much to make you happy. Like when Mom showed up with a week's worth of pre-cooked food. I was so happy I cried all over her. Hia was not much better. My Dad had to tell Hia to back off. Alphaholes!

Just when we were getting the hang of it, bathing got added to the routine. But wait, there is a funny story here.

When we came home with Star, she had a piece of her umbilical cord still attached to her. We were told we had to take special care of it. It could not get wet. It had to be kept free of the diaper, and it needed to be examined daily to make sure there was no infection. Around two weeks give or take, it would naturally fall off then after a few days we could start bathing her.

Hia was not around for this part of the instructions, and I failed to tell him. Sorry baby.

It was day 15 when the umbilical cord broke off. Hia was doing the diaper change, and I was researching my latest obsessive fear on my phone when I heard, Hia screaming across the room.

"Nhu! Nhu!"

I have never moved so fast in my entire life. I thought Star was hurt or worse. When I got to Hia's side his eyes were full of tears and he pointed at Star. I looked at Star who was naked, covered in poo, and crying. I failed to see what was wrong.

"Hia, what is it? What is wrong?", I asked.

Hia pointed at her tummy. She looked fine. I was freaking out. How could I fix it if I didn't know what was wrong?

"Use your words Hia. What is wrong with Star?"

I may have yelled at Hia. Sorry Teerak.

"It's gone. It's gone.", Hia says.

He pointed again at her belly button and then realization flooded my body with relief.

Oh, thank God.

Then I started to giggle. I was not laughing at him, I was just, so relieved. Hia looked at me with wide eyes and swiped at his eyes. Like he needed to clear the tears out of his eyes to see me clearly because surely, I was not laughing at a time like this. Indeed, I was laughing, and I could not stop. Hia's eyebrows remained drawn, but he gave me this little smile that alternated between a frown and a smile. His face was so cute, and he looked so puzzled. Then he co*cked his head to the side like a puppy and I howled.

"Is she okay?", Hia asked.

I nodded my head because I could not stop laughing.

"But Stumpy is gone.", he said.

We named the remaining umbilical cord Stumpy because it was referred to as the stump. 'When caring for the stump make sure to keep it dry at all times.'

Hia looked so forlorn when he said this, that it made my case of the giggles worse. I fell back onto the bed holding my stomach. Hia was not amused. He stiffly cleaned up Star, changed her diaper, handed her to me, and stomped off. He really stomped, out of the room. It was a miracle I did not drop Star because when he stomped, it was so cute, that it fueled a new bout of the giggles.

Oh, and guess where we found Stumpy? We noticed a smell, like old milk, and followed it to its source under the chair in the family room. Apparently, July had a little shrine to Star under there. We found a rattle, a sock, a used burp cloth (the source of the smell), and Stumpy. We figured Stumpy fell off when Hia was undressing Star, and our fuzzy little opportunist grabbed it and ran off with it.

Chapter 92: NuNew's Journal July 24, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (106)

Star is six weeks old in a few days. Not only is that a big milestone for her, but it is also a big milestone for us. A milestone I have mixed feelings about. Not because I don't want it. I miss it more than anything. But my body. It is not the same, and how I see myself in my mind's eye, is not good.

Before I was pregnant, I had stopped being ashamed of my figure, stopped wearing oversized clothes that hid my body and started wearing flattering clothes that were my size. At first, the response was embarrassing. People stared and approached me. With James, and Nat's help I overcame a lot and learned how to handle my feelings, and people's reactions. I even liked it. More than a little. I know it is vain, but it was good for my self-esteem. For the first time, when I saw myself in the mirror, I felt beautiful and desirable. That is the self-image I had when I saw Hia the night we made Star.

When I was pregnant, and I saw my reflection I felt joy. What I saw in the mirror represented the life that was growing inside of me. We were connected in a way; there is nothing like it. Strawberry and I were two souls sharing the same body. No one can be closer than that.

Once I was showing, my pregnancy bump brought delight to everyone who saw me. When you are pregnant everybody smiles at you. Strangers want to talk to you and wish you well. Women share their experiences and give you advice. It was a wonderful time in my life. So, when I saw myself in the mirror and I was pregnant, even when I was monstrously pregnant, I saw life and love.

The second the umbilical cord was cut, I realized, that I was only me again. It was no longer us. At that time, I was not able to investigate that feeling or mourn, because it got buried in the excitement of meeting Star for the first time. But it was always there. After we went home, in the weeks that followed it reemerged, and I had many sleepless hours to dwell upon it.

I felt like I was a husk, a hull, an empty shell; the bit that gets thrown away. A fat slob. An eye sore. Disgusting.

People were still drawn to me, but it was my beautiful baby they wanted to see. That would have been delightful if I got a greeting and then we talked about Star or the weather. But I had lost that special status of life-giver and had become the caretaker and when you were the caretaker people talked down to you.

The benedictions became criticisms. 'You look so tired.' 'You shouldn't leave the house looking like that.' 'How is losing the baby weight going?' Or my all-time favorite. 'You look like sh*t.' I went from a glowing goddess of fertility to a tired worn-out fat hag.

I know those words sound harsh, but they are the words I hear in my head. So, when I look at myself in the mirror now, that is what I see and think.

I am no longer that beautiful slender young man I was a year ago.

Now I am a used-up shell of an omega whose body still needs to recover. And once it does, I need to figure out who I am now and learn to love my body again. Even if there is evidence of my pregnancy marring my figure. Even if I am plump. I need to come to terms with my new definition of beautiful because I will never be that effervescent creature that Hia fell in love with again.

In two days, we are allowed to resume having sex, and I burn with desire for my mate. I need his touch like I need oxygen. But how can I have sex, feeling like this? I don't even like undressing to take a shower. How am I supposed to let Hia see me? He will be disgusted. I am disgusted and it is my own body. I can't bear to see revulsion in his eyes and then watch him hide it. Because he loves me, and he knows I look like this because I gave him a daughter.

If only I could have more time. I have been walking every day with Star for the last couple of weeks and I am getting stronger. I have already lost twenty pounds. Ten pounds from giving birth, and another 10 from my blood volume going back to normal, breastfeeding, and exercising. Thirty more pounds and I will be back to my pre-pregnancy weight.

If I can lose 2 pounds a week safely. That is 8 pounds a month. I should be okay in four months. But I don't know if Hia can wait that long. I saw a different plan online that was more aggressive. If I don't eat two days a week, exercise, and count my calories, I can lose five or more pounds a week. That would mean I only need six weeks.

How do I avoid getting naked for six weeks? He will want to be intimate as soon as we get the okay from Dr. U. If I tell him no, it will hurt him. He might think I am rejecting him because of something he has done. Maybe I can ask to turn the lights off and keep my clothes on. I can also do most of the touching and pleasing. Then I can avoid him knowing the extent of how bad I look.

The problem is, I have only had sex where he led. I have never taken control before. OMG, what do you care about more NuNew, him seeing your body, or being a terrible love?

Please, please, don't let him notice how weird I am being.

Chapter 93: Event Zee's POV July 26, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (107)

Today was the postpartum follow-up visit for Nhu. Of course, it was also an opportunity to show off Star. The very best part, aside from Kitten's recovery getting the thumbs up from Dr. U. was my sexy kitten getting the thumbs up for having sex again. OH MY GOD. I need to rip his clothes off and I have my way with him.

I have a plan. First, I will feed him all his favorite foods. Then I will prepare a bath with rose petals and candles. While I put Strawberry to sleep, he can soak in the tub. Then I will make a nice nest for us in the family room and bow chikka bow wow! I am going to make him cum his brains out.

It has been three and a half months since we have had sex. I am dying. Kitten must be dying too.

I looked over at Nhu because I wanted to tease him with a 'Wait until I get you naked.', look and make him blush, but he was looking at the ground. He looks tired and sad. Maybe he is hungry? He should be, he has not been eating very much these last couple of days. He said he has been feeling a little nauseous.

"Kitten, are you hungry? Should we stop somewhere and have a meal?"

Nhu, without looking up, shook his head.

"Are you sure baby? You haven't eaten much today. I don't think I have seen you eat at all."

"I am okay Hia. I just feel a little nauseous."

Then Nhu's stomach betrayed him and rumbled, which made me laugh. Normally Nhu would have giggled and blushed and looked adorable. But not today. His movements got a little stiff, he turned his face away, and he began fussing with the visor on the stroller.

"The sun is in her eyes. Can we stop for a second? I want to drape a blanket to block out the sun."

The car was a few feet away. Maybe he did not know that the car was ahead of us.

"We are almost at the car-", I say.

"I don't want the sun in her eyes. Look at her Hia, she is squinting. Will you please just stop?"

Stopping, I sized up my mate while he dug in the bottom of the stroller for a blanket. I know he is stressed about leaving the house, and he is tired, but, he has never snapped at me over nothing before. This was an unusual reaction for him. Was he tired? But I thought things were just starting to be more manageable. Star was sleeping six hours a night, so we have been getting more sleep. Could this be about me going back to work tomorrow? Was he anxious about doing everything by himself?

I said nothing when we walked the ten feet to the car. I said nothing when he blinked and stared at the car. It was obvious he did not know. When his face got red and his lip wobbled, I immediately felt so bad for him. My poor little stressed-out kitten.

"Kitten, let Hia do this, okay? Why don't you get in the car and rest a bit."

Pulling him into a side hug, I kissed the top of his head and gave him a little top off of hormones. Submissive now, Nhu took his seat in the front of the car.

When I got into the driver's seat, I saw that Nhu had been crying. It broke my heart. What was wrong with my Kitten? How can I help him? I can't stand this.

"I'm sorry Hia.", said Nhu, in a tiny whisper.

His hands were clasped in his lap. It is a habit he has when he is trying to hide that his hands are shaking. Oh, Kitten.

"Don't be my little dove. It is a tiny thing and did not hurt me at all. But I am worried about you. I don't want to leave you and Star tomorrow and go back to work. Maybe I can talk to my partner and tell him I need more time."

I trailed off and looked at Nhu. A thin tear, only visible because of the reflection from the sun, slid down his cheek and disappeared into a shadow.

"It's okay Hia. We will be okay. I will miss you, but it has to happen. If we need anything I will call Mom. And if anything happens, I will call you. I will take lots of pictures and videos and send you the most adorable ones. You can video chat with us whenever you want. And we will be waiting for you with open arms when you come home and shower you with kisses."

With a small nod, Nhu affirmed his words and he looked at me with shining eyes and held my hand in his. He was reassuring me. OMG! How did I luck out? He never thinks about himself, but always worries about me. Nhu comforting me is not what I meant to happen, but I would not trade this moment in for anything.

Chapter 94: NuNew's POV July 26, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (108)

I am trying something with my writing. Let me know what you think and if you noticed a difference. Was it too wordy? Did it pull you into the scene and make you feel like you were in the tub? Let me know.

Pressing my spine into the back of the tub I let my head hang over the edge. The lip of the tub fits perfectly into the bend of my neck. As my muscles elongated and stretched, I released the tension that had permanently made a home in the nape of my neck. It felt amazing.

Everything was arranged to please the senses. Hia's doing of course. He knows me so well. Even the bath bomb he chose for me smelt heavenly. It was like bathing in the center of a pit less half of a peach.

After smelling like sour milk for six weeks with only a quick shower a day to break up the monotony of baby smells, luxuriating alone in the sensory bomb Hia created for me, felt like I had borrowed a little corner in heaven. I was beginning to forget that there was more to me than an omega. There was also a man. A man who loved to take care of himself. For my mental health alone, I needed to do this more often.

Running down my self-care to-do list I decided to deal with the rogue eyebrow hairs that need pruning. Seriously, my hair was going on a field trip across the bridge of my nose. Next was a face mask, a nice brisk soapy wash to remove the milky "odor de Mami", followed by washing my hair and finishing with a few drops of scented oil to give my hair a sheen. Rinsing off, I would emerge glistening and clean, and while the water was still dewy on my body, I would rub the same oil into my skin. A thorough brushing of teeth and trimming of nails and I will be a human again.

I missed this.

Getting out of the tub I felt clean and slippery. I was completely engrossed in my vision of self-care loveliness when I caught sight of my blurry reflection in the mirror. The condensation hid the detail, but it could not hide the size of my bulk. Grabbing a towel, I covered up and reality came flooding in.

I know it is wrong, but I hoped I could avoid Hia and quietly slip into bed and fall asleep. At the very least I could pretend to sleep. I didn't think I could go through with being intimate with him. Not after feeling like myself for thirty glorious minutes, only to be reminded that, that person no longer existed. My psyche was so fragile. One wrong twitch in Hia's face And I could burst into tears. I didn't want to expose myself.

Suddenly, six weeks of facing this seemed impossible.

Luck was not on my side, and I cursed that fickle bitch. I guess there would be no hiding from my insecurities tonight because Hia was waiting for me in loose pants and a flowing shirt left unbuttoned. His toned and beautiful body hypnotized me. He looked like Adonis came to life.

Wordlessly he took my hand and with hooded eyes, drew me into the living room where there were more candles. Oh God, I wanted this. I needed this. I needed to connect with my alpha, my mate; my husband.

He drew me further into the room and I saw he had created a beautiful nest for us to make love in. My heart constricted in my chest. What a loving gesture of acceptance. What alpha went out of their way like this? Emotions pricked my eyes and before I knew what was happening, he had drawn me into his embrace and I could feel the warmth of his skin everywhere the towel did not cover as I willingly pressed myself into his heat.

We have kissed a hundred times in the last three sexless months, but it had never been like this. He tasted me, dipped his tongue into my mouth, and took gentle sips of my nectar. His touch made me come alive. I felt beautiful. I was a sexual animal and rubbed myself up and down his body. Using my toes to gain altitude.

Shrugging off his shirt I watched as it fluttered to the ground and then turned my eyes to feast upon his erotic body. He had the kind of body that made you feel wanton and protected which was like a mating call to my omega. Especially since we have been so hypervigilant of Star and keeping her safe.

Reaching out, I placed my hand flat on his chest and slid my fingertips down his torso, down to the hem of his pants. Slipping my hand in between his skin and his fly, I felt my fingers dangling into an erotic void.

Using the fly of his pants, I pulled him closer. Slowly, and seductively, never taking my eyes off of his. Letting him see my desire, my approval of his body, and the wantonness that lay dormant waiting to be awoken.

Hia groaned, and that moan made me twitch in too many places as my body responded and answered his mating call. I tilted my face up to his, rose on my toes, and sucked his bottom lip into my mouth. Gently pulsing and swirling my tongue over the tip of his lip simulating something far more intimate. His answering moan came from deep inside resonating in his chest and his mouth.

Forcefully, he took over and demanded my tongue which I willingly yielded to him mingling my soft moans with his. Then he touched the knot in my towel, I wanted to feel him skin to skin knowing it would take me to a new level of pleasure. I trembled in anticipation of my towel dropping to my feet and pressing myself into his hard body: but then everything froze and I reacted.

My f*cking insecurities and self-loathing were stronger than my desire. How entrenched was this evil in my psyche that at a time like this when my every thought was consumed with climbing up my alpha like he was a tree, that fear overrode my reasoning and made me hang onto that towel like Hia was a rapist and the towel was the last barrier protecting me.

It was like we hit a wall going one hundred miles per hour. The silence was deafening. Hia looked so bewildered. He kept shaking his head. He was probably trying to clear the fog of lust that shrouded his mind so he could comprehend the situation.

I heard a low droning that increased in pitch and volume and my body trembled as if it was in sync with the sound. That is when I realized that I was the source. Then everything shattered like a broken window and pieces of me scattered like shards of glass. I sunk into a crouch, hugged my knees, and began to sob. Deep heart-wrenching sobs that were so intense I could only gasp for air in between while they pulled me like a riptide out to sea farther and farther away from Hia.

Chapter 95: Event Hia's POV July 26, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (109)

My beautiful love. My life, my forever, had squatted down to the ground and was making a sound that would break anybody's heart. I needed to clear my head. I was so confused. My mind was still reeling from the rapid shift in the mood. I needed time to transition, so I stood there. I could feel my eyes blinking out of sequence with how fast the world was moving around me. I hung, suspended in time, then time adjusted, and I was falling to my knees beside NuNew.

"Nhu? Nhu? Baby, what is wrong? Did I hurt you?", I asked.

I tried to hold his face in my hands so we could make some kind of contact. If I saw his eyes, maybe I could understand what was happening to him. But when I pulled his face gently into my hands his eyes were not seeing anything, at least anything that was here in this room. The pain was internal. Something within him was causing him grief.

Checking his body, I did not find any injuries. All I could do was scent him and hold him. I pulled him into my chest, engulfed his body with mine, and swayed back and forth releasing a steady stream of soothing pheromones. Letting him cry these tormented sobs that sounded like they originated from the depths of his soul.

I began humming, sometimes singing nameless tuneless melodies. I adlibbed little phrases of love and comfort while I kissed his hair and rubbed his back. Sometimes my tears would fall with his and soon the top of his head was damp. My poor little kitten was suffering so much. I was desperate to know why, but I needed him to calm down first. So, I crooned and cooed and poured my love and strength into him.

All things must end, and so eventually did Nhu's tears. He had melted into my chest having no more energy left. I picked up my limp noodle and brought him over to the nest. His face never left my chest as I gently lowered him down and squirmed to get the soft blankets to cover us.

We lay there listening to each other breathe. Drawing strength from our love. I knew to wait. He would speak when he was ready. Though it tortured me a bit not knowing, I did my best to remain patient. Then I realized that his breath had become too regular, and I recognized the little purrs he made when he was well and truly exhausted. I had been too tolerant because Nhu had fallen asleep.

Peeling my body away from Nhu's I uncovered his flushed and sweaty face. How had he breathed against me like that? My poor little kitten. And with that thought I too fell into a fitful sleep.

Sometime before dawn, I woke up to Nhu stirring. He had thrown a leg over me in sleep and his face was in my armpit. I felt his little huffs of breath as he adjusted trying to free himself. Reacting without thought, I pulled him on top of me and nuzzled his cheeks and neck, until I found the spot where I had marked him. I left a chaste kiss on the mark not wanting to rile him up but wanting to make a connection with him.

He was wide open to me, and I could feel him. He seemed calm. Almost as if he had purged himself of poison with his tears. Nhu reciprocated my affection peppering little kisses on my face and nuzzling his cheeks against mine. We continued scenting each other, it was a way to show love and reaffirm our vows.

Nhu became very still, and I could sense something building inside of him. When he finally spoke, his voice sounded horse and he had to clear his throat a few times until he could speak. And once he began speaking, he did not stop for a very long time.

Chapter 96: Zee's POV July 27, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (110)

His body radiated heat and his breath was moist as he pushed the words out through the tears. Staring at the ceiling I felt my body become heavier with every sentence. The words he used to describe himself made me turn my head into the soft plushy pile we had sunk into, to hide my wet gasps. My little beautiful kitten, my heart, my light, my beloved. Why were you like this?

Listening to Nhu I realized I had no clue as to what he had been going through. It never once occurred to me that he would be so affected by the changes pregnancy had made to his body. I needed to see his face while he talked to me, to better understand him, and I tried adjusting our bodies so I could see his face while he spoke, but he clung to me like a little Koala and mewled.

"I can't say this if I'm looking at you.", Nhu said.

I didn't speak and resumed my stroking of his hair and back. Letting him get used to my hands on his body in a way that was not sexual. Like how ancient tribes used to tame elephants. They would burn incense, sing, talk, and touch the gentle beasts all night long until they were no longer afraid of humans. The idea that Nhu feared my touch troubled me and I was determined to turn this around.

What Nhu shared with me, broke my heart. Immediately I wanted to explain, to rid him of the notion that I did not find him desirable. Prove to him that my longing for him had remained steadfast. Tell him how I felt even more in love with him now that we had a child. How my alpha urged me to impregnate him again and how turned on I was by the idea. His smell, his ripe figure all the changes he despised, were such a turn on to me.

The idea that I would no longer have to restrain my passion was electrifying. He was no longer that tender delicate virgin. He was now a seasoned omega. There was so much I wanted to explore and do to him...

Nhu quieted, he had said his peace, and I could tell by how still his body was that he was frightened to know how I reacted.

I continued stroking him, letting my hands linger where they wanted.

"Kitten, I had no idea this was how you felt. I am so sorry all this time you were alone with these thoughts. I wish you would have told me sooner. The way you feel is valid because they are your thoughts and feelings. But you have made assumptions about me, baby. Your fears about how I feel since you had Star, are...I think it would be easier if I just showed you. Is that okay, Kitten?"

Instead of answering me, Nhu kept his face hidden in my chest like a child and I felt his heart hammering like a terrified bird against my chest. I felt something spasm inside of me and for a few seconds I couldn't breathe.

I wanted to show my mate the answers to his fear in the best way alphas knew how to communicate, by making love to him and worshipping his body. But right now, his love language and mine were not communicating well and I feared my actions would be misunderstood and not do justice to my true feelings.

"I am going to open up the bond as much as I can. So, you can feel what I feel and see what I see. Okay?"

I felt Nhu's breath catch. It was a big deal for me to do this, but that was how confident I was.

"Okay.", Nhu said.

"I want to look at you. Can I do that?", I asked.

Nhu rubbed his face into my chest and crawled up my body to nuzzle into my neck. Making little purring noises as he got the pheromones he craved. When he was sated, he slid off me. I inhaled letting his sweet odor fill me and steady me. Then I turned towards him and pulled him into my embrace and brought his face even with mine.

At first, Nhu struggled to meet my eyes. His ears turned bright red and there was a healthy rosy tint to his cheeks and what I could see of his chest. This did nothing to keep me calm and since I was not restraining my reactions to him, I was erect and bobbing against him in seconds.

His mouth made a little o and Nhu grabbed a long furry pink pillow and wedged it between us. Peaking over the edge of the pillow, all I could see were his round eyes that looked like sweet boba balls and his shiny black hair.

Without warning I opened the bond for Nhu and waited for him to reciprocate. When I felt Nhu was here, or was I there, it was very hard to tell, I gave my alpha liberty to communicate.

"You are MINE omega. My mate. You gave me a pup. You are a perfect omega. I want to bite you and knot you and make more pups. I won't hold back any more omega. You are a true omega now. Now you can handle your alpha."

I felt Nhu's confusion, so I showed him. The night we first made love and all the times we did after we were reunited, and Nhu was pregnant. Every time, I held back. I had to. His body was not ready to accommodate my true alpha. Only an omega who has born children, a true omega could handle an alpha. It is why alphas have a pregnancy kink. It is why we desire our omega's more after birth than before birth. Only then can our carnal cravings be met.

There was something about giving birth that marked an omega and made them better able to handle their alpha. It was as if their bodies matured and transformed into the perfect vessel. A true omega did not need the prep work they did before to receive their alphas. The birthing process had permanently loosened them. In return, their internal muscles were stronger and their ability to control them bordered on mythology. Even their slick smelled and tasted better. Like a fruit at the peak of harvest.

The very best part was a true omega's stamina increased and their sexuality matured. Nhu would last longer and be able to take more. Nhu's omega would be more in sync with my alpha and would contribute more to our sex play. Sex with a mated omega after a baby was what alphas dreamed of.

The moment I realized Nhu was pregnant, one of my first thoughts, after the shock and awe, was about the sex, I could have with Nhu after our pup was born. That was why today was so special. I could not wait to show Nhu what we could do together. The heights we could achieve.

The idea that I would be repulsed by Nhu was unfathomable. I had been fantasizing about this day since I transitioned into an alpha. As far as I was concerned it was the pinnacle of sex.

Sensing a change, I returned my focus to the here and now and saw the pillow Nhu had clutched to his chest had been cast aside. And Nhu, still looking me in the eye, was pressed against me purring. Not the same tempo and frequency he had when he was getting scented but an excited anticipatory hum that made me rumble in response.

Raising an eyebrow I asked, "Do you have any more questions? Tell me what I can do to convince you?"

I already knew the answer, the bond was open after all, but I could not help wanting to hear it.

"I want you to f*ck my brains out, Alpha."

OMFG, I almost came right then and there.

"As you wish.", I said.

Chapter 97: Hia's POV July 27, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (111)

Very explicit sexual content. I will summarize for those who do not or should not read this. Yes my little ones, that means you.

They make love. It is mind-blowing they are very happy and connected again. Hia has to go to work in the morning and is sad to leave. Before he leaves, he promises more frisky time later that evening.

Shexy scenes are not my forte but I did my best. 😳


Seeing Hia have sex with me through his eyes had to be the biggest turn-on of my short sexual career. I could have spent hours sifting through his horny thoughts about me. But there was something I wanted to do even more and that was to try out my new upgrades. Had I leveled up in the game of second genders? It was like I had been gifted with a Lamborghini. I wanted to find the nearest twisty coastal road and take that shexy car out for a ride.

The emotional rollercoaster I had gone through in the last thirty-six hours had left me raw and reckless, ready to try anything. I felt so sensitive, that even my pajamas felt erotic teasing and brushing against my swollen nipples. I pushed my hips into Hia and felt my chest vibrate and hum. I wanted to feel his skin. I wanted his hot tongue lapping up my slick. Sucking and f*cking me while I rubbed myself. I wanted to touch my stomach and feel the head of his co*ck as he pumped into me. I wanted his bite. I wanted it all.

Slick was sliding down my thighs by the time I noticed Hia smirking at me. He raised an eyebrow and asked, "Do you have any more questions? Tell me what I can do to convince you?"

I was going mad with lust. It was like I was in heat, but I was conscious of everything I said and did. I wanted Hia to f*ck me and I wanted it now.

"I want you to f*ck my brains out, Alpha.", I said.

Another wave of electricity and our bodies pulsed.

"As you wish.", Hia said.

"Lose the clothes.", he said.

His pajama bottoms disappeared somewhere and while I was undoing buttons, he had pulled my bottoms off and was licking and biting my inner thighs. Frustrated I ripped the shirt open and tangled my fingers in his hair.

Reaching between my legs he found my throbbing entrance inserted two fingers and began pumping. He knew just how to curl his fingers making me pant and grind into his hand trying to get more penetration.

"f*ck Nhu, you are so ready for me.", Hia said.

He pulled his fingers out and I groaned. Then he began crawling up my body sucking and biting starting with my desperately hard co*ck. By the time he got to my swollen breasts, I was a mindless beast grinding into his torso, begging him to fill me.

He stopped at my leaking breasts and looked at me and I groaned and nodded my head. Then he lapped the milk around my nipples tasting me, but he did not take my swollen nubs into his mouth. Instead, he nibbled at my mating mark and laughed as I moaned and rubbed into him in a frenzy.

My mouth was open like an inviting wet cavern as I sighed his name again and again. He took that as an opportunity to slot his mouth over mine and suck my helpless tongue into his mouth swallowing my breath. While he slid his co*ck between my legs and began rubbing himself into my slick and over my tortured entrance. I did everything I could to position myself to tempt him to slide it in, but he was not done playing with me.

I couldn't take it anymore. I needed him inside me. It started as a hoarse whisper.

"Please Hia."

And got more urgent.

"Please, Hia."

Until I finally bit his lip to get his attention making him growl.

"Put it inside. Please, baby. I need you inside me."

I positioned my hips again to show him how ready I was. But he already knew. How could he not we had the bond. He knew precisely what he was doing to me. How he had the fortitude to play with me I will never know because I too could feel his desire coiled low in his abdomen aching to plunge into me and see what it would be like.

Panting, I reached down lined him up, and looked him dead in the eyes. I was coming undone as he hovered there gently nudging against my opening and sighing until I couldn't take anymore and wrapped my legs around his back and took him into me, myself.

His eyes widened in surprise, then rolled back into his head, as he submitted. It was true. I had taken his girth completely with almost no preparation. It did not hurt, it only felt incredible.

Throwing my head back I exposed my neck and he was on me like a striking snake. At first, I thought he would bite but he stopped before he broke the skin. Sucking and licking then scraping his teeth over the mating bite. He was making me lose my mind and before I could scream with pleasure, he covered my mouth with his. Pumping into me slowly and growling as my body took him places, he had never gone before.

Bodies wet with my slick and the sweat of our efforts. Faces inches apart. Eyes opened into slits. We undulated and ground into each other. We had given ourselves over to our second genders and my alpha punished my body like he had never done before.

From my very first moan, I could feel the muscles in the walls of my passage responding to my pleasure. And when he penetrated me. It felt like waves of tightening and throbbing. At points during our love making the throbbing increased in tempo to such a degree that it was akin to a vibration.

Whatever I was doing in there, had rendered Hia mute.

At any point, I knew I could have had multiple org*sms, and still kept going. But I could feel something building inside of me. I knew the longer I waited the better the release would be, and I was chasing it, for as long as I could endure.

Hia's strokes became more disjointed and the force behind his thrusts increased. I couldn't hold back for much longer. My entire body felt so weak. As if I were the ocean, and I was drawing back all my energy in preparation for a tsunami wave of pleasure.

Hia began whispering hoarsely as he climaxed.

"I love you. I love you. I love you. Oh God Nhu."

And I joined him, but I was mute. I could hardly take in a breath as my pleasure eddied like a whirlpool and then released.

When it was over, and it was never really over because even as we lay there basking and spent in a delicious glow of release, currents of org*smic energy pulsed in my groin like aftershocks. Hia was praising me and telling him I was his dreams come to life. And other beautiful sentiments that I wish I had had the pleasure to hear. Unfortunately for me, I lost consciousness and knew nothing more until I awoke to very hungry Strawberry nursing from my breast and a dressed and anxious Hia leaning over us trying to support her while she suckled and gulped down breast milk.

"Look at my greedy little baby.", I said.

I took Star from Hia to free him from the awkward position he was in. I was in our bed and cleaned up. I looked up in worship at Zee. What we had done for hours before dawn had felt momentous. The emotion I had for him, choked me it was so strong. Happy tears wet the pillow as I smiled up at my beautiful perfect alpha and loved him with every atom in my body. How had life become like this? I was so happy. I was so blessed.

"I have to go to work. Promise you will call me if anything happens."

He looked at the two of us with a pained expression on his face. Worry and longing drawing his brows together and stealing his smile.

Reaching out my hand I stroked the edge of his lip and cheek. I did not want him to go either. I wanted to tell him I loved him and thank him for listening to me and sharing what he did. I wanted to tell him how happy I was, bury us in his arms and never let go.

Instead, I gave him, what I hoped was, a reassuring smile and whispered.

"We will be fine other than we will miss you. Facetime whenever you want."

Star had a particularly vigorous suckling, that sounded so gross and cute at the same time that it made us giggle.



"I love you."

"I love you too."

Star and I got kiss after kiss until he could wait no longer. Sighing he stood up and looked down at us one last time. I fought to hold back the tears until he left and tried to make my smile genuine. Star completely oblivious had passed out with my nipple halfway out of her mouth. That little piggy wouldn't even let go in her sleep. Looking at her little slack mouth hanging onto her favorite part of Mommy made us both giggle again.

Hia turned to leave and paused without looking back.

"You better plan on getting no sleep tonight."

And walked out of the room. I was still laughing when I heard the front door close. I looked down at my milky piglet who was weakly nursing in her sleep and closed my eyes to join her for a nap.

Chapter 98: NuNew's Journal Entry September 24, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (112)

Adjusting to life now that Hia is back to work, has been challenging. Nothing is wrong with Star, or me. Our lives are perfect. I just miss him.

I MISS YOU HIA! Come home early?

This is how I feel about one hour after he has left for the day, every day until he comes home.

I can't seem to get adjusted. Mom said it's part love, part hormonal. She makes it sound so clinical. All I know is that I miss him. Like an ache in my body. Nothing feels right. Is this what drug addicts feel like?

We practically attack the poor guy when he comes home.

I think it is unnatural for second-gendered families to spend so much time apart. Especially since we are biologically engineered to require regular pheromones from each other. Mating with someone is no joke. For the rest of our lives, Hia and I will need to be in physical proximity otherwise we will suffer.

Star also needs scenting multiple times a day, but as she gets older, she will need it less and less. When she transitions to her second gender, depending on what her second gender is, her pheromone needs will change again.

I wonder what her second gender will be. Statistically, because we are both second-gendered, she has a higher likelihood of being second-gendered too. And because she is female and female alphas, like male omegas, are not as common she is probably going to be an omega.

I'm not sure how I feel about that. Am I a bad person if I don't want her to be an omega? It's not that there is anything wrong with being an omega. It's the way we are treated. Maybe it will be different for her. They say every generation becomes more open-minded than the last.

Things are shifting. I have noticed that traditional second-gendered families are not as common and that mixed families (beta + second-gendered) are becoming trendy. Maybe times are changing and as a race, we are becoming more progressive.

I can see how families like ours can seem stodgy and high maintenance. We have different needs and more restrictions than other gendered family types. We tend to be more hierarchical. Our second gender combined with the mating bite, dictates certain behaviors that observed from the outside make it look like we are preprogrammed robots. Maybe my generation does not want to be restricted.

But that is a perception. It is not a reality. Unfortunately, a lot of people believe we are like some religious cult and that our independence is controlled. I know my generation wants more freedom, and I do too, but I don't feel constrained. But then again, I can't go on a bestie's spa trip weekend anymore unless I bring the entire fam-bam. What do I do if I have a book signing event out of town? I can see how it would be considered restricting. I don't know, I guess you find a way, right? I was raised in a happy traditional family, so all of this seems like normal life stuff.

The other misinformed opinion is that one gender is stronger than the other and dominates and bullies the weaker gender. But that is a very ignorant way of thinking of it. Sure, it is possible, like every other population we have bad people who are abusive, but that is rare. Most of us are happily mated.

Knowing how our family will be perceived, how do I provide Star with the resilience and self-esteem she will need if she is an omega? I am worried that our more traditional second-gendered lifestyle may further force her into that gendered role. What type of example should we be for her? How should we set up our household and family values to help her become the best version of herself?

If I am being honest with myself, I am afraid of her being hurt. She will surely deal with the bias that comes along with being an omega. More so than I ever did. I may be an omega, but I am also male. My first gender carries with it a prestige that puts me somewhere equal to a beta.

If Star is a female omega, she will be at the bottom of our gander-based caste system. It breaks my heart. She is just as valuable as any other human. And I want to tear apart anyone who treats her like her only value is breeding and child-rearing. I have never in my life wanted to lift my hand against anyone and I find myself shaking in rage at the thought of anyone hurting her.

What do I do? How do I protect her?

When I think of a good example of how a family should be run, I think of my parents. I like how my mom and dad did things. We were a loving family. My parents were involved in my everyday life. I was sheltered protected and loved. I left the home confident, but not unaware of what people thought. And I took my Dad's advice and surrounded myself with like-minded people. That is how our male omega's bestie group came about.

In my heart of hearts, I want to replicate a lot of the core values I was raised with, but are we preparing Strawberry for reality? Is our modern version of a traditional mated family good enough? Should I change our family to be more like what makes other people comfortable, so she blends in? But why should I try and change who Hia and I are? I like our dynamic. I love how Hia treats me. I don't think there is anything wrong with our lifestyles. Why should I change to appear more like everyone else when their prejudice is causing misunderstandings?

Yes, Hia is more dominant than me. He is also bigger, stronger, faster, and in a lot of topics smarter than me. Yes, if he put his foot down, I am likely to back down. It depends if it is contradictory to one of my core values, or not. He cannot force me to do anything I don't want to unless he uses the voice and that is not legal anymore. And Hia would never do that.

Here is what I think people who are not mated don't understand. To a mated alpha, their omega is their jewel. If we would let them, our mates would harm themselves trying to please us. We by far, have the upper hand when it comes to controlling the relationship.

All Hia's special strengths are utilized to protect and better my life, and the pups we make. That is his biology. But he is not controlled by me any more than I am controlled by him.

Looking at me and my role as an omega in this family, I am more domestic, (well I am supposed to be hahaha. Poor Hia.) As is typical of my gender, I like to be dominated in the bedroom, crave protection, a mate, and to take care of our children. (So far, JK Star you are my boo-boo baby and I wuv you.)

I also look a certain way. I look much more fragile than I am. I am petite and my body type is curvy. My features are softer and more symmetrical, and my scent and beauty are alluring to all genders, regardless of their sexual preferences. I am a walking talking honey trap.

I can see how someone would look at me and stereotype me. I am a 'typical omega.' I don't particularly like to be defined that way, but if you were going to measure something by a series of physical and behavioral traits, then I am right smack in the middle, boring.

If you looked at the surface of our little family, I guess an outsider would see old-school, antiquated, hierarchical, preprogrammed humans. And Star would be treated accordingly. And it is very dangerous out there for a female omega. Especially if people think you were bred to f*ck and make pups. You lose your humanity in their eyes. Like we are mindless and have no preferences because we are our natures. Why would we object to anyone using us for our function? I'll just grab this girlie hotpot and rape her. But hey that's not rape if it is an omega. Especially one from one of those traditional households. They don't fill their omegas with big ideas like equality and choice. They make sure they understand their place.

WHAT A CROCK OF sh*t! Nothing is further from the truth.

The biggest danger of being an unmated omega is that there are no laws to protect them from unmated alphas. At least if you are mated, then the law protects you, sort of. Like how property is protected. From the point of view of the law, a mated omega is the property of their mate.

Hia is now the proud owner of a pain-in-the-ass male omega. Congratulations on your purchase.

An unmated omega has no more protection than a family pet. That means there is no real recourse if an unmated omega is sexually assaulted, kidnapped, verbally abused, harassed, and more. The law does not recognize that omegas have rights, so they do not protect our rights. It's ridiculous.

And, it affects everything. No rights mean it is harder for us to find jobs and if we do, we are exploited. What is the reason? They say it is because we need to be out so often for our heats, and then once we are mated, we stay home and make pups. So, all that training and commitment ($$$) they put into us goes down the drain. But it is our society that pressures omegas to be the ones to stay at home and care for the children. Can you imagine if an alpha said, "I can't come in today I have to take care of a sick kid." How about a stay-at-home alpha?

HAHAHAHAHAHA. The world would implode.

Also, it is harder for us to find a place to live. No bank will give us a loan unless an alpha or beta co-signs because we are unemployable. Even if we have the money for a down payment. See above for the reasons why.

We can rent, but only in the type of place that doesn't care about tenant turn-around. AKA the slums. The most endangered member of society is given no option but to live in the most dangerous locations.

That makes so much sense.

My favorite is we are not very smart. EXCUSE ME? I went to college and had to accomplish the same things everyone else did to get that degree. Honestly, has anyone ever tested omegas for intelligence?

Here is where the silent injustice lies. I think even if I did not want a mate, I would probably get a mate because of the safety and the freedoms it would allow me. I would probably counsel Star to do the same. Because Hia and I will not live forever and she would need someone to protect her. That is horrible and I cannot believe I am saying this, but I won't delete it because it is true.

A legal system reflects a society's values. Mic drop!

So where does this leave Star? What would her life be like as an omega? Am I okay with that? NO! Do I want her to be born into a caste system where she is at the bottom of the rung of society? NO! So, what am I going to do about it?


Having a kid is so complicated. I never thought about this stuff before. Here I am wondering how to set up our family values and tenets for an infant. She is barely 3 months old.

Am I a legit adult now? Am I going to start thinking like my dad? No. I must go out and do something incredibly irresponsible to make up for this journal entry.

Chapter 99: Event NuNew's POV December 5, 2024

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (113)

Daddy left early this morning, but he still woke me up enough to get his morning kishes and our morning pheromone exchange, which if we are not careful, turns into a quicky. Then we laid with Star in between us and scented her. She was so adorable that it was impossible not to kiss her and cuddle her, but we were very careful because we didn't want to wake her up.

Reluctantly, Hia left to grab his breakfast and a coffee at his favorite shop, and I snuggled back in with our cute snuggly little baby. Hia and I were up late last night and on days like this I try and sleep until she wakes up. But my daughter was a milky pig, and it was not long before she was snuffling like a truffle pig and wiggling her way to access her breakfast. She sighed when I released my breast from the tangle of my shirt and the blankets and gave her my nipple.

How am I going ever to discipline her when she is SO CUTE?

I think every parent alive will relate with me when I say I stared at her with a goofy grin on my face until we both drifted off to sleep again.

Someone has figured out how to turn onto her belly and I woke up to grunting. At first, I thought my little constellation was having a poo, but when I looked, Star was on her belly in a bhujangasana (cobra) pose. She was kicking her little legs trying to push herself forward, trying to get close enough to July's tail so she could give it a good yank. She thinks startling July is the funniest thing ever.

As a mom, I was proud of her. Five months old and she was already beginning to try and crawl.

I looked over at July, who was sleeping on the pillow, my pillow I might add, and felt this little evil thought bubble to the surface.

The little angel that lives in my head said, "Don't do it, that is mean."

The gremlin fed the fire and said, "The cat deserves it for sleeping on our pillow.

"You are teaching the baby to pull July's tail.", said the angel.

Then the gremlin drop-kicked the heavenly angel and said, "She's a baby she will never remember. Come on, it will be so funny.

Gently I reached out and pushed July's tail in reach of my little baby menace and waited. She is not very coordinated, but goodness if she did not reach out with a lightning-fast movement, and started yanking July's tail like it was an old school bell with a string.

July's startled awake and Star started laughing with this clear honest giggle, I wonder who she gets this from? July tried to run away but Star had a death grip on his tail and was yanking away. I had my arms about her just in case July decided to strike back. And he did raise his paw to cat box Star on the head.

"Uh uh uh!"

Lowering his paw, he accepted his fate and laid back down. All the while glaring at me making promises of relieving his wrath, with his eyes. I made a mental note to make sure the door to my nest was closed and stayed closed for the near future.

Fully awake, I changed Star's diapers.

"Star! What have you been eating? Good God!"

I may have said things like that while changing her. Look I am not as perfect as Daddy. I have a weak gag reflex.

Since Star refused to wear clothing, I put her on her sensory blanket on her back so she could see her sensory play gym. AKA things hanging from strings that she can yank. I started doing laundry. It never ends, laundry is the bane of my life. And then started on my neverending checklist of chores. I could hear Star shrieking at her toys from the family room.

"A A A A AAAA A. A A AA. O Ooo oo oo o. AAAA!", Star said.

Then she started to make the I love you, sounds. It is what I call the soft little cooing noises she makes for her favorite things. The first time I heard it she had just finished feeding and was patting my booby and making the cutest little noise. 'oo oo oo oo' Then I noticed she did the same thing to Daddy during cuddle scenting time. She does it to me all the time now. I even caught her patting July, oo oo oo oo.

Not long ago, during tummy time, she discovered the soft plastic mirror that was sewn into the sensory blanket, and like everything else she pounded and grabbed it. Then she caught a look at herself in the mirror, and like a parakeet, she thought her reflection was another baby. This "baby" was now her best friend. She talked to it every day and loved it. I don't know if I should melt into a puddle or be concerned.

"oo oo oo oo. oo oo oo oo. oo oo oo oo.", said Star.

Awww she was talking to her friend.

After a while the happy love talk turned into banging and grunting, and then every once and a while you could hear the first tenuous sounds of crying. Then she would get distracted and go back to the mad yanking and banging.

Looking at the time, I realized she was due soon for her second feeding and her first nap. sh*t. If I don't eat now I will not get another chance for a few hours. I haven't even had breakfast yet. Rushing around I tried to throw some cereal into a bowl and add some milk.

"a a aa a a aaA aaAAA aAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAAA AAAA", Strawberry said.

When I heard the soft crying start I knew what was coming so I rushed to grab the milk and pour it in the bowl and dropped the milk bottle in the process.

"Thud! Splash. Glug glug glug.", the milk bottle said.


Star was in full-on FEED ME mode and was screaming in the background. I reached down, fast like a ninja, and grabbed the quickly emptying bottle off the ground and put it on the counter. Milk has splashed everywhere. Star is crying. I felt an immense amount of pressure to go to my crying baby, but in reality, she was absolutely fine. But tell that to my heart.

I rushed into baby's view as I ran to get towels to clean up the spill and she saw me; and for a brief second, she thought lunch would be served. But as I kept running down the hall to the linen closet where I kept the towels, she realized that her lunch was running from her and not towards her, and OMG did she scream. Like the neighbors are going to complain screaming. Like I am murdering her or something.

That sound did things to my brain that I cannot even describe properly. All I knew was that I was seriously considering leaving the milk to coagulate and running to my perfectly fine baby instead. I stood in the hallway, paralyzed.

Rational brain – Clean up on aisle 5. Clean up on aisle 5. Get out their soldier and clean up the biological waste and sanitize it before it congeals and turns into a biohazard.

Baby brain – Baby danger. Run. Danger Danger.

Rational brain – There is literally nothing wrong with Star. It's not even time for her feeding yet. You have 15 minutes. MOVE MOVE!

Baby brain - Baby danger. Run. Danger Danger (she only knows a few words okay. But don't worry, what she lacks in vocabulary she makes up for in volume.)

Rational brain – Move soldier, that's an order. MOVE!

Running, I skidded to a halt in front of the linen closet. Grabbed an obscene number of towels. Leaving the doors to the closet open, I spun around and took off at full speed. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a grey blur.

That little sh*t.

I was going too fast to stop it from happening. All I could do was try to minimize the damage. July wound around my ankles and streaked away. Hanging on to the towels, I went flying, and just as I was about to smack into the hard floor, I got the bundle of towels between me and the floor.

Whoosh, the air is forced out of my lungs.

Crack, my elbow hits something.

"Gasp gasp gasp.", I said.

Everything was silent. Even Strawberry was quiet and I could see her in a cobra pose staring at me. Her face was bright red from crying. I looked over at July's favorite hiding spot, and he was there peering at me from the depths of darkness. I swear he was gloating.

I hear Star take a deep breath. Oh no!



Rational brain – ..............

Glancing at my aching elbow, and wincing at the red-turning blue mark I ran towards the kitchen. Threw the entire pile of towels in the general direction of the spill and started wolfing down semi-soggy cereal. Yes, I was drinking out of the bowl. Meanwhile, I am using my foot to dry up the spilled milk with the towels. I saw the baby-safe cleaning spray and grabbed it with my noncereal hand. I kicked aside the wet towels and began spraying everywhere while I was trying to gulp down cereal.


Sadly, I said goodbye to the half-eaten bowl of cereal put the bowl in the sink, and ran the water. Turning off the water I faced the pile of semi-soggy towels. I squatted down sorted through towels and found some dry ones on top of the heap. I sprayed and wiped up every spot. I shoved the milk back into the fridge without the lid and hurled the towels in the direction of the washer. I then approached my drama baby. This whole debacle took 3 minutes.

Facing my teary-eyed babe, I reached my arms out and picked her up. Her screaming had turned into a soft aaaaaa aaaaaaa. Grabbing my shirt she used it to pull herself up and gave me a wet sloppy kiss on the mouth. While I walked I opened my shirt and showed her the coveted lunch buffet and she pushed her feet into my abdomen and kicked up and down in her glee. I cooed at my little girl and said things like boo-boo baby and little milky pig. We were having a moment. When we got to the bedroom we were both ready for our sleepy time feeding.

Everything slowed down. Star latched on to my nipple grabbed two fistfuls of my breast and clenched and unclenched her hands while she took greedy gulps. You would never know it had only been a few hours since she last glutted herself. I sighed and watched her nursing. She is so darn adorable. I wanted to bite her cheeks but instead, I played with her little cheeks and booped her nose. We both sighed and I snuggled up with my hot sweaty baby and we fell asleep.

Chapter 100: Zee's POV Event February 14, 2025

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (114)

Warning some racy foreplay at the end. 18 and older, please.

Today was the anniversary of my return from Africa. It also happens to be Valentine's Day. To commemorate our reunification and to acknowledge my deep regret for not being here for the first half of the pregnancy, I had a special date planned for NuNew. I conspired with Ma to take Star for her first sleepover at Grandma and Grandpa's house. We figured since Star was eating solids and having less breast milk Ma could handle one night with Star. Luckily NuNew had been pumping and storing breastmilk in preparation for something like this.

What I did not count on was the two individuals in question being separated for the first time. I left home five days a week and was used to long periods without Star. NuNew had been with Star since the day she was conceived until now.

I thought of everything. I bought a beautiful outfit complete with shoes, with some help from James and Nat. I threw Nhu off the trail by sending him to a spa to get a message and facial. I purchased tickets to an intimate venue where one of his favorite bands was playing and then I planned to take him home, make love, fall asleep make love, make love, and sleep. Ma would bring Star home in the morning and we could sneak her into bed with Nhu and let her glut herself. The perfect plan.

Everything was ready. I had Star all packed up to go. We were waiting for Nhu to come home. Star was very excited. She had started crawling a couple of weeks ago and while I was using the bathroom she discovered the overnight bag I left by the front door. In the bottom of the bag, I had stashed a magic weapon for Ma, just in case she was desperate. It was kitty plushy and like a plushy-seeking missile, Star had already figured out that I stole kitty plushy from Nhu's nest and where I had hidden it. So, the first thing Nhu saw when he walked in was Star playing with his kitty plushy, which was partially pulled out of the overnight bag.

I heard Nhu when he came in and tried to hurry, but...I can't stop nature.

"Hello Boo Boo Baby, what are you doing here? Where is Daddy?"

"Ma ma ma ma ma ma.", said Star, shoving kitty plushy in her mouth and slobbering.

"mm mm mm mm", said Star.

"Daddy?", asked Nhu, calling out loud enough to be heard throughout the house.

"In the bathroom.", I said.

I was speed-washing my hands when I heard Star babbling angrily.

"MA MA MA MA MA.", Star said.

"Boo Boo, where did you get this?", asked Nhu.


Star sounded mad. There was only one thing that would make her yell at Nhu. The only thing they have ever fought over and that was kitty plushy. The one thing Nhu would not give her. Nhu would give an organ to Star if she needed it, with no hesitation, but not kitty plushy.

Oh God, I am busted. I snuck kitty plushy into the bag. Which means I went into Nhu's nest and took it when Nhu was not there. Major nest violation. This was not the start I was imagining for our romantic evening.

I ran out of the bathroom and down the hall and right before I got to the two of them, I stopped and casually walked into what looked like a purse snatching. Nhu had squatted down to Star's level and was gently holding onto the kittie plushie, but Star was not having it and was yanking with all her might. In the process, the content of the bag was spilling out onto the floor. Diapers, pajamas, toys, bedtime books, everything.

Sighing I said, "I can explain-"

"Aaaa", said Star and gave a good baby yanks.

That was when the breast milk that I had stored in a soft-sided cooler came tumbling out of the bag, the cooler hitting the floor and breast milk bottles rolling everywhere.

"everything.", I said.

I am doomed. But then Nhu sat down on the floor and opened his arms to Star who had managed to free kitty plushy and was triumphantly dragging it over to mommy. Seeing the silly sight, Nhu started laughing and helped Star climb onto his lap and settled the kitty in her arms.

"I don't know why I don't just give it to her. She loves it so much. Maybe she remembers from when she was in my belly. It's just that kitty plushy is my special special plushy. We have been through hard times together. And she smells so good.", said Nhu.

Whatever the plushy smelled like was some kind of baby crack because Star couldn't get enough of kitty plushy and was pushing her face into the plushy and giving it her open-mouthed wet kisses.

"aa aa aa aa, aa aa aa aa", Star said.

"I have pretended to lose kitty. I have refused to give her kitty. I have tried substitutes. Lots and lots of substitutes. Even July tried to take one for the team and curled up with her, but she whacked him with her rattle and screamed.", Nhu said,

We both laughed watching kitty plushy get slobbery from Star's love.

"Maybe it was never mine to begin with, and it was always hers.", Nhu said.

I sat down on the floor with them spread my legs in a V and pulled them both into my chest and we all started to nuzzle. I love my family.

"Hey Baby, want to go on a date?", I asked.


NuNew appeared to be dubious that Star would be alright without her beloved boobies, but he appeared to be eager to take the chance. NuNew also wanted an entire night with no parental responsibilities.

Making sure to give Star a big feeding before she left, he handed me a drowsy Strawberry. Nhu seemed to be a little clingy as he followed on my heels giving me instructions about what Star would need.

"Make sure Ma knows that she is going to want to cuddle during the night.", Nhu said.

"Their house is not baby-proofed, please tell them to be very careful. She is a lot faster than she looks.", Nhu said.

I looked around our home and smiled. Nobody was going to baby-proof their home like Nhu had. There was not one single corner or edge that was not covered in foam bumpers. I could not even open a cupboard, without a magnetic key that was forever getting lost.

"Hold on. Don't go yet.", Nhu said.

He ran to our bedroom and came back with the shirt he was just wearing and his nursing bra and stuffed them in the bag.

"Let her sleep with that and let her hold it when she is feeding from a bottle.", Nhu said.

Nhu gently tucked the blanket around Star who looked like a little Eskimo in her cold-weather clothes. He kissed a blissed-out Star. She had no idea what was going on, but Nhu did, and his bottom lip began to wobble. I wrapped my arms around him and nuzzled into the mating scar.

"She will be fine. You will be fine. It is time. Your mom raised you, didn't she? She did a great job, right? She will do a great job with Star.", I said.

"I know, I can't help it. It is so sudden, and we have never been apart.", Nhu said.

I turned him around in my arms and gently teased his mouth open with little nibbles and strokes of my tongue until he opened for me with a sigh, and I gently but thoroughly kissed him. When we were done, Nhu had his head in the crook of my neck and was nuzzling my gland. Oh, if he doesn't stop that soon, we will never make it anywhere. I gently pulled him away from my neck, so we could look at each other.

"I miss you too Nhu. I need this. I need to connect to my mate. We are always mommy and daddy. Even when we make love, we are thinking of Star worrying about her waking up. We need time together, alone. Can you do that for me kitten?", I asked.

To ease the seriousness of what I said, I tickled Nhu under the chin as if he were a cat and got a little smile. Nhu let out a big sigh and nodded his head.

"Meow.", he said.


Dropping off Star with Ma was easy, too easy. She slept through the car ride and was still asleep when I left. I would have preferred her to be awake, so she could see she was staying at Grandma's. But I think it would have been worse if I woke her from a nap. Nhu was always telling me about the dangers of throwing off her sleep cycle. So much so, that when I got home from work, one of the first things he told me about was how she had slept that afternoon as if forecasting how our night would go.

When I arrived home, I could hear Nhu on speaker with his mom in the bedroom.

"Where is she going to sleep?"

"Did you get the shirt and the bra?"



I used the other bathroom to check on my appearance then joined Nhu in our bedroom. He was showered, dressed, and applying makeup while he had his mom on the phone.

"What about-."

"Okay. Okay. I know."

"Thank you, Mom."

"I will."

"Call us for anything, okay?"

"Love you too."

Nhu put the phone down on the table then saw my reflection in the mirror and smiled.

"Hey Teerak. Are you going to tell me where we are going?", asked Nhu.

I came up behind him admired my stunning husband's reflection and rested my hands on his shoulders. Leaning down, never losing eye contact, I whispered seductively.



Dinner was a boisterous fun affair. I took him to a Sushi place called Tokyo Delves, and not only did they serve sushi, but they had entertainment. The first half of the dinner was quiet and romantic. We sat next to each other in a booth and watched as the waiter pushed copious amounts of sake into patrons' hands and then bellies, us included. By the time the entertainment started, the edges of our vision were a little fuzzy. That is when everything got wild.

I picked this place because these were the fun dates we should have gone on together if we had not gotten pregnant before I had a chance to properly court him. I did not want to rob Nhu of the experience. So what if our sequence was out of order? Out of order was our jam. It's how we do things.

It was not long before the host was playing music and had coaxed the entire room to stand on top of the chairs and dance. The waiter pushed more sake into our hands and when the entire room was holding their little cups of sake, the host yelled.

"Kanpai.", and drank the sake.

With a roar, all the patrons did the same.


They had us laughing and dancing and hopping on and off the tables for about 45 minutes. We yelled until our voices were scratchy and our faces red and moist. I loved seeing the glee in Nhu's eyes as he stared at me conspiratorially as we did whatever craziness the host told us to.

Next, we were in an Uber to our next destination. We were tipsy and giggling in the back seat. Getting handsy while making sure the driver was not looking. We were being silly and irresponsible. Something that we never got to do.

The vibe of the next venue was completely different. It was a club known for its live music. We both had been here before. Without each other or with a group of friends while we were in university, but never just the two of us. So Nhu knew we were going to be listening to live music. What he did not know was one of his favorite vocalists was playing. It was perfect because there was no advertising about the artist singing tonight. After all, it was an exclusive event.

Pulling Nhu onto the dancefloor I put a possessive hand on Nhu's waist as we danced. I loved watching Nhu dance. He was very limber, and his body moved in waves. The movements would start at his fingertips and would roll through his torso. It was erotic especially since I could recall the same sinuous movements, under me when we made love.

I was not going to make it much longer at this rate, so I forced my eyes to his and focused on his happy smile and sweaty brow. Unable to contain myself, I pulled him close, and we moved as one on the dancefloor shutting out the world.

Then the music stopped, and a curtain opened and there were instruments and drums set up on stage. We stayed on the dancefloor and waited to see the band. They had everything from cover bands to blues artists playing here, so Nhu was probably expecting something like that when I felt him stiffen. His eyes opened wide and his brows shot up. He glanced at me, and I am sure I had a satisfied grin on my face. Then back at the stage. He repeated this a few times then started jumping up and down and clapping his hands softly.

When the first bars of music wafted out of the speakers, Nhu shrieked and jumped into my arms.

"Hia! I love you! I can't believe it. How did you know?", Nhu asked.

He was shouting over the music. I swung him in a slow happy circle, and we danced until the very last song.

We didn't drink after the sake at the Japanese restaurant so when the Uber brought us home we were sober. I put the key card on the elevator's scanner, and we rode in silence to our floor. We were standing across the elevator from each other. I did not trust myself and I did not want to put on a show for the security guards on duty. Nhu looked at me intently then ran his tongue across his top lip then bit a corner of his bottom. He was trying to kill me. I said nothing and watched to see what he would do next.

Then the doors opened and Nhu ran down the hall, taking me by surprise. After a second or two I chased after him. He kept looking back to see if I was following. He had to wait at the front door for the scanner to recognize his thumb and open. I was one step behind him when the door opened. He let out a little shriek and went running into the house. Into our bedroom. Leaving a trail of clothes behind him. I had stopped chasing to watch him strip for me. When he only had his underwear left, he hid in the room, and within seconds I saw a hand dangling his underwear in the empty doorway.

Sprinting into our room, I grabbed a naked Nhu wrestled my giggling sexy mate, and pinned him to the bed. I pushed my knee between his legs and he opened for me. Running my hands up and down his body, I wormed my hands underneath him. One hand I ran through his hair and then gently pulled, exposing his throat. The other grabbed a perfect handful of ass cheek and squeezed.

Sucking on his neck and nibbling our mating bite, I lifted him onto my lap. Never relinquishing the mark I had left almost a year ago on his skin. Running my tongue over his skin I traveled from the base of his throat, over his Adam's apple and chin, and stopped at his mouth. I enjoyed the sweet taste of my husband and growled wanting to crassly spear him with my co*ck and skip the foreplay. But that could wait.

Licking his upper lip, I mirrored his sexy flirting in the elevator. He giggled, recognizing what I was doing. Then I bit his bottom lip and when he gasped, I slipped my tongue into his mouth curled my tongue around his, and sucked gently while I ground my co*ck against his entrance.

I felt the wetness of his slick soak my pants. My lover was ready for me.

These clothes have got to come off. As if reading my mind Nhu reached in between us and began working on my fly with frenzied fingers while I pulled my shirt off. I wanted to feel his naked warmth so badly that I laid him down and quickly finished my pants and underwear.

Now nothing was holding us back.

Chapter 101: NuNew's POV February 15, 2025

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (115)

Graphic intimacy in this chapter. Please skip if you are a minor, or these kinds of things make you uncomfortable. The summary of this chapter is Ma can't get Star to sleep. Nhu gets her to sleep over the phone. Then NN and Z make love.

It was luxurious to lay in Hia's arms in our bed, naked and spent. My heart was still racing from our earlier efforts, and I was bone weary, but I felt amazing. The massage therapist at the spa had worked on me for an hour and a half and did not get 1/10th the results Hia did.

Wiggling my butt closer to Hia, I felt him respond by squeezing my waist and pulling me completely flush with him. Feeling Hia's chest and skin pressed into my back made me sleepy, but at the same time, I wanted to be naughty and rub my ass against his groin. He was flaccid and exhausted, but I bet I could work my omega magic and perk him up.

I pretended like I was adjusting and languidly rubbed against him and waited. His fingers twitched on my waist, and I felt him, more than heard him, take a breath and hold it. Then I reached for my phone but left my buttocks pressed against him and used my torso to reach. Shifting and wiggling I "tried" to reach my phone. After I retrieved it, I had to wiggle a lot to get back into the cuddle position.

This time he moaned softly, and when I returned, he began rubbing my abdomen. I happened to glance at my phone and saw there were three missed calls from Mom. They started at 12:30 AM and the last one was fifteen minutes ago.

I dialed Mom's phone and nudged Hia who was falling asleep since I had stopped my sneak attack seduction. She answered on the first ring. Before my mom could say anything I heard Star, screaming in the background. No words, just howling.

As soon as I heard my baby, my body let down milk into my breasts and before I knew it, they were engorged, and ached.

"Mom? Is everything okay?"

"Everything is okay honey, it just... I am so sorry to disturb your date honey. But...Star is refusing to eat and sleep, and I have tried everything. I would like her to at least sleep.

"I would like to sleep too.", Dad said.

I heard him complaining in the background and rolled my eyes.

"Hush you, big baby.", Mom said.

"So New, I was wondering if you knew any tricks to help her settle.", Mom asked.

"Oh...um...", I said.

I put the phone on speaker because Hia had placed his ear on the other side of the phone trying to hear what my mom was saying.

"You tried the nursing bra and my shirt?", I asked.

"Yes, and your plushy. At first, she was happy with them, but now she won't have anything to do with them.", Mom said.

"She is in my bed right now. Dad and I tried cuddling with her, which seemed to help, but now nothing works. And there is nothing I can do to get her to eat. Not even solids.", Mom said.

I looked at Hia and we shared concerned looks.

"Do you want to go get her?", asked Zee.

I shook my head. I was not willing to give up yet.

"Do you have the bottle with you?", I asked


Is it warm?"


"Smear a little on her lips or get a drop or two in her mouth."

For a second Star's wailing stopped.

"Put me on speaker and put the bottle in her mouth."

"Hey Boo Boo Baby! It's time to eat.", I said.

"Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma.", Star said.

"Are you hungry?"

"MaMAMAMAMA", Star said.

"Put the bottle in her mouth.", I said.

"Oh, poor Boo Boo. You must be so hungry., I said.

After a little encouragement, there was no more crying, and I recognized her greedy little suckling noises. Nobody dared to breathe. Every once in a while I talked to her, or sang her a song, while I rested my head on Hia. After about ten minutes I heard a rustle and then a pat pat pat.

"Burp.", said Star.

"Good girl. Let's go to bed. Hmmm. Goodnight, Boo Boo. I love you.", I said.

"It worked. See you in the morning.", Ma whispered.

I silently hung up the phone and craned my head to see Hia. He had a funny look on his face and before I could realize it, he pulled me down onto my back and was straddling me. I drank in his beautiful body and stretched my arms over my head, peeking up at him behind my lashes. Taking advantage of my position, Hia pinned my arms over my head and lowered his face inches from mine. I could still smell a hint of our earlier sex on his breath, and it made me shiver.

Keeping his face and body hovering over mine he teased me with his warmth but did not touch me. It was maddening and he seemed to be able to anticipate every time I arched to meet him. I wanted that contact. I wanted to feel his hot body against mine. I wanted to run my hands down his back until I got to the sexy dip right before the swell of his well-muscled ass. I needed to dig my fingers into his pretty cheeks and feel his muscles flexing while he pumped into me.

"Hia, don't play with me. Do you want me to say it?"

"Yes.", Hia groaned next to my mouth. He was kissing the edges of my lips teasing me.

"Do you want me to say it naughty or nice.?", I asked.

My hands were still held over my head and there was nothing I could do about his teasing me. He knew what he was doing, especially when he let our groins briefly touch, making my eyelids flutter.

"I love you, Zee. I love you so much. You were worth the wait.", I said.

He stopped playing around and looked me in the eye. I felt my lips split into my sweetest smile, the one I saved only for him. His eyes were so deep, that I felt like they were portals into his mind, and in a sense, they were because I felt the effect of my words through our bond. I know he regretted and suffered with the responsibility for something that had been beyond his comprehension to guard against, and with those words, I hoped he could put the debt he thought he owed me behind us. His love and our happiness were repayment enough, and I was happy. Happier than I ever thought I deserved to be.

We had already had our wild and passionate sex earlier that evening. Now it was time for tender and loving. No tricks, no teasing, only two souls intertwining using their bodies to communicate a deep and abiding love.

Looking into my eyes, Hia let go of my arms. The light streamed in from the hallway and created a shimmering outline in his hair. It was like an angel was coming down from heaven to bed me. He lowered himself on top of me, spreading his warmth like a balm into my heart and throughout my body. He kissed my forehead, nose and lastly my mouth. Soft as a butterfly taking sips of nectar from the flowers they adored.

Parting my lips, he kissed me deep and slow making languid but thorough swipes of his tongue and he lingered there for a time giving me pleasure with his licking and sucking. I squeezed my eyes shut and clung to him letting the ripples of pleasure move through my body. I could feel him tilting my head back with his hands to expose my glands and his mark and I shuddered and moaned in anticipation. His intent to renew our mating bites came clearly through our link and the very thought of it had me soaring close to my release. But he did not bite me yet and instead lifted me onto his lap and gently bit and tongued my nipples, making my head roll back while I moaned his name.

Periodically I could feel him twitch up against my dripping entrance driving me wild with need for him. I needed him to impale me and pleasure me with his perfect co*ck. Reaching in between us I found him hot and hard, thighs and co*ck wet from my slick and I pumped him making sure to squeeze his head. The sounds he made caused a gush of hot liquid to pour out of me drenching my hand.

Pushing his tip toward my entrance, I was ready to take him inside of me. But instead of plunging, I hovered in position brought my sticky fingers to his lips, and slipped them into his mouth so he could taste me. It turned me on to watch as he sucked and swallowed my sex.

Moaning he he rubbed against my greedy entrance. He was ready too.

"Keep your eyes open baby. Don't hide your pretty eyes from me. I want to see everything."

I nodded and smiled in answer. That must have been what he was waiting for because he put his hands on my waist and held me still while he thrust up with his hips filling me, stretching me sending bees and butterflies swarming into my abdomen. I wailed and struggled to keep my eyes open. We froze that way and I felt him swelling inside of me as my body responded with waves of soft velvety pulses making Hia cry out my name.

Hot hands cupped my cheeks as he used my ass for leverage to slowly move me up and down his shaft. My mouth stretched open, and I wanted so badly to rest my face in his glands, but I never let go of his gaze.

"Nhu, you feel so good, baby."

"I, uh God. I love you Nhu. You are the love of my life."

His eyes were soft and his gaze was true. Even if I did not have our bond I would know that his words did no justice to how he felt. My heart too was swelling with a feeling that I could not match with words. All I knew was that he was the harmony to my melody, the sun to my moon, and we completed each other.

"Mine.", he said in a whisper.

I nodded my head.

"Mine.", I said as he thrust into me picking up speed.

"My omega. My husband. My mate."

The bite was coming. I could tell. He was as deep inside me now and I began grinding my entrance against his groin not wanting to release a single centimeter of him. He was rubbing into my prostate, and I was nearing my crescendo.

Grabbing my co*ck, he began pumping, pulling, and twisting. I screamed his name. We were both so close. I exposed my neck inviting him to bite. He growled, grabbed me by the nape, and bit. Fireworks exploded throughout my body, my co*ck pulsed heavy and deep, spewing hot liquid onto our chests and stomachs. Releasing his bite, he watched me trembling as wave after wave of pure pleasure took me. Then instinct took over and mid-org*sm I renewed my mating bite and tasted blood on my tongue. Hia shouted hoarsely again and again but he was careful not to knot me as we climaxed together until we collapsed.

Chapter 102: NuNew's POV March 22, 2026

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (116)

It was late Friday night, technically it was Saturday morning, and Hia was not home yet. I had managed to get a very fussy Strawberry to sleep. She was not happy about not getting her evening dose of Daddy. I was not happy about it either. I checked location services, and he was still at the karaoke bar he had been frequently lately. They had a new client from Korea, and she was very involved in the design process. She frequently took her staff to eat, drink, and sing karaoke. Hia tried to explain that it would affect morale if he did not go. Both he and his partner were trapped into going out several nights a week and partying.

I tried to understand, I really did. Strawberry was no longer a baby anymore and was a toddler, and boy could she whip around the house. She was a handful, but it would not hurt her to delay getting Hia's pheromones until he came home. It just made her cross and she could talk now. Not much, but enough to say our names, and objects, and ask some questions.

'Dada. Want Dada. Dada now.'

When she realized Dada was not coming to her she decided to go to him and would try and open the front door to go look for him. We tried everything to stop her from opening the door. Childproof knobs, gates, even alarms. Nothing deterred her until we put a simple door jam at the top of the door. Which meant, I had to stay up and wait for Hia to let him in.

Let's just say, I must have been a harrowing sight for Hia when he came home at 1 AM. Apologizing for keeping me up as I wordlessly walked to the bedroom, made sure he showered, scented Star and then I went to sleep. Why was I being such a bitch? Because more often than not he came home smelling like that beta's perfume.

The biggest potential rival to a mated omega was a beta. They could not mate, had mild to no pheromones, and could easily go in and out of relationships. For an unattached beta who wanted to get an itch scratched, there was nothing better than a married alpha. No alpha would walk away from their mate which meant they would not be annoying and chase after the beta.

To compensate for their lack of pheromones, Beta's often wore perfume. Eau de perfume, or Eau de toilette.

Yeah, I'll show you the business end of a toilet if you keep touching my alpha you bitch.

And Hia had been coming home almost every night reeking of that filthy whor*'s scent.

No matter what he said, he only made it worse. He swore he never touched her, and he did not let her touch him. But omegas are extremely sensitive to scents and coming home smelling of another was guaranteed to cause upheaval.

Even though I knew Hia loved me and would never cheat on me, the nights of waiting for him were wearing me down. Having too much time to think about him laughing at her jokes, drinking, singing with her, helping her to his car, and making sure she got home was causing a riot in my mind. And pretty soon, something was going to snap.

The day I snapped was on a Saturday. The weekends were supposed to be ours, but Hia had been pulled away for all sorts of emergencies and these "emergencies" were interfering with family time. But hey, I did my best to be supportive and on days like that I would meet my besties or go to Mom and Dad's.

This Saturday I met James, Film, Nat, and Max for brunch at a kid-friendly restaurant. I loved this place because it had a play area for wiggly toddlers and an attendant in there with them, and you could see the play area from your seat.

James and Nat were aware of the problems I was having with Hia's client and Max and Film probably did too because James and Nat would not be able to keep a secret like that and not vent to their alphas.

"I can't believe how big she is getting.", Film said.

He had been looking at Star a little wistfully lately. James told us that he wanted to have kids but wouldn't until he found out what happened to his parents. This suited James because he was young and still wanted to have fun.

"She is turning two in four months.", I said.

"It is going so fast.", commented Nat.

Nat and Max were mated and were trying to get pregnant. This meant that Nat was over a lot more helping, trying to learn everything he could about being a parent. Somedays I was afraid Star would put him off ever having children because she was such a gremlin. But I was grateful for the help. Everyone at this table had an open-ended invitation into our home. Especially after everything we had been through together.

"NuNew, you should come out with us tonight. When was the last time you went dancing? Come on.", Nat said, trying to coax me.

"I can't, we never get to see Hia, and he will be home tonight. We need family time. Another time.", I said.

"I told you.", James said, addressing Nat and shaking his head.

It's not that I did not want to go dancing. I did. I was feeling good about myself. I had lost the baby weight, and I was learning to embrace the differences in my body. I was curvier, and not as timid. Confidence looked good on me. I even had a new outfit that I bought as a reward for losing weight. Tonight would have been the perfect time to wear it. Oh well, another time.

That was when I saw Strawberry starting to get mad at another little boy and I stiffened ready to run in incase it turned ugly.

"My turn,", Star said.

The little blond nemesis who was a little older than Star shook his head and kept playing with the toy. Star stared at the boy and tried again.

"Your turn all done. My turn.", Star said, and put her hand on the toy.

In all fairness, this was what I had been teaching Star. The concept of my turn your turn and waiting for her turn. Star had done what I asked of her. What I had not taught her yet was what to do when someone refused to cooperate. Knowing Star, it was going to get diabolical.

The boy pushed her hand off and turned away. I stood up.

"All done. My turn.", Star said, louder now.

I got ready to hop the little fence around the play area. I did not think she would hit, but she would definitely do something. The attendant was busy with another situation and so those two were on their own. Which I believe was the best way to parent. Teach them and let them try for themselves and then fine-tune. Stepping in now would stop them from developing problem-solving skills. But no one said I could not hover.

"NO!", the boy yelled.

Star looked for me and saw me standing there. I smiled and mimed taking an exaggerated deep breath. My good girl took a deep breath too then faced the boy.

"Share. Your turn. My turn. Your turn. My turn. No, your turn, your turn.", Star said.

"My turn my turn my turn my turn.", the boy said.

My eyes widened. My daughter was the light of my family's lives. Everyone doted on her. She had no siblings and therefore had never been refused like this. When I saw Star's face get red I started to move.

"Where mama?", Star said and pointed to his chest.

"Mama?", he asked and pointed at himself.

"Mama.", she said and pointed to him again.

The little boy pointed a pudgy finger at a distracted woman sitting at the table across the play area opposite where we were sitting.

"Mama now.", Strawberry said and began dragging the little boy who was still clutching the toy to where his mother was.

Curious, I walked around and waited to see what she would do.

Strawberry walked right up to the table and said in a loud voice.

"Not Star Momma."

OMG, she did not know the lady's name so she came up with this. I couldn't wait to tell Hia.

The woman did not register that she was being addressed so she did not turn around. The boy, who was probably a nice kid, decided to help.

"Mama.", he said.

The woman immediately turned around and took in the site of Star holding on to her son by the wrist. Two sets of eyes peered up at her and she smiled.

"How adorable. Jacob, did you find a friend?"

Star began again.

"Not Star Momma. No share.", Star said and pointed at Jacob.


"No share! Jacob no share Star.", Star said.

"Are you Star?"

Star nodded.

"Jacob, did you have your turn already?"

Jacob refused to answer so Star did.

"Jacob turn. Jacob turn. No Star."


Sighing Jacob gave Star the toy and then burst into tears and clutched his momma's leg. Star, my heartless gremlin, marched off with the toy and played with it back in the play area. I began to go back to my seat, thinking about how to talk to her about this later. After a few minutes of playing, Star looked around and stood up. Waving to Jacob she said.

"Jacob. Jacob. Your turn."

Wow, was I a proud Mamma! WOW.

Smiling I went back to my seat and the rest of our time together was uneventful.


Standing on the sidewalk outside the restaurant I waited for Hia to come pick us up. I looked at my phone and saw he was a little late, fifteen minutes. Star was still taking a nap twice a day and had fallen asleep in her stroller while we were in the restaurant after I had exchanged numbers with Jacob's mom. We promised to plan a play date. It would be Star's first playdate.

Daydreaming about the perfect places to have a playdate, I lost track of the time. I looked at my phone again. Hia was 30 minutes late. I started to get agitated. This was not like him. If he had his way, we would never leave the house. He was terrified of something happening to us. What if something happened to him? I called Zee but the phone went straight to voicemail and I saw that his phone was set to do not disturb. Hia did not even know he had a do-not-disturb setting. I started to get nervous so I checked his location and saw he was on his way here but was not coming from his office.

I got very still and tried not to jump to conclusions. He was okay. He was on his way. Hia loves me. I said this over and over to myself not wanting to let my insecurities create a made-up story. I would wait for and believe in Hia.

Fifteen minutes later, Hia pulled up, and like an idiot, as soon as I saw him, I forgot about him being late. I couldn't wait to tell him about Star and feel his arms around me. Then I felt his conflict through the bond. Something had happened. As he came around the car to greet me, I could see his face was red and he looked like he had been running his hand through his hair and he only did that when he was stressed out. Before I could ask him if he was okay, he looked around and got cross with me.

"Where is everyone?", Hia asked.

"They left.", I said.

"How long have you been standing out here?"

I wanted to say you have a watch, do the math, but I could feel his agitation. He needed a hug and some of my pheromones. Then once he was calm, I was sure he would tell me what was wrong. I took the remaining steps towards him and then I froze. He reeked of that beta. He had been with that woman. Instead of spending time with us...

"Why didn't you call me? What if something happened? Are you both okay?", Hia asked.

I couldn't answer him. I was confused and overwhelmed and needed to think. I needed to stay calm and not react. Wait until I was more levelheaded and then think about it. Hia was so self-absorbed and in his world that he ignored all the danger signs.

"How could you stand out here for forty-five minutes on the street alone."

He reached for me, but I could not stand that smell. I literally could not tolerate it. It made me my stomach heave, so, I backed away and tried to hide my rejection by turning to Star. I picked her up out of the stroller to put her into the car seat. She wrapped her cute chubby arms around me and murmured into my neck. Hia was standing there staring down at his phone.

"Oh, you did call me. But my phone never rang?", he said.

I rolled my eyes and reached with one hand to open the car door and that was when the beta's stench hit my nostrils. I gagged and backed away, turning my body away from the car to shield Star, as if she was in danger. That beta had been in his car, and recently. I shook my head. We were not getting into that car. Calmly, I put Star back into the stroller. Hia looked up from his phone.

"What is do not disturb?", he asked.

I held my hand out and he put his phone in my hand. I changed his setting back to normal and handed the phone back. I kept smelling her even though I was keeping my distance from Hia and the car, and then I realized. My hands smelled like her. She had touched his phone. His phone, his car, and Hia smelled like that beta. I pulled out my phone and made a call. Tears began leaking down my cheeks.

"Ma, can you come get me?", I asked, it was obvious I was crying.

"Honey, is something wrong?"

My jaw began to ache from holding my emotions together.

"Can you please just come and get me?"

I sent her the address of the restaurant. I couldn't talk. If I talked everything would come rushing out and I still clung to the hope that I was wrong. I had misunderstood and doubted Hia before.

Hia, that numbskull did not even notice I had made a call nor did he notice I was crying. He was furiously texting. His phone rang.

"Baby, I have to get this, can you get Star into the car yourself?"

Without waiting for my answer, he picked up the phone.


"No, I refuse. Then let the account go to someone else.", he said.

Numbly I stood next to Star and watched her sleeping face. I felt disassociated with the events around me and I wanted to go to sleep, but I had Star so with a firm resolve I resisted my instincts. A little voice in my head told me that I was on the verge of dropping and that I needed to calm down.

"Hia is my mate. Hia loves me. Hia would never hurt me.", I said.

"It is unacceptable.", Hia said.

"I don't care. I will find a way to compensate you.", Hia said.

"No, I will not speak with the client and work it out.", Hia said.

"Hia is my mate. Hia loves me. Hia would never hurt me.", I said.

It made me feel a little better. So, I said it again and again and soon it was on a loop in my head. I could hear Hia talking but I could only focus on my baby and my self-soothing. I would think about everything later when I was calm. Briefly, I thought about asking Hia for help, but I felt so much anger and turmoil from him through the bond that it overwhelmed me.

"I don't think you understand me. The answer is no. In fact, you can tell her that I am on my way to the hospital, and I will get a toxicology report and if she makes any trouble about breaking the contract or even breathes a negative word, I will go to the police station and file a report.", Hia said.

"That is my final answer.", Hia said.

Hia reached up and ran his hands through his hair. He faced me but did not really look at me.

"Teerak, something happened today. I'm okay, but I need to take you and Star home. There is something I need to take care of. I will tell you everything when I get home..."

He tried to make eye contact with me and that was when he noticed the tears streaming down my face. He came running over to me.

"Baby, what is wrong? Did someone hurt you?"

I couldn't let him touch me. That smell. I was afraid of dropping. If that happened, then it would be difficult to revive me right away. So, I backed up. I felt Hia probing me through our link probably trying to find out what was wrong.

Just then my mom and dad pulled up. Mom ran to me and immediately knew what was going on.

"He is going to drop. Grab the blanket from the trunk", Ma said.

Within seconds Dad was pushing the blanket into Mom's hands. She carefully wrapped it around me then picked up a sleeping Star and put her into my arms. Ma motioned to Zee to come over but he wouldn't.

"He needs you, Zee, what are you doing?", Ma asked.

"He won't let me near him. I don't know what is wrong. What is wrong with him? Is he hurt?"

"Put him in the car honey.", Ma said.

And Dad came and got me. He put the both of us in their car and let me lean into him. I felt him patting my head like he used to when I was little. It was comforting.

Meanwhile, Ma walked over to Zee and sniffed.

"You stink like beta perfume Zee. What is going on?",

I could see them talking outside. Suddenly Zee grabbed something from the trunk of our car and ran into the restaurant and Mom retrieved Star's car seat but left it outside the car. I could hear her cursing about something which meant she was mad.

She opened the door to the car and quietly began explaining to Dad.

"Honey, I need you to take Zee to the hospital. He is fine, but he needs to take a test. He will fill you in on the way."

Ma reached out her hand and began stroking my cheek.

"Everything is okay honey. When you calm down, we will explain. Zee is okay too sweetie. He is not hurt. He needs to have a blood test done so he can catch a bad person. Zee loves you, honey. He didn't do anything wrong. Do you understand?"

Mom said the magic words and I could feel warmth returning to my limbs. I was still exhausted but not in a dangerous way. I rested my head against my dad's shoulder and kissed Star's sweaty brow. We were wrapped up in a heavy blanket at 3 in the afternoon. I began trying to shove the blanket off when Hia came running out of the building wearing his gym clothes.

Ma took Star from me and got out of the way so Zee could get to me. He was very upset but he got into the car and he pulled me into his arms. He smelled like Hia again. I was so relieved. Dad got out and went to join Ma and Star, giving us a minute.

Hia began kissing and stroking me. Telling me he loved me. Touching my hair and squeezing me tight. While he was doing all of that I was busy scenting him I was determined that people would know he was mine. Hia let me do whatever I wanted and was about to return the favor when Dad yelled at us.

"Don't you dare fill my car with your stinky Alpha pheromones."

Ma whacked him.

"Stop it, you big baby."

Zee and I both laughed.

"I will tell you everything when I get home, okay Teerak.", Zee said.

I nodded and pushed him out of the car. I wanted his pheromones as much as he wanted to give them to me.

We stood by our cars, not caring who was watching as Hia scented me and attacked me with little kisses. I felt like I had been reborn. The world had color again and I was me.

"Hurry home.", I said.

"I love you.", Hia said.

Dad had installed Star's car seat into his car and Ma put her in her seat. Somehow she had slept through all of that.

Hia and Dad took off for the hospital and Ma and I sat quietly in the car.

"You're going to have to see someone, you know. About your PTSD."

I didn't say anything because I knew she was right. I basically had an omega's version of a panic attack. Still, I didn't want to talk about everything that happened. I did not want to go see a doctor. I wanted to be happy. I was happy, wasn't I?

"Dr. U warned us about this, remember?"

I remembered but I stubbornly stayed silent. I knew it was ridiculous that I almost dropped today. Dropping was something omegas did when they were in dire danger or under extreme stress. My brain reacted to a medium-sized problem like it was catastrophic. That was not normal and I knew it.

"NuNew Charawin Perdperiyawong.", Mom said.

Wow, Mom invoked the power of my full name. I looked up at her and then sighed.

"Alright, I will go to the doctor Mom. Can we go home now? I am exhausted.", I said.

Chapter 103: NuNew POV July 5, 2026

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (117)

Between the three of us, we had an unspoken code that we referred to as, The Jelly Code. Jellies will never betray a Jelly. Jellies will always answer texts. Jellies will never compete for the same partners. Jellies will always help each other. So, when James called a Jelly S.O.S., we immediately made arrangements to meet. Because I had Star, everyone came to my house.

This is how I found myself sitting at the kitchen table with my three besties in the middle of a Friday, of what should have been a regular day.

Taking our cues from James we sat in an awkward silence while we waited for him to tell us what was wrong. He looked pale, and his eyes were red and swollen. It was obvious he had been crying and I wanted to shake the story out of him, but I knew it took James a while to get to the point. So, after a period of sitting like this, we naturally focused our attention on Star.

She was in the family room playing when suddenly July batted a ball of yarn into the center of the room. He had taken it from a little basket I kept in an out-of-the-way corner, where the remnants of a failed attempt to make Star a strawberry beanie had been hidden away along with the forgotten promises to finish it.

Capturing Star's attention, she immediately took the yarn from July thinking they were playing a game of roll the ball. July pounced on the yarn, knocked it out of Star's hands, and in a frenzy of claws and teeth subdued his fuzzy prey. This must have been the funniest thing Star had ever seen because she shrieked with laughter and took the ball again, letting July steal the ball and kill, kill, kill, the blue ball of yarn. It was not long before July became entangled.

"Film and I broke up.", James said.

Poor James must have felt like air because Nat and I were not paying attention, instead, we were watching Star and July's antics. July realizing he was trapped struggled to free himself while Star "helped."

"I am never going to be able to get July out of that.", I said, laughing.

Nat had his phone out and was taking a video.

"OMG I can't wait to send this to Max.", Nat said.

"Send it to me too so I can send it to Hia and my parents. This is going to be played at her wedding."

"OH, that's low.", Nat said, and we both laughed.

Suddenly James smacked the kitchen table, making the salt and pepper shakers bounce. Nat and I nearly jumped out of our skins. Even Star and July paused to see what was going on.

"What the heck?", I said.

"You're not listening to me. I broke up with my alpha. My heart is...", James said.

He pounded his fist into his chest unable to say the words.

Broke up? But I thought they had a solid relationship. What could have made them split like this?

"I need a distraction. I am tired of crying. One minute I love him, the next minute I hate him. I am going crazy.", James said.

"What happened?", Nat asked.

James ran his hand over his red-rimmed eyes. Truthfully, he did not look good.

"I need a drink first.", James said.

He looked around my home as if he expected I would have a liquor display ready for his use. All I had to offer him were children's beverages and of course, coffee, the hot drink all parents of small children lived on.

"Sorry Jelly, we are boring now.", I said.

Nat perked up and looked around the table. I knew that look. He had an idea, and I was fairly certain I knew what it was.

"Do you know what we need?", Nat asked.

He wiggled his eyebrows at us and did a little dance move in his seat.

All three of us looked at each other.

"Jelly Dance Night.", we all said together.

"sh*t yeah.", said James.

"James, not in front of the baby.", I said.

"She didn't hear me.", James said.

The three of us looked at Star and July and it did not seem that she had heard.

"OMG, look at July. I can't even tell he is a cat anymore.", Nat said.

"Star honey? I think we are "all done" July.", I said as I walked over to my child and my cat.

July looked like the victim of a kidnapping. His hind legs were pinned to his body and one side of his head had been clumsily wrapped in blue yarn. I picked up July who began growling at me. You would think I was tearing him away from a can of tuna. He couldn't even move his hind legs he was so tangled. Star, proud of her work followed me babbling wanting to be praised. Jelly dance night was beginning to sound good. I needed a break.

How the heck was I going to free July without getting clawed up?

Chapter 104: NuNew POV July 5, 2026

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (118)

Mom agreed to take Star so I could go out and blow off some steam. All that was left was to tell Hia. He was going to want to come, and I was trying to find a way to tell him it was omegas only.

Hia was not the type of alpha who was controlling and did not let his omega have any fun. He just did not want me to go out alone; three omegas and all of us looking like, well...it's dance night so of course we would look good.

I knew it was his nature, but I could not see the danger and thought his concern was just an alpha thing. Two of us had mates. One of the benefits of having a mate and being marked was the freedom it allowed us. Even still, before I got pregnant, the three of us went out like this almost every weekend. The only problem I ever had going out dancing with my besties had been him showing up, seducing me, and knocking me up.

I decided it was best to do this over text. That way he could take his time before answering.

Kitten: "Look what your daughter did."

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (119)

Daddy: "OMFG! How did you get July out of there?"

Kitten: "Cat surgery."

Daddy: "What?"

Kitten: I wrapped him in a towel and cut away the yarn. James and Nat helped."

Daddy: "🥺"

Kitten "Hia, are you working late tonight?"

Daddy: "Yes baby, I will be home after dinner."

Kitten: "Mom is watching Star tonight. I am going out with the Jellies.

Daddy" "... "

Daddy: " "

Oh boy, he is typing and deleting. It would be funny to see what he originally wrote.

Daddy: "..."

Daddy: " "

Daddy: "..."

Daddy: "Can you wait until I come home, so I can join you?"

Here we go. Time to calm my alpha down.

Kitten: "That sounds fun honey but it's omegas only tonight. James is fighting with Film and needs to get his confidence back on the dance floor."

Daddy: "Just the three of you?"

Kitten: "Yup."

Daddy: "I don't know Bobae. It does not sound safe."

Kitten: "It's fine Teerak. We are going to a safe place. It has a good reputation for taking care of Omegas."

And here comes a ridiculous alpha strategy to guard their omega from the air.

Daddy: "What if I come and hang out at a separate table."

Aww, my baby is so predictable. He is so cute.

Kitten: "Hia, you are so sweet to worry, but how am I supposed to ignore my smoking hot mate? You know I can't keep my hands off you. The point of tonight is my friendship with my besties and supporting James. He does not need to see me happy with my husband. That would make it worse."

Daddy: "What if I sat in the car and waited?"

Kitten: "Hia!"

Kitten: "Why don't you take this opportunity and go out with your friends? Sounds like Film probably could use some cheering up."

Hia: "I don't know. I don't like it."

What does that mean? What does he think I am going to do? This is beginning to piss me off.

Kitten: "I wasn't asking Hia."

Daddy: "Nhu? I am just worried about your safety."

Classic alphahole rationale.

Kitten: "Hia, I am mated, married, and have a child. No one is going to bother me."

Daddy: "Nhu, you don't know what you are talking about. Alphas are not the only thing that you have to worry about?"

I don't know what I am talking about. I don't know what I, am talking about? I want to go out one night. ONE NIGHT. I haven't asked for a single night to myself in 3 years.

Kitten: "I have not gone out with my besties without you since 10/22/23. Remember that night? It is July 5, 2026. It has been two years and nine months."

Daddy: "You're right. It has been a long time. I'm just worried."

Kitten: "I know baby. It's your nature."

Daddy: "If you know that, why are you doing this?"

WHAT? Now he really is pissing me off.

Kitten: "I'm not doing anything."

Daddy: "How would you feel if I went out with the guys and didn't invite you."

No, he didn't.

Kitten: "Are you kidding me right now?"

Daddy: "No."

I pulled up his contact information on my phone and changed his name on the contact.

Kitten: "Are you sure you don't want to reflect for a second? I will give you that time and let you take it back."

Alphahole: "I don't need to take it back; it's how I feel."

Seeing the name change made me laugh. I was feeling very pleased with myself.

Kitten: "Veronica."

Alphahole: "We talked about that, and you said you didn't blame me."

Kitten: "I don't blame you, but you forget how many nights you went out drinking and singing karaoke and coming home smelling like that beta. And I was not invited. I sat there and took it even though it upset me every day. Why? Because I support you and trust you."

Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

Alphahole: "Oh."

Kitten: "OH?"

Kitten: "So, you can suck it up for one night because I am going out with my besties, who don't want to f*ck me by the way."

Alphahole: "NHU!"

Kitten: "I'm going before I say anything else. I will be home late, don't wait up."

I was going to wear jeans and a cute T-shirt but after that text exchange with Hia, I am going to wear the new sexy outfit I have been saving. Take that Zee. You can blame it on the therapy. What can I say, I am empowered.

Chapter 105: NuNew POV July 5, 2026

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (120)

Trigger alert. There is sexual harassment and assault discussed in this chapter. I also made some edits not long after I published for clarity.

After dropping off a very excited Star at Grandma and Grandpa's house I went home, changed, and got ready. Damn, I looked good.

I wasn't planning on drinking, but I still called a cab. I don't mess around with drinking and driving. You never know what is going to happen.

Sitting in the back seat of an Uber, stuck in traffic, I began to cool off. We had never fought like that before and I didn't like it. But that did not mean I wanted to back down. There was nothing wrong with what I was doing and there was everything wrong with Hia trying to isolate me and restrict me. I probably could have handled it better but since the Veronica thing...

For the last four months, I have been going to therapy every week. I thought it was going to be horrible, but therapy was mainly about learning coping skills, and about myself. My therapist told me my panic attack most likely was triggered because I had not dealt with what happened during the pregnancy. She told me I had a fear of losing Hia.

It was so weird to be reminded of the four months I could not find Hia. I had kind of forgotten about all the evil things Janis and the Panichs did to me and how I lived in fear that I had been abandoned. So, when, another manipulative woman came into the picture, my brain interpreted her presence as extremely dangerous and harmful to my relationship with Hia and that because of her, he would leave me and Strawberry. In reality that was not even close to accurate.

Now that I knew this kind of thing was a trigger for me, I could do my grounding exercises and reassure my brain that we were not in the past. We are in the present. The past can't hurt me anymore.

Maybe I should bring up today's argument with Hia at my next therapy session. I think I have some left-over feelings about it.

Arriving at the club, I quickly found James and Nat. We wanted to meet before the dancing started so we could talk. James was dressed to break hearts. That could only mean one thing, he was going to flirt.

Walking to the table Nat looked at me with big wide eyes and kept giving side eye to James. He needn't have gone to all that effort. I could already tell we would be pulling men off James all night.

Per the Jelly Code, no Jelly was left behind. No Jelly was allowed to go home with anyone. If one of us found someone they liked, they could get a phone number and call them in the morning.

James bought us a round of drinks and served up the tea.

"I'm sick of it. I might as well have been alone these last six months. I never saw him and when I did, he was preoccupied with other things."

"Like what?", asked Nat.

"That's the thing. He wouldn't tell me. He just said work. I call bullsh*t. I have been around him for almost two years now. I know what he is like when he is working. This was different."

"Do you think he is cheating?", I asked.

"At this point, I don't know what to think.", James said.

"It was the only thing we fought about."

"What was different this time? Why did you break up?", Nat asked.

"I hadn't heard from Film in over a week. I mean he would answer a text, but it could be hours before he responded, and only with the bare minimum. He said he was working a lot."

"I missed him and wanted to send him a care basket with his favorite snacks to where he was filming. I called his agency to ask where to send it and they told me he had not had a job in weeks."

Both Nat and I sucked in a breath. That was straight-up lying and being sneaky. I was so surprised. Film seemed like such a green flag. He came through for me and Star and was always honest and fair.

James drained his glass and waved for another round. I had barely started on my first, but I did not want to upset my friend, so I said nothing.

James started fidgeting with a bar napkin and would not meet our eyes. I put my hand on his arm and gave him a light squeeze.

"Of course, I called him right away, and he did not pick up. We have a code for emergencies. If I call twice in a row, it means I need him. I had never used it before, but I did this time."

I handed James another bar napkin. He had torn the one he had into little pieces. He gave me a small smile and began tearing strips off this one too.

"It took about 15 minutes for him to call me back. My guess is, he had to find somewhere to call me back that would not be noisy. I don't know. I am guessing."

James finally tore his eyes away from the napkin and looked at us.

"I wanted to be wrong Jellies. I wanted it to be a mistake. I would have believed him if he told me that. I love him enough to be blind. When I asked him where he was, he said he was on set. I knew he was lying but I pretended not to know. I told him I had a care package that I wanted to bring by. He immediately began to discourage me from coming. He even offered to come by my house later."

James scoffed and laughed, but his eyes remained distant, and I could see tears gleaming, ready to spill.

"The whole thing was making me sick, so I confronted him, and he got quiet and said he would come by tonight. 'Are you going to tell me what's going on?', I asked. He just told me to wait for him and that he would come tonight. I told him if he wanted to salvage our relationship he would come now. It's not like he was working. What couldn't he tear himself away from? A woman? Another man?"

By now both Nat and I each had one of his hands. Nat was wiping away the tears that rolled down James' face. We had a good idea of what decision Film made, otherwise we wouldn't be here tonight.

"He kept insisting he would come tonight, and I told him not to bother and that I was breaking up with him and then I blocked him."

James swiped at his face and made a show of looking for the waitress.

"Where is that waitress? Do you see her?"

"I am so sorry.", I said.

James patted my hand.

"There she is!", James said, and he flagged the waitress over.

After the drinks arrived, James, clearly wanted to change the subject so he asked me about my fight with Hia. I showed them the text messages.

"Damn Jelly, good for you. If you start letting him tell you what you are allowed to do now, imagine what it will be like in ten years.", James said.

James was a little bitter and assumed the worst. I felt like I needed to defend Hia.

"It's not like that. I sprung it on him at the last minute and got testy. I knew he would react this way and I could have handled it a lot better. If I had, we would not have fought. I could have gone out with you and then had crazy sex with my mate when I got home. Instead, I did this."

I pointed at the phone Nat was reading.

"So, if it is not him being controlling then what is it?", asked James.

"Hia recently went through something, and it has made him extra emotional.", I said.

"Is he okay? What happened?", Nat asked.

I briefly told them how Hia had often come home late smelling like a Beta after staying out drinking. I told them about almost dropping, and my therapy. Most importantly, I told them what happened to Hia. That he had been sexually harassed for weeks and how the crazy beta had drugged him, probably with the intent to rape him.

Hia was not trying to be an alphahole he was traumatized and that made him hyper-vigilant. I already regretted getting triggered and not handling it better.

After a few half-baked but abandoned plans to find Veronica and make her pay, Nat shared his woes about Max. Apparently, Max had the same reaction as Zee. Nat told me the conversation was almost identical except Nat had caved and Max was outside right now waiting in the car. I laughed so hard at that. Then begged Nat not to tell Zee. I would never hear the end of it.

As my besties talked about this and that, my mind wandered to our fight and why ours went so differently than Nat and Max's.

When Hia came home that night, from the hospital he told me everything.

Hia had landed a big account, and he was excited. It was the kind of engineering work he had always dreamed of. Everything was terrific until Veronica, the project liaison, showed up. Veronica, a beta, was a smart and tenacious midlevel supervisor who was trying to climb the corporate ladder. It was not unusual for a project of this size to have a liaison-type role. She was supposed to get answers to questions, facilitate getting documents signed, and manage any project team members who were the client's employees.

Hia found the beta difficult to work with. On day one she began overstepping her role. Often interrupting technical discussions and giving her opinion. Hia was polite, but she was not an engineer, and it was obvious she did not know what she was talking about. Veronica would get frustrated if her input was not adopted and retaliated; threatening to report unsatisfactory results if Hia did not do things her way.

Hia would respond politely and try and explain that for technical decisions he would depend upon his abilities and did his best to tolerate her. Hia mostly considered Veronica a headache and underestimated her ability to create a toxic environment.

Everything changed when Veronica came on to him and invited Hia to her bed. When Hia refused she became even more hostile. It was affecting the success of the project. She was deliberately slowing things down and putting the project at risk of missing deadlines. So Hia and his partner had a direct conversation with her and documented it. If Veronica did not stop, they would ask their client to replace her.

Suddenly Veronica changed her tactics. She was cooperative, stopped threatening Hia and his partner, and the sexual harassment ended. After a week of good behavior, she suggested her team needed to blow off steam and arranged for dinner, drinking, and karaoke. The next day at work, the energy of the project team was incredible. Maybe they had something to learn from Veronica, so the next time Veronica planned an after-work event, they joined.

The after-work events became more and more frequent, and there was a lot of pressure to join. Both Hia and his partner had families to get home to and did not want to go, but the thinly veiled comments from the project team and Veronica was relentless. It was like being in high school all over again.

Neither Hia nor his partner wanted to ruin or lose the account over cultural differences, so they gave in. It would not be for much longer. They could do this short term. That was when the sexual harassment began again.

Veronica was very clever in how she went about it. She never bothered Hia at work, she only hit on him after work and used alcohol as a shield. She would do things like fall into Hia's lap; oops alcohol made her clumsy. Or she would be so drunk that Hia could not possibly let her take a cab alone and would have to take her home himself. Of course, once he got her to her room, she clung to him and tried and draw him into her hotel suite.

The next day she would show up to work with no recollection of the night before, so it was difficult to talk to her about it. Hia often thought of having her replaced but knew if he did that, it would probably ruin Veronica's life.

At home, even though I did not directly complain, Hia knew I was upset. He knew if the tables were turned, he would not be that understanding. Hia had enough. Upsetting his family was a deal breaker.

When Hia complained to his partner, his partner told him you're an alpha, deal with it. Hia's idea of dealing with it was to have another direct conversation. He gave her one last chance.

So, Veronica changed her strategy again and instead of flirting with Hia, she intentionally touched his things, knowing I was an omega, that I would notice her scent, and that it would drive me crazy. She messed with me so I would fight with Hia. I guess she thought Hia would bury his dick inside of her to get over his woes.

Well, she was successful in one aspect. She did upset me, but what she did not count on was my trust in Hia and our love for each other. Nothing she did could come between us.

Instead of handling the rejection like a normal person and backing off, Veronica decided to have Zee no matter the cost.

The Saturday I met with everyone at the restaurant, Veronica had concocted an emergency that was big enough to get Hia to come in on the weekend. When Hia got into the office, she was there but was suddenly sick and asked if they could continue at her suite. Hia was already on guard against her and called his business partner. He asked him to meet at Veronica's.

When Hia and Veronica arrived at Veronica's suite, Hia went straight to work and ignored anything that was not professional. At some point, Veronica poured him some water and after he drank, things got fuzzy.

Veronica did not know Zee had asked his partner to come so when Zee's business partner showed up, Veronica was unprepared and wouldn't let him in. His partner pushed his way in and found Zee awake but completely out of it on the couch. Fully dressed.

That lunatic had drugged him. Luckily what she used was short-acting, and Hia came around to his senses in about an hour. All the while Veronica pretended not to know what was going on.

Hia's business partner got him out of there and took him back to the office and instead of providing Zee with the kind of support you should give to the victim of a sexual assault, he tried to talk him into brushing the incident off.

Without coming to any resolution, Hia abruptly left. He had not realized how much time he had lost and when he found out what time it was, he rushed to come get me and Star. He probably should not have been driving, but all he could think about was getting to me.

Now I know why he was so dense when he picked me up, why his car smelled like that Beta psycho, and what the conversation I heard while I was having my panic attack was about. It was the continuation of the conversation he walked out on with his business partner. The alpha was still pressuring Hia to work things out and save the account.

When Mom came, Zee immediately told her the truth and as a family we handled it. My dad took Hia to the hospital and the drug test came out positive for ketamine.

Hia was understandably furious, so he had his lawyer force Veronica to break their contract and explain to our client, her company, why they had to pay the breach of contract fee, which was the full amount of the contract. She also had to sign a gag order which said she was not allowed to defame him and his partner or their business in any way and she had to take responsibility for the breach.

For safekeeping, Hia handed the texts, emails, phone records, and the drug test over to his attorney. If Veronica screws up, he will press charges.

As you can imagine when we found out what Hia had been going through, we all gave him an abundance of support. The poor guy had been sexually harassed for weeks and then drugged. I was also a victim in this, but I kept silent and maybe I shouldn't have.

When I told Hia about going out and he gave me a hard time, it triggered all the anger, and angst I held inside. Hia had been coming home late for weeks smelling like a beta and I had been powerless to do anything about it. I could not go and confront her. I could not go to karaoke nights. I could not talk to anyone about it, not even Hia. I battled my doubts alone for weeks and in the end, always chose to believe in Hia.

Implying that I was in danger from betas and saying things like 'If you know, then why are you doing this to me.', and 'How would you feel if I went out without you.', sent me over the edge. Those accusations should have been mine, not his. I did nothing wrong. Before I was mated, sexual harassment, avoiding, and fleeing from predators was something I dealt with daily.

I was so triggered by the text conversation that I blamed him in my head. All the fears that tormented me, that I had to reconcile alone, came to the surface. Why didn't he end the Veronica problem early on? Why was he always giving her second chances? Why was he the one giving her rides home late at night? I resented the fact that he worried more about being nice and saving the account than about himself, his safety, and me. If only he had not hesitated; he could have avoided all of this.

All I wanted to do was go out with my besties. WTF.

Blame, resentment, and anger were not me so it did not take me long to settle down. I know the problem was not Hia. How could I be mad at Hia for being the wonderful, kind alpha that I fell in love with? The man who was too sweet to say no and ended up in Africa for months and never abandoned a post that was not his. My kind and compassionate mate who always wanted to help and do the right thing. My hero who traveled across the world to claim and protect me. Hia was just being Hia. So of course, he gave Veronica a second chance and drove her home and put up with her harassment and his sh*tty partner. If he were any different, he wouldn't be the mate I adored.

Hia protected me and Star and made sure our lives were free from worry, maybe I could protect him in return. Maybe it took the two of us united to be ironclad and safe. Next time, instead of retreating, I will be present and help.

It's my turn to protect Hia.

All my anger drained out of me, and I itched to ditch dance night and makeup with my mate. I even hoped Hia would disobey me and show up here. I was pathetic. I couldn't even stay mad at him longer than a few hours.

By the time we were all done complaining about our alphaholes, we had finished a few drinks each, and the table was littered with empty glasses. We ordered one last round. Raising our glasses high we made a toast.

"Jellies forever!", we all yelled and clinked our glasses together.

Then we put the drinks to our lips, threw our heads back, and swallowed until there was nothing left. By this point, I was a little drunk and the music was a little loud, so I shouted.


Chapter 107: Zee's POV July 5, 2026

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (121)

It was easier than usual to find a parking spot tonight. I didn't even have to circle the block once. If this had been prime time hours, I would have spent 30 minutes driving in an ever-widening orbit around the venue until I lucked out. You would be surprised by how far you are willing to walk after wasting your gas for 25 minutes.

Parallel parking in between two cars, I turned off the engine. I could see the entrance to the club and this started an avalanche ofreservations about coming here uninvited, I stared blankly at the dash and dredged up the courage to get out of the car and go find my kitten. I hated that we fought.

Film was seated next to me in the passenger seat and whatever was going on in his head made his hands tremble. My fight with Nhu was nothing compared to what Film was facing. He really blew it with James. When Film called me this evening desperate to find James, it did not take much to convince me to go with him. I just hoped Nhu wouldn't be angry at me for showing up.

Looking at the gaunt nervous man in my passenger seat, I could not believe this was my cousin. The normal radiant alpha with movie star looks and a model's body looked like sh*t. If I had seen him on the street, I would have thought he was some kind of drug addict. How could someone change so much in a few months?

He told me about his fight with James and I was shocked. What possible reason could he have for lying and disappearing like that? All Film would divulge to me was that he was on the hunt to unravel the mystery of his parent's death, and close to finding his parent's killers. When I asked for more details, he stopped talking. Only saying it was dangerous.

It's not that I did not understand why he didn't tell James what was going on, I did. It was the same reason he had not mated with him. Film was trying to protect him. His investigation could get dangerous and anyone close to him could be in the crosshairs of his enemies.

I would have been tempted to do the same thing. There was no way I would drag someone as sweet and pure as NuNew into the twisted mess that was our family. So, I understood, that the less James knew, the safer he was. But how had Film made such a mess of things with James? And why couldn't he give me any details?

"Come on, let's see if they are here.", I said.

Popping out of the car, Film jogged down the street towards the nightclub. Startled by his sudden departure, I was left behind. I had no choice but to run after him and when I caught up with Film, I grabbed him by the arm and pulled him to a halt.

"Hey. Hey. Hey. Chill Cuz You can't go in like this. You're shaking like a junky. Let's take you to the bathroom, okay? Clean you up. Otherwise, you'll scare the boys.", I said.

Nodding his head, Film agreed and we crossed the street and stood in front of the club. Someone honked their horn and Film nearly jumped out of his skin. What the hell has him so freaked out? Turning towards the sound, I saw a large silhouette get out of the driver's side of a car. Whoever it was started walking towards us.

"Are you expecting trouble?", I asked.

"No, but it is not impossible.", said Film.

Great, way to inspire confidence. I tensed ready to act if I needed to.

The streetlight illuminated the figure from behind. Covering his face in shadows. I was beginning to worry that whatever was haunting Film, had found us. Then the figure waved.

"Wait for me, guys.", Max said.

"Max?", I asked.

"Yeah, who did you think it was?", Max asked.

I looked at Film, but he was in his own world staring at the entrance to the nightclub. His energy reminded me of a panther at the zoo, pacing in front of the bars waiting for its chance.

"What are you doing here?", I asked.

"Waiting for Nat. He wouldn't let me come with him, so this was our compromise.", Max said.

My God, that made me laugh. I laughed so hard, that even Film stared at me.

"What are you laughing at? You think I am whipped, don't you?", Max asked.

"Not you, me. I am the one who is whipped, beyond redemption." I said.

Max co*cked his head from one side and then to the other as he stared at me, and his puzzled look started a fresh bout of laughter. He looked like the human incarnation of a German shepherd.

I wondered if I was nervous because it was not like me to be...so giggly.

"I'll tell you later.", I said.

"Are you going in?", Max asked.

"Yeah, James broke up with Film over text. Film is here to make things right. If he can.", I said.

Max whistled low and thumped Film on the shoulder.

"That's rough man. Anything we can do?", Max asked.

"Stop f*cking talking and let's go already.", Film said.

Exchanging looks, Max and I followed Film up the steps and into the venue. Unlike the last time I was here, years ago there was no line to get into the club and we walked right in and found a bathroom.

While Film was washing up, we began peppering him with questions.

"You gonna tell us what's going on with you?", I asked.

Film looked at my reflection in the mirror.

"Not now.", Film said.

"Now is the perfect time.", said Max.

Both Max and I were united in this. I didn't even need to say it out loud. Film looked like he was into something shady. He looked unhinged. I needed to know what was going on before I let him near Nhu and, to be honest, James.

If an omega was not claimed, then it fell to the alphas in their lives to take responsibility for them. That meant Max and me. Technically, Film was no longer James' alpha.

Film, knew what we were implying. He needed to get past us before he could get to our omegas.

"Seriously?", Film asked.

Film was drying off with a wad of paper towels and when we didn't answer he paused and turned towards us. If staring intently was an answer, then that was the answer Film received. The three of us were locked in an alpha power struggle that Film had no chance of winning. Against one of us, maybe. Two against one, sadly no. I felt for my cousin. In a matter of hours, he had lost the privileges that came with being James' alpha and he had not even had a chance to talk to James.

For a moment Film closed his eyes. His face drooped and he seemed to age. No amount of washing could get rid of the dark circles under his eyes, or his loss of weight. He was changed. The easy-going alpha that we all knew and loved had become cagey and brooding, and in that moment, I was genuinely concerned for him.

When Film opened his eyes, he was back to being guarded and casually threw away the moist paper towels and presented himself for our inspection.

Not bad, it was amazing what a little hygiene could do, but something needed to be done about his hair.

Film's hair was a hot mess. I could tell he had the same habit I had of running his hands through his hair when he was stressed. If his hair was any indication, Film was very stressed. I wish I had a comb or something to help him out. Max must have been thinking the same thing because he pulled a comb out of his back pocket.

"Here.", Max said and held out the comb to Film.

"Do you always carry a comb?", I asked.

Oh, I think I can use this to make fun of him for this for the rest of his life. I tried not to grin and give away that I was baiting him, but I think I failed because he glared at me and punched me in the arm.

"Shut up Pruk! I am doing this for Film. Otherwise, I would never have pulled this out in front of you. This," he shook the comb at me, "is not ammo for a lifetime of making fun of me. Forget you saw the comb, or I am not letting Film use it.", Max said and then winked at Film.

"Okay, pretty boy.", I said.

Max narrowed his eyes at me and pretended to put the comb away but at the last second looked at Film. I followed his gaze and realized that to Film, none of this was funny. I put my hands in the air admitting defeat.

"What comb?", I asked.

Max held my gaze for a heartbeat then handed Film the comb.

"Talk.", I said to Film.

Film leaned over the sink and peered into the mirror. He began to wet his hair in the hopes that he could comb it into some kind of hairstyle. He never took his eyes from his reflection as he spoke.

"I am close to finding out who killed my parents. Someone put a hit out on them. I found the group of gangsters that tampered with my parents' car and killed them.", Film said.

"WHAT?", Max asked.

"Someone put a hit out on my parents, and I found the gang that did it.", Film said.

"What does that mean you found the gang that did it? What does that have to do with you disappearing and looking like this?", Max asked.

Film stopped and stared at Max.

"Nat told me about why you broke up.", Max said simply.

"This is why I can't tell James anything. If James knows, NuNew and Nat know too.", Film said.

Film was not making much progress with his hair, and he narrowed his eyes at his reflection and threw the comb in the sink.

"Know what?", I asked.

"Know, that I infiltrated their gang.", Film said.

I couldn't speak I was so shocked; of all the crazy things he could do. I felt a flash of guilt. Why was he going through all of this? We all knew it was probably my parents behind everything. In the past, I never believed it, but after what they did to Nhu and Star, I was beginning to believe my dad would kill his brother and sister-in-law, steal their money, and leave their orphaned children with nothing.

"I am trying to get close enough to find out who called out the hit, and who tampered with the car. I doubt these guys know why someone wanted my parents dead, but knowing who ordered their deaths, will lead me to why."

"That's...that's f*cking nuts Film. Who do you think you are? Some undercover narc? Does anyone know about this or are you alone on your suicide mission? Your parents would never want this for you.", I said.

I was livid and worried. What he was doing was so dangerous. I looked over at Max and he shook his head. He had not known any of this either. Well, this could not continue. I was not going to let my cousin, get himself killed. But before I could say anything, Film spoke up again.

"This is as good as it gets.", Film said.

He handed Max back his comb.

"Listen, I need to find James. He is my everything. I can't lose him. I can't lose someone else important to me. I need to fix this.", Film said.

"Then I need you two to look out for James because, after tonight, I am going back undercover. I am so close to the truth. But I can't be anywhere near James right now. I don't even want anyone saying my name and his name in the same sentence.", Film said.

Taking one last look at his reflection, Film walked out of the bathroom with us on his heels.


After we all left, two feet lowered onto the bathroom floor and the door to a stall was pushed open. James had a hand over his mouth and tears in his eyes. He stood in front of the mirror frozen in terror. Then, without warning, he ran out of the bathroom.


We followed Film into a solid wall of noise. Music was thumping, and I could feel the bass vibrating in my chest. We grabbed Film and pushed him onto an out-of-the-way barstool where we could discretely scan the crowd for our omegas. I was momentarily distracted from Film's news by worrying about Nhu. When we last communicated, he was mad at me, and I worried my showing up would make it worse.

A co*cktail waitress appeared and blocked our view.

"Can I get you alphas anything to drink?", she asked.

I shook my head no. Film acted like she was invisible and that left Max to do the talking.

"Not right now. We are not sure if we are staying.", Max said.

"Suit yourself.", she said and wandered away. She knew a lost cause when she saw one.

Film saw the three omegas first, without a word he stood up and walked away with single-minded intent. Like the Terminator from that old sci-fi movie, he pushed through groups of dancers not caring if he disturbed anyone.

Following Film's trajectory, I saw Nat and James but no Kitten. Then James and Nat separated and revealed my Nhu. Oh, my heart, he was beautiful. It was déjà vu all over again. How many years ago had I stood in this same spot and saw my Kitten dancing? He still had the same effect on me. Nothing had changed, except I loved him more, and instead of wondering if he moved like that in the bedroom, I knew he did.

My kitten looked amazing, too amazing, in a skin-tight shirt, form-fitting pink pants, and boots with heels. A matching pink jacket was folded over the back of a chair at the edge of the dance floor. God the way he moved was sinful and where had he been hiding that outfit? It was a good thing I hadn't been home when he left the house, because he would have never made it to the door without me ravishing him. Since I am a jealous alpha, I would have made sure to wear him out, so nobody would get to see him looking this hot.

There was no way, the three omegas had gone unnoticed, especially my Nhu. I looked around the room and sure enough, there were several pairs of predatory eyes checking out my mate. WOW. I needed to calm down. If I approached Nhu like this, I would be the alphahole Nhu thought I was. Deep breaths.

Suddenly, Nhu broke away from the pack and went towards the bathroom. I watched him disappear into a familiar dark hallway and that gave me an idea.

Chapter 108: NuNew POV July 5, 2026

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (122)

Hot, sweaty, and danced out, I walked through the dark hallway to the bathroom, and I could not help but remember the night we conceived Star. It had been an amazing evening. Hia had told me he loved me, and I had given him my virginity, and then he left me with a bun in the oven.

I laughed at my reflection in the mirror as I reapplied my lipstick. It's good that I can look back and laugh now. It means I am healing.

Blowing myself a kiss in the mirror, I cracked the door and peeked out into the hallway. The three of us have had a couple of encounters with idiots and I didn't want to bump into one of them alone in a dark hallway. I was going to have to chance it. The corridor was too dim to make out if anyone was there waiting for me, but what was that smell? It smelled familiar. It smelled like everything perfect in my world.


I should have been angry that he was there, but instead, I was kind of turned on. His smokey scent always makes me weak in the knees and tonight was no exception. I remembered our first night together had started in this dingy corridor. What kind of game was he playing? Well, if he wanted to play games, I had one of my own.

Chapter 109: Zee's POV July 5, 2026

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (123)

I didn't have to wait very long before the bathroom door opened, and my Kitten looked out hesitantly and froze. I couldn't see his face, so I opened the bond, but his emotions were fragmented and hard to read. Was my kitten drunk?

Then his smell hit me. No matter how many times I have inhaled or tasted my omega, his pheromones have enchanted me. I remembered the first time I caught wind of his delicate scent and followed it like a bloodhound through the halls of our university, across a courtyard, and into a garden.

Like an alpha possessed, I had to find the omega that was releasing such a heavenly scent.

I heard him before I saw him. A voice, as enchanting as a nightingale. It, and the intoxicating smell of the omega lured me deeper into the garden until I found him seated, nestled amongst the roots of an old apple tree. I could only see a slice of his profile from where I stood so I crept silently, not wanting to startle an omega at his ease, for this omega was a male.

I had heard that we had three male omegas in our year. One was rare; three at once? This Greek siren of sound must be one of them.

Never having met a male omega before I did not know what to expect. Mostly out of view, the young man seemed to be stroking something tenderly in his palm and looking down at it while he sang. A song I had never heard before. I dared to creep just a few more steps. Needing to see his face. What I could see of him already promised great beauty.

The omega had his obsidian hair tucked behind a delicate ear, away from his face so he could see whatever it was he held. He was leaning forward to look at his hands, and I noticed the skin on his long neck was without flaw and the color of his skin was warm but pale enough that it would turn a pretty shade of pink when he blushed.

A few more inches and I could see his profile, he was more beautiful than I imagined. He had an aristocratic nose with overly lush lips, rounded cheeks, and a defined jaw. I could not see his eyes, so I moved to get a better view and took him in.

He was perfect.

Thinking he was alone the youth had shed his oversized shirt and sat on a large root in nothing but a tank top and a pair of baggy jeans. What I could see of the omega's body was delicate and soft like a female, but he had the definition of a man. Unlike most males, his muscles were long like a dancer's, and his waist was impossibly small. Tracing his figure with my eyes I noted that his waist swelled into curvy hips and rounded out into two perk buttocks that were luscious in a way I had never seen on a man before.

But his greatest treasure was his face. I had never seen a face so expressive before with eyes so sweet and lovely and a mouth that I knew would feel like an overindulgence if I ever was lucky enough to kiss him.

Entranced I stood there bathing in his scent and basking in his glory until something internal told him it was time to go. With delicate fingers, he released what he had been holding. It was a tiny chipmunk curled asleep in his palm. This siren even held power over wild animals and could tame them, which I found I could relate to because he had already done so with me.

The tiny woodland creature scampered off and NuNew stretched, which did lascivious things to his body. Reaching out a slender arm, he slipped into his oversized shirt and flattened his bangs down over his eyes. Completely disguising himself and hiding his beauty. My breath caught in my throat, at how he had muted his allure. But I understood why and for some reason that made me happy. I wanted him all for myself.

With the grace of a swan gliding on the mirrored surface of a placid lake, NuNew left his sanctuary and disappeared.

I never recovered from that moment and though I could not have him yet, I stayed close to him and protected him throughout our university years and menaced anyone who also figured out his secret, in a selfish bid to keep him for myself.

I cannot claim love at first sight because now that I know what love is, the love I had for him when we were students was an insubstantial feeling compared to the deep adoration, I have for him now. We have gone through trials and tribulations. Made a baby, and we are raising her. We have learned to play each other's bodies in the same way a masterful musician learns how to play their instrument. Nhu is the blood that swells in my heart. My mate, my love, my husband, my everything.

Here we were again seven years later, and I am still spying on him and admiring his beauty. Just like the young alpha of my university days.


Nhu took a step into the hall stumbled, giggled, and righted himself. He had not noticed me yet. Not wanting to scare him, I let my pheromones fill the hallway. There is no way my mate would not recognize that.

Nhu's head snapped up.


I stepped forward and Nhu came right up to my face and looked at me.

"Is that my mate who was a jerk to me today?", Nhu asked.

He was drunk. How could he be so reckless? What if I was some kind of predator waiting for him in this dark hallway?

Nhu pointed his finger in my face and laughed. His head bobbled on his neck like it was attached to a spring.

"No way that is Hia.", Nhu said, then leaned closer to peer into my face. Eyes squinted and unfocused.

"But you do look like him.", Nhu said.

Nhu giggled and then started to brush past me. Did he not recognize me? How drunk was he?

Then Nhu sniffed the air again and saw his reflection in the glass of a painting that hung in the hallway and walked over to it calling my name.

"Hia? Hia!"

I felt my eyes rolling into my head. This is one of the many reasons I did not want him out without me. I grabbed him by the arm and turned him towards me. Nhu let out a loud whine of protest and then brushed my hands away.

"Nhu, it's time to go home, come on.", I said.

I grabbed his elbow and he yelled and yanked his arm out of my grasp.

"You are way to Drunk Nhu, let's go.", I said.

"NO. Who are you.? Don't touch me. I am not going with you.", Nhu said.

He tried to walk by me. I grabbed his wrist.

"Nhu! Stop being stubborn and let's go.", I said.


He tried to make a break for the dance floor.

"James! Net where are you? Help me!"

I was so pissed off. I could not believe he was this wasted. I held on to his arm while he kept calling for James and Net.

"Charawin Perdperiyawong!"

He stopped yelling for help and turned to look at me. Then his face blossomed into a huge smile.


He whined my name. It was so cute. I immediately forgave him everything and tried to pull him into my arms. He stumbled and landed against my chest and then nuzzled into my scent gland.

"Hia, what are you doing here?", Nhu asked.

Then I felt him stiffen and he took a step back and looked me up and down.

"No way, you can't be Hia. I told him not to come here. There is no way he would disobey me."

He giggled, turned away, and spoke over his shoulder.

"You're not him. Quit trying to trick me.", Nhu said.

My mate couldn't walk in a straight line and at one point he hung on to the wall giggling. I had had enough. I was angry. I had never been this angry at Nhu before. I walked over to him and grabbed his wrist, again.

"That's enough. I am taking you home so you can sleep this off before your daughter sees you.", I said.

Nhu started struggling and kicked me in the shin. He didn't kick me very hard, but my adorable, sweet kitten kicked me. What universe did I wake up in today, nothing has been normal about this day.

"No! I am not going with you. I don't know you. No. No.", Nhu said. He was shouting and making a scene like I was an abductor and not his husband.

We were at the entrance to the hallway, and I could see off to our left Nat was dancing with Max, and Film and James were in a corner talking intensely. Nhu saw Nat and yelled out to him.

"Nat. Help Nat. He is trying to kidnap me."

Nat ran up to Nhu followed by Max.

"Jelly, that is your mate. It's Zee?", Nat said.

Max took one look at my furious face and his eyes widened.

"Give my car keys to James so he can go home. Make sure he is sober. Keep an eye on him. I'll take Nhu home in a cab."

Max took the keys I held out and pocketed them. With my other hand, I continued to hold on to Nhu who was trying to pry my fingers from around his wrist. Nat's eyes were on Nhu. I was worried he would want to intervene, but he didn't get the chance. Understanding the situation, Max gently nudged Nat away and back onto the dance floor. Saving me from an overprotective friend.

"Come on, this is between the two of them.", Max said, and waved me off.

As they walked away Nat kept looking over his shoulder at Nhu with a frown on his face.

Nhu wiggled and protested the entire way out of the club making people stare, some with obvious concern.

"I'm not going with you. You are not my mate. No. No.", Nhu said.

"I didn't think you would get this drunk.", I said.

"I'm not going with you.", Nhu said.

Just then, two bouncers walked over, and I thought they were going to stop us. But they suddenly grinned and walked away. WTF. I could be some jerk abducting Nhu. This club was supposed to be omega-friendly.

Nhu started wiggling and protesting again.

"Charawin, behave!"

Finally, I got my naughty drunk kitten out of the club and onto the quiet street. I had to make sure to keep a good grip on Nhu who was surprisingly strong and would occasionally try and make a break for it. Oh boy was I going to punish him later.

With my free hand, I opened an app to order a ride home.

"Where are we going?", Nhu asked.

I glanced at Nhu and was caught. He was very soft, and doe-eyed as he looked up at me. I started to melt. I am so weak for him.

Suddenly, with a squeal, he broke free and ran down the street. I was stunned. He could barely hold himself up a minute ago. How was he running? sh*t, he was running drunk down the street, and I was letting him. I tore after him. He kept looking over his shoulder and shrieking with laughter.

I was confused. It almost seemed like Nhu was playing catch me if you can. He sometimes played like this before we had sex, and if we were at home, I would have caught him and made love to him, but what Nhu was doing was dangerous. He was wasted. What if he ran into the street and got hit by a car?

With a burst of speed, I caught up with him. Grabbing him, I turned him around and then trapped him against a building. His eyes were bright and full of mirth.

"You caught me.", he said.

He blinked a couple of times and then stared at me behind his long lashes. This was his come-hither look. I was so confused. Did he know me or not? Wasn't he just running away from me?

"Hia, aren't you going to kiss me?", asked Nhu.

He hummed and wiggled in my arms.

"Oh, all of a sudden you know who I am.", I said.

Nhu giggled again and with sober eyes looked up at me.

"What do you mean?", Nhu said coyly.

Nhu giggled some more and put his finger in my face.

"Got you!", Nhu said.

Ducking under my arms he ran off again, and now I knew his game. What a naughty kitten. Very, naughty kitten. I easily caught my kitten again pulled him into an ally between two buildings and pinned him against the wall. Nhu was breathing heavily. I could feel how aroused he was. I laughed and then roughly grabbed his face and kissed him forcing my tongue in his mouth. Not that he resisted at all. In fact, he was moaning and rubbing up against me. I bit his lip and continued sucking on his sweet tongue.

"Naughty Kitten.", I groaned into his mouth.

I shoved my erection hard against his and thrust my hips into him. I was so f*cking turned on. I better get us home.

"Nhu. Kitten. Oh God. Nhu!", I said.

He undid the fly of my pants and cupped my erection through my underwear.

"Wait, baby. Let me call us a ride.", I said.

I returned to the app and tried to order a ride.

"Nhu, oh f*ck Nhu. I can't think, just give me a second. We can't do this here.", I said.

Nhu ignored me, placed his moist mouth over my scent gland, and began to suck. His hot little hand had pulled the waistband of my underwear down, found my bare co*ck, and pumped me, making me pant and moan.

I hit send on the app and saw we had three minutes until our cab arrived.

Running my fingers through Nhu's hair I pulled his head back. He opened his mouth for me. He looked so sultry, and I just wanted to...AHHH...we needed to get home ASAP. I ravaged my kitten's mouth with my tongue and whispered filth in his ear while he stroked my co*ck and rode my leg like it was a stripper pole.

My phone dinged.

"Nhu, our ride. Let's go.", I said.

I adjusted my pants, made sure Nhu didn't look like he had been f*cking me in an alley, and took my panting Kitten and helped him into the car. Taking a healthy amount of ass cheek in my hand and giving it a squeeze as he climbed in.

I am embarrassed to say we made out in the back seat all the way home. Neither of us could make eye contact with the driver when we got out, but he got an excellent tip.

That elevator ride to our floor was the longest ride of our lives. Nhu braced himself in the corner of the elevator and f*cked me with his eyes. I don't know what got into my kitten, but I liked it.

As soon as the door to our home shut Nhu jumped into my arms and straddled me. We were rough, clothes were torn, and Nhu made sounds that no alpha could hear and recover from. I made it my lifelong goal to get him to lose control like this as often as I could for the rest of our lives.

Neither one of us slept and we probably would have continued into the next day but for Star. We needed to pick her up.

On the way to get Star, in our last moments alone as an alpha and his omega, my wicked omega leaned over, unzipped my pants, pulled me out, and gave me head.

The tires of our family car screeched as I almost lost control of the vehicle. I have never pulled over so fast in my life. Good God, what have I done to deserve this treatment? When Nhu finished, he wiped his chin, gave my co*ck a little kiss, put everything back where it belonged, and sat in his seat grinning like the Cheshire cat in Alice and Wonderland.

I need to fight with Nhu more often. I will fight with him every day if I have to and turn our house of love and harmony into a battlefield if it means he turns into Horny Kitty. The most recent, and possibly the best, personification of my mate.

Damn, I am a lucky man.

Chapter 110: Zee's POV August 6, 2026

Chapter Text

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (124)

Nhu had disappeared into the bathroom, and he had been in there a long time. Normally I would leave him be, but I needed to go to work, and my electric shaver was in there. I knocked quietly and heard a muffled reply.

"Kitten, I need to go to work. I only need ten minutes. Can I get in there?", I asked.

I heard Nhu abruptly stand up and then he must have fallen over because I heard him thud into the wall.

"Nhu! Nhu! I'm coming in.", I said.

Pushing open the door I was startled by a wide-eyed Nhu who was standing directly in front of the bathroom door. I had never seen this look on his face and before I could ask, he calmly walked past me and into the family room. What was that about?

I walked into the bathroom and was confronted with a bizarre sight. Every flat surface in the bathroom had little white sticks on it. Each stick had a little window, and in the window, I saw lines, plus signs, a few even had smiley faces. There must have been at least 15 and the floor was littered with boxes. The kind you saw in a pharmacy. The kind that...

My heart leaped out of my chest. I reached down and grabbed a box. 'Pregnancy test.' I picked up another and another. All pregnancy tests. That meant. Damn it, how am I supposed to read these things.

"Nhu!", I called out.

I started matching boxes to tests. Positive. Positive. Positive. They were all positive. I ran out of the bathroom so fast that I tripped over July, slammed into a wall, and kept running until I saw Nhu calmly sitting on the couch. I fell before him on my knees and took his hands in mine.


"Mmm.", Nhu said.

"We're pregnant.", I said.

"Hmm Mmm.", Nhu said.

"We're pregnant.", I said.

"Yes, I know.", Nhu said.

"We're pregnant.", I said.

Sighing, Nhu patted my head.

"I keep forgetting it's your first time.", Nhu said.

"What are you talking about, we have Star.", I said.

"First time starting from the beginning.", Nhu said.

"Oh.", I said.



"We are pregnant."

I put my head in his lap and hugged him around the waist. I showered his belly and face with kisses. I was elated.


"Mmm", I said.

"We're having a baby.", Nhu said.

I nodded tears of joy in my eyes.

"I have always wanted to tell you that Hia.", Nhu said.

Nhu nuzzled into my embrace and sighed.

"I'm so happy Hia. Are you happy?"

"I've never been happier.", I said.

We sat there saying nothing, basking in the glow of bringing a new life into this world. When I suddenly realized. I had no idea what happened next.

"Nhu? What happens now?", I asked.

He started to laugh which made me laugh. We laughed so hard we woke up Star who came out of her room rubbing her eyes. As soon as we saw her, we grabbed her and pulled her into a family hug. Still sleepy she curled up in between us and sucked on her thumb.

Nhu was busy texting someone while I stroked Star's hair and cooed at her. My phone buzzed. I picked it up and saw an alert.

"New Appointment: OBGYN visit."

The appointment was for later this afternoon. I looked over at Nhu who had a big grin on his face. I was smiling too. I texted my admin assistant so she could cancel my appointments for the day. Nothing would ever stop me from attending an OBGYN appointment again. Not even being stranded in the most barren place on earth. Because I already knew I would cross deserts, brave foreign cities, and travel across the world to get to my omega.

I thanked the heavens for giving me another chance.

This time, I would be here for everything. Nothing was more important than the three, no four people I held in my arms. Nothing.

The End

Lost Alpha - LotusSeraph8 - นิ่งเฮียก็หาว่าซื่อ (2024)
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Author: Dan Stracke

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Author information

Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.