Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Express from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Expressi

Washington, District of Columbia

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VASHiNOTON RIDAY APRIL 4 1831 Cxi Gjntt rnty ones ious co ami Sunk JI I 7TERY April 19' RISIS I ocea mal county of Mr JOHN rerpiirin sand re the Ki Jearborn ol nedy si Ppoaitioj bleached sner ge street cribersij ages 8vol received PSON 1 1 for nle of Robert he Social he ab Md i nfort Hhnk has be to a UGII3 that'abcry large I amongrf eta Engj irious pau try hand tin Braid alian and Jer RM djfes and lobbine tsJ Hing Bond ch will be CON UN 1) RU Communicated A perfect work delighting every age Though all deaire to change the title page er telT he abw agers Hotel City at prompt kings wdl ERY 6th April Carls Wagons and Drays NOTt'CE is hereby given to the owners of Cart Wa gons and Drays uaed for hire in the City of Wash ington that their licenses will expire on Monday next the 7th day of April and that the subscriber will attend his office in the City Hall every day during the week for the purpose of renewing them sprit 3t WM HEWETT Register 12J a io the TOWN 83 1 lred a Jf four chholdi XX) (XL" JO 00 92 00 oo X) oo 00 so oo The liout liavingMin the meanwhile expired I The House passed to the Order qf the Day when Mr HARDIN resumed the floor and concluded pi I speech in opposition to The report of' the Committee of I Ways and Means approving of the removal of the Public Deposiles from lhe Hank of the United States i Mr McDUlE next rose and addressed the House I on the same aide of the question He had proceeded in I his remarks about half an hour when he yielded to I motion fur adjournment made by Mr Aacuxa I Mr LANE demanded the yeas and nays upon this mo 1 lion They were ordered and taken and issued in an I adjournment by a vote of 1 17 to 83 JI Mr McD of course has the floor in continuation I to morrow at 1 C7 The terms in which Mr McDuffie an nounced to the House of Representatives on WW nesday last the death of his late colleague which did not reach our hands from the Reporter in tipe for our last were as follow i Mr Speaker I rise to discharge a painful and melan choly duty by announcing the death of Gen Jambs Bex IM a Representative from the State of South Catoli ns The occurrences of the few last weeks furnish tuf us all an impressive and awful admonition of the precarious tenure by which we hold this fleeting and feverish exist ence while we are but too prone to act as if it would never have an end Scarcely have our feelings recover ed from the violence of ths shock produced by the ex traordinary and unexampled spectacle of bne of our ndn ber falling dead before our eyes while in the act of Ad dressing tlie House on a great question of deep and Ab sorbing interest when we are summoned to pay the last melancholy offices of humanity to another whose death was equally sudden Mr Speaker I never have been able to feel that ion occasions of this kind panegyric is an appropriate tribute to the memory of the dead They are beyond the reach of nrauet and it is not by this thatthey are judged either in this world or the next Biographical details however brief are in my opinion not more appropriate Where the deceased is known they are unnecessary where he I is unknown they are seldom of any interest" His name should be his epitaph andhowcver blank it may appear to I the vacant eye of the passing stranger it will always have power to call up the recollection of his virtues in the I bosom of friendship and the tear of undisaembled sorrow I in the eye of offerings more grateful and con I genial to the disembodied spirit than the proudest moiui I me nt which human art can erect or the most pompops eulogium which human eloquence can pronounce With 1 out saying more sir Inow ask' the House to bestow I upon the memory of the deceased the customary testimo I ntals of respect by adopting the resolution I hold in my I hand i I In Mr Remarks referring to one of the I latest Annual Reports made by Mr whilst lost master General he instanced the Report of 1827 (not I 1329 as printed in the sketch published in our last) I RY fl Company I April 51 I ollars I liars I ollars I ollars I ollars I Pilars I ollars I oltars I ollars i ollars I isl 25" Ticket! rters awl I I 1 i 4: I io 1000 2500 1000 1000 ioou 1200 500 100 100 300 5 5 Kegs Ground uinger London Mustard German Succory rushes of 4 EMACK HAVE just received and offer for sale 5 Hhds Porto Rco Sugar prime quabty 5 Hhds Common Whiskey 5 Hhds New England Rum 25 Bhls Whiskey 10 do Country Gin do Apple Urandy lbs Loaf Sugar do Western Bacon do Java Coffee very old do Rio do do Porto Rico do do St Domingo do do Cotton Yarn assorted Nos do Carpet Chain do Candle Wick do Raw Cotton Boxes 2 Kegs Tobacco Gtnuer ibject as will doubt what I Worthington I Robert Sdwall IJrnrmin EJwarJ Belt A CAHD EDWARD DYER Auctioneer would respectfully call the attention of persons wishing fashionable and good urniture to th? sale' tills morning at 11 on 6th street April THEATRE Latt niyht of Mrs DU I This evening April4 the Tragedy of BERTRAM or the Castle of St ildobranf Bertram Mf Unugeue Mrs Diifl Comic Sung 1 Mr IL Knight The whole tr conclude with! the laughable arce first time here called I I THE IRST APRIL Mrs Benefit on Saturday April 4 1 I MEDICAL SOCIETY Dj CJ A STATED MEETING of the Society will be held at the Medical College pn the City of Washington on Monday nex' the Till instant at half past 4 I JOHNSON april A St' i I Secretary Jntythirp congress I IKHT SESSIOI I st SEVENTEEN DATS LATER ROM ENGLAND ri Hie New York pa pent announce the arrival ol the Liverpool padU 't ship Roscoe Capt Delano bringing London papers to eb25th and Liver pool to the 26th inclusive Loxdow Saturday Evening eb 22 There has bee1 a most extraordinary excitement in the Consol nd 01 eign Markets since we last wrote I' has trarspired with in the last few days that in 1 addition to the abundance unemployed capital already ii the market the East India Company bad offered to loan £1000000 for the space six months nt the ptc bl 24 per cent a proof of the dif ficulty of obtaining employmeut for money This caused a most decided advance tn Consols which wentip ye terdavto9fi forthetlKree per cens Shortly biforv the efuae of business However the intelligence from Por tugal communicated exclusively Lere by the London Standard led to the inference that Guveriment would in terfere in the quarrel anti the price fell to 90j To dai UIC IIB lllUCLrBlU UIC ll rivC was SvJJ 1 Lox dox eb funis are rather flat to day The division against Ministers in the House of Commons last week and the prospyct of a ne interference being rendered necessary in the Dutch'and Belgian question have caused it appears I some sensation in the country and led to some considerable ordet a by this morning 'I post for the sale of stqckf Ou the wltolr however the a ssm am sm a a a 1 11 a a iiiBiKd wai lurvuAjr wrn s'rviuiiiCAis i iic quotation as 90f to' fur the account Exchequer bills 49s to 51s premium Ltvcarooc eb 25 4Tiie intelligence from Spain is of a very vague and meagre character The Ministers du not seem to acting in the manner best adapted to promote the interest or secure the tranquillity of the country By the influence of Court intrigue it ap pears that Mina is prevented Irutn returning to Spain and ttius the country will be deprived not only of his services but also of those of several other talented constitutional ists who make their return to Spain contingent on tliat of Alina I 1 rom the accounts in the Paris papers it would seem (that the popularity of Louis Philippe never we believe ver firmly established is now rapidly on the wane The cause of this is stated to te the Prefect of Police at Paris having ordered all the theatres to be closed at eleven whether the performance waa finished or not Lox dox eb tumuls at Alaroeilles have been suppressed but at Lyons still continue hile in Paris a considerable degree of agitation prevails Pauis eb 22 Tbubject of conversation in every society in Paris fur the ast few days is the lamentable stale of Lyons wheresth workmen without proceeding to acts of serious outrlge still evince a determination to hold out until their granted and above all hs pLy an Organized systetp of combination extending various other manufacturing towns which create serious uneasiness less as to any attempts at disorder which these misguided men may resurt for the authorities have thia time UKen ample precautions against a recurrence 01 the dreadful acenes of Anch Lyons was the theatre in 1831 UiXn looking to effect the existence of such a combination may have Upon the manufacturing interests Io a dux eb 24 Anew treaty between RusaiX'and Turkey very much in tiypr of the latter was concluded at St on the 27th last month By this treaty that of Adrianople is materially modified the amount ot the debt due by the very much dimin'ishedi part of the principalities of lavia aud Wallachia is given at once to the Porte and tLe rematndcr is to be given up I on the execution Of the conditions The frontiers of Tor key on the aide of Persia are to be considerably extended ITnis information is officiaj Spectator I Livsaroor eb 25 Yhe Pantaloon arrived at al mouth on Thursday list Cringing letters from Lisbon to the 9th inst The following is an extract of a letter dated Lisbon eb Aliguebtts in force (about 3000 men) have marched down from Hantarem on the South aide otl I a I as I I the Tagus and have appeared at Aldea Gal legs jut op dm reonrted bv the revenue cutter Jtfferaon at Nur I at It I CMhi I pOSilC IO illia ciiy I 111 HHunucu iiimj uc kxh brui I do not doubt it 1 hye told that some vessels of War have been firing on tlutm all day If care be not ta Sen mey win gel pvvcaivn ui oi uuc rwnvii i which is directly opposite tne centre or me city 1 Without foreign inlerfefenfte the war will be iniermina ble troops stand by him they are neither half fed nor half clothed Thl not less true than surpria lag Miguel has nearly tbtf wlwle country id huTfavor The fact that Miguel feels himselftrong enough to de ihrsarn thnttsanfi nlkrl vnr unnn St ilhr wnuLl I said he passed seem to argue that he entertains no fears fur the safety of lom steamer disembarked troops on the 7th They furmedthat their pay would be tle same as the PuriMguese troops and that the agreement made with them before taev embarked would nut be I i d'ucontented and proteteSl aguint their treatment as a I dishonorable breach of faithl but to no purpose About one hundred and ftf'y British subjects are dad) marched through the streeQ ot Lisbon chained together in parties of about a dozen work on the roads Miguel is said to have offered an' amnesty to followers promising to sentfc the whole of the English and other foreign rgamuffitis in Dunns service Io their respective cudntrieA At the departure of the Pantaloon this proposition had not been accepted by Pe I dro The two principal officers in the service the Duke of Terceira and General Saldanha had quarrel led The former on quitting the arry was succeeded by General Stubbs LivsaruoL eb 14 Though there has been a fair amount of business done iii Qottun tnis week yet owing to the increasing disposition ivthe part of holders of Arne rican to effect sales we liavb tu quote a decline uf fully 1 8J per lb in thvt descripflpn I Ltvxarooi eb 24 There was a brisk demand for Cotton in the early part df the week for speculation which was folluwed up1 by tlje trade and a considerable business was done at an advance of tt on new Bow ed jd on Sea Island i perQtu on Surat and at very full prices fur other kinds Wijjiin the last few days how ever new Boweds have beeq sold on lower terms ard only rate about jd per fb higher than on this day week The sales comprise 620 Bea Island at to 2 Id with 70 stained at 8d to 12J 14100 Bowed 7d to 9d 8270 Orleans 7 id to 10id 2420 Mobile and Alabama 7i 9d together 32550 bales of which 9500 American and 1000 Surathave been on speculation with 600 American and 100 Surat for shipment There was a goo I inquiry to day and 3000 bags were sold at rather improving prices 'Hie sales on Saturday were 2500 bags LATEST ROM PORTUGAL An arrival at Boston from Ubes eb 20th brings information that an express arrived there from Lisbon the day previous announcing that a great victory had been gained over the hliguelites and that great rejoicings had taken place in conse quence The town wad brilliantly illuminated borne apprehension had been felt at Liston on ac count of the proximity of a 1 large Miguelite force but they were now isplled These particulars we learn from the BostonjAtlas West id for site April 4 I bjsiness wss was in the inost disastrous uition rhe memorialists be rei 1 conriv rt ht ih were to suffer still siou of the sccui aiore severely They consequently peseeched Congress I afford them some relief at the' satie time they ex pressed their ooinion that the derangement of the curren tiiA 11 it usiia ui uis unueu oumc pursued by it when thus assailed by the Chief ned Vite Thev Ynreupd their oDinion that me renew1 VJ si I Iwki 1 Jis ot me present Hana or i rtt lome uthstp Traat nt whis UimII Worm the necessary which wa ahw lost kl Mr wrctiuns relation to the currency it inawpc wieetiMs ra and to enable men! ciuaea ins to transact their business with more convenient to thrmsekes They left it to Congress to select between mV nartb uL irTsctike the bill It was Miyiy auvantageous io me laoonng tiw 1 nrnm: men ol J' REPORT O'tHE PRINCE GEORGE (Mb COMMITTEE The undersigned Members of the Cominitee ap pointed by their fellow citizens of Prince county to present to the Hon John Stoddert certain resolutions adopted' at a meeting of Dele gates from the different Election Districts of the county and o'her persuns held at Upper Marlborough on Monday lite 17'h of March arid a memorial to Con gress signed by 807 of the legal 'voters of said county have performed tlie duty required of them and submit for the infurmation of their fellow citizt nr the following as the result I I They waited on Mr SToanskT at his lodgings by in vitation and after a courteous reception were inform ed that lie would cheerfully lay the resolutions and me morial before Congress requested would give to the subject the most careful ami deliberate attention He waa unwilling be said tl state at this time what would be his final determination in to the i instruction contained iu one of the resolutions nor could he say in ansg er to a question put to hint by the Committee what would be his course in the event of his receiving similar instructions from a majority of jhe legal voters of his Dis trict as it wasa mere abatract'irquiry which he did not fee! himaelf bound to but would do so by bi vote in the House should such event happenJ The undersignid also waited on our Senator Governor Kbnt by whom they were kindly received (General Ch am a sas bring absent and Jtanded him a copy of he solutions and Memorial which he stattd it Would' give him pleasure to lay before the Senate They close this Report without exhorting their fellow citizens of the whole Congressional District to persevere ii their efforts to procure such an expression of public opinion on this ail imporlait subject as will leave nu ftr their Representative to doubt what course ue nugnt to pursue Robert Bowie Samuel Sprigg 1 Benjamin Ogle Nutjey Mad dor Zaphariah Berry jun Melancholy Accident On the'eveningof the 9th (says the New Orleans Advertiser of the 11th ultimo) when some gentlemen were amusing themselves shoot ing with pistols at the Lake an inexperienced young man took in his hand a hair trigger pistol and when iq the act of preparing to shoot he touched the I the pistol went off and the ball passed through the body of Mr Butler a highly respectable gentleman en tering at the point of the third rib and passing out at tie spine He died of hemorrhage in a few hours after the accident MzaCAxrrtx Phbasboloot We were somewhat I umt iiviiuiiiviiu wiwni amused the other day by noticing an attempt of our friend I luDon amended by suDstitutin a 1 1 1 a lksk I 11 HP I hrf TWI Hf tf! iQJk KOCK Iikj UJCrcillliUiSC object iu cihr ujc lish language by phraseology of his own invention where I he speak in the price current by him of I money haying ehaded up and ihaded down during the I past but we enjoy a hearty laugh this morning I in reading in another paper a paragraph which informril I us that a decline in blacks was anticipated on accodnt I ot the small and that price of greene was I expected to settle in a few I I That the demand for black is small will be good ne ws I for the abolitionists and that the price of grunt will sdon be settled is equally interesting intelligence to the dys peptic and lover of cabbage sproutjs and dandelions butk the learned writer as appears from the context alludes! to black end green teat and that spoils the paragraph I BottonJlYarucript I I 1 1 11 I In our last paper we published a receipt for the Rhe' I matism which was simply this a strip of gum elastic and tie it around the joints affected This would I not endanger ife and wasjwell worthy the experiment I So we said was tried upon a gentleman in this place I wlio had resorted to almost every other remedy and to I his surprise had the deaired effect1 In fact he was so much reduced by this disease td lose the use of hist limbs and in making the experiment be has not only been relieved of the pain and weakness so incident tolts nature but is finally gaining and enjoying nearly ihej wonted strength Ot lus system ne recommenu incc medy Gaz 1 SALE BY virtue uf a deed oftrut from Andrew Hoover to me I will offer fur sale at public auction on the 2th day of ebruary next in front uf the premises all that piece of ground lying iii the City of Washington and being so much of lul 9 in square No 118 as lies an the eastern side of a straight line drawn from the centre of the northern line of said lotrat the southern side of Penn sylvania Avenue south and parallel with the east line of i said lot to the southern line pf said lot together with the buildings improvements im appurtenances to the same btlunging or appertaining consisting in part of an ex cellent two story brick store and dwelling house an eli gible situation tor business Terms of sale: One half of the purchase money to be paid in cash and the balancd in sixty days with interest from the day of sale and to pe secured by a note withau approved endorser and on full payment of the purchase money and compliance with the terms uf sale I will ex ecute to the purchaser at bis cost and request a rabd deed of all the itle in said I 'lot and premises that 1 am empowered to sell under said deed 1 'If any purchaser shall fail io comply with the erms of Sale in three ilavs thereafterthe property may at my discretion be resold at public auction for cash at his risk anl cot ROWLEY Trustee Jan eots EDAV DYER Auctioneer (jT The above sale is postponed till Thursday the 6th day of March oext Sale to take place on the prembea the hours of 42 and'X eb eots mxci auc nT In consequence of the failure or tne purenaser or tnabJvc property at the sale mjule on the 6th of March pre sent to comply with the terins of sale the said property will be offered for sale fur praA at hiarisk and cost front of the premises on riday the 4th of April next at 1 ami on failure of the purchase at such resale to comply with the terms of sale in ten minutes the property may then be re offered for sale immediately for cash at his risk ami cost aad so on as often as may fate necessary till the terms of sale shall be compile? with necessary CROWLEY Trustee March eots ED DYER Auctioneer BY EII'VAKU DYER Auctioneer Sale of ashionable and Elegant urniture nN riday next the 4th of Aril at 11 I shall 11 1 1 rarw rsia AlVs wlvsma aknwa f'rxl CBI Bl llicuwtinu will owuui HUAI ibwvvw wvsa Jones the iisnuomeiicw rurnuurc in miu iiuucguciung ing to a gentleman breaking up housekeeping 'consist ing of viz 1 i illar anti Giaw Mining iaru anu uemre antes Elegant Sideboard iVembroke Table Ligbtstand Do Spring Seat Hair Cloth Sofa with bolsters Mantel and Pier Glasses Andirons Tongs Shovels Best Carpets and Rugs Dining Set Gias Ware Bedsteads Bureaus Beds Washstands Caie aud Rushscat Chairs Cooking Stove and apparatus Good Ware 4 The above is a part of a general ate ck of ashionabla urniture of best 'workmanship made to order The House will be open on Thursday fJr the mapection of the I articles Terms cash 1 Mar 28 dta ED DYER Auctioneer 11 wwi 'g sow saxasa I iii XUlviV ill 1 A WEEKLY Repository of Literature arid the ine Arts edited by GP Moris II ay and Willi illustrated with splendid Engravings on steel and copper also new and popular Mus Subscription price! four dollars per annum published in weekly number I TAYLOR I At the Waverly Circulating Library immediately East ofl 1 anril I liaosoy noici I LOST IN WASHINGTON ON Monday 31st of March a DRAT drawn by John A Temple on the General for thr hundred and sixty two dollar or thereabouts dated at Chicago Illinois eb 14th £834 and payable to Daniel Whitney The persoif finding said Draft will be paid for their trouble by leaving? the same at Mr Hotel April 4 3t I Toys for the amusem*nt and inalruction of childien riOLUDIU BATTLEDORES AND GRACES a a nW ftlinnlv Clf Rftt iliri a juov VTY IOw I LEWIS JOHPiSONf Between 11 and 12th streets Pennsylvania Avenued April (Globe) I SPRING AND SUMMER HATS i 1 aIHnm eTerv siiapc wiuihu 7 8 HANDY ashionable Halter between and Hotels frq Cash given for all kinds of ur IL Also A few groce of best Pennsylvania Wool Hats for ser A Letters to the lion Adarhs 1 itrnffW Ud TCvCiVCllj IwllMl lVaraa when aufue con ItAtion of chanresmadeby that gentleman aninst a tom I a a 1 1 a 4 a rv fPBinv THCRSDiT A PHIL Js IN SENATE ruAlRlaiil before the Senate a MesUge from The CHA United States covering Commum fte President ofthe Qn tubjecl ionfrom the btween Bnd tltc Governor igeV York Concerning the boundary line bet 'enhe The Message was on potion of Mr RE BOYSEN referred to the Committee on the Jud memorial and 'rcLluttmts cnty of Chittenden in Vermont redionsfrat 6W" Hie rtmoval of he Government depodtes from of lhe United States and praying that the de be restored nd the country rel ered Iron WV ch 1 been brought Upon it the that the memtvtal and resolutions Lnted at a meeting of citixenaScortvened party to crXlt and their opinion present embanwid and aiming condition on Jl't Neither the memorial nor the resolutions theiM? advance any new doctrea nor tte any character essentially different from those which iXlv been presented during Hie KtuoiM th2 nd in the same form from numerous otherrrfen to the Senate rkpresent the portion of the country from which vl nfoceed to be in a condition not lets unfavorable fbecondition of most other parts the country from have heard and they urge pon Congress the Smnd necessity of discarding sh ami dangerousJiteunon the currency credit and business of ftTwamunty nd of adhering to tb policy which ha EXe clXcterixed the Goverfyent and given contentment and hsppmes? to people They EX that credit is not onlrrssentaltr the traactun Kuiaert but has been an important and efficient agent JXncement ofthe prosperity of the counfrv by eiivitv to the operations of bdsmess add ens "ngSme of Lited means men with po capital but their btegrity and labor to acquire compKencej and wealthd the insist that whatever tends to Jmpr or ootruct crolit operate to repress the spint of Svdustry tmseandi injurious to thfl general xfrlfarU also that while the State Legislstureposves jhe pou er to iXXte banks the currency of fee courttky will be nd that though roch a currency i on specie aud properly regulated Mny sdvantages over a meUlhc circulaiin it can be prwerved saund safe and uniform only by means of a Bink The memorialists sir complain that the currency is 'deranged and credit destroyed that business penJd snd properly depreciated and they attribute the uneiimpled embsrrassmeirts and evils under which the is suffering to the hostile position me1 bv the sdministration in rdation to thBsnk of th Uni ted States to the unjustifiable attack made upon the character and credit of that institution They view the sudden withdrawal of the public deposited from the rgl fr estabUahed and authorised placci of custody anden mrating them to banks in responrible to Uon rrew not only as a measure palpably unnecessary im politic and unjust but as an attempt tu change the whole money system of the counter and subject both the piiblic trassure and the currency to the individual tetio tnd control of the (Executive in subversion of the legitimate functionsarid constitutional authority ol the legislature 1 i i The meeting sir at which the memorial nd reaoiu tions were adopted was attended as Im informed by not less than lour hundred freemen Among the number present weretbe roost intelligent and respectable men in the not only men of extensive business but bro minent and leading men iri'tbe different political parties i ItW worthy of notice that the" gentleman who acteJ Cbtinnan of the meeting has been for several years tlie the Administration for the office of Governor of the Slate Iii addition to this Ism enabled to say lliatTthq memorial and resolutions are characterized by respectful phraseology by a tone of just moderation and carry upon the lace of then 4oo rincirig proof of lhe public spirit and rectitude of bur I pose of those from whoaii they emanate I The CHAIR laid before the Senate fx communication I from lhe Secretary of tliei Treasury in ieply to the reao I lution adopted a few days since on the motion of iMr Cut concerning the Union Bank of Maryland vindicat ingthe motives 8cc Ac of the Secretary of the Treasury I Mf CLAY briefly exptaineo tnar in consequence I the return made of the stockholders of the Union Bink read commuted and made the special brder of the day ESTO I which was called fur and nothing' had been dropped aaton for certain diplomatic services a nd to thlX made on tlJ subject of motive po which I When the people had the fact before tU they would Mr CLAY by leave presented a lbe I be able to rake their own inferences had not thought Commwouerii to I it proper that the name of Mr Tne? should be Knl menta of the nr c2 Con nxed forth to the world as a stockholder without lurther ttet thecommunication bo printed whiclil to ofLnd taidbifore the Senate communicaU granted toward completing the improyement of id from the Department of Stateenclosing a statement of the nrer uDlgt on lhe mbject the I number of passengers arrived in tlie United Slates during Tl I the (unfinished business i( the first I lhe hit yeir which was ordered to be printed Deposited being me luiuuam Mr SPRAGUE presented a memoria uf lhe clUzertsoH h7CHILTOJJ AEr AN resumed and Concluded bis I Mr Srsacus arid this waa mettiorisl on the all riotsined the flocr but the I absorbing subject which had occupied the Senate for So Mr KWI 1 he declined! addressing the i many months and to which Senators nosp lent such an un hour being the order of the willing ear led him almost to belief that tbeir hearts I House untl Bill had become callous to the sufferings of the community bf Lolisians ros and said blr Speak I they increased in intensity The memorial wat tgned I i i mvself constrained to make a i request and to I by upwards of 390 of the citizen of Bab State of Maine I crl minn the firkt of the kind wbseb has ever pro I who represent that thi infliction on lhe country in is Etow not eve now I travels to the Northeasthad reached them and that they JrfedHnyst Ifthnpelled to it by a senwe of duty wire now feeling it sastrou effect that they it to be an instance of jti I now increasing and that every indication as to the future ht well receive the sanction of the House I wsve thrm k11 IIU WH111 he still more tice which might well Receive we miu and niore severe They had before in prospeA is c' kinds Ac Ac I as they express it the utter protratioof busineMbank btatw Euines4 Jnd the hour fixed for the consider OST between redericktown and this place on Sa I ruptcy and ruin foonhereport of the Committee of Ways and Means I JLt turday hrt a calf skin pocket book contamsng I The cause of the not having felt bdforethis time the dPiasDenion intended to avoid any inter j0 f5 notes on the United Stales Bank I distress of which they now complain Would be readily I The ProP all important topic pending before the I 2 $10 dp do I understood when it considered ttul the State ofl ferencc merely looks toitbe admimion of I $3 do ranklin Bank of Ohio i I I Maine was during the winter season in a great measure House an oreliminary hour between twelve and gj do Zanesville do do I I cutoff from commercial communications with other Stites petitions would enLnre lhe proposition by ask he finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving the I by the bond of nature in which they artf locked As dimg the States be inverted pocket book and contents at this office or by giving in I the Spring opened their business toon commenced arid mg tnxt lextreme South instead of the ex formation ofthe same Apnl 4 3t 1 1 they felt most severely the effects of a general prostration so as to begmia orilinHry rotation in which the States NI1VRI 1 of busin ss in other parts of the Union Although he treme North ThesMm exclusion of such members NEW NOVEL Mr had reason to believe that theudemand for money are called op erat es asuvirt Wbyf Be I TjSRANK ORBY a Novel By One of the Eleven! 2 ni'ght be less in the commercial citie soon than it had I of the Loofe jot guch thing has fur num vols 12mo 1 25 Just received by oeen )et lie could not natter nimseii nat ms conswu applications trom some apr rwiw enis would be relieved from the distrdssiconsequent up weeks bee position brings them within awriiM'T TOYS I on tire derangement of the currency under which they few of thoje wbute Ml sure for Ample wm sb INI ELLEC TU AL lOIU were now Lboring and of which they complain because the scope mLi Bn altercation between two UST received the amily Apparatus or Intellectual their tllffrftnns Pwriin trx tTAftprar nmtlVMlS WDtCnl KuUM cm tmitlfinir OUt I vwa 7 nt sn nriniirru isaiww aw a now afflicted the commercial community It is the want of gentlemen memorial We progressed no hy Josiah Wolbrook for sale by demmd for lhe articles they supply and the labor they cu rencc to similar subjects we must April 1 lurnisn Which caused them to feet njo prerem prewure ft i wlich leaves but little nope i So lonr as the derangement of the Currency continued begin inc reached ar all I a i re wr a a a a re re re aw however abundant money might bd in the hands ot us 1 rhavri always been taught to consider the gwqnE subscriber has Just receiver! I capitalist there would be an unwillgoess to part with Sir saiu Remonstrance whether to obtain jus tiedores and Graces for retail it ana there would be denctency otsippiy mw ioa rieianes as one of the primitive i want of business operations but biuw man could lice tmnaired immunities of the people (Here bwrswqmpney from the capitalist to aM the views of those n1eveI rtoed Reminding the gentleman that a who were Engaged in enterprise He would say that tbeirl the Caa "ZJeWMnotdebaleablefbuimustbe boin the taost disastrous con motion tu suspend a yuie wa Union The memorialists he repeated said that they o7nt Jersey objected to the inver were auff rino rwl nnrehenLfd aS he (Mr S) Mr PARKi fie States and dill of the SCCUslOnicu moo I nronosed to amend the 0ouon so as at ack upon but to me trnae wou la modi XL nueziiort I a asl twa tnirdf DCLUg re a HIM I WHITE then renewed hU original proposUon was also lost a nd non I Tf UST received by PISHEY 1 HOMrbUrt teuen MARSHALL then resuna mutaTion Bill addressed to the Hon John Quncy Adams in refu rt mw re re re ih ctinnon vi i i 1 revrewmar a imm i ire i ma tnnai i re re ni wwam mrarwaw rx ar wren a a re nun mKmaire Mr BAYLIES obtained the A meeTof the5 rituk of Rhode Island and gainst versation took place a to recommitment of the Legislature ilaelf i By Hazard E5q Cbirmanfof ceed or alluw Mr motioQ to re I that Committee Price 18j cents or JI 75 per dozen waa nfitaiiw lajihium' 1 whe I commit ihould not now be presto I Aprua fl U1V VVUMUUUiyi I DEATHS On the 17th March at his residence in the Stafford Va after a short but severe dinc BRONAUGH seed sixti one In Leyden Massachusetts March 9 LUTHER SHAT TUCK ageJ 43 On the Wednesday previous be wounded one of his fingers slightly wi'h a small splinter In no great tmr a severe pain extended ut the arm which swelling was accompanied by fever Death by lockjaw cnudTn four da) after receiving the injury At Plesunt ields his residence Charles County Maryland DANIEL SMALLWOOD Esq i he siaty first year of his age after a painful illness which he bore with Christian fortitude and a perfect resignation to death i with' a confident hope of receiving lvtion at the hand of a merciful God He posse used those eminent quali ties which endeared him as ahushard a fond and deal ing father a true anil sincere friend and a correct mas ter He has left a wife and an only son to mourn their irreparable loss I I On enirig the 28rl March at Baltimore after a long and tedious illness TALBO JONES in the 63d year of bis age i Sil of Alexandria LETI EIplAG tp al Ihi Commertial Heading Room Ship Charlotte Bergestein lushing aad from tlence to Bremen Antwerp or Ostend soon 1 AIlDjAoril 2 Brig Carib Nelms Barbadbes Schooner President Kirtland New York MEMORANDA Barque' Superior Smith from this port foe Arnater a i 1 1 IT folk as having gone to sea March 29th I Sioop Union Ta lor hence at Philadelphia '30th In tllfi New Vnrlr Aecemhlv nn XImlnw tr Morris from the Joint Committee to which was I referred the Special Message of the Governor made a Report responding to the charges of jthe Governor against the United States Bank and con eluding with a bill providing for the creation of a five per cent State stock amounting to six mil lions or dollars redeemable in twelve years our million of dollars of this Stock is proposed to be loaned to the Banks' in the city of New York and two millions to be se'nt to the Loan Offices in different parts of the State to be loaned when the Supervisors of the respective Counties determine that they are in need ol such aid The $4000000 given to New York is to be loaned to the city Banks The bill creates a Board of Officers to manage this stock consisting in part of State Qffi cers ami of persons to be appointed by the Gover I nor and Senate Mr Morris also introduced a bill I alhiwinr lli4 Rinka wliich nnv hnrmuf lhta innnov i tu mivuuiH il as auuiuuiiai oV ftWS un th I Bank or Maryland Two additional Trustees of the affairs of this Rank have been appointed me trustees noware homas rLLtcorr John Morris and Richard Gill A statement of the actual condition of the trust is expected at an earljr day rom a rkspkctkd Correspondent) It hex been suggested that if one House of Congress should vote to adjourn to the first Monday in December next and the other should refuse to adjourn to any distant day or should refuse in the present state of things to adjourn at all the President would have power to adjourn both Houses to such time as he should think say to the 3d of March next But the Constitution cannot be so under stood It says He may on extraordinanrocca si ons convene both Houses or either of them and in case of disagreement! between them respect to the time of adjournment he may ad journ them to such time as he shall think This power was no doubt intended to remedy some evil and as the "power given is only to fix the time lo which Congress shall be adjourned the evil contemplated must have been disagreement with respect to th'e time lo which not with respect to the time when they should adjourn A dis agreement upon the question whether they should adjourn or not is not a disagreement with respect tothetmeof adjournment Suppose the House of Representatives should pass a resolution (pur porting to be joint) that both Houses should on the 1st of June next adjourn to the first day of March and the Senate should return it amended by substituting December for March Here would be a disagreement as to the time to which Congress should adjourn but none as to the time when they would adjourn being no disagreement as to the time when they would adjourn could the President adjourn them before the 1st ofJune? Or if the Senate in stead of that amendment should return the reso is November lor slUllcJ IDCfu LMzIIIq HO MM lO IliC UiiiC to which they would adjourn could the President adjourn them immediately or at any time be f6re the 1st of June (which would be the earliest day contemplated by either House for the day of a i i ii li hujuui iiiiicm xvim it iiu KI1UUIU aujuuni unsiii could ne adjourn mein to any day other man me urst ot March tliere being in this supposed case ken th no disagreement as to the time to which they would Almadx adjourn A committee of eight gentlemen had appointed to meet at 12 Seven of them were punctual but the eighth came bustling in with apologies for being a quarter of an hour be hind me time i ne time" away without inv being aware of it I had no idea Santarem The United its being so A Quaker nresent four hundred and fifty Beltuxn i said riend I am not clear that we should admit were immedixtely informeditliat their pay would be tlie thy apology It were matter of regret that thou aaroe aa the Purtugueaei trqbpa and that the agreement 1 II A a A I A ll I rera I A BHUUIUY1 IldVC WaBltTLI tlllllC UWH tjUal IUI Oil wrevn rea wre re rej re py rere re but here are seven beside thyself whose abided by I At this they nMurally enough became very time thou hast also consumed amounting in me whole tot two hours and one eighth of it only was thine own I don't meddle with There is a set of folks among us who the moment they are call ed upon to take any part in the public movementi I ofthe day immediately put you otf with the remark I meddle with Are such people aware tliat politics of this country are al ways meddling with themselves Are they aware that a republican Government differs from all others exactly in this that it is by means of every indivi dual in lhe community making the public cause his own that the commonwealth is kept in its proper course A monarchist may fold his arms in indif ference as the ship of State moves along on its troubled way and content himself with the reflec tion that he is but a passenger and that tlie king I his master will do all that is necessary But a re i public which is a Government of the people who are neither passengers merely nor galley slaves who are all like members of a great boat club inf re reUreLt nn a 1a warnfKA I Wllicn tacii IliUll HUB m4111 vai 9 uuu IV wvmww I fair share of pulling each other member has a I clear right And the member who while such a storm is raging as now is abroad can throw up his oar and see hts fellows stpiggnng against tne waves and bracing themselves to thetugought to be thrown overboard In times when we nave the wind fair and the waters are all smooth around us when all is plain sailing and the boat lies steady to her work why now and then a man may lay to a while and look on but as it is we are out of sight of land the wind is up and ahead the boat has been strained till she leaks like a sieve and nothing can save her but the long pull the strong pull and the pull alto gether The British writer Dymond observes call the President ofthe United States a monarch He is not called indeed an emperor or a king or a duke but he exercises much of regal power The President now exercises more power than any king in Europe and he claims more than any Eu ropean constitutional Gaz A draft for about 1100 dollars drawn by the pet Bank at Natchez negotiated In Virgi nia on the Phoenix Bank in this city was yester day presented and protested the pet having no funds in said Bank Gaz ParzADXLruiA April 2 Tribute of Yesterday afternoon the honorable Danibz VVkbbtzm arrived in this city on his way to Bos ton In the evening hie was invited to visit the Exchange on entering which he was received ova very large con course of citizens In the most manner with nine cheers fur Daniel Webster and the ConttUutiun Af ter pstsing round lhe rooms he retired with his friend amidst thewheers and applause of an almost ithpenetrable crowd which by this time had nearly filled the building A highly reapectable gentleman of New Jersey bap pened not long to be in London and while there had an interview with Rotmmiu himaelf Among other remarks of that shrewd capitalist on the occasion was this When you return tu lhe United States tell re side nt Jackson from melhat he has done more by bis financial measures to ruin the credit of the United States in Europe than a war often 1 without capital haying their integrity their activity and industry which was their capital to depend upon to I avail themselves of the security for these calculations offered by Gnk i Mr'BKN presented lhe resolutions adopted by tlie friends ufjthe Adriiinislhitian uiid the opponents of the Bank at ii puLl sqeetrng at aneuil Hall in Boston After some remarks from Mr Bax row he moved that i the resolutions be read referred to the Committee on i I nance and orded to be printed 1 The resolutions having been read Mr BIBB made some observations in reply to Mr 1 Bsxtox after which 1 The motion Mr BaxTAw was agreed to Mr McKEAN prerented the memorial of the citizens of the Incorporated 'Northern Liberties uf Philadelphia praying fora northerly extension of the limits of the port of entry uhichwas' referred to the Committee on Com meice I Mr McKEAN offelred the folluwinyreeolution which lies one day on the tables Refined That tlie Committee on Pensions be instruct ed toSnquire into the expediency of granting relief to Elizabeth Landon widow of Labcr Landon a Revolu tionary soldier deceased The bill for the relief of the legal representatives of Moses Shepherd was taken up on the question uf ita third reading anl On motion uf Mr CLAYTON The bill was laid on the table' The resolution offered by Mr Poixvbxtbb some days since was considered and agreed to Mr CLAYTON from the Committee on the Judiciary reported the bill fromlthe House fur the relief of Henry Otla and the bill for the relief of Henry Derliug In re ference to Use last bill Mr CLAYTON said Uiat he was A reLu rilMA res earn re A ita iawlreft Hit IflBirUQlCUy UJLI GIIICj Msasaa re postponement or that it shout'd be laid on the table withthe intention of not taking ill up again On motion of Mr WHITE the Committee on Indian Affairs was discharged! from the further consideration of the Benjamin Webster and the petitioner had leave to withdraw his papers The Special Order next on the list being the Report of the Committee on th Judiciary on the message of the President of the United States concerning the Pension unds in theiU Bank was then taken up when On motion of Mr CLAYTON the further considera tion of the Report waf postponed for the purpose of ac commodating the Senator from New York (Mr Wriuut) Until Tuesday next anti made the order for that day Mr WRIGHT moved that lhe Senate proceed to the consideration of Executive business which motion was decided in tle Ayes 17 Noes 18 The bill to repeal the act in aid of the collection of du ties was then taken up and On motion of! Mr CALHOUN who desired to keepthe bill under hit control the bill was laid onYhe table The bill concerning rench spoliation! wu laid on the table Oi motion of Mr POINDEXTER the Senate proceed ed to the consideration of lhe bill for the relief of Ebhu Hall Bay and others I i The question being on an amendment moved by Mr KING of Alabama to strike out Uie word alsewhere" (in reference to the location of land authorized in the bill) and substitute lhe words the State of Louisiana some discussion Mr BLACK moved to lay the bill on the Ayes 14 Noes 14 Ths Cuii voting Lwitli the negatives the rhotion waa lost Mr BLAC asked for1 the yeas and nays on the amend ment which were ordered and stood follows Yeas 10 Nays 23 Mr MOORE then moved to amend the bill by adding a proviso excluding the selection of landa from the States of Mississippi and Alabama and asked for the yeas and nays whicn were ordered and stood as follows i Yeas 10 Nays 21 'If' The bill was then ordered to be engrossed and read a third Ayes it The bill far the relief of ratn Humbold wss read a thin! time and passed tla stlito74 th fransmiKtion of document! by Governors of Stites free of postage was read a third time 4 I Before any question WM taken on the passage of the bill Th Senate adjourned HOUSE REPRESNTATIVES The following bills were reported vis: By Mr EUSHA WHtTTESEY a bill to provide for the payment of claims for property lost captured cede itroyed by the enemy while in Ute military service of the United States during the late war witji Great Britain and the Indian wars subsequent thereto which bill was twice for 11th April instant I By Mr CHANEY a bill granting a pension to William Ilw II MT A ttll Hr Itney in inu oiflK ivi tosr called fur to nothmg to been dropped sat on lor cerum up dr people had the facts before them they would make their own inferences Hd had not thought 1.

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

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Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.