Financial Ratio Analysis: Definition, Types, Examples, and How to Use (2024)

What Is Ratio Analysis?

Ratio analysis is a quantitative method of gaining insight into a company's liquidity, operational efficiency, and profitability by studying its financial statements such as the balance sheet and income statement. Ratio analysis is a cornerstone of fundamental equity analysis.

Key Takeaways

  • Ratio analysis compares line-item data from a company's financial statements to reveal insights regarding profitability, liquidity, operational efficiency, and solvency.
  • Ratio analysis can mark how a company is performing over time, while comparing a company to another within the same industry or sector.
  • Ratio analysis may also be required by external parties that set benchmarks often tied to risk.
  • While ratios offer useful insight into a company, they should be paired with other metrics, to obtain a broader picture of a company's financial health.
  • Examples of ratio analysis include current ratio, gross profit margin ratio, inventory turnover ratio.

Financial Ratio Analysis: Definition, Types, Examples, and How to Use (1)

What Does Ratio AnalysisTell You?

Investors and analysts employ ratio analysis to evaluate the financial health of companies by scrutinizing past and current financial statements. Comparative data can demonstrate how a company is performing over time and can be used to estimate likely future performance. This data can also compare a company's financial standing with industry averages while measuring how a company stacks up against others within the same sector.

Investors can use ratio analysis easily, and every figure needed to calculate the ratios is found on a company's financial statements.

Ratios are comparison points for companies. They evaluate stocks within an industry. Likewise, they measure a company today against its historical numbers. In most cases, it is also important to understand the variables driving ratios as management has the flexibility to, at times, alter its strategy to make it's stock and company ratios more attractive. Generally, ratios are typically not used in isolation but rather in combination with other ratios. Having a good idea of the ratios in each of the four previously mentioned categories will give you a comprehensive view of the company from different angles and help you spot potential red flags.

A ratio is the relation between two amounts showing the number of times one value contains or is contained within the other.

Types of Ratio Analysis

The various kinds of financial ratios available may be broadly grouped into the following six silos, based on the sets of data they provide:

1. Liquidity Ratios

Liquidity ratios measure a company's ability to pay off its short-term debts as they become due, using the company's current or quick assets. Liquidity ratios include the current ratio, quick ratio, and working capital ratio.

2. Solvency Ratios

Also called financial leverage ratios, solvency ratios compare a company's debt levels with its assets, equity, and earnings, to evaluate the likelihood of a company staying afloat over the long haul, by paying off its long-term debt as well as the interest on its debt. Examples of solvency ratios include: debt-equity ratios, debt-assets ratios, and interest coverage ratios.

3. Profitability Ratios

These ratios convey how well a company can generate profits from its operations. Profit margin, return on assets, return on equity, return on capital employed, and gross margin ratios are all examples of profitability ratios.

4. Efficiency Ratios

Also called activity ratios, efficiency ratios evaluate how efficiently a company uses its assets and liabilities to generate sales and maximize profits. Key efficiency ratios include: turnover ratio, inventory turnover, and days' sales in inventory.

5. Coverage Ratios

Coverage ratios measure a company's ability to make the interest payments and other obligations associated with its debts. Examples include the times interest earned ratio and the debt-service coverage ratio.

6. Market Prospect Ratios

These are the most commonly used ratios in fundamental analysis. They include dividend yield, P/E ratio, earnings per share (EPS), and dividend payout ratio. Investors use these metrics to predict earnings and future performance.

For example, if the average P/E ratio of all companies in the S&P 500 index is 20, and the majority of companies have P/Es between 15 and 25, a stock with a P/E ratio of seven would be considered undervalued. In contrast, one with a P/E ratio of 50 would be considered overvalued. The former may trend upwards in the future, while the latter may trend downwards until each aligns with its intrinsic value.

Most ratio analysis is only used for internal decision making. Though some benchmarks are set externally (discussed below), ratio analysis is often not a required aspect of budgeting or planning.

Application of Ratio Analysis

The fundamental basis of ratio analysis is to compare multiple figures and derive a calculated value. By itself, that value may hold little to no value. Instead, ratio analysis must often be applied to a comparable to determine whether or a company's financial health is strong, weak, improving, or deteriorating.

Ratio Analysis Over Time

A company can perform ratio analysis over time to get a better understanding of the trajectory of its company. Instead of being focused on where it is today, the company is more interested n how the company has performed over time, what changes have worked, and what risks still exist looking to the future. Performing ratio analysis is a central part in forming long-term decisions and strategic planning.

To perform ratio analysis over time, a company selects a single financial ratio, then calculates that ratio on a fixed cadence (i.e. calculating its quick ratio every month). Be mindful of seasonality and how temporarily fluctuations in account balances may impact month-over-month ratio calculations. Then, a company analyzes how the ratio has changed over time (whether it is improving, the rate at which it is changing, and whether the company wanted the ratio to change over time).

Ratio Analysis Across Companies

Imagine a company with a 10% gross profit margin. A company may be thrilled with this financial ratio until it learns that every competitor is achieving a gross profit margin of 25%. Ratio analysis is incredibly useful for a company to better stand how its performance compares to similar companies.

To correctly implement ratio analysis to compare different companies, consider only analyzing similar companies within the same industry. In addition, be mindful how different capital structures and company sizes may impact a company's ability to be efficient. In addition, consider how companies with varying product lines (i.e. some technology companies may offer products as well as services, two different product lines with varying impacts to ratio analysis).

Different industries simply have different ratio expectations. A debt-equity ratio that might be normal for a utility company that can obtain low-cost debt might be deemed unsustainably high for a technology company that relies more heavily on private investor funding.

Ratio Analysis Against Benchmarks

Companies may set internal targets for their financial ratios. These calculations may hold current levels steady or strive for operational growth. For example, a company's existing current ratio may be 1.1; if the company wants to become more liquid, it may set the internal target of having a current ratio of 1.2 by the end of the fiscal year.

Benchmarks are also frequently implemented by external parties such lenders. Lending institutions often set requirements for financial health as part of covenants in loan documents. Covenants form part of the loan's terms and conditions and companies must maintain certain metrics or the loan may be recalled.

If these benchmarks are not met, an entire loan may be callable or a company may be faced with an adjusted higher rate of interest to compensation for this risk. An example of a benchmark set by a lender is often the debt service coverage ratio which measures a company's cash flow against it's debt balances.

Examples of Ratio Analysis in Use

Ratio analysis can predict a company's future performancefor better or worse. Successful companies generally boast solid ratios in all areas, where any sudden hint of weakness in one area may spark a significant stock sell-off. Let's look at a few simple examples

Net profit margin, often referred to simply as profit margin or the bottom line, is a ratio that investors use to compare the profitability of companies within the same sector. It's calculated by dividing a company's net income by its revenues. Instead of dissecting financial statements to compare how profitable companies are, an investor can use this ratio instead. For example, suppose company ABC and company DEF are in the same sector with profit margins of 50% and 10%, respectively. An investor can easily compare the two companies and conclude that ABC converted 50% of its revenues into profits, while DEF only converted 10%.

Using the companies from the above example, suppose ABC has a P/E ratio of 100, while DEF has a P/E ratio of 10. An average investor concludes that investors are willing to pay $100 per $1 of earnings ABC generates and only $10 per $1 of earnings DEF generates.

What Are the Types of Ratio Analysis?

Financial ratio analysis is often broken into six different types: profitability, solvency, liquidity, turnover, coverage, and market prospects ratios. Other non-financial metrics may be scattered across various departments and industries. For example, a marketing department may use a conversion click ratio to analyze customer capture.

What Are the Uses of Ratio Analysis?

Ratio analysis serves three main uses. First, ratio analysis can be performed to track changes to a company over time to better understand the trajectory of operations. Second, ratio analysis can be performed to compare results with other similar companies to see how the company is doing compared to competitors. Third, ratio analysis can be performed to strive for specific internally-set or externally-set benchmarks.

Why Is Ratio Analysis Important?

Ratio analysis is important because it may portray a more accurate representation of the state of operations for a company. Consider a company that made $1 billion of revenue last quarter. Though this seems ideal, the company might have had a negative gross profit margin, a decrease in liquidity ratio metrics, and lower earnings compared to equity than in prior periods. Static numbers on their own may not fully explain how a company is performing.

What Is an Example of Ratio Analysis?

Consider the inventory turnover ratio that measures how quickly a company converts inventory to a sale. A company can track its inventory turnover over a full calendar year to see how quickly it converted goods to cash each month. Then, a company can explore the reasons certain months lagged or why certain months exceeded expectations.

The Bottom Line

There is often an overwhelming amount of data and information useful for a company to make decisions. To make better use of their information, a company may compare several numbers together. This process called ratio analysis allows a company to gain better insights to how it is performing over time, against competition, and against internal goals. Ratio analysis is usually rooted heavily with financial metrics, though ratio analysis can be performed with non-financial data.

Financial Ratio Analysis: Definition, Types, Examples, and How to Use (2024)


What is ratio analysis and its types with examples? ›

Example of Ratio analysis
Type of RatioFormulaRatio
Quick Ratio (Acid-test Ratio(Current Assets - Inventory) / Current Liabilities2.17
Inventory Turnover RatioCost of Goods Sold (COGS) / Average Inventory5.71
Accounts Receivable Turnover RatioNet Credit Sales / Average Accounts Receivable11.43
6 more rows
Apr 10, 2024

What are the 5 ratios in financial analysis? ›

5 Essential Financial Ratios for Every Business. The common financial ratios every business should track are 1) liquidity ratios 2) leverage ratios 3)efficiency ratio 4) profitability ratios and 5) market value ratios.

What are the four 4 classifications of ratios in financial statement analysis? ›

In general, there are four categories of ratio analysis: profitability, liquidity, solvency, and valuation. Common ratios include the price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio, net profit margin, and debt-to-equity (D/E).

What are financial ratios and how do you use them? ›

Financial ratios offer entrepreneurs a way to evaluate their company's performance and compare it other similar businesses in their industry. Ratios measure the relationship between two or more components of financial statements. They are used most effectively when results over several periods are compared.

What are the 5 major categories of ratios? ›

The five categories of ratios are:
  • Market.
  • Profitability.
  • Debt.
  • Activity.
  • Liquidity.

What is a real life example of ratio analysis? ›

What Is an Example of Ratio Analysis? Consider the inventory turnover ratio that measures how quickly a company converts inventory to a sale. A company can track its inventory turnover over a full calendar year to see how quickly it converted goods to cash each month.

How to analyze financial ratios of a company? ›

The four key financial ratios used to analyse profitability are:
  1. Net profit margin = net income divided by sales.
  2. Return on total assets = net income divided by assets.
  3. Basic earning power = EBIT divided by total assets.
  4. Return on equity = net income divided by common equity.

Which ratios to check before investing? ›

Learn how these five key ratios—price-to-earnings, PEG, price-to-sales, price-to-book, and debt-to-equity—can help investors understand a stock's true value. Figuring out a stock's value can be as simple or complex as you make it. It depends on how much depth of perspective you need.

How to remember financial ratios? ›

Here are some tips to remember the ratio analysis formulas to analyze financial statements quickly-
  1. Tip 1: Categorize the Ratios. To keep in mind the formulas of the ratio, categorization works well. ...
  2. Tip 2: Writing Down Each Ratio and Start Working on them. ...
  3. Tip 3: Understanding. ...
  4. Tip 4: Use Pictures.
May 7, 2022

How to tell if a company is doing well financially? ›

12 ways to tell if a company is doing well financially
  1. Growing revenue. Revenue is the amount of money a company receives in exchange for its goods and services. ...
  2. Expenses stay flat. ...
  3. Cash balance. ...
  4. Debt ratio. ...
  5. Profitability ratio. ...
  6. Activity ratio. ...
  7. New clients and repeat customers. ...
  8. Profit margins are high.

What are the three main categories of financial analysis? ›

Financial accounting calls for all companies to create a balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement, which form the basis for financial statement analysis. Horizontal, vertical, and ratio analysis are three techniques that analysts use when analyzing financial statements.

What ratio is most important to an investor? ›

Here are the most important ratios for investors to know when looking at a stock.
  • Price/earnings ratio (P/E) ...
  • Return on equity (ROE) ...
  • Debt-to-capital ratio. ...
  • Interest coverage ratio (ICR) ...
  • Enterprise value to EBIT. ...
  • Operating margin. ...
  • Quick ratio. ...
  • Bottom line.
Aug 31, 2023

What is ratio analysis in simple words? ›

Ratio analysis is a quantitative procedure of obtaining a look into a firm's functional efficiency, liquidity, revenues, and profitability by analysing its financial records and statements. Ratio analysis is a very important factor that will help in doing an analysis of the fundamentals of equity.

What is an example of a financial analysis? ›

One example of a financial analysis would be if a financial analyst calculated your company's profitability ratios, which assess your company's ability to make money, and leverage ratios, which measure your company's ability to pay off its debts.

What is the formula for ratios? ›

Ratios compare two numbers, usually by dividing them. If you are comparing one data point (A) to another data point (B), your formula would be A/B. This means you are dividing information A by information B. For example, if A is five and B is 10, your ratio will be 5/10.

What is a ratio example and explanation? ›

A ratio is an ordered pair of numbers a and b, written a / b where b does not equal 0. A proportion is an equation in which two ratios are set equal to each other. For example, if there is 1 boy and 3 girls you could write the ratio as: 1 : 3 (for every one boy there are 3 girls)

What are three ratio analysis? ›

The three most common types of ratio analysis are those used to measure liquidity (the ability to convert short-term assets to cash), debt (the capacity to service current debt loads and raise new debt) and profitability (how productively the company's assets are used to create value).

What is the ratio analysis formula? ›

Ratio Analysis Formula is obtained by dividing the first number of the ratio with the second number of the ratio. It is expressed as a single decimal number or sometimes multiplied by 100 and expressed as a percentage.

What are examples of ratio type of data? ›

Ratio data can include variables like income, height, weight, annual sales, market share, product defect rates, time to repurchase, unemployment rate, and crime rate.

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