Ignoring Node Modules with Gitignore: An In-Depth Guide – TheLinuxCode (2024)

As a JavaScript developer, you‘re undoubtedly familiar with node_modules. This crucial folder contains all of the npm packages and dependencies that make your Node.js projects tick. But node_modules can also be a major pain in your git repository. So how do you properly ignore node_modules with git?

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll cover:

  • What node_modules is, why it balloons in size, and how to quantify the impact
  • Key reasons you should .gitignore node_modules in detail
  • Step-by-step instructions to start ignoring node_modules
  • Advanced ignore techniques like negating rules and global excludes
  • Removing already-tracked files from git‘s scope
  • Gitignore best practices for rules organization and more
  • Troubleshooting tips when files aren‘t ignored as expected
  • Other package manager ignore options beyond .gitignore

By the end, you‘ll have an in-depth understanding of how to ignore node_modules and implement other gitignore best practices for a lean, clean repo.

What Exactly is the node_modules Folder?

Before we discuss how to ignore node_modules, it helps to understand what it is and why it grows so large in the first place.

The node_modules folder lives in the root directory of your Node.js projects. It contains all of the external npm packages and libraries used by your project code.

When you run npm install or install a package like npm install express, all of the package contents get installed into node_modules. The folder structure organizes the thousands of packages based on nesting.

For example, the full path to the Express.js package might be:


Node will recursively look through node_modules when resolving require() imports in your code. This allows you to import packages easily:

const express = require(‘express‘);

Why So Much Code?

A typical project can easily have hundreds of packages under node_modules. These packages in turn may have their own nested dependencies, ballooning the total code size.

Just how much code are we talking about here? Some real-world examples of node_modules folder sizes:

  • The Node.js repo itself has ~9,000 files in node_modules totalling 180MB
  • A React project with just React, ReactDOM and a few utility packages can easily exceed 5,000+ files and 60MB
  • A complex frontend app with ui frameworks, css processors, linters and more might have 100,000+ files and over 500MB in node_modules!

As you can see, node_modules contains a massive amount of code compared to the actual source files you write. All the more reason not to version it in git!

Auto-generated Code

Beyond size, node_modules also contains dynamically generated code. Packages like Babel will pre-transpile modern JavaScript for older Node.js versions.

CSS/SASS processors compile to CSS. TypeScript gets compiled to JavaScript. Webpack bundles dependencies into output assets.

None of this generated code should be versioned in git. The source code (your app, SASS files, etc) is what‘s important.

Now that we understand what node_modules is, let‘s look at why we need to .gitignore it.

Why You Should .gitignore node_modules

There are several compelling reasons why node_modules should be ignored in your git repositories.

Massive Repository Bloat

As the examples above illustrate, node_modules easily dwarfs your project source code. All those thousands of files get stored as bloat in your git history forever.

For example, the Linux kernel repository weighs in at 176MB. In contrast, a Node app with 60MB of node_modules would be 1/3 the size of the Linux kernel!

Clearly node_modules is just unnecessary bulk we don‘t want versioned.

Reinstalling is Easy

More importantly, the entire node_modules tree can be perfectly recreated anytime using the package.json manifest file.

This small JSON file declares all the project‘s npm dependencies and versions. All you need to restore node_modules is package.json and npm install.

Versioning node_modules alongside package.json is redundant. Ignoring node_modules avoids duplicating files already described in package.json.

Removes External Code Noise

node_modules contains third-party library code – not meaningful changes related to your app. Versioning it will pollute your project‘s git history with pointless noise.

Cleaning this up later is difficult. It‘s best to .gitignore node_modules from the start to maintain a clear commit timeline.

Avoids Needless Merge Conflicts

Merge conflicts occur when files are changed on two branches being merged. Binary files and autogenerated code tend to have frequent, meaningless changes between builds.

For example, minor changes to library versions can alter hundreds of transpiled JavaScript files. These inevitable changes lead to annoying merge conflicts.

.gitignore prevents these needless conflicts by avoiding versioning generated code altogether.

It‘s Not Your Code

At the end of the day, node_modules holds external packages you didn‘t write. Open source packages will already be versioned in their own repos.

Adding them to your git history just muddies your commits with code changes you didn‘t make. There‘s no benefit to tracking pre-existing OSS code.

Now that we‘ve explored why gitignoring node_modules is so crucial, let‘s look at how to actually ignore it.

Getting Started with .gitignore

The .gitignore file allows us to specify intentionally untracked files that Git should ignore. This prevents Git from staging changes in ignored files or directories.

Creating a .gitignore

By default, a new project might not have a .gitignore file. We need to create one manually.

Navigate to the root directory of your Git repository in the terminal. Then create a .gitignore file with the touch command:

touch .gitignore

This will create an empty .gitignore file in the current folder. We can now open it and start adding ignore rules.

Note: The .gitignore should be committed into git and shared with collaborators.

Ignoring Node Modules

With our .gitignore file created, let‘s add a rule to ignore node_modules.

Open .gitignore in your preferred text editor. Then add the following line:


This tells Git to ignore the node_modules folder (and all its contents) from version control. The trailing slash indicates we want to ignore the directory recursively.

We may also want to ignore other common build folders like:


Now git status should show node_modules as being untracked.

Removing Tracked Files

If you‘ve already committed node_modules previously, Git will continue tracking the folder even with a .gitignore rule.

To fully untrack the directory, use git rm with the --cached flag:

git rm -r --cached node_modules

This recursively removes node_modules/ from the staging area while preserving it locally.

We can then commit the change to untrack the folder completely going forward.

Advanced .gitignore Techniques

So far we‘ve covered the basics of getting node_modules ignored. But .gitignore files support many powerful advanced features as well.

Negate Rules

Prefixing a pattern with an exclamation point (!) negates the rule, forcing that path to be unignored.

For example, this re-includes certain files in an otherwise ignored folder:


Glob Patterns

Rules don‘t have to literally match file paths. Patterns like *.log or project/*.tmp use globs/wildcards to match groups of files.

Regular Expressions

For complex matching, Git also allows full regular expressions in ignore rules.

For example, this would ignore all .js files except those ending in .test.js:


Multiple .gitignore Files

You can create .gitignore files in subdirectories to override parent folder rules. The patterns are not recursive.

This allows having a base ignore file with folder rules at the root, and then custom per-folder ignores.

Core Excludes File

The core.excludesFile git config setting allows setting a global ignore file that applies to all repositories on your system.

Set it with:

git config --global core.excludesFile ~/.gitignore

Then any rules in ~/.gitignore will be honored in addition to your project‘s .gitignore.

Ignore Rule Organization

When organizing .gitignore, it‘s best to:

  • Put general rules at the top
  • Group related rules together
  • Add project-specific rules at bottom
  • Comment rules for context

Base Ignore Files

Many projects benefit from having a "base" ignore file with common rules in source control, and then allowing contributors to add their own personal ignores.

Ignore Rule StyleGuide

As with code, having consistent style and formatting for your ignore rules improves readability and maintainability.

Some best practices include:

  • Lowercase rule patterns
  • Consistent spacing between rules
  • Trailing slashes on directory paths
  • Explanatory comments
  • Clear logical ordering

Adhering to a ignore rule styleguide helps avoid hard-to-troubleshoot issues down the line.

Troubleshooting Gitignore

Sometimes you may find that files aren‘t being ignored as intended. Here are some common reasons:

Already Tracked Files

Existing tracked files need to be git rm --cached first before .gitignore takes effect.

Conflicting Negation Rules

If you negate a rule, double check it‘s not unintentionally undoing another ignore.

Incorrect Paths

Using a folder name without a trailing slash applies the rule only to the literal folder, not its contents.

Casing Issues

Pattern matches are case-sensitive. Node_Modules won‘t match node_modules.

In summary, pay close attention to rule syntax, test with git status, and clean up any previously tracked files.

Other Ignore Options

While .gitignore is the common standard, other npm package managers have their own ignore files as well.

For example, Yarn has a .yarnignore and pnpm uses .pnpignore.

Some pros and cons compared to .gitignore:

.gitignoreApplies to git onlyStill needs git rm –cached to untrack
.npmignoreNPM specific
No need for git rm –cached
Not shared via source control
Extra config needed
.yarnignoreYarn specific^ Same as above ^
.pnpignorepnpm specific^ Same as above ^

In most cases, a standard .gitignore covers all requirements. But ignore capabilities of other package managers may meet specific needs.

Key Takeaways and Best Practices

And there you have it – an in-depth guide to ignoring node_modules and leveraging .gitignore like a pro!

To recap some key learnings:

  • Always ignore bulky, dynamically generated artifact folders like node_modules, dist, and build.
  • The .gitignore file lets you specify untracked file patterns – use it early!
  • Remove already-tracked files fully with git rm --cached first.
  • Negate rules cautiously. Order matters when combining patterns.
  • For readability, adopt consistent formatting and organization for ignore rules.
  • Troubleshoot issues with git status and by examining syntax carefully.

Ignoring generated files like node_modules keeps your repository clean, speedy, and focused on source code. Implementing proper .gitignore practices will save you time and headaches as your projects grow.

So embrace .gitignore, say goodbye to pointless merge conflicts, and enjoy git happiness! Node modules? Never heard of ‘em.

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Ignoring Node Modules with Gitignore: An In-Depth Guide – TheLinuxCode (2024)
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