Demon Slayer: Kamado Tanjuro Returns from Sekiro Chapter 138 (2024)


Eternal Paradise Church.

Inside the spacious hall.

"Are you angry?"

Doma's innocent tone echoed in the spacious room.

He raised his head, looking at the ceiling, trying hard to listen to a bit of Muzan's voice.

With wide-open eyes, Doma swayed his head left and right like a child, puzzled.

But even if he sensed it from the depths of his bloodline, Doma couldn't detect any emotional feedback from Muzan.

After a long time.

His expression gradually stopped being playful.

——It seems that Muzan-sama is really angry this time.

Doma slowly lowered his head, he looked at the few people in front of him holding knives.

He showed a look of sudden realization.

Everything was the fault of those guys who suddenly broke in.


He closed his fan.



At the entrance.

"Brother, it turned into ashes!"

Muichiro pointed at Muzan's debris on the ground with some surprise.

"...What did you say?" Yuichiro turned black when he heard the words, he turned his head to look at his younger brother, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

His gaze glanced at Kocho Shinobu behind him, who was completely different from the usual gentleness and kindness.

He also glanced at Shinazugawa, who was even more fierce than before.

Inevitably, he felt a bit worried.

——he and his younger brother were forced to take this mission without knowing why.

——Only Uncle Kamado explained on the way that this time they were here to hunt down the Upper Rank.


——This is probably the first time that so many Hashira are moving together.

He withdrew his gaze.

——The emotions of Shinazugawa and Shinobu are also very weird.

Beside him.

Shinazugawa clenched the hilt of his sword, he held his breath, suppressed the angry emotions in his heart, and stared at Doma fiercely.

But he didn't act rashly.

——This is the plan.

He concentrated his mind.

He, who has the strongest frontal attack ability, attracts the attention of the enemy.

Several people with outstanding hidden abilities go around the back, take the opportunity to cut off the head of the Upper Rank with one hit, and strive to kill the Upper Rank with the least casualties.

That's what Uzui said.

And now, the gaze of the Upper Rank opposite him has been lingering on him, which means——

The corner of Shinazugawa's mouth showed a grim and angry smile.

——He has completed his task of attracting attention quite perfectly.

At this moment.

Doma, who was looking up and spreading his arms, slowly put down his hand, and his tone was no longer cheerful.

"...I see, I probably understand."

Doma noticed Muzan, who had turned into ashes at the door, and the playful look in his colorful eyes gradually faded:

"Muzan-sama, I haven't found the Blue Spider Lily yet, and let the demon slayers disturb you..."

"...It's my fault"


He waved his hand violently, stood upright, and the floating ribbons on his shoulders swayed with his movements.

The golden and shiny fan in his hand unfolded, and ice crystals immediately condensed on it, and gradually spread.

Like a mist, the ice crystals spread from his body, and the temperature in the room began to drop rapidly!

The disguised expression slowly disappeared, Doma's bloodless face seemed quite gloomy for a while, and he spoke word by word:

"...I will kill them."

His emotionless eyes looked at Shinazugawa Sanemi.

He hesitated for a while and slowly moved to the side.

In the end, Doma's target was locked on——

——Tokito brothers squatting next to the door.

He stepped on his foot.


Doma turned into an afterimage, and in an instant, he shuttled from the other end of the spacious hall!

"Here it comes!" Shinazugawa, who was on alert, suddenly tightened his face, and his pupils shrank sharply.

His attention was highly concentrated, and the flow of time seemed to slow down.

The target is not me!

His eyes could barely see the direction of the opponent's sprint, and after distinguishing it, he clicked his tongue.

——The Tokito brothers didn't react, they were still in a daze.

Seeing this, Shinazugawa hurriedly stepped to the side.


He forcefully leaned on his shoulder and slammed into Yuichiro.

"Ah!" Yuichiro cried out in pain, turned his head in surprise to look at Shinazugawa, and was caught off guard along with Muichiro behind him.


ThEY fell upside down and fell in the corridor behind them.

Shinazugawa didn't care about Tokito brother's feelings, he quickly raised his sword.

He stepped on the ground forcefully, stabilized his figure, and blocked in front of the Tokito brothers and Kocho Shinobu.

His eyes were fierce.

Shinazugawa was about to raise his sword to defend, but he found that the opponent suddenly stopped.


"...Although you are very ugly, you do have a very positive heart."

Doma was also at this time, just raised his golden fan high, carrying a layer of ice fog.


The tall and thin figure appeared in front of Shinazugawa, with an expressionless face, looking down at him, with a light tone:

"You must be suffering a lot when you look like this."

"I understand, I've talked with many people before, they've all been hurt by harsh words from others."

"After all, humans are such sad creatures who enjoy belittling others." Doma sighed, his eyes seemed full of sadness, he shook his head helplessly:

"Of course, I've already helped them reach paradise."

His colorful eyes stared straight at Shinazugawa:

"Let me also help you escape from your pain —— to reach paradise."

The tone of his mouth was full of mockery, forming a contrast with his rigid expression.

After hearing Doma's words, Shinazugawa's face stiffened, the corners of his mouth twitched imperceptibly, veins of anger bulged on his forehead, he gritted his teeth:

"...What are you saying, bastard."

His pupils shrank to a point, his eyes were full of bloodshot:

"I'll kill you!"


On the ceiling.


Uzui Tengen, who was lying in the compartment, listening with his ear to the side, suddenly covered his forehead helplessly.

He sighed in his heart.

Letting Shinazugawa attract the enemy was not a good choice after all.

He was the one who was first angered by the Upper Rank.


At the same time.

Behind Shinazugawa, in the corridor.

"...It hurts."

Muichiro held the back of his head, struggling to open his eyes, stiffly propping up his body.

Being pushed out of the door by Hashira was not an ordinary pain.

Moreover, both of them were still just teenagers.

His dazed vision glanced at the floor next to him.

It seemed to see something.


"Oh no!" Muichiro's eyes widened, his pupils shrank, and he looked at the object on the floor in surprise.

Yuichiro heard the words and quickly got up, looking worriedly at his younger brother:

"What's wrong, Muichiro?"

He followed his younger brother's gaze and looked at the floor.

On the floor.

There was a flute that was broken in the middle.

At the broken position of the flute, a little dark red blood was flowing out, forming a small pool of blood.

That was the item that Tsugikuni Michikatsu gave to the two of them again after the Spider Mountain.


Muichiro murmured in a daze, he stiffly raised his head and looked at Yuichiro.

Last time, after the flute shattered, Uncle Tsugikuni came.

So, this time might...

The two brothers looked at each other and saw the tension in each other's eyes.


Uncle Tsugikuni had said before that the Demon Slayer Corps would not welcome him, who was a demon and had done a lot of bad things.

When the two sides meet, they might immediately become hostile.

And here.

Muichiro looked at Shinazugawa blocking the door, and Kocho Shinobu hiding on one side of the door frame.

Not to mention that there are still many people hidden on the ceiling!

There are four of the strongest Hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps here!

His eyes gradually widened.

——If Uncle Tsugikuni comes, won't he be besieged on the spot!

Muichiro and Yuichiro looked at each other.

They were almost at the same time prayed their hearts for Tsugikuni Michikatsu.



On the other side.

Tamayo's residence.


Tsugikuni Michikatsu sat upright, holding a teacup, drinking tea in small sips with utmost solemnity.

He said it was to make up for the rudeness of leaving suddenly last time, and specifically asked Yushiro to pour him tea.

Yushiro was speechless about this.

Beside him.

"Alright, I understand."

Hakuji sat on the floor without any hesitation, smiling at the air in front of him, nodding his head from time to time.

He would even make some inexplicable gestures.

"...There are more and more strange guys."

Yushiro leaned against the stairs, with a baffled expression, looking at Hakuji who was smiling at the air:

"This is not a shelter for problematic demons."

He sighed, lamented helplessly, his eyes worriedly passed through the two demons, looking at the room where Tamayo was working.

About what he saw after drinking the potion...

On his face, he couldn't help but show a deep worry.



Tsugikuni Michikatsu, who was sitting in front of the tea table, suddenly stood up, still holding a teacup in his hand.

Six eyes opened wide, golden pupils staring straight at a certain direction:

"That direction..."

He murmured to himself:


Yushiro was startled, he moved his body carefully with a surprised look, looking at Tsugikuni Michikatsu with uncertainty.

After a long time.

Tsugikuni Michikatsu slowly opened his mouth and suddenly said:



"My name is Hakuji."

Hakuji, who was sitting on the ground, didn't look back, he corrected Tsugikuni Michikatsu's call, casually saying: "Akaza is already dead."

Tsugikuni Michikatsu didn't struggle with the name, after all, he himself also abandoned the name when he was a demon, and he felt somewhat empathetic about Akaza's choice to change his name.

"Hakuji..." He turned his head, looked at Hakuji, and the emotions that had always been like a deep pool had some fluctuations:

"Come with me..."

After saying that.


Tsugikuni Michikatsu turned into an afterimage and disappeared in place.

Hakuji just looked up at the place where he disappeared, didn't care, and withdrew his gaze.


Seeing this, Koyuki looked at Hakuji back and forth with some unease, she sat next to Hakuji, pursing her lips:

"Is it okay if you don't go?"

Hakuji's eyes were kind, he sighed deeply, his eyebrows drooped slightly, and his eyes curved:

"It's okay."

His hand gently rested on Koyuki's hand, his eyes were full of grief and apology.

——Now Hakuji, just wants to spend the last time quietly with Koyuki.

——Then, calmly go to the other world and accept the punishment he deserves.

A demon and a "human" sat quietly together, smiling, looking at each other without words.

And Tsugikuni Michikatsu, who had already left.

It seemed to have waited for a while.

Didn't wait for Hakuji to catch up.



Tsugikuni Michikatsu, with a black face, reappeared, standing behind Hakuji.


He grabbed Hakuji's neck with one hand and lifted the whole demon from the ground.

"Cough!" The huge force gripped the back of his neck, making Hakuji a little breathless, his pink eyelashes trembled, and he glared fiercely behind him.

"Ah...!" Koyuki was stunned for a moment, she stood up in a panic, subconsciously wanted to pry open Tsugikuni Michikatsu's hand, her weak voice tried hard to shout:

"Let go of Hakuji-san!"

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Hakuji quickly soothed Koyuki's emotions.

His eyes glanced sideways, he clicked his tongue in anger, and was about to swing his fist to blow up Tsugikuni Michikatsu's arm.

Tsugikuni Michikatsu suddenly approached, his tone was low.

"The target of this operation is Doma..."

Upon hearing this.

"...What?!" Hakuji was taken aback, he immediately furrowed his brows, his tone disgusted:

"You want that guy to also break free from Muzan's control..."

"No." Tsugikuni Michikatsu interrupted Hakuji's words, his tone drawn out:

"He is not a demon that can be changed... Keeping him will only breed more evil..."

"This time, it's to kill him..."

As soon as these words came out.


The clenched fist that Hakuji had just raised suddenly froze in mid-air.

He glanced at Tsugikuni Michikatsu somewhat surprised.

Seeing this.

"Hurry up and follow me..."


Tsugikuni Michikatsu put Hakuji down, he no longer spoke and just run into a specific direction.


Once again, he disappeared on the spot.


On the spot.

Hakuji hung his head low.

He stared at his hand, the tattoo representing the sinner.

"Hakuji-san, are you hurt?"

Koyuki's face uncontrollably reddened slightly, she stood in front of him, carefully poking her head out, turning her head to look in the direction where Tsugikuni Michikatsu had left.

What an unfriendly person.

She thought resentfully of Tsugikuni Michikatsu in her heart.


"Koyuki." Hakuji raised his head, his eyes hidden with emotion, as if pondering something.

"...What's wrong?"

Koyuki turned her head back, asking in confusion.

After pondering for a long time.


Hakuji hesitated to speak, his eyes gradually clear, the golden pupils slowly faded:

"...I'm going to do a good deed."

As soon as the words fell.

The remaining gold in his pupils completely disappeared.

His pupils became as clear as lake water, reflecting Koyuki's appearance clearly.

Upon hearing this.

"...Okay." Koyuki slightly raised the corner of her mouth, her voice gentle, she nodded forcefully.



At the same time.

Eternal Paradise Church.

In The dark corridor.

" me..... quickly..."

The believer who had been knocked out earlier was now dazedly opening his eyes, struggling.

Little by little, he crawled towards the outside of the corridor, moving forward with difficulty, mumbling unconsciously:


"Protect...the church leader..."


Inside the temple.



Sparks suddenly appeared in the dim room.

Shinazugawa raised the sword in his hand, resisting the golden fan that Doma casually chopped down.

A white frost mist spread around.

"Cough!" Shinazugawa coughed, he inhaled some frost mist, and his lungs suddenly felt a pain like being cut by a sword.

On the skin, the traces of freezing continued to spread.

In an instant, Shinazugawa understood something, he quickly held his breath.

"Good reaction speed." Doma didn't show an unexpected expression.

All his blood demon arts are designed against the breathing method.

The frost crystal mist is formed by freezing his blood, humans will be frostbitten when they come into contact with it, and inhaling it into the lungs can cause difficulty breathing.



On the ceiling above Doma's head.

A sound came.

(End of the chapter)


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Demon Slayer: Kamado Tanjuro Returns from Sekiro Chapter 138 (2024)
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Author: Roderick King

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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

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Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.