Can you keep a credit card with a consumer proposal? - Spergel (2024)

A question that is frequently asked during consumer proposal consultations is ‘can you keep a credit card with a consumer proposal?’ Put simply, yes you can keep a credit card with a consumer proposal. Although a consumer proposal will have consequences on your credit report, it is possible to rebuild your credit with a consumer proposal by using a credit card. The most important point to note is that any impact on your credit report is temporary, and it can be fixed through good financial practice and time. Typically, a consumer proposal will stay on your credit report for between three and six years. In this article, we will explain how you can keep a credit card with a consumer proposal.

How do I get a credit card with a consumer proposal?

Credit cards are so important for everyday use. They are often required for ecommerce transactions online, and are accepted nearly everywhere these days. In fact, living without a credit card can be difficult. So, can you keep a credit card with a consumer proposal? Yes, you can! The key to getting a credit card with a consumer proposal is a secured credit card. A secured credit card is like an ordinary credit card, except it relies on cash deposits added by you, much like a debit card. It is an important tool for rebuilding your credit during a consumer proposal, as a secured credit card is reported to the credit bureau to help rebuild your score. With a consumer proposal, it is also possible to keep any credit cards with a nil balance, but you may want to have a fresh start. You may also want to consider having some credit counselling sessions to ensure you are well placed for managing your credit with a secured credit card.

What is a secured credit card?

A secured credit card is much like a normal credit card, except it is secured by an initial cash deposit from the cardholder. It is similar to a debit card, and uses funds from your accounts. The key difference between a debt card and a secured credit card, however, is that any transactions made with a secured credit card are communicated to the credit bureau. As payments are included on your credit report, you must make sure to pay on time, to manage your balance, and to pay in full if you can. This is extremely important in building trust with banks and lenders, and will be crucial in rebuilding your credit rating. It does take time to improve your credit score, but is possible by proving to lenders that you can borrow money responsibly. Check out our top tips for rebuilding your credit.

How do I get a secured credit card?

Typically, it is best practice to complete your credit counselling sessions as part of your consumer proposal before applying for a secured credit card. This will allow you to take on the knowledge and skills needed for good money management when you are able to enjoy life after a consumer proposal. A secured credit card will help you to begin rebuilding your credit through use for essential purchases. To get a secured credit with a consumer proposal, you can apply through lenders such as Home Trust or Capital One. There are a range of options of secured credit cards in Canada, each with different interest rates, fees, and rewards. At Spergel, your Licensed Insolvency Trustee will be able to advise you on applying for the best secured credit card for your financial needs. As with any credit card, it is essential, however, that you pay on time, and over the minimum amount required.

What about unsecured credit cards with a consumer proposal?

As consumer proposals take a number of years to complete, it may be difficult without having any unsecured credit cards or even a mortgage. It can be tempting, as a result, to apply for an unsecured credit card or even a mortgage, but it is crucial to wait for the right time in order to prevent further damage for your credit report. Applying early during your consumer proposal can do more harm than good. It is important here to be patient, and wait until your consumer proposal is complete. Once you have been discharged from your consumer proposal, work on rebuilding your credit score gradually by using a secured credit card instead. This will increase your chances of being accepted for an unsecured credit card. Patience can also mean more favourable interest rates, and more lenient limits on your credit.

Got more questions on ‘can you keep a credit card with a consumer proposal?’ If you are considering filing a consumer proposal, contact Spergel to begin rebuilding your financial future. With locations across Canada, our experienced Licensed Insolvency trustees will help you choose the best debt repayment plan for your circ*mstances. We will advise you on the best practices for rebuilding credit and applying for secured credit cards.

Can you keep a credit card with a consumer proposal? - Spergel (2024)


Can you keep a credit card with a consumer proposal? - Spergel? ›

' Put simply, yes you can keep a credit card with a consumer proposal. Although a consumer proposal will have consequences on your credit report, it is possible to rebuild your credit with a consumer proposal by using a credit card.

Can I keep my credit cards if I do a consumer proposal? ›

Since consumer proposals are different from bankruptcy, you can still opt to keep the card to give yourself the option of using it in the future.

What is the downside of a consumer proposal in on? ›

These disadvantages include: Secured debt isn't included: Secured loans won't be reduced or included in your payment plan, which may make a consumer proposal impractical. Affects your credit rating: Your credit rating will suffer as a result of entering a consumer proposal because of the debt write-offs.

Does a consumer proposal show up on a credit check? ›

If you file a consumer proposal, your creditors will report to the credit bureau that your debt was included in a proposal. Sometimes the creditors may make a mistake. They may say the debt was included in a bankruptcy.

What Cannot be included in a consumer proposal? ›

What debts cannot be wrapped into a Consumer Proposal? Secured loans, like a mortgage or vehicle loan, cannot be included in a Consumer Proposal. Other debts that you will need to carry on paying include child support or alimony payments and a home equity line of credit.

What happens to your credit when you do a consumer proposal? ›

A consumer proposal will affect your credit rating, but less drastically than a Bankruptcy. While both options make it less likely that you will be able to obtain credit a Consumer Proposal will only stay on your record for three years after your last payment.

Do I have to change banks in a consumer proposal? ›

Tip: Before making your proposal or filing bankruptcy, you and the joint account holder should open separate bank accounts. Your partner may open their account at the same financial institution and apply for overdraft or a line of credit, but we recommend you switch banks.

What is the success rate of a consumer proposal? ›

With a 99% acceptance rate on any consumer proposals we file, we see many Canadians reducing their debt by up to 80% with a consumer proposal. This means that when you file with Spergel, you have a 99% chance of reducing your debt by 80%.

How do I get out of a consumer proposal? ›

Once your consumer proposal is approved or deemed approved by the court, you can no longer change your mind and withdraw your proposal. You can only get out of a court-approved proposal by completing the proposal payments, letting the proposal become annulled by missing three months or filing bankruptcy.

What is the maximum debt for a consumer proposal? ›

The maximum that you can owe as a single person and still qualify for a consumer proposal is $250,000. Married couples who file their income taxes jointly, however, can owe up to $500,000. You can get specific guidelines for each province and territory with these consumer proposal guides linked below.

How long does it take to build credit after a consumer proposal? ›

After paying off debt you consolidated in a Consumer Proposal, or having your debt forgiven under personal bankruptcy, you can get a new mortgage, vehicle financing, credit card, bank loan, etc. In as little as two to three years you may even have a better credit rating than before you started!

How long does it take to rebuild credit after consumer proposal? ›

How Long Does It Take To Rebuild Credit After A Consumer Proposal? It will take at least 3 years or so to start rebuilding credit following the completion of a consumer proposal.

How long is your credit bad after a consumer proposal? ›

Depending on the credit reporting agency, a consumer proposal can remain on your credit report for either 3 years after you pay off all the debts included in the proposal, or 6 years after you sign the proposal, whichever is sooner.

What is the risk of consumer proposal? ›

Filing a consumer proposal may hurt your credit scores, but the damage likely isn't permanent. It's possible to recover your score by practicing good financial habits, including paying bills on time and sticking to a budget.

Can you keep your house in a consumer proposal? ›

You might be worried about losing any property you own. Yet you can keep your home when filing a consumer proposal as long as you can maintain your monthly mortgage payments, and your consumer proposal payments. As a mortgage is a secured debt, it is treated differently to unsecured debts.

Can you pay off a consumer proposal early? ›

The Consumer Proposal can be paid off early if the consumer is able to increase their monthly payments and / or make lump sum payments during the term of the Consumer Proposal. There is no penalty for early repayment.

Why would a consumer proposal be denied? ›

“Why would a consumer proposal be rejected?” The usual reason is that your creditors want more money and if you refuse to acquiesce to their counteroffer, the proposal will be rejected, as previously described.

How long does a consumer proposal affect your credit? ›

Depending on the credit reporting agency, a consumer proposal can remain on your credit report for either 3 years after you pay off all the debts included in the proposal, or 6 years after you sign the proposal, whichever is sooner.

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